LOCAL MENTION LOCAL MENTION Top Buggies, Light Spring Hacks Farm and Mountain Hacks Made by the Racine Works, at Special Prices for a short time. Come and see them. Car of New Mitchell Wagons now arriving. All sizes and styles. Come early and make your selection. The Page Coil Spring Field Fence Properly stretched requires a pull of seven tons. It is the Ideal fence in every way. The Page Fence Company makes their own wire, galvenizes their own wire, weave their own fence. Don't let anyone tell you different from the above. Steel Ranges, The "Renown" Line, Bought direct from the factory. Guaranteed to be entirely satisfactory, or money refunded. If you need a new range before haying select it now. We consider this a line ol money savers and will guarantee same thoroughly. Collins W Prineville, Oregon. f WANTED-A RIDER AGENT IN EACH TOrvnatidtiiHtnrttondttand exhinit m sami! Lau-st "Ranger" Uey-ie tumi-bt-ii fr ui Our atf -nuevt-ry wiitre arc au..uitf H) II' ." flT . U'ritt frrfu'l fartumU'Umd IMu(f tr ml 11. flO MOWEY REQUIRED uuiil you reaive anU approve of your bicycle. We &iiij la anyone anywt in flu1 XI t who-n ttmt J'tm in advance, frtpatfTtight. ami allow TN DAYS FRCfi TRIAL tjuriiijr yriiKb Umeyua may ride tot bicycle and put it to airy U-t you wi-ti. If yuu are th-n not perfectly batl-tit-U or tlt nut whl. to ltvi ue l-'rrit. vn it hick to us at our xuene and wult bMm tt. FflfiTCPY PPiftP VefurniU tim faitrlie-t pratle .iiv-W It Is nvivm i Itiwkti poinlp io mike an one hmall protit ov actml fctorv'crv.t. Y"u savef!) to $jj mi-ldi- me n's pmfiis r buy iuff dirtct (t ns and Mve the m anil fact urvr's puarant1) behind your 'icylo. DO HOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tin- from - at mt w until yoa nive our catakvues nl lm our uuiieani of ftv$ and r.iu't tftiat 9rt to rider agents. YOU WILL EE ASTON. SPED hM1 ,,a ''W'wif w fuilv - "11 we co mak ym this !. W w-u th bijrht r.i hierci ff '".- oilier ifci-Tory. e r -an"nn wnn vi.au rrtil uw.orr '".i. SECOND HAND BICYCLES, ffn rfrt tiot Mnkrlt hnta mhmJ hwiM Vmt n!' Kin .n.in. bVitii'D lntrhT o-ir Cti.rar) tvtil tiun. luoe uctr out pruu.pi.jr t (trio V0ASTEES6RAKES imported rl1r eiln anil dts. imtU, repaln aad Hedgethcrn Puncture-Procf 5 kit. ill y ?t gu tar nut! fricttfthtit tirtt it Of fir, bit fa tntrudutt V3Z- hi nnmOKETitCUCLEFROmPUNCTURES HAILS, Tiei,ofCt)M;il not lei the air out. A LuiiUrt-d iiKtua:;j uairswikl la,t v-ar. nrftn&tBTirLJilm Mado in ail!sizt. Tt rMir?. vc-r rjurable and lin-'d iuaide wiih 1 a i-vial ;ahiy c t rul'iH-r. which never Ix- comes I';rons rnd which rlc-n tin .mfill r-'iif-Tup-i wiUiit allow j n tr t he air to psfftne. e nt.ve h'juJr- us of 1 tt-ri from eaibQed cu.st.omers st-atirtif T h-ii Ov-.r t';r-s haveu: iy beenimmiied ui once ortwi'-e in a w:i.l was-.n. They welh nomorethan an ordinary t. re. U " pinicturert sbtiiic (pialiut-s b-uur ivf-n by wvt-ral iav rs of thin, iii-ll? nrenar-rf fabric on the tiead. Tne rErular price of these tiri .4ilQ.0 Pvr pt ir. Imt for&dverti-ilnir purposes we am vs. iilS.IL-i.Li PRINEVILLE 7 Not lee the thick rubber read "A"and DunetureairiPS end "O" also rim strip "H" to prevent rim cutting. This tire will outlast any other make-SOFT, tLA&TIC and tar Kioina. BEND Sunday, June 1 1 These crack teams will play on Prineville's new $5000 Athletic fiplrl nn klnrlc snufheast of the Commercial Club. Mr. David- ' s m, the doner of the athletic field will be present and will probably pitch the first ball. This will undoubtedly be the best game of the season. Seats for ladies. Dinklnii ; a swiciolfactoryj.ri.-e to Ui ri.ier .t only M.Wpr pair. All ordon shlmwd ma h;j...tm.s. 'T- ,,"" . ,-,J- on W'lToiml. Vou do not pay a ceut until joa a cash discount of ( r c-tit t tlierel.y tnaltlur tb S" fi "J'TF " .t in mii.! in or.l-r u iw tire, m., h ! " " ! "!! tli-j are n..t Mt rfarbny on nomination. Wo.rn p-rt-rlir r- wi k.ri il.t. . i rj-M Itt;.ni-;n1 ..k tin. r tti.nanr tire ,ou nareere-o.! trnnuui, prlre. yitr-WtV,:,';:! - . . li YOU NEED TIRES t " '"""t"' tI"'''n''Tienrtror a tlrofnMthnr pn niiutu, ati.i-: or nt' for n l' 'if tin a t i Birtt , . Hui uouiwiiiw quui4 tui toajitm moa DO NOT 4V4r,b1'rL'"!?!,,'??1r- ? "OTTHIIW OftlTIIOal.ttTrl.oraoalr of it yuly rjosl." tirvr" fp.rn kr.vn :-Tirn ev..