t ... ? Have You Heard About Our Bean ing Contest? $10.00. $5.00, and $2.50 in trade will be given as lirst, second and third prizes to the person or per sons on December 17th at 8 p. m, who guesses nearest to the right number ol beans in a jar placed on our counter. Every 50c cash purchase entitles a cuslsmer to one guess. You may be the lucky one. 1 . e.icw, reasonable terms and lira! class quality have been the means ol rapidly reducing our slock ol stoves' during llie past lew week. However we still have good sized atock ol Cook Slave. Heaters and Coal Oil Stoves, which will he told at price ranging Irom $3.00 up to $90. We are in a position to meet the closest competition, both in quality and price, Give us a all. THE W. F. KING COMPANY LOCAL MENTION A. tt. Young Ml Tiuwitiiy tor I'urt. hunt. lien Hotter wm lit 1'rliii'vlllB from Iti'iliiKiml Tii'wlnv. MtM Num HU-srii t tli new ilriml v nt Hit' il-r' ollUtt. Till' F.-A Cliilt wn rutvrtnluml liwl t'rUliiy I'' MIm AIIId llorlitnn. Ilorti, to Hi wl(i o( l'Mnionit Koi, iii'iir llitjr I'rwk, Motiilny, liny. !irnTuimln,v, nt PuwWI UiiUin, to tli wlfiMif .. T. lil.U'oii, a mm. John Muhvn nllml th npunlutnwiit nt Mill crwtt lift Mundny to the MiilUlactluii ol lliiwo irwnt. 1M FurWuHti mid M lirotlirr who lutvn honii'HU'iuliioii iiimt I'roolii-d rlv.T, hit on Tuwuliiy' tiiKi tor tlii-lr olil Iioiiib In Ki'ltU. Uolh-r A lliiriii rw IHilHliliig the Interior ol I'. .1. l.lvHy new rtl ilenro. The tiulhllug will lie remly lor Kvnjnim-y l nhotit it week. Uee. Itiilley ir'ieheil nt "the Idl follelle K. I100I houw Kiimliiy nt8 P. in. lie report nn Iwrviuw In the roiiKrefciitlou, Theru- were eight thin time. The nknlliig rluk oimmuh! Riiturdny night miller the uittniigenient ol Hoover 4 Holler. Attenilance him bun g"l nil week nmJ on orderly holme Initio wntohworJ. . Jmk ArWl, who him Iteen work tug on the night shift for the I. I- A W. Co.. lor the punt eveml mmith, will return to hi old home In t'hnt tinioouft, Teim., In tt few ditya. II. C. I-iinlu wit In from hi rtnlry rulieh noHr Howard the flint of the week. He I milking fourteen cow at preKent.litid nelht ou mi average of 'ulioiii 300 pound of Imtter a month. A. V. Untile and M. Ilwhtell. who have Imx'U leliutlelil the county clerk' ollUa for the piwt leverut liionth. left for their hoiiietend mmr Powell Hullo the flint of the week. Mr. M. J.Chrlstliiul lui completed the reiirriinguieut of the Interior ol her sture which I under leno to Foter & H.vde, Thl give them iiiiu h more Hhell room mid better dis play Hpiiee. Dr. Jlmne of Kuliorts mixed an nhuniliinteron of currot till yeur ou ft plei-e ol tiew land whltli had never belore. urodueed ft erop. He old the entire crop to resident yf the Ideality Ht a good prleo. 1'nl.oi ("hiii-eh Service: Saturday nt 2 p. in., I'oveiinnt meeting of the luin-li. The member nro rciiuesU'd t.n he nrenoiit. Hlllldny service, 10 a. m., lUlili) School; 11 ft. m proud. - Ini?: tttllO t). in.. C. E. Society leau ny Ml i:dna KhUw; 7.JI0 preneliing, topic, "llllh article of faith Jimttfl catlou by faith." Come with u and honor the Lord. C. P.' Halley, pantor. Mm, Mnrv K. Hmlth of Portland arrived In I'rlnevllle hwt night. Wnlhu-e Wllllnm ol Mndra. only on ol Mr. and Mr. W. H. Wlllliim. accidentally lmt hlmwlf Hiiudny while duck huntliiir on Trout ( reek. He wit pulling the gun out of the rear end of the wngou when It wii neclde nt ally dtm linrKed, killing him hmtaully, W, U, Kullawny and J. It. McClure, rcpnwciitliiK the real rtnt Ann of r'red A. JftcolM Co. of Portland, were I'rluevlllu vlltor Tuewlny. They were making a (lying trip through thl country to get In Mruul touch with actual condition. They Itcllcve there will tie lomethlng doing when Spring ox'n. The Pith Annual Convention of the On-iron Woolgrowcr' Convention will lie held at Portland, January 8, lull, Jt one day ln-fore the opening of the 47th Annual Convention of the National Aoclatlou. Portland I making elaborate preparation to give the a woolgrowcr umptuou cntertulumciit. We publlh eluewhere the card ol Phoenix A Prewler: civil engineer of'ltedmotid, Mr. Phoenix I well, known In Itwlmond, and the new member of the flrm, 4. II. llrewter, I a graduate engineer, who ha lieen with the Oregon Trunk Hue. (1. It. I ii brother