Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 08, 1911, Image 1

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Crook County Journal
En at Ui pmuttrm t Pr1nvltl
Orffrm, us WMwnd-cliuui uwiter
For Killing Long and
Shooting Woman.
Came to tlii Country for the
Purpoie of Taking Hit
Wife to Portland.
J. I.. Riley, who hot nd killrd
Louin I.onn, th iiri.i'll((li((r, ntul
Woundt-d lux wife, mt Thursday,
had a lu'iiriiig Saturday n f C-r n I
before JudjjH Ki-nneiiy and wan
held without homli to tho Ootobir
grand jury.
Thn killing look jiIrcr nn th
road letwccn Opal City and Ked
mond after an rxdiing automobile
chaw. From tint tentimony ol th
itate's witnewen it wan hown that
IlilfV and 1) in wifn paiid Wvdnrt
day night at the phien of Min
Mona Adam at Opal City. Next
nmrniiiK Riley Murted lor Port
land and got as fur an Mndraa
whm he mnhlenly chanced bin
mind and returned to Opal City.
It wa hero that Riley learned that
hin wife, Louis Long, lliu priiu
tighter, and Mica Mona Ad nine
had junl li lt for Redmond in an
automobile. Riley hired a light
car and followed them. After nn
exi-itiiitf automohilo race, durinp
w hich I-oiijjV car blew out a tire,
the shooting hegnn. Riley drew
up hi car benidn the one that waa
being repaired and without Haying
a word took out bin revolver and
fired at Long. Four ahuta were
fired hut only three took effect.
The aliott did not prevent Long
from cloning with bin annuitant and
whilo they were clinched Riley
placed the nmi.lo of bin weapon
at Long'a hack and fired again.
Thit allot wan immediately fatal.
After killing Long, Riley ordered
tho five men present to keep away
from him or be shot, Ho then re
treated to the hillniile, relrmded bin
gun, culled bin wife from behind
thn automobile, and shot her
through the right leg. She fell and
Riley, thinking nho nan dead
started off over the hill toward
Redmond, lie wia captured a few
hour! later at Cline Falls, about
three miles pant of Redmond.
Mrn. Riley in under a physician'!
care at Redmond and will be able
to walk again in a few weeks.
At tho preliminary hearing Mona
Adama waa put under bonds to in
insure her prenence at the trial
next October. The other witnennes
were Jay Saftzmun, chauffeur, who
drove Long's car. With SufUmnn
II. N. Klipple, of Rend; Mrs. Riley
and Mona Adams were riding. In
the car with Riley were Chauffeur
Ouffey, Marvin Wood, hotel pro
prietor at Madras, and W. E. Ed
munda, clerk at the llahn Hotel
in MadraH. They tentilied that
they had never seen Riley before
thoy took the automobile in which
they raced after Long and Mrs.
Long was reared at Vancouver,
Wash., and first branched out as a
boxer at that place about 15 years
ago. Ho was a newbboy at the
J. L. Riley is said to be a Port
land cigar salesman. He and his
wife separated in Portland a week
or bo ago. He apparently came to
the Deschutes country to endeavor
to persuade her to return to him.
In this he failed. The Riley
woman was shot in the fleshy part
ot the leg, The wound is not con
sidered to be of a serious nature. .
Riley, in conversation with a
Journal reprenentative, stated that
he vinited Redmond, where his
wife was, for the purpoie of getting
her to return to Portland. After a
g tod deal ol perauanion aha con
sented and Wedneaday night got
an far a Opal City, where they
spent the night. Meantime Long
did his bent to have the woman re
main. Uneven went so (ar aa to
follow her to Opal City. Heveral
times Wednesday night Long
called her out of thn room to are
him. In the morning the woman
refused to go further and Rihy
started for Portland alone. When
he got as far an Mudrat he con
cluded to return to Redmond, He
waa on his way back when he
overtook his wife, Long and Mona
Adami in another car. The shoot
ing followed.
Williams Released
on $1000 Bonds
Deputy Sheriff Claude Williinis
of Opal City who shot and killed
Thomas Miller lant Thumday near
jO'.Veil, had a hearing Monday he-
fore Judge Kennedy and waa
bound over to the grand jury on a
chargo of maiulaughter. His
honda were placed at tlOOO, which
were furnished.
The deputy sheriff bad Miller
under arrest and wan bringing him
to Prinevillo from Opal City by
auto, when Miller attempted to
encape. .Williams ordered him to
stop but Miller kept on going until
be was shot.
i The prisoner wan accused of
, stealing three hiimn from the cook
I Iioiish of tho Oregon Trunk con
struction camp at Opal City, and
was arrested by Williams on infor
million given him by William F.
