Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 12, 1911, Image 1

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    I f
Crook County Journal
Prineville To Have New
$26,000 School Building
Prinrvillii U going to litvs
new ncliool huililina, !
one that will l.a credit to
the city.
For achool IjuuUm 32. .
Aginl school boixla 1
N't con nli J 1.
Thin tell ih story of tU l.oml
election held Hatunluy afternoon.
l bo vote was practically tiriuni
iiioiw for new t2fl.(XK) .cliool
building. Tin poll" ojieiied at 1
o'clock wiih 1). 1 Adamson. It. V
Hrwue and J. 11. Hhipp a jud-i.;
J. J i. limy was elated dark of the
faction board. Th poll clowd
M 4 o'clock with 3(1 ballot cast.
Tim foot l.a 1 1 iniiiii, which win in
progress nt lite same timn two
Idot k wy, i responsible (or the
small vole Many property owners
bd planned to vole after the game
nut the poll were closrd.
The prowition i now up to
thi) bord of director who will
proceed at once to decide upon
pinna fr the building. They ex
PH t to have It ready for the open
ing of school in September.
Everyone that i in touch with
the puhliu school of Prineville
know bow bndlv tl. I
' .-IWTV
merit 1 needed. Not only are the
present building unsanitary, hut
they are cold and hard to keep
dry in stormy weathei. The city
ha outgrown them.
demonstrated their minority In the eecond quarter Prineville
inu aggregation by scored, touchdown and kicked
coring three time for a total of goal.
17 point, thereby wiping out the rn the fonrth P,i,..i....
memory of the noscore game ..! nr.j ,.,in lK. i..n -i
which a Hend ofllcial banded out i.t. j.v.
wwwv vaavaav vafJM VB IIO W-IU
December HO.
Shortly after 8 o'clock Hend
kicked eff to rrineville and within
five minute Prineville bad scored
five point by a beautifully block-
ed punt by foe, which waa scooped
by a aerie of line plungm and
well-executed forward passes,
(iumm wa finally pushed through
the line for a touchdown. Coal
waa kicked, making a total of 17
five itadent choeen to uphold the
honor of the University of Oregon
at the annual state oratorical con
test in March. Thi wa the first
tryout. The final tryoat to select
one of the five will take place
February 27. May David win
out. The fact that the won a place
from a long list of candidate
spealu well for him and the hieh
school from which be graduated.
Prineville to Get Railroad
Local Capital Will Build
Prineville is to get a rail
road. Local business men
have organized for the pur
PrinerilU HoUU-Th Beat in Caatrml Oro
Prineville Won
Prineville 17, Hend 0.
Prineville won the Central Ore
gon football cbauipionshio Satur
day by a score of 17 to 0.
. I
1 he Prineville gridiron warrior
up and curried over for a touch
down by Brewster before Hand
knew what wa happening. This
was the only score in the first
qurter. The ball waa repeatedly
carried op the f.elJ by Prineville
only to lie lost near the goal line
and kicked out of danger by Hend
who waa never able to make the
required yardage.
The game waa refvreed by Tony
Alexander, an oil Multnomah
C C H. S. Boy
Big S
ales and Mo Prof it
Prineville ie to have railway
I connection with both tbe llarri-
man and Hill road. The build-
ling of tbe line, which will mean
Iso much to this place and the
country south and east of n, is not
ten to chance, but is in tbe hands
I of some of Prineville' most able
businessmen who have the fin.n.
cial ability to carry out the work.
The article of incorporation
were filed Saturday with Countv
Clerk Warren Prown. The com
pany is incorporated under the
name of the Prineville & Eastern
Railway, and has a capital atock
of 1100,000 divided into lOOaharea.
per yalue 100 tach, of which $58,
000 hag been subscribed almost en
tirely by local business men.
AlfHniKvk I .f4iii!. .. f
COUNTY COURT por,tion provide ,or a 8tem
tivuiv iuiu, ii ii mo intention or
the new company to build a road
p . oiauuaru consirucuon, lor trains
Otaie and LOUntY laX P'the08nal passenger and freight
' tvne.
Tbe road will connect with the
north and south roads at the
point where joint track is to be
used by, the Deschutes Railroad
Company and the Oregon Trunk,
scuth of the Trail Crossing bridge,
and north of Hillman. The die
16 Mills.
n , uu uunu m i unman me die-
Crook County -Road Super- tance is approximately 18 m.les.
for 1911
PL- J 1 1 i
mo ruau wm De practically a
water grade. The exact place
wnere terminal grounds will be lo
cated haa not been decided opon,
but will be the most feasible point
where sufficient ground can be
The atockholder of the corpora
tion are: T. M. Baldwin, C. M.
Elkine, W. A. Booth. A. J. Nobl-
L. A. Booth, W. R. Pollard. O. M
Clifton, G. M. Cornett. T. II. I...
toilette, D. F. Stewart. O. W.
Noble. C. Sam Smith. E. J. Wil-
aon, II. A. Kelly.
