Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 15, 1910, Image 3

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Declamation Contest
Won by Alphas
Thu cloaeet and niot intr.'ting
iliH'lAtiintion conle'l ev-r Iwld in
rrinevilla tm.k .luci UA Friday
evxnliiK in llif Club hall. ,
The ciulil contt'tant from the
Alpha snd Oiliocoiiian wit'tii,
weru no evenly matched that, in
tlio (Ui-Ulon lor allium tvery ilac,
llmra wan n diftVrenrs of hut one
point. Koy Lowlhr-r, Alpha, won
firat place; HUnclie WiUon, Al ha,
around; and Van liritik, Ooho
conian, third. The conttmt a
whole wuh won by thn Alpha
awiety, mid limy will hold the
trophy for the coming yrar.
in ft conical of thU kind to win
I, indeed, tin lionor, but to lone i
fur from being diKgrace. Kach
ocii'ty ii proud, and jually to, of
every contestant wlio look rt,
and Crook County High rxhool ii
proud of hi'r two aocietloa and
their splendid work.
The muNtcal part "of the pro-
gran) win enpeoinlly good. Kach
iHunU r waa much appreciated and
heartily applauded. Crook County
High Kt hool wl.iliea to thank all
those who no kindly aaalaled in
making the evening a eucreri.
Hillman Items.
N. Weberg is building bit black
amitli shop this week. Hi toolt
will be in from Hhaniko by the
I nut of the week. The chop will be
0en for hueinrn in the very near
The Ladies' Pioneer Club of
Hillumn met with Mm. 0. liuker
on Wednesday afternoon of laat
week, l'ainty refreshment were
erved and an enjoyable time wa
bad by all prexenU,
The foundation tor the atone
build ng Icing erected by llegardt
Hroa. bait been completed. They
have decided to make thin a two
story bu Iding instead of a one
story an orglnally planned.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Taylor were
buniiieei visitors in Prineville last
A crvw of men are engaged this
week grading the new road just
north of the Santiam road. This
is a much needed improvement and
hould ho appreciated by the travel
ing public. This road through
llillmAii shortens the distance !
tween Trail Crossing and Mend bv
a mile and with a little work will
be a much better road than the old
Mrs. V. Moore received notice
of the serious 11 1 new of her daugh
ter in Tacoma. f he loft Saturday
morning with brother, W. Mc
Kwing for Shaniko.
" Lost
Iwt a Imnmnrol brase watch fob.'
Haa Initial " Q" In center. Finder
please return to T. I. Quinn, at Clifton
A Cornell. . . 1 '
Man and wife to work in hotel at Hay
Creek. Write Hay Creek I.and lo.
Hay Ciei'k, Oregon. 12-15-1
For Sale.
Cream Keparalor, one Julin Itwre
Hulk- flow, HuKtrinr Windmill top,
new.' Iterxuliia. Apply lo Jolts Mm
Kin, rrlnevillu, regc.n. 10 -20 if
Professional Cards.
Civil Engineering
Irrigation, HiilailvNInn.. KatJinatra. Home
stead ami lli M-rt luxations,
lintel Itedmund Kld'g
Dr. J. !. Marsli, 1). C N.
Itooms 10 and 17, Atlainson Hid.
Prineville, Oregon
t Jt. Sfosomiorf
PAjHtmm mm4 Jurgm
(Onunljr J'hyl:ian.)
CmMt mmtmtrtd prm?Hr 4m0 w mifl
0n MM f"m t zrm-i
Am Jlmmm. mmrmmm
mm WTmM Strmmmt.
Prnflll0, Offom.
Kftlu it Crejitort.
aiutlr n bft. ln tr tli" nlrtnl.
tt ,ltrihlltrt.r ut thlt l Wllllnm
tU'lllllR, rtrra.!, to A.I 'rwini hmiii
lilt ItM- nM.f Toin-her Ml III un.i.-rii 11.1
(I llirom. rut M. K Klll'rtl In rrilil.Tlll-.orf.
ttlliiltt sli mmilluiirola ui nrt yuwwm-
ttifli ill I Ilia li(Hl.
IMI4 lblal uaroi nwrrnnr,
i i. itni iiiiii.
A.lminUlralnr ol Ilia kmu l WUlUHai B.
tlu lilns. lxiwaH.
