Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 23, 1911, Image 5

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    Road Brings Sheep
Four Carloads Coma on Firit
Train From MadrM
Four I'luloiulu of ulirrii cotiht it Mi
ni lint firxl lot lit (ri'i((lit lill
out ol Mmlire to I'lirtlnnJ over tlx1
nnwly-ronatriit'ti'il Oregon Trunk,
tln flock Ikmiik roniiniil to the
l'irtltul Union Stork Yard.
Tim nlii'ip lift Mttlran raty
8nltirUy inortiini! ami arrived
licrc Molality, lii-init in flmt-clnHii
condiilon. Tlity wito tukuii ovtr
tlit ni'W ronJ tlie I'litiri' tlintanrc
frum Mmlriti to tlie iniiiilli of the
l)tvcliutt KiviT, li rrinl acnwii the
Culuinliia to Kitllliriilgi1, Wash ,
anil lirouichl to on the
North Hunk lino,
Tli territory ailjawil to the
Oregon Trunk in highly adopted to, and limnerx, now
that they hav an niy melhod nl
tending ohiep to niiirket, expect to
nU;a inortin that market. Ore
K'oiiinii. Mail Routes to
be Discontinued
A nuniher ill until route in
Central Oregon liuvn (ell the in
Ihieni'f nl tint rnilrond. Theiluil.v
mail line between Antelope ami
Milchell Iiuh bran diprontinueil.
The Milchell utipply will come
ilnily (rout Cuiulin,ly wny ol Itich
mond. Tha Anteloxi ofliee will he cup
plied dnily (rom Shiiniku which,
hy Urn way, will he the only mail
routa that will opcrnto out ol
Tim Ill-til line (ruin Ilci-ler to
Meiinil hnn Im'cii cut off at Yiuii!,
which leave llcinler and the
Trout Creek country without u
I lay Creek will lie lupphed from
Matlni. Vouiik" will col) til) lie to
receive it ill nil from Unit point.
The riineville-Sliuniko line will
Im diM'ontinued oon, rle
M.irch 1. The mail for Prinevillc
will coma in over the Oregon
Trunk and the olliceii on the weKt
fide ol the county will ho tupplieil
direct (rom Metoliun.
A I Hi tie t I 1 , if not all, of thcec
rlmngc will tnke place the fiit of
Howard School Closes
Successful Term
Teacher Oeorge Cole cloned a
very aui'cetinful term ol acliool at
Howard Tueday evening.
The play, "t'larinilie Cackle'
CourUhip" wan given and greatly
enjoyed hy thone prenent. The
clmrneteri were n follow: "Cliir
indie Cackle," Opal Senrn; "Simon
Ilohhe," (ieorge Cole; "Charlie
Hohlm," Titer Magerr; "Polly
Springer," Josephine O'Kellcy;
"Ragged Hohin," Charlie O'Kelley;
'The Widow l.ockett,"Oral Seiir;
''lewdrop," Itert Sear.
County Superintendent Ford ad
dreeied the people on the im
portnnce ol the school lihrnry. At
the clone of the address I.ive Uog
era sold the biickels that were
given lor the henelit o( the library.
The bnekeU were well filled with
good things to eat and brought a
good price. The school will renlixf
$1(0 or If70 from the ule which
will he lined to buy bookn.
The ptnplu ol Howard ure to be
congratulated on tluiir oplendid
Rchool spirit. This profitable clos
ing of the buIioo! in only the be
ginning ol better thing in tile
future. Let other schools catch
the InHpiration and do likowiso
A Good Old-
Fashioned Time
The "get-togethers social at the
Presbyterian clmrch was a com
plete SUCCCBS.
The old fashioned spelling mihtrl
was the attraction. Mrs. Baldwin
and Supt. Ford were the "cap'
tains," Mrs, Doonorwns the school
mistress. Words, mostly of one
syllable, were uced, and a number
went down as grass before the
scythe. Mrs. Jluldwin made her
selection with reference to good
looks Messrs Haner, Ashby, Coe
and Wylde were her first selection.
Mr. Ford was slow and deliberate
in his selection surveying the field
carefully before chooting.
Mr. Ashby went down on
"swear," Mr. Wylde "ammunition.
Prof. Coe spelled "emphasis" with
on "I" and insisted that ho was
right and would not "down." Mr.
