Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 29, 1910, Image 1

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Crook County
Ont 'ii, a mud-civ nut(r
Held Tuesday Evening
at Masonic Hall.
Mason and Eastern Star Mem
ber! Have Social
A joint Installation ol officer
u lii' hi at Musonio hilt in tbit
city Tuesday night.
Tim Prineville Lodge No. 70, A.
F. it A. M , installed the following
officers: I), I Adamsnn, W. M ;
V. V. Smith, 8. W j J. F. Ulsn
chard, J, V.; O. (!. Adams, treas.;
DkIu Jones, hoc; W. J. Pancake,
8. D.j (i. W. Noble, J. D.j Frank
Fofter, B. H.j Hugh l.akin, J. 8;
J. W. KIlUt.T.
"I'll tillicrrn lor the Central Ore
gon Chapter, No. U3, Royal Arch
Manor are: V. F. King, II. I'.;
T. M. Italdwin, K j Chan. 8. Ed
wards J M K. lirink, C. of ll.j
C. I. Winnok, P. 8.; i. W. Noble,
II. A. C.J C. F. Smith. M. 3 V.;
W. J. Pancake, M. 2 V.j V. J
Johnson, M. 1 V.j J. W, llnonr,
treas.; 0. K. Smith, Bto.j Dr. K. O.
Ilyde, Sentinel.
Our store is as busy as a beehive. Every article of winter goods reduced to lowest
possible price.
We are not spending a lot of money in wide spread advertising, but the prices we
quote is our best and our only practical notice to the people that here is the place and
now the grandest opportunity of the year.
Winter clothing, suits, overcoats, sweaters, rubber footwear, underwear.
Dress goods, ginghams, outing flannels, blankets and all footwear.
Hati, caps, gloves, millinery, hosiery and childrens underclothing.
Be among the many who will benefit by this. Your money will go almost twice as far
-with us during this sale as it will elsewhere.
Cnrnatinn Chapter No. 41, Order
ol Hasteni Hlar, installed officer
follow: Fay Baldwin, W. M.;
Dr. Chan. 8. Edward, W. P.; Mr..
C. D. Rice, sss't M j C. F. Smith,
tec.j Mr. Blanche Michel, tress.;
Mr. J. II. JIaner, Conductress;
Mrs. F. 8. Hoffman, A8i'ntanl Con
ductress. The itar point are:
Mr. 0. (i. Adami, A.; Mini ISeulah
Hyde, K.; Mini Ixirene Wiiinek,
E ; Mini Marion Ilice, M.j Mini
Lotta Smith, E. Mr. Lillie Jor-
dan, W.j Mix Bertha Ilaldwin,
M.j Mr. FraDk Foster,;
Mrt. I). P. Adamson, chaplain; J.
II. Haner, sentinel.
At the Pictorium.
Tonight la the liwt show of an ex
ceptionally good llll at the I'lctor
Iiiiii, consisting of three rvela "In the
Sht'tinnilonh Valley." The iilctiliva
nro remlnl'tii-ea of the wr of the
n'lH'lllim. An Industrial production
"Doll Jinking" nml Hhukepefir'
"lleauty mid the lli-iint". In colon.
constitute the second reel. The liutt
picture, King of the IUng" will ap
peal strongly to one and all. Luck-
ey'a On-htwtra may also lie lieunl to-
ulirlit, I' rlilay anil Hiiturdny "The
Tide of Fortune," "The Itnllrond
Wreck." Hunduy and Monday
"The Lame Woman, " "Tlie Hlirn of
the Crta," "An Kxcunitou to the
Moon," "A Wonderful Mirror."
Men to cut wood, (2.00 ami f 2.M) per
ccrd. Hue Wilnm A Uddill, at Wilton
Haurk, I'owell iiutte. 12-22 4t
Personal Health and Purity.
I'll . I,. .,1.1. In,. ,!... 1
adapted (or all aorta and conditions oi
people, may Ihi aeen or hail at Dr. Pox's
ollice, Main street. 1'rineville, Or. 12-8-tf
Are Selling The Goods ! !
Sale is Now in Progress
This Week and Next is Your
C. W. Elkins Company.
Scoreless Game Played
Prineville Made Touchdown
But It Waa Not
Prineville 0, Head 0.
The Prineville-llend football
eleven came together at Bend
Monday, in a content that waa
hard (ought. Prineville bad a
picked eleven with several college
men in the lineup. The Bend
team wa of about equal strength,
and the play wa bard and font
from the kick-off.
In the fourth quarter a touch
down wa made by Ellis of Prine
ville, which wa not allowed be
cause of an off-aide play. Tbia
waa tbe only hint at a score made
during tbe game.
