IMPROVEMENT IN HORSE BREEDING Nearly nil Him slules In nnrih. WtWl IlllVlf IllklMI N HmIv Stlllll uii the riKltliiii of ii lil I im In ili lin. I'rnveuit'tit of liiirxflliuli, V refer In in riici mm lln-ao aliilos hsve vuui'ted rlil Mullluii ri'ulNiruiluu laws,. laws Unit, If viifiiri'ed, will show hi evarr Nlnllloil ml Mil 1I10 Hi u lug f air , in i ill-Mi Inn txilu ns to liroedltiK mill 10 iniiltlt mm iiiiinlltulluii. It i-i-uiiiliia Willi III inuro onnur wliilur Im will iikVu li in. mi of hi, opportunities ant work luniuil I'ouatiiut liiiiroYouiiit of lila limn stock. Ir. Alrnnuder of th Im'IIIIhIu alllllull lllv III fllllllWllIK sound ailvl. lu inn re owners: (iiiiiiinin ijriiOliiK up Hi funii bnrao slink by matin carofully se Im'ti'il. sound, aullnlil iwiroa with sound, pr'Hitiiit, luuariihir, ur lrl n ill-li'Dsl atnllloiia. t'olilllimi Ireiir after Year In nan lin best I'lilnlnnlilo mr ln0 stallions of Tli ('luarful br.l nf drafl htii-M la uptiiHr In Canada, M waa Inliixlw nt In M1 Tlio r anll la I Iml Canada liaa toil una Ivps of dialler, au.l II la a o.t "iio. ' H aniiHi la true of aVollmid. lmn tliri Cldsilala ttt-dinliilm. Hi" riilMl.ila alnlllun ahown aot la uf iiim winning iiualliy. tho liiir.u liT mill lirivtl first chosen ninl never uuii'itHM In mi' other breed. I Hi nut - miy ait it II Uu Unit la it n -noiiiiiI, unxuiliil.k. imrtlully Impotent, unlliiiiM-il or not rea-lalem) In a at ml Isa.k rtvoiiulxod liy the department uf sericulture, WnahluiMoii. I to not lirtvii from any ninm llinLla ili'furiiiiil, sick, diseased, vicious, tin sound, uiiaiilliililo, jiuor milker or a I'BM IIIOIImT. ISreed horse with theotijoct of stead lly ltiirnvluU i lu- stock ou tlio fnrin mul ml h m-iiitr tlm home breeding In. dnairy of tlu aim. Ih nol retain for lireedlnir purimae Any roll Hint la nol pure bred mid elld bin In ri:Ulry In a stud huok rivou Illicit by tin) OVpntliiiriit uf oiii-liul-ttre. Kiiroiimi; the working of pure bred stallions sutllclcut lo keep them luiilihy, muai'iiliir, prcimleut nml pro vent tiuniHrliit, weakness, imrlliil Im potence mul ni'liuil ati'rlllly nml no ti'inl to Inaiim vigor, strong P"iiillii thin mnl IipiiIiIi In llu'tr olTxprlug at birth mnl Itiroiiulintit life. KnronmiEA tin- limiio priMliirtlnn of piito broil atnllliiiH In take llio plur of tin' IiokI of iindi'ilnilili' irrmli', moil Bri'l nr a. riili atiillluna at prrat-nt r tnnlliiif inurtiut In liorap bni'illnK. Black Taalh In Hoot. Hnca oftiMi lmvi lilni'k Iwlli, lint Hi fotiilltliin tlmn not linllinto miy pnr Ih uliir dlwiiNO. Aa o rulf. nn uli'orn Hon la foiiiul ii r hi ml t ln I. hum of aui'li llM'lll, bill WlllMV llllll I'Ollllltllin CXlKtH till- til th ahoillil Ih I'XInw lil. II Hll nlly lini.i'iiH Hml lhi IcmmIi nro not tlm oVi-ri'il until llu iln ImH'oiiih ali k from Itiillm'Ktliiii or aoiuo oilier com pliilnl, mnl then nn I'xiiiiiiuiillon of tin liumlli la mmlo. Tin) tiHMli un lilnmed fur Hi Klekmxa when