Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 22, 1910, Image 4

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    Christmas Auction Sale!
On next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock and again at 7:30 p. m.,
Will hold an Auction Sale in order to unload the goods left on hand in the Jewelry Department,
in particular. Some other goods will also be offered for sale.
And will sell at a sacrifice. Our jewelry line consists of Watches, Clocks, Watch Fobs, Chains,
Charms, Necklaces, Cuff Buttons. Collar Buttons, Sash Pins, Scarf Pins, Hat Pins, Ladies' Back
Combs, Ladies' and Gents and Childrens Rings, Tie Pins, Etc., Etc
A present or presnts, (consisting of jewelry of some kind) to the value of $10.00 will be
Given Away Free!!
To the customers buying the largest amount of goods at each sale!! Come One! Come All!!
Hort Lost.
t iwt soma two wooVt ga, grv pacin j
saddle horo. writhing ato-H Iota) II.,
I,V hands high and hobblod wl-i)
noting awav. Aiiron hearing at or
rinding horse, lrn uk car. of III in
and twelve reward by notifying Anne
llrothers, lWml, Oregon, at one. 12 8
Cattle Wanted.
V ar Id th market fur all kinds ol
(at cattle; cow stuff preferred. The
highest market oriee preferred. Would
pay 10 ctmta per pound lor stock hogs
weighing from 100 to 12.1 ami 10 , cent,
fur lee. than 100 pounds; also m tlii
market for fat hogs anil valves. I'.
Hnrni A Co., Kivltnond, Oregon, Hot
176. IS-lliiu
Sunset Magazine.
Road la December Sunset Msinttius
Sau Francisco The Kxpnsitton City
Superbly Illustrated in Four Color.
Now on sale, all newt ttauda, 16 cent
12 1-ot
Land Wanted
An investor wool J liks to hoar from
owners of farms, dry or irrigated ; grat
ing or timber land, t't'jeot, invest
mcnt. Agents need not aniwer. Ad
dress, P., Crook t'oiiuty Journal. 12 1 11
For Sale for $75.00
A new IIS Tarlor OrRnn, n bennty;
woiiiu excimiurc lor gnnii. t or par
tH-nlrtix address box X2, l'rliit-vlllo,
Oregon. 11 3 if
Jerseys For bale.
1 cow, fresh Jan. lot. t yearling
heifers. 1 taonionths-old heifer call.
1 fifteen niontln okl bull. J. K. A pa
ton. I'rinovilU), OreKUU. 10-27-lf.
Masonic Building,
Prineville, Oregon
Contest Notice.
lViMrtnwnt of the Interior, t'nltrd Stall
ljuni Office, The 1IU, Otvun. NovrmOr
A AuftW'teiit enntmt afrlttavlt ltvlnt Iwn
Qltl lu thu office ir Ada K. Mumts cun'Mi
ant. Hjruinst ho mo I ft d otry, Nv mtl, iimt
May , furMW'a Meriioii 1. Townnhlu 15.
Jolin M. Bti-wnri, tUwtMt (XwiWtti, In
which U tt HilwM Ihitl Mill Juhu M Hi wrl
ditsi nn or niKiut Murvii 13, thiit tlnoe
tU1 rial, hla hvlns Alio 8. Johnson, John
M. Kiewart, Mary H. Anittmon, Hltitm W.
Stewart nud Kuth KliMini tmvi felW'tt iti n.
UIMipn ort'ulllvuti Mtl iniot mi miulrtsl
hjr lw: that Mktt Htwmv wm nkt tlti to tit
plortiHMit In the army, uavr or utarUw twrp
of lh I'ulUil tal In Hum of war.
Mali! Parties arv hrvt? notirWil tonnrnr
rf-Hud, and oiri rvkW'tice tuuchlnir siild I
aiw-Kuilon h( lOocIiM'k a. uu on Jnituarr U,
111. U-ftirrT. VI. J. huffy- a notary public al
hUornci' In Prlnvliu, Onniim, and tlmt DqhI
liHrtnK will he held al 1U tVltw-k a uu on
Jiinuary 1U, b'fttrv tha llutfr aud
cvlwrat I nUtnl 8Utv Laud offlc In TIi
The atd ctmttant hnvlnr. In a proper am t
ditvtt. tiled N'ovftnUT .fit, U0. wl tWth rariii j
whtrh show thnt nfter dtiff dlllrvuo pnrwinal '
rvttt f ihU nlio' can not Ih niadu, tt U j
hert'by ordon-d and dlrwled that mioh noUit
xlven by dut? and pwwr puilbnllon. !
t', W. NKMJKK, Ii.t(t-r.
HorM for SaIo.