The Prineville players were
Thomson, Newell, Barnes, Quinn,
Hechtel, Ellis, Brewster, Lowtber,
McCallister, Lister and Collin,
with Hoffman, Koeeer, Smith and
Collins as subs.
Lattin of Bend refereed the game.
Dr. ItORcnberg acted as umpire.
Mini Parrott chaperoned an auto
load of high school girl. Four
autos went from Prineville to the
game. A return game may lie
played In Prineville, Monday of
next week.
On Thursday, December 22, Mrs.
Robert F. Armstrong of Latnonta,
aged 61 years.
Mrs. Armstrong1! maiden name
wa Polly Ann Windom. She wa
born in Linn county, Oregon,
January 8, 1859. Waa married to
Robert F. Armttrong, February
25, 1880. Tbey moved to Crook
county in 1897, where she has
since resided.
She professed faith in Christ in
early life and united with tbe M.
E. Church, of which the ha lived
a faithful member. Her influence
wa felt in the home and com
munity. Sha leave three children,
two brother, Henry and Jesse
Windom, and two listers, besides a
host of relative and friends to
mourn her loss.
Tbe funeral service were con
ducted by Rev. C. P. Bailey. Tbe
entire neighborhood followed tbe
remains to their laBt resting place.
"Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep,
from wbicb 'none ever wake to
weep. A Fhie.vd.
Horse to Winter.
Good hay, feed yard, and running
water. Kight miles southwest of Prioi
villeon l-atnonta road. Terms, 5 ptr
head per month. OttoBorrson. 11-22 4t
Regulating Liquor Busi
ness in Prineville.
License Liquor Dealer Getting
Ready to Comply with
From present indications, Prine
ville will have six saloons after,
January 1. Five persons have ap
plied for license and it is said that
the sixth place will ask for permis
sion to sell liquor before the first
of the year.
All of tbe owners of the houses
are making changes in the fronts
and interior of their place of
business to conform to tbe pro
visions of the ordinance. A gen
eral spirit of satisfaction seems to
prevail among the liquor dealers
regarding the new ordinance which
is printed in full below:
Ordinance No. 180.
An ordinance entitled "An Ordi
nance" to provide for the licensing,
taxing, regulating and restraining the
sale of spirituous, malt, vinous and fer
mented liquors, and all mixtures and
preparations thereof, for beverage pur
poses, in lees quantities than one (rat
ion , and to prwide tor the regulating
and restraining of saloons, bar rooms
and drinking shops, and to declare
what shall constitute violations thereof
and to provide penalties for such viola
tions, and to repeal an Ordinance en
titled "An Ordinance," numbered 151,
passed by the City Council of Prine
ville, and approved by the Mayor of the
said City, the 7th day of March, 1905.
and to repeal all ether Ordinances and
parts of Ordinances in conflict here
with. la Pwak f the City f frutrUlt, Oreo, Da
Oraua At Followi:
Swnox 1 It (hall be unlawful for
auy person or persons, directly or indi
rectly, to vend. Hell, barter, exchange,
or otherwise dispose of any spirituous,
malt, vinous, fermenUd liquors, or any
mixtures or preparations thereof, on
his or their account, for beverage pur
poses, in less quantities than one gal
lon, within tho corporate limits of the
City of Prineville, Oregon, without first
having obtained a license so to do;
PROVIDED, however, that this section
sha'l not be construed to permit the
granting of a license to vend, sell,
barter, exchange, or otherwise dispose
of any intoxicating liquors, falling with
in the classes herein before enumerated,
to any firm, corporation, association,
partnership, or syndicate, but any mem
ber of such firm, corporation, associa
tion, partnership, or syndicate, may be
granted a license upon the same terms
and conditions governing the granting
of a license to other perrons; PRO
VIDED, further, that this section shall
not be construed to prohibit the sale of
intoxicating liquors falling within the
classes herein before enumerated, by
any bona-nde drug store, pharmacy.
or apothecary shop, for medicinal pur
poses. In packages not to be drank upon
the premises, provided, said druggists,
pharmacist, or apothecary shall make
such sales only on doctor s prescription.
Site. 2 Every person, or persons ap
plying for license under the terms and
provisions ol this ordinance shall, be
fore Buch license is granted, pay to the
city tieasurer of the city of Prineville,
Uregon, per annum, vearly m advance,
the sum of 300.00 (Eight hundred dol
lars) taking a duplicate receipt there
for; PROVIDED, however, before
the granting of said license, Bhall be
considered by the City Council, the ap
plicant or applicants tlisll mate appli
cation, in writing, for such license, ad
dressed to the City Council, and file
same with tbe City Recorder, a reason
able length of time before the next
meeting ot the Uity Council, whether
such meeting be a regular, special or
adjourned meeting, or a regularly called
meeting lor such purpose, in which ap
plication shall be stated the true name
or names of such person, age, national
ity, ana residence, the exact and
definite location of the building, and
the room therein in which the business
to be conducted is to be carried on.