Crook County jftstraet Co,
AUatranU ul lllla lo all land ami
I4iwa luta In Cruuk CHiumjr.
I. F. W,IJa, SMtalary, Praw.illa, Ortaa
Co. if. IVaMrW JIT. P. SBtUmmj,
tftolknap d Cdwards
m . v
Dr. J.TrcRcllcs Fox
M. N.rt.a. Kn..l a. A. Ixirnt.
t ij.'.i.i.(m U...I itnaril lin-Miin.
Iliiiirai-'l iliailara, Thumlaya, . Hallir.Uyl
(row I lo I p. hi. l it her limn uu can.
Ofllee, Mnlu Kt. 1'Hiievllle, OreK"n
w. i. myi: HS
Prw'tti'O In all miirla. Hjwll to
waUT riiiliU, llliiaiiun aim eriiaiiiai m iriicra.
Curr fmwHm, Ormgmm
Rutic to Cradltorx.
Kollra la hwlT llran. i lh on-1-rlfn!.
Ilia alnillililral'r ol tha ratal ol Kavld l.tfit-
r, ilrnwl, lo all pafaona niniii tiaira
aaainai Miu ocNaiM'u w piwit. .-"
Ilia iirolrr vuiMlirra, to tlia uii'lrrIKti4 at
lli.-.,m.'.l M. K. Klllotl In erliillla(lirft.n.
wlllilu all moullia Iroia 111 Aral publltalloa
of'lhla (K.tlra.
Uata Uila M Okf Ol JW'Bwr, iviu.
Admlnlatratorol tlx Kauteol (wvld Uudaajr,
N. W. Sanborn
Aililllison hloek
Tli. Dallia
W. A. IVmru. I'ma.
Ii. r. Htswawt, Vl-I'lfl.
C. M. Kl sisa.Cajililfr
l A. HootU, Aaa'l
Orqok Cqiikid: J3ank
Capital mora fullr Palil r. tWi.iMino
Hureliia fc.iMino
Htiirkliolilura' llalillliy
SUtenwnl Randorad lo Suta Bank Examiner Nor. 10, 1910i
Amu UabilMlm
IniiMnil PlanHinla im.W.Vt r,PUal abwk
OvtmlrnlW ,i.icl Hurplna
Kurullutf and ndurr. Mum I hillliliil p'oHIa
II. l ttU' , , a"'.'" IfepualU
Cwk aaaal aaal i- trM kaaka $7,I57.1
., ,i.i
.. 7.mnan
, 17fl.miH.tf7
SuiU made to order. First class work. Ladies Tailoring.
Geaning and pressing. All kind of attention.
Next Door to Journal Office.
Prineville, Oregon.
Content notice.
Ipartinrnt of the Intrrtor, t'nilod Sltlit
J.ani uinve, las iaii". "inw".
Ilwrmlier 1, HMO.
A luflli Irnt continl sffldaTlt liavlur ten
ml in thiaofltve bv Charlw Kulr con-
tiiunl, KaliithiiiiiaU-sd entry No.onii'M,
. ; ...... . i tr Li XSn it i j UL'l
niaile April z. IHl'i. mrnr.nnr.n.n d..
H-llonb, BK! NW!4. NK.'4H-tln 24,
Merlilian, y Harry i. IK'kwaM.eonUnile,
In which Ills allfKwl that said Harry J.
K.M kwell hu wholly aUndoiicd aaid tract
f..r tuora than ail uiiilltha laal l'.t: that
alii trarl la not aattlrd upon and eulti-
umI h aald nart an nxiuirra ny taw
tlial he has never eaUhllahed reaidenre
tlicrmn; that aalil all-Kl aiwence was not
I ue to his employment Inuiearniy, navy
at marine rorm ol ma i.niiea niaun hi
time ol war. '
Kald Itaniea are nenrny iwunni w .
rnpoiel, ani oiler evidenoe wucniiia aiu
alieitationa at 1U o'clock a.m. on January
la I ill tM.ntre i. fw. j. luiit. a u'i,. .t hia orHce in Prineville. Oreiion,
and that tinsl bearing will be held at 10
o'clock a. m. on January !!L 1H1I, before
the Kexi.ter ami Brlver at tae uniwi
KLnlra Iiid Oltlce In The Dalle. On-iton.