Out ho old ( Smiu Smith mnvh,
nenr rrlnrvllU. K'5 Itcntl nt nmnP
uml jn'hltniia, Iurn7 ritoimh for work
horwn, will noitl lunny numlr
Ht rvnaoimMo trn, Kor further
ln(tpriiiHt:m ndtinva 1). II. Hummki I.,
rrlnovlUe, Otvgon. u -Irt-U
Nt)tli" of l'itinl AccvuntioM
Notbia U hcrrbv lvn hv Ihr iintlontfinrd
Ih extvutor of h imn will mid tiamoiil of
w'th w, Mi ton. drotnuNHl. thut hi lm niMlf
and HI(hI bt Anal Hiteoitnttiut M liU Hdmlnla-
t rat ion tTatu iwiaitaiih tin rirk or l ho
tmnty tmiit, and lltai thvaald court hi m'I
Moixluv, Ihe Jnd tUy ti Jamiaty, lll, at 10
o'ctot'lt In tit torvnoon. at tltcoiintv rtmrl
room In trtncvlll(V (nn,a lb tint and
rlaw nr hnartttv mtd ritlliia nald Html nm ni
ne At wtilcli 1 1 inland larany tMu In
trrtd tn atd atat may atHar and ubM't
to ald flnitl mvimntliitt.
itHl thla tOlli da o? Novrmb-r, 110.
Kai ch h. Mooaa,
K two I or of Ui taat will aud tmianwitt
of Htb W. MtHitw' dcaMl
Clifton & Cornell's Big Diparlracnt Store
The Lut CU of the Weit
Pid you aeothiibeantl ul article
picturing Oregon in tour colon
In th November Sl'NSKTT
115,000 It Iwing tHnt by HI'N
PKT MAIIAZINK on teriot of
rliole tuperbly Mlluttratml in
lour color picturing and de
scribing th attraction and re-oun-etof
Wonderland of the Pacific.
We will send yon the next three
issue of 81'NSKT commencing
with the special December iwua
-in which begin the liett ril
novel ol the year "The Sll," by
C. N. A A. M. Williamson and a
nperbly illmttraled article in
four color on ''San Francisco
Th Exposition City ; and In ad
dition we will Include copy of
the November issue containing
the beautifully illustrated article
on Oregon. Alt for 25 cent
(Stamr or Coiu)
Sunset Magazine
Weill Fargo BPd'g, Tortland, Ur.
Will Extend
Beyond Bend
Encouraged by the business con
ditions in Oregon, James J. Hill,
the railroad builder, announced
the eventual extension of the Ore
gon Trunk Line from the present
proposed terminus at Bend.
"We will extend the line beyond
Bend." said Mr. Hill, as fast as the
country develops and justifies us
in the expenditure. Whether we
will build directly south or whether
we will strike out in another di
rection depends largely upon the
future development of that portion
of the state.
"It is certain that we will extend
our lines and we hope to be able to
do this within a short .. time. We
would not have gone to all the ex
pense of pushing our road through
the Deschutes valley if we did not
calculate to do considerable work
in Central Oregon. It is difficult,
though, to do a lot of work if there
is no chance to see some business
return from it.
"We are trying to call attention
to Central Oregon and to help
build up the country. We have
brought in a great many people in
the last few years and expect to
bring in more. All of this will
help the business of the railroads
and will enable us to do the im
provement work that we count
upon doing. Thus far we have
been encouraged with the success
that has followed our efforts to
exploit Oregon.
"There is much work to be dote
in Oregon, and if the state con
tinues to develop within the next
few years as it has in the past few
years we will be able to push cur
development work quite rapidly."
As to whether the east-and-west
road through Oregon will be built,
Mr. Hill said also depends largely
upon conditions of the future. He
included that project in his state
ments with reference to all the
future improvements beyond Bend.
He talked very optimistically of
all the country through which the
great Hill system operates, how
ever. "Oregon has a good outlook," he
said. . "I am glad to see that the
people are taking such an interest
in the development of their state.
I am glad to see the people of the
East taking such an interest. I
am glad to see by the census re
turns that this state, as well as
Washington, has grown so wonder
fully in the last ten years.
"But there is one thing that I
don't like to see. It is the pres
ence of so many people in the towns
and cities, compared with the
number in the country. I want to
see the farms taken up and the
country settled. If we settle the
country, the cities will take care of
themselves. There is much land
in Oregon that can be taken up
and developed and upon which
people can make eo much better
livings that I . am surprised that
more people right here in Portland
and other cities of the state don't
take advantage of these opportunities."
Cow Lost.
One red and white spotted cow, one
eye out. Branded "A" on left hip.
Last seen near Lamonta. Reward for
information as to her whereabouts.
Jno Fields, Lamonta, Ore. 12-8-3p
Grand Christmas Ball
Deal at Home.