Hint mnnut lie otlierwlae ilhinniwed. In "IiiiIIiiosb" or "annllltn" llio liulaur teeth often rnif iiiit prnperlr lx unit. Tlila la Ini'liteii. till, a rmnlt of the illwimo and not Ita rnu(. Alfalfa For 8wln. Tlm alntiiin Ii of awluo la anuill. -urn-pnnil with !hom of other nnlninls, nml la tint (hort'fnre nilnpteit lo ennxiiinlliK Inrpe iUiiiillth'M of ciuHMe, bulky fiHMla. Kill It U found Unit n I fulfil liny la rel ished by Bwlne, nnd inii' lin If pounil (i duy In nilillllnti to n pound of auunr beeta mu) n ration of urn In limy be fed with profit, in mid rectotia, where iil fnlfn mid miirnr beota nrc cxlt'iialvely Hinwn, tlila ration la hipulnr. & Dairy Wisdom. i t, Tli trim mine of tha ilnlry cow la by nocosnlty fixed by tlio & amount of fnt there la lu her j milk nnd what It coata to pro- Once It. f The Inrgent nillltora nre the gronlpat culvra. This rule la oue f thnt you can t to to mid follow ? without diinger of being de x eelved. T Tho llrat atop In the process of lH'ltor breeding la to secure and iiho n aire Hint lnherlta from proved nucoators the prepotent power to Impress dtilry quulltles 'on hU olTiuinp. Ilreedlug helfcra too young often roaiilts lu a dwarf breed. Milk the cows clean every time If you would keep up a uniform How of milk. Tho poreeulngo of fut lu the milk of a cow is ovldontly flxod by two things via, breed nnd Individuality. I Willi the yenr around dairying good Btublos nro noeoaaary, wliero tho eowa cim bo fed and uilikod lu a comfortnble pluco. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice In horeby glvmi !ht tho utitcralgnoit Kitinliiliitriitrlx in lliu imtata ol Kolaud I'arrlNli. ilecoiiatiil, hna tiled Imr II mil aummnt In laid CKiate lu the County Court of the HUite nl Ure Kim for Crook Colony, ami Uia milil court h act Tiit-Hilny the 4i h day ot April, mil, at 10 o'i'loek a. in. of HHld duy, at the coiiiuy oouri rooiii al I'rlnevllle, OritKon, tui tha tune and lilaiiu for hearhiK i-aid Dual aoiimint. At whti'h time and plaueauy pcrHon Inlerealad In aah exliito may npin ar and ohjuut lo aald ttnul aiieiiunt. And nadl court by mild final aocount ta HHkud to order tho anld admlnltitratrlx to lined over to Charles W. l'arrlsh all ot lot 6 In block 12 of l'allnaiii, now Madraii, Oregon, tor the reamniH alnted In anld Dual aceoiiuu . Dated Ihla lit day of Mari'li, lull. MAKTIIA A. PARKIHIt, Admlnlitratrlx of Iba eatateof Roland farrlati, PaceaaeU. V-bbt OILMEAL FOR LIVE STOCK. 4ay Ba Pa With Quad Ratulta I All Perm Anlmala. "Oil rak or olluiral In proper iUau title la t'oiialdeml by our beat alot'k liieti 10 bo on of thu moat lieiillhful fiMxIa Ihul a on the nmrkel," atnti-a rrnfoaaor !. (I, Humphrey of lint a ul hull liiiatiiinilry lle.inhiiiit (,f thu col h'e of amli illlur of III I'nlvemlty ot W lacoualu. "Ita valun la Hut It kcea hu auliiinl In tlm inoat bvullhy rolnlltloii, uo other feed having am u boiHMIi'lul elT. t ou Ih dlealh tract. "'I'll prk' of tit fi.wl I conaldered prohlblllv by ninny furuifra; but, ion. aldeiliiK Hid fii.