Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 22, 1910, Image 5

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    m .III.L"KHMHI J.1 -U IV. I. J-.1 J'
For Sensible, Substantial, Useful, Durable Christmas Gifts See
Saloon License $800
Per Year.
Street Grading Ordinance Passed
Street Improvement
to be Made.
A social nirHing of the City
Council was called last night to
consider an onlimince reflating
the liquor tra flic and (or tlie jrad
ing ol streets. Present: Mayor
rUtwrl, Cotinmlmcn tSliipp, Noble,
Uocnli?rg, I.alollelte, and Yancey,
Recorder ltrecse and Marshal
Slreot grading ordinance No. 179
covering the grading ot Third
otreet lor id entire length win
pnssod unanimously. It will he
used an a model (rum which other
ordinance! may he drawn, grading
all street ol the city. Civil Kngi
ni'cr ltrewatcr wm cliosii to take
the matter in charge, and complete
the work ol preparation for grad
ing the different street, lie i to
report within thirty day
A liquor ordinance wa next
considered. After a good deal of
discussion, the amount ol the
license wa Gxwd at fSOO annually,
payable in advance. Kvery appll-
cant must he pavxed upon hy the
council and the entire amount of
the liccnae paid to the city trcaaurer
before a licence can be fasurd
Several restriction are placed on
the issuance of a liconse. All ra
loonn ahull clone promptly at mid
night every day in the week, and
hall not open before 6 . m. and
Khali he cloned on Sunday. The
closing hour was a bone of conttn
tion and some arkod for 1 o'clock,
but a majority vote decided on 12
o'clock. All obstructions ol any
sort muct lie removed Irom the
building In such a manner, that
anyone can see through the build
ing when it is closed, excepting
that a screen lie maintained to a
height ol not more than five (uot
from the siduwalk.
No drug stor or pharmacy shall
sell liquor of any kind except on
a doctor's prescription, unless such
store or pharmacy pay the rcgula
1 m license of tSOO,
No gambling, gaming, muic,
singing or anything ol the sort will
be permitted In the place holding
Any violation of the provisions
ol the ordinance, except that gov
rrning the Huiulay cloning, is pun
ishable by a fine of not lens than
25 or more than 1100. and the
third offense revoke the license
after which another cannot be is
sued to the offending psrty. In
the Sunday closing clauce, the
second offense I sufficient to cause
the revocation of the license and
in the event of a license being re
voked, the One imposed by the re
corder must be paid, which may
also carry a jail sentence and the
entire license fee is held by the
The fine for selling liquor with
out a license (hall be not less than
f 25 and not more than 1100 and
Gardner Terry wa present from
the Fire Department and said that
some of the firemen had been re
quired by the marshal to pay poll
tax. It was ordered by the coun
cil that this money be refunded.
L. C. Morgan axked lor permis
sion to construct a fire escape in
the alley leading Irom his new lo
cation lor the pictorium, which
was granted by the council.
Punnlo fiuuot arrest tho fllcht ot
tluia, jet tucy art) often asked to stop
a uiluute.
Mummy Paint.
A rleb bruwu paint, practically per
niiiueut, Is uiudu ujr xrludlug the boues
of mummies with bitumen.
His Advartlssmant.
rrenllce Was Preuehur's sale of
woman's shoe a suceeasT Uespen
helUo No: It was a flat failure. His
auvertlsuuieut spoiled everything.
rreutlce Uew was that? Uespeu-beldo-U
adveiUsed "big bargulns."
Why Hs Quit
Willie-Whatja quit yer Job ferl
Weary-Well, I nggered It Ilka this:
It I didn't make good they'd fire uie.
If 1 did make good they'd expek uie
tor koeu ou mnklu' good. 'flint's too
much work, so 1 quit Cleveland
Th. Jallv
So mot I dips we Interpret too Morally.
