Hill Inspects Oregon Trunk Mr. J. J. Hill tint OroRon Trunk laal Friday (or the firsl limn. Ilo fxprMMtd liinmi'll more than I'lcnurd with tint conctrucllini l lint roml ami, m lur ki the lV-n-chilli canyon, lit taltl that he lountl that exactly a ha hid io turn! it in hia mlml, a rugged gorgo forming gateway Into a vat fimpiro. Kvi'rytliing indicated that Mr. Hill was Imiiifiiaely pli'sm-il with the Oregon Trunk line, lie con- siuVn-d the roadhed of excellent construction and appeared epool ally I'IoiibchI with the progrra that ha bevn made. The trip through a portion ol the lr;hutr river canyon took the Mill party to Hlirarer'e bridce, the old wngon hridge over which the relllcra have for yearn hauled their product to the Columbia river. At Uilx particulur point the JechuUta river canyon narrowi down to a mere rift in the vast plateau through which the river wind it way, and the railroad hug the river tank very cloeely Tho run wan made very lvieurely to give opportunity for clone liv pectioii. Very little of the sur rounding country 1 to he een from the railroad which in place i hidden among cliff ariaing loan elevation of 21KK) feet altove the river U'd, lut Mr. Kill waa not eurprhed or disappointed at thii for, though ho had never aeen the canyon, he aaid he had drawn just that oort of picture of it. II wan pleaxed with the arenic won dera of tho imnuruimi aa the train pulled into the canyon and fol lowed tho winding and turbulent river: Recently the capital utock of tli Oregon Trunk lUilway waa in created from 15,000,000 to 20,00, 000. Tho road i owned jointly 1) y the Ureal Nortnern and North em Pacific. Thia increased Block issue will permit an itwue of bond it it (aid, further to extend thr line into Central and Southern Oregon, Real Estate Transfers FuruMied by OrKik County Abrlract C Mary K. Nicliole to K Iwanl F. lHian tola 1. 12 ami ti lot 11 in blk 0, UW Uw, si.m liivlinuii.l Towniite Co. Mr. Franca K. laard, lot 12, blk 54, Kedinoiid, 125. lino. K. Kcolt et ux to W. N. Cobb. tract 2UH.7 Itet Mtiare la n cur of nw nwKHctlliI5rlO, fimu. Koy V. Km lor to W, N. Cobb, tract (U X 1U bet lying uit of lot 1, blk Ulster, f 100. C. Anderson, etu to F. T Ri mom and Win. (i. Phoenix, lot 7 am 8, blk S3, Ketlmond, $700. (iornt K. Uatea, et nxto J. S. Ihivre nk!;a4cUtpHrl:i, 110(10. liaviJ I'. Stewart, et ux to Una Curl on. tract 00 x IK) feet lying W feet eotitli of blk 0, l'rinevilli!, 11,700. l'n Carlson ami IiuhIihihI to Iuvicl Ktnwart, south 60 rod of . net j of eli m , nwJn' and H ne),,' aec tp 15 r 17, $700. llend Hivuritiei Co. to A. J. Koliin on, lot 1 blk 1. Kiverslde, f:lO0. Carlylo Trlplett et ux to J. H. Wen andy, tract KW foot "sqiuro In lu-lf no'i eec:i2tp 17 r 12, f 1.400. T. II. Lnfollettc et nx to tiny Idifnl lelU, w u HOC 10 tp 10 r 16, SHOrt. High Grade Christmas Presents at Bargain Prices. I have a lew pieces ol rxlra lii(jh quality oil glass, including water acta and aimile pieces, also a small line ol higli grade silver pieces tlml I will close out litis week al a price you miss. Come in and ask me about tliem. can'l allord lo See These Articles in My Window and Show Cases. FOR MEN Sliavinq Sets. Match Boxes, Wati lies, Chains, Ixxlge Emblems, Fobs and Lockclx. FOR WOMEN. Side & JWk Combs Fancy Hal