Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 08, 1911, Image 5

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    A Good Thing
For This Country
Ttio OHtiilillNlimi'tit of miil diiul
ynt ttuUoim throughout Cimtral
Oregon, iin wU ai ngrlonlturul
cxHrliiii'iilul fiirtus, (he pro
xmul of Curl K. Jrny, iin'sUlent
of tho Hill Unci In Oregon, mid
oiio which probably will b e
brought to thu iiUonlloii of (!ov
cnior West ut an curl date
with tho Itli'ii of tcuring Mate
uld for tho oolorprlHO.
"When wo build a rnllroud we
Imvo our engineers go out ttnd do
tho )luniiing tind coiiNlruction
work," mild Mr. (Jriiy. "They
nro spoclitlUt In thin brunch of
railroading. When they h f v e
made it than limiting department
tulicH It over mid runt it; i t
inombors are iiIko tipuclulUli.
Nuitlior one possibly could do
tho work of tho other. And bo
It i wifti agriculture; ut leant bo
It should bo. Too of ton the
farmer gjes to a now
Central Oregon, and starts cul
tlvuting tho will rw ho wuh accus
tomed to cultivittu it buck In Mi
sourl or Minnesota. JIo entirely
fails to tnko Into consideration j
thn fuel thut tho Hoil of thut pur-'
ticulur section of Oregon which i
ho happens to have ucnuirod
may bo totally different' from!
what ho was uccuslomed to work '
'buck Kithl' and so may make ;
a failure of his efforts, which
would have been crowned with
success if he hud boon started
"And there is where my pro
posed Noil analysis work comes
in. It U the work of tho agrl
culturul engi nee ring deparliiient.
The furniei a. represent the oper
ating department, which prop
erly can only take hold uftur the
way has been bltued out for
them. I would like to boo tho
Btate make an appropriation to
carry out such a work. My Idea
Is to have stations established at
various places In the interior and j
throughout the stuto also, or
tt ut matter, where an expert
with a properly equipped
luboratory wuuld always bo on
hand to analyze soil specimens
brought in by ranchers. By so
doing he would be able to direct
tho farmers what to do with
their soil, how best to cultivate
it, what to plant and wlmt not
to plunt, and to aid them In many
"Particularly would the pro
posed work bo of benefit to those
who are untieing ranches out of
tho sagebrush land of Crook
County, near Bund and Priuo
villo," continued President Grny.
Those homesteaders ore at
tempting tho cultivation of an
absolutely untried lund, where
ultimate success Inevitably will
come, but where In tho first
stages cq'uully inevitably there
must be many failures. It is to
mini m i.o tho number of such
fuilures, so hastening tho devel
opment and productivity of. the
territory, that soil analysis
would bo of great importance."
Thoro will be an effort made
by tho Hill lines to put into oper
ation soveral agricultural experi
ment stations in interior Oregon,
according to President Gray.
While it is possible that such
may bo started this summer it is
probable that little will be done
with the work until the season
of 1912. Oregonian. .
Lots in Noble's Ad
dition Now
On Sale!
3 We have made very low prices on these lots
to start them off. Buy now before the prices
advance. ,We offer special inducements to
J These, together with admiiable location, only
four blocks from the business center, make this
addition the most desirable home site in Prine
ville. For Low Prices and Easy Terms See
Suits Made to Your Own Measure a
Specialty. Next Door to M. R. Biggs'
Law Office.
B. GORMLEY, The Tailor.
House for Rent.
NmslI (urninlinl linn" fur rnt 'luring
summer. A'Mrrns .. E. Kvank, Print
Or. 5-4-lm
Personal Health and Purity.
Up-to-date Ameri'in Literature,
adapted for all aorta and condition of
l-ollf, may be m-ii or had at lr. l-'ox'i
office. Main street. I'rineville, Or. 12-S-tf
r( f f 1 I.OHfiR mmti wry
V. V7. l'sHaturdaynlsbl.
Ntranfrs welcome. R, V. Constable, K. U.:
Wldd Barm V. II. U Hubba, Hrr.; and
C. II. btnwlddlc. T.
Oregon Trunk Ry
Rose Festival, Portland, June 5-11
Madras, $8.15. Metolius. $8.30. Culver. $8.50. Opal City, $8.7o.
Tickets sold June 5, 7 and 9, Return limit June 12.
San Francisco and Return.
Madras, $34.85: Melolius. $35.00; Culver. $35.20: Opal City. $35.45.
Tickets sold June 16 and 17. Return limit, July 31; also sold June 22.
July 1 and 6. Return limit Sept. 15. Via steamer in one or both di
rections south ol Portland 85 cents less than lares given above. Stop-overs
permitted at and south ol Portland.
Clatsop Beach on the Pacific, Round Trips.
Madras. $12.15; Metolius, $12.45; Culver. $12.30; Opal Cily. $12.75.
Tickets sold daily from June 1st; good returning all summer. Stop-overs at .
