Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 23, 1911, Image 4

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    Of the
A. R.
Says President Stevens
of Oregon Trunk
Undeveloped Territory The
Last Frontier A Poor
Man's Country.
"What will be the effect upon
Central Oregon of the construction
of railroads?"
Returning Thursday from the
celebration at MadraB over comple
tion of track laying to that point,
this question was propounded to
President John F. Stevens of the
Oregon Trunk line, believed by
many to be the foremost railroad
constructor in the United States,
and at any rate the first engineer
to enter the Deschutes river can
yon determined that through it
should be solved the problem of a
gateway to the vast Central
Oregon empire, says the Portland
Mr. Stevens is intensely inter
ested in the development of central
Oregon and iB making it a study
from the viewpoints of the farmer,
the merchant and the manufac
turer as well as from the viewpoint
of the railroad man.
'What will be the effect?" Mr.
Stevens repeated, as he began his
first lengthy interview upon this
"That is a big question. It
brings into consideration many
features that must necessarily
figure prominently in the future,
a future full of promise.
"The new northwest is rapidly
becoming the old northwest. That
part of the United States lying be
tween the Missouri river and the
Pacific ocean has ceased to be
frontier, it is rapidly taking on the
garments of refined civilization
and it is becom'ng what nature'
Choicest Segregated Lands in Crook County, near Prineville, in
Under the Cary Act. These Lands are Under the Central Oregon Irrigation Company's
Right Can be Secured for Only $40 Per Acre, One-Fourth Down and the Balance in Five
The $40 per irrigable acre is only the cost of the irrigation system as fixed by the State Land Board. You can now have
your choice of the entire tract. Do not wait. Make your selection now.
BOWMAN, Selling Agent,
intended it to be one of the most
favored sections of our great land.
"Blest with a climate peculiarly
adapted to the development of the
highest species of the human race,
with millions of acres of every
variety of the best soil on earth, its
oniy neea was the touch of the region will be slow and disheart
magic railroad wand, to brine it'enine Then, much nf thn
to its inheritance.
"Lying entirely within the limits
of the state of Oregon a state'
which by reason of its potentiality settlers find conditions different
must become one of the brightest ; from these he found in the Da
jewels in the crown of the whole I kotas and Montana,
west are over 100,000 square miles j "liesides, the country being
of undeveloped territory, of which ! essentially a semi-arid one, buc
at least one-half is capable of high; cessful agriculture must be pur
agricultural development, and all 'sued along very different linep, to
of the remainder porsesees rich! which mo.'t of our farmers are
timber resources, or is able to pro-' strangers, than those followed by
vide range for countless herds and
not.!. i racucany, mis impor-Will be recorded, but the oppor
tant part of the capital of the, tunity is there, only needing in
nation, has lain idle through past' telligent labor with limited capital
jears, when au other sections of to succeed. The unfavorable con
the northwest have felt and been conditions will rhmoo fh citl,.-
benefited by the great awakening, ; through intelligence and experi
and the reason why this particular j ence will adapt their methods to
section uas ungeiei in the dark !
ages is not hard to find. It is,
uiav mere is naruiy a nine oi rail-
road in all this van expanse.
"The cost of transportation has
always made it imnn-siililn In r,m.
duce within its borders, anythine !
of mark,.!,!,, v-l. ....,!-!
, ,
wool, which
had lei'S to walk
out of the country. All this, how
ever, will now be changed, pro
viding financial and political con
ditions are such as to induce legit
imate promotion.
"The true answer to the question
can be found in what I have men-j
,- i , , ., , , ,
tioned as to what has already hap-'
pened, and what will happen to'
the rest of the northwest, but the i
rate of growth and progress may I
be eY.,pHl ,n V,. ...:.! :" !
