Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 13, 1911, Image 4

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    Professional Cards,
Crek County jfistrmtt C,
AWlr.cU of Mill tu nil Unit nil
la lu Hi Crook nuitilr,
B. F. W.U., 5KtM7, rW.ill., Off
Sale of Suits
4 -
v . y " V ft I
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L o .14! w
- i i, 1
Cbe Oue Vine
THE sprtngtimt flood ii borne
Beneath th ever videnlnR sun.
Orchestral strains of woodland sons
And meadow carols melt In one
One chant of pure, ecstatic Joy
That bonds of death are swept
That winter's hosts no more annoy,
While every path is turned to
T The aureoled twig, the budding
The genial south wind's tropic
. . spell
AO1! fresh green fields, bereft of
The summer's opulence foretell.
We hear the brook's exultant flow
As, mad with joy, it sweeps away.
Jso more the bonds of Ice and snow
Rule us with their relentless sway.
$ To earth and man an equal boon,
A. We IPA thf UOrlH 9rl nan, K-r,
i . : . ...
Ana oiras ana nowers with life
Blow, gentle south wind, o'er the
Dlain :
Bend, sky, today your deepest
For Bin and sorrow's saddened reign
juuat yield and all be born anew.
W-HIWH-l l 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ! 1 H-fr
It seems almost certain that the
first Easter bonnet ever worn in the
States flaunted Us innocent splendors
in the rough hewn pews of the little
edifice at Jamestown, Va., in the year
1010, where only an ivy grown brick
tower now marks the spot where
America's first Easter service was
held in a Protestant Episcopal church.
' The Easter lily was as great a fa
vorite in the Levant a thousand years
ago as it is in America today. It flour
ishes in heathen countries as luxuri
antly as in Christian ones and is Just
as familiar in Cochin China, the is
land of Formosa, India and Japan as
In our near neighbors, the Bermudas.
It is in the Bermudas that the East
er lily attains its greatest glory and
beauty. So vast are the fields and so
many the flowers that a land breeze
will carry the fragrance for miles out
to sea, whispering of wife and home
to the returning sailors. More than
200 farms nre devoted to lily growing,
and sometimes as many as 10,000 flow
rs bloom In a single field. The lily
export trade exceeds $40,000 per an
num in flowers and amounts to about
$12,000 a year in bulbs.
It is said the Bermuda lily -was first
brought to this country by Thomas P.
Bergcnt in the spring of 1876. Mr.
Sergent received two bulbs from
friends while visiting the islands. He
presented them to Mr. Harris, the
Philadelphia florist, who named them
the Llliura hnrrisil and iias cultivated
i hem very successfully.
Off to keep Easter lilies fresh
is a bit of plant lore that many
housewives will be glad to be
informed Hlmnt luhoniia nt tha
gifts they received Sunday. And as
the method of preserving them is a
simple one, according to an expert
florist, there is no reason why many
women should not have them blooming
for from two to three weeks.
"Besides watering lilies regularly, the
most essential thing is to keep them
out of drafts," he says, "for noth
ing is so injurious as to hnv anHHnn
gusts of wind strike the leaves, blos
soms or even the roots, for it blasts
them, and they, begin to wither.
"They should be snravert with mod.
erately cold water ouce each day, pref
erably in the morning. And the great
est care should be taken to get it di
rectly on the roots anil not nn tha
flowers, for every drop of water will
uiane a yeuowisn siot on the beauti
ful white petals flint tm-m
their dazzling color. These lilies need
a lot of water for nourishment and
once a day is none too often if they
are to be kept in good condition. I
uave Known more of them to wilt from
neglected waterinrr than from oth.
er cause. So many women give them
drinks regularly for threo cr f,,.. rib
and then foraxt about it far t-a-unt,.
tour or torty-eignt hours, and in that
time the mischief is dnnr. nn,i n.
plant has lost so much nourishment
that it is never again fresh. The
petals lose their clossr
crispness, become dull and lifeless, the
leaves droop and turn yellow, and the
once beautiful things show every sign
of decay.
