Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 08, 1911, Image 6

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Chronicle of Important Events
cf Interest to Our
Walnut Tret It Largo.
P.ilhs. The largest lilaok walnut
tree in !!ie eeunirv is said to be grow
lng ue;r McCoy, having been planted
there 55 .wars ago by Oregon pio
neers, f-om a nu; grown on a tree
previously planted at Vancouver,
The g'ant near McCoy has a spread
of brandies aggregating 100 feet,
stands 73 cr SO feet high, and has a
circumference at the b.-i&e of HI feet,
which means more than three feet it
The lSth annual convention of the
Oregon State lVntal Association was
In session In Portland this week.
The third annual Vn on county
stock show had the largest attendance
and the finest exhibits of all held thus
Representative Haw ley- has recom
mended V. V. liergella for poaima.
ter at Kernevlllo, to succeed Uoorg.'
Wox, resigned,
S!!e:i cla'n.s coming within the
provisions of the llawlr-y law cf
March 4. 1M1, are be.r.g disposed ot
rapidly by the .general land office.
Charles W. Chandler, Klgin; II. K
Pugilist's Slayer It Held.
Princville. J. L. Riley, who killed
Louis Long, a prizefighter, on the
Madras-Bend road Rnd shot Mrs, Ri
ley, his wife, who was with the prize
fighter In an automobile, was ar
raigned here and was ordered held
for 'be grand jury without bonds.
Threshermen Represent Nearly Six
Million Dollars Invested Capital.
Portland. "The threshermen of
Oregon have a stronger organization
than any other association in the
United Stales. They represent nearly
15,000,000 of Invested capital. They
have a membership of more than
1100. They have Immense power In
he development of this state and
they are using it. I am proud of the
Oregon State Threshermen's Associa
tion," said Philip S. Bates, secretary
of the organization, last speaker at
the annual banquet in the Commer
ial Club.
With the end of the banquet the
threshermen adjourned to meet again
In Salem, December 7-S. They voted
this year's meeting one of the most
successful they have ever held. Votes
of appreciation for hospitality were
also unanimous. The association went
on record as Indorsing the good roads
movement as reorganized in Oregon,
and made plans for materially assist
ing the movement to get satisfactory
highway legislation.
Men Ordered to Cruiser.
Marshfleld. The local division of
the Oregon Naval Militia has been no
tified to report with two officers and
SO men for service on the cruiser Bos
ton. They are to reach Bremerton
June 15. Lieutenants Straw and
Grimes probably will be in command
of the division and will pick 20 of
the best men In the two local divisions.
Postal Bank It Winner.
Astoria. The first month since the
establishment of the local branch of
the postal savings system has ex
pired. The report Issued by Post
master F. J. Carney shows that dur
ing that time there were 126 deposits,
made by 111 persons, and the total
deposits amounted to $7746.
Usual Distribution Postponed as
Printer Is Ruthed.
Salem. Secretary Olcott has an
nounced that the laws on fish and
game, mining and roads, as compiled
In pamphlet form, will not be ready
for distribution until June 25. While
the copy was ready by April 10, they
have been held up for more Import
em matter in the hands of the printer.
The new directory, or "Blue Book,"
of the state will be ready probably in
a few weeks. It is now in the hands
of the printer. While this has been
ready for several weeks, it was de
layed on request of Governor West, so
that the names of the new appointees,
miaue aner tne new laws went
effect, might be included.
Brownsville Scene of Big Meeting.
Brownsville. The convention ot
fruitgrowers of this E'ctK.n and other
sections of I.inn county, nr!d here,
was mo.-;; enthusiastic. The assembly
wad the oiiigrmvth ,! a suggestion
made at a recent rn--t'rig of t!e
Brownsville Comment's! Club, whiol
has taken deep interest in better and
luore fruitgrowing.
Oregon City Saloons Prepare.
Oregon City The new ordinance,
which provides that the saloons shall
have glass fronts, became effective
Saturday. A3 a result owners of sa
loons were busy having the old fronts
taken out. A heavy fine is provided
lor violation of the ordinance.
Summer Hotel Burns.
Hood River. Due to the explosion
ef a bucket of tar, the Country Club
Inn and an adjoining house for serv
ants were destroyed by fire entailing
a loss of $8000.
Green. Portland; II. K. Weiser, Airs
Ice; W. 11. Robertson, llalsey. and
M. S. lVever, l.atourolle Kails, hae
been appo n:ed nil way mail clerks.
Within 30 inyt from the arrival t
the first train ever the Oregon Trunk
Railway, the spot on which Melnlius
is situated has developed from a
wheat ranch to a full-fledged town.