.t.i n 1 1 i
central Oregon for several reasons,
one of them being the com-
tively small amount of agricultur
al land oen to homestead entry
by actual settlers. Much of the
land of value agriculturally has
passed by one means or another
into the hands of private owners,
who are holding it for speculative
purposes, or for stock ranches.
which, at the present day, amounts
to the same thing. The bone and
The Land is Free
sinew of our people, the farmers,
I cannot pay high prices for sage-!
.' brush land, and one thing or the;
1 other will happen either the I
! present owners must be content ;
j with only a fair profit on their I
lands, or the development of the !
I valuable land i lorkwl nr. .v
entirely academic nnil vinmnarv
forestry acv. thnt th kMh.i
them in the east. Many failures
the count gnt iu ;n i
venture to predict, be ultimately a
great success, and thousands of
producers will add their share to
the wealth of the great state.
Pl P.KI. T- f
VCttl liaUMCIi.
Furnished by the Crook County Abstract Co.
C. F. Anderson ami wife to Jamee
Daugherty, lot 1 blk 55, Redmond,
Redmond Towneite Co. to Rachel
McCaffery, lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 blk 23,
Redmond, $525.
p ,,k M T a"d ,wife ,to c"
IJolden.n.'a ne,sw4 ne4, and net nw4,
8et. 12 1.-18 $C
Rend Townsite Co. to Fannie E.
Sliireman. lot 1 hlk 24, Rend. $750.
Frank Callahan and wife to R. G
l;'J"a ilainiltotl Serepta Hamil-
ton, e'a ee4 sec 2-15-18,ll0.
ton, e'j ee4 1
Frank Cox and wife to J. J
nw4 i2.15.18l $1300.
Jeese llodeon to Northwest Towtmite
I fV. t...l 11 It 1 1 . . .
wr, cvi 74 ii-Ji'ig uuii iraui IJing
west of same, adjoining South add,
Makras, $j,;tifi.60.
Jainea Allen to Collins W. ElkinB, a,'
of west 67 feet of lot 2, blk 17, Original
Prineville, $237.80.
S. N. Rutner et al to C. 8. Rogers,
nv Dei nw4 and nw4 sec 3(i-1(1-19,
S. !S, and W. J. Butner to C. S.
Rogers, nj ee4 and t ne4 sec 30-16-19
Linda A. Miller and luiKtiand to The
-Miller Realty Co., n and 8e'4' M''4
(tie 4-14-11, gl.
Alonzo K. Adair et nx to The Miller
Realty Co., all ewK sec 4-18-14, $1,
alio w , eec 918 14.
Josiah K. Miiler et nx to The Miller
Realty Co., n '4; tec 0-1 H-14, ?1.
Kinily C. Miller and liiislmnl to The
Miller Realty Co., c'j n'j and B'4
ne' sec 4 18 14, $1.
Win. T. I'avenport et nl to John I..
Campboll, f'a' lot 2, lilk 1!), I'almain, $1."
John F. VanAllen K tlx to Win. (i.
I'Loonix, lot 211 hlk Redmond, $1,
Redmond Townsite Co. to John W.
Wooilriiff, lots 5 and (i, hlk 1:1; lots 3 and
4 hlk 18; lots 7 and s hlk 3; can o
lots 13, 14, 15 and 10 in blurk 24. Red-
uiond, $1,300.
John Combs, trustee to Marion I!
Rigijs, n'.j nw 4 and ne'j' sec 1 and
nr sec 2-15-10, $12,000.
Jane Combs et al ta John Combe
trustee, w sw'-4, e ev ami w!
nw'-ec 5; eetf mV. and uv'4 se.'-i seed-
18-1; lots 2, 3 and 4 and nv. m see 1 ;
lota 1 and 2 and s' ne! nee 2-15-1(1:
also a tract 120 x 210 feet east of block
9, Newsom's addition; lot 4 in blk If
and tract 28 x 100 feet in lot fi, blk 11
original Prineville, $1.
tieorgie M. Jewel t to Oregon Trunk
Railway, right of way ui rots eu Hi-IT-
12, $:;;,o.