Tins. Bracelets. Fobs and Chains. Fin cushions. CHILDREN. Rings. Napkin Rings. Bracelets. Neck chains. Knives and Forks. Silverware lor the table, napkin rings, stamp boxes, and many usclul and beaulilul articles thai you will have lo see lo appreciate. II Kamslra sells it, it's good. L. Kamstra, Prineville, Or. Warren & Woodward CIVIL ENGINEERS Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Surveys. Eatimatea Famished on Power Plants. MAPS We have had 10 years experience, embracing all branches of Civil Engineering. Bo- i Q7 Redmond, Oregon. Statement of Raaourcee and Liabiliti. of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon At th. clot, of buinau Nov. 10, 1910 ' HKHOIWM LIAllltJTIBS Iana and Itfafunnta t.'in,sl 1 capital Block Unllcd HtMi Bond. U.W0O Hurplus Hiikireintae.eU 1J.M (B tltrmilatlon J.'Z Htoiiilllnu fund 00 Individual laHwan. 6,1,7 121 Ch lu. from bank ;." n Undivided P a'4J"w tTflO.UU SS P00'110 W B. r. AIU. PraUM T. M. BWwta. Cklr WUI Ww.w.lUr, Vtc. Pr..id.0l Mwta. Am'l Cki.c r WHY SALVES FAIL TO CURE ECZEMA Srimtisu are now nurecd that the eczema germs arc lodged not is the cuiter 'akin or epidermis, but In the inner skin. Hence, a penetrating lidiiid is rcnuiri'd. not an outward salve that cIorj the pores. VJr i-ncnmniciul lo nil eczema pnliciiM tlic standard prescription Oil of WinlcrKreen as eninpomiiled in liquid form known as D. D. D. Pres r rul inn A trial hottlc of this D, D. D. I'resoription, at only E5 cents, will instantly relieve the itch. We have sold and recommcmicu una rcmcuy for years, and know of wonderful cures from its use. We recommend it to our patrons. Crook County Agent For Lost a hamniKGjA'hrasa watch fob. ;.i n center, miner Lost. II us InitiliV is . ".. la Notice to CraditorM. Nolle l h'n.br ilvsn. l-r lh nndenlf nod, .Imlnlil,.!.., T tl.S MlAUol lVld I.lH'l mmj, l'aJMMl, to all prfi havlPf clalmi itCltMlri dreBM"! Ut prMUt thMm, wltn he iri,tM.r omrhrt, ui lli iimuitbiiiiw, he (iBu ol M. H. Klllolt In Prlillle, linnon. r 1 1 (i i n in nuuilia Iroui lln nril iuiiciiub I'llila mille. UmUal UiU JMl djr ol pore mir, ivin. Kur U Nmrm.1.. Xdmlnlitr.lorot tli( KttaMol Invld Uu'inr, IHM MMCU. Notlt ta CreUiUrs. Jfnllo U hrtif lll T h lindril(d. h .litinUtrat4)r ol thaeatal of Wllllaia M. IMhllia. Ueeraai.'!, Ui ail paraona naviiis alma uiallwl aal't aalaW io .wn I llianj llll the lirolr t.tiebTa lo the underlined t II. a ,nf. a ol M. K K.lllott In Prlnetllla. llra- , Ntllilu all moulha Iron, tha aral public. on ol th la n'Hha, IJaUKl thUM Ua ol noeroiir, U.T. KITI HINO, Admlnlalrauir of tha aauta ol Kllllaw B. Ili hlliK. Ileeaaa.1, Oontoat Hotic rtinent of th. Interior, United Bute. I, Oregon. I)eeeinlr 1, 1I0. nil Olllce, Itae ilallea, Or.yon. A aulrlclent eontmt affldavlt lnvliia lien nlMl In th autttca br ( liarloa Kulir eon- Mini aaralimt honinaUixl alitrr No. ("!, aile Aiirll Z7. Win. rur we.H B'H, "J H-lion 13, nr.'4 NW'j, l.