EH LOCAL MENTION 1 THE LEADER Wish. es one A MERRY CHRISTMAS The last days to do your Christmas shopping. Come in and select some nice present for Father, Mother, Brother, Sister or Sweetheart We still have quite a number of useful articles to select from, Dolls, Doll Bug gies, Sleighs, Teddy Bears, Toilet Sets in wood, Dishes, Etc. Don't fail to come and see the tumbling Teddy Bears. Our candy department is the most complete in Prine ville. Come in and select a nice box for. the loved ones. Candies, Nuts and Oranges, Cigars and Tobacco. I. MICHEL, Prop. Prineville, SANTA We have the largest and best line of Holiday Goods Portland, Chicago and other cities, for your inspection. Christmas Gifts. Look through our Show Cases. Cut Glass. The 1 argest "and best line ever displayed in Prineville. Complete line to select from. Prices range from $1 to $20 per piece. These pieces cover every design of cut glass, from the most delicate "feather edge" cuts to the plainer, more economical designs. Chinaware. Hand painted and Havolin China i l i ii 3 -tine goods which make excellent gifts. Dolls and Doll Buggies Durable Dolls with natural hair. Prices from 4 for 5c to $15 each. Solid wire doll carriages, cheaper and better than other kinds. Graphaphones. The "Columbia" Graphaphones from $25 to $200. Best in the World. A good assortment of records. We have made a 'study of the Holiday Gift business for years. This line is our best attention are at your disposal Let us help you settle the Holiday Gift d all an And a HAPPY NEW YEAR Oregon Books. Down to the minute copyright fiction, by the best authors. Chil dren's story books, picture books, and all kinds of gift books. . A large line of novels. Magazines, Postcards and Post card Albums. m X o G r r X Z w 70 Hammered Brass. r. t i i , .nctly new; l the cities ir.3 year ror tne nrst time, ceauti- ful gift pieces. Pyrography. Pyrography sets for doing burnt wood pieces. Also a large line of stamped bass wood for burning. These make gifts that are appreci ated. Handbags and Purses. Best quality leather. Well made and durable. Prices from 25c to $14. CLAUS' Hnrnt'.r Cummlnm I In 1'rlnevtllt' trom Mixlrun. l I.. Ktittii wna In ttao cltr wittr. : Jay from l'U I Wiirm-r St wm it titiiilnriw visitor TuMuluy. j lr. A. A. Hurrln ol IUinl, wn lu 1 I'rlm-vllli! the Urnt of tho wet. J C W. Colby Mt tlie flmt of th k lor 1'ortlnud on (malm. Uoru: Monday. IKwmlkT 10, to the wife ol Omrlea f. O'.WII, n Rlrl. I t'hn. lUioliiuian mul wlb ol Sis tors, nro veiling Irlotulu lu rrlmvUh. K. 0. Fauulit win In Prlnovllle from hl IVar ciwk rnnch Moutlny. j V. I), ami Itoy KatuoU wer lu tht city the lHt ol the week Irom I'llne I'hII. J. V. t'olltiM left ytntenlny lorj Portland, whore he will mt the winter. N, Wnlte wore In Prineville from I.umonta the Itutt ol the week. Mrs. OlilmU'M of Porttanil hmpetuK Iiik the holidays with her ulater, Mm. 1 C. W. Klkln. j Wulter A. Footer Imtmht n farm In j the olil rlvor hod uouth of Powell llutte the last of the week. ' j II. II. Cufohl loft the first of the week lor Portia ml with a buneh ol cattle lor the S. & S. company, I Mrs. Olson, who suffered a stroke of imrntyslt) nt Pauline some weeks ago, died there the last of the week. John Putin of Pnullnn passed throttKh I'rluevllle last Kiidny on his way to Los Aiwles, where he will spend the wlutor. Hoy Foster nud his mother arrived Monday trom their home in Camilla. They will spend some time visiting their relatives. Mr. mid Mrs. II. E. Kldeont. Fred M. Smith I feedlnK " linnch of l.V) head of tsH'f rttttle.nt the Klnsxloy rnnch near Autiiope. lie expects to ship them to the Port laud market nhout March 1. Yon are cordially Invited to at tend two luterestliiK public services at the Methodist Church next Sun day Christmas, In the morning the subject will he, "The Kingship of Man." In the evening the pnstor will give the lirst of n series Sunday evening sormou-leetures on topics of wide Interest, to be continued throughout the wluter, at lutervuls. The subject next Sunday evening will lie: The tiront Pyramid, a PI vine Hevelatloti." Speud mi hour with us nud learn some fuels about the oldest mid greatest monument on the face of the earth. There will lie special music at both services. Jno. M. Huggjns, rustor. I ever shown in Central Oregon. We bring the best goods from the best shops of Our Goods and Prices are Right, and our time is yours to assist in selecting Musical Instruments A complete line of high grade musical instruments, and carrying cases. Ask to see them. Jewelry. Men's and Ladie's gold and gold filled watches, chains, charms, lock els, and emblem-cuff links, pins, etc Rings. Diamond rings, gold band and weeding rings, rings of all kinds. See them. Clocks. One-day, 8-day, 400-day clocks. A fine line of parlor clocks for the Holiday trade. Look them over. Silverware. A large line of knives and forks, pearl handles, and hollow handle community ware. Many other pieces, all at a price to suit. of better variety and better quality than has Question. Quality is our watchword. Open Evenings of This Week The R. 1. Jordan & Co. Store Friday and Saturday Toy Sale TOYS AND XMAS TREE ORNAMENTS For 25 Per Cent Off ALL DOLLS FOR 33; PER CENT. OFF In order to clean up the remaining stock of Toys and Dolls, We are offering the people of Prineville New Mer chandise at prices never equaled in Central Oregon. .R. L. Jordan -SEADQUA 3 pi CO X - O G r r Chafing Dishes And afternoon tea sets. We have a large and beautiful assort ment of these useful gifts. Silver and copper finishings, ebony trim mings. Lowney's Candies. Fresh and pure--Special Holiday Line from 5c to $5 per box. Berry Sets And Berry Dishes. Our holiday line of berry sets, and berry dishes, fancy crockery hand painted, offers a big selection. Pie Plates, Rose Bowls Pie plates in hand painted de signs, rose bowls in many varied shapes and designs. Pudding Sets. Elegant three piece pudding sets in new patterns. Salt and pepper shakers, novel and useful. o X 70 H S in been offered here before. Our time, our Open Evenings of This Week &Co. RTERS Water Sets. Our collection of water sots cover the'widest range, and offers every thing from individual pitchers in beautiful shapes, to cut glass sets in eight pieces. For the Little Folks. Little work boxes, rubber balls, educational cutout pictures and pictures and card sets, toy dishes, rag dolls, celluloid dolls, rings, bracelets and neck chains. Articles too Numerous to Classify. Rogers' California Perfumes in gift bottles, Water Colors and Paints, new holiday stationery in gift bgxes, Christmas mirrors, Toilet Sets, M'V tary Sets, combs and brushes, strops, mugs, and supplies, field glasses, Vacea, Gift Pictures, big new line of harps, pocket knives, jewel cases, inkwells, paperweights; paper cutters, fountain and gold pens, games for the children, and many other useful articles. experience, our large stock of gifts, and a- D. P. Adamson & Company, Prineville, Oregon