The aaid oonteaunt bavlnpt, in a proper
arh.lavit, tiled Drcemlier 1, llilO, art lorth
in wlilch ahow that after due diligence
neraonal atrvireol Ihla notice can not be
,....1. ii la herrhv ordered and directed
that such notice be Riven by due and
proper puniicaiion
C. W. MOORE, ReRlaler.
Warren & Woodward
Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Surveys. Estimates Furnished
on Power Plant.
We have had 10 year experience, embracing all branches
of Gvil Engineering.
Box 187 Redmond, Oregon.
New FaU
Runabout Equipped
Fully, For Posts.
Pioneer Tel. &Tel. Co., Prineville, Or.
the latest ideas in fall and
Winter Hats at
Mrs. Estes
Corner 2d and Main Streets
For Sale.
A six moillis' old jersey bull for sa'e.
Cull on or ttildreas Huy V. Constable,
I'rtiievilli', Oregon. 11 2-ttf
Now Is tht' tlino to p-t ChrlNtmiia
enkt'S oriloroil. I'laln lfel, or Al-iiiiiiitl-lit'tt.
lhirtliy Fox, Trlm-vlHe,
On-Kiui. iiov. a iuio
Express Delivery,
Am rtiiininn an express wagon and
will mnriiti' prompt ilelivory to al1
paitsul thocitv. rinnossnd lionsvlinld
KO.kI a Hpecinlly. ,V. Mt White. 1013
Wood Sawing.
lU-ninniiiK November 1, I will l pre
pared lo saw wood on short notice.
I'lione to my resideneo. II. L. Holms.
Wood Sawing Done Promptly.
Short A Coon have lioimlit the wootl
saw ot A. J. retett. All orders promptly
attimduil to. Leave or 'phono your
orders to Printwillo Cigar Factory. 11-H
i n. o. r. )uk
tntMita evt'ry Hrlu
dity lilBhUMtrnnttera
welcmno. narren
Hrown, N. (I.:
Vrmik ivielt. V. fl.
T. H. yll. "i. M
Statement of Reaeurces and Liabilities of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
Al the do of biieiaeet No. 10, 1910
Wnaand PlanHinU f.W l 1" capital HUxsk 1 10,000 0
United Hlalea Ronrta MUM 00 Hurplu , 5 00
Bank rrmlara.eto 1H.M (U Clroulatlna . Oo
Kedempllnn fund A til Individual liepoalte 28
I'aab Hue from bauka ITS-slJ 7S Undivided pruBts '
70O.U0 sa ' " tWa
t B. P. Allen. rmaW T. M. Haldwie. Caahlee
Will WarawakW, Vlee PraaMaal H. BaMwka. Aaa't Caakler
Crook County Agent For
fBBB-jaaaaBaA.api '
Contest Notice
Dfpartnient of The Interior.
V. H. Land Olllce, The Dallea, Oreftnn.
Novenilr'JO. II0.
A aumeient eonteat aflidavit havinn lieen
Hleit in Una olilce ly w., am
iit.rit. airalnat hoineteal Entry, No
ii-jun Nov. ? luon. for N W U HW
HI mW'. ee.S. NE'i NVY1 Hec. S, Ton- 12. aouth. Kanue 15. eaat, Willamette
Meridian, by Aithea J. Vineyard conteatee,
in which it ia allured that said Aithea J
Vineyard has not iroidwi upon the above
,nmKtrail for over ail moiitha lat naai;
that she has rallril to Improve and cultivate
H. aame aa renuired hv law; mat aaia
a I lived aoaence a not due tu her employ
ment in the army, navy or marine corj.a
of the UniU'd htalea in lime ol war.
Kalil parties are Hereby noimeu toapiiear.
mttwiiiil. aim oiler evmence uiueiiiiiv nai"
allegation al 10 o'clock a. in. on January
...... . . n. u. r 1 1 . . 11'..
10, 1WII, oeiore i.e.. iun, wun 3
tiiiLiio at nia oinea in rnnevine. uitkuji
(and that final bearing wilt be held at in
o'clock a. m. on January 17, lull before)
the KegUter and Receiver at the limted
btntes Land Ottiee In The pallet, Oregon.
The aaid conteatanl navinr.. in a proper;
affidavit, tiled November W, 1110, aei forth .
facta which ahow mat trier oue aiusreiice
penonal service of this notice can not be
mane IV is nereoy oruer imyiim i
such notice be given by due and proper
publl cation.