-y h i n. Wn ti it Now"1 knW 1IQ at'W wond-r,'ffi we re mkinf. J. L FIEHO CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL Game Called at 2:30. Admission 25c. WANTED: BAD TITLES. If you have purchased a GOLD BRICK in stead of a clear title to your land come to us. We can straighten it out for you. Get our figures and see our work before se curing your abstract. Standard Title Examiners Endorse Our Abstracts. PIONEER ABSTRACT COMPANY. Notice for I'ublication. Dermrtmrit of the Interior, C. H. Land Offlce a! The Ltiilltii, Or-Kn, My 23rd lyil. hotiee is hereby Kiveii thai Jame. K. Hakyky, of Roberts, Oregon, wlio. on November 9th, lWlfl, nia'le Homet.-H.l. No. l-r-r.7 serial, No.UWi;', for lots and 7, riee. 6 and lot I, NKS4 S'W'. nei tlon 7. township 1. leintli, r.tiRe 17 east, Willainetle Meridian, han (lied notice of intention to make tinal live-year ppof, to estfti.lmh claim to the laud above desorllied, iiefore Warren Hrown, i.'ounty e.erk at hia offiee, at I'riueville, f.re goti, on the .'.th day ol July, 1911. ('Itmiiant name, aa witneaaen: Jamwi A. MoflHi, ol Hriti-ville, Orenon. Claud t:. Dun ham, I. K, Kolierts, Arthur Moss, ol hoiirts, Oregon. t. W. MOOKK. Keniater. 6-lp Land to be Cleared by Contract. 800 acres of land to be cleared by con tract. Call on or adilrees Black Butte Land & Livestock Co.. f-iBtern, Oregon, or call at Long'llullow Kancb. 5-4 The Home Bakery. Fresh bread baked daily, l'antry or ders promptly filled. Hot coffee and sandwiches served. Delivery at 11 and 4 o'clock. 6-8-tf Mbs. F. E. Bbosiis, I'rop. Land for Sale. 640 acres of good farming land In the lanioua Powell Butte conntry. Intjuiie of F. A. Kice, county surveyor, Trine VUe, Oregon. 4-tt Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the firm of H'-m lemon, Boone & Claypool, doing businettt under the name of the Hender son Investment Co., is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, 'Omar C. Claypool retiring. J. W. Henderson and J. VV. Boone will continue the busineBS, pay all debts and collect all bills. 5 25 3p 'Omah C. Cmtpooj,. , Horses for Sale. On the old C. Ram Smith ranch, near I'rlnevllle. 125 head of mares and geldlnBH, large enough for work homes, will be sold In any number at reanonuble prices. For further Information address G. II. Uuhhhm,, I'rinevllle, Oregon. 12-10-tI Mm, (loorne Storkman Mt Mon day lor l'ortlantl, Mr. K. A. Kioe and ion left thin morning (or Portland. Mra. McPowt'll lelt yt'ittertlay to attend the roue carnival. J. V.Carlnon left Tuesday lor Portland to meet his wife, who has (wen visiting in the valley. Miatt Lillian Uohman is taking in the rose carnival. She will vinit her parent at Canhy, Ore gon. iM'lor returning. Mr. and Mrn. Itnldwin left this morning to attend the Masonic (imntl I.odxe nt l'tirtlnnd. I loth are grand lodge offlfrrs. They will make the trip hy auto and tht'n use tho car to 'visit Willuin etta valley pointa. Thry expel to be away two weeks. Volume 1, No. 1, ol the lied moml Pttily S p o k e s m a n hit reached our exchange table. It la a neat, wtll-riotrd, G-column quarto, lilled with local anil gen eral news. We ho tife venture will prove aa remunerative as it deserves. Its it good advertise ment lor Kedmontl. (ieorge Klkins, a craiy man, was brought in Irom Matlraa Tiienday altemoon by Deputy Sheriff John McTaggart and C. It. Jackson. Klkini Iihh heeu working with a steel gang on the railroad lor quite a while. Ilia actions led the of ficer to tuke him in curtody and have him examiner! as to I) is van ity. The sulifiliince ol an opinion handed down hy the attorney gen- (eral the other day snyt that the 'children ol lhetalu of Oregon are compelled to attend school when they are between the age ol 8 and j 15 year. The time ol the com , pul.-iory attendance start on their jSth birthday and ends on their 15th. i I Articles ol incorporation ol Im perial Townsite Co. of Crook coun ty were filed with County Clerk I Hrown June 5. The principal 1 place of business is Portland, Ore gon, t apttai stock, f iu,uuu. J be incorporators are Sherman Mont gomery, LeRoy Hadley, J. K. Alex ander, It. S. Miller and K. L. Hamilton. Emery Seales came over from Lane county Wednesday, to look after hi bueinef interests in Crook county. Mr. Seales left Lamonta two years ago and settled on a ranch near lilachly, Lane county, lie likes his new home and think the chnngo of climate has been a great benefit to hi l imily. He will bo hero a week. Prineville anil Redmond hud a good game ol ball lust Sunday on the high school grounds. lled mond maintained the lead up to the sixth inning when Prineville took it. The first of the ninth r.edmond scored a man, making a