-t Hint H'couliilua near ly HO rrul (IlKiKlllil protein. Ih alia kaiimi ran well nfTnrd to pay h Uiurket prle lu order lo lliiv ul leaal annill (iuiiillty of tlila feed avallu- hle. "Did prcveaa nither than utw proc m olliuinl should Ih). avi urrd an fur la Miaalbl for Hi rcaaoii thai It I per cent of Ilia proleln lu old prix-eaa oil nn-til la illKoallbln aa compared with only 81 per cent of thu new proci:a Di mil. "iillineul nmy Imi feil to nil clnam-a of fnrin slock," ciilitlnilea I'rofraaur lliiuiplirey, "I'nlli'iiluii ati-cra will liar In rent nilvitutiijw fioin two to tlireo IHiiniila of olliuenl dully lu ciiliiie.iluii wlih other fiiila. I. n ier aiiiouiitacan Im umI prolltiibly when prk-i-a ani nol tiMi blith. l'cdluir I'lliuriil In the form of nut Blued rnkea la cnnalilcred nrefi-r aid to h ooa ineiil by iihihi of our alii-r fi-mlvra. "I'nlry cowa will eoiKiiiiiiti oin or two poniuta of ollmciil dully with (heir ifrnln rut Idiii. nml ilurlutf Hi Inter fnilliitf perhal mor or leaa oil men I la almiMt lnilln-iiiil.le In order lo keep till rowa In the pml coiiilllloii for pro ducing milk mid butler fnt. For grow lug calvi-a, ahmp nnd Imga olliuenl can ronatltut bIhiui one tenih of Hi grain nit Imi fill and prove very beueflelal HorwMi may e fitl auinll quiiiitlth-it. nil lioilull Ita geneml ua for horae la not rerouiiuciiilitt WINTERING LAMBS. May Ba Profitably Dan With tha Plna Wool Braadt. funnily inutlun Inuiba aliould hii'aohl wirly, cliher right olT tlio wi or In bile full or onrly wlnler, wrltin 10, V. Hliyder III the Nnlloiuil Klockmuil. By Ihla plnn Hi coal of putting I hem on thu iiinrket la light. They can be growu lo ihla ago nt fur leaa piiienac than to Iw kept longer. For a aerlca of ymira It Inrdly pay lo kwp thin light ahi-nrlug. niutlon lind lumba IhroiiL-h mid 'll them i'IIibhI. They gel Ihclr growth younger mid enn la? Olted for iiimket curlier than Hi flu woola. and ih Iticcw ar of li-a value. With Hi heuvy alien ring Morlnoa rondltloua ar ipiltn dllTeront. Often Ihcy give I heir grentml prollt by wlu tcring and lliilxhlng Ihein ou grtia. I Imv In mind now a innti who mviia tunny fnriiia of rather cheap hind, unu h of which he devote to perma nent paature. lie buya hla Due wooled lauilia dlno-lly after wemilug. lie never full fii-iN. uxlng Jual grain otioiigli to km-p (hmu lu good, thrifty, t-V,C- 1 Tha ImiMirtad Bhmpahlro ram hem wllh lllualratrd waa In tba 11 rat prla Hn at tho royul ahow of lt07. llo la conaldered ou ot tho great at alroa ot Ida brned. Tha tniroti ahtro la one of tho I 'own bmxla, and Ita wuol la claaavd aa nicdluin. Merlnoa ahear heavier than Blirop ahlraa, and thulr wool la clnaaed aa nno. , . growing condition, then ahenrs early mid turns on gruxg. lie never feeds grulu on grits, llo bus tried It nnd suys the tin-reused weight from tho grulu dooNti't puy for the cost of grnlu