-etiuu n. TownHlli IS M.. Itanne 16, K wiuamelta Mnrl.llau, lie Jlarrjr J. IliK-kwall.conUiaU, In which It la allege.! that aalcl jiarry j. I.. kell haa Kholl .Undone.) aaid trw:t for more than alx iiKintlia laat put; that aaid tra t la not aauled UMin and cullt- all t IO parte a remilreu ojr law that lie haf never eaUhliaheil reaiilcnce thereon : that aaid allevrd aliaence waa not due to till innloYnient In the army, navy or marine coroa of th Lnited nuitet In time ot war. Maid part lea are bereoy notiueo. to appear n-aimiu . and oiler rvldeno. loucninx aaiu alk-a-ationa at IU o'clock a.m. on January 14, ll'll, lielore I. r. J. uuht. a iiomtj ,i,hlie at hia olttoa lii Prineville. Oreuon. and that lliml hearina will be held at 10 o'clock a. ni. on. January 2L lull, before the ltt-giler and Keceiver at ttte uniu-o bUiU-a Land Oltlc In TU. Dal lea, Oregon. The aaid conteaUnt having, lit a proper arHdaylt, tiled December I, 11110, art forth facta which ahow that aOer due diligence peraonal atrvit ol Una iioiice can not ne made, It la hereby ordered and directed that such nut Ire be given by due and proper publication. 8p C. W. MOOKB, Regiater. Professional Cards. PHOENIX & BREWSTER Civil Engineering Irrigation. Knhdlviatone. Katlmate. Home- ateoo ann iieen iicatioiia. Hotel Redmond ltld'g WXt BEDMOND, OKEUOS. Dr. J. E. Marsh, D. C. N. Itooml 16 and 17, Adamaon Bid. Prineville, Oregon Crook County ji bit rati Co. Abatrtata of title lo all land and town lota In Crook county. I. P. WyUa, SaenUry, PriMriD, Ore fa OCCUUHT8 Belknap & Cdwards iPjkjttmni mmd (Surf. !Prtn,mtl,, Or ft t JT. iRoionkorf (County rhyslcian.) CmIt miuwnj promptly e mtftl tf Jtmmm. &t4umm ma m t mi mmmt Wmmm Jmmatm. Prtn,mll,. Ormfi W. P. o. c. MYERS YOUNG Prtr ti H foort. ppvl,l ftttrntlon lo utter nit h U, lltltkn nl crlmlnl rt irnrrt. W. A. 11ELL FRANK MENEFEE Lawyers New Fall Millinery the Uteat ideam in fall and Wkrter HaU at Tb. Dalle. Oreeim G. L. 1JERNIER At1ontay-t-Law Will rraetle In .11 th Court. Offlr. aeit door lo Dr. Romberg', Prlnevlll, Oncoa. WADE HUSTON Surveyor Homeatead locations a epecialty PrineriU., . - Oref on Jeraejr Bull for Sale. One fiftwn-rnontha-old bull. J. E. Aiiauho.n, I'rlDevllle, On-gon. lO-LT-tf. Contot Notic. Department of The Interior. U. b. liid Olllc., Th Dallea. Oregon. Novemlier l. 1W0. A aurllrient eonteat affidavit having barn tiled in thia offlce by O. W. Newhill. con- u-nil. airainat lioineatea! Kntry, no. ILV'Mln.a.La Nov.22 1IJ. for N W HVVW Sk HWW.Sec.S. NK W eK.", TOvn- .hln 1'. aoulh. Kaiiira IS. eaat, Willamette Meridian, by Althea J. Vineyard conteatee. In which It i allegexl that anid Althea J. Vineyard ha not resided upon the above homeaU-ad for over ai month lat paat; that aha haa failed to Improve and cultivate the aanie aa rwuired by law; that aaid alleged aliaence was not due to her employ ment in the army, navy or marine corj .a of the United btateii in linieol war. Bald partieaara hereby notified to appear, rvapond, and oiler evidence touching aaid allegation at 10 o'clock a. ru.on January 10, 1M11, before T. K. J. Duffy, a notary public at bia oftic in Prineville. Oregon (and that linal hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on January 17, 1H11 before! the Kegiater and Receiver at the United sti.K-a .and OWce In The Dalles. Oregon. The aiiid contcstimt having, in a proper llidavit. rill November 2H. 1H10, act forth facU which ahow that aftr due diligence peraonal aervice of thi notice can not ne made it l hereby ordered .n.fjlirected that tucli notice be given by due and proper publl cation. C. W. Moori, register. Dr. J.Tregelles Fox