ol H. L. llreweter who ha Uen with the couuty ur wyor all ummer. In the illy troro Judge Kill wn In from Bend Hun day. -t". C. 1-unily I Hum. Lawrence Lleter I reported much Improved. H. C.Cnhlwell of Bend wa In Prlne vllle Sunday. Carl McKee of Lnmonta wan tn I'rlnevllle Tueilay. I). ). Vaudervert of Bend i In Prlnevllle thl week. It. L. Brewster wa In Prlnevllle from Hedmond Sunday Howard Turner of Madra wan In I'rlnevllle thl morning. II. J. Morrison of Cro Key wa a btiHlnea vleltor Tuesday. A. O. Hunter of llend wa a liul ncBir vlHltor the liiHt ol the week. Mr. and Mr. T. W. Taylor of 1 1 Ill- man were In Prluevllle Sunduy. Kred Smith of Paulina wa ft buil ne visitor the hwt of the week, S. C. Caldwell, who headed the PeoDlc1 Ticket" In the Bend city election Tuesday, wa defeated for mayor by Pr. V. S. Coe, the vote lielng Tl to 81. The councllmen choseu are: Theodore Aune, II. E Allen, and M. J. Kelly. J. E. Kelly defeated C. A. Chapman for marshal by a vote of SS to 63. The contest was the hottest one ever held In Bend. The C. 8. & S. Company are carry ng the Prluovllle-Bend mall In an auto. The llinery ' surface of the road can better lie coped with by auto tluiu by team. V Ith railway connection at Itedmond, Prlnevllle should lie able to get mall supply everv tlav In the year by auto from that point by way of the straight road across the upland. When this road I completed It will lie possible to get mall from and to Hedmond from Prlnevllle In one hour almost every day lu the year. Tim Howard-Brown company sold ins head of cows to the S. & S. com pany of Portlund the first of the week, which weighed out an average of Ul pouuds. The cattle have been fed at 0. V. Smith's ranch for about two weeks. The men have 1:10 head more which are being fed at this kIhi'b. which, tlicv llirure. will be enomrh to nrovlde meat tor the Or gon Trunk construction camps until the tniluB reach Mutollus. This, they are Informed by the railroad people, will lie by J amiary 1 unless landslides become too frequeut. Mr. and Mr. J. H. Wlndom were in the city from" Culver yesterday. Wm. Trelchel of Taullna we ft biiHluess visitor the first of the week. George Turner and Mr. Bnrrlmorc were married In Prluevllle Tuesday evening. Tom Shnru. Jr. and family left for Portland, where they will spend the winter. W. A. McFftrland will leave shortly lor Ihlsler. where he will Bhoe the C. 8. & 8. Company horse. Ml Allle Hortgan was given a "tin shower" Tuesday evetilng, by the meinliers of the E-A Club. Dennis Mathews of the local foreat service, left the first of the week for Hoseburg, where he will spend the wluter. C. W. Vjoodnlght Is building a ilwiilllmr on his lots on Prluevllle Heights, the first building for Prlne vllle' latest addition. Frank Iltiett. the Paulina mer chant, passed through the city the first of the week for Portland, wliere he will speud the holidays. Mr. and Mr. C. L. Roberts are re- norted much Imnroved this week. They have both been suffering from typhoid fever for some time. Tdm Hoover has completed his home on the north side of Prluevllle It I a modern dwelling and a valu able addltlou tj that part ol theclty Elder J. M. Lawson, the assocl atlonal missionary, occupied the pulpit lu the Union chucch last Sun day. Good atteudance greeted the speaker at both services. Married. In this city. Wednesday evening, Ml Pearl Keddlng of Polk county, and Oeorge . Hllllord. John Hlsemore. one of the pioneer r.isldenUof Crook county, died In (irnnta Pas a short time ago. HI mm I In Prluevllle settling up bis father's estate. Collins KlkMis Jr. gave a party yesterday afternoon commemorating hi third year. Fourteen young friends were present and the report I that they all had a fine time. A steam valve blew out at the oower house Tuesday evening, and theclty was dark for a tew minutes until the trouble bad been repaired. No damage was done, however. The Ladles Aid of the Methodist church will serve refreshments at the home of Mrs. J. B. Shlpp, Tuesday evening, Deceuitier 13, from 7 to 10. Music. A cordial Invitation is ex tended to all. The ladles of the Baptist church will hold a rummage sale and hand kerchief baaar at Belknap hall December 17. Alight lunch will lie served In the afternoon. N Oyster supper at 5 o'clock. Services