-- I I s . M l S . lif.. .. City Council. untlmied from flnt twe. saloon )ioenp, nJ f urllier rocom tuenuVt that no other lieerws I granted tor thi jurto. The foe of S00 was ordered returned to the Applicants. The petition of Mr. Reed for privilege to shoot 22 riil.-s for the purpose of properly righting them was granted. The third reading of the ordi nance for the grading of Third street was passed over Vintil Tues day evening, February 14, when the entire evening will be given over to that purpose. City Engineer lirewster wa? present and offered a report on the surveys he has been making on ftrvets. He repotted all street correct on the south side of the river, executing those east on Main street, which are run at a ten minute angle to the south. Xorlh of Ochoco there weresev eral errors noted. The half street was omitted bv Mr. Newsom on the extreme south side of his addi tion, and this makes all streets on that side of the Ochoco and east of Main street, sixty feet farther south than they should he. Much cf this land bas been sold and is occupied by building, and several complications present themselves iu the matter. The land where the water tank is situated was dedicated to the citv and later sold to them for the water tank location. This report was accompanied by a map show ing the streets and alleys and par eels of land. This map, which is the property of the city , is one of the most complete ever made ol Prineville. Ordinance No. 1S1, establishing the proper grade on First street was presented and passed. The elevations were taken from the bench mark in the courthouse yard and are definitely established. The recorder was ordered to have all ordinances copied into the new ordinance book by the use of a book typewriter. The report of the marshal which was ordered at a previous meeting was not forthcoming, and it was moved and seconded that the sal ary of the marshal be not to ex ceed 11 per month until such time as the report was furnished and accepted. The motion passed the council without a dissenting voice, The report which caused the dis cussion nas one bearing on the sanitary condition of buildings facing Main street, and was of vital importance to the Committee on Health and Police. l nc man-Dai tendered nis resig nation to the council, which was accepted at once. The Committee on Health and Police were ordered to communicate with the chief cf police of Portland, Seattle and Spokane asking if it is possible to got a man to fill the varancy in a satisfactory manner and what the cost would be for such a man. In the meantime the place will be fin ed by this committee, of which Dr. Rosenberg is chairman, by hirinz special ollicers. It was ordered that six chairs be bought for use in the council room. The report of the marshal show ing two arrests made for January and that of Night Officer Yancey who made four arrests during the same period, were refused and turned back to the oflcers for a more complete neon'. The report of the recorder show ed a revenue of Ju" 53 from that otlice for the month of January The completeness of the recordir'. report was questioned, and he o' fered his reeignation to the coun cil. It was rejected by a unan lmous vote and the othce is yet filled by R. W. Breese. The application of F. E. Rrosius to move his saloon to the building now occupied by J. W. Smelzer reeUurant was granted by the council. A petition was presented asking for the grading of Second street and for the building of a sidewalk on the north side of said street. The petition was granted and an ordinance will be drawn covering the work contemplated as toon is possible. A committee will be appointed by the mayor to look into the mat' ter of wood piping for the city water system. The personnel of this committee will be announced at a Inter meet ing of the council. The following bills were allowed I'njf. Brewster, surverln(f,...$160.00 A. W. Yancey, saliiry 100 00 J. H. Tcmpleton, drugs, etc 2N.35 Jo Kelso, s.iiiur, 1 meat S0,5." H, W. lrsvs., twe ami supplies; 'i.'