Wylde said lit was right n ml that
the book wn wrong. Hnpt. Ford
mirttpelled "fkirt," spelling word
unknown to the vocabulary of mot
ieopl. 1 la recovered on second
Hupt. Ford claimed that his
side won but his clnlut was not
Numbers nl caitoonM were
present and gave an exhibition ol
their work on the blackboard. Mr.
Ashby drew a goose or something
of the kind that inhabits the
bayous of Maryland. It hud
wings on the tail and (eel like an
elephant. "Home said it was an air
bird." Mr. Ashby is to give an
other exhibition ol his drawing at
some future lime.
Mr. Haner drew an incubator.
The little chicks in lb shells were
making a desperate effort to get
out. He atlr.butes bis great per
centage ol "hutch" to the fact, that
he used a mug of beer on a drf
platform on one corner of the in
cubator. He was very much dis
appointed that he did not receive
the prize. Collins Idkiiis drew a
monkey with wings like an angel.
Collins says he has put xtra ef
fort on this cartoon ami hopes to
win nut.
Mrs. Angie Smith drew a duck,
gooe or bird which was diflicull l
tell what it was. She kept the
the nu lience guerping (rom start to
Mr. I.akin drew the Tree of Para
dise and contend' that it in an ex
act counterpart of the oi initial in
the (innlm f Kdm. Mr. I.akin
will not do pair and hopei to win
out in the long run. He is ambi
tious and no doubt will.
Suddenly, an Mr. l.tkin was
putting on the finishing stroke, a
loud, pqueaky voice was heard in
the basement ol thu church ill
nouni'iiig that the table was
upread. This was like a Fire alarm
and a rush was mule (or the bare-
ment, leaving the rivul cartoonists
tliputing who should have the
prize. Collins Klkins finally won
with bis monkey. T. J.
Noble Tract to
be Subdivided
Andrew J. Noble has just closed
a contract with with A. U. How
man to subdivide into town
lots and place on sale the Noble
track ol land immediately adjoin
ing the original town ol Prineville
on the west. This tract ol '23 acres
will be immediately platted and
will be known as the Noble ad
dilion to tlie city ol Prineville.
The subdivision will make about
l'20lots, will have graded streets,
sidewalks, parking acres anil build
ing restrictions.
(ieorge Lytle, who died at Salem
January 25, was buried here Tues
day. Mr. I.ytle was I0 years ol age,
and had been a resident ol Crook
county for the greater part ol his
life. He resided on Hay creek for
years. Poring the past summer
he received injuries while freight
ing that cjusciI a stroke ol paroly
sis. lie moved with his (amily to
Marion county last August.. He
leaves a wife and three eons, lie
wits a member ol the Modern
Woodmen bulge ol this city.
Humnttontl Rolinquithmanti Wanted.
See I). II. Peoples, Civil Kngineer.
OHice on street leading to courthouse.
iMM-tf. I. II. rtocLKS.
Horse Wanted.
Young mure from WOO to ItlOO, also
wag-nii aim set ol harness. Inquire ai
this ollire. H.
Advanced Ancaatral Prida.
So Woodli.v Is very rich now, When
I know Ii I tn Im whs pixir. Ills only
treasure In those days was the musket
his great -griiuiirnther en riled lu the
"Oh, his Kreat-Rrnndfatber has been
promoted since. Woodli.v eNhlbllg bis
sword now. Philadelphia Press.
Ths Limelight.
"Pa. what Is meant by Jhe llmo
llfjlitr "The llmellnhl. my boy. Is something
that everybody wants to be In without
pnyhiR advertising rates for the prlv-Uega"-IMrult
r'ree Press.
Pneumonia Cured by Serum.
A record of six cases of pneumonia
ordinarily fatal, In which, after' a
treatment of inoculation with n vac
cine of killed pneumocoeel, there was
a completo recovery. Is announced by
Dr. Henry A. Craig, assistant pliysl
clan nt the Sailor's Snug Ilar'jor bos-
pltal, New Ilrlghtou, JJ. Y., In the Mod
leal Itecord.
In these cases the ages of the pa
tients wore from slxty-slx to eighty-
seven years, and, as is well known,
pneumonia Is fatal In almost all cases
nt thnt ago. Whnt Is perhaps more
important is that all the patlonts had
a marked alcoholic history, and all
showed marked nrtcrlo-sclerosls.
