Down Go the Prices The time is drawing near and we must close out regardless of price. We Have decided on another cut of 1 5 per cent, making a total re duction of 60 per cent, Don't stop to ponder. It is the chance of your lifetime. Dont listen to the bark of competitors. They Can't Touch Us On Values. Outing Flannel 121-2 Yards for $ 1 .00. Dress Gingham 1 1 Yards 1 .00 Don't be like the man who had the habit of riding backwards. He never saw anything "till it got by him. The greatest money saving event of the age is knocking at your very door. Hundreds have taken advantage of it and still you hesitate. You'll have to hurry as the time is growing short. Don't fail to bring in the family; we can fit them alL Rivet your eyes on a few of the sterling values we are offering, and YOU'LL GET BUSY. Price Brothers Help Boost the Dry Fiinning Exhibit The dry -farmers of Crook county are to bn given another "run for their money at Crook County Fair next Fall by Tillman Keuter, the specialst dry-farmer of the "Madras Country" who purposes to prepare an exhibit for that eveut, and he also in tends to have an exhibit fur tbe Dry Farming Congress which convenes this year at Colorado Springs. Colorado. Mr. Keuter, who was in Mad dras last week, says that he has already placed a large order for many diilerant varieties of veg etables and grain seeds from which to select his exhibit; offers some very vabab'e suggestions to farmers and to organizations who intends making displays of their products in the way of co operation and concentration of efforts. Ho says: "Farmers who make displays of their products at the county lair, should combine their ex hibit for display at the Interna tional Dry Farming Congress, thereby showing that such ex cellence is not confined to one person but may be attained by any one who is inclined to indus try and will apply himself to the task. In this way the farmers of Crook county can call direct attention to their respective sec tions and in a way that will prove an impressive advertisement." Along the same line Mr. Keut er says that the counties of Crook, Sherman and Wasco should make a district exhibit, calling it the "Products of the Deschutes Valley," to be dis played at the Dry Farming Con press. Procedure along this line would not only bring together a meritorious and varied display, but would carry with it all the best prizes, and, what is more to bo desired, would cause an im mense immigration to this sec tion of thrifty homeseekers, in tent upon sharing the good things to be acquired throughout this section. Pioneer. Notice to Parents. The new eemeater begins Jan. 23. All parents wwliinn thoir children to take up acliool work ahould nee that they en ter on tliifl dule. We will receive pupils in the firat grade for two weeks only. J. E. Slvima, i'rin. l'ublic Schools. Joyous News!!! Good Roads. Governor Yest"s strong in dorsement of the Good Koads cause in his message to the Leg islature has given the better highways movement tremendous encouragement and strength. "Wo may sing the state's praise to the sky and spend a fortune in advertising our resources to attract homeseekers and settlers' said Governor West, but we will have little success unless we