and the work of feeding. lie sella about the first of Juno, sel dom holding longer than the middle, and sometimes. If they go abnormally low, ho holds them over and sells as yearling. The mi ild gnlns mndc by lnmbs han dled In this wny nre surprlHlng. The growth of wool bus a tendeucy tu smooth them up, nnd Hits with tho flesh Inld ou changes their Appearance for the better lu a remarkably abort time. It Is tho opinion of ninny that they must liuve n dush of mutton blood lu their lnmbs to mnko them good feed ers. It Is a mistake. The only ad vantage s (lint the course wools enu lie lit tod for market nt a Utile earlier age. They are subject to certain drawbacks Hint fully offset this. Tlio Merinos are hurdler nnd not nearly so liable to cer tain discuses Hint affect the mutton broods. They flock together better aud nre not subject to ticks. Besides, they shear nioro wool. Koop ths Prollfio 8ow. Is it not a serious mlstnke to futtcn a good sow for ninrket ufter she has weuued her Utter? If the sow Is a good producer she Is entitled to a good home on tho fnrin as loyji as she is prolltnlilo. Market tho Kior producers nnd keep the good ones. Tho sow Is the best and quickest money milker on tho farm, nnd she has never done bet ter work thun right now whou prices are good- Notice for .Publication. Department of the Interior, United Htntia l.iind Olllif nt xhe Dulles, Oregon, Febru ary 13th, mil. Notice la hereby given that Wllllum M lllulmmrh. of Prlmvlll, Oregon, who, on February 7th, 1-HMI, made lliinieHteud, No. 14W2, aerial No. ItlHll.for N'vHK1., mnl theB'. Nl-'.'.. auction ;h. Township 16 Hi.uth, Hioikh IIS Kiutt, iilllninetle Merldlnn, bus tiled notion of Intention to nmke tliml five-year proof lo flNtabllNh chilin to the lund above desurlbed, liefore Wurnin Uniwn. t-uuiilv clerk, at bla oltlue, nt Hrlnevtlle, Oregon, on thoilb iiiYui miimu, ivn. t'lulllllilit niiini-a aa wlfneHHps- flpnnrA W. Jonea, llenrv J. Kdwartla, (luyHeura, William H, Cooke, of Prluevllle, Oregon. np u, w, MOUH1C Ueglater, ivvum Zftelknap d Cdwards I)K. U. 1). Kl'TCIIUM Drugleis Healer Spinal Adjustments and Dietctii-s a npncially CONSULTATION FREE Hours 7" to 1J a. oi. I lo p. nt. falls an.wand pruniptly,. Room 16-17 Adtnuon B'dg. Tailoring!! I have received my new Spring line of Woolens. No old toclc to work off and now have associated with me Mr. C. E. Thomas, an expert cutter and fitter from Portland. Have your suit made to your own measure here in Prineville by practi cal Tailor. Ladies' suits altered, cleaned and pressed GORMLEY, the Tailor. Contcal Hotlc. DriMrtiiirnl of lh Ititrior U. H. Una UMlt at Tha lMllw, Orfm Ftttnaary 1. IW1 A ufl1Hint mlMl atritlavit Imvltur liMn nii in uMinnicrur rram-i r "rinhl, fti uini. NMini iioiimMpwa entry No. WW, tliatlt) Miirvn 17. llU. ft.ran'a Hllf.n U Ts.wti. -I.I It 12 mmth. Haiiittt 14 Kat, WllUi.M-Mr niiiiMn, uy iJmm u jolinauh, vutfuw, In wnion (l laaiivfxitl that aald Ixiuli