Y These Lali f 250 Each i Q id b 10 to b 1230 Fa This Lot South 2nd Street South 2nd Street These Lota $250 Each ATHLETIC GROUNDS South 3rd Hmm Loll 1250 Ech $700 Hal South 4th These Loll $250 Each $700 Half South 5th Heavy Colonist Travel Hovlsod statistics com plied by offlcmls of the Harrlmaa linos and reports furnished by repres-' cntatlves of other railroads which handled colonist passenger business to the Paciflc Coast during the 8o dy period ending April 10 disclose that all records for that class of travel during the annual Spring period were smashed this year. Tables that have been complied show that 85.000 persons travel ed from hundreds of points in the East, North and South to cities on the western edge of the continent while the special rates offered by the various lines were in force. This figure, it Is . declared, exceeds by fully 15.000 the total of lust Spring, when colonist rates were offered throughout a period of 45 days. The travel this year was dis tributed as follows: Southern PaciBc, via Ogden, 15,320; via El Paso, 0929; via Los Anglos, 808; via Portland, 8761. Oregon Washington Railroad h Navigation Company, 11,600. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe. 20.000. Northwest route, via Hill lines ( istimnted') 15.000. Via other lines (estimated) 10.000. ' It is estimated that fully 50.000 of all those who traveled on col- onists tickots this Spring went to California and extreme West ern states other than thoso classified in the Pacific North west group. The Santa Fe cirriod practically all of Its col onist travelers to California, and the bulk of this class of business over the Harriman lines went in the same direction. , Data complied by represen tatives of the Harriman roads for the Spring period of 1910 shows that '29,170 colonists pas sengers were transported over the Southern Pacific line during that time and that 10.2UU otners traveled over the Oregon Wash ington & Navigation Company's route. The total for the Santa Fe road J flj id for this Block .1 is it for this Block h i - 11 an increase of fully 15 per cent over the business done last Spring. A table prepared by passenger traffic officials of the Harriman lines In regard to colonist travel to California from the Spring of 1901 to the fall of 1910 shows the following figures: Via Odgen 885,750 Via Ed Psao 179,078 Via Portlund 45,794 Via Los Angoles 14.100 Total .... 625,828 The Santa Fe road Is offering a special rate of one faro for the round trip to points in California on account of the Electrical Supply Jobbers Association con vention. Oregonian1 Must Not Abandon Sheep on Desert Eollowing is the full text of the bill enacted into law by the last legislature to punish the aband onment of sheep on the range: "If any person employed to herd or tend a band of sheep shall willfully or maliciously de sert or abandon snch band of sheep upon the public range or place where such band of sheep have been Instructed to his care or custody, such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less then six" months nor more than three years, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than three months or by fine not less than 50 nor more than f 500." For Sale. 480 act 68 o( land 35 miles east of Prineville. Nearly level, water on land, 8 million of yellow pine, good soil. Price $8000. L. K. Belknap, 748 Loveioy Bt. Portland Oregon, Main 6500. j 4-20 It. A Good Buy. I Inn an mirl nix lnti lor sale. Desir able property. A bargain. Inquire at this office. 4-13 lm Horses for Sale. Two 2-vear-otd fillies, big ones; also 0-year-old mare, 1400 lbi., broke gentle. Inquire of Ed. Smith. 