Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 15, 1911, Image 8

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Chronicle of Important Events
cf Interest to Our
Farmeri Hit Middlemen.
Gresham. The tanners of U east
r Multnomah are planning the organ
ization of a produce association and
called a moot rs at the Commercial
Club hall to perfect their plans ami
elect permanent officers. It Is for a'.l
producers of farm produce and Its pur
pose ta to eliminate the middlemen
and crmmisflrn houses.
Institutes in Eastern Baker.
Baker. Dr. Jimes Wlthvcombe,
head of the experiment station; Pro
fessor H. D. Seudder, soil expert;
Professor F. L. Kept, of the dairy de
partment of the Oregon Agricultural
College, and R. V. Allen, superintend
ent of the experiment siat on at Her
mlston, have been holding Institutes in
this district
Harvestsrs Are Not Scarce.
Pendleton. I'matilla county arrow
crs of bay and grain are not to be
bothere with labir famine troubles
this year, according to present Indica
tions. Hundreds of idle men are al
ready lining the s-ady sides of streets
"looking for work."
Southern Pacific Restores Former
Tariffs on Interstate Shipments.
Mfdford. Medford merchants are
up in arms becauce of an increase in
fre ght rates from Portland to stations
south on the Southern Pacific lines in
Oregon upon interstate shipments, as
announced by the Southern Pacific.
The new rates are a restoration ol
old rates in effect prior to February 8,
1911, when the reductions ordered by
the State Railroid Commission went
into effect The present rates will be
still in effect for state shipments.
Heretofore, the interstate rate to
Medford and other southern Oregon
poinu has been the rate to Portland
from the po nt of origin plus the lo
cal tariff from Fcrtland to the point
of destinat'on. Hereafter It is to be
the rate to Portland plus the old rate,
in Medford'a case an average of 20
per cent higiier than the present local
When the new tariff goes Into ef
fect it will be cheaper to consign mer
chandise to Portland and rebill It
Xrom there to Medford and other
points than it will be to consign it
directly to Medford.
Deering Machinery. Banner Steel Ranges.
Bay State Paint Contains
"The Lead With the Spread"
Painters know that for ability and long continued
protection; for beauty of finish,
Bay State Paint Has No Equal.
Bay State Paint applied by a good painter, to exactly suit the particular needs
of your buildings, will assure perfect results without cracking or scaling. The
extreme whiteness of Bay State produces brighter, more lasting colors, than other
paints remember this in particular
By the gallon, Bay State costs a trifle less than other ready mixed paints, and
figured by yards of surface covered and years of wear, however, it is the most eco
nomical paint you can buy. Reliable dealers sell Bay State reliable painters use it.
Our Line is Up-to-date Our Stock Complete.
Don't fail to see us when in need of screens, sash or
panel doors, windows, oils, varnishes and stains, paint
brushes, rubber roofing and building paper.
., , , , , ,, Tift.1 ..! """ " T" r .', j ' js i1,,,,1 ii,x 1 ",jr. ;, , .llj,.!-. ,
R. L Jordan & Company
Professional Cards.
Crok County jfiitrucl C.
i. r.
Al-lrm-n i.t ntlr to si) Unit and
Iowa ltU In Crttok county,
WjrIJt, SMMarjr, Pruamllt, Or,Mi
(County rhyliian.)
C rnU, aauawW frm,j,Hy ,r m,ftl
a 0 Smmm. ew
m-.m J. .....
N. Sanborn
Adamson block . Prlnovlllo
S?mt Citat
Orc wtlb Oo. W. Vuiim
fn,m,, . . Ortfm
Practice In .11 roiiria. Special aitvnlhm lo
aicr ruiliu, liiiaaiic.ii nj cnuiiual iUfI.ucw.
Cutrmr Jmntlitn, On fit
Dr. John Uuhack,
l.ate Veterinary urccn I', a. Army,
lviartiiiftit ui the ritilit,iinM.
All Unfit .i Heaaonatil.