"This condition can ensilr ho rotowi.
ed for from fourteen to twenty days
uj proper care. I would suggest the
gentlest kind of treatment fv.r tw,
delicate flowers and warn persona
against touching the petals, for they
are easily bruised, and ouce the sur
face is cut r an.-piti the oiaire blos
som quickly Him.
'I would try to keen tlu il-.nt. ( .
room where then is plenly of fresh
air and light, thugh never n the di
rect rays of the tun. fur if li ft it, tv,
beat they will be burned, because they
are so tender and, of course, wilt, Just
as when they nre put in a draft.
Then, too, I would not allow them
to be -near heat or a fireplace and
would endeavor to keep the atmos
phere as near even as possible and
never above '10 degrees.
"Willi the cut lilies the best plan, if
they are to be kept four days or a
week, Is to change the water once a
day and to keep in a deep vase where
the liquid will extend well up the
stems. I would suggest cutting off
the ends of the stocks every day, so
the flowers will be readily nourished
liy the water. This Is Impossible after
the pores in the ends close up, as they
do unless removed every twenty-four
- Girl Wanted.
Kanch work; steady employment;
Rood wages. Apply to En Si.ay
ton. 3.o4t.
Mare Lost.
. Gray mare, brand anchor T on left
shoulder, collar mark on each shoulder;
halter and forty feet of rope; weight
about 1050 pounds ; reward. Address,
John Bcbnett, Prfnevilie, Or. 3 16 tf.
Personal Health and Purity.
Up-to-date American Literature,
adapted for all sorts and conditions of
people, may be seen or had at Dr. Fox's
office, Main street. Prineville, Or. 12-8-tf
Salesmen Wanted.
Wanted: -Four salesmen, eitliei
ladies or gentlemen, with team, salary
from $80.00 to $100.00 per month and
expenses' Act quick before the po
sitions am filial AUraCo tn. si
uumro ulU. V.
Chnatiaui, Prineville, Oregon. 2-lltf
The Leader The Leader
Easter Greetings
Our Easter Stock of Ladies' nd Gents' Shoes have Arrived and we are
now ready to show them to the most fastidious. Come and give us a
trial is all we ask. If we please, tell others; if not, tell us.
Don't fail to note our special soap offer which is still going on at the
LEADER. Note our Main Street Window.
Mrs. L Michel, Prop.
Prineville, Or.
New Hardware and Furniture Store
I have just received a general line of New and
Second Hand Furniture, also a general line of
Hardware. I have bought right and will sell at right
Newcomers and Old Timers
Can save money by looking over my stock. No
trouble to show goods.
John Morris, PropV.
Ladies Spring Suits.
Ladies' Spring Suits
The La Vogue Garment"
J The correct slyles in which the "La Vogue Garment" is made will
please you. The high quality, good workmanship, splendid lit, MAKE
the garment give satisfactory service in the wear.
J The best friends of "The La Vogue Garment" arc the women who
haveworn it And because they have worn it, they continue to do so.
J We do not FEATURE the . fabrics, the linings, the tailoring, or any
other one point, but by giving each of these points the same conscientious
attention, select a garment which is the garment to sell our customers
with best satisfaction to them and most consistent, steady, year-afler-year
profits to us. .
New up-to-date Spring Suits now here.
A vi sitlo uroe stor is sure to benefit you, whether you buy anything
or not.
Clifton & Cornett
Dissolution of Partnership.
TCntlPA IB I, Urul.l, ni.... lt. a
nerehip heretofore existing betweea
Guy Lafollotte and R. E. Gray, as jmfo-
i inner 01 iue uroOK uounty .lournali is
' "J "'uim WIMC1H.
Onv Lafollette retiring. It, . K. Gray
win cuimnue me Dusineng, collect ail
bills and pay all firm debts.
uarea mis ltu day of March, 1911.
K. E.Gmis.
Spring and Summer Samples.