l. John on baa wholly aiHiifloiitd aahl Irani rot iimra than all month) Isvat tmni: thai anld Iwl la not aflllml uiMin and rultlvalrd hv aid arty aa rroulii-d lv law; that aald h mvu aimrntv whji nut aiw l liUPinployiiifnl In l Ita army, navy or marine ourpn uf Ih I'llllrd HtaleW In lltlta ttt Watr. HmIiI nsirtlca arw riy nntinra to p(twr, rrtKmd and ltr vvldnnoa louhlii aald allcaUon at W QfiMN-aa. m. on April y, iit. hror T. K. J. I'ufTy. a notary Pul.llo. at till oiricw In I'rlnw- vllln,4rVon. and that Anal hirln will hv held al ly oV!h h a m. on April 87, iwil, h ftw tit KrvUtrr and ltrwl.r ttt tha PnltsiHl Hlalfa I -a i id iifllw In Ttof lall, Ontfon. iiivmiu rmmmtni nnvina. in a propter O.lavli, nitd K.hrury . mil. wrl forth facta wmrii aimw i aiiiT nut aHlaTntw nuruirial aprvlna of thla nolltw mu nol Im ml n u iifiTiiy orovrra ana aincUMl that aurh Dollcv b itvru by du and proper puhllcallnn. w U.MUK. H-tl.trr. Kotlcc to Creditor. Nollra It horrbv alvnn hv tl on.t.r.i.nai.i ma aiminuira(rU ol ih tatta of t..r v l.yllr, dtwaard, (o all prHna IimtIiir cUinU Mffatual tht aatd dwvaacd to muni thctn with mc ro-r Tuuenrn ui me tuiiliTHliciitMl at the iHli ir U M. H. r.WtOlt 111 -rillVl s flpuiiia ii i M,,B ,ru, ui ol th Mr uuiMusirou ui tiiia nun re. iaird tltut xud day of Mitrh, ml. Kl.l A 11 I VTt a Admlnlitrairis of th t.iiM t...L.L SummoiiH, n the (Mn-ttlt Court ol tha Ktu of Oregon lor 4'rtNik County. ' J. H. lirav. and O T. f.rav PIiIhii. t.. Ik-I la Mtuioiiald, Krtaxva Ftttlaymu, and Klura ( SOIHIU, Ut'lVIIUBIIia. To 1 mm tie la Mrlhiuahl. and ltilwa Pinl.v. Otl, dtltrudailbi ahuva uamml: in me nam oi the Hum of Orrrnn. vou an bvrvby nHjiilrcd to a(nar aad biihwit the imIatltt AltMl aKalntl you In tht atmvtwn. ol Ot 1 1 in r prew rlbtHl In the onh-r for nnhlf callon nl tli ta nimmoiiti. lo-wit: the laih day of iioTii ttiun sn i auii. on or ir nrs iiia la.t ! . ii yi isiu luw atidwer, mr want hrrtMil. tht tilatutlffii will amtlv i ti. mr mr rt'iii'i iiitri'iu ucuianurl, b-wil: ntn-d uostablUb their rial in In ami lo the i mid half of llu Motltij Wmt otiarlir an. I il... slim me ovirniiaiiui ana uacn ni thion ti rv South ball of thoHotiib Ksval quarter ol HtM tlon irii(oi, i iie nttriu iuui quaritT, at hi the North Weal uuarier ot HtMtlon MlxiM-n i ti.i an.i tt.- rioiitb Kaat )uarttr of the South wn uuarur ol rtw-tion Kinht4Mn (It), the North KNtiiuaru-r oi me rnnn nrai quarter, ami ttit North halt of thu North Ham quarter of Ktthut Mnt(uu (IH) all In Township Mlxtoen (Iti) houlh, ol KanKi Nlnotm-n (lit) Kat of tbt W Hlrtnielle rimiaii, in tnHii i ouniy, iirciion. feml thai Jwnu bo enteral henon forcvi r aald defomlant. and each of them, ami all Mtrpoim claliuitia under, bv nr tliMuvh ).... or either of them from making or claiming any iniereat in ami to aald land or any part " I'laiiiiiiis w uwnri'ti me ownera In feenlmpleof mUI land, and for mich oilier and further order or deeree an may neem