Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 01, 1910, Image 5

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ead This
Have You Heard About Our Bean Guess
ing Contest?
$10.00, $5.00, and $2.50 in trade will be given a first, second and third prizes to the person or per
sons on Dcoemher 10th at 8 p. m,, who guesses nearest to the right number ol beans in a jar plared on our
counter. Every 50c cash purchase entitles a cuslsmer to one guess. You may be the lucky one.
Close pricm, reasonable trrnn ami lirxl rlas quality have bmt llir nir.ins ol rapidly reducing our
kIik k ul alovra during the pant lew wnki I lowevrr we slill have i good iwd stork ol Cook
Sl.ivn, llralm and Coal Oil Slovw, which will be told at prices ranging Irom $3. up to $90.
We lire in a position lo mrel the cWtt coinprlilinn, Loth in quality and price, Cive ui a call.
I'lmcr Zii'k nrrlvcd Hiilurdny with
K, I, How' fn luht tcti'ii.
.1,1'.. I'lilli-r wiih In I hi' Imm ul I he
In mi IiIh Milt I'riH'k ranch.
.low I.. Wtudum Wfvx In truiii hi
much in'iir Culver Hiilurdny.
W. .1. Kchiuldt u( llonurd (tiM
IiIIkIMI'MH ViKilill' l ItlHtllt Hill Wl'l'K.
W.J. JiiIiuhihi hhIiI IiIn rut lie
Hint I iinlitjr the InliT In I'rlni'-
.Inliii I'.. I'dwitrd n In (rum
lli'lllt 'I' tl H tl k rt-1 I llC l M'lllllUM till'
fiilil lillll K ' " I ' '
John ninl I'r.'.l Crime nrrtved
M . ii 1m y (mm Sluitilku with freight
nr Inrnl iucrclntut,
' I n-. I .I'll, win) lnm Ihs'H iiili Hick
with lvilni. ill I lii- J.O. I'ii well
ilitii' 1'iiMt nl I lie city, tit ahjthtly liu
imn'il. Minx Mny Knox entertained nt
"llelilti" limt I'lldiiy I'Venlnir In
Imiinr uf ln-r Irli'inl Ml Vloht
ll.'.v in. MS of I'ow.ll Unite. Ilflnuli
llll'tlt were WTVCll.
I'iiIiiii Clmrt'll Service. 10 II. in
llllilo Srlmiil. 11 H. in. I'n-iu 111 nu.
H::m . lii.C, K. Him Ii I v, 7:l I'rcnch.
but. Topic, "JtmtlUcutloii." Conn'
with in iiml we will irviit you kindly.
'. I. Uullcy, I'ntor.
Married N'ovciuliiY 21, Chnrle
Ciiimli'ton ftinl tilce I.iiUKhllit, both
ot I'liullim, were married by Iti'V.
J mi. M, lliijrvliitt nt M. K. I'limonnitc
The yoiinif couple U'lt tho ft rut o( tin1
week (or I'liullim where Mr. CoiibIc
Ion I MtatloiuMl n n (oreat rnniccr.
Crook county Iiml n record mliidill
Moniliiy. I'lirliiu twenty-four hour
Indie o( itiotHturv Ml, which
brlnit the total rainfall thl month
to over three lucht-. Tln mill l
iHH'omlntt thoroughly oiikcd with
in i 1h t ii r'' which menus nliiiiiiliint
crop next yrnr.
Turlnck (CnliM Journal: Samuel
1). Price, who recently cnine here
I rum I.iiliioiitit, Oreiroii, hit ur
dinned thi'olil Itluhnrd ranch lyliiK
(our inllin Boutli o( TiirliH'k, cotilt
tnir o( liW nere. Till lit a choice
liluh Krndc property. The price paid
wiih Jl'.',r.dO.