The new Spring and Hummer FaHhfon
Book of Chan. A. Stevens A Bros, just
received. The latest in Women's and
Misses' mado to order garments, A
complete line of beautiful samples.
Mas. J. J. Smith, agent,
3-2-tf. Prineville, Oregon.
Baled and Loose Hay.
For tale.f Write cull or 'phone J. E.
Ad ameon, Prineville, , Orentn. 3-23-t
(County I'liynlclan.)
Cm 9 jiwMwrf promptly r mifmt
i? m w ihM S CT, tmlm '
mm tfmlm ifmm
N. W. Sanborn
AdmiiHoii liliM'k 1'rlni'vlllr
Olflc. with 00. W. Iliuurt
yWmtn'r, m m Off
W. 1. M VI' US
(). C. YOUNG
'rni'lli' In nil nnitti. KiwUt Hvnilon In
walrr ritliu, luiinuou uU urluilual J. l.'m-ii.
Culrwr fmtim, OrfH
Dr. John Hubaek,
jitp Vpitrtnrjf Siiritrun V Armjr.
Alt furnuiil VUtrk t KriiiKi.Mv
tUmilton Sublet.
PriniU, Or.
fuank mi:nkii:e
The Palln - .
CMmt. S. Cimmr Jf. P. SStnmp
Belknap d Cdwards
iPrintm'ilm; Off
SI. Cllioti,
SPrintmilU, Ortftm.
C. SSrimk
Jtttrtmt, iPrimfillt,
G. L. Ul-kNII-R
Will praollt In all tt OourU.
Omot nxt duor tu Dr. rUanbni'a,
frlnevllln, Onvon,
Hoim-cteaJ locations
a specialty
iPhytitlan mm J Smrfrmm
CiUM Aumni 1'wmrri.T Oar oa Niuirr
I urni' ()( Itooa HoitTH or AoaiMuK'a
liatHiHToRtt. Hotli oQlceau rJ
! fXvucm uaUvhouvm.
Dr. J.TrcKcllcs Fox
Oi-nrnl and f iitwrullv. HurKory; HvnliTt. and
; lit of iii'iimt: MHlwir.-rv, anil imium.
; of Wniiwn and t'lillUrfn; Tli Allinenlary
; ('ai)iil, unit Iligiwllon,
1 Attmlancp ft! OITlw, Main Sf., Tuaatlnra,
; ThnriMliiya, nnd Hlurtlaya,lu& p. in, Othtr
f ttmi'a ou rail.
For Sale."
One grade Clydesdale Stallion, com
ing 4 vears old, weighs 1700 pounds.
Call on or write S. E. Prose, Prineville,
Oreiion. 3-2D-4t.
Homestead Relinquishment.
160 acres; 10 acres plowed; Al home
rtoad. If interested drop a line to
Piistoffice Box 304, Prineville, Oregon.
a-23-4tp. ,
Cows for Sale!
Some Extra Good Milch
Cows for Sale. Call on
phone or write, H. E. Ride
out, Proprietor
Fairview Stock Farm
Prineville, Oregon
$ Smith & Allingham, Props.
Champ Smith's old stand.
Imported and Domestic I
Imported Wines
For Sale.
Crenm Separator, 760 llm. an hour,
wind mill top and Hiilkey Plow.
For pnrticiilara nee John Mattaon,
Prineville, Oregon. 2-l-tf.
Sale of left on hand SuiU
and Overcoats.
$22.50 SuiU $15.00
$30.00 SuiU $20.00
$45.00 SuiU $25.00
$30.00 Overcoats. $20.00
$25.00 Overcoats . , $ 1 8.00
CORMLEY, the Tailor.
Winter Layers are Profit Payers.
My pen at U thmouuMirl Wlitltt
XVyNiuldttf lnKI XVi I'b'K" JftiMlurr,
IVii now nmlwl. Fuk I'iOO jwr 15,
5 mr (t'til of ImUh gunrnittiMvl,
I'nH or writ, K. K. Kvaui trnnviUo
Oruu. 2 1 HI
Hotli fr PuMtcutioit
Vir(itiiit ul On ltit rUir,
V, . 1111 KHUP I !' IHU , Ort'tfuH.