Live Towns Can 8lo Offeneee From
Thie Source if The Choose.
From nt leant two nmlur points of
view enrncMt eomiiieiidiiilnii In to be
given lu any riiuiuli::i ml-iiIihI the nt).
toimilille smoke lnil"iiiiie In sim-ta
and alao to the movement lu ioin-l
the niM-ralors of aurli vehli li- In atop
apllllng oil ou the piiverm-nt or roiid.
Ilolh I lone prmili-ea are IndlMpiitahly
uuplnnaHiit and otTi-uxlve and irolinlily
liijurloiia and duiigemua, and IkiIIi are
aiiareptlhle of nlmli-rii.-nf . Tbi-ru eao
be no iiiiai(n of the rlitht end (mw-cr
of the benllli mid polhe depnrluients
to deal Willi Mil' ll mnttere.
The oernalnniil einUeton of smoke
from AUtomiMI- U probably uiiiivold
abla and exi-uxo lilo. Hut for ear to
run mile after uillv with a done trail
of S'-rld aiuoke iHiurlng from it Is not
exeuiinble. It la not iioeenry, and If
It were It would constitute a prciiy
atrong srgiimeul for excluding the enr
from the hlgliun.ts nllogcilicr. The
smoke Is c-i-rtiilnty en--dlngly un
pleasant to llio ai-imea, nod In ninny
cam-a It may bo -lilvcly Injurious lo
the visual mid n-nplrntory organs of
thosp Ti bo are exjMw d lo It.
The apllllng rind alopplng of nil on
(be alreela mil II they nro mituraled
with It and dotii-d u iih puddla of It
BIO also IlK'.M USIllllo iUlllll It
fills the sir wlih a bad xiiu-ll. It mnkes
the strtH-ts diuiKiroiisty llpM-ry to
walk ou, ii no It ofit-n Is a enuve of
soiling and prm tlcnlly ruining rluih
Ing and other n rl l !. . Now nnd tin n,
as lu the ens,., of Kinoke, a little oil
will, of course. giMj spilled on the
street, Hut there l no reason for
any such ln.l.-nl( ciriiHlon of It as U
to be olisi-rted In ilils city. Kit her a
little more- cure or Die provlnlun of
drip pans to ml. h It Is nil that la
niHslcd to abate (In- nulwince.
The oilier Klnt of view from whMi
both these prmih es are to ! regarded
Is that of Ihn si-IIMi Inlerest of thoie
who are guilty of thi-ni. It Is s well
k uotv n fact that a smoking motor Is a
motor which Is being Improperly us'd
and Is therefore being Injiinsl. The
very rouiHiioiia which enusp Hie smoke
cause Inlury to the in- Ininlsin. Thus
Hie i-haurTeiir who jH-nnlts his ear to
anioke Is Injurlii-i the car as well as
ulilli-tlng the public.
(if course lu the other ease the oil
lil.-ti Is pound en the street Is oil
wnsli-d, and t tin t uu-aiK lin rcased ex
pense of operating the car. If the
nhalomcu! of these tiulsaneea im-nnt
liirreaaiil expense to the owners or
drivers of cars II should still be In
sisted iion for the welfare of the pub
lic. Hut alie e. on the contrary. II will
mean a decrease of Hielr expenses and
therefore the proiuollou of their own
good there can bo no reasonable re
alstnnee or objection to II.
The town nuthoritli should be ever
vigilant against offenses of this char
acter. A concerted crusade mltht be
Insiltntisl by citizens of liny town and
the offending automobile owners made
to answer for their carelessness, fur
carelessness It Is and nothing else.
Pay Every Bill and Interest Account
When Due la Good Advice.
"No man can do business of any
magnitude." sold ii retail man recent
ly, "or would care to, for that matter,
without credit, but the very ease with
which credit may be obtained may bo
a pitfall and one Into which a good
many retail merchants have fallen nnd
unless human nature changes ure like
ly to fall lu the future.
"Hut there la one safe courso to fol
low, which at least will prevent com
plications arising ns a result of care
lessness, and Hint Is to adopt a rule to
pay every bill and Interest account
nheu It la due. Many a bill has hceu
let run over when to pay it would bo
Just as easy ns to omit doing so, and
loosu cuds of debt accumulate In a
way that Is surprising when a full
summing up Is made of them.