meet in the uremliiea. and (or Do nuis ....t dlxbnrmentaof thla iiiU. I iu an m m mi k m served mmn you hv order of he Hon. W. L. Hnuhthaw. .hnltri uf ni .iuaU eiiiiueii eoitri, tiaum the 'Writ day of February. "i !' r oi im nm puoueailon Ol turn iiinuiiimi 10 naren Jim, ivii, and Ihu dale if the laal nublieatluii thereof will ntnin. April lath, im, 1 a-iM-M w. A.BKI.L. Atlyfor iMatntlffa. Pioneer Abstract Co. Prineville, Oregon Abu trite, s to all I-aiulu nml Town IsotB In Crook County. x Examination and Correction of Titles a Specialty. lover Leaf Ranch Fort Rock, Oregon. Barred Plymouth Hook. Silver Snanff e Hinbuivh, Buff Orpington, (ioltien WvndottH. White Wvomlott. and White Leghorn eggs $2.50 for 16. Orders will have prompt attention. All Al Block, neat ihat can De nati. 6tf C E Shaffer, Prop. ConUat Not It Ifirtrm-ril of Th lnlrfor, I. H. J,umi1 Oittcf, Tin tirwn. KH.runry 1, A iifl1rtnt nr.filnl rrt'lMtK havfriK ls-m fllfHl in till) offl'W hf 4'linrl , i'virrmm, fsitittnt, MKtiliisit U"itmlfm4 Kntrr Nn' twill, iiihiIsi Hnfi ii j, nlo, fir ', in',, w1 m-H. w d. tp 17 sxMittt. niiiif IS '!, H iJInti fit MtIiIUh, i,f Alone II. Hrilh, c,i-U-lw, ( which It Unl4 Dial mnlA Altmwt M. KsrhiiiMin Iim wholly mt,niitx-4 u Iwt t'r riMtrt thun ln nifmiha Ut fint: tlml Mttil Unoi Mfitlfsl upm utifl riiitl-vttt-d hr "I'l rir mm rt'iolrxt hy luw; thai lliff mm im iiiprtvtrrtut unn suslrl irwt; thatMtM Hllfsrcd MlriH wnsi itH due U h uiin)rni'nt In tic Hrtnr. imvr or hmrlfi (Vrflt itf tlm ItnlU-d Hint! In lliitt- of war. Hld mrtlMi ant iM-rs-hy nUtHi U$ mvtfr. rvxipoiMi and oftvr yta ni Umvuirtg tmiti Ifffitilon at UioVhsfk m, m. on April 1, Wit. Ix-rorv T K. J. I mi fT f NoUrr f ui'li, at hla orfl'w In Prttwlll1. m, mint tha,! Html htttrtn will la bfl1 mi 1" o'1 k m. m. mi April . Ittil. I for 1 1 1- Its-tf itr an1 tWmtv-r ml Hi l' HtaU Lmii4 Offlu In Tli IHtllna, rrKOfi, TIm mI'I nontMlMnl havtritf. 1ft a Drnpfrtf. fldHVll, nu-d K. hruurjr U, forth ftv-U ; wlili'h show tlml flr du dt'lgwitir Ivnumisi wrvliw of ihla noiti pan nol t iiiailR, it to Itrchr urtlxrtxl and dlrwU-d thai au'h nulhv tifglvtfa by du and iirojuT puhliHiiou, Ootat Notica. TMtartmnt of tha Interior. U.M. Imu4 OOloa, Ih lll-a. union. Kehruary lull, A aufflrlcnt conUt affidavit burlnc lecn filed In I til ofttet by ttn M. Mrw, ni lUiil. aaHhit hoiiHMileiid Kntrr No. 14471. noide Miiy aU. IwuTi, for aw'- as-Uon A liiwa Hhlp bautb. rniiye 14 eaat. HtiiM-tte Mrl- j dlan, by John M.H'ewnrt, tdevwd) wtniifw ; K In ahh'li It laiilletrrd Ibut tmui J"lm M. Htewart died on or at, lit Mun R Kl. V-': that 1 InneaHid dale bl uetra, Allen K. JohniMoi: ' John M. HU- arl, Murv H, And- fMui. V iiliani H. HU'Wart and Kuth (llooni, have failed to1 realde uoon or ruUlvaie anld true! nrvimrd oy law; titai ama neira intve aoia ihe nn pmvi'iiH'iils ereeld on ld Intel and wltoMy abandoned Ito-MtttH", auld pari lea are hi-iehy notlth-d to afipi'ar, rtotid aud ofTer