The W. F. King Company The Place to Buy drills; plows, harrows, farm machinery 7" The Steel Frame. Large Diameter Axle, Force Feed,' Superior Grain Drills, do not need any boosting. Ask anyone who now own or has ever owned a Superior. BOTH WHEELS DRIVE ALL THE FEEDS. This is a very important feature to consider when purchasing a drill We can furnish Grass Seeder Attachments, Gang Press Attachments, and a seat or foot board with any size drill. .. , ., . Our compfete line of WALKING PLOWS, DISC PLOWS, SPRING AND PEG TOOTH HARROWS are as good as any on the market Come in and let us show you our line of machinery. It will only take a few minutes of your time and will very probably be the means of saving you considerable money. THE W. F. KING COMPANY LOCAL MENTION . I'M Hinttli In a litmlmiM vlaltnr tliln Wii'k, It. Ilncilfii wit In Prliii'vllli' from 1'iMt Tumilny. OtU I, "it ii ii wrh In Prltit'Vlllo on IhlIucm Monday. V. W. Ilrown ol IMhIit, wun IiiihIiipkH yUllor Mulliliiy. 'I'hi'ii, MIiikit liuiitf lit tlio I'osti-r i'xIhIo proiwrty on Fourth atrwt it lew ilivs nun. Mm. J oil ii It. Rtliison nrrlvi'il t lu ll r I of tlie wit-It from HI. I'ltul. Tin' Htlimoim will in nke tlii'lr home Ihtw fur tlti prvwnt, Sumliiy NvrvlvM nt ln I'nlon fliim h. 10 ii. in., Itllilc mhool. II ii. in., niu'lilnir, 'litl hitiiioii to tin Kutiiliiy Scliool liy tht' ntor. 0:110 A. m., V, mrlcly. 7::u, pvhii IO'Ht Kcrvlif. 0. II. Ilnllcy, I'lMtor. The liulli of t lio Annex will give n Cnffi-tiTla HiipNr nt the ('lull Hull April Int. 8upKr , will Imk wrveil from 5 until nil nn IhIh-I. Ilnlfof ll priK-iviU will lx ulvi'ii to tlie Crook County llljill Scliool. The dinners of (lie Mmlrna country, known pollivtlvfly its tlm Minima I'nlon Wnrvlionw coinpiiny, aohl ilii'lr IioIiIIiikn of wliciil for ah Avcr n It" prlii- of tUI ceil In per IiiibIh-I. Tlii-iv nn About 60,01)0 liuaht'l In (In' wiiri'liouw. - 'rim ork of muM-nilnir Crook i-ountr will noon Ik- under way lu nil parts of the county. A lurirrr force ot ilepiitliw will lie iimmI III the rli'hl work (linn ever before, ami ii rotnpleto mtmnxmeiit will tie the nunlt. The Mertlmtit of Venice, up to lute," Klveu nt Cotniiicrelul Hull Krldny erenliiK liy the liltili school ntndenlH drew u Ug house. The illfferent l,ir,' "ere well Mimtiiliietl nuil iniiiiy Iniicluilile altimtloiis tie reloix'd. Thu mMH'likltle were nool nml received henrty Hpiliui. Ihvlue wornlilp nt the I'renliyterl n ii rliuri'li next Sundiiv - mornliiK Mnrch UMli, nt which thoCoiniuiinlon of the I.ord'H Supper will Ih' iIIh penned. A full nlteliilitnt'u of the lucinhcrshlp of (he I'hiirvh Ih eiirti I'Hlly requested. AImo a ronllul liivl tutlon (o ot hern In licrcliy Rlvro. J no. (I, IIoiIkch, Minister. County Hiipcrluteiulent Fold last week vlnlteil the new suhoollioiise at Pine Itiiliin. Tills la new achuol dis trict tiiktm from l.oii l'lnu ami 1 mniita iliHtriet. At mi entertainment iriven to mine funds lor an ornn nd other things fill" win realised. Mr. Kurd coiiiinciidii the nrw school district for tlx loyal spirit shown In all school mutters. Tim new schoolhouse l rll.t up-to-date. Modern ventilation, lrne lilacklHiurdii around th room, glolxsa, dictionaries, etc., rilit Mt liaml. Mint (.trace liudii ta tlio teacher. Mr. Hhnltuck returned home Hiiii duy. MIm I'.hIih l Imck from a trip to MitilniH. Mm. Holicrt Zevely left Tuesday for 1'ortliiiid. Kit HoiImoii hit returned from hU I'orlluiid trip. MIhs lluttle tjulnn wan In town the llrat of the week. John K li nicer, the tionuMiinn, la In 1'rlnevllle thla week. Mm. Unllcy la "till conllncd to Iter lied with rheiimiitlaui. J. II. Templcton returned home Monday from I'ortlnnd. Horn Sundiiy, March 12, to the wife of A. II. Holler, n aon. . C. Yoiiiik wna lu from Culver Tuemlny. Alex Thomson citme In the Unit of th week from I'ortlnnd. ". W, Johuaoii mid wife left, Tin--day (or n two wii-ka' trip to Tort Innd. Frank Johuaon left Tuesday for I'n-Hiio. Cnllfornlii, where Ida uiolher la itilu alck. A illnpiiU h Ironic The Diillca atntra that the llrat newly winla to ride over the Oregon Trunk were Cnrl Wlndoin and Mlaa Vernn Howard. Thu ta hlatory innde. ' John K. Morris la receivlnii atock fur hia furniture atom. Heveral wairiin loads came in yentenlay and toilay and mine wilt follow thla week. Two car loads of furniture arrived for Mr. Mor ris at Motollm lat week. The drat train ol colouista from the K.ant (or Central Oregon arrived at Madras hint night. There were 230 homeaeekers fiom St. I'aul. Others are exarted daily. 