can point to some movement to ward the construction of Good Koads. over which the products of the farm may be ha uled to market-'. "Realizing how greatly the state was in need of good roads, and that through our slip-shod method of road patching thou sands of dollars of the people's money was being squandered an nually, a number of our public spirited citizens through their organization, the Oregon Good Roads Association, have thorou ghly investigated the whole ques tion of road building and I under stand will submit to your recom mendation in the matter. Know ing that their recommendations are being prompted solely by an earnest desire to M;e this state gridironed by the lest system of highways in the world, ;md at the least possible to the tax payers, I ask that the whole ques tion be kindly given the most careful consideration by you." With Governor West's support has been joined the promises of many legislators that they will support the Good Road cause and the bills that have been framed to meet the good roads construction need. Oregon good roads advocates are bending the strength of their united influence to secure adopt ion of five highway measure now pending before the legislature. These bills, made law, will set into motion and make possible a goon road campaign in every county that will result in actual miles of road built. But the plans formulated by the Oregon Good Koad Association contem plate more than road building, they are intended to aid in the building of better homes, better schools, and to make farm work pay better. The unit system of road build Again ! ! ing is recomended for every county. This means that each county aided by the state will construct its own highway sys tem in the way most needed by that particular county. The state highway commissioners, whoss services are to be render ed under the state highway board will advise as to the best methods while at the same time re'ating and connecting the better built highway systems of one county to those ad pining so that the ulti mate result will be a state wide system. This unit system has been foand most effective and satisfactory in other states. Every unemployed man in every county will be given work in road building according to the present plan. lie will be made a j producer of wealth and an agent of development. Convicts will be taken from the jails and be made to prepare material and in instances where it is desirable actually build roads. In Wash ington convicts thus employed whether taken from city, county or state prisons net the state a profit each of 2.50. This means that they pay their way and a little better, and are no longer either a burden or menace to the community. Making of macadamized roads is reco.nmeded wherever pos sible. The State Highway Com missioner will have as a duty the spread of information explaining best construction methods. One of the first and most valuable features of information will be the report of Professor II. M Parks that Oregon counties have within their borders enough basalt and other splendid road making material to last forever. Trying to build the system of better roads all at once is not re commended. Improvement of existing dirt roa'Js comes first, then