Hamilton Stabl.
PritMvilla. Or.
W. A. Ill-LL
Th. Dalle.
Winona Wagons.
Syracuse Plows
$ el knap dt a 'wards
iAy,i,ima mmm" Jmrymt,
!Prim,mll,, Or,f,m
X. Cuun,
Students Apclc i: and Are Reinstated
Eugene. The !00 or more high
sciool students suspended a few days
ego for taking part in a "rally" In dis
obedience to t:ie faculty's orders,
have all signed en apolcgy and the
order that Uey v ;!l not be allowed to
take their fin?.': enminations has been
rescinded. A spec al examination will
be conducted for t'.iem.
The Oregon Bar
, At til. Old Standi
G.W. Wiley & Co., Prps
All kinds of Choice Liquors
Wines and Cigars.
Famous Ranier Beer in
Bottles and on Draft.
J. H. WIGLE. Proprietor '
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. Remember us when in
Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
jf ttm rm jr - jCm
Nolle fur I'uhllciitlua.
(( riiiictii ot id Intrriur,
n, Uii.i om1 m lit or. tn,
Jt.llti will.
NiMir I hurrt.y lttl Jnmih I,. il.
I I'hrui, n liiriM, ori'iu, mImi on Junr
; i-hhi. m.f iMrl Uti.l HiH Ni m.W. Ur
) h l a nh1 Nl't, NW't Hj
i hii i im o. Iiim miui .nt houili, )Uuii JJ tni,
i W illanit'iti Mirihti, h nit-1 iinit til in-
' h'ttlUMi In Htkt' rtiiMl 1t-M 1 pt titt nm(, ! t-ft.
intiluh I'Uint ttilhr Imiil pU' l rli t"tirt
i'l.Hrli-i A. lioriimtt, t , H. CommluitiMr HI lit
ofTKoat Hrit, ltti Mi,o Jll tU) ol Jol,
, 'MM.
! 4'Utmtiii nam Mrnrjr IM. ku ,
it ih H iittfit, rrt i aiiM'U, JtMfii fiirt''t, ll
: i ltftriii.orM"it.
n ki ('. W, Mi Hilt K, Ulit. r,
Nutlet (or Publlcatloo.
biriuttni uf lit Itiirrtor, V, M, I imI (iitli
I I llt ltllw, trKl, JutlDVIll, lt.
Null" ) hirri.jr K'vn thi John W, i.ll.
rhrial if Htrtii'. tiruii h hit, mi U ih,
I niwtio Itrftt-rt IjiikI r itirv, Nu. oiaii, i(lr
Ntt I, K'4, HtH. M, tll. I N K' Nr',,
HM lititi . Tttwnhi i Pt-tuilt, KMOtftt ii rl,
H IIkiiuIii MfrhlUn, m 111 -I li.ul.t- u lu.
tiMlllnlt ii HUtK Hunt .1 rt Ullil l-Mi'l, io r.
Inl.llsli cUltit lu lmil iIhioi itt w rilit be
fnr' l'lirlr A HUtTlimu, I . H HMHIltlkluhor
i hi wWf, i lUritKa, uri'gMii, on iin- ili ay
orJiilv hn,
tintHiit iiMitif m wIiiivwimi; Mvttty I'll It-
MI,h- ihK ll.Mt. t rl I'!!. lt Jm'U Hit, ,. i,
ll nf lu nit1, orrgoii.
M I' C. W. MiKMtK, H.Ut-r.
Not lot to CrtIUt,
Notlt ( hcrvM tflvrh, hy tlitf m1f t ,
tlte ilintntirtttir ol ill sMtnin t( Hmtx '.
I'olllim, ilnrtiml, n 1 1 ocraiui IiavIiik cUtinft
AstoHtat plil iIim t-HM-'l ui kII i rlilt'r il
fii i 't iti tit. tr riHiiu- tih Uio rit r
vuiit'hyr lu the tfiiliriiiiv al Hip um tl Ni.