W. F. Hammer et ux to Kffa I).
.Sanford, se nej, w'.j ami pe-4
nv tec 10-12-14, $1,000.
Zaebariab Stroud to II. Taylor Hill,
e'4 evYt and sw.1 hh fee 19-27-1H, $1000.
Rose Cason to Addio -Nichols, lot 5.
blk 2, second add Redmond, $1,000.
Crook Co. Inv. Co. to Hiram W.
Thomaw, lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in blk 14,
Hillman, $255.
Serpliine Nace to Julia K. Naee, lot
11 blk 19, Palmain, $200.
J. J. Kllinuer et ux to C. V. Ehret.
lots 5 and 0, blk 0, Redmond, $1,050.
Edward li. Williams to Walter A.
Foster, ee4 sec 28 1(1.11, $5,000.
Thos. J. Fryrear to J. J. Wilt, e'A
nes sec 20-12 10, $ 150.
Crook County Iuv. Co. to Mabel Akin,
lot 25 blk 105 ami lots 8, 9 and 10 in
blk 7, Hillman, $80.
Return Home Through the Sunny South.
When you arranue '-our eiiHtern trio
be sure to include the Sunset Route
through hew OrleanH, El Paso, Ixia
AngeleB and iSan Francisco for return.
It. iu a aittandid oilitcttt if mci 1 imirnuir
and at this time of the. year especially
delightful because, so warm and comfort
able. Every mile is through the sunny
southland ihe rice and cotton fields of
Louisiana and Texas, the vant mirage
meses of New Mexico and Arizona, now
spread with bright green, the orange
groves and semi-tropic charm of Cali
tnrnifi. milpii and triilR Rlnnir tht nopan
shore, and several of the most inter-
your local railroad agent all about it. f23
Notice for Publication. !
lVttirtm--nl of the ttitfrt.r. t'nlt.'tl Mtnti'
1. umt iotl.- nl "J In- liiilits, Onic'ii, ('rliru
arv l-Uh, I HI I -Notli'i-
U li. n l.v tlvi-n Hint
iih, ,11, m i iuUmiuIi. i
of I'rlni-vlllr, Do it. hi, u ln, on l-.-t.rim rv Tt It.
Mm!, iiih.I.- Il..ii.i-i-li;itt, No. IIWI-. m iltil No.
tt'.nll, f..r N . KK',, nnd I lies , SK1,, m-i-llull
I. T,iwnMi IS HinUli. Hi,t,ui- l.i In. I.
tMllitiui-lu- .Miil.ll.oi, hn lilnl ii.iIKh nf
lull nlli. n In niuki' l.nul tlvi--vnir im.i.r In
f. no, ll-h claim 1. 1 tin. limit iiIiom- ill s,-rl.i-il,
t I. I.. Wurr. li lln.wii, rmintv tli-rk, nl IiIn
nltli... nl I'rln.v I IU-. tiiimmi, on tlii'lUli
ii.i or Muri'ii. mil.
l.ilniitiil luifii. ii us vilrn' -i: t ii .try.' U'. j
.uuii'-. ti.-nrv .1. IM1W urm, (in y .i-in tlllaiii
S, 1 u.-ki". Of l'l llll-Vlll... llH-i;..!!.
V--'I I t'. S. MUOl:!-:. Hitl.lrr.
Notice for Publication.
Isp.-irtmiiit oflhi- Illti-iinr. V.H. I.;mil (illl.n.
nl I In. liiilli fi.lii'Kon, l i hruiuy I Itli, I;ill.
! Nntliv l hi ri'l.v Uln i II,, it
(i'loVHIIIli I), Alilllllll.
i.r I'rlti. -villi-. (ir.-iiii, who, i. n .liuiimrv I.
Iiil.' Hoiiii'il.-iitt Nil llwi s.,ii,i No.
",;-H, A,illll..lml Si .. Hull, lAI'i, HitiiiI N,,.
