Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 29, 1910, Image 5

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    1 -' ".'!. 1
"Guernsey -Something New in Earthenware
&We have just received a large assortment of this celebrated RED CLAY Guernsey Ware Enameled
Lined. You may Cook and Serve almost any kind of food in the same dish, hence retaining all of
the flavor and heat. Fire or heat will not make them black or smutty. Our stock includes a
variety of styles in open and covered patterns. Examine the assorted display in our window.
Hi'iiIh-ii Himtt'ii lulu I'rlni'vlili'lriim
i. H. Mjvr wtu In Hie city from
I'tiiilttiii Miimlay,
!. M. Ctiriictt Mt Monthly for The
Diilli'd oil UhhIiii'mi.
J. II. IIiuiit ri'liininl H IiiikI
iii'mh trip to I'orlliuiil Krlilny.
11. I.. Untilm lino ! I hi win ill
miw out lit to J. K. Tuylor.
('. W. Iliinli-r of Mnilrn wit n
I'rhiKvllli vlnltur yi-xiiTiliiy.
Ilurii -Tut'Kiliiy to tlic wllw ol
l!tliiulili lillmon ill 1'iint, n liny,
Horn - Miiiuliiy, ifcfrmln'r 'in, to
ttiit will' nt (it'nruv Whit In, n itlrl.
('. J. JiitiiKim In In I'rl m-villi (ruin
lilnnliH'k ritlli'll oil ('rmikeil Itlvrr.
A. IiUIIit, witii nml iIiiiiuIiIit
III li-nvtt In n low tiny, (or I'ortlnml.
l'lmiiiiiititfr Will U-illnril will iut
III II till III I UT (it III' lock llOSr 111 ft
h'W liny.
Mr. Hlitirji lilt Monthly (or I'ort
liinJ, wlii-rv nlm will vlMlt rvhitlvv
nml (Ht'iulH,
Ili'V. linlli-y will not prt'iu'li nt
Mill crwk or Ijilolli'fn wlinol Iiouhv
iimt Hiiniliiy.
D. H. Iliiinllton ol I'iuht Tront
rni'k, lit KH'tiilln tin) liollihiy lu
town I lil wwk.
IU'v. J. M. IIiikuIii Mlnrti'il tlilf
imirnlmr to IliiiilM-nii, Mnlio, wiiiTf
liU imiilu-r In crllli'iilly III.
J. J. Ptultli, (ormcr roiuity rlrrk n(
thin foiinly, nrrlvi'il Monday from
rortliuul nftor mi nWntw ol (otir
Irt'r ('ohm In In Prliwflll niter
mi nliwiii'ii ti( m-vrrnl moiitli. Hi'
wu cnlli'tl lionii" by the U'kur ul
III lllllliT.
Mirrt-1 In tln parlor ol tlir
rrlni'vlllo lloU'l., DmfintMT 21, 1H10,
dlli- Hurton mid Ht NIhwii, IU'V.
Ilnlli')' olllt'lutliiK.
Tln'W will tut linnkct hall (jiunr
liotwwn ft pk'kml ti-nin !rom Itcil
monil nml l'rliuvllli next Niitunliiy
nvonlnjt, IhwinlHTlll.
Mm. ('roMMi'ti Irlt Tinntliiy for her
homo In Cuiiiitlii. Khr hi' I'"
vUltlnir. her HlKler. Mr. Jmiie
Street, (or the punt month.
Ola I.armu ol SInUth, who him
lHin fiU'k lit the Polmlexter hoHpltnl
fur wveriil week, millerlnu from m
attack of typhoid, M eonvaliwiMit
Mr. Mllllorn etitrrtalneil the POO
Club nt the home of Mr. .1. II
lliinor hint Trldiiy ufternonii. Mr,
Trmik ToHter won th lion lion cllnti
John lirceil olllay Creek, mild .HSI
lieiitl ol hot? le tliiin three month
old to J. J. Campbell for fill). He
olil the mime pnrty ft cow nml cull
for !X). He ellnmtwi the cot of
r iUlntt thino animal nt not more
tlmti Jl'-'n.
0. K, Klmfler wn In I'lnevllle to
day on hiiMliii'H. Mr. Mmfli-r riilm-a
thoroiiKhbreit home mid rattle,
wine nml poultry un hi riimii nt
I'ort HtH'k.
The Miidra piwtnlMi-e punned from
a (niirlli cIiikii olllee to it prelili'iillal
oltlee, payliiK 1'.(M Hiilnry. Till I
(lie Krealent luert'iine ol nuy olllee ol
II i limn In the Mtate till year.