4-13 Dog Lost. Fox Terrier bitcb, anewera to name of Monday. Return to Tbos. Sharp Jr. ami twaIva tawhwI. - S SO 4-ft 1 is 1 b U id 1 11 6 Z b U id ?1 3 to U id 13 J 6 Lookout for Forest Fires Forest fires, one of the greatest sources of destruction to the most valuable resources of the state, will soon be restricted and their terrors largely reduced if the people will co operate with the State Fcrester in the admin istration of the new forestry law unacted by the last Legislature, which will be ready for distribu tion in pamphlet form in the near future. One of the most important pro visions of the law is that making a closed season for burning from June 1 to October 1, during which period outdoor fires of all kinds are prohibited except under most stringent regulations and the probability of heavy penalties. In this connection the State Forester urges upon every one the necessity of doing all possible burning before the closed season begins and thus save the trouble of doing it by permission during that season of greatest danger when fires spread so easly and rapidly. The State Forester desires the assistance and co operation of every one in the protection of property from forest, grass or brush fires, and to this end in vites suggestions and inform ation calculated to assist in any manner in the performance of his most imortant duties. Cop ies of the law wiil be promptly furnished to all who desire them. Requests and communications addressed to F. A. 'Elliot, State Forester, Capitol Building, Salem, will receive prompt and appreciative attention. Eggs for Sale. Brown Leghorns; write or phone. $1.40 per setting. Earl Helms, Prine ville, Oregon. 4-6-lm p For Sale. Good horse, buggy and harness; horHe 7 years old, gentle; safe for lady. Inquire of Edgar Stewart, Prineville, Oregon. 4-6 Notice. The president of the C. C. H. S. Alumni requests a meeting of its mem bers at her home Tuesday evening at 7:30. April is, iuh. 4-13-lt IiauLAH Chooks, president. b to Q id is to Q id 4) V b (O 12 New and Second Hand FURNITURE W. S. Cooke Buys and Sells all Kinds. Masonic Building, Prineville, i"nrtwI!!iinOTnr,nra rn tj LJ F3 t J r.n t'j C3 10 'J r.a Bfl C'J cn Gil LJ 153 C'J EH t"J B3 ca C'J Sonera SSlacksmithing Horseshoeing, Wood Work, etc., Neatly and Promptly Donk When rr is Done By : : : Robert TIfoors Satisfaction Will Prineville, EanrinriBnaarsnnHnHniipnwnraACCTHEaniiHnn ijjcuuucjijjcjcycauucjcucuf cucuuacucLiuuciicaijacuuiJti&uaBa Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Directors of School District No. 1, Prineville, Oregon, until May 1st, 1911, for the erection and com pletion of Public School building, according to plana and specifications prepared by Charles H. BnrgKraf, architect, Albany, Oregon. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check payable to "School District No. 1, Prineville, Oregon," for the sum of $5011.00, as a guarantee that the contractor will furnish an ap proved bond equal to 60 per cent of the contract within ten days after the awarding of the contract. All bids must be made ont on blank proposals for the same. Blanks furntslred upon application by the clerk or architect. Plans and speci fications may be seen at Prineville. 83 il Street S3 10 I- J co x Street ,0 03 il n i- X Street Third ahd B Streets. Oregon ca c.i CJ E3 CJ Eil CJ ca CJ ca cu E3 CJ E3 CJ E3 CU oa ca C3 E3 E3 CJ E3 ca C3 ca E3 ca Be Guaranteed Oregon. Oregon, or at the Architect's, office. The board reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. By order of School Board DIst. No. 1, Prineville, Oregon. II. P. Belknap, Chairman M. It. Elliott, Clerk. 3-13 Call for County Warrants. All registered road warrants op to and including registered number 80, and scalp warrants up to and including registered number 647 are now payable. Interest (tops from date of this notice. Dated this 13th day of April, 1911. Balph L. Jordan, County Treasurer For Sale. Young buggy team, new buggy and harness. Call at this office. 4-13-tf Map of Oregon and Western Addition To City of Prineville Crook County, Oregon Watch for the Opening Sale of Lots in this Ad dition. Oregon and Western Colonization Co. John Chas. Prineville, ui ui VAtlTED-A RIDER AGENT IH EACH TOWN and district to ride nd exhibit a sample Latest Modl "Hanger" bicycle furnished by ns. Our air-msevery where are nukiiitf BO MONEY REQUIRED uutil yoa receive and approve of your DiCycie. We shiD toanvonn arnrwhew in thn TT 4 J..J. mwm mm I'ICVClB DO HOT BUY mm rrtf until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of mj Ci'I .a TS.TT'J.!1'."