Mr. h Mill,
N"ttc U hnly ttlv'ti tlmi linlri triorlt,
til 1'rinwllU'. irri, lto, on AfMl attt.1
lr BW V, AUI H), MH'llkM it', lWtitil
ll. mhAIi Unn 1H r-t. WllUtiK'tttf M. rl-iuti,
flvi-pr tnml, hi mlnbUth t'Utlu I" t lit Imul
tavf tvto rlt-?.!, tirhtr Murrrii tuwti, l'4tin
llic 1MU (t ill Atll. l'U
t'tKllttAItt lUmM M WiltM'i'! Itllitirf VV,
ralKhilil. WMii O. I rat.,. Aiuri t, rui,
KrMHli A, lltithlU ol rrtnttlr, on tt.ti,
a J.ip C, W, MouKK, li.ui.i.f.
ConUit Not let.
U.B, Umt OrlU-ri llm nlip, Ornvm
A HMffli'lt'Ml htii( ttlflilnvtl IuivIiik mn
IH(d ht Ui) oiTUv hv KrtUM'l V, riithl, sn .
Uwttkitt-hhIhI liiutHMiifHil fnirf Ntt.
titnUii Mitivh 17, ."IU, rrw' Hm tiiili M.iown
NhlM l Huitlll. Khhki H Ktt.l, tMlttiHHllr
MrtitUn, tr l-Htl It Johtmiti, wmti ti- , In
whlt h It lit nll- tf. a Ihal Mlt IahiU M. JhI.u.
wilt lm wholly ntouttiltiitrtl imiI Irntt fir
ititin Umn l ttH'tUh lut titt t
Intel U not ttitliMl ui)ii ntut ruliivati-l lv
hi wriY HHiulntl (y Imw; tlml ihl ul
lMMnrv wt not tltte In tiWrtnt)!tvinMil
Hi Hit nnr niivv or nmrtnt r v (,f t,,
l'nhi-4. Hhiu tit tltito ir WHf. Hnul fmrMori
mm lMrlv notldt-U in apinr, rt ttint mtl
titter pvhtfiiw (oiu'dlnt i,l nltitfndMii Hi u
oVltt. lt h. in. on April , lull -Mv T, K. J.
I' Ify, K uttlnrv iihlliMit lllaoltlr In lflm
vlllp, OntMit, tiutl Hint (Int.) licit rtnic will Im
hf Id Ml 0 tV!i k m in. on April V, mil,
nin tint Kt-vUtrr hii4 HMlvrrttl llm l utU il
Htnlr iilitil Oftlao lit TH' ltlt, Oiventt,
Ttw Ml! imtitlHiit n pruir, Ulrtl rrt.nmfv - U1, i .rll, im. im
wlilt'li ilutw Hint rttr ttiif lihg iif t. rottntii
Hprvlrvuf HiU rmthv ran ni If nmv. It I
(trtty nl'rrcl ml tllrtM ni Itrnt itiit tttitu
If Klvrit lijf du Wltl niHr tHtMUttltntt.
- U v, lnuUK It-nui.r.
Coot cut Notic.
JVprtm,n of th tnirrior,
IT. H. Uml UtlH-o t Thr t)nm Orrfoii,
t'Vttrunty Vt lull.
