".! JU- 'i ...Jo 1 l... T9! Satisfied Customers is Our Motto. WE CARRY AGENTS FOR Pumpt and Pipes Diamond W Goodt Stove and Ranges Doors and Windows Tin and Graniteware Tinning, Hardware, Plumbing, Groceries, Implements. Fairbanka-Morte Gas Engines Aermotor Windmills Studebaker Vehicle Lowe Brother Paints Superior Grain Drill Sharpie Cream Separators Quick Meal Range Blacksmithine? Supplies Tents and Wagon Covers LOCAL MENTION (I. VI. KIimmiiii n( lU'iliiiiiiiil wim n IiiihIihw vbtltur jenterdiiy. Mr. I.ngiin until her home tin Unit of I lie week to llliner Clnrk. II. Idt kiimri til I'owell Unite wiw n IiinIih vhrilor tin IiimI iif I lie week. l, M. CnrneU lirmittlit In n five piiKwnucr ChiilniiTii tli llrat (if tin week. A. l. KllcfMini Ima nit vol lilm'iinilv ton- tn tin miu Hi roniii lu tlx' K. II. Smith hnlltlliiic. Iiiiiiii Smith inul fntnlly left Tiirn ilny .r I'nrtliiiid. Mr, Hinltli limy HM'in tin iiiiinii'r Hut. Hubert Cure y, who Ima been with the W, Klii Cii. for mum time, v III enter tin' mil inlat liimlmNui. (ieoiite K, Nelmiti nml Kcott tlnr. iliiu of Mi'tollim, went In I'rlnevllle .ventcrdn.v In tlii intt-rt h( a (if ttic rrlncvlllc-Mftolliiii nillwuy. MIhm lVirl Cotlenghi li t! tor In r home In l.oinliin, Ky., vtntt-rilii . Shi- lum liecn vIkIiIiik her (tinier. Mm. I). I'. Iti-iium In rrlnrvlllc, for tin I'liHl two month. Tin' W. I'', KliitfCo, liavt- iimliitli'd n iiioilfl liciilltitf iilmit In tlit'lr ulllt'f. Tin American rndlntor la the oynti'iii nwil, The colU art heiitetl In tlii Inrce move In the at iin. lr. II. I1. lU'lknnp lioiiulit n 1 1 ml mm flvc-iiiHM4'MK'r toiuliiK cur from I lie Uk'iiI auent yinlertlny. I.. Iiiiiniiir iiirvliiined the two-iuiuen. tier IIiiiInoii from the (ItM'tor. The ('. S. A S. i'oniinny imliuilttcil n lilil the tlmt of the week for the c ll i'ly of rrlnevillc iioHtolllce by niitoiuolilled frmn Metollim. Tlie wrvlec will I w liiHtnlleil nt an eurly iliile, If the I'M Ib nm'ptcil. Mn rt li Ixt wim iriK'liilnicd('oloiilHt Imy liy (iovernor Went, when nil (It mil i'ltlr.eiid nre Importuned to write n letter to amue ujerann In nn I'.iiHtern Htiite Hint nrfce tliem tocumc to (IikI'n country nml rtijoy life. Service In the I'reiiliyterlHU elnireh Sunday, Murcli Mil, both inornliiK nml evenliij;. Subject In the morn liiK, "Tin' Kntherhood of (iiid,"nnd In tlie eveiiliix:, "Weighed In the Hn. mice." A corilliil Invllnlloii Ih given you to conic out. Dr. Calvin H. White, tttute health ulllcer, wild the Kiiiwt of honor Sntur tiny iiltsht ut a Ixiiujuct given liy the Crook Comity Medlcnl Society. The prl ncl n I HiltlreHd of the eventuu: wn delivered by lr. White, wlioHpiikpiit length on the prevention of typhoid nml other umtterd of Intercut, r. ('no of llcnil wns prenelit liewldcn nil the loenl tuetlli'od. Dr. White In mak liiK nn tiidHH'tlon of thin part of the Htnte looking: over sanitary con- (lltloUM. We Handle Both D. M. Ferry's and Lilleys Garden Seeds Fresh Stock No Old Seeds. Hint her home north of rrlnevillc Ham New'doin Jr, arrived today from I'ortlanil with lila I linlnicru car. He will carry piidHeiiKerd from I'rlnevlllt to the rallroml tliU Hum mer. The Crook County High Hehool dtmlciitd will give the "Merchant, of Venice iip-to-diite," rrlday evening, March 10, ut ( lull Hall. Tlild la uimcihlug new anil you dliouhl hear It. Mm. Alice David dletl of pneumonia the liidt of hint week nt the home of her father, Tom Hoover, In Hilarity. She wad burled Tiiemlfiy. She leave A hiidliantl (mil deven children, 1m' dltled her father, brother nmldlHlera. Phe wa U7 yeara of nge. (I. W. Welld of llurbwik, Wn.li.. wiid In i'rlut'Vllle thla week looking over InvcMttiieiitd. lie bought a 40 ncre Irrigated tract In the I'owell Unite dldtrlcU Mr. Will bought rnw Irrigated land ut Iliirbiink three yenra ngo for ll'Smi ncre and In. Ilevea the liuul over here to be Juat ad good. The Cove l'ower Co. Ima com mruced oerntlond on ltd power alta at lltd'ull'd place. The company hna not yet received pcrnilHaliiu from the government to build but no oppoaltlon la exptrtcil from Hint mil ice mi work Iiiih eommencetl. It