R. 11. Shepherd, field assistant to
State Knglneer John II. Lewis, Is In
Baker, and will take a party to the
upper Powder R'ver Valley, w here all
streams flowing Into the rler aud all
irr'g ble land will be treasured.
Members of the Columbia River
Loggers' Association at the regular
monthly meeting at Portland In dis
cussing conditions were iuclined to
believe that the supply of logs :
abundant for all demands at present.
"Alec" THuithtt was shot and pain
fully wounded by Water Bailiff Harry
W. Trembath, at the falls of ttie Wil
lamette. Pouthit, with his boat par
ner, manes liates, was nhing near
the ladder, and was ordered off by the
The fir?t step toward ousting th
state printing plant from the capitol
building was taken by Secretary Ol
cott, who addressed a letter to State
Pr'nter Duniway, requesting him to
vacate the rooms In the building
within 90 days.
The people cf Glendale are seriously
considering the feasibility of giving
an annual musical and dramatic fes
tival, as a feature to draw together
in a spirit of recreation and fellow
ship the people of southern Oregon
and northern California.
Gasoline boats as a means of trans
portation probably are used more ex
tensively on Coos Bay than In any
other community on the Pacific Coast.
So genera! has become the use of this
type of boat that the place has come
to be known as the Venice of Oregon.
That there Is oil In Clackamas
county Is the firm belief of the Wll
sonville Oil Company, which wa In
corporated with a capital of $25,000.
Manager A. R. Zumwalt of the com
pany purchased a drilling outfit and
he states that boring will be com
menced next week.
Children In this state are compelled
to attend schcol when they are be
tween the ages of eight and fifteen
years. The time of compulsory at
tendance starts on their eighth birth
day and ends on their fifteenth. This
Is the substance of an opinion handed
down by the attorney-general.
Hearing was held on June 6, at
which time the Railroad Commission
passed on the question of apportion
ing the new lumber rate between the
Southern Pacific and the Pacific Rail
way & Navigation Company, those
companies failing to agree among
themselves as to the amount of the
The biggest mortgage ever recorded
In Multnomah county was Disced on
record Saturday by the Great North
ern Railroad to the Bankers' Trust
Company of New York for $600,009,
000. The mortgage Is to run until
July 1, J961, and the money Is to be
used for equipment and development
of the system.
With the jewelers of Oregon, the
music teachers of the Pacific North
west, good road advocates and the
postmasters of the state holding their
annual conventions in Portland in
Rose Festival week, It is a busy
time not only for the entertainers but
for the guests as well.
Although Judge Galloway has de
cided against the city of Woodbum in
an ertion brought by the city against
members of the Bachelors' Club for an
alleged violation of the city ordinance
prohibiting the sale of Imoxlcat'nrj
liquors, a suit has been started now
by District Attorney McNary, at the
reque.-t of Governor West, to render
the club's charter null and vrrd on
the ground ths-t the members failed
to comply with the provisions of the
articles of incorporation.
Incorporated cities made "dry" by
county vote must remain "dry" until
an election, held within the city on
the first Tuesday after the first Mon
day In November under all provisions
of the local option law, determines
whether or not the city Bhall regulate
the sale of liquor at provided In the
home rule" bill, Is an Interpretation
by H. C. McAllister, general manager
of the Greater Oregon Home Rule As
sociation of the state supreme court
decision handed down in the case of
E. T. Scbluer, of Joseph.
Our Hood River Berries Are Now
Coming in Daily.
Just Received a New Lot of Ginghams and Calicos.
THREE WAYS; Sow the d,ape in will.
scam, vhkh prohahly rips and is always un
comfortable, JSlrrtih lite hose over a shap
ing board" and press (lie shape in. Such
shape washes away is not permanent. tjThe
third way The Hurson Way is to knit the
shape in, build up the shape round by round,
inch by inch. In such shape ihrre is always
permanency and comfort. Why not try
Burton Hosiery?
Mrs. I. Michel, Prop.
Prineville, Or.
30,000 Rolls Wall Paper
AH Grades
All Prices
Ladies' Spring Suits.
Ladies' Spring Suits
"The La Vogue Garment"
J The correct styles in which the "La Vogue Garment" is made will
please you. The high quality, good workmanship, splendid fit, MAKE
the garment give satisfactory service in the wear.
J The best friends of "The La Vogue Garment" are the women who
have worn it And because they have worn it, they continue to do so.
J We do not FEATURE the fabrics, the linings, the tailoring, or any
other one point, but by giving each ol these points the same conscientious
attention, select a garment which is the garment to sell our customers
with best satisfaction to them and most consistent, steady, year-alter-year
profits to us.