A wl1Hfiit fftn.t nftlilavl' tntvlnif mn
fllml til till tirtti'ff tiy lii nrHo W. ( ijtimil. .
trlnl. nitnlttil hiMitrxtritil rntry N. llMfti,
nmiltf Juiip 8. IttOT, fur Mt nfS, tS w't, imt1.
mi imMiiIi '. lownttilp II Mintli, htnr I
tt( WtHin,tt MitIiIIhu. hf ItM'Ar I . Alt
ilt'rMitl, enttb-ftlre. In whli li It Ik nUitt( Hint
Mnitt ihuMr K. Amlrtiun Iium wlinlly nlnn
donml amIiI Imct fur tuutv tlmn oiit imHtilia
lnt 11, ttmt MHltl irnrt tutt wiilrd uMtu
and rulltvniml tty miIiI urtv tt r'iulrrtt ly
Inw; tlml lliwr' nre tin imnrttvpitK'nU wlmt.
tr tlifixni; tlml nnit ulj-itt'l lm inw Hut
not dun tti bin rniflnynti nt In Imp unity,
imvr or inn rim (ttrM of Hie fnHett Minu In
l Inw uf nr, 8ltl pttrllr nn ItrrWiy nottHt 4
tuninr, rttHn(t ntnl ntft-r rvltrin tucb'
tint tuilif nlltnttilim nt lu uVIn k a. m. nn
April Jli, lH,Vf,rtT. K J. iHitrv. nutnnr
public, nl hiit nrttct) III rlnvtU, Orftmi, nin,
Uml (Innl lii ttrltig will l lintd nt lOuVln-k n.
m. on A pit) 7, tfort tin H t titirittt
lttmlvtr nl Urn llntlfU Klub l-tvud im U
Tli linllr, Ortiton,
The sntfl riiititMnt imvltitf. In trtitt r f
tl.luvlU IU .! K-Irunry 7?. IDH, wt furth Tm'U
whtoli uliuw tttnl nflt-r due dllfe' in imtmmuiI
rvltw of thin nutlet) ran ttt T mntjts H
httviiy ortlf rfd nnd dtiwirU tlml cli nuttt!
tH' fivttti ty due nnd miM'r imtiltrnttun.
8-Ifp M(HHK, Kutr-r. I
Nutirt of Content.
fopftrtmentnf the Interior,
l iiltisl HuuhUmiiI, Tli litttlt (ro,
Man li .'l, Jt t -To
William It. Morxanol lu3 K,&tll(HiMHtniile,
ftnali,, fVntttntrt.
Yuit nn Imrt'dy ittliflid that BUm'tio WiUnii
who Ktvt-a I'rlni'trllltt, trfim, hvr iMwtuUit't
tlr.nii, did n Kt hrunry i, toil, tile in thi
ortlr' lu-r duly tttrntUirntt-d ati('Htion u run.
ttut and Mt'iirn ihtM-aiu ullittiuii nl yimr hump
Mtratt wittrr Nn. ftVi7, wrlnl Nn, U'mJ ntndo
Novemlwr la, luoy, ut w'4 my lluii sa. Town
liln n milKll 1ft 4M lllUU't Urrkdinii,
ltd it grtiund ftrhr (Ntutint nrnull,Ktn Unit
M&itl milltvm If. MorKn h wholly alutiidnin-d
aid inn t ol Imid fur ovor Rii rtmnth ptttti ;
tlml he hit Inlkd tu rtldr on HiPiiaid Innd for
mure than nix month : Hint he hmt Uo!ly
failml ti liinive and otiltlmtt Hie natd UfW t
uf laud ritilrtHl hy Uw oral all,
You aru, tlifnilnrrt, further nollilM (hat the
tmld klh RMiluni will In- taken hy th olh-, an
having-1'0 ion( Hd by yn( and your nald
ttnlry Hill Uft rnitoelmf therimiidtr ulllioiH
your furittpf rlRht to lw heard thi-rrhi, ritht-r
Uioro thli oltU o or on tptl, If yuti lull to lllti
In thta nlVire wllhln twrtity dnj allcr Hio
Foi'HTH itibllf'atlou o( thU iiotU )?, an hou
below, your nivpr, muUr oath, nbftitlrnlly
iiMHtlug and rMondtiiK to thoitu nll'-uatioii of
conu'nt, or If yon rU withlit that lluitt to niy
In thin office diifi prtMif tlml you Imvu m-rvod a
ropy of your ntinwttr on tin uaul runtvutiuit
ulihor In puriton or hy rotlnttr-ri mall. If fhl
rvhu itmde by the tUdlvury of a cpy d
your aiiHMfr to lh fotttwilftiu In i noit, proot
ufaunh hit v lev mut lt elthpr the nald ton.