macedamizing as fast as possible. The bonding act is not intended to saddle debt on counties. It is expected to make immediatly available SMO.OOO from the state I fund for every $20,000 secured Dy oonuing. i uture generations who will enjoy the benefits and pleasures of improved highways even more than the present will pay for the roads gradually. If roads were built on cash outlay the cost would come be fore the benefits. Under tho act tho roaJ itself puartntes the ou lay, uJ the enhsnretl tf property, the fiiciiiutcd trans portation and Ihe larger returns from effort, will mvt inUnl and first cos. G.xxl rowl are intrvst laying icvcstnu'tiu. ; C C H. S. rnllnihtf tnira firt .irfi. gold tutsla!. Mi Kthrl K hi tin. Alha; Clairnc Uic,lVhiconin; Vao Frink, Oclioconian; Hoy Low- ther, Alpha; Kctnl as alter ' nat on tliU t.'m. Ttiii tani will debate the Athena Hi;h School (omrtime io the near future. The second team felecU-d mere: : Vernon EU, Alpha; Uolxrt let, Ochoconian; Uolfrt Koler, : Alpha. Mis Nom I.ivingMon, Ochoconian, a the altorntt-. ! The content for the Winn.k de- bate cup a close, but the Ocho i . . ...... . ""-"'-. " " '" t,". the Ian time it wis contested for. again have it in but won over the their pusseisiiin. Alphas by only one point The try-out on Friday afu rnoon convinced all present of the ines timable value of these conttt and imprtwH-d the auditors with ,the rapid tUridfS education i. mk- ing in Crook county. The studt-nts handled the qucttiun. like vt-terans and abowrd that tht poverntnent of our county and Mate would t.ot ; fall into unprepared hand when j the present incumb.-nta iaw fit to ;lav down the ri?ponsibil;ty of 1 office. County Court ConlinucJ frnin lant atvk. January Term. M lira To, jury ( I m l irtraan. Jury fwa ... J II Wil, team hife Mn T H Breni.aD, bchar.1, Coimao case Malt Kuleath, l.aai hire Jo KeUo, rlrctlon offiovf lirT A Loaf, phrut-ian !va F M IjDelau4, ctJOktab fw ... CHaH Co. auu (are, rxl.rriw.... Jaa T Kobttuon, alines fcaa J E MilU. arri uf Mr-aoe M Nisaunxer, Urals Win lllair, rvxtalcrlim voters I B Mt'Vt-ra, reglalertca' i ' L r J A Wilcox, registering voters , A M Ixtcao. rKtitcririff Tilcr Mn L V Miller, reentering- t'uter J U Jaekaun, regiaU-rint; vou-r, Ore Law ft Ann. iirvari!ig trauatnj.t... M F Hawthorn, leetit.n uoottu. H C l alilweil, altn.'M fee . II W Harnett, cvttalU. !ee NH k Kodioa, guapliiif priaoner Z T 31 relay, serving aUBimuus . 4'ronk Cunnty Bank, rent elertioa. Lout) Hyltlc, wark on lax roll I'rw.k County Journal, printing P B I'oindexu-r, auto hire Win J Pancake, blue print frame Prlneyille Review, printing eletllun MraC K Meliowell, tare ol poor TN Bailoor, envelola Prank Ktkln, meaLa r primmer,.. Prank Kiktn, auto le, canh ete H II 4;iow, Janitor ... K A Frd. lare, tuealn vte RA Foril, tamps, eic A W Culp, deputy kl.enff D P Adamon & t'o., nuppli.a Loueki Brirt, coflin, Initac Uumir. H Orilnek. feed lor team , Chan O pollard, ninping count.v rimila.u C i Kiee, work pre owner b VY F King Co, kiippiua ete . A C I.ueas, Ipeeikl L'nualar.le I hi ; 10 tXi 6 Ul 4 j Ul ,., i a 1 ao i; Wl u 6isj 4i 4i fiorrta, dep. Hiatt laaine Wardi U ! William, Jun.ra I. ei J I. P)ne, jurora lets W H Staau, Jurors le-.a F