It. r.llt.m In I'rltirvllt.., (Ui.ii, within i
iiitiiuliR irom Dm tlri uiiiUAthn ul tiu
lU"t llil r.iU.l-y u( My, tvil,
A, H. OM t IN,
A(lmluUirur l ili -.uh'o M.rjf
V, ' ollllH, Utnrn.r.l,
Notttt for rublk-uttoil.Ifttl.ttt4 Trtct
(INiullc lnd ruif )
tkftMrtitx'nt of lh titlfrior,
V. H. ln 4 Oftl. nl Tht thtllc, irriM,.
Mhv Oi l-ll,
Nullrv U hfrrliy Klvn Mm', illmMr.) Uf
I he i uiHMttMlitwr of tffitortti ltml ortlcw,
uiuler iriivaliuat ttf Ai! nl ftitiMroM Hi
lmvM Jim tf, t Ml HlnU . ftlTJ wn will
ufTi-r hI ti I'll ftnle, Ut (he lilli-t itt)rr, h
l IS t'VliH-ll M, Iti., tin lhf T.IU ilnv uf liiiir,
Iwll, Ht IliU nftl.v, . rnlliittttiii nMTIlT.f
liititt: HK'iNW',hih1 Nr'.HW ,.h..i T
17 H.i K, 7 K, M , No
AnvtMriMni rlniiiiliHf ndvrivlT th hImivvw
iWiriiirit IhimI n'HivtM-i inii is iiiHr tiiHiiu,
or tililmUoil, n or lt-firr (Up tltttr il nntrl
lor -nl. W, WiMlKK, tfUr. &!!
Not let for Publication,-IiMUK-d tract
itirttiM-ui oi ih iinvrlor,
Nl tfMsl tHII't
V. i. IjhoI omHt lii Italli, nrffoii,
Uh H. WU
Nolle U licrrl.t- irrfl lh, .atlrtH r-l ,y
tin- rumittlalor tI 1 1 ii .rltrl aiut liftl.i.
Iltlilf r JTm ictutlp (l( All III lullirr'M Hrntf
Jlino JT, 1WK H KUI-,, M?), NU) ofTrr HI
oillu Mir, lu Ih tilgh.-n bul-Ur, Hi 10 f.
u'rliirh h. Ml,, Oil lliv llh lr ol July, Vlt ml
tht nrtl. v, Itir il!iiHH vw TUr Utft cU ' .
pi4 Mr 1 T IJ . K. Ifi r. . W M flHl N."
I tjii ltil mil M(UnM lur tr Oiatt
.i,iU itr irv.
Anv xfna rtnfmfltF U rf W Hi Ht-iv.
itiM'ril-l ikhiI mrv Ivi.-.) u, ni ih' ir t-Uitn,
uroli)'tltli,uu uf bvfir iUv II in ilvalcnaticl
(T Milt.
Ml r, W. MonHK, H-giiirr.
Kr.-l A. Kkff, C. K.
County Humour.
, W, Nevllk, Jr., K. M,
Ui'ilU)r I'll, Biirvc'Jur.
Hicc iV: Neville
Civil Enginttrt.
(icnrrtl KnKlnrtD(.
I'llMtVtl.LI, OMKtlON.
Notit ti (nr PubUt ttloli IlHlllltcJ 'I rwet.
(Pl'ttLtf IA?llHALJ
N..I nm Untl.
ftrftHrttifitl of Mi liitr!ir,
V. K. 1a ttil UllliTkl Til Ihtllrv. Hl't,
Uy io. nil.
Nolle t limltv itlvm Itmt, h iltmlt-l l.r
Hi iHimuti4otr if i ii to iifr! I nI m n.
umlrr rvlltoin itf Al 'tf Hiiiurt Mtfnivt
Jim !, 8 HfitU AITl, Will ufhr nl
I'M l.l It' utl. In llti lilElirtt tilthlf-r, Hi H
iVIiM'k h. in,. nn Ih lHt Uv or lulv, lwll, ui
tliU o'tiiii. III ftiilovtlm iltMM i U-d Iniol;
W'n II MM). U, tp. r U , U, W , ftVllAl
No. m w,
Anr HTiti olnlmlng H(tvntrly the ntor
t1rMrllwt lunl r miIvImuI Ui flit- tlilr
r'lni. or itiftH'ttmiK, on or or fun tit Itiut
l.-.innu-U for Ml.