That he is a citizen of the United States.
and of the State of Oregon ; that be has
never been convicted of a felony, and
that his license, if one he previously
held, waa not revoked for a violation of
any of the terms and provisions of anv
liquor ordinance, or ordinances, of the
City of Prineville, Ore. And that he
shall, to the best of bis ability, faith
fully comply with all the terms and
provisions of the liquor ordinance, or
ordinances, now in force, or which shall
be in force during the continuance of
said license. Said application shall be
subscribed and sworn to before some
officer, duly authorized to administer
an oath, and to the said application
shall be attached the duplicate receipt
of the Uity Treasurer, of Prineville, Ore
And it is further provided that the said
application shall be accompanied by s
good and sufficient bond or undertak'
ing, signed by the principal, and at
least two sufficient sureties, who shall
be freeholders of the County of Crook,
State of Oregon, or in lieu thereof some
responsible surety company, which
bond or undertaking shall be in the
penal sum of One Thousand Dollars,
and shall be conditioned that he or
they, as the case may be, shall keep an
orderly house, and comply with all the
requirements of the liquor Ordinance,
or Ordinances, of the City of Prineville,
Ore. . passed in Its behalf, or that may
be passed, during the continuance of
such license; that he will not allow any
rlotont conduct to prevail in or about
his place of buninew; that he will pro
hibit and restrain a'l lond talking, yell
ing, whooping, or singing, or music
of any sort or kind, In a boister
ous manner; that he will not permit or
allow gamhlinr, or any unlawful gm
ing, or game of chance, Dor 0erate, or
pjrmit to be operated, any nickel in the
lot machine, or any similar device,
played with, or for money, or its repre
sentative, in or about his place of busi
ness; that be will absolutely prohibit
women, minors, vagranta, vagabonds,
loafers and indians, wards of the I'nited
Htatea, from visiting, frequenting,
or remaining in bis place of business, or
about the same, longer than is neces
sary to eject, or cause them to be
ejected; that tie will not vend, sell,
barter, exchange, or otherwise dispose
of intoxicating liquors, falling within
the classes herein before enumerated,
to any woman, or women, minor or
minors, intoxicated persons, drunkards,
or persons in a state of intoxication,
nor permit any intoxicating liquors to
be given to them; that be will not dis
play or exhibit, or permit to be dis
played or exhibited, any lewd lasciv
ious, immoral picture or pictures, paint
ing or paintings, statue or image of any
immoral deeign whatever, in his place
of business, or on the walla thereof, or
on the fixtures therein; that he will
not keep open, or cause to he kept open,
his place of business on the first day of
the week, commonly called Sunday;
between the hour of 12 o'clock midnight
.Saturday and 6 o'clock a. m. Monday,
not allow any pertmn or persons to en
ter bis place of businets on the said
day. That he shall close his place of
business at 1Z o'clock p. m., and keep
it closed to 5 o'clock a. m. the following
morning ; that he shall cloie his place
of business on election day, whether
same be City, County, or State, and
keep it closed while voting is in prog
ress; that he shall provide and main
tain an open front to his place of busi
ness and remove, or cause to be re
moved, all screens, curtain, blinds,
fraetings, and fixtures therefrom, so
that the pulilij may have a plain and
unobstructed view throughout the In
terior of his said place of bn.inees;
I'KOVIDKD, however, that aaid cpen
front of his said place shall be provided
or maintained, five feet upward from
tbe level of the sidewalk, by screens not
over five feet from sidewalk, ami it is
hereby provided and ordained thit it
shall lie unlawful U violate any i f the
conditions contained in the Baid bond,
or undertaking, and the person, or per
sona, violating tlie earns shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof, in the Kecordei's Court of tlie
City of Prineville, Oregon, shall be sub
ject to the penalties hereinafter pro
vided; and the said bond, or undertak
ing, shall be deemed forfeited, and the
said sum of money named therein may
be recovered from tlie principal, or the
sureties, or surety company, or either
of them, as liquidated damages, re
coverable by the City of Prineville, for
the violation of the aaid bond, or under
taxing. Ana no evidence snau be re
quired in an;' such action, or suit, for
forfeiture of said bond, or undertaking.
except to prove the execution of the
same, the gran tin of a license there
under, and tbe violation of the terms
and conditions of said bond, or under
taking, to entitle the City of Prineville,
to recover the full penalty thereof.
