Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 16, 1911, Image 3

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    Customers is Our Motto.
Pumps and Pipes
Diamond W Goodt
Stuvet and Range
Doom and Window
Tin and Granitewarc
Blacktmithint Supplier
Tent and Wagon Cover
Tinning, Hardware, Plumbing, Groceries,
Fairbanks-Morse Ca Engine
Aermotor Windmill
Studebaker Vehicles
Lowe Brothers Paint
Superior Grain Drill
Sharpies Cream Separators
Quick Meal Ranges
Mm. II. I'. 'I'll tin i m nrrlvcd t
Oml ill I In' week from Tin- Dulles.
futility Clerk llrown went to Mml
rn yeaii-rdiiy to intend the celchni
thin. Mm. Mnttle Titylnr returned to
Iwr home at (irimn Vnllcy l In' first
i.t (In nii'k,
I'.liliT W. H. Cimki' will (iri'iii h nt
til.' I .ft 111. l I II M'llllllllllllUI' licit Hllll'
ilny tit II n. in. hihI 7 p. in.
t'ntvy V. Punter nrrlvcd from
Wiilln Wiillu yeaterdiiy iimriitiiK.
Ills fiunlly will n-liirii nlimil April I.
('. K. Thunmn nf Purl land, mi ex
Tl cut Iit iiml liller, In iiM.H'lali'il
with H. tiiirmli-y. the Tiillur. hi ml
tu mmtlirr column.
Mllu. Ilnilitim Iff t tin- fimt it the
week lor Sliimlkii where he will meet
lr. mill Mm, Kt-U'liiiiu who lire re
turning troiii Portland.
Mm, CO. l'lillanl mid little nun
n rr I nil IubI week from I'lirtliiriil.
Mr. nml Mm. 1'olliird will uuike tlii-lr
tut im Ilium' In I'rlnevlile.
rlimlli-S. Mi'MiM'ti nml Minn Norit
KiiMnell wnv married IuhI Kmiilny lit
tin' liuiiii' nf Mr. nml Mm, Aehen,
ii"iir l.iinioiiiii. KUIer Cuiiku ulll-
Jiilm Miittmiii returned nri'iitly
from II trip to liliiho, lie Old lint
llki tlu look of tilt' country nml
i'iiiii'IiiiIi'iI tluit Crook comity wuh
Kooil I'limiuli lor lilm.
MiiriliMl At tin' In itiiu of the
bride's pamiiU, Mr. ami Mm. I'. N.
VlhhertM, ni'iir Voiiiikk. Wcdmndny,
I'Vlirmiry K, Oniric Dillon mid MIm
Cliini VHiImtIm, Kldi-r V. K. Cook
There will lie n mcctlutf of the
I 'rlnc vlllo I in ti it at tin- Comiui ri'liil
('lull room every Wednesday even.
Iiicnt7:ii and Sunday ufu-rnnoiis
ut II o'clock. All miuhU Iiiiim lire re
iMiKti'd to ntti'iul.
('. It. Henry of l'nullim mine down
the hist of the week for need urn In.
Mr. Henry Mtys Hint there In every
proeiMTt for plenty of moisture In
hla section thlM ycnr. Klve Inches of
niiow tell l'rldiy nlKht.
The 0, K. k H. Company Imve.eii
tnblhdied rt'Kiilnr coiu-h service le
tween rrluevllle and Miulraa to con
nect with nil tniliiH. The conch will
leava rrluevllle mid Mnilraii every
inornliiK at 7 o'clock mid will reitrh
Km dent Inatlon about 2 p. in.
Tim lndle' Aid of the Methodist
Church will nerve dinner In the cliiaa
room of the church, Friday evening.
Kebrunry 17, from 5 to 8 o'clock.
Chicken and other nood things too
miiiicruua tu mention are luted on
the advance Hheetii of the bill of fare.
Religions services will Ih- conducted
In the I'nubyterlan church next Kun
day, l'Vbrunry 111, both inornliiK and
evening. Interesting and helpful
subjects will lie treated and jcood
hIiikIiik will bo Blven at each service.
You are cordially Invited to come
out. J. i. Hodges, minister.
J. A. Went on wan sworn In Mon
day an t1hI police officer by Jude
Mm. Anility mid Mr. and Mm. Dim
Keti'huui are expected I i from Khan
Iko toduy.
Keth Dlx of Dixon llros., the
eattlemeii, came down for supplies
the flmt of the week.
Jnrvls Jones, an old-tlmcr In l'rlne
vllle, who has been away fur a
couple ol yearn, baa returned to bin
old h u n In. He aiient most of lit"
time while away In tlrciit Falls,
The I.adlea Annex will give a U)
party next Monday rvenlwr, Kebru
nry 'is). In the parlors of the Com
mercial Club. All ineiuliem are re.
queaU'd to lie oil baud at K o'clock
The ladles of the rnnbytcrbtn
church will Klve a free social on the
evening of February 22. An Invi
tation laextelided to the iiiemliera of
other Chun-hen to lie prenent and en
joy a aoclal evening. Owing to niuiill
quarter the Invitation In extended
to (leraona over 13 yearn of age.
A vault han been constructed for
the county treasurer's oltice ut the
courthoune. Hlx feet wan cut ff
from the went end of the recorder'
vault and a steel door swung om-ii-lug
Into the trensurcr's oliice.
TreanunT Hulph Jorilun will move
Into the new olllce thin afternoon.
You are Invited to lienrthescr
iiiiiiin mid llnten to the iiiuhIc ut the
Methoillnt Church next Sunday,
morning nnd evetilng. Momtngsuh
Jiit, "Chrlntlan Fortlllcntloim,"
evening, "The Tower of the Uonpel."