The officer are: T. M. Baldwin,
president: C. M. Elkins. secretarv.
O. N. Clifton n r
Elkins, T. M. Baldwin. G. M. Cor.'
nett, A. J. Noble, D. F. Stewart,
director. E. J. Wilson, a prac
tical railroad man. will hn
charge of the construction work
and II. A. Kelly ia the engineer in
charge of the aurveying.
The survey will be completed
within ten days, there being but a
few miles at the west end of the
road to finish. Engineer Kelly is
rushing this work as rapidly aa
possible. Tbe right-of-way will t
secured as soon a possible, and it
is thought thi will all be settle
by February 1. Grading will
commence as soon as possible un
der the direction of Mr. Wilson,
and as soon aa it ia necessary a
bond issue will be made to provide '
funds to rush the work to comple
tion. It is figured by Mr. Wilson that
the line completed and equipped
will cost about 1350,000.
The road will cross Crooked
river below O'Neil and will tonrh
Prineville on the north aid f
the Ochoco.
Cutting out the profit in order to sell Winter Goods is the
"Slogan" of our
January Clearance Sale!!
This may not appear like profitable business but it enables us
to get money to buy Spring Goods.
The Wide Swath we are cutting in
our ljnea of Men't Clothing ahows
wider every day. Suits $5.75 and up.
Young Men's Suits, $4.25 and up. Boy's
Knee Pant Suits, $1.25 and up. Any
how, come in and see our suits.
Men's Hats. 50 cents, and up. Caps, 10, 15 and 25c.
What are we doing in Shoes-Every Pair Reduced
Children's Shoes, 50 Cents and up. Your Choice of Dozens of Pairs of Misses
and Ladies' $2.50 Shoes $ 1 .00. Ask to see "Shoes" and see what we can get
you for $1.50 and $2.80.
January Term.
The rpprnliir term of county court
conveueu at 10 a. in. January 4.
I'ersuant to law and
County School Superintendent showing
anure 01 trie lullowing districts to levy
any or sufficient school tax: it ia
ordered by the conrt that the following
irvy oi special school tax for the follow
ing school districts resoectivelv Im mi.l
and the County Clerk extend the same
on tne tax rolls for the year 1910:
Dist. No. 6, 1 Mill.
Diet. No. 15, 1 Mill,
Dist. No. 20, 3 Mills.
Dit. No. 35, 5 Mills.
Dist. No. 69, 5 Mills.
The tax required for state
for the year 1911 being $16,674.20, the
following levy is hereby made:
General county and state tax, 7 mills
Ueneral Bcliool tax . . sv mills.
Koaa lund (not including
Inneville) .... 3 19-20 mills
High school (not including
,,i8'-12) 1J mills
Library fund, 1.20 mills
Men's High Top Shoes at a Big Bargain.
LADIES: This is the time in the
year to get sewing done. Get your
Suitings and Ginghams here. Have
you seen our worsted dress goods
at 22 1-2 cents, 30c, 42 1-2 cents.
Why not?
Outing Flannels, Extra Heavy,
12 yards at $1.15. 35c Yarns at
22 1 -2 c 35c Hose, 20 and 25c .
The G. W. Elkins Company.
Total 16 mills.
The matter of the petition of J. M.
Dobbins for county road, county clerk
requested to notify petitioner J. M
Uobbms, substance of order entered
November 2, 1910, and further action
thereon continued until March term.
The matter of the petition of L. A.
Braudenburiih for countv roar! rnnnt
Clerk requested to notify neiiii
A. Brandenburgh substance of order
entered November 2. 1910, and further
action tbereon continued until March
Now at this time this cause com
ing to be heard upon the abstract of
yotos cast at the general election
held November S, 1910, In said Crook
county upon theoue8tlnn"vntrnprr
against prohibition of the sale of In
toxicating liquors for beverage pur
poses for entire Countv of nni
and It appearing to the court from
saw abstract of votes and the court
nuds therefrom that the result of
said vote upon said question within
me iiaystack precinct resulted r
follows: For Prohibition
5U votes: airalnst nrnliiiiiti.n
twenty-four 241 votes, belno- ml
jorlty for prohibition In said Hay-
siacit precinct of twenrv.ninn rai
- " J
It Is therefore ordered, adjudged
nud decreed that from and after
January 1, 1911, lu Haystack pre
cinct, Crook county, Oregon, be and
it Is hereby absolutely prohibited to
sell, exchange, give away or In any
manner dispose of Intoxicating
liquors within said Haystack pro
duct, Crook county, Oregon, ex
cept as provided for by the local
option law of tbe State of Oregon,
until such time as the qualified vot
ers of said Haystack precinct at a
legal election held for that purpose
by a majority vote decide otherwise.
It is further directed that this order
bo entered nunc pro tuuc as of No
vember 21st; 1!H0, and It Is further
ordered and directed that th Hm
of this county cause this order of
proniuitlcTn to be duly published in
tne Lrook County Journal.