"Then, too, It Is true that If tho
debts arc left lit loose ends some one
mny take It Into their heads to gather
the loose ends together and so tie up
the man who should have looked after
them. This may be n bad metaphor,
but it Is certainly good logic.
"So, us 1 said lu the beginning, the
best thing to do Is to pay all bills
when due, even If to do so you shall
have to borrow the necessary money
with which to lake care of I hem, since
dtdng so nt least has the merit of con
centrating the Indebtedness mid plac
ing It where provision can be made
tor Its handling easily when opportu
nity offers to take It up."-Boot and
Shoe Recorder.
Advice to the Employee.
If yon don't like the wny the boss
runs the shop then quit, but while
your salary comes from him bo true
to ti I id and swear by him and all that
he does nnd you will win In the loug
run. If you have something to sny
about the wnj the business Is run that
you think could be Improved don't tell
your boss' competitors, but tell hint,
and It Is likely that he will see that
you take an Interest lu the business
and give you an Increase.
Get the Smile Habit.
Get the smile habit If you want
trade. What's tho use of going
around with solemn face, like some
down to the heel undertaker? Just
as cheap to smile ns It Is to frown.
N'o extra charge unless you are foolish
enough to smile nt the wrong time.
Don't frown; don't smirk. . Just smile
nnd see how good It Is.
Penalty For Delay In Street Work.
Tho city council of Newcastle, Tnd.,
has adopted a rule thnt provides a
heavy penalty for each day of street
Improvement work that remains la
complete after the specified time.
Auto Fees to Mend Roads.
Bergen county, N. J., has received
$37,020 from the auto fees paid Into
the state fund, and to a well known
construction company of Ilackeusack,
N. J were awarded four coutracts
amounting to that stun for work to be
done on roads much traveled by New
York untoists. The board of freehold
ers at a recent meeting voted to es
tablish a road system that will cost
about $(100,000 nnd Insure excellent
roads lu the district close to New
Subscribe for the Journal,
Mail Service
Continued from pngv one.
I'rineville will receive mail (if:
only the Howard and Crooked t
Kivcr country.
This will nil ure the weight of
the incoming mail sixty per rent
or more. The average weight of,
incoming mail (or this point.
should not weigh more than 700
pounds or 1200 as the extreme
maximum according to the esti'j
mate of 1'ortmsster I-dford.
Makes Home Baking Easy
Absolutely Pure
The only baking powder
made from Royal Crape ,
Cream of Tartar
Notice for Lumber Bids.
.Notice is hereby givin by the under-
igniil, llio Committee on Improve
infills ol the City Council of I'rineville,
Oregon, that said committee will re
ceive K-slcl bids lor the following bill
of lumber to be furnished lo the City of
I'rineville, Oregon, at sn.v point within
the corporate limits of sid city iletig
nated by the committee. Ilelivery In
lie made not later than the b"ih day of
Ma l'.Ml. All bids to be submittal
by the l")ih day ol March, lull. Hide
may l tiled with the city recorder.
Council reserves the right to reject sny
and all bids. All lumber to be free from
looe knots and hark.
Mil pieces, 2-12 1 ;i0.'.2 feet
1410 pieces 3-H-HI 4'0 feet
l:la'j pi, ce9. 3 H ltl 41700 feet
2-"i4 pieces, :i 0 IK r"8 feet
ITtl pieces, 2iHxli 3754 feet
170 pieces, SiCxlll 241U feet
Total 101 feet
lhttvd this Pull day of l i b.. P.ill.
It. V. Noiiu:,
Chairman Committee on Improvements.
Professional C ards.
I Crook County jfbsiract Co !.
Altrirt nl lit lo lo nil lit ml unit
town tti In Crook county.
B. F. WyUe, SccreUry, PriatYiIfe, Orff
t JT. S?oJonory
(County I'nyMcian.)
tVWsw r T?mrmm-
at mm W?mtm JAwA,
N. Sanborn
AriiiniHim blin k - rrlncvllU
v. A. HELL i
The Dalit ... Oregon
tPrimimili, Oregon,
C. S3rink
Jt ttrttt, JPrintvilU,
Attorney -at -Law
Will prnctln in nil t be Court.
