Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 08, 1910, Image 2

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    Real Estate Transfers.
i he Leader Headquarters of Santa Claus.
' , l ;'; . . 5
With everything in icauiness for the greatest Christmas business in ihc history of our
store, we invite your inspection of our great stock in toys and holiday goods. In announc
ing this event, we have a two fold purposet-to crowd as much of the holiday business as
possible into the next two weeks relieving, as far as possible, the rush of the final shopping
days, and incidentally help you economize on your Christmas buying. Let your gifts this
Christmas' time be things of practical worth and service. A toilet set. no matter how in
expensive, will add to the personal comfort of friends or any member of the family. A
visit to our store will reveal more just ns attractively priced and just as practical and sen ice
able. All purchases will be hd'.d sebject to delivery at your request
Ladies and Misses Jersey Ribbed Underwear; American Lady Corsetsr Dolls Etc.
A fresh line of candies. Bon Bons and sw eet things jest arrived. Fancy Cnristmas boxes
for your sweetheart, come in and get one today and make her heart feel glad.
1 1. MICHEL, Proprietor," Prineville, Oregon
Kurmsliixl tjr Crook tNjimty Ahrtmct Co
Samuel J. Nt'umim nmt w Up to V,
Sprlnjr, lot U ami 11, blk S NYwmnu'i
ftiltl. rrluovlllo t-uO.
Ltu-y A. SnjiU-r uml htihtmntl to
AltxoiiKr Stownrt, truntw lot 3 ft 4
k1, uwl4 4 niul w- nt') wc 6 1 ltt
A. Zoll niul llt to Clmrlo 1. Swan
(ion i'S nrk lienor tv l!3 15 14
iiil lot 1 of wc :tU 1.1 1.') $1000.
K. C. KovvKv to t taiiii Smith i t 1
tract l.VYfi" by 2so fivt lu uvV mx 27
17 12 200.
K. C. ltowke to Chump Smith it ill
tnuet b'ln rnot mill of nm sle tu
last iWrlptlou f 200.
("HlirUn D Swtuiiioii to J. M. Ti'iiK
mnu Si u'1 inl wlt ,M'1 15
14 lot 1 of mi' 30 i: 12 M0.
Personal Health and Purity.
Vp-tn-ditta American Literature, all
sorts ami conditions of oeoplit mtv Ih
won or had tit lr. ) ox oihco, Mam
street, rrineville, Or. 12
Cow Lost
One ivd and wliito SKtted cow, one
eye out. Urantled A on loll hip.
j L"t teen niar Lamonta. Keward (or
I information as to her whereabout,
i Juo fields. Laments, Ore. 12-oVSp
Crook County s
Prtnr'-jtini i will give Oriion another conpn-
j7C5, which show a gain of C'J 7
J per cent in the past decade. This
, piesent apportionment.
Crook ccun'y has S3t5 inhabl- j
I Citizen's Call in Trouble
Continued from first page.
tanK '' '
The count of the thirteenth em
eus is announced lor Oregon and !
gives Crook county a lead over al
most every county in the state in
the matter of percentage of increase
since the last ceneus.
Baker county alone shows a big
ger gain than Crook. There are
thirteen cennues that iiave lewer ( ants was mad(J b. wire and a!l
numbers than Crook. Thse "" ' but Wiest o:Tored to come when
Curly, Gil'.iirm, Cr.m't HamPr.'ever the day set for the hearing
Hood River, Lake, Lincoln, is waj3 k'nevva. Wiest objected
hcu-.Morrow,Sherman,T!!iftniook,jitrel);,ausly t0 tj,e wboi,, busi
Wallowa and Wheeler." ' uoss. until Deputy Sheriff Van
The percentage of gain in the j clever found it necessary to take
past decade in Croak county is , uim into custody.
I The penalty for Jibel is any
where from ooo month's impris
jomr.eiit iu the couuty jail up
. ward, and finable also,
j Tiie defendants waived exarai
j nation yesterday afternoon before
! J ustice Hernier who placed them
u ruler bonds ot izm each to sp
pear before the grand jury at
the May term of the circuit court.
until recently resided at Madras.