Oii-'n, f..r n'i n'.j m1,, timl hi' iiw4 m.1,
kvIIiiii U. lown-hli IhmiuiIi,' 10 ciinI.
U lllMlii.-ltJ-.' M.TI'lhitl, li niril IH.Ih'i. ,if
Inti'iillon to imikii Ilniil llvi--i'iir lirmir, in
i-tiihll-tl iliiliit In I lit. un, I uhnvi. il.-.rrllii'il,
ln hin- Wiirri'ii llrnwn. rminlv rliok. nl ton
nflW-i' ill l'rliii'Vllli..Urt-4eorit nn I In-llli iliiy or
Mur.'li, lull.
liilinuiit. rniinfH lis HiiUtI L.
KltrhlliK. Jnii.illll oi'iiinln. ItnlM'rt'i, Mnlth,
l'ii HiiltltiKi-r, ull of rilni'vlll... Ori-uoi)
i-'-'lp V. W .MiMIKK Jt.'lliT.
Contest Not ho
I)i-iartini'iit of Tile IiHurior.
P. S. hand tlllicf. Tin- iJulli-n, itn t-nti.
K.'hi imrv ei, ru I.
A Hlllllrli'llt I'f.lilrst alllihiIL iuivllilf lut'll
nii'ii iii iiiin i, in," hv n,mi,.K .. r, i,.rM,n,
iinllli'Mliiht. liunlliHt liiinii.Hl.'inl Kiiti-i' N ..'
m.lll, iiiinli' Muri'h -li. lulu, fni- e : -w1.. w'4
-i-c -n. Ip 17 hniilh, ranui. Ill i nut, U liliini.
fill- Mi rlilhui. I.v Alniin II. Itnl.liiMiti, i-mi.
tl'Kll-l', III llll'll II Ik iiIUki'.I I hill ,l. A lnll,!ll
It. Itnhtllhini litis wholly ul.iiiiiliitiiil mil. I
Iru.'t tor inori. llimi kIx iiiniiihs last .hm:
Ihal ahl Irin t Is iii.i si'IHi',1 tiniii hihI I'uith
vi.l. il l.vkiil.1 l,..rli'..u ., ...,l i.u I,,..,.
llii'ri' iirf no Iliiliinvriii.-iiiM nah trai'l;
lllllt Slllll tll.'... HhSl'll.'l' HilS i,L llllll tO IllN
iiililoyini'iit in tin- itrmv, iihvv or iiiiulni.
nrl.s ir tin- I'nlli'tl Hliili-H In Him. i.r u.ii-
Hiit.l inirtl.'H urn lu n hv- liolllh'il In iiiii'ar,
i.-Kioiiiu hi " ii i'ii ii it u. in. nn Anll l, mil T. I li.OtV. ii w I'.il.O.' ..I l.i
ollH'i' III I'rln. -villi', OoKon, iiinl thai Ilniil
ll. iiriiii; win i.i hi'iii hi in iroi'utK n. In. nil
Anrll li. I'OI. I.i.fiiru Ihe Itit'ii-U'r mill It.'i'i lvi.i
ill Ihn l iilli il Klali'i, liiillU I Ull io In Tin
lllilli'H, (ni'L-nli.
'1 III' sllhl i-olill"-lalll. ll:i vllnr. ill li nnilii'r nr.
n.hivlt, llli'il Ki'liiiiioy H, 1IM I. s.'t fnilli fault.
wll I'll hIhiw I Intl. iifh r lltlp rllllif. lii.
Ht.Tvli'i' or tliiK nnli.'i' .'nn mil In: nnt'lr, II Is
ln'Klvun hy iliui uuii iiropiT iitihlli'iitlon.
--"! ,l., -..ilUltl'. IVl l(ISIT.
Contest Notice.
Ili'l'it'l mi-lit of I tin- inli'ilor,
V.H. Luiiil (llliiu, Thi. liitlli-H, (in-gnii.
Ki'lii'iiary i;i, lot 1.
