V ? 5 HATS CAJPS THE LEADER FUR OLOVIiS The Leader Headquarters of Santa Claus. TOYS AND HOLIDAY GOODS With everything in readiness for the greatest Christmas business in the history of our store, we invite your inspection of our great stock in toys and holiday goods. In announc ing this event, we have a two fold purposet-to crowd as much of the holiday business as possible into the next two weeks relieving, as far as possible, the rush of the final shopping days, and incidentally help you economize on your Christmas buying. Let your gifts this Christmas time be things of practical worth and service. A toilet set, no matter . how in expensive, will add to the personal comfort of friends or any member of the family. A visit to our store will reveal more just as attractively priced and just as practical and service able. All purchases will be hdld sebject to delivery at your request. Ladies' and Misses Jersey Ribbed Underwear, American Lady Corsetsr Dolls Etc A fresh line of candies, Bon Bons and sweet things jest arrived. Fancy Cnristmas boxes for your sweetheart, come in and get one today and make her heart feel glad. I. MICHEL, Proprietor, Prineville, Oregon tli appearance of the town anl will N of grvrt convoniciic) to all the nvhUnt anl riaitara. Good Milch Cows Wanted. timid uilk'h town. Jopwv or imrt Jcrnoy wniiir.1 nt oncv. Imiulrv nt rVatorS li.nlt-'a ton. la I.Vlm WanUsl Hy man and wife on ranch or ollmr work. Call at IhUollic. UwS7 ; VnU'd:A fw rnrda ol dry wood ; my Uov. J. M. IIukkIh. 1'rliiovlllc. i Personal Health and Purity. Vp-to-ilnto American Literature, all sort ami condition;) of nonl ma lx awn or hail at lr. Kos'a olllce, Slain atmjt, l'rinrvillo, Or. 12 8-lf Cow Lost j On rvd ami white. aottt'd tow, one i-ye out. Ilrandcd "A" on loft hip. Lst sn near l.amonta. Howard for information as to hor whereahonta. Juo Kicklti, l.amonta. Or. 12S-op Important Change In Mail Service The postofliee department wired Poatmaster Ledford yesterday that commencing tills monilns and con tinuing Indefinitely, he shall dispatch from the Prineville office for Sbaniko all malls In the office, the mall to leare at seven o'clock a. m., Instead of 1 p. m. as ha been the prevailing schedule for ten years. This will rearrange the entire system of mail lines radiating from Prineville, Beeause of the almost Impassable roads and hepvy holiday mail which Is now being handled, mails have not made connection with the morn ing train at Shaniko for some time. The new arrangement will make this connection possible under almost any condition. The time for arrival In 1'rlnevllle will be not later than 7 p. m. which will give business men time to reply to their Important letters for the morning mall. This Is the first step In Improved mall service, several ot which will be made during next year. Will Raise Blooded Cattle. WE WANT CONTRACTS for pulling juniper trees, experienced men, new outfit. Call or write to H. A. Kaudenbush at H. Wilson ranch, Prine ville, Oregon. - 12-9-3t W. H. Poet, who has been herdsmaii for the Bonnyview stock farm for the past seven years, has purchased a foun dation hen! of Hereford?, consisting of twenty head from the Bonnyview herd, and will launch out Into the thorough bred cattle business for himself. Mr. Pott started iuto the work clearing for the celebrated Bonnyview herd with little knowledge of the cattle business, except in a general way, and lus, l constant and careful attention, grown to bean expert in the handling and judging of stock, He naturally thinks the Hereforda the best strain for this country. He has leased lands in the vicinity of Bonnyview and will continue with Hut herd, also, for a time. What has been done by Mr. Tost is only another example showing the manifold opportunities offered to young men in Crook County. Culver Items. W. F. MverJ. president of the IW ! chute.! Valley Land A Investment Com- j pany, together with his family, have! moved from Portland and Lave estal lished their home at Culver Junction. The main office of this company will be licated at this point with other offices at Portland and Laidlaw. An ex-.