Why do you throw your money away
dealiog with traveling men? Dr. Curtis
C16M "H"- ilr I JOU WHO
glasses, guarantee th-m i i every respect,
and make all the iikwhj'j changes for
one year. Koom li ai.d 13, poet oHice
buildinK. H-17
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice l herPhv eivpn. hv Ih nnrlorKfirnori
ttieexecutoi oftlie estate of Michael Chrlstl
anl, deceased, that he has mado and filed
with the Clerk of the County Court hl final
accounting of his administration of said es
Ute,and that the said Court has fixed the
6th dar of February. 1UU, at 10 o'clock In the
lon-uoon, at me county court room In Prine
ville. Orearon. ns the fn .nil nlum fn, i,au..
lot and sealing said final accounting, at
wuu.u ume ana place any person may ap-
h- ,,u uujec, to saiu nnai accounting.
Uated this 22nd day of December, 1910.
Charles O. Chiistlanl,
Executor of will of Michael Christian!, de
ceased. 12-22
Fifty dollars will be paid for
information leading to the arrest
and conviction of anyone il
legally cutting Juniper trees on
lands within the Pilot Butte,
Oregon Irrigation or Benham
Falls segregations.
Juniper wood is a valuable
appurtenance to these lands and
must be preserved for prospec
tive settlers who intend to file
Central Oregon Irrigation Co.
Bend, Oregon. 12 15 4t
Santa Claus Headquarters.
If you are looking fur Chrlxtmn
presentB ro to Mrn. Cyrus. She haw
tho largest and most complete line
In town. Dolla, candlefl In endless
variety and to suit every purse.
Call uud look them over. Mkh. Viha
Cyrus. 12-1-lm
Rooms to Rent
Two rooms to rent, not for house
keeping. Apply to S. A. Pros. 11-10-tf
For Sale at a Bargain.
160 acres of timber land and 1(J0 acres
of choice wheat land. Address Box 351,
Prineville, Oregon.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby clven, by the undersigned,
the administrator of the estate of Kmlly K,
Reynolds, deceased, to all creditors ot said
deceased and all others having clalinssgulnst
aid estate to present the same, with the
proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the
office of M. K. Elliott In Prineville, Oregon'
within six months from the first publi
cation of this notice.
Hated this loth day of Dec . 1910.
Administrator of the estate of Emily E.
Iteynolds, deceased. 12.1.4
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned
has filed his final report as administrator of
the estate of Augustus Knwlow. deceased, and
the County Court of Crook County, Oregon,
has appointed Monday, the 2nd day of Jan
uary, lull, at the County Con rt room at Prine
ville, Oregon, as the time and place for hear
ing said account, at which time and place all
persons interested In said estate may present
any objections there may be to said final ac
counting, lit J. H. RANER, Administrator.
Skating Rink. Prineville, Or.,
Friday December 23.
Country People Especially Invited. Everybody will
be looked after.
. iinini P
uood time guaranteed. Ferry Pom
dexter, Chief Floor Manager.
Hoover & Roller.
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
Doors, GlaeHefl, Etc. Etc., Etc.
Just Received
Art Squares
America's Best Make
111 lil
Ji vl
T is not llic simplest thing in llie world lu drai
smartly, rvrn tliouylt the dollies you wrsr arc
smartly slyll.
Ii is not always (lie cli.ip with the most rx pen
sive clothes who looks must classy.
It is not the pattern nor the style of a suit whith
makes that suit Qootl ant) true.
These are old truths which we cannot dispute.
We have made it our special business to help you
dress smartly, even though you sometimes Ire that you
will never appear as well dresscj as the other It-How.
It is not necessarily the most expensive clothes that
lend the most grace to a It-How's ligurr. iU-coming style
in a sjilislaclory quality will do as well il not hitter.
When you look at clothes seek Style. Fabric and Fit.
Take a careful look at "Modern Clothes,'' designed and
made by Brandegee, Kincaid & Co. You are sure to
lind in them many "things you have wanted but have
not been able to obtain.
Prineville, Oregon.
Theo. R. Herkner,
Redmond Harness & Saddlery
I carry a full line of the best IIand-n)aJo.Tetin Harness
and Strap-Work always on hand. The very best of Cali
fornia oak tanned leather is umul in ray manufactures.
Also Collars, IihtnkelH, Whitm, eta. Prices Reasonable,
quality considered. My work is ahsolutnly guaranteed.
I heo. K. Herkner, Redmond, Or
(3 lil m Ml
city meat market
Horigan & Reinke, Props
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Wholesale and
All Kinds of Sausage Nice and Fresh
Home Cured Bacon and
Lard. Fish and Poultry
in Season.
Butter and Eggs. Give us a call and
we will save you money. 1
13 CI
ca :
EH '
Senerctl SSlcicfcsmithing
iiorbkbhokinq, wood work, etc.,
Neatly and . Promptly Donk
When it is Donh Br t : :
Robert 9ooro
Satisfaction Will lie Guaranteed
Prineville, Oregon.