Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 23, 1911, Image 3

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    Satisfied Customers is Our Motto.
Pumps and Pines
Diamond W Goods
Stoves and Ranges
Doors and Windows
Tin and Graniteware
Blarksmithing Supplies
Tents and Wagon Covers
Tinning, Hardware, Plumbing, Groceries,
Fairbanks-Morse Gas Engines
Aermotor Windmills
Studebaker Vehicles
Lowe Brothers Paints
Superior Grain Drills
Sharpies Cream Separators
Quick Meal Ranges
lr. II. 1'. Ili'lkiiiii tvttirncil from
Siili'in .vcHliTiliiy,
Hum To the wife nl II. I.. I'nrry,
W'imIimkiIm.v, ii liny,
.1. II. Wfiiiimly wim In I'rlni'V lllr
Sunilny from liciiil.
Aiirun I'lke was n IiiiIih' v lull or
I ruin Culvrr MhikIm.v.
Ii. A. Smith mid wile were In
rrlni'vllli' Irmii lli'inl Muiiilny. .
II. J. Oveiturf nml r.lini'r Nl
wiimkit wi-rv In I'rlni'vllk' from lu-ucl
J. W, 1 1 1 i ) U-fi Tuiwtlny for n
trip to I'lirtliiml inn) other inlhl
went nl tin' Ciiei iiili'M,
Hi irii Tu tli wlli- nl Itulit. llnr
rl tin ton. lit Miirnlilli'ltl, dri'Kiiii, n
liny. Tin1 Harrington werv nul
ili'iil o( l'rliii-vllk fur ypiim.
'urtlta A I'riH'U haw iiiiivimI their
l-rwtmiriiiit tu tin- ('. M. Klklim' Imllil
Iiik mi MiiIii ntni't. 'II u-y will oc
fiipy their own nuurJerH, wlilrli Ik
t 111) I'lllMllltf now In iiku I iv the
t runk Counly Hunk, In t (n- tw rl.v
Ml'llilllW IIIIHtllllll'C U till' Illtl'Nt
oiii' fHtulillnlii'il In Crunk riiiiiily. Ii
wiim nH'iii'il u few i y ago iiml r j
ri'lvoil Km flint mull Muiiilny. It lit j
kIIiiiiIimI In Summit I'rulrli', Kiniuii
Merrett, IlimtlllllMtaT, The IH'W III-
lli'i' will l it ttreiit convenience tin
rrnlili'iitii nl tlinl -i Mtn try. Tint mull j
nipi'ly will culm' from Howard.
We Have Just Received a Shipment Consisting of Nine Large Cases of Graniteware, which we
bought direct from the factory at a saving of about 25 per cent, over the price usually paid our
Jobber. This is the well known ONYX WARE. The entire lot Now on Sale.
Saturday Special
Aluminum Collapsible Drinking Cups, 10c.
Mm. Hum Colllim U qullf Hick.
H. M. Srott wim over from Itetnl
Horn To tln wife of J. J. Winler
of Kent, n Imiv.
Horn To tlm wile of (Jny I.nfoll
ette.Thiintilny, n boy.
J. W, lluwunl wim In rrlnevllle
from I-ower HHiIkv lliu tlrMt of the
J, N. MiiHten of l.ft I'lnn was la
rrlnevllle on IiiihIiic the IiihI of the
Wnnl Crnm mine In yentenlny
I rum I'ortlnnil. He will lie In I'rlne-
vllle for ft couple of week.
Hey. 1'ntlier Hhei'hiin will make his
uniml monthly vlult to rrlnevllle
next Huinliiy, I'eliruiiry !W. Serviced
will lie hehl ut the home of Mr. Joe
(ieriinlo Kuutlny evening at 7::H) unci
.Muiiilny morning at nevcti.
Mm. Anna MonriH' tiled neur Mit
chell I'eliruiiry K. She wm 102 yeiir
of nit" iiml whn n reiniirkulile ex
ii in pit- of kooiI heiiltli until n short
time Ix'fotv her ileitth, Her griunl
liniKhter l Mm. I'. (', t'rletlu of
J, W. Colllim rmiie the limt of the
week, from. I'ortlnnil, where he ient
the winter. He will drive n Ktuile
linker cur for the Cornctt Hlmfc &
."italic t'oiiipmir ngnl'i thin year.
They will coinine nee ri'iriilnr auto
bitvIi'c Ih'uIiiiiIiik miireh 1, to con
nect with the Oregon Trunk at
Minima uml Mntolltni.
a TTinrun "WTir a
all Vernii lluwunl In In Prlne
vllle from Miulnm.
It. Y. ArniMtroiiK whn In from 'ul
ver the hint of the Week.
It. K. .IoIiukoii returnei) from
llurim the (Imt of the week.
(lull IlurncM, nun of Frank llarnt-K,
In over front ItiiniH on a vUlt to IiIm
Hnwmlll men dhoiihl read the nd
vertlHement of the city of I'llnevllle
for lihU on InmlM-r. Hunt It up. it
may meitn it contract for you.
f. A. Itrown of Iteilmoiiil, him pnr
ctniM'il the rrlnevllle Laundry uml
will conduct the mime (it the old
Htiind. Prompt work gtuir.nnU'eil.
The forty-ncre tract of lm;d owned
hy A. J. Noble, which lien Jimt went
of the city, him lieen clenreil. It Ih n
Krent Improvi'inent to that part of
the municipality.