He is now residing somewhere
in Sherman county-Moro, it is
Service on each of the defend-
23.475 mere than twice- the per
centage of gain of Multnomah and
The date for the hearing has
not at this writing Tuesday
more than any other county in the been set, but it will probably not
Btats, with the single ' exception of j be earlier than Saturday, so as
Baker. ' i to allow time for all the dufend-
The population of the town? bas ants to reach Prineville. They
riot been given out. The total pop-j are at liberty on their ow n re
flation of the state ; ivtn as .072, cognizance at present.
Learn Telegraphy.
j On account of th rapid completion of
railroail8 in central Oregon and the large
number of trained young men they wilt
j (urnih employment for, 11. ll.'Mor
! gan, late Superintendent of Tt'Wraphy
of tiie Polytechnic Business College of
Oakland. Cal., would like toconlor with
' a number of young men, who might be
', interested in telegraphy, with the object
ot starting a clats in Prineville this win
ter, fall or write H. 11. Morgan, care
of L. C. Xlorjian, Prineville, Ore. 12-8-lt
for pulling junier trees, experienced
men, new outfit. Call or write to H. A.
Kaudeiibuah at II. Wilson ranch, Prine
j ville, Oregon. ' 12-S-Jt
j One or two good milch cows. Must
i give plenty ol good milk. Address, glv-
ing full dciv-ription and price. IIowakd
j Spixxiso, Bend, Ore. 12-l-2t.
For Sale.
Washburn "A" mandolin withcae. J.
H. Arnold, P. L. cc W. Co. 12 l-2r.
Santa Claus Headquarters.
If you are looklnirfor riirhitinn
presontd ro to Mr, lyrua. She hn
the luri;t nud lniwt complete lino
in iomii. iiuiin, ciin.iioH in enuu'SM
vnrlety nnd to suit every uirw.
Call mid look them over. Mim. Viiia
lM(i. 12-1-lm
Rooms to Rent.
Two rooms to rent, not for house
keeping. Apply to S. A. 1'rosi. ll-10-tf
For Sale at a Bargain.
160 acres of timler land and ltfu acres
of choice wheat land. Address Box 361.
Prineville, Oregon.
Jersey Bull for Sale.
One fifteen-months-old bull. J. K
Aha.mnon, rriueville, Orvpn.
Money to Lend.
Monev to loan. Address P. O. Box
3H2. 11-10 tf
Prineville Steam Laundry.
tin re your clothes wnhe! lit thf Prlnerllle
8lmm tiunilry. t.HHll iuntlnti ftwn tu
IravfU-m. IiuiuIrT l locnti-U in the Myl'ulll!
Ur huildlna, nmr the lVhH-o.
Wanted to do building in exchange
for cow or horws or iwultry, Addrw
r. O. Box llW, rriueville, Oregon. 11-24
Notic of 1 iiuil Settlement.
Notice In herbyiclven, that the underHiitiiert
hM flUd hU tlnitl report iw AillninUlrutur r
tlie eftnle of Augustus lt.ifthloi'. (
the Otunty Court tf 'roki:ounty, On-aon.
ha Appointed Motiiliiy, the 2iul iluy of Jim.
unry, lull, at the County t'otirt r.Hiiu nt t'rtue.
vllle, oregoa, tlm time tind pluee for hear
lint aitl Hivouut, lit which Utile nnd place till
p.'r-n luter-sti'(l In mil. I eatnle limy present
any olilei'iiuina there limy beta Buiil final tu
liii - J. II. KAN Kit. AdinluUtrutnr.
v ...:- Z-.V,- V'?A-.
The Great R. L. Jordan & Co. Store
We invite your inspec.ion of our line of HOLIDAY GOODS and you will readily agree
that we have the largest assortment of dependable merchandise of any store in Prineville.
We have made special effort in getting together our lines for the Xmas Trade.
Iron Toys, Mechanical Toys, Rubber
Toys, Games, floras, Drums, Dressed and
Undressed Dolls, Tree Ornaments, Toy
Wheel Barrows, Express Wagons. Etc
Auto Scarfs in Silk Crepe, Deschene,
Veiling and Repp Silk,
$1.00 to $2.00
Ladies' Handkerchiefs
In plain and hemstitch, rro lata, nibrnideroJ,
and fancy handkerchicfa,
5c to 25c.