L Kulp, Jurora feea , Joe limes, Jurors lees George Innes, Juror leea I'riueville LA W C'j, light and water.. KYed A Rice, work, mie. plies, el file Winuek Co., siitipl;- Pioneer TAT Co, telephone services. . Fred Kice, monarch binder ; K L Jordan A Co, ni'lae J II IColieuberg, pliyaii-lan's lees P J Monroe, speeial juror D W Harnett, special deputy sheriff C C Randall, Jurors lees , Allen W iMcoxill, Jurors fees w J W Klliotl, viewer II (jrinies, viewer Jim iKHnoro.cballiiiiaii.. Wat Johnson, work on tax roll Bushoug A Co, patent process ete Mrs I B Poindexter, care of sick : Tetnpleton A Hon, rnedfeines etc , : Warren Brown, extra help Koaler A Hyde, nboes The Irwin iforiton Co, bond dater...,,,,.. Hood A Htanton, team hire H If Clow, canh for repairing, K F Hoffmark, locating road Bend Concert Band, light, wood, eleel'n 4'laudia Wonderly, services - K II Bayley, coimniKnioners feea HIIH SCHOOL n.'Mi. Crook County Jourrml, printing etc $ Crook County Journal, supplies The Wiunek Co, supj-liea... L M Alexander A Co, L C ftmith typew'r Remington Tv Co, IK-mlngton typew'r Underwood Ty Co, rnderwoou typwrlter latherine V Conway, salary , 'j Bona B I'arrott, salary, ; Mrs Kveiyn Walker, salary .. i K L Coe, salary , i Fred ftarnutn, janitors salary. , A T Hoffman, janitors salary W II Crlswell, janitors salary . Silver Burden A Co., uidse James Wigton, labor , Roller A McClun, painting Doors JF Biggs I'ubCo, class books ,t, I) P Adainsou A Co, supplies r W K King (Jo, mdo A Flanagan (Jo, supplies K L Cue, expenses to Portland 3 K lilll Co, mdse "1ZZ. Orvllle Brewer I'ul, Co, supplies C W Klklus Co, noise. .. Laurel Book Co, mdse ,. V I. A W CO, light mi J wauir....." ' W I Pancake, lalior, mdse te r King, labor by McNeely m m j It L Jordan A Co, liinnuier tv O II A N Co, ollli c furniture 1 or, 1 The W F KlngCo, paint ., oi g ! K I. Coe, wiring chairs mr C H A H Co, express 41 56 koati ri;iD, ' j Ben Ooller, lumlier.. f 6 go i Compton A Dee, lumber... ai vi B H A h Co, nails .. "" " 70 u r. H M IS . ti a oi i . u k . IM al M su . ri m . Ml H,mf i..rt.m. ru4 ri. iltal ft , i rt. tltl Iff I 11 Rmw( hwl uik,tl . . I: 31 m . ' jCIosinx Out of Winter Stock. Trimmed Hata, Street Hats, i f.,nd Vei,' Sweaters. C pa, jandother notions, to be ' at ' actual mil f. k -in dajrt at Mrs. Estes Millinery Parlors. PR1.NEVILLE, - ORREGON. " RECEPTION " I 'I j Smith & Allingham, Propt. Clump Smith', old iUn.l. 4 i tj Imported and Domestic 4 Cigars th r KinaixmprtiM m h., 1 1 tart, an-t tam 1 irr ; A H I. f-.M 4 4tt. ifin . : M. FltUM .If ill ln. W t I an.n, f..4 wvrk. ..! Jt ; k W Kiottrl, w..f s M ' i.r rta. w.r,ilLl 17 'ftf llh.m. n.a.t r k. 4 .. a i" i itms, r"J ..t. 4utT ... t H Uwtit.ii, rm4 mark, tltal w ....... i Irani stmllh. hd aorl, .!ai u t I' i t tart, roa. a..rk. i Millinery 1 jjj Imported Wines and ( Liquors. - I " llore for Sale, n the ol.l c. Sum Kmlih riimli, n-itr Prlm-vlNe. K'5 licail cf iniinn nuil itfldltiM, i-nnuich fur work lmrtH-14, will lw aulil Immy iiiiiiiUt hiimmnldi. iren. For further itilwrmiitlon U. I, Kukhri i I'rliifVlll.., Orvijon. 