Rogers, general superintendent of
.the boarding branch of the con
struction and improvement work
I along the Oregon Trunk and
I Spokane, Seattle & Portland. Mr.
i Rogers, (ieorge A. Jones, ware
housemen at Opal City; .James
i Roland, night watchman at the
i warehouse, and three others were
! eye-witnesses of tho shooting of
j Miller.
File Your Credentials.
Ministers of tho gospel of Crook
county have you filed with the
county clerk your evidence of
authority to solemnize the mar
riage vows? At the lust session of
the legislature the following law
was passed which was filed in the
ollice of the Secretary of State
February i!3, 1911, and became c
fective ninety days later. Section
7019 reads as follows:
"Marriages may be solemnizfd
by any minister or priest of any
church or congregation in the state
provided they have recorded with
tho county clerk in the county
where the niurringe is solemnized
satisfactory evidence of their au
thority, said authority to be ap
proved by tho county clerk and re
corded in a boot by him called
"Authority to Solemnize Marriage,"
for which he shall charge ten cents
a folio for recording and indexing.
Marriages may be solemnized by
any judicial ollicer of the state any
where within his jurisdiction.
Gray or nearly white mare about 1300
lbs.; Y iron on left stitle; shod all
around; had halter on when last seen.
Persons seeing such animal please take
up and notify John McUaohern, Fife,
Ore. B-SStpd.
Girl to Iron.
Girl wanted to iron half day each
week. Apply to Mrs. 8. It. Cooper. 2tp
Irrigated Land For Sale.
80 acres of irrigated land, all in crop,
Powell Uutte district, ' Call on or ad
dress, Titus & Bmith, Powell Butte, Ore.
-4-lmp i
Will be Hold October
11 to 14.
Manny Attraction! Planned by
the New Board of
At a mooting of the Board of
Directors of the Viist Central
Orejron Agricultural Society held
Muy 27 at I'rinoville. this being
iho first full board of tho year,
tho commissioners appointed by
the governor having only just
boen elected, the following ' ofti
cers were chosen by the board
for the Central Oregon Fair of
l'Jll: President, William Uoegli;
Vice- President, J. E. Roberts;
Secretary, J. S. Fox. The other
three members of tho board are
(!. II. Kushc.1I, Oliver Powell and
J. II. Gray.
The date of the fair was set
this yoar for October 11 to 14,
four days instead of five, and
commencing on tho Wednesday
just prior to court week in order
to allow those who have to attend
court to come just a few days
earlier and talie in the fair as
well. It was decided to have
four days instead of five, not to.
reduco the number of uttrae-i
tions, but to concentrate them so
as to eliminate thoso slow wuiV
ing periods between events
which have characterized some
of the previous meets. Although
the attractions have not yet been
llnally decided upon, the board
feel that they will at 1 e a s t be
equul to aud they believe 'super
ior to any that have been on the
program. Ono word may be!
suid of the races, and to those
who know that one word is suffi
cient. G e o. II. Russell, the
prominent horse man, and a
member of the board, will have
personal chargo of this work.
Mr. Russell assures us that
tnose who come to see this at
traction will bo abundantly sat
About the first week in Au
gust it is tho intention of the
board to send out a man to trav
el the county and meet with the
farmers encouraging them to
scud their exhibits and to come
themselves, and this personal
work, a now feature, is bound to
result in a much better agricul
tural and livestock exhibit one
that will be well worth while
making a special trip to see.
It has been suggested that the
four days of the fair be desig
nated as Prinevillo, Bend, Red
mond and Madras days respect
ively, or that in some way the
separate towns and communities
may have one day set apart for
them especially at which their
teams shall compote, their
schools attend en masse, and
their residents combine together
to form auto or driving parties
to the scene of the fair festiv
ities. Any readers of this pa
por who have ideas along this
line, are invited to communicate
with the secretary so that the
most satisfactory dates may be
set apart for all.
The premium list has been re
vised to date, and will be back
from the printers it is expected
some time, in July at which time
the secretary will have them dis-
Continued on page two.
$ 1 000
July 3rd, 4th and 5th.
Three days of Baseball. Three days of Special Entertainment.
Three nights of Outdoor Dancing. Three days of Music and
Gorgeous Automobile Parade.-3 Prizes
$1000 Purse for Baseball. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Money Prizes.
Big Array of Street Sports and Contests. Music by the
Prineville Brass Band. Closing with a Great Fun Making
and Unique
$2000.00 Will be Expended to Make This the Greatest
Event of the Kind in Central Oregon. Over 200 people re
quired to carry out he details of entertainment. Com
mittee of Entertainment will secure accoommdations for all
visitors at reasonable rates. You are cordially invited to
come. Look for Later Announcements.
of July Celebration
At Prineville, Or.
am jjance