tfntnnt'N wrutrn aoknowhdKtnfnt of hli ri'
celptof lhewpy.iihowiiiK I ho datu of lit rt'
telpt, or the amdavlt ot tliu pTwti by whom
tho delivery wan mado itatliiK wui-n and
where tho copy vt h ilrUvt-rt'd; tf iimdo by rt'Kin.
tirofl nmll, proof nl mu-h trvt tt nuiMt liointtHt of
thuntlldnvltof thopmoit by whoin thecuoy wui
mailed statin wht-n and the ixmloilU-H to
whltdi It wan nmilfd, and thia anidnvlt mum
ho a:t'Oi)ipHiiied hy the lrfxttumsUT'it nurvlpt
for ihu tutur.
You Hhniild ntnto In yam anivtT tho name of
the jHwloMii-e to which you fuutro
uotluca Ui w nam to you.
1. W. MOOIIK, R.'kIbUT.
Pat of ft rat piihll('Hion Miinhk), pdl,
I'MtuofaUtfond publlcutlon April 0, It'll,
Patunf third putdUntloii April 1. I 'll,
iJiUu ofiourth puhlkailoii April lull.
In tho circuit Court of tho Htatu of Oregon fur
J. H. Uray, and O, 0. Orny, PlalntlffK, v. Thr
bolla McDonald, Htdwoa tinlayiion, ami Flora
McDonald, dofcndanti.
To iHnhvlla McliotiHld, and Hohticca Klnlay
aon, dtifuinhinu almv tmnivd:
In the name id tho Htatw of Un gon, you aro
horoby ruuuln-d to appear ami Aiuwr llio
cotnpfalnt filed RKnintit you In Un til.uvi'-eii-titled
court and utilt, on or luiUim the iHttt riiiy
ofthv time pruHorlbed lu the order fur publf
cation of thlH nuiumonH, to-wtt; (he mth day of
April IDll, and if you fall toHoaimwor, fur want
tlMTeof, the pjalutlffx will npply to the court
for the relief (herein demanded, to-wtt:
That the defendant and each of them he re
(inlrod UM'tnt)linli thvlr (daim hi and to the
South half of iht ftiotith Whhl ouarler, And tli
Houlh half of theMouth Kattt quarter uf Hn iloit
ln(l(i), the Norlh Kant miarler. and th Nortfi
WoMt quarter of Heclloti Hlxteen (IK), and ti
Houth Kant quarter of the Mouth Went- nuartf
of Hectlon KiKliteen (!), the Morth Katitiiuarler
of tho Norlh Went quarter, and the North half
of the North Kant quarter of Mectlon NtTiolec
(lit) nil In Towunlilp Hlxleen (Ml) Houth. of
KaiiKu Nineteen (11) Kant of the Willmnetto
Meridian, In Crook County, Oregou, and that
a decree bu entered herein forever barrlnii tho
Hald defendauu, and each of them, and all
porHotiH claimliiK under, by or throiiKh them
or either of them from maklnu; or claiming
any liiterwt in and to nald laud or any part
thjoroof, and that plaiuiiliH be declared the
nwncfBli) H'enijn)iliMif bhI1 laud, and for Ructi
other and further order or decree ait may suem
meet In the prumUea, and fur the contn and
dltthtUNmemii of thht suit,
1'hiM nuiiiiiutin In nerved upon you by ord"r of
the Hot), VV. Ii. HradHhaw, Judge uf t he ahoye
entitled court, dated the ard day of February,
1WU, nd the date of Hie firm publication of
thtaeuinmouiilR March 'ud, 1011, and the date
of the Irk I publication thereof will expire
April mil, 1U11.
3--4-ia w. A. WKtX, Atly tor i'livintiffi.