-eedingly enthusiastic meeting of the residents of the territory mir. j rounding this place was held on Tuesday ! i-eccnuier win. i lie object of tie ! uieetiuj; was the organication of a IV 1 vtkipment League. A committee, con s' sisting of Messrs. Myers, reck aud Ful- gUain was appointed to draft a censtitu j tion and by-laws. The object of this i organization was not only for the pur pose of husii.ess, but a social feature ; will be connected with it which will un- double l!y prove very interesting. I The grading for the railroad at this . point has been complied. Provision i-s made for a platform connected with tlie depot. The grading of the main j street to cross the tracks has also been completed. 1 J. W. Tiunor has arrived recently to j look over the situation here with a view , of putting in a large mercantile estab ,lishment. After a careful investigation of the surronndinir country Jie is ex tremely well pleased with every phase of this locality. Miss Sehlatlman of Portland is now residing at the White Honse Hotel and is greit'y pleased with the town and surrounding country. She is stenogra pher for the company which is putii. g on sale the Culver townsite. Before many days elapse teams and men will be engiged in further develop ing the town by putting in excellent street grades. This will add greatly to Santa Claus Headquarters. It you are looking for Christmas prvscut go to Mrs. Cyrus. She has the largest ami most complete line In town. lolls, ciimllcs In endless variety and to suit every purse. Cull and look them over. Mhs. Viiu CYitis. 12-t-liu Rooms to Rent. j Two rooms to rent, not for house keeping. Apply to S. A. 1'Hosa. ll-lt)-t For Sale at . a Bargain. ItiO acres ot timlier land and I'M acres ol choice wheat laud. Address Box Sol, Prineville, Oregon. Jersey Bull for Sale. One rifteen-tnoutlis-old bull. J. Ahamson, 1'rlnevllle, Oregon. 10-27 Money to Lend. , Money to loan. Address V. O. Box 3U. . ll-10-tf Prineville Steam Laundry. .' Hut-It Villi ilit)wva Wualuwt Hi tlin I'rlnu, III. SUhiu Ijuintlry. sptvlnl utteitllori ivii to irnvt'irnt. i .mi no tv i htcnit-u lit lite .Vo Mll.v tor tuuUllii, ut'ur (Jit iVIkm-o. JWir JAMW KWINO, IVnp'r, Wanted to do tmHifiiiir in f xchan for row or hortie or nmhry. AtMrtt 0. Box IVimv.l., Oreoon. H-lU Notice to CrvdiUrs. NotUv I hcrx-by Ktvrn, by the undrrstjinit, tliesultniiiNtrtitomr the ratiitt of Kmlty K, i Ht' noltlA. iltHtiwrd, In nil crvdllcrw of mII 1 tlitvasfd and nil ntiin hiivlni tluiin njtntnt j Wild t'KlDtt Ui LtVtfl). Ul' (UIIIH. Willi till proper voucher, to ltn-uiidrotKMi'd nt the within sU moitihH frtun Uw Dnt puMl-! tit Htm of ihto not in. I I'ttUd this ldth day of Itc , ltt0. Admlnlstmlnr or the ttte ut Kmlly K. ! Notice of Final Settlement. SoHrv I Iwrvny Riven, thnt b nitiHrlKne1 haattU d lls Until n p.rt ad niuittnur of Ih' fiMtcdr Aunantus H.H)itw dtivawd.nnil the t'uunty Court nf I'rook Cntntv, Onvmi, hMrtipiintf'd M'liidity, tin 2nd duy of Jn unry, I'M I, t tht- Omnty four I rom nt Priiio vllle, Onon, hk the tttm mid pliwte for hrttr Ihk miid n.o.iitit. at which tlnmuiid plit.fitU iTH4im intrt"it(l in ;id eninte mttv tm-n-nt uny ohiei'IloiiH tlierv may I to nuid tttml w ctn tiling I' , J. L HAJiF.it, AdmlnUtrutor. The Greater R. L. Jordan & Co. Store We invite your inspection of our line of HOLIDAY GOODS and you will readily agree that we have the largeat auortment of dependable merchandise of any (tore in Prineville. We have made special effort in getting together our line for the Xmas Trade. Toys Iron Toy, Mechanical Tcy, Rubber Toy , Garnet, Horn, Drum, Dressed and Undressed Dolls, Tree Ornaments, Toy Wheel Barrows, Express Wagons. Etc. Auto Scarfs in Silk Crepe, Deschene, Veiling and Repp Silk, $1.00 to $200 Ladies' Handkerchiefs In p'uin and hemstitch, cross bars, embroidered, and fumy handkerchiefs, 5c to 25c. Mens