While ninny line large turkey lire
enjoyed each yeiir by the people ol
Crook county It Ih elilotn n twenty
lour pounder make hi appeurnnee,
Much il oitejjrnecd the table o( Mr.
iiml Mr. Cluirle M. Klklh on
TlmiikHitlvliiK Ihiy whore a lew
friend I'lijoycd nuvlejiiiut il Inner mid
a Hoclitl evening.
Service nt M. K. Church next Sun
ilcy iniirnliitr nnd t'venlntt. InlercHt-
llIK HIlllJl'CtH lllHCIIBMCd nt liolh HIT
vice with Hpcclnl munlc by choir.
The piiHtor will lim e lor IiIh evening
theme, "Ancient tJili'Htloii Modern
ly AiiHWercd." Everyone Ih cordially
welcomed. We CHpeclally Invite
thoMe who have no ehiircli tioine to
worwhlp with uh, J nu, M. Hoggin,
W lllln in IliH'ifll moved III (iiinll.v
to 1'rlin'illli' Iiml week In order to
Mi'inl IiIh rhlldn'il toHchool.
1 1. Moruaii o( riiiillna wiih culled
to Sllvertoii, Oreisoli, t lie lll-wt ol the
week, where III mother Ih very III.
I lii' l.inlli'H Aid KiH-lely ol I lie Hup
tint Clninli will hold a riimiuni;
Hale and hiiiiilkcivhli't luunar on Hi v.
I.nw mice l.lHler who Iiiih Ihi-ii hiiI-
(erluu Irom mi attack ol typhoid, Ih
Improving, and will huhii Ih- out i(
all ilnnuer.
Jnliti MiiIh'U will Hpeak nt. the
Mill Cn-ek KchoiillioiiHK nest Sunday
at II ii. in. HiipplyliiK the pulpit lor
Mr. Ilallcy. (live lilm n liciirlnn.
Itiv, Halley will preach at the I,a.
(ollctli Hi'lioolhoiim Snniliiy nt 3 p.
III. Ilenyhe eMvtH a In'tter con.
urc;ntloii than he had theother time.
J. W. HooiicIh rlearluit and IciicIiik
ii ti'iiin-re place iiorthciiKl ol HI
I'rlnevllln lielitht property, wln-re
Im propoHcH to mart n modern
chicken liirm.
Kpwnrlli lA'iiune Ilevotloiinl Meet-
Inn nt M. K. Uhiiri'li t:V Sunday
eveulnit. Thoiiiiht (or m-ii-mlH-r
Some truth (rom the Twelve trop
lietH." Tuple lor Hit. th "The
Heart ol the lopcl." h, 1.1, 12,
John 3, 11 HI. Iti pnrt ol deleunte
to Niili-dlHtrlct ronveiitlon nt Ited-
mond, A hearty Invitation extended
to nil. Uolit. Carvy, leader.
Married At tlihomo! M. IVter
Krlckmin Nov. '.Mill Krnint K, Aycix'k
ol Crook county mid Sunk' May
KrlckHon weru united In iimrrlnne,
('. 1. Halley olliclatlnir. Alter the
weddlnit cen-mony wn perlorined
the bride nnd uroom led the wny to
a table loaded with Rood tliliiK
Theni were quite n lew uncut prcHcnt
iiml nil were well entertained nnd
unite In thela-Ht wIhIic lor the hnppy
It, L. ltrrwiti'r, who hn lieetl with
County Surveyor It lee nil miiumer,
led lat Friday (or Heduiond where
ho will stay about n month. Mr.
llrvwHtcr will then take tip hi Kindle
at the I'ulveriilty ol CIiIciiko where
he letl oil In hi Mopliomiire year.
HI a crack till round uthlctv mid hi
nervlce will lie- mlnncd In athletic
circle In l'rluevllle. Ill Irlenda here
wlHh ti t in all kind ul (rood luck.
The 600 Club entertained thvlrliiiH
buudH, weetlieartaud a lew trlctul
bint Friday evcnliiK, The prelty
honie o( Mr. and Mr. Owur llvde,
which 1m recently undergone many
Improvement, wa chonen lor till
Modal Kiithc ring. The greater part
ut tho eveiilntr wa devoted to 50(1.