e ! drline UHiehlng am Id albKilbll at lU (I'rlm'k a. to-on Maroh i4, 111, hs-li.reT. K. J. Ihiltv, a Notary I'uhMr, al bla oit'rw In rrlneville. On-rxou, and Uutl dual hHrrn will ! held at lUo'elork a. 01 on Man li M, lnli,i.fore the Mflt-r mid K-wlver at the In I ted HUili-a und tirfltae In The latlh n, (rfcutt. I be aai 1 ouieatant havltiK, Ilia trtr affi davit, Hied January JH, 1VI1. "M l forin fM U wtlb'b ahow that alter due uillt'ma eroiial -r lie ol f hla Hot tie ran not le aiade. It l hereby onicred aud dtre-td Ibal imb not lee be tfiveu by due and roir poMiration. 'ja t . W. MOiKK KeKiater. Notice for Lumber Bids. v,., tM 1.. 1.., -;... 1... 41.. siltiieil, Ilia CominttU oa Improve ments ot the City Council nl I'tiiieville, I rmr.. ai. I.I n. n. i 1 1 na M-ill eeive aeslni bids lor 1 lie following bill j of luinlier ta be furnished lo the City of i rnneviiie, ir-(jin, at any point suthtn the corporate limits of said city deto nated ty the committee. Delivery lo I made not later than the 16th day of Msy, lllll. All bids to be submitted by tli 15th day of March, lllll. Kids ...... l.. uu.i t,. . i.. Council rxaerves the riirht lo reject any aud all bids. All lumber lo be free from loose knot and bark. 101 pieces, 2 1210 XC',2 feet 1440 pieces, 3-8-lti 4IH0 feet i:iUo Pieces. 3-8-ltt 417DO feet 2M pieces, 3 0-18 WiTsS feet ' 178 pieces, 2xHsltl 3754 feet 1" pieces, ix6xl0 210 feet ToUl 101. 2t feot Dated tliia Mill day of I'eb.. lull. ti. V. NllHl.r. Chairman Committee on Improvements. Professional Cards. Crook County jfbstraet Co. Atatraota ol title to all land and to, lots to Crook countr. I. F. Wjrlda, Sscntary, rriatvilla, Ore t JY. Stotonitrj (County rhysiclan.) Cmllt anama' pmmpHj Jmjr r mifkl IPrimfilU, 0rfm. N. W. Sanborn AdiiniKou liltK'k PrlnevHIe W. A. UELL. FRANK M1LNEFEE Lawyers The Dalles ... Orcein St. Cliiott, jfitrntf-mt-jCmm jCawytr G. L. BEKNIER Attorney -.t-Law Will pnictlnx In sll tlieConrts. Offloe next door lo nr. Itoanberc's, Prtnevllle, Oregon. WADE HUSTON Surveyor Homestead locations a specialty Prineville, Oregon - 0. Jtja-0 SPhysician mutt tSuiyom Calls Answbss Hsompti.t Day os Niobt UFPICB (INK lOUh tHIUTH Of ADAMaoM'8 Usue smas. Both office au ruaj dunce tolcphouca. Dr. J. Tregellcs Fox SPECIALTIES: (leiipnU nnd Oiratlve Hnrvnry; HvRfone, mid the Uiw of lli'itltlt: Mlilwlfrry, uud IHass of WotiU'tt Hml 'hllUivu; The Allineiitnry . uuui, una inieHiinn, AltendAnco t Offlw. Mnin St.. lSinHnv ThurMdiO'H, tind HtilurdHyti,2tu 5 p. in. other IIH'HUU 04111. Prineville, - - - - Oregon Cows for Sale ! Some Extra Good Milch Cows for Sale. Call on phone or write, H. L Ride out, Proprietor Fairview Stock Farm Prineville, - - Oregon TH J Our Men and Boys' Suits and Overcoats at a great reduction. Come in and be convinced. Perfect fit guaranteed. Do not miss this offer, as it won't last forever. We also handle a complete line of Men and Boys Hats, Caps, Etc, in fact every thing