Notice (or Publication.
Department of the Interior.
U. 8. Land Olfice at The Dalles. Oregon.
November ailh, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that
1 nomas . iuni,
of Ijmonla. Oregon, who on July l".
l(ie, nmite ilomcitead entry no. oinso, lor
IV u NWW Section 2S ami b'4 Nr. -
tion 2U, Township l'l Hoiitn, Range m
Kaat. Willamette Slenilian, naa nieu
..nil,, nf intention to make hnul com-
niutation Proof, to establifh claim to the
I..i alnive dicrilied. before Warren
llrown, county clers at nis omce, at rnne-
vllle, Oregon, on tne iiu oay oi juiuk;
l!htln,ant names aa wltne1?: irwiu
n li.uu nrn'Ni.11 Oregon. John rerirtl
son, Jehn Hackett, William 11. Short of
Umonta, Oregon.
U-lp 0. W. Moose, Register.
jbrtif U A fine line of )
MnXM f Engagement .11
WFan I Rine? for Holi- II
day Trade. U
Every Ring Kept
! in Repair Free
Prineville, Oregon
J. H. WIOLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. Remember ub when in
Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
The latest improved a
and records
witnout cost
own home
in your
to you, on
Free Trial
ten days
The New Edison
Fireside Phonograph
Will play 2 and 4-minute records.
Fitted with new Cygnet Horn,
Drop us a postal, or better still
come in and make your own selectio
records. The entire list ol Am-
Notice tor Publication.
Tli'ivartmcnt of the Interior.
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
inoveniner ztn, iiu.
Notice is htrehy given that
Marv E. Danham.
of Prineville. Ore., who, on December
I 2t(. 18Wi, matte desert lana entry no. uu
(Serial No. OSM)) lor Lot 4, Sec. 19. Lot .
tU NWW, NK SW, Section St, town
ship 17 south, Raii? 17 east, Willamette
Meridian, has Hied notice of intention to
make tlnal proof, to establish claim to the
land alMive aerenneo, oeiore iinioiuj
J. Duffy, IT. 8. Commissioner at his office,
at Prineville. Oieicon. on the 10th
dav of January, lllll.
I'lutmaut names aa wiinesive; jann.
n.:.. ....I Robert. Or..
Park II. uoaa, ana JUicliaei aiayueiu.ui
1 rineville, Oregon. ,
12-8p W. Mooaa, Register.
1911 REO. $1500
Complete with Top and Glass Front, F. O. B. Portland. 30 h.
p., 5 Passenger Touring Car and 4 passenger Roadster.
A High Grade Car, 30 h. p., to 50 h. p.
J. C. ROBINSON Madras, Oregon
Contest Notice.
Department of the Interior.
U S -Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
December 1st, 1010.
A autNcient contort affidavit hav
ing been hied in this office by Jacob .
Kiel, ooniesiani, nu.iiwwnu
No. 0IH44, made JuneS, moil, for NN W,
WU NWU. N WW BW, Section SO,
TownhipM S., Range 11 K., Willamette
Meriuian, oy janies .,n, uu.b., &.j
in which ills alleged that said entryman
has wholly abandoned said homestead for p3
mora Ulan SIX lutlllim ittfi. liaai., mm
never established residence upon, cultivated
or improved the aame; that said alleged
.i,anc was not due to hit employment in
the arinv. navy or marine corps of the
United States in time of war.
Said nartiee are hereby noli lied to appear,
respond, and oiler evidence touching said
allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on January
U, lllll, Wore T. E. J. Duffy, a notary
publ ic, at his office In Prineville, Oregon,
and that tinal hearing will be held at 10
o'clock a. m. en January 21, 1911, before
the Register and Receiver at the United
States Land Office in The Dalles, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper
affidavit, filed December 1, 1910, set forth
facts which show that alter uue auigence
personal service of this notice can not be
made, it is hereby ordered and directed
that such notice be given uy uue ana proper
12-15 C. W.Moork.
Not to make the tale too lohg
Sold by
Silvertooth & Browder
Shaniko, Oregon
berol records in
stock. Easiest ol
The Winnek Co.
Prineville, Or.
The New Second Hand Store
"Everything for Everybody forjust a little less" than anywhere else.
A small line of New Heaters; alsa a small
line of New Jewelry.