Mens Shirts, Tie, Sox, Suspender
and Hats, New for Xmas Gifts.
Ladie's I land Bags. Very acceptable for
Come and Bring the Children
Jordan & Co.
via i
We have the largest and best line of Holiday Goods ever shown in Central Oregon. We bring the best goods from the best shops of
Portland, Chicago and other cities, for your inspection. Our Goods and Prices are Right, and our time is yours to assist in selecting
Christmas Gifts. Look through our Show Cases. ,. '
Cut Glass.
, The largest anc! best line ever
displayed in Prineville. Complete
line to select from. Prices range
from $1 to $20 per piece. These
pieces cover every design of cut
glass, from the most delicate "feather
edge" cuts to the plainer, more
economical designs.
. Hand painted and Havolin China
fine goods which make excellent
Dolls and Doll Buggies
Durable Dolls with natural hair.
Prices from 4 for 5c to $ 1 5 each.
Solid wire doll carriages, cheaper
and better than other kinds.
; Graphaphones.
; The, "Columbia". Graphaphones
from ' $25 to. $200. Best in the
World. A good assortment of
records. . '
Down to the minute copyright
fiction, by the best authors. Chil
dren's story books, picture books,
and all kinds of gift books. A
large line of novels.
Magazines, Postcards and Post
card Albums.
Hammered Brass.
T::Ictlynew. Sold in the cities
this year for the first time. Beauti
ful gift pieces.
Pyrography sets for doing burnt
wood pieces. Also a large line of
stamped bass wood for burning.
These make gifts that are appreciated.
and Purses.
Best quality leather. Well made
and durable. Prices from 25c to
Musical Instruments
A complete line of high grade
musical instruments, and carrying
cases. Ask to see them.
Men's and Ladie's gold and gold
filled watches, chains, charms, lock
els, and emblem-cuff links, pins, etc
Diamond rings, gold band and
weeding rings, rings of all kinds.
See them.
One-day, 8-day, 400-day clocks.
A fine line of parlor clocks . for the
Holiday trade. Look them over.
A large line of knives and forks,
pearl handles, and hollow handle
community ware. Many other
pieces, all at a price to suit '
Chafing Dishes
And afternoon tea sets. We
have a large and beautiful assort
ment of these useful gifts. Silver
and copper finishings, ebony trim
mings. . ,
Lowney's Candies.
Fresh and pure Special Holiday
Line from 5c to $5 per box.
Berry Sets .
And Berry Dishes. Our holiday
line of berry sets, and berry dishes,
fancy crockery hand painted, offers
a big selection.
Pie Plates, Rose Bowls
Pie plates, in hand painted de
signs, rose bowls in many varied
shapes and designs.
Pudding Sets.
Elegant three piece pudding sets
in new patterns. Salt and pepper
shakers, novel and useful
Water Sets.
Our collection of water sets cover
the widest range, and offers every
thing from individual pitchers in
beautiful shapes, to cut glass sets in
eight pieces.
For the Little Folks.
Little work boxes, rubber balls,
educational cutout pictures and
pictures and card sets, toy dishes,
rag dolls, celluloid dolls, rings,
bracelets and neck chains.
Articles too Numerous to Classify.
Rogers' California- Perfumes in
gift bottles, Water Colors and Paints,
new holiday stationery in gift boxes,
Christmas mjrrors, Toilet Sets, Mili
tary Sets, combs and brushes,
strops, mugs, and supplies, field
glasses, Vaces, Gift Pictures, big
new line of harps, pocket knives,
jewel cases, inkwells, paperweights;
paper cutters, fountain and gold
pens, games lor the children, and
many other useful articles.
We have made a study of the Holiday Gift business for years. This line is of better variety and better quality than has been offered here before. ' Our time, our experience, our large stock of gifts, and
our best attention are at your disposal. Let us help you settle the Holiday Gift Question. Quality is our watchword.
P. Adamson & Company,
Pri n eville, Oregon