'-P C V . MiU'MK. ligU(r.
Wallowa Forest Sliced.
Wallowa. 'J: v cing the Wallowa
Enticna! forest y cutting o!T 500,000
acres and maing It the M:nam Na
tional forest, : r .'f inting Sherman A.
Brown as ac"ir.g supervisor of the
new divi-Irn'. July 1 as the
date for the c:ia:-3e, the Department
of Agr'.cilt.ire cnnipietes a change
ccnteinpiEted for ,'our years.
z o
Wholesale F-zi:i in Referendum Peti
t:er. ; I- Charged.
covery cf whole
imes on tl'e refer-
ctickir.s the Vulver
O; ropriations may y
lat 'ons. liurns' de
' i.'niler the dirpctlon
1 'i urt Justice SlateT,
r , names are tainted
t ;:'t at least imji) are
, v '..o was indicted in
'r siKnaturca to the
tions, and Is now out
tn bail i3 niin-cd by Slater as being
evident!:.- Conner: ed the alleged
forgeries. Slnt-r says that there are
iO more under s'. n. 'clon.
Sacra. T.:e
sale lorjre
ndura i.e'.::!':-i
si:y oi Ou;;.:r. ti'o
tect vs!, --cr;.!'
cf ex-S'j:rt ,::e
tec'.cre t:.a:
with l:a::d End
tcU-evicer.t so::
Pcit'r.rd tVr ft;
Eliis puv'i;!; ! '-'
Application for Liquor License.
i To tht Honorable County I'ourt of the State
of r.ieon. for C'rtMlt I'omity.
The underHljrned Uigui votn, of Lyle Gap
i i'n-t-tnct of Oronk county. Slate of On-von,
i r'p'clfnlly pt-tttlon your honoruhle Ixnly Ut
irrnnl a lUvnt to B. F. WehtK-r to tw-ll iipirltu
' hum, malt, and vluou ItquorM nnt1 ferint-nt-d
: clitt-r. ootnnionly called hard elder. In oault
' lies letw than one Katlon In said Freelnet.
i county and mate, for tv perlort of one year.'
i H. W. Andrew Ttio. H. l)eniti
! Weney H. e lurk H. A. lot,eaii !
. W. Hruinford . V. Haiullton I
l J- A. N'els S. H. Kdioondson I
John l. Marshall K R. Youns. !
I Fred Molt Win. Hlalr
I J. K. Mcsham 7. B. Mulkey ,
'. H. MiHiresor Howard Imtcher
) Frank t'arr Win. Brown
! John F.. tialy Jim. Hurt !
: Fred .V,eU-iMl JoeflW4ld i
, Anitn-w Teliafson cl'r Mornaek I
; John 'I homaM R. li. U lllrlch
; Joe ti. Stuart lo-o. We-t
I A, l.ewl W. Ii. lllrleh
j Notice is herehe Riven hv the undcrKlnned
, B. F. Wehtjer that the fort-going M'tltlon lur a
llc-niMf to w. hptrlluon, mail and vlnou
liiltiorNand fcrrnt-nted cidt-r, commonly called
hard cider, will be preM-ntcd to the Houor
: atile County Court of e'rook County at their
Warren & Woodward
Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Surveys. Estimates Furnished
on Power Plant.
We have had 10 year experience, embracing all branches
of Civil Engineering.
Box 1 87 Redmond, Oregon.
lloiiiiiatenil location
a hpecittlly
PrinviU . . . .