!:'!' ' M "id" agent. YOU WILL BE ISTOXKHFtl " iwwiot HUV fo mm w run nwfen m tht. Wa .. ...w ....... ... BICYCLE blLiM ,T..".L CUT. AIM tbn div riV5 SECOKO HAND 8ICTCI.ES. W. Hn a Dumber OB hnd Ulr.n ,n.r-.k. rw C0ASTERBRAKES. '. 0 y Kedgethorn Seif-heaiingTires ThrtzIarrtMiJ fritttfthtftint U UV.M Xr atr. ml m imtfdur mm nOMORETROUBLEFROMPURCTUSES NAILS, TMks,orClnartU aot let tnaalrouL A hundred uiousaud pairs sold last year. DESCRIPTIONS fJa&An .11ie-. " rldlntr. very durable and lined inside with a special oualitv of rubber, which never be conies porons and which closes nn small punctures without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satis6ed customers stating that their tires have only been pumped up once or twice In a whole season. They weigh no more than an ordinary tire, the puueture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. The regular price of these tires is $10.00 per pair, bnt foradvertlslne burposes we am making a special factory price to the rider day letter is received, weshinc. o D. on have examined and found them strictly as represented -.,-?J'i!.''iM.', ''i'a',? w "ii (thorehy nu.t,oj the price 4.SS per pair) l( -on send PULL CASH WITH OHOER ami euoluwe tlila advertlsemeQL you ma no risk la sendinB us aa onlpr as tbe tlrpa mar ba returned at OUR expense If for any reason they are not aatltiractor- on examination. We are perfectly reliable anduioney aenttouslsassafeaslnabauk. If you order pair of these tires, you will llnd that they will rlle easier, run faster, wear better, last lonaer and look Hner than any tire you have ever used or Been at any price, Y- know that you will he so well pleased that when you waut a bicycle you W1U aire as your order. We wank yoir tosend lis a trial order atonee. henos th Is remarkable 1 1 re Oder. IF wOU NEED TlirlFC?n1yyklndatanynrluntllyonwndforaralrofH " TrJ! - Punchire Proof tlreeon appr.waian.1 trial at thetwial Introductory price quoted above: or write for our blcTtra and Buadry t-vtaloeue which deeenbeaand ouotea all makes and kinds of tlresat about half the usual prices. DO NOT WAIT .t?L,.w.ri'l " ,nly. 00 ROT THINK OP BUVINO a Meyele or a pair of It only casts a pos.Il toTelrn ever1th?n?. ,?1lo$? kW " "'"!rt" fl "-,. J. L.MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL Free Auto to Prineville Prinevtlle's latest residence district, just platted and now on the market. Buy a lot in Prineville's sanitary residence district on easy terms. No . sloughs, marshes or mosquitoes. Less host than on the river bottom. Fresh air, pure water and an excellent view o( the city. City water will be conveyed to the property at our expense. Lots 40x114; prices range from $80 to $200. Half cash, balance payable at $10 per month; 6 per cent on deferred payments, Examine the maps at our office. HENDERSON INVESTMENT CO. Prineville Hotel Building, Ground Floor Prineville, Oregon. R. Stinson C. Lundy Crook County Agents. - - Oregon in advance, hwAii and allow TEH DAYS' FREE TRIALdurlntf which tune you may ride the btcycleand put itto any test you wish. If you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to keep the bicycle ship it back to us at our expense and mil '. FACT0BV PRICES We furnish the highest grade bicycles it la nvivni l niVkd possible to make at one email proBt above actual faetorycost. You save 110 to ia middlemen's proBts by buy in? director US and haVA thA TrnntiriiM.r' cr..nintPM tuh!ml vniii hi..la, - ,, ... "w """""''' " " .i.d.K.... i... u i v... n-v n-.. . Import rollep ! pdata. parti, main and Puncture-Proof $ f 2 4' A SAMPLE PAIR TO UrTRODUCEJJHLY Notice the thick nibbertread A"and punctureatnps'B" and "D"alo rim atrip "H" to prevent rim cutting. Thie tire will outlast any other makeSOFT, ELASTIC and EAST RIOINQ. of only $4.80 per pair. All orders shipped s I same Hnnmi vnnHnn... .Auitnniii v Excursion Heights