"I want to leurn to make Jelly," said
the uewly Installed housewife. "Is It
"OU, Lord, no, mum!" replied the
cook, with sunreiuo pity. "Us soft"
W. V. Ilrown of I'lfe, I endlng
the holliliijr In riinevllle.
Frank Johnson mid Mrs. Mleliel
arrived from I'ortlnntl today.
Tom LniiKdun wiim In 1'rlnevllle
from Itenil the lust nf the week.
K. I llleker was a business visitor
from Itedmond the Inxt of the week.
V. II. Heller wan n business vlsl
tor from lleuil the last of the week.
J. Mi Tuek and U K. Turner were
In rrlnevlllefrom 1Un1iiuiiI Tuesday.
George Myers left the Inst of the
week for a visit with relative In
J. M. Lawrence and Krnnk! ftoliert-
ou were lu 1'rlnevllle from Jlend the
last of the wwk,
M. L. and C. K. Loucks, Madras
merchnntii, were In rrliievllle on
business Tuesday.
I)r, IT. C. Coe of Bend, passed
through I'rlnevlllo on his way to
Portland yesterday.
The I. O. (). 1. Installation will be
held at Odd Fellow hall In till city
on Thursday, January ft.
Frank M. While and A. L. Ander
son won- in l'rlnevnie irom i lino
Falls the lust of the week.
Mis Urace Ream left for Shanlko
yesterday where she will visit her
parents during the holidays.
The Itoyai Neighbors and Modern
Woodmen will Install officer at the
Belknap hull, Tuesday, January 3.
lied Cross stumps were placed on
sale at the druir store this week.
The supply was exhausted In short
M. I). Hummel left today for Port
land. He located three men on
homesteads In the Ireland Valley the
first of this week.
The public school ot Prlnevllle
will hold Interesting- Christmas exer
cise this year. All the grade will
have tree with appropriate exer
All band- meu are requested to
nu-et at tho Commercial Club hall
next Wednesday night at 8 o'clock
to assist In reorganizing a brass
band. ,
The Crook County High School
will dismiss today for the holiday,
Thl will enable student living nt a
distance to reach home before
F. H. Tfelfer, of the firm of Hackle-
man & Pfeiter ot Barnes, passed
through Prlnevlllo on hi way to
Albany, Monday. The full rain
have been a great boon to stockmen
he says.
The Christmas spirit was never
more In evidence In Prlnevllle than
at thl time. Nearly every home
will have the time honored Christ
ma tree and tho Yuletlde festivities.
Tho Sunday Schools, . too, will do
honor to old Krl Krlnle.
KiilxTlntendcnt Ford and I'rtnct.
pal K. I j. Coe of the High School,
left for Portland the first of the week
where they will attend the teacher'
meeting which will be In progress
there during the holiday.
Ten cent a pound on foot was
paid for a steer at the Union Stx-k
Yards, Portland, last Friday. It
was the Blunt animal ever seen at
I lie yard and came from Cascade
Locks. It netted the owner
The Hoyal Arch Mason last even
Ing elected the following officers : W.
F. King, high priest; T. M. Baldwin,
king; Dr. Charles 8. Edwards,
scribe; M. K. brink, captain ot hosU;
W. Boone, treasurer; Claude E.
Smith, secretary. The Instullutlon
will take place December 27.
Christmas services at I'ulon church
Saturday, 7 p. m. 10 a. m. Bible
School; 11 a. m. special sermon to
the children; 6:30 C. E. Society, leader
K. Smith; 7JI0 p. in., preaching,
topic, "7th Article of Faith." Come
with us and we will do thee good. C.
P. Itullcy, Pastor.
Divine worship 'at the Presby
terian church each Sunday, morning
and evening. Time of morning
service, 10 o'clock. Evening, 7:30.
Subject for next Sunday morning,
"The I'nspeakable Olft"; evening,
'Reconstructed Manhood-" . We ex
pect hereafter to have the ong ser
vice Id shape so the worship may
begin on time. A cort'tal Invitation
I hereby given to you.
