r Journal Crook County COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1911. Kntri1 the iwwtiflln at Prlnrvlll Oregon, at MKn4-claM matter VOLXV-NO. 12 PROSPEaS GOOD FOR RAILROAD Rival Roads Want Prine ville Business. ASPIRING TOWNS WANT TO BE The Junction Point All Kindt of Railroad Rumor Afloat Corroboration ol tit item pub Unhid a rotiphi ii( (lay gi (list tlm Kill ami llarrimau force r planning ti) make a spectacular riu-w in gelling riglita-of-wny ami building a branch railroad from Minims lu Prineviiltt came today, when it became known that F. H. Forrest and (i forge Nelson, ol lie in In ol lli" Inland I'.mplre De velopment Company begun tie Kotiatioim to incorporate a new line lietwern lliowt point. They have been closeted during the lnt few dnyii with Carey & Kerr, gene ml attorney! (or tint Hill lines in the Northweel, preparing tlio arti cle ol incorporation. Their lino will atari from some point between Madras and Me tolttic, tin Ural diviaion point uf tlm Oregon Trunk, and will At tempt to control two strategic puae on the rife nut ol the plain Inward the inetroiolia ol Crook County. One of then gup ia the favorable pans 'on the Hudson ranch, which, which will permit ol maximum grade ol 1.4 per cent (or the 35 miles ol line. The Hue puai.es Him Kock Spring in the the rich Lamonta dintrict and maintain en eusy grnde (or the en tire distance. While ihi reputed 1 1 ill sub aidiary road il being projected the Ilirriman people have hnd their forces of engineers In the field run ning a line to form a junction with the main line on l!ig Agency Plains and will poh ahead along the general route ol the old Co lumbia Southern survey. F. 8, Forreat, one of the pro moter of the Hill linn was lormerly chief engineer ol the North Bank road and after aeveriug hia con nections with thut roud joined f.trcea with V. I). Wiiliamaon, one of Ihn original promoter ol the Oregon Trunk Line. They now control the townaite of Metol'.ui and have under the title of the Inland Kmpire Development Cum puny vaat real relate holding all through the country that in bring tapped by the Oregon Trunk and which would be reached by a Prine ville brunch. May for Sale. I .none liny lor lt; wheat, rye and nlluKu mixed. Write or .li.-, l l'O lino fun a Cukiiiiw, Prlm-vlUe, Uri'Kiin. Wanted. Three or dun- fiirniMied romiia for llilit liniiM-kei'phiic or will take fin iiIhIiimI luiuae. Tluin Pioneer Ahatraul Company. 2 i'l'-tl. MAY BE BURIED IN THE SNOW Searching for Bakowski at Crater Lake. HIS SLED AND SHOVEL FOUND Started for the Lake on Snow- ehoea Hauling Suppliea on Sled. II. 11. li ikow k', the scenic p' o tographer who i-ia-nt laat cummer in 1'rinevillH and vicinity taking views ol the town hi d country iB thought to have j fished in the anow whilo on a liip to CraU-r lake recently. A dispatch from Fort Khtnialh to the Journal dated lii-bruary 21! cayf: The firnt searching 1 arty that went to find 1!. It. liakowki, the photographer who went to Crater lake to tuke pho o.;r.i In wh;lt) the wonder ia enveloped in nowt re turned with hie sled and a shovil that he carried. The-e snides acre found m ar the rim of the lake. No trace waa found of Bakowfki aaide from the article mentioned. He said be would leave word in the cabin at the rim of the lake if anything happemd to him, or il he Marled from there on biti return trip. The cabin did not show that he hail ever entered it. Another party, headed by II. E. Momyer, wlm wae for three yeare head ranger in the park, ia now searching (or the miffing man. There ia a probability that linkowi-ki entered one of the cab ini at the elation of the lujierin tendi nt or at the rim of the lake to eacape severe weather and (hat bo may be found alive. If he has periahed in the mow the remain will not be found until late in the spring. Near the rim of the lake the anow ia not lees than 20 feet deep and at the station of the auperintendent it ii at leaee 12 feet deep. The aearching party state that the lake ia not frozen, except where water ia very (hallow. The myatcriou water enveloped in anow ia raid to be one of the Kra'ndftt view that can lie imagined. All Work Guaranteed. Have your children' cyr-a examined. Iftliyre going to ai'hnol, they are luing tluir eyi-a all the time. If the c)i' are wire, ml and painful, il ther run wilier, il they coniilain o( a tirJ fi-i'liiift in the eyes, or have paina over the eyea, it if a mire thing that they need attention. 1 fit glaasea and fully iMiarantte my work. Da. W. J. Ci RTta, Kyefight SHfialiat, Kooina 14 and 15, AiIhiiimiii blilK. OMice hours from 2 to 5. p. in. 1-12 Winter Layer are Profit Payer. My K-n of 14 thoroughbred White Wyanitnttea lait 333 wa in January. feu now mated. l-.wia fi.uo per in fall or write, E. K. Kvana, l'rineille Dn-Kiin. 2-lltl GET READY FOR LAND SEEKERS HEAVY TRAVEL LOOKED FOR Settler Can Ride Into Central Oregon Without Extra Expense- Farm Helps New Foot Lift Oliver Gang, with extra hard chilled plows that vill plow any soil better than steel. New Oliver No, 28 16-inch Sulkey Plow, High Lift. John Deere Disk Plows. New Kentucky Drills sows anything from wheat to peanuts will not crack the grain. Disk Harrows and Land Rollers. Meyers Never Freeze Pumps with Glass Valve Cylinders. lolonists Rates in Effect March 10 The New Air Cooled Gasoline Engine. It Does All the Mean Chores when through Pumping You ore independent of wind and enn run any machine in tended to ba operated by bund, for a few pennies Q day, when you get Every farmer who lees it agrees that it's the most marvelous Invention of the nge. It costs less than a food windmill; Is always ready days, nights and Sun daysand with any care at all will last as lone as you live. Come in and see it work. Lilly's or Ferry's Garden Seeds. Get our quotations on Alfalfa and Clover Seed, Oyster Shell, Canned Goods. See Us about field fencing, barbed wire, nails, spring wagons, Mitchell Wagons, pumps, pipe, and Star Windmills. Get our prices on Roofing before you buy. Ask for PACORUCO. 1-2, 12 and 3 ply. Call and look over our line of implements. Get our prices. We handle nothing but the best. Satisfaction guaranteed. Collins Prineville, Oregon. w EUdns there will be a heavy travel be tween Portland and Central Ore gon points and between Hfokane and Central Oregon points. While the people of Central Ore gon are delighted with the ex cellenpe of the service that is in proapect they have dreams of go ing to bed in a Pullman car some evening and waking up in Port land the next morning Oregon Trunk officials declare that the time is not far distant when they will be able to do this. Oregonian. BIG SAVING IN FREIGHT RATES Colonial rates from the East will apply to points on the Ore gon Trunk as soon as they go into effect March 10 and home-seekers will be able to ride into Central Oregon on first-class equipment, including a Pullman parlor car, according to arrangements com pleted between W. E. Coman, general freight and passenger agent of the road, and the Interstate Commerce Commission. Mr. Coman received advice from Washington that the Interstate Commerce Commission had waived the rule requiring that tariffs be published for 30 days before going into effect and that the low rates that will apply to all Northwestern points from March 10 to April 10 can be made applicable as far south as the Oregon Trunk will ojerate in that period. This will enable a colonist to buy a ticket at St. Paul, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha or any .other Missouri River point for 125 and travel all the way to Madras or Metolius without additional charge. The fare from Chicago to Metolius will be (33, the same as it will be it Portland. Passengers will be routed over either the Northern Pacific or the Great Northern from the Missouri P. First Organized Party of Settlers The first organized party of set tlers to come to Central Oregon since railroad construction baa opened that vast field of pro ductive farm land will arrive at Deschuted Junction over the O. W. R. A N. this week in a special car and will be taken up the Des chutes railroad to Trout Creek and from there conveyed by automobile Oregon Trunk Publishes Schedules. ROAD NOW IN OPERATION Fine Coaches will be Used for Passenger Service; Obser vation Car, Etc The most grsphic story yet writ ten about Central Oregon de veloped when the Oregon Trunk railroad announced it new freight schedules which became operative March 1. The blazing of the rail road train into the interior, which has just been accomplished by John F. Stevens, marks the greatest re iver to Spokane, via the North auk from Spokane to Fallbridge, Washington, thence across the Columbia to the Oregon Trunk and up the Deschutes Valley to their destination. This information has been printed on all the advertising mat ter issued by the Great Northern and Northern Pacific roads and great additional influx of settlers is xpected in consequence. Mr. Coman completed the ar rangements of the equipment on the passenger trainB that are to operate between the mouth of the Deschutes River and Metolius. It will consist of a combination ex press and baggage car, a smoking car, two first class passenger coaches and a parlor car each way. The schedule was announced as follows: Train to leave Portland via the North Bank at 9 a. tn. and arrive at Madras at 8:42 p. m , arriving at Metolius at y p. m., train to leave Metolius at 7:30 a. m leave Madras at 7:50 a. m., ar riving in Portland at 8:15 p. m. More time is allowed for the trip from Metolius down the valley than is given for the run from the mouth of the Deschutes up the valley, because it is desired to make certain connections with the North Bank train at Fallbridge in the evening. On account of pos sible delays attending the intro duction of service, plenty of time will be allowed for making this connection. After the new bridge is completed across the Columbia River and the roadbed is further improved the time can be greatly reduced. It is aimed eventually to operate a 12-hour service be-. tween Portland and Bend, which is nearly 50 miles south of Metoli us. By providing parlor- observation cars on the runs up and down the Deschutes Valley the Oregon Trunk probably is establishing a new mark in railroad operation on a branch line. It is not record ed that any branch west of the Mississippi River ever has intro duced Pullman parlor cars for the accommodation of its patrons with the beginning of the service. Officials of the North Bank be lieve that this extra accommoda tion will pay as they are sure that to Hay Creek, where they will take duction in tranaportation charge possession of the Baldwin ranch of ever inaugurated in tbe hiBtory of 30,000 acres, which they have railroad building. bought. There are 25 in the nartv In some cases where the former and all are from Sycamore, I1L by wagon-haul and rail have The party left Omaha in a Pull- been as bigh as 4 cents a pound, or man car attached to the Oregon- !$0 ton, the new all-rail rate on Washington 1 mited, Wednesday the Oregon Trunk will be less than morning. Their car will be at- 1 cent a pound. At tbe same time tached to the regular Deschutes a saving of neary two days in Railroad train and be taken to time will be made for all products their destination. that are to be shipped to the Port The Baldwin ranch was the land markets. property of tbe Baldwin Sheep & There are more than 300,000 Land Company and one of the bushels of wheat in the farmers' biggest land holdings in the state, hands from the crops of 1909 and Ihemeninthe party who have 1910. and under the old rate it - i taken it over are all prosperous! would have cost $120,000 to move and representative citizens of Syca- this grain to tide-water terminals, more. The tract will be cut upl Under the new tariffs the cost into small farms to facilitate rapid I will be reduced to about one-fourth development. that sum or 132,400. Where the The party will be conveyed at rates heretofore have been abso- once to the property and within a lutely prohibitive against shipping few days the transformation scene grain to Portland, the new ached will begin. The details of the con-1 nles will mean not only an active templated development is' not! movement in the wheat now in known, but assurance is given storage, but it will mean a great that it will not be slow, for all impetus to this industry the corn members of the rarty are men with ine year and all seasons in the money and they have decided in future. More than 1,000,000 advance of settlement to make bushels of the current crop will be their farms remunerative at the poured into the Portland markets - earliest possible date. Telegram Lots of Business this coming season. From the standpoint of the local jobbers and manufacturers and the retail dealers in the interior rOr NeW Koad the most important feature of the So heavy have been the demands made upon the Oregon Trunk for freight service on the part of farm ers, livestock men, sheepmen and others in various parts of Central uregon now reached by the new mil line that heroic enorts are being mode by the company to provide sufficient number of cars to move the shipments now ready for the markets. This emergency service has been decided upon by the traffic depart ment as an accommodation to the interior points and "is based upon new rates win De me greai re duction in merchandise. The four class rates covering all sorts of wares, groceries, hardware, imple ments, etc., have been cut enor mously, the new rates being as fol lows: First class, 96 cents a hundred; second class, 82 cents; third class, 67 cents and fourth class, 58 cents. Formerly under the old "team freighting" regime, the first class rate was a minimum of II 67 a hundred pounds from Madras to Portland via wagon-haul to Shani ko and O. R. & N. to Portland. This is a reduction of nearly 50 Prps Mpnt. Jntin F Stpvunn nllhlin stntpmpnt in h,a ,tr t Mraa per cent, and the second, third and when he announced "You can de- fourth cla?8e8 have been cutin liend on us to eive vou fair, sauare Por'lon and honest treatment and all we ask of you is co-operation." Inside of the 24 hours, the dif ferent points along the line where the people have been anxiously waiting for the coming of the rail road, literally began throwing business at Air. Stevens' head snd he has issued instructions to both the traffic and operating depart ments to do everything in their power to give the shippers pre liminary service until schedules and tariffs have been worked out. It is stated that vastly more ton nage has been offered the Oregon Trunk than any of the railroad officials dreamed would be forth coming. Cattle, horses and Bheep are being shipped to market. Lumber, mill-stuffs and grain, and other kinds of produce are being assembled at the different traffic points in almost feverish excite ment. Telegram. Land Wanted An investor would like to hear from owners of farms, dry or irrigated ; graz ing or timber land. Ubject, invest ment. AirentB need not answer. Ad- dress, P., Crook County Journal. 12 1-tf In carload lots the showing is just as .important and will mean Continued on last page. HAS NO SUBSTITUTE Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powdar mado from Royal Crapa Cream of Tartar KO ALUM,K3 LIME PK3SPHATE