The l.nille' Annex Iih nrrmitfrd
lor ft New Year' n-ceptlon nml
w ii tvli pnrty ntthe Club room on
Saturday evening, Dcvrmlicr All
Club iiiember rt exiHfletl to lie
There will be no chuiK''ln the mall
line from Hlinulko to llend, neeonb
IllK to the In lent division ol the pimt
olllee ilepartmant. The liu-t that
the railway will oon be completed
tuMntlni will rhmiK the hue ol
in til I iipiily to that point nml the
limine In Hie prt-MiMit Arrangement
1 thoiilitnnueceHnry nt Mil time.
Divine womhlp t the l'rebyterliui
Imrrh next Sunday monilwr nnd
evening. Uubht-t (or the moruliiK
nervli'e: '"The Olory ol the Cro."
l''or the eveiilnu: HTho t)K'iilnit ol
the llook." The uiiuay Sehool
coiivene nt 10 oVlock anil I follow,
ed by the preaiiilui; nervk'0 nt 11. A
cordial Invitation I nlvi-n to you.
ill n (I. limine, milliliter.
t'lilnn church nervice Sunday, 10
n. in., HlUle Biiiool; ll a. in, prencn
Iiir; 6::i0, C. K. Society; " :'.V), preach
Inir. ubliTt, l.lirhtof Faith." The
niii'tliiK will rontlnue ImUilnlUiv,
The pimtor will do the preaching,
Souk M'rvU-e will commence at T anil
anil nl 7 the text will be tnken.
('ome with u ami wo will do thee
good. Wo have new Hung book
and O. Powell will have charge ol
the ming nervice. All are cordially
Invlled to help. C. V. Italley, pawtor,
Kpworth l.eugue Devutlonnl meet
ing In the lift uro room of the M. K.
Church, fl;.10 Sunday evening.
Thought for the month, "Mvlug
withChrlHt." Topic for January 1,
Morning Watch Whenco Our Life
Derived It Character, John 15:1-7.
Uoliu 8:24; 5:13. Note the change
ol iH'glnnlng time from 0:45 to 0 :ill
There will lie a duet by Ml Durum
mid Ml SiiiiniMKe at thu 0H'iilng
0:30. Come early. Dou't nil It,
Other pectat mulc during the even
lug. A hearty Invitation extended
to all to meet with u, eieelnlly the
young people. 10, L. Coe, Leader.
thirteen inched in diametvr and
when fully equipped weighs over a
ton each.
The work of grading streets and
milking other improvements in
M toliu is going ahead rapidly.
Track laying 1 expected to reacti
this point early next month.
Big Timber Deal.
Metolius Items.
The pumping plant in the Me'
tolius 900 foot well began opeta
ti ns Monday. It throws a stream
of water (our inches in diameter,
The drill bit which was stuck
for a month in the new well at
depth of 250 feet was removed
early this week. I he bits were
brought to the Prineville Machine
shop for repairs. The bits are
The most important real estate
(ranxfer recorded during the psst
week was the purchase of over 2000
acres of limber land on the Des
chutes, south of Bend, by the Dee
chutes Lumber Co. The consider
ation was 930,420, or approximate
ly $17.50 an acre. Albert N. John
son was the former holder of most
of the timber land in the tract.
Transfers of town property were:
C. II. Irvin to (!eo Goodwin, lota 1
and 2, block 19, Elinger's addition
to Redmond; Sarlota Scbiffer and
hunband to W. J. and KllaM. Cow
herd, north 30 feet of lot 4, block
19, Madras, consideration 1 1000.
The Crook County Investment
Company sold llillman property
as follow: Two lots to W. R.
Crinith, 1100 ; one lot to W. J.
Snarr, f 25 and two lots to the
same purchaser for 120. AIbo two
lots toOren B. Clearwater, 120 and
four lots to Myrtle Clearwater, 140.
The Lytle Townsite Co. sold one
lot to Lena Woodward for tlO.
J. T. Huston bought 160 acres
in section 12-14-16 from J. F. Hai
ris, consideration f 1860, and 160
acres in section 19-13-16 from
Chas. Miller, consideration tlOOO.
Other transfers made during the
week are as follows:
M'ilhelm Thielemann to Mary
N. Thielemann swj nc and nwi
BeJ sec. 14-1 1-13. con. $1.
Albert Ililes to Alfred F. Biles
seiseo. 32-14-13. Con. $1.
Claude C. Dunham et al to
Mary K. Dunham interest in
irrigation ditch to ater part of
sec. 30-17-17.
Henry Hanks and wife to Robert
S, LewiB owl nel sec. 24-14-13.
Con. tS50.
Thomas F. Wilson and wife to
Elizabeth B. Dredge ej and bw
and eci nwi sec. 16-13 11. Con. $1.
William F. Baker and wife to
Florence W. Drake ni nel sec.
18-12 cei sej 32 and sw bwJ sec,
3317-12. Con. .11.