tie, but when Prineville took her turn at the bat two tallies were added to her score, making it read Prineville 8, Redmond 6. Ralph R. Wheaton, the con tractor, has started a brickyard east ol town on Oliver Powell's land. A good quality ol clay has been found and'Mr. Wheaton will make the brick he needs tor the new school building. He will altto have a portable planer that will be used in connection with his build ing operations. Ilia auto truck arrived last Thursday and will be 'used between Prineville and rail road points. C. B. Dinwiddie returned from Portland Saturday evening where Mrs. Dinwiddie underwent a double operation at the Good Samaritan Hospital. lie reports Mrs. Dinwiddie doing as well as could possibly be expected. She is with her aunt, Mrs. C. M. Lister. Mr. Dinwiddie Bays that M. R. Piiggs is doing well ufterMiis oper ation and states that Mr. Biggs is expected to get away from the hos pital some time this week, but would not be able to come home for some time. Mr. Quinn is steadify improving from his oper ation for appendicitis, The ladies ol the I'aptist church will serve dinner to the public on the ronrth ol July. Mr. Ida Prose has moved into the Shipp house, which she pur chased several month ago. Mrs. Kdwartl and children left Friday lor San Francisco to visit her aunt, Mrs. Joseph King. Mrs. Jennie King, Mr. C. M. Elkina anil Mrs. John CoiiiIin left (or Portland this morning to at tend the rose carnival. Miss Kvelyn Milliorn left today (or San Francisco, where she will study niiisio during the summer. She will stay with Miss Nellie Klkins. The W. C. T. U. met Saturday and outlined an active campaign to he taken up this fall. They will hold regular meetings during the in miner. Miss F.dytlie Rideotit lelt this morning for Presque Isle, Maine, to visit her parents. She will re turn in time lor her school work iu September. Henry Whitsett, recently re turned from Northern California, where he ha purchased property , will move hia family Irom Heud to California in the near future. Preaching next Sunday at the j Union church. Morning subject, j"Kvidencesol Christianity." levell ing subject, "The Social F.vil, its ; Cause.) ami Cure." tieo. M. Wyatt. Men nihl team are at work on the grandstand and bleachers (or the new athletic grounls ol the Prine ville Commercial club. The ground are being leveled and put in first clans shape for bust-ball. The Artisans elected the follow ing ollicer (or tho ensuing year: Master Ariisan, iartlner Perry; superintendent, Albert Noble; in spector, Mr. Dotlderidge; secre tary, Mr. Belknap; treasurer, J. Y. llorigan. C. A. Gilchrist and wile ol Barne) pasred through Prinevillo Tuesday on their way home Iroru a three-weeks' visit to Portland. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. (!. A. Johnstone, wbo will sjiend the summer in this country. Mrs. Belknap, accompanied by her sons, Hobart and Lelnnd, lelt this morning for Portland, where they will he met by her eldest son. ; Horace, who ha just completed ! his first year's work at the U. of O. j After enjoying the rose carnival, ; Mrs. Belknap will attend the Inter ' national Sunday School Conven , tion in San Francisco from the 't '20th to the 27th. She will later visit friends and relatives in south ern California. Tho tercentenary of the King James, English Bible, known as the "Authorized Version," will be , celebrated at the Methodist church I next Sunday evening, with an ad I dress by the pantor on ''The Ro- mance. of the English Bible." 'ew j people realize how the .English Bible is bound up with the history of the English nation and tho English tongue. You are invited to hear this address. Tho paulor will have for his morning theme, "The Apostle ef the Foundation Stone." Splendid special music has beon provided for these ser vices. .Jno. M. Hoggins, pastor. Omar J. Wilson, of Prineville, has purchased the old Taylor suvvniill 18 miles east of Paulinn, and will tuke possession immediately after the arrivul hero of some repair parts of cer tain machinory, which will prob ably bo in about ton days. Mr. Wilson is an expert sawmill man as well us carpenter, and will do well in his now location. Post ers will soon bo out announcing the transfer of tho business, which Is of considorablo import ance to local trade. There is much building going on In tho eastern part of Crook county, and Mr, Wilson plans to contract its well as furnish lurnbor al roady framed to erect by the homesteaders themselves.