will not be piidhed until the railroad can deliver needed auppllca. Mrd. Amanda J. I'owell died nt her home lu tlild city liidt Momlu.v. She hna aiifffpctl paralytic troubled f ir the pant lx yearn. Unrlal aer V :re were held Tueailny afternoon. She wna (II yeara of aire. She lenvea three koiid tiud a datiKhler, John Hitter, K. A. aud It. M. I'owell and Mra. 1'iitinau. Her hiidliantl, T. J, I'owell, ijlctl April 1IHB. We have neelvetl n letter from the S'atlle Commercial Club rcqiicHttiiK lid to make an npcnl for the fiimlne durtcrcra of China, Nearly 2,IKK,000 people are atiirvlnir and will need nld tor ninny inonthd. Thone fa miliar with the Hltuatlon Btate that (2 contrlliuled nt thla time will Have the life of aome man, woman or child. Kemlltanceadhoiilil beaeut to the Seattle Commercial Club. Seven caaea, wherein Crook county (M ople nro cliariii'il with fraudulent en trltw, are belnit tried thla week by Attomeya W. I'. Staley and U. A. Itenedlct of the (leneral Land Office. The defvudaiita are William and S. K. I-ofllu, V. T. and W. II. Douk, K. IxeArewlnp, Ie Wood and T. H. (Vffeen. Theaultanre civil actions for the raiicellntlon of the pntenta (Hi timber mid atone entrlea. The ; cases are Ih-Uivt tried before T. E. J. Duffy, and will lie piowd on by Interior department. Vernon Forltea of Jlend, la defendliiK cnaed. the A. the Mr. Ham Collhid Id critically LOCAL MENTION Mra, (I, W. Slay ton Id quite III with piieumonln. Chad. I.ott of I iriioula wan In I'rlnevllle yea ten In v. M. 1. U'liioiid of l ife wna In I'rlne vllle the liidt of the week. J crnte Wludom wad a bimlncxd vIh- llor from Culver ycdtenlay. J. II. Hhlppaohl Ii'm home to Mrd. J. H. I'roae the drat of the week. II. It. McClay waa In I'rlnevllle from llllliiuiil the llrxt of the week. T. II. llreniiaii waa a bimlucda la- tlor from I'milltia the uml of the week. Mra. Ktllth O'Kellcy and Claude Harney were murrled In thla city yen tertlay, Hev. Hiilley ofllclatln;. The KiiBlldh-Ameilcnil Author' (Inb unve a reception to frlentld at the hlnh acliool Saturilny evenliijr of I tat we k. Liidt Monday nlnht waa the cold eat thla winter, accordliiK to the Kovernment record kept by Mr. Whltvla. It waa 4 above aero. Itolicrt Moore ha been on the ak k Hat for a week or ten iltya. He waa able to lie out today for the llret time alnce he wo taken down. Ralph I.. Jordan & Co. nre tearlnu out iH'tltlona to enlarge IhclrnriHvry department. IiicrenaliiK biiHliiend deinnnda more ahelf room to handle It. The MX) Club met at Mm. John Comba laat Friday afternoon. Mle Dolly HoiIkch w-on the prize plate. The Club will meet nt Mr. K. U Adhby'a March 10. There will lie a ineetlnn ' (lie Crook county aub dtatrlet Kpworth IpAKtie lu I'llnevllle April N ami !. DcletciUea will be prenent from all purta of the county. A committee from the rrliicvllle Commercial Club and ini'tiiber of the comity court will Itiitpect the proponed rrlnevllle-Diinm ivngoti road about Mtirvli 1M. A letter from the Mllllcnn ranch to the Journal day that there are lot of people lu that part of the county fllliiK l bind and bulltlluu Improve- menta on land already tiled. Mllll cnn la the name of the new poatuMlce which hna been petitioned for. it will be about a mile from the Mllll cnn ranch. J. A. Dobklua of Lnmontn, wax n county seat vtattor today. Mr. IHib klnala getting nlH 'nrm niaclilnery In order for aprlng work, lie uaea miu'hluery for everything. He li.'ia n big atemn plow that enable hlui to do hi own work with such illnpatch that he take contract to plow tor hi neighbor. He buriid atraw for fuel. He can plow much cheaper than horac cnu do the work. Garden Seeds Planet Jr. Garden Cultivators If you raise even a very small patch of garden, you need one of these seeders. . THESE GOODS NOW IN STOCK. THE W. W. A. Hoot li I iiilte dick. Johnnv Cork of Hentl died of quick coiidiiiiiptlon ut roliidcxti-r'a lloapl. till thla moriiliig. He waa In the lost atages w hen brought here fourd tya ago. Mid l'odfl D. 1'nrrott, naalateil by tnt'iiiberd of tlie Shuinla ( lull, held an "At Home" lu the High School An nex liint