.V T, K, J. OuIT.v, l-ut work M M . V. U A W. Co., llK'lit, etc G.V.V ; The Finance Committee was in- structed to secure plans for a r.ew ' city hall to be erected on the city's ; lot! on Second street. It i. the intention of the council to secure' plant for the building as soon as possible so that work on the! structure can be commenced in the arly spring. The matter of placing the re corder' otl'Ce on a salary instead of a fee system was placed in the' hands of the finance committee. j The council adjourned to meet ; gain February 14, and again on i February 21. ! Railroad Extensions. Definite knowledge iu the local i Harriman offices of the work to be ; done in Oregon as a result of the ' improvements authorised by the Union Facirk directors in New York is limited to the proposed j double-tracking of the Columbia j River line between Portland and Echo, the completion of the Des-j chutes Valley road to Redmond ! and the building of the grip of the; Nitron-Klamath cutoff that will be unfinished when the present contracts shall have been carried out, late in June of this year, says the Oregonian of the 4th. j Whether the east and west line through the state from Ontario to Grants Pass shall be constructed within the six-year period ejeci tied by President Lovett will de pend largely on conditions arising in the future, according to the opinion of local officials. The same uncertainty applies to the proposed stuthwesterly line from Redmond or some other convenient point on the Deschutes road to connect with the east and west line near Hums. It is pointed out that the con struction of this latter road via Prineville, as suggested by Eastern officials, is almost impracticable, a a part of the country through which such road would have to be built is rough and broken and not encouraging to railroad con struction at moderate cost. While much of this portion of the state is well suited to agricultural and grazing purposes, local railroad men say that the interests of this section could better be served by a road built from the east than from Redmond. In the reports from New York, a road from I.ehannon, on the pres ent Southern Paiitic system, to a point near Redmond, also was sug gested, but this route is not taken seriously by the local officials. To reach the Deschutes Valley road orer this route it would De neces sary to cross the river at a place where it is estimated to be 1003 feet deep, as well as to venetrate the mountains where they are so precipitous as to almost preclude the possibility of construction work. By building toward the south, and following the line of the Crooki d River, it is pointed out, Redmond might be reached from Lebanor, but there is no reason why such a road should be built at all, local men say. It is believed here that this piece of work was the theory cf an Eastern official who is not well acquainted wi'.h the typog raphy of the country and that no; one who understands the situation recommended it. Further than the double track ing scheme, the work o:i the Natron- Klamath line and the D. schu'.es Valley road, the luc:u oiliri-ra are' nit concerning th-i b Ui-s with reference to the iujpriv--inents authorized iu the East. T.iey will not consider them until they re ceive official advice. In the ab sence of a definite financial pro gramme it is not likely that ex tensions further than these will be given serious thought for several years at least. The Deschutes construe ion also is finished by the by the new c jrpo ration. The plans already ap proved for the completion of the line to Redmond, but how seen anything can be done beyond that point is uncertain. It is confi dently expected, however, that some branch roads can be built to connect with the Deschutes proierty within the next two or three years. Winter Layers are Profit Payer. My pen of 14 thoroughbred While Wyanduttea laiil 3o3 eggs in Januarv. Pen now mated. F.ans fi.OO per 15. Call or write, E. K, livaiie, Prineville, Oregon. illtf Wheat Wanted. 4i00 bushels of wheat wanted this mi n h. Will pay tlic a buMie, de livered at my ranch on (looked river. Will keep teams over night for 50c, meals 25c. T. K. McCalusteb. 2-2 Suits That Were Coats That Were $20.00 $25.00 These Suits Are the celebrated La Vogue. Heavy and medium grades, suitable for spring wear. Ladie's Coats That must be sold. 25 per cent, reduction on all garments. We Sell Now for $15.00 We Sell Now for $18.75 . Clifton & Cornett AT THE OLD BRICK STORE. Horse for Sale. I On the old ( Sam Smith ranch, ; nenr l'rluevllle. 125 head of iimrve and Kcldlnc. lnrvre enough for work hoive. will be M in liny liiimtHT at reasonable prices. For further Information addrvs (J. 11. Hiinmkm.. l'rluevllle, Oregon. 121(-tf Hay for Sale. Loose bay for sale; wheat, rye and alfalfa mixed. Write or 'phone. 