The Plctorliim Iium moved to It
new new location In the (ilnxe liulhl
Ing. The opening bill wan a it noil
one. The Interior of the bulldliiK
has been tilted up for the bindiM-HR
uml preiH'utM n neat sad ul tractive
The Commercial Club booklet,
which Ih beiiiK IwHiied by t lie Journal
Job plant, will lie tu the handu of
llixmtcr AHliby next week, It Ih n
twelve paije book, and brlMtlcH
with facU .ubout Ceiitrul Oregon.
Send It to your trlendn.
They are
J. E. Stewart
Si-rvlcen will be eondiicted In the
rrcHbytcrlaii ihiirch next Hunday,
February 2l, both iiioruliiK and
eveuinit. Helpful mid luU'nNtlnK
HUliivtM will be treated at each wr
vlce; mmk nrvlee iiIho In connection.
Yon are cordially Invited to come.
II. (illiHou Hold IiIh SoO-iu-re ranch,
which Ih hltimted nine uillin north of
rrlnevllle, the lnut of the week.
Mr. I,. II. Kerwood of Seattle U the
purchiiHcr. The price paid wiim f 2T,-
OtW. Mm. Kerwood will mibdlvlde
the tract mid Hell It to actual Het
tlem. Frank Johimtiiiie of l'urtlanil, haw
iiH-ated a claim five iiiIIch north of
the O'Ncll Htore upon which he
cliiliim lie Iiiih found unmlKtukeable
IndlcatloiiH of keroHcue. He found
ImmeiiHe ontcroppliiKH of carbon
droHH from which, he huvh, the coul
oil Iiiih evaporated.
Service next Sunday, inornliiK aud
evening nt Metliodlnt church. Sub
Jwt for inornliiK "The AdvantnKe
In (irowlua; Old." KvenltiK "How
a SuccchkIiiI Mun Failed.' Kpworth
Ia'ukhi', tl:.'IO, aubject, The lullueiice
of a (ireat I'iomIoii." 1'aHtur, leader,
l'raver meetlnK Thnmiluy evenlnit,
March Subjirt, "Klijnh' TraiiH
Intlon." Kveryone Ih t'ordlally In
vited to attend thew eervlceH. We
eHieelally Invite KtraiiKerH and tluwe
having no church home. Juo. M.
HuggliiH, piiHtor.
Three or four furniehed roomK lor
light housekeeping or will take fur
uiulieii houe. 'I'hone I'ioneer Abstract
Company. 223-tf.
wm jett it OifrTTrTPTrrTTT ttt
Real Bargains!!
i" Shorty Lon"
Win Contest
A very exciting bowling contest
cloed Saturday night at the Com
mercial Club. The "Shorty Longg"
won out. Hugh Lskin made the
highest Individual score 52, and
j Earnest Koeeer the highest indi
vidual average 34. The team
work of the winners aversged 192
pins to the game. The individual
averages were: J. E. Kdwardg 28,
W. Quinn, 28, Max Hoefer, 2G, C.
Rice, 28. Hugh Lakin, 28, Warren
Brown, 25, D. W. McMillen, 31.
Interest did not wane through
out the contest. The six teams
were evenly matched and a slump
or a gam meant victory or defeat
to any one of the team;. While
the Shorty Longs took the lead in
the eighth game and maintained it
to the end of the twenty games, it
was anyone's game up to the last
minute of play.
The teams finished in the follow
ing order: Shorty Longs, 383'1,
Ding Hats, 3746, Mutts, 3725,
Pioncero, 3081, Hungry Six, 3626,
and the Pirates, with Captain
Kidd as leader, 3620.
The trophies, which were pre
sented by W. F. King, were a
small gold claep modeled after a
bowling pin with the letter "P" in
black on the face of it.
The bowling tournament is only
one of many interesting contests
planned by the Commercial Club
before the weather will permit of
outdoor sports.
The Shorty Longs are going to
serve a little spread to the other
teams at the Club rooms next
Saturday night in celebration of
their victory.
Stockmen Finishing
With Grain.
Stockmen in the Prineville coun
try are feeding grain more exten
sively this year than ever before
for the finishing of meat for the
Portland market.
E. T. Slayton is feeding beaded
wheat to his beef while UoCallis
ter & Davenport are feeding chop
ped wheat to their sheep. L. B.
Lafollette is feeding rolled barley.
In this manner they will top the
Portland market, for Prineville
bay fed stock hare always sold at
a good figure.
All Odd Pairs Shoes
Will remain on sale untill all sold
Improve the Road.
The Burns Commercial Club has
expressed its willingness to co
operate with Prineville in the mat
ter of a road from Burns to Prine
ville over which all freight to
Harney county will pass until
such time as Burns has a railroad.
This is very important to the
local merchants and the Burns
people should be shown that Prine
ville is ready to do the fair thing
in the matter.
Much of the freight from the
John Day valley will be hauled
from Prineville also during the
next few years.
Card of Thanks.
XI y sell and family wish to convey to
the Modern Woodmen, to Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Powell, to Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Calbreath and others our heart
felt appreciation for their many acts of
kindness daring oar late bereavement.
May like kindlv offices be theirs in
time of trouble. Sincerely,
Mas. Ella Lytls
and family.
Eggs for Hatching.
From best strain of S. C. White Leg
horns ; good winter layers ; $2 per 15.
Mbk. j. . Adamsox, Prineville, Ore.