M. R. r.. a. Fg., r.. a. a. lond. I.lc'd Htate Ui-d-Bnard. (iregon. Iloura: Tueadayi, Thuradaya, Batnrdaya Irom a lo p. ui. other time on call. Oflrce, Main Bt Prineville, OreRon N. W. Sanborn A ttorney-at-Law Adamaon ulock - rrlnevllle Prineville Steam Laundry. Have year clothe wanned at the Prineville HU-aro Laundry. Hpeclal al U-n I loo given to traveler, laundry la located in toe "ci.allla- ter bnildlng, oewr the Ochoork 4t janu "inu,riopr. For Sale. A all month' old leraey ball for .ale. Call on or ad dree llay V. Constable, Prineville, Oregon. II Z4tl Now Is the time to get Chrlatrnna cake, ordered. 1'laln iced, or Al- mood-Iced. Oortby Fox, I'rlntTllle, Oregon. nov. n-imo Expreaa Delivery, Am running an expreea wagon and will guarantee prompt delivery to aU nait ol the city. Pianoi and hoasehoh goods a specialty. V.M.White. 10-13 W. A. Booth. Pre. D. F. 8twabt, Vice-Pre. STATU BANK NO. 188 C. M. ELKIHB.rasbler L. A. Booth, Aaat Crook County Bank PRINEVILLE, OREGON Capital Stock fully paid f3H.oro.00 Hurplua 6.e.t Btockholdera' liability.-. PMUOM) Statement Rendered to State Bank Examiner Nov. 10, 19 IO AMta Ijnnnn and TMaconnta Overdralw Furniture and fixturea.... Iti-al entitle Caali aa kaW aaj Joe Iraei aaakt ...tm.WS Capital (lock.. I... Hurpiua 2,M t ndlvlded proflta. o'.t" IXpoalla $7, 157.1 ..Poon, .. a.1""'- . 7.MS . I76.00tl.ff7 1214,551 Notic for Publication. Department of the Interior. C. 8. Laud Office at The Dalle. Oregon, November IMlh, 1910. Kotlce ia hereby given that Thottiaa B. Curtis. of Ianionla. Oregon, who on July . 10. MOB. made Honie.itead entry 0. unius, lor wu NW Hection 25 and NKV a lion al, Townalnp IS eoutn, nange ia Kant. Willamette Meridian, nas nieo notice of intention to make linal com mutation Proof, to eatablbih claim to the land above deacribed, before Warren Drown, county clerk at hia office, at Prine ville, Oregon, on the 19tb day of January, 1M11. . , Claimant name aa witnenie: irwin I) iuu.v nfo'Neil. (In-con. John 1-ergu- son. John Hackett, Willuini H. Short of URinonw, un'Koii. , la-lp C. W. Mooaa, Register. Notice for Publication. Denartment of the Interior. U. 8. Land OIBre at Th. Dalles, Oregon, Ifovemuer win, iiu. Notice is htreby given that Marv Dunham. of Prineville, Ore., who, on December 2. ltwn. made desrt land entry No. U1 (Serial No. fr-'SSI) tor Lot 4, Si-c. IB. Lot 1, Ku KWU. NHu HWW. Section 80. town ship 17 south,' Range 17 east, Willamette Meridian haa tiled Uotice of intention to make linal proof, to establish claim to the land above oeacrineit, oeiore nuioiiiy a. J. Duffy, U. t. Commissioner at his office, at Prineville. Oregon, on the 10th ( av nf January. Hill. Claimant names as wimewea: jameo I,;.. i-Imh.Im tlniihani. of Holierts. Or., 1'nrk U. Doak, and Michael iuayueiu, oi 1 rineville, Oregon. . pj.8i W. Mooaa, Register. Mrs. Estes Corner 2d and Main Street PRINEVILLE. OR. HARNESS and SADDLERY SHOP H. D. STILL Prineville, Oregon The latest improved a genuine EDISON PHONOGRAPH l I . L and records in your own nomx without cost to you. on ten dayj Free Trial The New Edison Fireside Phonograph $22.00 . WILL EXCHANGE Runabout Equipped Fully, For Posts. Pioneer Tel. &Tel. Co., Prineville, Or. Will play 2 and 4-minute records. Filled with new Cygnet Horn, Drop us a postal, or better