We extend a cordial Invitation to
thine having no other church home
to worship with un. Jno. M. Mug
gins, pnntor.
The Incoming mall Binge on the C.
S. & S. Company Hue came near lie
Ing dentroyed by lire Monday night.
About Ave nillea out of Shimlko the
Interior of the couch auddcnly wan a
111 iixii of tinmen, and but for the pres
ence of mind of Driver Jniiien Toney,
the ktagu and nil the mall would
have lieeu i-oiihiiiiuhI. The llmnea
were extlngulnhed by throwing
anow onto the mall pouchen. Many
ol the mallHackfi were dmunged and
aonio of the pmier mull wan den
troyed. The fire In nupponed to
have ntarted from a footwarmer.
I). F. KU'wart and T. M. Ualdwln
returiH-d Sundity from their Port
land trip. While they are not giving
out much for publication regarding
a railroad to rrluevllle they feel
much encouraged ami an- hopeful of
ateel connection with the outnlde
world liefore very long. "We nre
bound to get a railroad," aald Mr.
Iluldwlu and "If wecau'tget It one
way, then will try mint her plan.
We did not meet Mr. O'Brien, tu he
waa out of the city at the time ol
our vlnlt, but we were axaured ol
every connlderntion when the time
came to build in thin direction.
The BOO flub met at the home of
Mm. Frank Foater hint Friday even
ing. Mm. Doooar and Barney Mill
lorn carried off the honor. -
Iee It. Franklin was discharged
from cuntody laat Friday. The
claim for 11 00, upon which the war
rant for bin arrent was burned, waa
paid over and Franklin secured bla
Mm. X. H. Lemon lost ber cabin
with al tu contents lant week on
her hoineatead near Trail Cronalng.
She left her cabin to vlnlt a neigh
bor' for a few minutes and when
be came back her place was on fire.
Nothing waa saved. There was no
lnnurance. Loan about 100.
lteporta from the men who have
charge of the Oregon car on the Hill
line give the moat flattering details
of the Interest shown by people In
all parts of the country that the car
has vlnlted. Write to your eastern
friends to vlnlt the Oregon car and
awk for the Prtnevllle and Crooked
Itlver Valley exhibits when It Is In
their town. The towns that will
be visited by the Oregon car during
the last week of this month are:
Little York, III, Feb. 21 ; Kettles
burg, HI., February 22; Morning
Sun, Iowa, February 21; Wlnfred,
lown, February 24; Iitcbland, Iowa,
February 25; Hemlrick, Iowa, Feb
ruary 2"i; Fremont, Iowa, February
T. 8. Towner bought a section of
land of the O. & W. C". Co. yesterday.
It Is sec. 13, T. 14, ft. 15 and Is situ
ated about five miles north and
west of rrlflcvllle.
There will lie an entertainment
and banket social In the Butte Valley
schoolhouse February 22. All ladles
are requested to bring baskets. The
proceeds will go toward the pur
chase of an organ for the public and
Sunday schools.
Real Estate Transfers.
FamiiM ky tk Crack Caaaty Akttnd Ca.
Perry L Smith to Charles W Muma,
lots U & 12, blk 48, Redmond, $100.
Ida Prose and husband to Ellen Staf
ford, lot 6 and 7, blk 8, First add
Prineville, $2,500.
Albert X. Johnson to Deschutes Lum
ber Co., lota 1, 2, and 3, e'2 nw!4 and
neJi iX sec 7-22-12; nwtf, a1,', wne)i
and se, aeii sec 34 and ti t sec 33-22-11,
h Pine Towmite Co to J N Masten,
lots 26 and 27 blk 33, La Pine. $250;
also lot 19,20, 21 and 22 blk 27 LaPine.
Arthur R Richard to Jabob Harring
ton, eeX sec 17-13-13, $3,000.
Redmond Towniite Co to J a red W.
Moore, lot 5 of blk 24, lot 10 of blk 19,
lot 5 of blk 27, and lot 1 and 2 blk 13,
Redmond, $S00.
J. Rosten Cui tie et si to Harry K.
Hoak et al, n and ntf te'-i ec.
3-11-10, $1,600.
Levi D. Wieet et ux to John A.
Deeiner, lot 2 blk 17, Wiebtoria, $25.
Annie Mating to John Wicklund, lot
10, blk 16, Deschutes, 200.
Crook County Investment Co. to
Chas Jottaa, lot 7 blk 13, Hillman, $20.
Northern Pacific Railway Co. to
Duncan L. McKay, let 1 see 4, and wVf
nw, aec 8-21-11, $660.
Duncan L. McKay et ux to Chriitiao
Mueller Land and Timber Co, lot 1 sec
4, and vl4 nwi sec 8-21-11, $1.
J. C. Cockerliam and wile to James
Davie, 10 by 80 roda in tw) ec 18-12-13
Marshall E, Green and wile to Ches
ter E. Roueh, wj ne, n te and
ne tm tec 24-11-13, $1000.
I have received my new
Spring line of Woolens. No
old ttock to work off and
now have associated with
me Mr.- C E. Thomas, an
expert cutter and fitter from
Portland. Have your suits
made to your own measure
here in Prineville by practi
cal Tailors. Ladies' suits
altered, cleaned and pressed
GORMLEY, the Tailor.
They are Real Bargains ! !
We Have Just Received a Shipment Consisting of Nine Large Cases of Graniteware, which we
bought direct from the factory at a saving of about 25 per cent, over the price usually paid our
Jobber. This is the well known ONYX WARE. The entire lot Now on Sale.
Saturday Special
Alumipum Collapsible Drinking Cups, 10c.
J. E. Stewart Sr Co.
All Odd Pairs Shoes
Will remain on sale untill all sold