Saturday from 2 to 4 oVIiM-k. There waa a large nttcinl a lice. Serviced nt Methodiat church next Huntlay morning nail evening n it xii rt 1. Krneat Kciiyon of I'lirllanil will bepri-Mcnt at Hioim service nud lend the dinging. Special revival service will licglu Tueatlay evening. .Subject of aeruion for evening ser vice, "A Vlalon of Duty." You are Invited to nt tend. Culver Junction News. Mr. and Mr. C, W. Wnugh are the moHt receut newconiera to locate and both nre highly pleuwd with the outlook. Meaar Stewart and Itlcc of I'rlne- vllle were at the Cove Orchard milk lug the survey for the Cove Power plant. The anrvey for the pl Hue from Opal Spring to Culver Junction Iiiih lieen completed nml aoon thl place will have n city water system that will lie second to none. Meantl lie the deep well furiildh water ti nil. The pump I expected for the well at any time. At a mans meeting of the farmer and biiMlneaa nieu here It won deter mined to erect a wnrehoue and the name of the company will lie the Culver Warehouse Company. Work on the building will lie begun right away. The bachelor of Culver Junction entertained the bachelor girl nt a dinner on last Monday evening, the dinner lielng prepared by the gents Turkey and other good thing were served and a number of after-dinner talks were made. All very much en Joyed the dinner mid voted that the bachelor, both boy and girl, need not remain bachelor longer It thev would only get enough courage to propose. The dinner wns given In the building which will soon be occu pied by the Deschutes Valley Tribune, machinery nml equipment for which I on the way from Portland. Mers Young Chandler will be editor and pulilihlicrn. A celebration conslMtlng of a fish ImrlaxMie, old settler reunion and railroad day will be held lu Culver ,1 miction upon the arrival of the rails of the Deschutes Kallrond here It will be held under the auspices of the Culver Junction Development League. All nre Invited nud es pecially tlie old settlers of the Central Oregon country. J. E. Stewart: F. KING COMPANY Stage Driver Breaks Leg. Klliert Alleh was thrown from the driver's sett on the incomioi; mail stage Monday morning cn McKay mountain and fractured his right leg just above the ki re The roughlock failed to hold the heavy coach and it crowded onto the team until a rapid speed was gained. The front wbee's drop ped into a ditch which ran across the road and the driver ass thrown to ths frozen ground. He held to the lines and was drawn beneath the wheels. One wheel passed across the right leg just above the knee. He stopped the team and pulled himself onto the seat, and drove to the Roy Stewart place from which place a doctor was called He was taken to the Poindexter Iloppital for treatment. Prineville Too Strong for Bend , rrineville exchanged basket ball game will) Bend lai-t Friday and Saturday. In the first game the low ceiling bothered Prineville and it was hard work to rnn up a score of 42-17. Saturday evening Prineville started off with a rush and the first half ended 33 to 3. Shortly after the second half started Ref eree Overturf ruled Prineville's center out of the game for alleged roughing. This decision was with out precedent and entirely unfair Prineville had no substitute so left, the floor with the score standing 45 to 10 in their favor. Spring and Summer Samples. The new Spring and Summer Fashion Book of Chas. A. Stevens A Bros, just received. The latest in Women's and Misses' mailt to order garments. A complete line of beautiful samples. Mas. J. J. Smith, agent, 3-2-tf. Prineville, Oregon. White Wyandotts. Several Whit! Wvandott Cockrela for sale. U. V. Constabi.i, 3-2tf. Prineville, Oregon. Fur Lost. Black lynx neckpiece lost between Jesse Wimlom's and Prineville. I.eae at Journal otlice and receive reward. 3-2. Gramd Ball. St. Patrick's Day March 17th, 1911 CLUB LUCKEY'S "Merchant of Venice," Up-to-date FRIDAY EVENING, MAR. 10 The High School Play. At the Club Hall Something New Come and Laugh ONION SETS We have just received a big supply of the best bottom sets, i Price 15c per pound. Company. AT- HALL ORCHESTRA.