still come in and make your own selection ol records. The entire list ol Am berol records in stock Easiest ( terms. , The Winnek Co. Prineville, Or. j Drop in and ff) THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in . Prineville. Ratbb Reasonable, We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent ri n'l - ' 'Tii.riiet' f . I-. Quliin, at Clifton 12 XM For Sale. Snnarnlor. ono John Sulk- flow, Klipnriiir Winilnnl I tM, new." Ilarsnins. Apply to JoiiM MATr- a,iN, lViiiovlllo, Orison. Pee re 10-20 tf Wood Sawintr, BcnintiiiiK November 1, I will b pre pareJ to miw wood on short notice. l'lione to uiy 10-20-Stp rosiilenoe. H. L. Holms, Wood Sawing Done Promptly Short & Coon have bought the wood .uw of A. J. I'etett. All orders promptly attended to. Iav or 'pbone yor ordora to l'rineville Ciirar Factory. I o. 0. V. tiOlinlc nioPta every Hrlur lliinlKliL,lrttiinr ' wiilminiu. w arron llrnwn. N. ii.l l.V,..,li IH'll'tL V. (1 T. U. Zcll. Ho. 1911 REO. $1500 Complete with Top and Glais Front, F. O. B. Portland. 30 h. p., 5 Passenger Touring Car and 4 passenger Roadster. APPERSON" A High Grade Car, 30 h. p., to 50 h. p. J. C. ROBINSON, Madras, Oregon Contest Notic. Department of the Interior. CT.S Land Otnco at The Dalles, Oregon. December 1st, lHll). A tultlclent contect affidavit hav I,.,. Hied In thiaulHce bv Jacob r. Ku-f, oonteatant, auaimt homestead entry, I No. IHtHl, mane June a, iw, -j " " MV NWVi, SW'K WWW, Section 20, Towinhip 14 S., KaiiKe U K., V illamette M.ri,llan. liv Jnniea U. Silver. Ckintcstee. i.. i.iol, ii u bllml that said eiitrvman has wholly abandoned said homestead for j more man bix rnonins iasi vaov; m. noyer established residence upon, cultivated or improved the same; that said alleged absence was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine oorpa of the linked States in time of war. Said partie are hereby notitied to appear, respond, aim orler evidence toucning saia i allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on January H, UIU, before T. B. J.. Duffy, a notary public, at his oftic In Vrineville, uregon. and that linal hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. en January zi, iwu, oeio the Register and Receiver at the United Stntes Land Offlce in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, tiled December 1, 1910, set forth facts which ahow that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notioe be given by due and proper '"liMs"10"' C. W. Moork. J Every Dealer Knows that the most satisfactory brand of of whiskey he con offer his trade is "I. W HARPER" Often, however, they recommend BomethinK else because there is more profit in the poorer kind. As a consumer you want', the bost, therefore insist on Harper. Sold by Silvertooth & Browder Shaniko, Oregon O. K. MARKET Stroud & Cross, Proprietors Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land-Office at Th Dulles, Oregon. December 6th, 1010. Notice is hereby given that, Orange F. Hodges, of Prineville, Oregon, who on January 9th, 1IKHI, made Jloniesteao, inenai no. vwico; Nil UttW tnr!SKV N KU. aim we SKV. HKW. See,. 