Now at this time this cause com
ing to be heard upon the abstract of
votes cast at tbe ireneral pl-tlnn
held November 8, 1910, In said Crook
county upon the question "vote for
or against prohibition of th of
Intoxicating liquors for beverage
purposes lor entire Countv of Onnk
and It appealing to the court frnm
said abstract of votes and the court
finds therefrom that the result nf
said vote upon said question within
tne McKay precinct For prohlbl
tlon, 21 votes: a&alnst nrnhlliitlnn
15 votes'; majority for prohibition 6
It is therefore ordered, aritiirtiml
ana decreed that from and after
January 1, 1911, In said McKay ntw.
cinct, trook county, Oregon, be and
It Is hereby absolutely prohibited to
sell, exchange, give away, or In any
manner dispose of Intoxicating
liquors within said McKay precinct,
trook county, Oregon, except as
provided for by the local nntli.n 1at
of the State of Oregon, until such
time as the qualified voters of said
McKay precinct at a leiral elwtlnn
held for that purpose by a majority
vote decide otherwise. It Is further
directed that this order he
nunc pro tunc as of November 21st,
J'JIO, and It is further ordered and
directed that the clerk of this
cause this order of prohibition to be
duly published In the Crook Countv
Now at this time this Cause cnmlncr
to be heard upon the abstract of
votes cast at the general election
held November 8. 1910. in said CmnV
county upon the question "vote for
or against prohibition of the sale of
Intoxicating liquors for beverage
purposes for the entire Countv of
Crook" and It apDearlnir to the
court from said abstract of votes
and the court finds therefrom that
the result of said vote upon said
question within the Willow Creek
precinct For prohibition. 15 vnto-
against prohibition, 13 votes; ma
jority for prohibition, 2 votes
It Is therefore ordered. adliidmd
and decreed that from and After
January 1, 1911, in 8aid Willow
Creek precinct, Crook county, Ore
gon, be and It Is hereby absolutely
prohibited to sell, exchanra.
away, or In any manner dispose of
Intoxicating liquors within said Wil
low Creek precinct, Crook county,
Oregon, except as provided for by
the local option law of the State of
Oregon, until such time as the quali
fied voters of said Willow Creek nm.
cinct at a legal election held for the
purpose by a majority vote fWi,i
otherwise. It Is further directed
that this order be entered nunc pro
tunc as of November 21st. 1910. unri
it is further ordered and directed
ma nie cwrK oi tins county cause
this order of prohibition to be duly
In -! the. Crook County
Now at this time cause coming to
be heard upon the abstract of votes
cast at the general election held !n-
vember8, 1910, In said Crook county
upon tne question "vote for or
against prohibition of the sale of In.
toxlcatlng liquors for beverage pur
poees for entire County of Crook"
and It appearing to the court tmm
said abstract of votes and the court
finds therefrom that the result of
of said vote upon said Question with.
in the Cross Keys precinct For pro-
niDition, votes; against prohlbl
tlon 4 votes; majority for nrnhiht.
tlon, 4 votes.
It Is therefore ordered, ad Indued
and decreed that from and after
January 1,1911, in said Cross Keys
precinct, Crook countv. Orecnn h
and it is hereby absolutely prohibit
ed to sell, exchange, give away, or
in any manner a Isnose of intoxicat
ing liquors within said Cross Keys
precinct, .Took county. Oregon, ex
cept as provided for by the local op
tion law of the State of Oregon, un
til sucn time as the qualified voters
of said Cross Keys Drecinct at a
legal electlou held for that purpose
oy a majority vote decide otherwise.
It Is furthtr directed that this order
be entered nunc pro tunc as of No
vember Zlst, 1910. and it Is further
ordered and directed that the clerk
of this county cause this order ol
prohibition to be duly published in
the Crook County Journal.
Now at this time this cause enm
Ing to be heard upon the abstract of
votes cast at the general electlou
held November 8, 1910. In said Crook
county upon the question "vote for
or against prohibition of the sale of
intoxicating liquors for beverage
purposes for entire Countv of Crook"
and It appearing to the court from
said abstract of votes and the court
finds therefrom that the result of
said vote upon said question within
tne uescnutes precinct For prohibi
tion, 43 votes; against rjrnhihitinn.
42 votes; majority for prohibition, 1
It Is therefore ordered. adiudmd
aud decreed that from and after
January 1, 1911, In said Deschutes
precinct, Crook county, Oregon, be
ana it is nereby absolutely prohibit
ed to sell, exchange, give away, or
In any manner dispose of Intoxicat
ing liquors within said Deschutes
precinct, Crook county, Oregon, ex
cept as provided for by the local op
tion law of the State of Oregon, un
til such time as the qualified voters
of said Deschutes precinct at a legal
election held for that purpose by a
majority vote decide otherwise. It
Is further directed that this order be
entered nunc pro tunc as of Novem
ber 21st, 1910, and It Is further order
ed and directed that the clerk of this
county cause this order of prohibi
tion to be duly published In the
Crook County Journal.
Continued on page S,