13-10-tf m si annual uearamce R L. JORDAN We are more than pleased with this, Sale and in order to impress upon the A Clearance Sale, we quote just a few can not be beat. Muslins and Sheetings. Hope muslin, per yard 10c. LawnndHle muslin, per yard 14c. Hurricane muslin, per yard 9c. HbeetinK, bleached 8-4, per yd.. ,28c. Sheeting, bleached 10-4, per yd.. ,35c. Wheeling, unbleached, 8-4, pr jd...27c. Hlieeti tig, unbleached, 9-4. pr yil...29c Wheeling, nnlIaclied, 10 4 pr yd.. ,32c Saturday Specials. All Men's $3.50 Hats for Saturday Only, $2.75. Men's regular $3.50 and $4.00 shoes including the well known Florsheim shoes up to $5.50, Saturday only for $2.85. - Ro L Jordan & Co. To Gunty Paper. ' All ri4r'rt MWi.hM tit t'r-k .! m i I, rl'.-.l ,ii.n.. nl Ihrtr rih it ii.m Hlt! i rtok r".iii In tn.lih.i ' ilh lh ,i.l i4 4if.-Bit. rivil'l iiki itialt iWM luifwBittrmm. tr f Report of the Condition 0 TW Fit, NklMMl luk at rrwoil.. I. Itw SUt f OntW. a tat CUm W laua44, Jaa. T, 111 I. tMH .11. a- .v 04 I 14.. r. I. ..... I I.Ik. i I.', -4' I. II ;ii , in.-r.irii. ar. urr. aitl uttM nm 1. . I 4fi'U 4.1 a itr i tr UM i H4U, awurilH-. rt. lunkiiig htut lirniuiu .al ttnofva ! Irwin! llauka ,u..4 ih i i in.., i i.i. i,( Ci,.,, 4.n,,, ltth. ra. 1 rtaal 4Jw4u4uir ta. luR nnka IH.i- Ihiia irir.1 Km tm Xt ttla ' .'lietka an.l ..iliwr laari Hrma M.H.-atf iHhvr N4Unal Htl lf rra.-tiwnl turrtiivjr, iiuk.U an4 cU laalMl m.inof Mnatrt la Itmk i. . Iii.t'i.ut ln.4v ' ,'u,mi K.i lai'it.m (iitt-l aiid t 14 Trvaaurt-r (H-rrvuttfl vlnulaliauj lata!' J!t i sa,.a: st LUktLITIKa I'apllal stttrk aaM in... ... ii,. i..f'bss tun. I '." iaj.uam. LTn'1ttil.-.t pr.ftu.Ua vxjxtiwa an4 Tsira paid . , , . art Til e. aiu,ual l.snk Sol4 cHllundlng", a.ti Uue t,. (.lata au4 I'rUata Itau&s and Itankrra T Hi I. lends unl,t t,'.aa Individual ,ImmiUb aul .-.-! t che. k "i " IWmaiid vwrtincam ul d. ll Tl . ,. STATK OK OlIKtioX. r.mtitr 4 Cn-A. ( I. T. M. tlAU.wia, I'aJ.ler .sf tU tttticitl i tnu? a ! (iot f tiiy knt-w. UkU tul Mia. T. M. IMI.I'W , . l'l..r. .Hu.rrltw. ana r.rn to Wf r a thl Will ajr uf Jan., I J. H. Hnmr. .Nutry lul.lic. 1 CoHRttT-AUni-t: U. K. Ailru f ! Report of the ConJitioa l THE CROOK milNTV A MtVf KtHnn. ilk, tn II. mt (4 irtn, t tb .-!." u( DuaincM January i, lu r BKHK lit. lYiu u! 41 trim nu..,. V"!u. tm-tiriHl an.. ituMH unt , Bm4i. trrurlllr tc , ruroilurv And II it are . -j.w 4 tHhtt r?l un ! tV i i-v litw (nutt tftitki (not rnivr. twnki) a,iv w tiw .row f.ntitl revrm ihki t u.)M, r. rhw t hhI 'uthvt rb Hrm...,,. .: $ uu Uud , ., ( fl (.pi )i Tnul. ,f.ii..i ;' t-llftlLITIC. .'.it4 UKk imiil m f 3d ti,, M, tturplu fuul.,.,,, . Racial 1 i.llTi.l4-i imnu, tvw riiH-iiH-N U-XW Ui it , f i .M ; Poc to l-Hink ani bui'T . t h.i a a DlviWnU I nitil , t ,,; & ItHllTiiliiftl (RilU ulijxl turhtH k I. IH .14 D-u.tn1 rrtiiltr of Khi 3fv. w Tlm eeritfltsir rlMHiu , tjn tn, Chlr'g cbocM ouiBMii.,itl(t ,. no v Huip d.'Miu . , , , , , 4 TUl ul Orvn. t'uuuir i( rn'k. I, . M. K.lklni, r-lti. r uJ it. h..1 j lltk, ilo iMtti-UUrljr W:-T Ihal thr- atttitf tt ' rnntt ta iruu tu Uiv Imi uj in kwMl-.i.t- tlr Su'-M fltl n,t iworh to U-lnrn mi' tint 17.1. ! 11 u-t -" M- K. him. ll. Notary TubiK, Correct-AtU'iii: a. X. t rrt, W. A. (jrM. inrfnittfi. 1 Outing Flannels 10c. per Yard. Bed Spreads. $2.25 Valtiea for 2:50 v..e8 for.:::::z::.::.::2:io .'