Astoria Centennial, Astoria, Oregon, August 10, Sept 9.
Low round trip lares to and from eastern points are in filed on various
dates. Details will be furnished on application.
Train leaves Opal City daily 9:00 A M . Culver 9:15 A M., Metolius
9:30 A M, Madras 9:45 A M, arriving Portland 7:45 P. M.
B. R. NESS, Agent, R. E. MICHAEL, Agent,
Culver, Or. Madras, Or.
J. H. CORBETT, Agent, T. A. GRAHAM, Agent,
Opal City, Ore. Metolius, Ore.
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brands of Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
Smith & Allingham, Props.
Champ Smith's old etand.
New Hardware and
Furniture Store
My prices are bedrock. You can
save from 25 to 100 per cent on
everything you buy. Come and
see for yourself.
Fishermen Have Good Success.
A party consisting of Dr. and
Mrs. Harold Clark, Dr. E. E.
Sfiaulding, II. A. Foster and Dan
McMillan spent two days on the
Deschutes at Lowor Bridge this
week,, returning lute Tuesday
night. They report excellent
success in fishing, but bad luck
struck the party Monday, when
the horses wore out their hob,
bles and started back to Prine
, villo over tho rimrock. The two
dentists spent all Monday morn
ing and part of the afternoon re
covering and hording their stock
back to camp, walking about ten
miles in the hot sun.
Free Auto Excursion
Prineville Heights
Princvllle's latest resilience district, just platted and now on tlte market.
Buy a lot in Prinevillc's sanitary residence district on
easy terms. No slouglts, marshes or mosquitoes. Less frost titan on
the river bottom. Fresh air, pure walrr and an sxcellent view ol tlte
cily. City water will be conveyed to the property at our expense. Lots
40x114; prices range Irom $80 to $200. Hall cash, balance payable
at $10 per monlh; 6 per cent on deterred payments, Examine the
maps at our oilice.
I'rineville Hotel Building, Ground Floor
Prineville, Oregon.
Prineville Green House
Prineville, - - - Oregon
All kinds ol vegetable and Dower plants ready to transplant to the
open ground at the proper season. All plants transplanted and well
rooted. Pot-grown tomato and cucumber plants. Vegetables out
ol season. We now have help in the work and some one will al
ways be on hand to wait upon you, A good article at a reasonable
price is our aim. No extra charge lor packing and delivery at the
stage oilice. White us your needs in tlte plant line,
Chas. W. Spring.
Imported and Domestic
Cigars J
Famous Whiskies
4 Old Crow; Hermitage; Red S
4 Top Rye; Yellow Stone; &
4 Canadian Club; Cream
4 Rye; James E. Pepper; fr
4 Moore's Malt ' 9
Porter, Ale and Olympia
J Draft Beer on Tap.
W. A. Booth, Pres.
I). F. Stewart, Vlce-Fres.
C. M.
L. A. Booth, Ass't
Crook County Bank
Capital Stock fully paid fSB.000.00
Surplus 5.UU0.01)
Htnck holders liability 8MNU.U0
Statement Rendered to State Bank Examiner Not. 10, 1910:
l.oan and Discounts IUH.fi20.8S Capital stock
Ovt-rdrwits i,:i8.;.K2 Hurplus:
Knrnlturt and fixtures 2.2.t4 Individ,! profits ,
Ileal ttttJtU Deposits ,
Clio u hud tod ds from bsnki $79,157.19
, .1.1(1.000.00
, . 6,000.00
.. 7,918
. J76.0tlS.U7
jj Imported Wines and f
4 Liquors. f
Carefully Selected Lone
Spring and Summer
Mrs. Estes
Millinery Parlors.
Statement of Resources and Liabilities of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
At the close of business March 7, 1911
Loans and TttsconnU !t23,4U M
United States Bonds M,ftM) 00
Bank Tremlsrs.etc MJVU 6
Cash Due from banks 250,720 58
Redemption fund.. 026 00
0O6,8U 74
B. F. Allan. Pr..ld.nt
Will Wunw.ll.r. Vic.
capital Stock, Paid in t 0,X 00
Hurplus fund, earned 60,000 00
Undivided profits, earned 28,48 24
Circulation S.600 Otf
Deposits 468,818 SO
005,iU 7
T. M. Baldwin, Casalsr
H. Baldwin, Ast't CaJiUr
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Protect the Complexion. It prevents injury to the lace and hands il applied
belore exposure to the sun, wind and weather. When not so used it prompdy
relieves all distressing conditions ol the skin il applied on returning indoors.
Almond and Cucumber Cream is not a greasy preparation, and does not re
semble the paste lorm creams and cosmetics. It is a pure antiseptic lotion, pos
sessing remarkable clcanipg and healing properties that have been used and
tested lor years by the highest society ladies ol the land. It will give the most
gratifying results in softening rough, dry or irritated skin resulting Irom any
caus e. Price 50 cents.