Oref on
0. Jfyd,
Ay lit mm mmii 0r
ornc lis kk Hiina or aoikihiii'i
IIRt'K KTlias. H.ilh oltlee i ,...
dunce tolrphonM.
Prim,, ,11,.
Dr. J.TrcgclIcs Fox
M. It. !. H. Knss; und I H. A. Umlon
LIceliieeDn iton State Meiliial Hoard.
Specialist in Suruerv: llvuiens' All
nietilary Canal; women and children's! ho liitliltice
next reuular seshlon, lo-wit: on heard dtiv of i lit
.iiiiy, iwii, in wnicn lime ine said otiniy
Court will i asked to grant a lleellMeaa
privi-d for in aaid petition.
M , B. F. W
Build f.:acr.dam Road.
Notice for Publication
l'epartment of the Interior,
I'. 8. Laud Otfiee at Tne Uallcw. Oregon.
June 3rd., It'll.
Notice i hereliy given that Joseph .Marvin,
fattier ofCharley Marvin. dci;eaed, of Milcli
ell, Oregon, wlio.on I x-tolj.T -th, iWVi. made
tlomcHtcud No. serial, ISo. 'is7al, for
NK N V and W', nw i vctlon 1". Town
Klilp 14 Bouth, Range 15 1-ji.t. HUlaioette
Meridian, ban filed notice or intention to
make Ftii:l ave-year proof. toeMtahliMh claim
to the land above dehcrllied, iH-rore barren
Brown, Uninty Clerk, at IiIh ottlce at Prine
ville. Oregon, on the Kith dayofJuly, lull.
C'laimaut name an wltncMe: Hemy
Mines, John K. lirliiien, liavld w. (irliue-a.
S'cdfcrd. The C'ark & Hcnerv Con- I Frlco Coeiiuw. ail of i'rluevilie, ori'g'on.
ttruction (.'cr:;crv has been awarded
f contract 'o hi.i:d an asphalt macad
Jim ror.d betv.-ocn this c ty and Cen
tral Point. T:p road will be 16 feet
. ide, ti.e lift) '.ml! macadam four inchps
la thickness, an.! :aid hot. The con
tract price is 512,000 a mlie.
C. W. I')OItK, Register,
Dalles Men ta Visit Interior.
The Dalles. An excursion of The
Dalles business men who desire to see
Ine new'.- o;tntd central Oregon
country and become acquainted with
conditions existing there will leave
here June 23.
For Sale at a Snap
' A neatly built cottage papered anil
: p 'inteil, with 4 rooms and pantry and 2
tote oClxlTO; will rent for 12 ainomli.
I A pleavant home tor WX) ch. (.'all or
I wiite to the owner, 1'eter Mattnnbrook,
j i'riiieville, Oregon. 6-U5 Imp
Gray or nearly wliite mare about 1300
lbs.; Y iron on left etirle ; shod all
around; bad halter on when last seen.
Persons seeing sncb animal pleaw take
np and notify John Mchiacliern, Kile,
Ore. B-8-atpd.
City Meat Market
Horigan & Reinke, Props
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Wholesale and
All Kinds of Sausage Nice and Fresh
Home Cured Bacon and
Lard. Fish and Poultry
in Season.
Butter and Eggs. Home Cured Lard
Finest Made, 5 lb. 90c; 10 lb. $1.75.
Attendance at otllco,
vl le, daily II to 3. Tel
Notice of the Sale of Real Estate
Notice l hereby irlvpn thnt In pur.
tiniii'e nt nu order nt the county
court nt tin- Comity of t'nink nnil
Stute of OrvKnii, imtilit nu the ilnl
day of April. A. I lull. In t In- mat
ter tit the eHtntii ol I.IIiIiIk Turner,
tlii-i'HKi'tl, the iiuiliTHlKUi'd iidiiilnla
Irittnr nt mtld eMiinc, will mdl nt
prlvnte mill-, auhjivt to tliet Ilrmii-
li.v the Hiild Cniiiily Court, frotn mill
nflcr llie 22il dny of J Mile, 1HI 1, nil t lit
rlirht. tide nml lutorivt ni;i eatnle of
aiibl l.lliblc Turner, nt the tlmn nl her, nnil nil of the rlitlit, title nml
ItitereMC the Hohl eatute iniiy Imve
ni'iulri' nt her tlimi or In inlilliloi)
to t luit of the kiiIiI l.llilile Turner nt
the time nt lier ilenth lu nil t tut t eer.