at the M. E. church next Sunday. December 11: At 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ro. Good singing ot Cnuiu.l annir at both services and soeclal music at evening service Subject for morning hour,"CUrIstlan Cnltv." For evetilng. "The Things Tlmt Make Life Worth While." You are Invited. The fanltor at the court hone has a kick coming against the owners ot loose stock that roam the streets at night. The courthouse lawn Is an Inviting pasture and here I where the stock break In to feed. The Janitor I a mild-mannered man, but If something Is not done by the owner to prevent the damage cauwd by the cows he will take effective mean to abate the nuisance. A new city council was chosen lu Madras Tuesday. Howard Turner was re-elected mayor without opposl tlon. The councllmen are: T. a Tucker, 8. E. Gray, J. 0. Koblnson, A. W. CulD. G. V. Stanton and C. L. Roush. J. H. Jackson was elected recorder aud D. w. Barnett, treasurer. The tax levy tor the coming year was fixed at 5 mills. The ordinance regulating saloons was passed. This ordinance placed the license at $1000 per year payable semi-annually In advance. The third violation oi any provision of the ordinance for feits the license. Rancher Fined $500. William Jones, Malheur county rancher found guilty ot fencing government range in eastern Ore gon, was sentenced W pay a fine of $500 and ccata bv Judge Wolver- ton in United States court Monday. The coats may amount to several thousand dollars. William Han- ley, recently found guilty of similar offense and given a lite Dunicbtnent, had to pay nearly $1000 in costs. Horigan-Cram Wedding. At the residence of the brideV carents. December 7th, Robert H Cram and Miss Allie Horigan were united in marriage, C. P. Bailey, officiating. Miss Mamie Bailey nlavedthe wedding march. Ibe i - - - rinff ceremony was used. Alter - o - which the happy couple led the way to a table loaded with good things to eat. The groom is a young man, belonging to one of Crook county best families, ine bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horigan. Many useful and valuable presents were given the happy couple.. Mr. and Mrs. Cram left early this morning for their home on Trout Creek. The best wishes of "their many friends follow them. Wanted By man nd wife on ranch or otlier work, uau ai misomce. ueci New Year's Ball -AT Rev. J. 3. Hodges, who has been chosen as pastor of the I1 Irst Presby. tcrlan Church, arrived Tuesday to take up his duties here. He will preach next Sunduy, both morn. Ing and evening. CLUB HALL Friday Evening, Dec. 30, 1910. Muaic by Luckey'a Orchestra. A good time promiaed. Come! Come! VoUfCAN WVSIf H EiMATTRESS 7 - ., m !BEAR!NOTHISlABtL Soap, water and a brush are H that la Seeded to keep th. ontolds of an Ortennoor ( llattress sweet sad cleaa. I oe need, attention. Costs nothing for repiirs. An occasional "outing" In the sua keep It bah sad new because It fat built (not .luffed) of Utk. fibrou. Ctermoor sbertfc U cannot sag, lump or pk like hair.' ' x ' , - - iha renoine Oitermoor. Woe , the label pat there to protect you againat worthleM 1 Imitations. W. seU at factory, prices and invita J .inspection. f . The Winnek Co. be Exclusive Agents for Prineville Free Auto Excursion to Prineville Heights PrinevlUe's latest residence district, just platted and now on the market. Meet us at the Hotel Prineville at the time'specmed-above and examine the property. Buy a lot in Prinevilles sanitary residence district on easy terms. No sloughs, marshes or mosquitoes. Less host than on the river bottom. Fresh air. pure water and an excellent view o! the city. City water will be conveyed to the property at our expense. Lots 40x114; prices range from $80 to $200. Hall cash, balance payable at $10 per month; 6 per cent on deferred payments, Examine the maps at our ofKce. HENDERSON INVESTMENT CO. Prineville Hotel Building, Ground Floor Prineville, Oregon. .. - x Dry Goods-Shoes. X E. Stewart Co, Coffee M.J.B. Coffee ARE YOU SATISFIED with the coffee you are using? Try a can of M. J. B. 1 lb. tin 45c. 3 lb. tin $1.25. 51b. tin $2.00. ; ' Groceries-Hardware. Tree Tea Sold in three flavors: "Ceylon" "Japan" "Eng lish Breakfast Full Weight Packages,Net 6 and 12 oz. Money Refunded if these Fail to Please You.