83, Township Hi S., It., 17 KitMt.. wiiinmeiie lueriuinu, hub mvu notice of Intention to mane mini nve year proof, to establish claim to the land rin.crilil. hefure Timothy K. J. Dull'y, IT. 8. Uoniniissioner at nis omce, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 15th day of Feb- .nnrv lllll. Claimant names as witnesses: Austin Kiacr ol Roberts, Oregon! Samuel M. Hailey, JameB Oram, and Henry 8mith of l'rineville, Oregon. 12-15 C. W. Moohk, Register. Annual Meeting. Notice ia hereby given that the Annual Stockholders Meeting ol the Central Oregon Livestock and Agricultural As sociation will be held on Monday, Jan narv 2hd. 1911. at the hour of 3 p. m.. in the Commercial Club Rooms at Prine ville' Oregon. J. 8. Fox, Becy. ll-24-7t Choice Beef, Veal Butter and Eggs Mutton and Pork Country Produce A Fine Line of Sausage Telephone orders receive prompt attention 1 1 1 aaaaaaa. i See Champ Smith DIAIIR IS Soft Drinks of all kbds Imported and Domestic Cigars At the old Smith A Cleek j stand, Main street, two j doors south First j National Bank j Carpenter Shop J. E. Whisler, Proprietor All kinds ol job carpentery workmanship guaranteed. cratt worh Firsi-class 9-t Sheriffs Sal. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Oiook County. Mary McMeekin, by William McMeekln. Administrator, Plaintiff, vs. James Hawkins, Mary Hawkins. J. Stroud , Frank J. Stroud, Naomi Salomon, C. J. Johnson, O. 0. Gray, 0. B. Gray and J. H. Treasure. Defendants. Notice is hereby given, mat Dy virtue or an execution and order of sale issued out of the circuit court of the tate of Oregon for Crook County on the aftli day ol Kov. 1910, upon judgment rendered in said Court on the 18th day of October, 1909, in favor or the above named riamiin, ana against the above named Defendants, to me directed and delivered, commanding me to make the, sum ot 35U.0U amount ol judgment, with interest thereon at the rate ol ten per cent per annum irvm ue 11th dav of J line 1907, and the further sum ot $50.00 attorneys fees, and $19.20 costs, and it being further decreed by tb. Court tnat tne lollowing ueacnoea niongageu property to-wit: The south half of northwest quarter, northwest quarter of aouthweat quarter, of section seventeen, and northeast quarter of southeast quarter of section eighteen, in township fourteen south, range nineteen ea3t of Willamette Meridan in Creole county, Oregon. Be sold by the Sheriff of said county as under execution and the proceeds of such sale, alter paying the costs, atorneys fees and expenses herein stated, shall be applied upon the judgment, and if the proceed be insufficient, the plaintiff shall bav. judgment and execution against the defendant James Hawkins to recover such balance unpaid. In obedience to said execution and order of sale, I have levied upon, and I will, L oa Satarday th 31st Jay f Dtwadwr, 1910 at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon . of said day, at the front door of the court house in tlie City Ol jrrinevuie, viwa county. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest Tiidder for cash in hand, all the right title and interest which the said defendants had in and to the above described real property on the 18th day of October, 1909, to satisfy said judgment, attorneys fee and coat, and expenses of this sale. tw1 thia aoth dav of November. 1910, 1 first issue December 1, last issue December 29, 1910. FKANK , KI.K.INS, sheriff, Crook county, Oregon. a,X