New up-to-date Spring Suits now here.
CJ A visit to ourstore is sure to benefit you, whether you buy anything
or 'not
Clifton & Cornett
Cows for Sale!
Some Extra Good Milch
Cowi for Sale. Call on
phone or write, H. E. Ride
out, Proprietor
Fairview Stock Farm
Prineville, Oregon
For Sale
Milch cow and household furniture.
Apply to James Dyer. 6-18
There is a Difference
in wire fencing, the difference
between common soft steel
and Coil Spring Steel wire.
Ask the man who builds fence
with the Page wire why?
Soft wire stretches, is never
tight. Page wire properly
put up never sags. Page wire
costs no more than inferior
fencing. Car load at
New Tailor Shop
Dayton Bros., Props.
What about that Spring Suit.
We can show you the latest in
Spring and Summer Suitings.
Give us a call.
Block North of Post Office.
Prineville, Oregon. ,
Noting to Creditor.
Niitt 1 hefvtiv given thai I ( unite mlgnrd
Invii, tr li utii turt M imi
otiuiilv, HI tif Orftfrnt, tltitv MiMtliitn Ad
mhilalritUit of Hit Kll" if ttti-lmrtt M'Vtr,
ttnit. niul nil iMiMMin imvlim t'inltu
MCMiint nt4 tMiiitt nrw ivrfltv rv.ii.m in
HiMlii lit HIHS tllllV Vrrlfirit, In nm Ai.
HthtUlmhtr Ml th Ittw tirtli nf M, K. Iirlttli,
lit .'rhilli, n, wlltittt m imiiiihft
fttuii Hi tl uf tit It ml tuiliitUoti of (hi
in it 1 1.
lmta end tmtilUhrtl flmt I tut June Hih.
K. A. HPmmKT,
AttmthUlmtttr uf tlte miH r
Itlt'llMltl Mt'Vur, tteiuM,
All Work Guaranteed.
I linve it( rvtiiruoil trtuti my trip
In ilHH'iiiititry Hint am h-mly to Ink
i nriMit ymir i,vi In tlm inno enrv
tiil mnmiiT n In tin' iiihI, All Mirk
tnll.v Ktiiiriiiiiii-.l or minify rWuuiliMl.
Kyi' ti'uli'il; n In . Illli'il
lIC. W J. I UltTIS,
Ailiilimuil Hutlillnic, Itnoiii 11 niul 15.
Give ut your order for
Junier or Pine, large or
small quantities.
Opposite Post Office.
Ralph R. Wheaton
General Contractor
Am here to stay. Now is your time
to huild. Am putting in a brick
yard and plaiting mill, alio pulling on
a large Aul truck, so il you have
any idea ol building anything hum a
ceplic lank or crmrnt walk to a brick
blink or Iranie, come and have a talk
wilh me. It don't cost anything to
talk and I II not hold you up.
Office I lotel Oregon.
Prineville, ... Oregon
Relinquishment Cheap.
A iiili-k mill' mi Kiioil linmitiHi
fur mill- nt a hiiriritln: Kiir,li'ti ft-iiml,
KotHH'U'rrlr, ciimtiit, mrt lin Ihwii
t-illtlVHUnl; li'iiri'il; unnil iriliu; nil
Kmm lur f.'UlO It tiikiii nt inn-. Ad
drem 1'. O. Uux 341, I'rliiovllltf, Or.'
iron. 5-is
Sheriffs Sale.
Id th Circuit Court ol the Hut ot Dra
gon lur tli County ol Crook. .
E.lw.rU J. burnt, 1'Uintirt
HUM H. Krom, DfinUnt.
U h..l, ... il,. 1 I., ul.....
...... .'7
nf n mrnfiltinn .ml ,...!. ,.f
out ol the circuit court nf liie county of
1 mil, urtignn, on III. ZtrU il.y ol Mv,
lull, in lur ol Kilw.rd J, Bum, plain-
till ntl tiriitiBt Kil.a H k'.n,., .I..I....I.
nt. (or th. .um ol im.83 unit lor tha
uriiinr .urn ol r-U'Jrt cot. anil dl-
blirMnitltlla. Ill lliiili it - -
onltireil, further, hjr Hi. court that tlia
property atUclinl In mill action linrniu
alter iWnlwil lie ,U lor tlia allalac
tlon ol uiil luilument, In tlia manner
liroviileil bv law. which i,i,U,.,,i
enterttt ami dorkotal in tlia clerk's of
fice ol mill court in aaiil county ami
atate 011 tlia ZM day of May, lull, ami
notice il hereby given that In obedience
to mid elocution and order of mlo 1
nava levied upon the following real
property o laid defendant, Kilaa 8.