Mr. and Mr. Mllllron ere tin- hiic
ci'mhIuI player ol the evt'iiliiK nnd
won the prle which eouHlHted ol u
hcHUtldi! Iiuiid imlliteil bon-bon iIIhIi
and a pretty Ink well. The even-
liitf i'IoboiI with dellrloiiH rclrcHhment
which wen nerved by tho ihlmiiIhth.
Mr. and Mr. Jlytlc,iiHHiUd by the
club member proved theniMelve to
be moMt ilcllght fill entertainers.
The Basket Ball Game.
(I. M. Cornctt lelt yi'Htcrday lor
lli'inl on IiiihIih-bb.
Mr. Nellie Ni-whoii retiiriieil Sun
day (rom Heliver, Colo.
Kill Shepherd o( Itiirne puhbciI
llirniik'li I'rltievllle ycHterday lor
lbmion, where he will end the
Mr. nnd Mr. M. K.'K li ft Sat
urday (or Mr. UIhh' old home In
MlHHourl, w here they w ill vlnlt Irlend
and relative. 5
I'mil tlllchrlHt ol Paulina piumcd
throuuli I'rlnevllkt the (lrt ot the
wwk tor Calllomla point, where he
will H'iid the winter.
Mr. Clllton, nn uncle ot !. S. Ctltton
ot till elty, arrived the llrHtot the
wii'k (rom hi eiiHteru home, and
will vlnlt here lor a time.
All ('. H. A S. auto have been put
In tho jraraire lor the winter. They
will Imj overhauled and repared lor
the nmh ol the early rUix mouth.
(ieo. P. Ken in n-tunietl Tuendny
Irom Htntlon alonn the Prlnevllle
Shiinlko road, where lie ha lieen
Ui'ttlntr the Htaire tock ready for
the winter road.
Tliomn Miller nnd Ml MndKle
Cos were married on ThnnkHiflvlnir
day at the home ot the bride'
mother, Mr. W. C. Connlcton, In
Paulina Volley. The ceremoney wn
performed by JiiHtlce I. It. Meyer.
Vernon UhUt, who I In a Port
land In Hjilt ul receiving tri'iittuenttor
hi eye, which wa Injured by nidiot
aome week ngo, underwent an ofier.
atlon on ThiiiikHglvliur day, which
will iive the Might of the Injured eye,
although It will nl way lie some
what Impaired.
K. h. Koe arrived Tuiwday ot Inst
wivk trom Ilelaler, where heuccldent-
ly Hliot hliiiHelt In the toot with a 30-
rallher plHtol, Mr. Koho toiind the
gun nnd wn trying to ee how It
operated when he accidentally ill
charged It, the ball entering hi heel,
Indicting a very palnlul but uot
dangerous wound. He will bo about
on crutches in a few days.
K. L. He Courcey ot Bend ha the
contract lor driving piling at the
wet approach ol (he Crooked Klver
bridge, wet ot. Prlnevllle. This
work Is Hearing completion, and
will lie a great protection to the big
bridge which spun the river at that
point. Mr. He Courcey also ha the
contract to gravel the road from
thl bridge to the city Hue and 1
negotiating with the city govern
ineiit ,for a contract to complete
tho work aloug tlilstrcet.
Prliii vllle, 25, IVnd, 5.
In the evening 1'rliievllle nnd liend
lined up on the lloor of Club Hall tin
the annual baHketlinll came.
The laet that Crook County High
completely outcliiHHed their uppo
iieiit doc not urgiie that the locnU
played eiiiitlonal ball. The Ih
I tor are new to the game. Thb
wn their first nppearance. A little
tnon work will do wonder tor them
and they will be able to make our
buy put up a much better exhlbl
Hon of the game.
Tim game wa not marked by the
daeh that uhuiiIIv cbanicterla the
work of the Crook County High.
The HtrenuoiiHlie of football took
the life out of both team and mnde
butt work nn ImpoMHiblllty.