to make "you look" well dressed. When buying your suit, don't forget that we carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, which are at your disposal for the same or less money. MRS. I. MICHEL, Prop. Prineville, Oregon. D. P. Prineville, Carpets, UNIVERSAL RANGES America's Best Make r 1 "RECEPTION" t Smith & Allingham, Props. Champ Smith's old stand. Imported and Domestic Cigars Imported Wines and Liquors. Salesmen Wanted. Wanted: -Four salesmen, either lailies or gentlemen, with team, talarv from (NO.OOto tllHJ.OO per montli and expenses' Act quick before Die po sitions are tilled. Address diss. O. Christian), Prineville, Oregon. 2-lltf For Sale. Cream Separator, 750 lbs. as hour, wind mill top aud Nulkev-' Plow. For particulars see John Mattnon, Prineville, Oregon. 1 ?-16-tf. LEADER CLOSING OUT. Adamson & Co. Druggists FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Protect your home from fire by securing a dry chemical fire ex tinguisher. No automobile is safe wirhout them as they prevent the gasoline from spreading as water will do thrown on it when afire. We have a stock of extinguishers on hand for your inspection. Just Received Art Squares A. H. LIPPMAN & Millinery Closing Out of Winter Stock. Trimmed Hats Srrwt Hut. Scarfs and Veils, Sweaters. Caps, and other notions, to be sold at actual cost for the next 30 days at Mrs. Estes Millinery Parlors. PRINEVILLE, - . OREGON. Notice ot Dissolution ot lVirincrship To whom tt may conoorn. Notice is hereby Stvi'B that tho former lirm auil partnership ol Franklin & nooke, formerly conducting a swond haurt store tn Prineville, Oregon, has been this itny by nintual eonseht dissolved, Lee 11. Kranklln retiriiifs. All ainounta due said firm are assigned and made navable to W s. Cooke, and alt indebtedness of sa'id Una as per contract of wale, is assumed by the said W. 8. Cooke, The business wil continue under tSe name of W. s. Cooke. listed th ia Ulu day ol February. 1911. lee B. Kraukliu, W,S. Cooko. Notice to Creditors. Nntira in K.n.hv ciita,, h. tk. nH.L,. siRiiwI, the aitmiiiistrator of the estate ol Fatiick J. Kennedy, deiieased, to sll per sons having claims SKainst said deceased to present the same, with the proper vouchers, So the undersigned at the office ot M. R. Klliott in 1'rineville, Oregon, within six months from the first publi cation of this notice. Dated this 2nd day of Feb., lllll. H. F. HECKMAN, Administrator of the Estate of Patrick J. Kennedy, deceased. Oregon Rugs CO. HARNESS and I cinni cdvi I' SHOP f k H. D. STILL I Prineville, Oregon Qt C. SSrix Sioat siat9 Office with Geo. W. Barnes SPrinmmlit, - . OrtyM W. P. MYERS O. C. YOUNG jCawyers Practice in all courts. Special attention to water rights, liligatiou and criminal defemea. Culvtr Junction, Oregon Dr. John Huback, I.ate Veterinary Murpeon H 8, Army, ltepartniftit ol the r'liiliiiineii. All NurgU-al VNurk at Ktusonable Prices, Hamilton Stable, Prineville, Or.