A un fii..i,..,i ...... ii.ui i,m,i..n 1.....1
ft l.'.l in this nllli'i! hy Van M. Mnrsn, ,,,n-
li-Hllint, Hlfalnsl litinii Klcinl .,ntrv No. 141TI,
vt Mu,'. i '. .. :
......I, ,"..i, i.ii nv, 4 si , iiini , mwil
slil i h Houth, riiiiKi' II rust, llhtini'lh. M.'i l.
ililtli, hy .Inlni M.Hh.wiirt, (ili'i'rintril) pnnh'M-
I... I.. ... I.I..I. I I lu ..II. ...... I I1...I U..I.I I..1... it'
Kli'Witrt. illi'il on itr ahntil Miiirh l:i, run: thai
siiiiTMiitl ilitli. his lii-liH, All.'ii s. Johnson:
.1' lin M.HIi-uitrl. MiirvK. A tiili.i-si.n U III
nu-witrt. anil Klllll itlonlil, Inivi. fiilli'il lo
ll'Sllll' II 111 III III' l-ll I II Villi; sn III I rii.'t us i'.'.ii.Ip. ..I
hy law; that Kit 1 1 1 helm have Mnlil I Iib Im-
itlialiiiniii'ii I In Hiilnl;; n(ih pai llt-M arc hi-ii-hv
nnlltli'rl In nin'iir, ri'stminl itnil nlli-i' rvh
ili.'lllH. lout'hltiK Kitlil uiliKitllmi nt 111 o'l-lork
l in nn M . ri.l '.'.1 lull I... I, 1 1 I,,.,...
u Niiliu-y I'lihlh.itl, Ills ntlii'it 'in 'Piini'Vllli.'
III..IMIII III., I II, .11 III. Ill I I... I... I. ..I. I
at 1(1 o'rloi'k a. in. on Marrh Hi, ill I f, liolnri. liu-
iM'Ifisn i' nun ueci'iver HI inn rnlli-a HLal.'s
I j.iwl inn.... In 'i'ii,. ii.........
'illL'MHj.l l-ltll I l-HI H III IlllVl'lIt;, 111 It' )l' Hill-
'lavlt, lilfil. .luiiiiitry 1'jll, si-t Inrih hii-tK-
wnii'li 8linw Unit allt r ituu ililiui'iico ihtsoiiiiI
NtTvici: Hi (his linlii-c fun not ho;, it s
lii.Tt.hy nr.h ri'il iimi illr.'irti ii Umv Hiit-li notiix
be Kivtiti hy (hit! uuii prniior ,tihlii,'utiiiii.
21 C. . MOOltK, ISi'KlKter.
Prineville Steam Laundry.
Hltvi" vnnr i-lnl ln.u wnshiM nl 11. l.i.. t'
Hhitin i.ioimliy. hii'i.lal ullt'iitlon kIvi-ii In
Intvi-li'm. l.itiitKlry Ih lofuli ii in u,u iluCMllls.
uir iniiiuiiia, nt'ur me titiiitK'o.
-" J. a. imuvt jn, rrop'r.
the Famous Powell Butte
Ditches and a Perpetual Water
Years with Interest at 6 per cent
Prineville, Oregon
Bend Steam Laundry, ;
Bend, Oregon. 1
First Class Work Guaranteed. Phone for Particulai
and Rates. I j
Hobert Reams, Agent
r -t
Sonera SSlaccsmithtng
k J
r -i
r i
r i
r i
Whkn it ib Donk By : : :
Siobert 7ooro
l i
r. 1
Satisfaction Will
r t
City Meat Market!
Hongan & Reinke, Props
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Wholesale and
All Kinds of Sausage Nice and Fresl
j Home Cured
Lard. Fish and Poultry
in Season.
Butter and Eggs.
t We will savfi
lie Guaranteed
Bacon and
Give us a call and
vnn mnnov
j ""-;
--ii i,.; .... j ,a StrtTir4s f tti