i Garden Seeds Flower Seeds Grass Seeds We have juit received a freah shipment of TREE TEA, which we were able to buy at reduced prices. We are giving you the benefit of this close buy and will sell one-half pound packages for 30 cents, and one pound packages for 50 cents. Have you seen our line of Drills, Harrows and Plows? It will pay you to come in and get our prices and look over our stock. Mr. Tillman Reuter has allowed us the privilege of being the exclusive headquarters for his GARDEN SEEDS. You are not taking any chances when you buy his seeds. Garden Drills Garden Hose Garden Fencing LOCAL MENTION Have Still inmlt a lniMlniiM trip to Mudru Tuesday. tiny l.afnllcttr returned from Port liiml the lust of the week. Thou. Sharp Jr. wna a liuidne vUltor thu flint of tli wik, Jcrntnc Kmu of l'iit wna clown cm tuialne I In' laat of the week. Ml Ada Mtire I the new book-kwM-r for thru. K. Meat Market. MIm IMiin Morrl -iit Saturday Hlllt Mullllliy Ht In HUP, Kile l tl'ltl'll- tn nt C'liiif Frill. Tin4 caffctcrla mipHT announced liy tlii Lintlm' Annex hit la-en In l ll ul t .-I jr postponed. tr. Julia McDuitlcl mill family irot lioini' Tucaduy evening from their (rip Id III. Id mid Kentucky. Mm. Carey (-'outer ot home the lum of the mirk from n vlitlt t'l Walla Wnllii. Hpoknne Hint other place. cieortfi- Myers In expected back thin wwk from New York City, wheru he ha tievu attt'lldlllK It wliool of I'm luiliiiliiK iiihI ilUliifectloii. A child' iriild rlliK wna pli'keil up on the street lh other tiny. i w n er can have miiiiu liy proving prop erty ami n Iiik fur thla notlee. I. I', Ailnnmoii rrttirneif from JVrtliui'l Momliiy. llii aaya that Ml Atl n Allen, who In very mYk wllh ptieiiuioiilii, waa soma Itclter the ilny he led. The C. C. 11. S. lelmtliiK tt'Mtu left ly unto thin inoriiliiK nt 5 o'clock for linker City. The debate will take phiee nt linker C'lty tomorrow evening, March III, Workmen lire busy pieparlnii to move the Ik'lkitnp Hull building, to n lot lienr the 1. . . I'. Hull on Nwotid Htret't. Thu building wim mild to I), K. Stewart. K.I llotlmiii I'lime In Simtliiy even ing with A new W h. p. Voile touring ritr. Iih a line looking, powerful machine that retail for 2I0H. Mr. HoiIhoii Ih the agent for the coiu pnny. Iter. Joel I.liiliigcr of ('entlli'toil hu Iiihmi calleil to the pastorate of the First l'resliytcrlun church of I'rliievllle. lie came lu the nrt of the week. I Hi family will Join him In June. (.'. .1. t'umtiiliig left Wednesday for Walla Walla, w hen- he will vli.lt for H couple of week, then h will go east to hi olil home In JnckHuu, Michigan, for u stay of a couple of month. Theiieniion to the firemen nt the rn'Mliyterhin chtinii taut Niinday morning wna well attended. There wan special iiiumIc. Rev. Hodge will leave this week for Alberta. Canada, where ho will Join hla fam ily. Ginghams Percale Prints Chambray Indian Head Persian Ruffling We Sell HOLEPROOF HOSE THE Mr. ami Mm. T. K. MiCuIIIm u-r came-In from rorllnuil Wnlnewluy. MImh Jemlu came In with her parent for a abort vlnlt. C. I'. Itnrtlett, district ileputy or. Kniilter for the Ilrotherhooil of American Vocnien, In yi Trlnevllle thla Wwk organising a lodge, lie moved hi family over from Red mond today. (1. V, Weill, wife nml mot her ar rived In I'rliievllle Kunilay from Ilnr hauk, Wiuh. Mr. Well, while look lug over thl country a abort time ago, decided that It wna a good place to live In. lie him an Irrigated forty near town. II. I. Oiiuliniii and wife wen-down from foot Ttreediiy for supplier. Mr. Dunham aaya that gran lu hi section atnrted off In flue shape thla prlng but lately the cold night haw given It a liackwt. He think the range will Ik' all right in a ahort time. 1'. J. Kurbush of the l ulveralty' riililUhlng Co. of rn-Attle, arrived lu I'rliievllle the laat of the week. Mr. I'lirluiHli l 'on the rocka," ao to HM'ak. He la hero lu aearch of heallli. Ho will vlalt lila aoua who who have homealenda In Crook county. Engineer are platting a towimlte near Young'a poatotllce. It will lie tlltiTii mile from Matlra at the mouth of 1'orter Spring canyon. It leiM-ctvd to lie the ahlpplng and dlMtrlliutlng