Sac. 3. That at the next meeting of
the City Council of Prineville, whether
it be a regular, special, adjourned
meeting, or a regularly called meeting
for that purpose, provided a reasonable
time has elajwed since the filing of the
said application, treasurer's receipt,
and said bind, with the City Recorder.
The City Council shall, at Buch meet
ing, examine the said application, the
receipt and the bond filed therewith,
and upon due consideiatiou it shall be
discretionary with the city Council to
grant or refuse the issnince of a license
to such applicant. PROVIDED, how
ever, that the granting, or refusing of
tbe issuance of a license, shall only be
made upon motion ot tbe Uitv tonncil.
duly and regularly adopted, and entered
a part ol the minutes of the said
meeting; provided, further, that the
City Recorder shall not issue a license
to any applicant until rezularlv ordered
so to do by the Ciiy Council.
Sxc. 4. Any peison or persons who
shall vend, sell, barter, exchange, or
otherwise dispose of any intoxicating
liquors enumerate! in Section One of
Una Ordinance, for beverage purposes,
n quantities less than one gallon, with-
n the corporate limits of the City of
rnneville, except as a bona-nde drug
gist, pharmacist, or apothecary, as per
mitted in Section One of tins Ordi
nance, without first having obtained a
license, as provided by the terms and
provisions of this Ordinance, shall be cl a iiiudemeinor, and upon
convn f.on thereof in the Recorder s
Court of the City ot Prineville, shall be
hned not less than Twenty-nve Dollars,
nor mure than One Hundred Dollars,
and pay the ccstu of prosecution, and iu
default of such fine and costs, shall be
imprisoned in the City Jail one day for
every iwo Dollars of such tine and
costs, not to exceed thirty days tor each
offense, and each day on which Baid
sale or sales shall be made, of intoxicat
ing liquors, falling within the classes
designated in said section of this Ordi
nance, shall be sold without having ob
tained such license, Bhall be consider
ed a separate and new orlense.
bko. 5. rso lieeuce Issued under the
provisions of thU Ordinance shall be
assigned, except as provided herein,
uor shall business be conducted
thereunder, by any person or per
sous, whomsoever, except by the
person or persons to whom such
licence has been granted; nor shall
business be conducted In auy place
orlocatlou except lu the place or
location described In the application,
for such license. Provided, however,
that a chanjre may be made lu the
place of business on the written ap
plication of the holder of said licence,
by consent of the City Council. And
it Is further provided that any per
son, or persons, holding a license,
desiring to assign, or trausfer, the
same, or In case of the death ot any
licensee, or licensees, tho adminis
trator of his estate shall have the
right, with the consent of the City
Council, to assign or transfer such
license, and such assignment, or
trausfer, by such person or persous,
or such administrator, consented to
by the City Council, shall eutltle the
transferee, or assignee, thereof, to
do business under such license and
shall entitle him to all the privileges
provided for by this Ordinance, ana
shall subject him to the terms, cou
Continued on Inside page.
Land Fraud Cases Fiz
zle Out
a not to Influence Judge
Hunt' Chances of Pro
motion. Failure of Franci J. lleney,
special prosecutor for the Govern
ment, to dismiss the two cases
against John N. Williamson, ex
Congressman, when be dismissed
tbe land-fraud indictment against
Binger Hermann and others, ha
led to speculation as to the connec
tion this action has with opposition
to the confirmation of William H.
Hunt's appointment Judge of
the newly created Court of Com
merce. To dismiss the two Williamson
cases at this time, it is said, after
one case has been to tbe United
States Supreme Court and Judge
Hunt's decisions npon tbe admis
sion of evidence overruled, would
place Judge Hunt in an unfavor
able liht. Judge Hunt is said to
have favored Heney throughout
the trial of tbe Williameon-Gesner-Biggs
case, resulting in tbe con
viction cf all three, and charge of
bias have been made against him.
The Fame evidence was introduced
against them all, as they were
tried jointly. Van Gesner and
Marion Biggs took their case to
the United States Circuit Court of
Appeals in San Francisco. Judge
Ross, Morrow and Gilbert, compos
ing this court, confirmed the rul
ings of tbe lower court, deciding
that Gesner and Biggs must serve
their sentences. Tbe date, of tbe
conviction was September 27, 1905.
Williamson waa elected a Rep
resentative to Congress n July,
1902, and took hi seat in March,
1903. He had been elected to the
Continued on inside page.
to the food.
The food is
made more
tasty and
f Important
HI properties of U
the Qrape are 1
J transmitted j