C. B. Burrows c us to Alexan
der M. Drake swj sej sec. 23,
ne and se qr sw qr seo, 26-17
Con. II.
C. B. Burrows, et ux to Florence
W. Drake wj sw qr sec. 6 and
wj nw qr sec. 7-18-12. Con. II.
Edward B. Perrin et ux to Pilot
Butte Dev. Co. ej ne qr and n hi
of se qr sec. 24, sw ijr nw qr sec.
25, se qr se qr sec. 25, tp. 17 r. 11;
lot 2 and ne qr sw qr sec. 30-17-12
Con. II.
llillman Items.
The Ladies' Pioneer Club of
llillman met with Mrs. McCauley
Wednesday, December 14, at
which time a public library was
organised. It is to be known as
the Ladies' Pioneer Club Library.
Mrs. Witifield was elected librarian.
Any person wishing to donate
books or magasines can leave same
with Mrs. Winfield. Any dona
tions of this kind will be greatf ully
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCaulev
were guetts of Mr. and Mrs. O.
Swanson on Christmas day.
Mr. and Mrs. II. R. McCoy
spent Christmas day with relatives
at Prineville.
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Elliott enter
tained 23 guests at a very bounte
ous Christmas dinner.
The school is closed for a two
weeks' vacation, which is being
greatly enjoyed by both the teacb
er and pupils.
The llillman Commercial Club
is doing good work and lots of it,
improving the highways adjacent
to llillman.
The Christmas tree and enter
tainment given at the schoolhouse
on Christmas eve was largely at
tended and greatly appreciated by
those present. The program con-
isted of a contata given by the
children of the school and the Sun
day School. The impromptu
mufic given by the Bachelors and
Mr. W. Hall and Mrs. Davidson
was greatly appreciated.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCauley
and Mrs. 0. Swsneon were Prine
ville visitors Monday.
Work on the Oregon Trunk is
nearly completed through Hill-
man. Nelson Brothers' Camp 4
will be broken up- about tie first
of the year. This will leave only
camp one, containing about thirty
men, in this vicinity. Camp l's
work will be completed about tie
firi-t of March.
Dr. Marb leave Sunday for Port
I'rof. Ford I home again (rom h a
trip to Portland.
The Clirlntma trade In Prineville
till year wa the lief on record.
Everybody had money to upend and
uwd It freely.
LOST Buggy rolw or rng, black
nnd yellow Btrine. on road to Dry
Creek. DK. FOX.
Wanted Housework or cooking
two morning a week. D. Fox, City.
H. Fox I willing to undertake to
make children' clothe. H. Fox,
CJty. 12 29-41.
Basket Dance.
A basket dance will be given nt
McCord' Hall on McKay Creek, 6
mile north ol Prineville, on January
13, lull. Cups lor coffee furnished.
House to Rent
Mrs. Wilkin' house, back of the
skating rluk. Inquire at Price Bros.
New Year's Ball
Friday Evening, Dec. 30, 1910.
Music by Luckey's Orchestra. A good time promised.
SCome! Come!
Soap, water and a brush are all that la
needed to keen the outside of aa Oatermoor ,
Uattrea tweet and clean. The inside never
need attention. CoeU nothing for repair.
An occasional "outing" In the tun keep It fresh and
new, because It la built (not stuffed) of elastic, fibroua,
Ostermoor sheets. It cannot sag. Jump nor pack
like hair.' ' '
Make sure you get the genuine Ostermoor. Not.
the label put there to protect jwt against worthies.
Imitations. W. aeU at factory price and inrit.
inspection. '
The Winnek Co. he
Exclusive Agents for PrineviUe'
Free Auto Excursion
Prineville Heights
Princvule's latest residence district, just platted and now on the market
Buy a lot in Prineville's sanitary residence district on
easy terms. No sloughs, marshes or mosquitoes. Less frost than on
the river bottom. Fresh air, pure water and an excellent view of the
city. City water will be conveyed to the property at our expense. Lots
40x114; prices range from $80 to $200. Hall oash. balance payable
at $10 per month; 6 per cent on deferred payments, Examine the
maps at our office.
. Prineville Hotel Building, Ground Floor
Prineville, Oregon.
M. J. B. Coffee
1 lb. Tins, 45c. 3 lb. Tins, $1.25. 5 lb. Tins, $2.00. Just
try a 1 lb. tin. It's all O. K. Your money back if not satisfied.
We grind it to suit you. . ,
Tree Tea
Packed by the M. J. B.; Company. 1-2 lb. 35c. I lb. 65c.
Japan, English Breakfast, India and Ceylon. These are packed
in full weight. Most teas are packed in 6 and 1 2 oz. packages.
See Us for M. J. B.
X E. Stewart & Co,
See Us for M. J. B.