After belngclosed for several nights
on account ot being unable to get In
a shipment of films, the local picture
theatre I agalu open. Tonight
three reel will be shown, Instead of
two, the usual number, the first
performance being at 7:15 and tie
second at 8:30 p. m. Luc key's
Orchestra will furnish special music
tonight and Thursday evening here
after. "Sherlock Holmes," "Louis
XI" aud "In the Day of Witch
craft" are the attractions.
C. P. Bulley held service at the
Powell Dutteschoolhoiise Inst Hun-
day. The attendance I always
good and great attention Is ghen
these meetings. A flourishing Sun
day School Is held at the same
schoolhouse. Next Saturday even
Ing a Christmas tree entertainment
will beheld.
There was a meeting of the mu
sicians of Prlnevllle at the Commer
cial Club lust night and steps weie
taken for the organization of a band.
It will le organized a a sub organ
ization of the Commercial Hub, and
an there I lot of good material
Prlnevllle should have a first-class
band. Attend the meeting next
Wednesday night If you are Inter
Married : December 15, at the
home of the bride's parent In this
city, Mr. Ernest L. Ashby and Ml
Kdra E. Williamson. The wedding
ceremony was performed by Rev.
C. P. Bailev. The wedding was a
quiet one, only Immediate relatlvi
being present. , The Journal Join
with their many friends In e:-
teudlng good wishes.
"Gentlemen." said the professor,
"this Is one of the most dangerous ex
periments kuowu to science. The
slightest mishap and the experimenter
will I blowu to atoms. I will now
step Into the next room while my as
sistant performs the experiment
Th Gams H 8uggUd.
Stranger (mysteriously) I'd like to
get into a gambling game of some sort
Where can 1 go?
Tired Looking Man (whispering)
Over to the ofllce of that justice of the
peace. ueU marry you. Bt iouis
Essy to Wind Up.
"It wasn't much trouble to wind up
poor old Slcezem's affairs when he
"All the property he left behind was
a allvcr watch." Birmingham Age-
m hi
I m rv If I
Soap, water and broth are all that I
needed to keep the outside of aa Ostermoor 1
Mittreu aweet sod dean. The uuid never
- needs attention. Costs nothing for repair.
Aa octniT"1 "outing" in the sun keeps It fresh and
ttew, because It is built (not stuffed) of elastic, fibroua
Ostermoor sheets. It cannot sag, lump nor pack
like hair.' '
Make sure yon get the" genuine Osterraoor. Note
the label pot there to protect you against worthless
Imitation. We sett at factory Prices and hunte
The Winnek Co. be
Exclusive Agenti for.PrineTille' -jj
New Year's Ball
Friday Evening, Dec. 30, 1910.
Music by Luckey'a Orchestra. A good time promised.
Come! Come!
Free Auto Excursion
Prineville Heights
PrinevtUe's latest residence district, just plaited and now on the market
Buy a lot in Prineville's sanitary residence district on
easy terms. No sloughs, marshes or mosquitoes. Less frost than on
the river bottom. Fresh air, pure water and an excellent view ol the
city. City water will be conveyed to the property at our expense. Lots
40x114; prices range from $80 to $200. Hall cash, balance payable
at $10 per month; 6 per cent on deferred payments. Examine the
maps at our office.
Prineville Hotel Building, Ground Floor
Prineville, Oregon.
Suggestions for Samta Glaus
Holeproof Hose.
Sweater Coals.
Knit Scarls, '
Golf Gloves,
Table Linen.
Carving Sets.
Embroidery Scissors.
Sewing Machines.
Bread Makers.
Food Choppers.
Coffee Percolators.
Indian Robes.
Felt Slippers.
Pocket Knives.
Holeproof Hose.
Sweater Coats.
Knit Mufflers.
Indian Robes.
Dress Shirts.
Box Cigars.
Pocket Knives.
Sweater Coats.
Knit Mufflers.
22 Cab Rifles.
Dolls. Blocks.
J. Eo Stewart: & Go,