1'.. K. McClnrnn, a I'ortlnnd arcl tect wna lu I'rlnevllle the fimt of the week. Mr. d-Clnrnn drew lip the pinna and speelfkiitloiia for the new Crook County Hauls building. It la to lie a hniiiUoine atriicture. C. II. Allen or the Meadow Hrook ranch on the Utile Deachute wna In I'rlnevllle thla week. Mr. Allen report three feet of anow lu hla aiH-tlon which la melting very faat. A year ko Mr. Allen thought he had aold hla ranch tor 110,000, hut the price of a cream m-parator knocked t lie deal In the head. To day Mr. Allen would not Hell for f:W,(KH). Kevlval aervlcce at the Methodist church will lie continued over Sun day wltli the pnater prca-hlng both morning mid evening. Wo welcome everyone to help ua In theee aervlc-ee who Ih Inten-ateil lu ChrlHttnn work. Subject Sunday morning, "The Coro nation ol ' Man." Kvenlng, "The l'ntlence of tlod." A lurge cliorua of little glrU under the direction of Mr, Kenyon will remler Heveral aclectlonH In the evening. J no. M. lliigglna, paator. City Buys 100,000 -Feet of Lumber The city council had aerial meet ing today at 10 a. ui. A contract was let to Hhlpp A 1'erry foi 100,000 feet ol lumber for crosswalks and bridge, the lumber is to ! deliverl not later than May 15. The contract was let for I M.7! ier thoimand feet. The order wsl made at this time for the completion of a sidewalk from Ochoro to Tenth on the east aide of Main atreet. The mayor was authorised to have a permanent survey made ot the Hrat addition, which will fix the matter ol the angle from Main street to the court house ou Third and other streets east ol Mnin. The chairman of the Committee on Health and Police was empowered to construct a dog ami cattle pound in the Ochoco vlly directly north of the Cornell barn in Filth atreet. The Pioneer Cream Co. E. K. (lllleuwuu-r of l'oat, Ih In Prluevllle today. John Bloaa of Item!, wna It Prlue vllle yeaterday. Taxes Coming In. Sheriff Ralfonr ieorts between $00, 000 and $70,000 taxes received np to and including March 15. The clerical force has been working over time to catch np with the work during the past tew days. Wednesday morning I'd, 000 had been turned in by the sheriff, but a big rush was anticipated at the last moment to get in and save the S per cent discount Taxes become delinquent the first Monday in April when a penalty of 10 per cent will He added and interest charged at the rale of 1 per cent a monlli, but if you pay one-half of your taxes before the first Monday in April the time for paying the balance will be extended to the first Monday y.f Octo ber without coat. If you weie not able to take advantage of the 3 er cent dia count just keep the other dutua in mind as it will save you money. The Pioneer Cream Company is now located" in tlieir new quarters on Main street. The huililing was fitted up especially lor" the com pany and under a long lease marks a new epoch for the email farmer in Crook county. When the creamery busineeii waa opened two yearn ago the mat ter waa one of debate whether it would pay so far from a railroad. The growth of the litiineH has been the et anwer. During the two year the plant has been open or biininoHH all cream has been bought that has been offered in this part of the county.' Checks have been issued regularly on the 15th of each month to the pro ducers. The new quarter will en able the company to do good re tail business in cream, buttermilk, etc. The ice cream made by thin company is unexcelled snyT-ht-re. The special products in lhi line, including ice cream brick, will be a feature during the coming year. Careful attention is given to special orders and the people are fortunate to get the best in this line at home. The O.K. Meat Market Revival Meetings. The meetings at the Methodist church have grown in interest and will continue throughout the week. . Kev. W. I.. Wilson, ol Hedinond, Oregon has been assisting the pastor. lie will remain until Friday night of this week. The meetings will be continued Sunday and next week with the pastor in charge, assisted by Krneet Kenyon, gospel singer. See announcement of