point for the lower Unycreek country mid the Trout crct'k aectlon. Matlraa I'Iuiiiit: W. F. King and Wm. I'ancake of I'rlnevUlu were In town TucHilny nml Wcdiieatlny, Mr. King looking after a largv ahlpmeiit of freight that came In iver the Ore gon Trunk I.lue to Madraa, ami Mr. l'liiicnke looking after building material and lumlier with aliliii to complete aome large contract he ha under way at rrliievllle. Mailraa I'lonecr: T. K. McCalll ter of Crooked ltlver brought In another large baml of mutton Hheep Tuetlay evening. They were loaded on the car yeaterday to lie ahlpped to thu Portland murket. Mr. Md'a'- HaUT Iiiih made avveral ahlpmenta of Hheep from thla point and ulao Iiiih about head more that will he ready for ahlpment lu the next few week. Krnuk Johnaon got buck the laat of the week from Krvtuio, CalllornlH, where he went for hi father and inother. The. old folka were de lighted to ride Into Crook county on a railroad. They have lived here fort v-oue yeara and for the greater part of that time were hopeful of experiencing aucu a trip. Mr. Johnaon'a eyea werd operated ou while In CalHornla but without giv ing much relief, She la not In very good health. J. E. Stewart &. W. F. LOCAL MENTION T. M. Kaltlwln left Tueadny on a bualneaa trip to Portland. A. H. Colllna returned the flrat of the week from a trip to the Wil lamette valley and Washington. He dhl not aee a place that nil ted him aa well a hla home In Crook county. Volume I, No. 1, of The lccliutea Valley Tribune Iih lieen received ut thla olllce. It la ptibllHued fit Culver by Chandler & Young. It la a neat 5 column quarto Ailed with liewa of Ita wot Ion. The Kuatern Star o-lebrati-d the lllteenth annlverary of IheeatabllHli luent of the order In PrinevHIe, Mon day, March 27. There waaalltrrary program which waa followed by re-fn-ahment. Mr. Kenyon, who tin had charge of the mualc At the MethodUt church for aeverul week, left Monday tor hla home In Portland. Mr. Kenyan deaervea much credit for the excel lent work be did while in Prlnevllle. J. (,'. Itoblnaon of Madraa Inform ua that he waa the flrat to - receive a carload of autoa over the Oregon Trunk. Ho ahlpped In four new I too. One for Dr. Snook of Mudraa, one for Bnyre & Ilendricka of Mad raa and one for J. It. Couch of Luld law. The remaining car he haa ou dlaplay at hla garage. The revival acrvlcea at the Metho dlat church will cloae next Sunday evening. Splendid apeclal mimic will la? rendered with a aermon by the pantoron "An Inaurgent ('onmience." The theme at the- morning aervlee will be, "The Divine Illumination." There will I a baptlamal aervlee at the morning hour. Kveryone la wel come. Jno. M. Hugglna, piuitor. John Dlvln returned from t.oa Angelea Krltlay, where he apent the winter. Mr. Dlvln think Southern California a delightful country to live In, but If you are young and want to get a atnrt lu the world, Crook county beat It nil to piece. Mr. Devln left for Paulina Saturday to look after hla Intereata In that aectlon. l.uiicii Tour tot and I-on Vial ru-compauled Mr. Dlvln ou hla Journey home. S. C, Iturtrum of Koaeburg, auper vlaor of the I'mpqua National Foreat, annouucea hliumit a a can didate for the olllce of State Force. tor. Thla la a new poaitlon created by the lat logUlaturo under the forent tire law. Mr. Itartrum la well qualinud for the olllce to which he aapliea. He haa ben a auixTvlxor for the government aince XK and la well and favorably known to" our aheep and cuttle men who have run atock in the Umpiiun rc-vcrve. Ilu ia electee! by a board compoaed of rep. roHentntlvca of the alieep and cattle iiieu'g aaaoclatlouaand atateotllclala. New Goods at Soisette Suesine Dimity Long Cloth Lawn India Linen KING COMPANY The city council haa ordered the city engineer to erect moiitnnent throughout town. Thla la done In order that people may know their corner. I Mr. tollman of Metollu and Mr. Pleraon, editor of the Metollu Ore- gouian, with a party of friends were caller at the Journal ollice laxt Saturday. The Prlnevllle llaaebull Club waa organl'd laat Saturday evening. I M. Itechtel waa electinl enptalu 1 ami Tom Qtilun, manager. The proHocta