1-Jfi lmo Prick Coshow, Prineville, Oregon. For Sale. Two Eli Hy Presses, sue 17x22. The baling outtit include, scales, forks, derrick, cables, all complete. One S1 iu. truck wagon, good as new, and one second-hand heavy buggy, team of mures 10 and 11 year old, weight 1200 pounds; one 8 h. p. Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine; one portable cook uoiim Call on or write, W F. Kisu Co. 1 21-U-lf Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. V. S. Laud Omcc at The Dalle. Oregon. December otll, UUO. Notice is hereby given that, Oraiiee F. Hod", of Prineville. Oreeon. who on January Wh, l's, m.nle Home-tead, (Serial No. ((17,-5) . No. U-iiCi forSK'; SKs. SSB'. and the i SKIJ Mi','. !c. S3, Township MS., R., 17 I Ka.-t, Willamette Meridian, ha hied notice of intention to make rin.il live- i vear proof, to establish claim to the land ; above described, before Timothy K. J. ; DullV. V. f. Ci iiiniissioner at his othce, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 15lh day of Feb ruary, lull. Claimant names an witnesses: Austin Kiwr ol Huberts, Oregon; i-amuel M. Kaiiey. Jamea Cram, and lleury bmuh of Prineville, Oregon. 11MA 0. W. Mocki, Register. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hiTfbv jits-en, by the underpinned, the i't."i!rix oi trie ljit will ami teMam.-nl o( , I La-mre .nivm-i, iievc.,ri, i tuc irniiti'is . I .Ucensvi an.i all others havioir claim. ' KtfAinsl the cUteof .iweaaed lo ireant Ihem w;:h uu1 pror vouchers lo the unjcrstKite'i at her pia.-eol bu.lnes. in the Mcllowell buil'l ::i(t, IT.nvv.He, orveon, within six month irorn the lirsl publication ol this notice. 1ju-i1 this Ulsday of Jan.. It'll. HLASCHK MICHEL, Executrix of 'Estate oi iswlor Michel,! DeceaaeJ. 1-13 Contest Notks Department nf The Interior. I". h. Land Oihee. The Dalles, Orecon. January . 1911. A .'icient eenlest afti'lavlt having been fl,e,l ill in iK ufftcv by Marion llotU,. contes lftaiit aiti.l boni'-stea.l Kutry No. tuifu, K..le March 24. Iflo. ior N SY.t, V, NW, sit-, Na1, seetten Is, Township 14 Kwn;e 1 , E, W;,ln;:.ette Mernlian, by l'eter Coacklev. I'-lll-.te. in whiih it i alieve'i that sai-1 Peter V, k v has ahoiiy atwn.loned sai! tract ior t,;-,re thiin : months last past; that saiti tract , t'.ot wuie,! ui'tj and cullivate'l by saul .arty as rc ni'-reJ by law; that ha never c-tablishe, a r--i: ncij on sai'l trm't; that s.-tlil absence wns not due to hi employment in the army, unvT or tiiwrine cort-s ol the Cnil,-d states in tsiiH-oi war. -nil parties are hereby notified to ; si t-ar, resj-.tiii an.i offer ei,ience touchins: .Ti l t,tion at 1'io'eloca a. tn. on February I .'i. i.'.i. tore I. h. J. utirry, a noury r"e. ' st r.: , tf; .- hi I'TinevilSe, tirpfton, and that t,:.;,; d.-iiri'tt a ill be hebi at l'l o'clo. It I. m, on ( r--tr'.;iir- .-,1:-1!, U fi.re the Keaister and K . -.v,-r hi in,- t nittd states Land Onice in The ! i,i:. v. i II--on. j 1 o, s.Hj;i , oni'-.tMit having. In a t"' afli-j '!ti,'t, ft. "I Jantisry lall. svt forttt facta sa 1 1 1. Ii .f:-u thiit attcr due dtliacnce personal r ice of tliis notice can not l.e nia.le, it (s h, r.-i.t or,;, re.l Biot dirHte,l thar stu b notice o, j: .t n l, due and proir puolication. liT l . . JI'JCIKE, Kes'ster. Guns, Sewing Machines, Bi cycles, Typewriters, Etc., re paired with promptness. Scisors ground. L. KAMSTR A, Jeweler PRINEVILLE, OREGON Statement of Resources and Liabilities of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon At the close of business Jan. 7, 1911 KEHtll Rf'EB IJAB1I.ITIM Iena and Dlacotinta .piSCiij. capital Htork.pald In I 60.000 00 United States Bonds WJWO oil Surplus fund, earned 00 Bank rrenilseate J 1JH9 13 Cndlvlded prodta. earned 87I4 ash Hue from banks Jii.M "t Circulation .( Kedemptlon rand 9& On Deposits Kr1,:a w 0.5 to ' rl.'''-7 4 B. F. AlUa. Prasiskal T. M. BaMarla. Cashiw Will Wurawailer, Vies Pressdent H. BaUwla, Ass't Cashiar Stllllllions. Ia the Circuit Court of the tato of OieY'iii for Crook County. J. ij. Cantrill, 1'laiulia," vf. Oscar llai.iwin, Defendant, To Ocar HaMwin, defendant : la the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby rein ire J to apiear and anfwer ti.e complaint filed against you in the a'nove entitled action on or 'be fore the !!th day of March, lull, and if vou lail o to appear and answer, the plaint:;! will take judgment againet you for one Hundred Nine fifty nine hun dredth!! Dollar, with interest thereon at the rule of six r cent per annum from the 'JUth day of March, 1008, and for hie co'ts and disbursements of this action. Thir summons is published by order of the Honorable II. C. Kills, Judge of the County Court of the ritate of Oregon for Crook County, made and entered ou the L' -liii day oi January, l'.dl--and the dale of tiie iint publication of this inm uione it January iiith, ltfll. M. It. KLLIOTT, l-'iti Attorney for Plaintiff. Crook County Agent For H'll'-"' Land WrHe4 Trea.urcro tcooli Interest will Cast , l''ll or Httlher hind, Ohect, lucal iroui liataor inia uotti a, , . 