bjf THE RESURRECTION OF MAN By JAMES A. EDGERTON (Cuprruhl by Ainarlon fnaa Auoclallun, 19111 Bf faith in man were music Hnd love of man were song, Chen might I eing a measure Co move the world along Its thcme,the Christ that is to be, Che Christ in all Humanity. Frlried by his sense illusions, LLI Himself man has denied, Fas scoffed the God within him Hnd has been crucified, Has borne his cross up Calvary, Che Christ in all Humanity. 1 fT Uf 7. - 1 s sit ' f u ''Si ! r I a ,; T V : ; V. ! 1 . '1 1 13? V: m I ? I ' :r-r .W . TL ' C.. low from his tomb self builded Et last he shall be freed. Chat will be resurrection Hnd Gaster morn, indeed! Hnd he shall know himself and see Che Christ in all Humanity. mhail him, the arisen, TOth lilies at his feet, Called forth by his own angels In resurrection sweet. Roll bach the stoneof self andfrce Che Christ In all Humanity. v f r.' j l wvmsnnnrjik Watch This Space For Announcement of New Lot Subdivision. Oregon & Western Colonization Co. John R. Stinson Chas. C. Lundy Crook County Agent. Prineville, - - - - - Oregon Spring Suits Have Arrived We beg to inform the public that our entire Spring line of Men's Suits are in and we have the nicest line ever shown in the city. We have your size now, do not wait untill the line is broken and then be unable to select what you want We will lay your size away for you. We have all the popular shades in gray, brown, tan, etc. etc Every Suit guaranteed to fit, wear, and retain its shape. FOSTER & HYDE & A SENTIMENT FOR EASTERTIDE m Eaeter eyemplfffce the trfumpb of Ufc. Wfc (o the supreme fact. Let ue believe only to Ufe, refusing to be domineered by the unsubstantial wraith called death, refusing to be diverted thereby from "the upward looking and the llgit." Chen will Gaster be to ue the most significant, the most Inspiring, the most uplifting of all the daye that dawn. Huntington & Wilson Attorneys Of The Ballon, Itmvo opened offloe In Portland, Oregon, Room! 80S-807 Lawii Building. llHlnra wnt to thorn from Crook County thmiiKh tlielrofllce In The Dull or direct In their l'orllnnii mldrem will reoelye prompt iflUmtlpu. l'uf llaud Fhone. Main 7S6. Seed Potatoes. Early Hose nd Burbink Seed Potar mi fur inle. . Herman & Koiuke. 3410 Clover Leaf Ranch Fort Rock, Oregon. Barred Plymouth Hock, Silver Spang e Hamburgh, Buff Orpington, (ioliien WyndottH, White Wyondott, and White Leghorn egga $2.60 for 15. Orders will have prompt attention. AH Al Btock, Hnesl that can be had, 1-5U C. E. Shaffer, Prop. DR. K. D. JvETCHUM Druglets Healer Spinal Adjustment and Dietetics a Specialty CONSULTATION FREE Hours 7,80 to lUm. 1 to S p. m. Calls answered promplly, . Rooms 16-17 Adamson B'dg. Bids Wanted ! ! tjjTo furnish 60,000 feet of lumber for sidewalks in Noble's Addition, to be delivered on the ground at the earliest possible date. Bids are also desired for the con struction of sidewalks complete, everything to be furnished by the contractor and lor the construction of such walks where all materials are furnished by us. Bids are also called for to level and grade the streets in Noble's Ad dition. For full particulars, call on or address A. R. Bowman, Selling Agent for Noble's Addition to Prineville, Or. Oregon Trunk Railway The Line Open for Passenger and Freight Business at Mo tolius, Madras ' and points north. Daily passenger train leaves Motolius 8:30 a. m., Madras 8:47 a. m., stopping at intermediate points, connecting at Fallbridge with the Inland Empire Express on "The North Bank Road," arriving at Portland 8:15 p. m. Leaving Portland 9 a. m, arrive Madras 7:45 p. m., Metolius 8 p. m. Trains carry parlor cars, first class coaches and smokers. Low Fares March 10th to April 10th During this period Low Colonist fares will be in effect from the middle west to all points on the Oregon Trunk Ry. From Chicago $33, St Louis $32 St Paul $25, Kansas City $25. Omaha $25, other points in proportion, via Burlington Route, Great Northern or . Northern Pacific Rys, The North Bank Road and Oregon Trunk Ry. This is a good chance for your friends to come to Oregon on about half fare. Round Trip Fares: Homeseeker's reduced round trip fares are in effect to all Oregon Trunk Railway poml3 the first and third Tuesday of each month from all points in the middle west Freight received from and forwarded to Portland, Spo kane and other points. R. BUDD, Chief Engineer, Portland, Oregon. J. H. Corbett,- Aget, Madras. Or. T. A. Graham, Agent, Metohus, Ur. ra CJ Ft S3 ri CJ r,.i J mis tJ r lea S3 r.a t J ri L J ra ca L J E3 C J r.a Seneral SSlacksmithing hobseshoeinq, wood wobk, etc., Nsailt and Promptly Donk When rr is Donb By s : : Slobert Hfoore Satisfaction -Will Be Guaranteed Prinevillk, Oregon. cj ea CJ CJ ca CJ CJ ca CJ r.a ca B3 ca ca CJ ca CJ ca CJ ra CJ ca CJ ra CJ ca CJ E3 CJ cji-JLiJiJjiJJCJv;utiJtJucuLjjcaf uuyiJkjui;ijULiLiijt:JuLULiUL,utiuuuuLi Crook County Agent For 191 1 REO and "APPERSON" 1911 Reo 4-30 Five Passenger fore-door $1,575. 191 1 Reo 4-30 Five Passenger Touring $1,500. 1911 Reo 4-30 Four Passenger Torpedo $1,500. v 1911 Reo 4-30 Two Passenger Roadster $1,150, Tho fore door and five passenger and four passenger are complete with glass front and top, the two passenger is without. 1911 Apperson 4-30, 40 h. r t.,,u..o. .nmnlntu t'rfl Pnrtland. 11111 Aniioraoii 4-40. 50 h. D. 7 yt u x. noowijsui vv"fw i " i - r . - - . Passenger complete (3250. Portland. Cara on display and will demonstrate at any time, ' . J, C. ROBINSON, Madras Oregon Free Auto Excursion to Prineville Heights Prinevtllc's latest residence district, just plaited and now on the market Buy a lot in Prineville's sanitary residence district on easy terms. No sloughs, marshes or mosquitoes. Less Irost than on the river bottom. Fresh air, pure water and an excellent view ol the city. City water will be conveyed to the property at our expense. Lots 40x114; prices range Irom $80 to $200. Hall cash, balance payable at $10 per month; 6 per cent on deferred payments, Examine the maps at our ollice. HENDERSON INVESTMENT CO. Prineville Hotel Building, Ground Floor Prineville, Oregon.