Kmni, deftcrihed an followa to wit:
'I'll MtlllhWM.t nli.rt.i. S 11 ,.f Uu.L.h
thlrty-lliree In Towmhip twelva
u; aoiiin, 01 limine ten 111 cant, of tha
iVitlumett Milridiati. in lr,.lr ,i,.u
Oregon, Mid rinl property being tin!
mine attached In tuid action, and I will
on Saturday, tln
24lk Jif f Jum, A. D.. 1911,
At the limir nf 9 i,',.. it, II... (,...
. ... nivtrr-
IKJOIl of aaid dnv. at I It. f .,..!
the Court hoiiao In tha city of l'rlneville,
Crook county, Oregon, tell all ol the
HlwtVA nil,,lti,tn.l Mai ,.r .. ......
irc auction to the higlmat lildder for
canti In hand, to aatlale aaid judgment
and iuterent thereon, and com aud ac
cruing Clint".
Kimt publication Ma 2,'ith, lull, Lxt
publication June 22nd, 111 1 .
Hheriff of trook county.
Hy John Kdwarde, deputy.
ShcriB a !iu o.
In llii ''Irmill Cmirtnr the Hlnle of Orcaun.
for tin- rouiily nf Trunk.
HhiTlir .iilrof n-Hl imiperty under eirau.
tton In foHTlfmu ri,
K. A. i'uwell 1111U It. M. Powell, I'liilntllta.)
vh. y
fj ti I" A. MIII.T. Ivrxiiitiint. I
N'lllm' I. hi'n lir ulvi n llml liy vlrllianfun
oxei'Ullnll In f..t.'1'lu'.lirf. ilulv Isaui d nut nf
the, I'lriMlIt rnurl nf t. lit Hlle,,r iir,.u,. A..
thil,'nlintyiirlunk,nll the ISIh llnvnf Miiv,
llUl.unil In inn (Uncle, I 11,,, .,,1,1 1H h liny ir
Miiv. Mill, u,ii n linlumenl niul il eeiluly
iniuleiiiicl rendered un the lath diiv in" Mureh,
UM.nnd entered, l'rr,ir,l,-, hiiiI ihH'lieleil In
mill hy mini enurt nn Hie Imh dnv of Miueh,
i '-HI, III n eerlnln .nil In mild enurt, wheri'ln
f1. A. Powell mid It. M, I'nvtell Were pint n 1 1 II s
uud l.iMe A Miller derendiint, In fiivnrnf
I he tdiilulltl" mid iiuiiliiMt Hie ilel'eudiint, hv
Whli-tl exei'llllnn tun euluuiltlnted III wll
then-ill ir,,ierly luTelimrier Uewlliecl, to
l"i V l he mini due tin, ilullitln, of U'.'lini
livenly-uue liundnd mid Hlxly-flve niul
sIxIv-ns hillulredlha dnllai, will, InlereHt
thereunfrnm Ihn IHIIi dny ur Mnreli. Illl I, nt
I he rule ol ten per cent iei iiuuiiui until imld,
uud rur the Mum nr nne hundred elKhl ilnl
him, ullurney'ii feen uud the enn mid ox
lu nxiMul thla uxecutlou uud mile; I will on
Twenty-Third day of June, 1911. -
the mild dny Iwliig Krhliiy nf aulil week, ut
the hour nfin'eloek i. m. of mild day, at the
north door nf t he emllity (tniirthnuiielu I'rlne.
vllle, uf I'rouli eoiioty, OrcKmi; hi-1 1 ut mil, lie
imiitlon to the hliOiuHt hiddur, for umih In
hand.undny nfmile, all the rluht, lllleund
Inleiiwt In fluid prnporty whleh Uefendiint,
little A Miller, mid all pemnna olaliulnif,
under her, milwequmit u theVHh day of Hup
lumlier, 1WI, In and to the mild moruoiaed
nttl property hereinafter mentioned, and
dimurlhtid In aaid execution an followM, Uvwlt!
Lota five. nix. neven and eight, In liliwk S, In
theaecond addlllon tothet!ty of Prineville.
(rook oounty, Htate or Oregon.
And If the praoeiida of aaid Mile be Inxuftielent
the plalntltra to have Judmnnnt and exeuu
tlon aaalnat the defendant, Jjettte A. Miller,
for balance rnmulnliiK unpnld. Hiild mile
helnu nmdeiiuhjeet to rudomptlon In the man
ner provided hy law.
IMtod Oil Htb day or May, Wll.
T. N. ItAirora,
Bherlffof Crook Couuty, Urugun,