tuln pnriel of ri'til ealnte Nlluntcil
In the Cotiiity of ( rook mid Stale of
On-iron, more particularly jlewribeil
itB lollow :
KHi MWt4' Mii-tlon .1.1. towtialilp li
Houih. nttiKe 11 euAt. nml lou i nnil
.'I action 4, towfiNhlp i; south, rnniri'
11 eaat. of the WUImnettM Meridian.
crntnlnlnir ll.'ljfl noreK, In (rook
roiinty. stiile of OreKon, and Im'Iii
j nil In one parcel
I Term mid condition of hiiIc:
Cutdi, In Kold ruin of the t'nltetl
StiiteH, fi ht cent of the purchtiMe
price to nc pain on iiny t,j Hale, ati.l
upon the coiillriiiulltm
Main Kt., I'rlne
l'iotietir 157,
Huntington & Wilson
or The Mallei, iliavo npenti! nfTIiwn In
Portland, Oregon, Rooms 80S-807
Lewis Building.
Ruliien lent hi them from Cronlc CminlT
thpiiiKh their ollt In The Oallea or illn el
lo tlielr Portland adUrcNH will receive proiniit
attention, l'nrlland l'liotie. Main 7.'iSii,
of aale by the xiild court.
Hated UiIh lMli tiny of Mity, A. I).,
Jamhh TrttMiii,
AdmlnlHtrntor of the ealnto
. - . of l.llilile Turner.
T. R. J. Duffy,
Attorney for AdmlnlHtrntor.
June 22
Practice In all court and U. S. Land
Redmond, .Oregon
Willard II. Wirtz
Olllce In M. It. UIkkh' olllce.
Horaea for Sale.
Two 2-year-old fillies, big ones; also 0.
year-old mare, 1400 lbs., broke (lenfle.
Inquire of Ed. Minith. 4-13
For Sale.
Buggy with top for sale, or trade for
hack or cart ; good condition. Box 225,
Prineville, Oregon. tl-1
Private Sale Real Estate
In the County Court of Marion County,
Stale ol Oregon.
In the matter ol Fannie Salomon, mir.or.
Under authority of an order of tale
granted by the county court ot the
County of Marlon, KUte of Oregon,
dated May loth, lull, I will sell at pri
vate sale, the following doacrlhcd real
etate situated in the town of Prineville,
County of Crook, Htute of Oregon, to wit:
The undivided one-fourth Interest in
lots four, live, six, seven, elitht ami
nine in block One llrst addition to
Prineville. The sale will bo made ou
or after the nineteenth day ol June,
A. 1) , lull, and bids will he received at
No 12M State street, Shleiu, Oregon,
addtoHHHd to Noaitii Suloniuu Carey.
Terms of mile : Cash.
Noami Salomon Cahkv,
(jtiatdiatl III thn nulalu nt
o''0 0t rannio Salomon.
Notice to Osdltors.
Nnllrela herehy lven hy lliu uiidernliriied,
, i """'""'r "f Hiela.ia III and tctamcnl nl
Ahlaiill Harmon, deeeaied. In all ereilllorii nf
ali dee,.ne, ,m .u otiierl .havliin claim
aalnl ald mlata to proem tho name with
""' Proner voiiehrra, to the linderKlKlied at til.
"rnV1? "', M- KHIi'tt in I'riiieville, Orein.n,
with nils moiitlM Iruiu the llr.l iniblivatlou
of IIiIn notice,
Uated llila 15th day of June, mil.
Fxeeiilnr ol the Will of
Abigail Harmon, deuuaied.