Shirts, Ties, Sox, Suspender And Hats, New for Xmas Gifts. Ladie's Hand Bags. Very acceptable for presents. Come and Bring the Children R.L. J or dan &-Co. SANTA CLAUS' HEAOQUA 1 ICLiiAJ P Kf Vrue krgej ai?d be't. lin? of Holiday Goods ever shown in Central 0regon. We bring the best goods from the best shops of rortland, Uucago and other cities, for your inspection. Our Goods and Prices are Right, and our time is yours to assist in selecting Christmas Gifts. Look through our Show Cases. - Cut Glass. The largest 'and best line ever displayed in Prineville. Complete line to select from. Prices range from $1 to $20 per piece. These pieces cover every design of cut glass, from the most delicate "feather edge" cuts to the "plainer, more economical designs. Chinaware. Hand painted and Havolin China fine goods which make excellent gifts. Dolls and Doll Buggies Durable Dolls with natural hair. Prices from 4 for 5c to $ 1 5 each. Solid wire doll carriages, cheaper and better than other kinds." Graphaphones. The "Columbia" Graphaphones from $25 to $200. Best in the World. A good assortment of records. Books. Down to the minute copyright fiction, by the best authors. Chil dren's story books, picture books and all kinds of gift books. A large line of novels. Magazines, Postcards and Post card Albums. Hammered Brass. Strictly new. Sold in the cities this j ear for the first time. Beauti ful gi.t pieces. Pyrography. Pyrography set3 for doing burnt wood pieces. Also a large line of stamped bass wood for burning. These make gifts that are appreci ated. Handbags and Purses. Best quality leather. Well made and durable. Prices from 25c to $14. 3 in CO O G r X m 70 Musical Instruments A complete line of high grade musical instruments, and carrying cases. Ask to see them. Jewelry. Men's and Ladie's gold and gold filled watches, chains, charms, lock ets, and emblem-cuff links, pins, etc. Rings. Diamond rings, gold band and weeding rings, rings of all kinds. See them. Clocks. One-day, 8-day, 400-day clocks. A fine line of parlor clocks for the Holiday trade. Look them over. Silverware. A large line of knives and forks, pearl handles, and hollow handle community ware. Many other pieces, all at a price to suit. PI CO X O G r r X 2 t co Chafing Dishes And afternoon tea sets. We have a large and beauttful assort ment of these useful gifts. Silver and copper finishings, ebony trim mings. Lowney's Candies. Fresh and pure Special Holiday Line from 5c to $5 per box. Berry Sets And Berry Dishes. Our holiday line of berry sets, and berry dishes,' fancy crockery hand painted-, offers a big selection. Pie Plates, Rose Bowls Pie plates in hand painted de signs, rose bowls in many varied shapes and designs. Pudding Sets. Elegant three piece pudding seta in new patterns. Salt and pepper shakers, novel and useful. Water Sets. Our collection of water sets cover the widest range, and offers every thing from individual pitchers in beautiful shapes, to cut glass sets in eight pieces. For the Little Folks. Little work boxes, rubber balls, educational cutout pictures and pictures and card sets, toy dishes, rag dolls, celluloid dolls, rings, bracelets and neck chains. Articles too Numerous to Classify. Rogers' California Perfumes in gift bottles, Water Colors and Paints, new holiday stationery in gift boxes, Christmas mirrors, Toilet Sets, Mili tary Sets, combs and brushes, strops, , mugs, and supplies, field glasses Vaces, Gift Pictures, big new line of harps, pocket knives, jewel cases, ink wells, paper weights; paper cutters, fountain and gold pens, games lor the children, and many other useful articles. We have made a study of the Holiday Gift business for years. This line is of better variety and better quality than has been offered here before. Our time, our experience, our large stock of gifts and our best attention are at your disposal. Let us help you settle the Holiday Gift Question. Quality is our watchword. 1 D. P. Adamson & Company, Prineville, Oregon i.