look good for a atroiig team thla aeaaou. W.J.Schmidt of Summit Prairie aaya that thla haa Ikvii an uuiMunl aprlng In hla part of the county. leretofore there haa alwaya la-en plenty of graaa by thla time of the ye ir hut audi la not the cane thla year. They "came back," I. c, the mar ried men beat the alngle fellow laat Sunday by a acore of i to 3. Thla ia the flrat time lu Ave years that they have been able to do It. There was great enthusiasm from atart to Mulsh. A choru choir of the Methodlat church, compoaed of about twenty, five voice and assisted by Luckoy'a orchestra, la working on an Kaslor cantata to lie given Kaater night. Subject, "The lCuster Evungol," by Loreni. 11. J. O'Nell, traveling freight and passenger ugunt of the Oregon Washington Knilroad, la iu Prlue vllle thla week looking up biislneM for hla company. Thla la not Mr. OTSell'a lirat visit by any means, and aaya the oftener he cornea the better he likes It. lie likes the way ople meet atraugera. They are glveu the glad-hand and mtide. to fet'l at home. Another thing he like lu Prlnevllle aud that ia the absence of knocking. Itnllroud men. In going around the country, hear lots of that aort of thing, lie aaya, but while here he dldu't hour a word. That'a why be likea the place and is coming back. The Oregon Trunk haa reached Culver Junction. The Deschutes Valley Tribune of March .':!, says: "Many residents of this locality were In town on last Saturday to witness the advent of the Oregon Trunk railroad to Culver Junction. Much delay haa ls?en experienced be cause of the necessity to supply water cara for the construction tralr, but now the track-laying crew ia en gaged every day lu extending the line further south. It will only be a few days until the line will reach Crooked River, where the large bridge Is to lie built. Everything Is In readiness to begin operations on this bridge aa soon ua tho track ia 1 lid, and material may be taken over the new line to the brink of the canyon." Pillows Cotton Blankets Bed Spreads Ticking Duck House Lining LOCAL MENTION The Wlnnek Co. la enlarging and otherwlae Improving the Interior of ' lla tore. j The Ladle' Aid of the Methodlat .church will bold their Kaater aale at ! the church April 7. Do not forget i the date. j Chaa. C. Connolly of Devll'a Jjike, ; North Dakota, hna lieon In Prlnevllle for the past few days looking over the country. PnUeore Tbey say tbers are 101 va riolic of rice known in China and Jnpan. Patrice ADd when the wedding Delia are beard the rk-e begin to jump rigbt out of tba ground! Yonkers States man. Summar Forecast. Bummers dead and none remind ua We ettall meet tnem. aa of jrore lfise Sllmly up In lofty mountains. Mim Shapely where tn billow roar. Hue. Shore Dinner For Comet Partis. Comet Tall Soup. SudGsu. Moouflsb. Starfish. Halleybut. Milky Wbey. -New York Mali. Just 8o Exlt coal man. also weed man. Iceman lakes th plac of theae. We mult pay lo thaw In winter And In aummer pay lo freexe. Boston Transcript. Dressing the Part. "That fellow is daffy oo patents. Isn't be?" "Yes: be even wears patent leather boots."-Baltimore American. i Do You Know Your Corners. j The city council has ordered the city i engineer to set permanent corners i throughout Prineville. Lots can be lo I cate.l cheaper now thsn at any other 'time. It. L. BaawsTsa, city engineer, 3-30 It Oratorical Contest. The annual oratorical tryout contest will take place at the Club Hall next Monday evening. The Ochoconians have six contestants and the Alphas eleven. These young people have spent much time and energy on their orations and while all cannot win places in the final contest they have received valuable training in this. work. Following are the names of the contestants with their respective . subjects: Leola Estes "Heroines of Shakespeare." Nora Livingston "Opportun ities." William Criswell "The Man Without a Country." Stewarts Company, Georgia Cieek "Value of Myth ology." Mamie I'ailey ''Character." Adolphus Meyers ''Strength of Puritanicm." Charles Loutber "The Courage of the Commonplace." Blanche Wilson "The Mission of Flowers." Maude Potter "Power of Edu cation." Elmer Martin "Masters of Our Own Destinies." v Vivian II inkle "Abraham Lin coln." Wilda Nye "Culture a Neces sary Quality for Succefi." Corinne Coffin "The Conserva tion of the Nation's Forests." Verna Smith "Friends That Never Fail." Gladys Doak "The Value of Ideals." Boy Louther "Ancient vs. Mod ern Barbarism." Vernon Bell "The Simple Life." The judges are, Mrs. John Wigle, Lewis Wylde and Geo. L. Bernier. At the Lyric Theatre. Friday and Saturday "Ranch Girl's Legacy," "Navajo's Bride." Sunday and Monday "Cleopatra," "Mr. A. Jonah and the Rival Cooks." Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday "Law of the West." "Catching Fish," "A Curious Invention." Hay for Sale. Stack rye hay ; about 11 tons. Ad' dress P. 0. boi 304, Prineville, Ore gon. S 30 4-Z7p Ranch for Sale. 160 acres ; 60 acres in cultivation ; all fenced: good house, barn, chicken houae, wagon Bhed, root bouse, out houses, etc. Terms reasonable. Ad dress P. O. box 304, Prineville, Ore gon. 3-30 4-27p Dog Lost Fox Terrier bitch, answers to name of Monday. Return to Thos. Sharp Jr, and receive reward, 3 30 4-6 New Goods. A. H. Lippman & Co. bave a straight car of Iron Bedsteads on the way here. Also another car of Wall Paper and Linoleum. These large shipments give vou an unlimited stock to select from Bedrock prices. 3-30 Sideboard for Sale. Quarter sawed oak, large mirror. Cost (25 in Cortland, will be sold for $16 if taken at once. Inquire at this othce. Eggs for Setting. Genuine, Full Blood Rhode Island Reds. Eggs $2 p-sr setting. Collins W Elkins Store. 3-23-lmo-p Sheets Sheeting ' Pillow Cases Tubing Muslin Handkerchiefs High School Notes. The warm weather of the past few week haa reminded us that spring ia upon us. The boys have not been slow to recognize it and have swarmed the diamond nearly every evening. Track and field events are also receiv ing their just attention. Althongb this is new to thestndents here a wealth of material haa reiorted for work and ia showing op well. The state university has recognised ns by inviting us to send a team to the state meet in May, and onr boia will give a good account of themselves. Our students are eapable of good work in any department of ath letics. We are glad that it is not in this line only that we excel. Class work ia still most excellent, aa the number of honor students below will show. Our debating team Van Brink, Clar ence Rice and F.tbel Klann -under the direction of Mies Par rot t, left Wednes day morning for Baker City, where they will meet representatives of that high school Friday evening. Monday night occurs the preliminary Oratorical contest. Great interest is being manifested and those who have heard previous contests expect a good team will be selected for the final on Friday evening, April 7. We are sorry to lose some of our students. Abbie Wilson is holding down a claim and Aaron Hoffman felt it necessary to work at home. Ilda Cohrs, May Vanghn and Clark Morse have also left. We all sympathise with Grace Reams who has been forced to atop her school work temporarily be cause of the serious illness of ber father. The new lawn is growing nicely . and the board has ordered a new fence around the entire campus. It will be a great improvement. Plana are on foot to put trees around the groundp, which will give the high school a more homelike appearance. The present corps of teachers have been re-elected. These with the new man for manual training will give ns an unusually strong teaching force. Some of the students are planning to attend summer school. The "A" students are: Freshmen Leland Belknap, Lncile Cook, Hazel Cowan, Robert Lister, Arthur Michel, Evelyn Milliorn, Laura Mingers, Elmer Thomas, Alta Wright. Sophomore Theresa Bundy, Mabel Doak, Leola Estes, Vivian Hinkle, Robert Kester, Bersch Livingston, Roy McCallister, Holland McCallister, Robt. Osborn, Maude Potter. Juniors Mamie Bailey, Wm. Cris well, Corrinne Coffin, Nora Livingston, Verna Smith, Wilda Nye. Senior Blanche Wilson, Ethel Klann, Lotta Smith, Fay Baldwin. Irregular Wilford Belknap, Edna Estes. Stcoent. We Sell White Sewing Machines A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE