Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 23, 1911, Image 6

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    Farm Helps
New Foot Lift Oliver Gang, with extra hard chilled plows
that will plow any soil better than steel.
New No, 28 1 6-inch Sulkey Plow, High Lift.
John Deere Disk Plows.
New Kentucky Drills sows anything from wheat to peanuts
will not crack the grain.
Disk Harrows and Land Rollers.
Meyers Never Freeze Pumps with Glass Valve Cylinders.
The new Air Cooled Gasoline Engine.
It Does All the
Mean Chores
when through
You are independent of wind
and can run any machine in
tended to be operated by
hand, for few pennies a day,
when you get
Every farmer who sees it
agrees that it's the most
marvelous invention of the
age. It costs less than a
good windmill; is always
ready days, nights and Sun
days and with any care at
all will last as lone as you
Come in and see it work.
Lilly's Ferry's Garden Seeds.
Get our quotations on Alfalfa and Clover
Oyster Shell.
Canned Goods.
Star Windmills.
Mitchell Wagons.
Get our prices on Roofing before you buy.
Ask for PACORUCO. 1-2, 1,2 and 3
Call and look over our line of implements. Get our prices.
We handle nothing but the best. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Collins W. Elldns
Prineville, Oregon.
el knap & Cdwards
DR. U. 1). K1TC11UM
Drugle Healer
Special Adjualmeuta and PittetU-a
limit 7;to lo IU m. t to S p. m.
Calla anawtreil promptly.
Rooms 16-17 Adamson B'dg.
Land Wanted
All Inviwtur wouM Mm In hear from
owner ol lriii, ilry or Irrigated ; gro
in or tlmlwr Uml. Object, Imeat
nient. Agents nwl not anaaer, Ad
dress, P., Crunk County Journal. VI III
Call for County Warrants.
NnllrMa hervbv glv.-H Dial all ril.rn..1
rrth romili, -. .i Mal. a.rr.iiia
lli lu an.t Hti'llMlllia r.'Bl.lrriMl fc'
! will I ral'l nit pri-Mnl.iiiin ( ,. "
lr..Mft'r mi.i ititiinjr. luivraal will
h I., JmihAN,
Munij Tr.iirr.
trow ilas f Uii. utility,
January. Ill. Ill
Pioneer Abstract Co.
Prineville, Oregon
Abritrncti to til t-anda and Town
Ixiti in Crook County.
Examination and Correction
of Title a Specialty.
Warren & Woodward
Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Survey. Estimate Furnished
on Power Plant.
We have had 10 year experience, embracing all branche
of Civil Engineering.
Box 187 Redmond, Oregon.
Stevens Back to
Portland from Madra.s
Pleased with the achievement
of having thrown open to the
world the magnificent cerjtral
Oregon empire by the con
struction of the Oregon Trunk
Line, President John F. Stevens
returned last night from bis
triumphal visit to Madras, ac
companied by those who werehis
guests on the trip, which will go
on record as one of the most im
portant events in the history of
the Pacific Northwest.
Convinced that the scenic
grandeur of the road is equal
to that of any of the roads in the
United States that have gained
fame over the entire world, while
6omewhat different in character,
operation of observation cars will
be authorized as soon as the road
is formally opened for traffic, and
General Freight and Passenger
Agent W. E. Coman believes this
feature will be a strong attrac
tion to tourist traffic and a big
advertisement for the state.
Leaving Madras yesterday
morning at 8 o'cock, the special
followed the winding course of
Willow creek, a creek that car
ries little water, but whose banks
are perpendicular walls of ba
saltic rock, towering in places to
a huundred feet or more.
From various points of vantage
the snowcapped mountains in the
state are plainly visible, standing
out in bold relief and forming a
most wanderful sky line.
Through the Warm Spings
Indian reservation the trains will
speed and give the traveler a
touch of typical western life until
such time as the progressive
spirit of civilization has brought
about a complete transformation
of the red man's domain into pro
ductive farms and active com
mercial centers.
Down the Deschutes river the
scenery is of much the same
character, bolder, but less rug
ged, the road passing over enough
bridges and through enough
tunnels to make it most interest
ing to the average tourist.
It is estimated that the run be
twen Madras and Moody station
on the Columbia river will easily
be made in seven hours. Until
the completion of the steel bridge
across the Columbia, the trains
will be ferried across the river
to Fairbanks station, on the
Washington side, and switched
onto the North Bank track for
Portland. After the completion
of the bridge they will be routed
through the tunnel that has been
bored through a solid cliff a
short distance back of the pres
ent ferry landing on the Oregon
side. This cut through the
mountain side will eliminate the
long wooden trestle built for
temporary use.
Until completion this summer
the steel bridge across the Col
umbia river from the Clarke
station to Fallbridge on the S. P.
& S. trains will be operated by
the construction ri
under Chief Engineer K. Budd,
after which the road will be
turned over to General Superin
tendent Russell of the North
Bank. In the meantime com
mercial business will be given
preference so that construction
trains will not interfere with
regular service between Portland
and Madras, which is to be in
augurated March 1. Passenger
service will consist of one train
each way, leaving Portland for
Madras in the morning and
reaching destination in ihe eve
Tracklaying is being pushed
on from Madras for Crooked
River, where there will be a
short delay in going on to Bend,
on account of the construction of
the big steel bridge which will
be the highest in the United
States and the seventh highest
railroad bridge in the world, the
depth from the rail to the river
level being 3.50 feet.
That the road will be in shape
lo handle freight as well as pas
senger traffic March 1 was an
nounced by General Freight and
Passenger Agent Coman, who
says arrangements have already
been made to bring into Portland
from the central Oregon plains
several thousand bead of sheep
and cattle. Stockyards for the
accommodation of stock awaiting
shipment will be built at various
points along the road where
warehouses for the storing of
grain and other products of the
soil will be stored for shipment.
The construction of these
yards and warehonses will mean
the expenditure of many thou
sands of dollars. In many places
wagon roads will have to be built
to the shipping points, from the
top of the plains down into the
How soon the road will be ex
tended further, President Ste
vens is not ready to announce at
this time, but that it will be ex
tended eventually to a connection
with the Pacific & Eastern from
Medford was stated some time
ago in a general way. Back of
Bend is a large white pine belt
from which it is expected the
road will draw a heavy lumber
Rr.aupna nnrl nart.v at.r.anrlarl a
rousing meeting of the Madras '
Commercial Club and received
an ovation, the central Oregon
people giving three rousing
cheers for the visitors, whom
they gave every credit for huving
transformed central Oregon from
an isolated waste into an empire
of wonderful prominence that
even the most sanguine cannot
imagine. President Stevens said
he had made no promises that he
had not fulfilled and that such
would be the policy in the future,
for the big plateau. Other
speakers were President Harvey
Beckwith of the Portland Com
mercial club, President II. M.
Haller of the Portland Chamber
of Commerce, Manager C. C.
Chapman of the Portland Com
mercial club, General Superin
tendent J. Russell, Chief En
gineer Budd, Superintendent J.
P. Rogers, General Freight and
Passenger Agent W. E. Coman
and Division Engineer J. C
Baxter. A number of prominent
central Oregon ranchers and
business men spoke of their ex
periences in waiting for the rail
road for the' past quarter of a
century and the effect its coming
will have upon the country.
Notice of Aueument for Street ;
Notice it hereby given tliat at
ajiecial mewing ol the city council of
the t it y ol 1 nnoville. Ore-iron, called
for that purpose, and held on t!ie Mtti
day of January, 1W1I, pursuant to ordi
nance No. l.HOol aaid city. providing for
grading anil gravelling Third Htreet of
the City ol Prineville, Oregon, the coun
cil proceeded tol ascertain anil deter
mine thi probable coetoi making such
improvement, and did, at thia time,
aiaeas upon each lot and part of lot and
parcel of adjoining land liable therefor
lit proportionate share of aucti coata aa
Fraa A Stmt Weil to D Stmt.
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Stroud & Stroud, Proprietor
Choice Beef, Veal I Butter and Eggs
Mutton and Pork Country Produce
A Fine Line of Sausage
Telephone orders receive
prompt attention
Frata A Strttt la Eut J Strati.
Flrat Addition
, in .vi
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I have received my new
Spring line of Woolens. No
old stock to work off and
now have associated with
me Mr. C. E. Thomas, an
expert cutter and fitter from
Portland. Have your uit
made to your own measure
here in Prineville by practi
cal Tailor. Ladies' suit
altered, cleaned and pressed
GORMLEY, the Tailor.
J. H. WIOLE, Proprietor
Stuck boarded by the day, we k or month t
Ri'RHoimlile rittcs. KoiiicihIht tin when in
Prineville, Hat ICkabonabi.k. We Lave
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
W. A. Uootii, I'rt
l. r. Htiwamt, Vlcv-Prra.
('. M. Kl kma,r al r
I. A. Iloora, Aaa't
Ckooiv County Bank-
Capital Hluck fulljr paid iM.ononn
Hnrpliia ,iaw
Hiuckliuldera' liability fca,oui.ou
Statement Rendered to Sula Bank Examiner Nor. 10, 191 ft
Iwnaanit DUcomila
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It wa further ordered by the council
that each and all of the foregoing hshoh
menta shall become delinquent the 24th
day of April, 1UU.
If any aHueeament remains due and
unpaid on the said 24th day of April
11)11, a warrant will be insued to the
marshal of the City of Prineville requir
ing him forthwith to levy upon any lot
or parcel thereof or parcel of land upon
which an assessment remains unpaid,
and tell the game -in the manner pro
vided by law for the sale and collection
of delinquent state and county taxes.
The first publication of this notice is
the 16th day of Februsry, lail.
This notice is published by order of
the city council of the City of Prine
ville, Oregon.
3w K. W. Bkkksic, Recorder.
Hut national, even international is Hie wonderful fnino
and popiilority of the
Wherever you go you will find "Your t'nele Fullcr"
!'A.,,fI':,t there Imfore you. In Panama and the
1 hilipplnei it is the leader. Any why?
For Sale By
Silvertooth & Browder
Shaniko, Oregon
Free Auto Excursion
Prineville Heights
Princvllle's latest residence district, just platted and now on ll.e market.
Buy a lot in Prineville's sanitary residence district on
easy terms. No sloughs, marshes or mosquitoes. Less Irosl than on
the nver bottom. Fresh air. pure water and an excellent view of the
2',m y Wa'Cr Will,l,e COnVeycd 10 l,,e PrPer,y a r expense. Lots
40x114; prices range from $80 lo $200. Hall cash, balance payable
at 1U per month; 6 per cent on delerred payments, Examine the
maps at our ollice.
Prineville Hotel Building, Ground Floor
Prineville, Oregon.