Oftloe next door io Dr. KohuIhtk'h
Prineville, Oregon.
Homestead locations
a specially
Prineville, Oregon
Physician mntl Smrpon
Call Andwkrkd Promptly Day ok Night
OmiR onk Door south or A damson's
Dkuu Stork. Bmh ottice u rosj.
duuetj tuleubontw.
Dr. J.Trcgclles Fox
OcniTiil nnd Operative Suiuery; Hyulene, niul
the IrilW ut lleitllh: Mtitwllery, anil )seuses
of Women tuut I'lillitivn; The Alimentary
(.'anul, anU lllueHllnn.
Altenitanee at OtNee, Main St., Tuesdays,
I'lim-stiiiy. anil Saturdays, 'ilo5 p. m. Other
times on eull.
Clover Leaf Ranch
Fort Rock, Oregon.
Burred Plymouth Rock, Silvor Spang e
HumburKl), Buff Orpington, (iohlen
Wyndotts, White Wyondott, anil White
Leghorn eggs $2.50 for 15. Orders will
have prompt attention. All Al stock,
finest that can he had.
C E. Shaffer, Prop.
Cigars and Tobacco. Ladies and Gents Furnishings
Offers You Reliable Goods
At Reasonable Prices. Come in and give us a trial.
Quick Service.
Prineville, Oregon.
Just arrived, a fresh lot of Candle and Sweet thing.
D. P.
Protect your home from fire by securing a dry chemical fire ex
tinguisher. No automobile is safe wirhout them as they prevent
the gasoline from spreading as water will do thrown on it when
We have a stock of extinguishers on hand for your inspection.
America' Best Make
Smith & Allingham, Props.
Champ Smith's old stand.
Imported and Domestic
Imported Wines and
Salesmen Wanted.
Wanted: Four salesmen, either
ladies or gentlemen, with team, salary
Iroiu fisO.UO to $100.00 per month and
expenses' Act quick before the po
sitions are tilled. Address Chaa. O.
Christian!, Prineville, Oregon. S-lltf
Call for County Warrants.
Notice t hereby given that all registered
Crook conutv warrants, except scalp warrants,
up to and including registered warrant No.
lots will be paid on presentation to the Treas
urer of said county, interest will cease from
date of this notice. K. 1- JOKlAN,
February lti, WU 2-16 County Treasurer.
Adamson & Co.
- Oregon
Just Received
Art Squares
Closing Out of Winter Stock.
Trimmed Hats, Street Hats,
Scarfs and Veils, Sweaters. Caps,
and other notions, to be sold at
actual cost for the next 30 days
Mrs. Estes
Millinery Parlors.
Notice of Dissolution of Pariucrship
To whom it may concern. Notice is hereby
given that tho (trraer firm and partnership ol
Franklin Jt iHte, formerly comltiotiuK ft
secomi hand store in I'riueville, Orcpon, has
been this day by nintual eouseut dissolved,
Lee H- Franklin retiring. All accounts due
said firm are assigned and made payable to W.
S. Cooke, and all indebtedness of said firm as
per contract of sale, is assumed by the said W,
8. toke. The business wileoutihue under the
name of W. S. Cooke.
Dated this Hlh day of February, 1911.
Ia!C B. Fraukliu.
V,8. Oooko.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given by the under
signed, the administrator of the estate ot
Patrick J. Kennedy, deceased, to all per
sons having claims ftKainst said deceased
to present the same, with the proper
vouchers, to the undersigned at the otnee
ot M. K. Klliott in I'rineville, Oregon,
within six months from the tirat publi
cation of this notice.
Bated this 2nd day of Feb., Mi.
Adnunistmtor of the K state of .Patrick J.
Kennedy, deceased.
iunni FRYi
j Prineville, Oregon w
(t C. 23 ri
Real siate
Office with Geo. W. Bomes
JPrintvtllt, ' Onjam
Practice in all courts. Special addition to
water rights, litigatiuu and criminal Uefmu-ea.
Culver Juncton, Ortyon
Dr. John Iluback,
Late Veterinary Surjfeon H. R. Army.
lR-partment oi the Philippines,
All HurKkal Work at Keasonable
Hamilton Stables.
Prineville, Or.