Phone, Pioneer 277 "WATCH US GROW."
Franklin & Cooke, Masonic B'd'g., Prineville, Or.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
TJ. 8. Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
December 5th, 1010.
Notice is hereby given that,
Oranee F. Hodges,
of Prineville. Oreeon. who on January 9th
liKXi, made 1 1 oinesteaa, (Berlin ro. uaiwj
No. for SKi N K, N i SKH. and the
8K'4 BEVi, 8eo. SI!, Towmlup Itl S., K., 17
KiiKt, Willamette Meridian, has Hied
notice of Intention to make nnai nve
year proof, to establishuliiim to the land
aliove described, before Timothy K. J.
Dufly. U. B. Oommissioner at his omce, at
Prineville, Oregon, ou the 15th day of Feb
ruary, It'll.
Claimant names as witnesses: Austin
Kicr ot Roberts. Oregon: Samuel M.
ltailey, James Cram, and Henry Smith of
Prineville, Oregon.
12-15 C. W. Moors, Register,
M 1
Stroud & Cross, Proprietors
Choice Beef, Veal
Mutton and Pork
Annual Meeting.
Notice ia hereby given that the Annual
Stockholders Meeting of the Central
Oregon Livestock and Agricultural As
sociation will be held on Monday, Jan
uary 2nd, 1911, at the hour of p. m.,
tn the Commercial Clnb Rooms at Prine
ville' Oregon. J. S. Vox, Secy. ll-24-7t
J. E.
All kinds ol job carpentery and
workmanship guaranteed.
MAKis.ll 1 1
1 -H
onou i
... - ii
W tusler, rropnetor A
r. i fl. . 1 T 1
cralt work. rirst-ciass l
9-. II
Drop in and See f
Champ Smith
Soft Drinks
of all kinds
Imported and .Domestic
At the old Smith & Cleek
stand, Main street, two
doors south First
National Bank
Butter and Iiggs
Country Produce
A Fine Line of Sausage
Telephone orders receive
prompt attention
Sheriff's Salt.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
Crook County.
Mary McMeekin, by William McMeekln.
Administrator, Plaintiff,
James Hawkins, Mary Hawkins, J. Stroud,
Frank J. Stroud, Kaomi Salomon, C. J.
Johnson, O. C. Gray, 0. B. Gray and J. H.
Treasure. Defendants.
Notice is hereby given, tnat dt vmne oi
an execution and order of sale Issued out
of the circuit court ot the state ot Oregon
for Crook County on the 2Sth day of Nov.
1910, upon judgment rendered in said
Court on the 18th day of October, 1909, in
I favor 01 the noove naineu riainiin, ami
against the above named Defendants, to
me directed and delivered, commanding
I me to make the sum ot idoU.OU amount ot
judgment, with interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the
11th dav of June 1907, and the further sum
ol SoO.OO attorneys fees, and $19.20 costs,
and it being further decreed by the Court
that the lollowing aescnoea uiongugai
property to-wit:
The south half of northwest quarter,
northwest ouarter of southwest quarter.
of section seventeen, and northeast quarter
ot southeast quarter ol section eignteen,
in township fourteen south, range nineteen
east of Willamette lieridaa in Creok
county, Oregon.
I lie soiu Dy tne oneriu oi sum cunmy a
under execution and the proceeds of such
auie after navins the costs, atornevs feea
and expenses herein stated, shall be applied
Upon tlie luuineilfc, auu u me piuwmt.
be insufficient, the plaintiff shall have
judgment and execution against the
defendant James Hawkins to recover such
balance unpaid. In ODeuience to saiu
execution and order of sale, I have levied
upon, and I will,
ea Saturday tha 31t dr af December, 191
at the honr of one o'clock in the afternoon
of said day, at the front door of the court
house 1U tne cuy Ol x-nnevme, viw,
county, Oregon, sell at public auction to
.. . I 1. I......I all
ine niKueai. uiuuor iui i.oii u.,,
the right title and interest which the said
defendants had in and to the above
described real property on the 18th day of
October, 190a, to saiisiy sam juugiiieui.
attorneys lees ana cost, aim expeuaea oi
this Bale.
Dated this 30th day of November, 1M0,
first issue December 1, last issue December
21), 1910. FRANK K I, KINS, slierin".
Crook county, Oregon.