!.00 Valuea for $2.45 3.75 Valuea for $3-00 Sutl for l ubH..iftuM. lN'.itttirii i if flm Inl- rii.r, V. H I.Hti.l tntticNl i,a li.tlir! Orrrm .Ann M UU Ni'll. t ( In i pt llml i) I I ! II ii rrtti' vMU-, i m ('.!, Im ti .iMiir 'ri1, t l ,.,.!, ((.it , ,i, H, fi,t i4n( m, ttl N .-r V, r, hWt, hwi, M ' KUl .tutl im I.f II Ml ( ttlitl, llNliUf 111 ft. iM. li hl'liilxn, ha IMtil iMitltv Hi lit ttl.t--.HlM t..k- I HiM I ti itr l-IOi-f, 111 - itt.i fi I x I tn In I in' iMt nlnm- ill i i ) Iw i ln ii.n Vviinni Im.'Mh ' iiiDt I h rh, Nl hl MtliiK t lf Mi. , tin ,(, It, um Im jmi, iKy ul 1 1 )tlM- MM I II I tU'iira Mil tl ff A. IM Ut.i; ti.-, r-l-Hi-l M M.tMi.l. I Uy, A f i fitif Xuikf.r, Hit iI Irlin fill.', fftifjMi Cuiitct NuU . lh iniitiit ta ii Tin- lnli, 1 , ltthl iMtu, Uu? 1 1 Hi', Oififnn, ,rilHlC) IWll, k 'ift1-t.Hl IM'lltl H ft. .I 4, II .t,llig l-vfR rtinl in iti iffi I i NiniM.n llo'lri. iiMKta ttUiit nrfAn.-l luiuiiai. I iVntrj Nrt ii. -m, m Mn I. ;i lio. ii-r t N t 1 K', NV,, iHStt'i vrumi ( m(,-..i,. I n , Kln ". f , ili.M.k lu .. rtihm , i.y t r l'i'ikli-j, Vai.KVftN f . M h II MlK.. tl I'Mlt f i .. k if Iihi w .i.l! im..ii,. - mh tmt Iff 'iiufi' tl.Ali i iixriillti Ul .!. Hil .) irm I it,. i i il , nH,ii ntxl I'liid -it i -1 l.t ;! 'ny r ii if 'U I'. Hint I. a in i .if i i i'i i !( i til I' II' f lrl MM 111 I ((. Iht MlHIlft m u-t iiutf u lii- in.ii' Mn ul in Dm irmr, ii. , nr ii-utifM' i-t.ri ( li v I itll. tl Kiitit In (i u' of wr, rti. i-miii i ti tit n t.y n.(innl ii t I" A', f'i'l !( t-fT.T ..l Hit i1ltll nl-l nii iiuiii ! lii.i'i ! k in ni k ol.rnitrif ;i, I -ll i- did' I f J l i , H.'Urv j ul.tli-, t , HO:,,, t fill)- llMjy.rll, hiiU I lift I Rha lintr ng h tit ft- I,, J, rt !m ii'i In. k til UK KitiiMrtf I 'II I- (..ri llii M-pUt-r N Mil ! t-i,.-r nf tU-- i HMxlHtMti .An't .'Duo iii lb tftl.', I m Ajtm, 1 ll tij I - ,li(4 f nut Im 'HP, In I'M'I-'f ll' .UM, l.i ji.tid.ty I, W.I, -t l.iflh ! l lit. h t )itti uu r iImo -iMirfi'M' f rutml Mrt, in n.Mi run tui v in1, II ti r.'tn r tl u l illr. l.-.J lb! i4 U HiilU OREGON- The L-tst Call of the West lu ymi Ihlt l'uli ill (trtlt'lti lli tin li'v' tlri k'-.n In limr t.'lur III llm Nfivrinlwr hl'NsrT? fl.",fn i twiiin K'ni hy ft'N'. KI.T M MiAZINK mi k 'riia ill nil!.. aiiH'riy iilutrti-, In limr 4--. 1 . 1 iiliirili an. I iIh-fc-ntiip lh ntlrU'iii ihI r itirvei uf tli Wonderland of tlie P.cific. Wt w ill srnil yon the npxl llm i"ni' uf HI NSi;T diiiiriiriii-iii withliio htH't''t-' lH-inlH.r iswim inaliirh lii:li, h U.t ih.iUI niivi'l uf I he year "Tin Sll," liy I'. S.iU, M. U'illiiiniiuin nl mililily illtnlrnlrd nrlliln In lour Cnlir 011 ' Suit r'rmn'iaeo Th Ktiitinn l ily ; anil In ! ili I inn will imlihle ""iy uf th Niivi'tnlwr lsnii ruiiluitilns; the lMaiitifnlly illiiairnlril arlirlo n Orroti. AH fur 2S ctjnti (Mitiiiin ur ciiinl Sunset Magazine Well. Furso ItlM'g, rottlitnJ, Or. & CO our first Clearance people that this is articles at prices that Men's Shirts, (iolf and negligee dhlrtH in new and drcny pattern, 41.25 and l,50 "liirts 11.00 Men's Underwear. O00IHTB WlKll ITnilnrwimr. r, ,, ,!,.. $l.i)0 pur garment $1.20 per'irarmeiit m' per garment 1.20 (olton nhlied and lleeced lined, per garment...;....""... ... "..."