subjects elsewhere." Please make it posmble to attend. J no. M. Hugging, pastor. For Sale at a Bargain, One pair geldings six yearB old wfeight U00 each. K. O. Wkhiiit, 3-1(1 Hip O'Neil, Oregon. rates, this firm will carry the best fruits and vegetables in the market. The, low express rate will enable them to give the beet at a reason able urice. Tlnf band boy dewerve a big crowd at their dance on March 17. Keep It In mind. i Notice to Contractors. Notice Ih hereby given that the underpinned will receive Healed IiIiIh for the grading, graveling and Im provement of Third atreet In the city of I'rlnevllle, Oregon, from I) street In the original pint, to 1 Htni-t In the Fourth addition, both IncliiHlve, according to the plana and siieclli callonH now on file In the otllce of Itny HreWHter, city engineer; nil IiIiIh tot tiled with the city recorder of the city of I'rlnevllle, at or before 10 111 o'clock In the forenoon, Satur day, March 2.1th. 1011. The linderHlgned rexervea the right to reject nnv and all bide. ilnt. d this loth day of March, 1911. Ukokuk Noiii.i:, Chairman of the committee on HtreetH nnd public ImprovementH. The 0. K. Market which is now located in the new Mating build ing, commenced business in Prine ville in August, 1905, when Tom and Fred Stroud bought the market then owned by Joe Crooks. Being cattle men of considerable experience, the Strouda have built up a Bubstantial business until to day, in their new location, which waa built especially for their bu-4-nena, they are equipped to handle a large volume of business a? easily as any shop in interior Oregon. Many conveniences have been placed in the new building that will l)e appreciated by the public, as well as being a financial saving to the proprietors. A large re frigerator room that will store enough meat for several days' busi: ness is in commission, and the tight window, where the fruits and vegetables will be displayed, is another convenience. Since the completion of the rail road to Metolius and the corre sponding reduction in freight All Work Guaranteed. I have lust returned from my trip to the country and am ready to take care of your eyea In the same care ful manner ax In the pant. All work fully guaranteed or money refunded. r.vea teHted; gimmes tilted. lilt. W. J. ( UIIT1S, AdiuiiHon Riilldlng, Hoonis 14 and 11. Wanted to Rent A good five, six, or seven room limine, In good condition. Enquire, Dan, care of Jordan & Co. 3 tf Girl Wanted. Itauch work; steady employment; good wages. Apply to En Si.ay tos. S--4t. Eggs for Hatching. Krom best strain ol S. C. White Ieg horns; good winter layers; S2 per 15. Mux. J. K. Adamsox, I'riueville, Ore. 2 23 2m. Wood for Sale. 1 have a quantv of wood for sale, Ii. V. LoMi. I'riueville, Ore. . 3-i)tf UK. U. D. KLTCIIUM Drugless Healer Spinal Annulments and Dietetics CONSULTATION FREE Hour ?;0 to 12 a. m- 1 to 5 p. m. Culls answered promptly. Rooms 16-17 Adamson B'dg. Notice to Creditors. Nnttre is hereby given, by the u rulers! f?ne1, the H'tininUtrix of the estate of HeuUer ,1. Lively, leeeet, to all persons hnv hiE claims asint suit! deceased to present the NHtue to the nmierHiRiied at the office of M. R. Ktliotl, in I'riueville, Oiviton, with the proper v our horn, wiihin nix mouths from the drat piidlit-ation of this notice. italed this 23rd day of Feb., ANNIK A. UVKI.Y, - AdminUtrix ot Estate ol Fletcher J. Lively, IHt-eased. 2-23 Opening Sale of Lots in Noble's Addition To the City of Prineville Tuesday, March 21,1911. The Most Desirable Residence District in Prineville, adjoining the orig inal townsite immediately on the west, only four blocks from the business cen ter of the city. GRADED STREETS Parking Strips, Building Restrictions, Sidewalks all without additional cost to purchasers. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN And easy terms on the balance. Special inducements to homebuilders. See me at once for full particulars. A. R. BOWMAN, Selling Agent. . We Handle Both D. M. Ferry's and Lilleys . Garden Seeds Fresh Stock No Old Seeds. Garden Seeds Planet Jr. Garden Cultivators If you raise even a very small patch of garden, you need one of these seeders. THESE GOODS NOW IN STOCK. ONION SETS We have just received a big supply of the best bottom sets, Price 15c per pound. J. Eo Stewart & Company.