1 nionl. Auonla need ' n'r, Ad II l iiiiiii.aa, . , . . ,., l,,,,,,,.!. IJ .tl Jsuusi y 'J, I'm, i u Counl I tvs ;tirer. ; Free Auto t. Prineville to Excursion Heights lYinrvtilr's lalrsl resilience tlislrid, jusl plullrj ami now rm llir niniKii Buy a lot in Prinrvi'lc'.s sanilary rcMdVittC Jisliid on easy Icrms. No sKuujlis, manhrs tr ninsquitot's, l-rsx liiist llian on lite river bottom. Fresh air, pure water ami an rxetilcnl view ol llio city. Cily water will l conveyetl lo t!u- properly ill our rxprnsf. LiU 40x1.1-1: priees rant! Irom $80 lo $200. I Ul c.isli. Uiinrc payaMc al $10 per imuilli: C i r renl on delerteJ paymenU, Hxaminc the ma al our olliie. HENDERSON INVESTMENT Prinr-ville Hotel Huittlin!;, (irouml Floor Piineville, Oregon. CO. "All to the Good." "I. W. HARPER" WHISKEY It never old young. Ever drop offered you must be ripe, mallow and delicious or its not HARPER. Silvertooth & Browder Distributer. Slianiko, Oregon W. A. lloOTll. 1'rea. i. K. SllWAHT, Vlcc-l'n'S, Hl'ATK II VNIC .l, l Crook County; I'RINCVILLE, OREGON t M, Y u iMa.r tihr 1. A. lloOTll, A-a'l " Bank fii.itl mock full paid iiUM Huri'lna ii, ixi'si hUicaliolilcra" lial.tllty 9u.ial.U0 Statement Rendered to State Bank Eaaminer Nov. 10, 1910: Aocts Uatililssa lrfunan'l Diseotints llvcrilrtta Furniture and nsutrea Ileal ealule . .. Cask ee kaesl east Im Croat kaaks ti(ti'-'m Cui.ti.il stu I , s si So nous , J.'isKM I nilnhl.tt nroiUa, r. V.'.O' S H.lls , 79,157.1 -ji.n."iA,a :m ntsi ii '., .'sstt T.uusn ., I:i'.is,ti7 l.'Jr.j.u , W ft THE HAMILTON STABLES- H. W1GLE, I'KINLVU.I.I., Proprietor OKl:i.ON Stock bordftl by the dny, wwk or month at Ili'ftaonnbla rutfH. Ri'iiinnilr uu when in Friut'villft. Uatii Kkabonabi.k. ' bav Fine Livery Rigs For Rent Notice for Publication. lKpartinent of the Interior, U. fi. Land Otlice at The iahes. Ore -on is herbt eivt-n that II.iJAM Ii. i.AN'X, Notk of Prtn 'Tlile, r.-ion, whoou vr.tml,t?r i?lrI, iwi. i:iif Hoinrtita.l n.i. Y-i-Mi, rteriitl No. 11 T. Ur HWii "Vi, SW'i NK'l uinj!.T"wnt,hipl( 8uu(h, Kanire 16 :!, M!Ulltt -McruiUn, hi tiled notice ol io-tj-iili u i ninke KiiinI flTe-ver pnA, to e tk(l:h i lMini to the land di-scriljed. b- ftirt- Wurp'n Brown, t oumy Clerk, t hi office t Prny-ville, Orcgup, on the Aih dy o( Kebru. luiniHiit nmfl u witnevs: K. A. Poe Lifollette. K.iward M. Mttrd fm Ray, Arthur Miukk-r all of Prineville, Orton. MP C. W. MOUKK, Krister. 1911 REO. $1500 Complete with Top and Gla Front, F. O. B. Portland. 30 h. p., 5 Pawenger Touring Car and 4 passenger Roadster. "APPERSON" A High Grade Car, 30 h. p., to 50 h. p. J. C. ROBINSON, Madras, Oregon I S O. K. MARKET Stroud & Stroud, Proprletori Choice Beef, Veal Mutton and Pork Butter and Country Produce A Fine Line of Sausage Telephone orders receive prompt attention Er1 j!3 Cattle Wanted. We are in the market for all kinds ol fat cattle; cow stuff preferred. The highest market price preferred. Would pay 10 cents per pound for stock hogs weighing from 100 to 123 and 10li cents for lew than 100 pound!-, also in the market for fat hogs and calves. P. Burns-, & Co., Redmond, Oregon, Box 175. 12-12-m Application for Grazing Permits. Notice is hercbv eiven (list all appli cations for permits tograze cnttle.horai-g and sheep within tne Dlvhunu i r.s NATIONAL FORKPT during the season 1911, mnrt lie filed in my ollice at l'rioe rille, Oregon, on or before February 8, 1911. Full information in regard to the graiing fees to be charged and blank forms to be ufed in making ap plications will be furnished npon re quest. A. S. IHKLAN'l), Supervisor. 1-5 Warren -& Woodward CIVIL ENGINEERS Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Purveys. Estimates Furnished on Power Plants. MAPS We have had 10 years experience, embracing all branches of Civil Engineering. Box 187 ' id, Oregon.