The Itend team went onto the
lloor crippled by the lo ol their
center. Ilrewster wa loaned to
them nnd he put up an excellent
game. Only a lew on the hie line
who were "next" ever Hiispected ns
they watched lilm dashing up and
down the lloor, taking u hand In
nearly every play, that lie wn ul
ferlng Intensely (rom mi over dose ol
Thanksgiving turkey.
The game started fnt but neither
team wn nble tt locate the basket.
To Uoy McCalllster belong the
credit of the first basket. He
brought loud applause from the side
line by a pretty throw Irora the
center of the floor. A the game
progressed Cliarle l.owtlier also lo
cateil the basket and contributed
most materially to the final score.
Pile close guarding of ltoy Lowthcr
and Holand McCulllsttr held the
visitors hclple. and made scoring
almost Impossible and their passing
to the forward, Hlce and I.owtlior
were almost perfect.
Itend ha promised a return game
In the near future and an Interesting
content Is ure to result.
The lleud team were composed of
true sportHiuen. They put their bent
effort to win, bnt did dot complalu
nor cherish un 111 teeliug toward the
Santa Claus Headquarters.
If you are looking for Christinas
present go to Mr. Cyrus. She has
the largest and most complete line
in town. Dolls, candle In endless.
variety nnd to suit every purse,
Cull and look them over. Mits. Vika
Cviit'H. 12-1-liu
visitor. The most hearty good will
prevail Is-tween the two schools
and we hope. It will coot lone.
A reception wu given the boy of
the i'.rnil football and basketball
teams at the high school building
lie evening before the Thiiiiksglvlng
A imiiiiImt of eiijoynlde giiiiii were
lila.ved, during which the visiting
BtudeiitH had nif opportunity to
meet everyone pnyu nt. nnd a geiiernl
good time wn had. ItefreHlimelit
were served by the home girl.
The reception closed with a ron
lug chirr lor the visiting tenuis, and
the building wa (jnlet by ten o'clix-k
giving everyone a good rest for the
tussel for athletic honor on Thanks
giving Uny.
Jersey Bull for Sale.
One fiften-month-old bull. J. K.
AiiiMHu.v, i'rinevllle, Oregon. 10-27-tl.
One or two good milch cowi. Mast
give plenty ol Bond milk. Addrese, lIv
mi; full dcM-ription and' price. Hokaku
Hi-iNMNliend, Ore. 12 l-2t.
. Notice. '
I'a-lies that liar stock in mr pasture
'ake idem ont and par ynur pasture bill,
or I n il! sell the stuck fur charge.
Mkd ' MiKIIIIHIL. 2tp
Title Talks
Homestead locations
a specialty 4
The Completeness of Our Record
We have one index that leads with un
failing accuracy to every recorded trans
action afttcting t'.ie title to any lot or
parcel ol land in Crook county.
This index refers to photographic
co j its of the instrument itself, from
which our abstracts are complied.
Besides this index and the thousands
of photographs, we have all necessary
modern helps to finding out things
about the title, taxes, judgment, liens,
decrees, and the like.
Could anything be more complete?
All here under one roof'; no need to go
We invite you to call on ui and let ua
show you our abstract plant, and talk
over the title to that land of yours.
Crook County Abstract Co. (Inc.)
(We photograph the records.)
Crook County Journal
County Official Paper
Soap, water and a brash are all that it
needed to keep the outside of an Ostermoor ;
Mattress awect and dean. The imsidt never
needs attenUon. CosU nothing fat repair.
Aa occaaional "outing" in the sun kep H freih and
new, because It is built (not staffed) of clastic, fibron
Osteraoor aheet. It cannot sag. lump nor pack
like hair.'' ' ' - .
Make sure too get the genuine Oitermoor. Not
the label put there to protection against worthies
Imitation. We cU at factory, price and Invite
Inspection. 1
The Winnek Co. inc
Exclusive Agent for Prineille 'pjfj
$1.50 a year. Subscribe now
Free Auto Excursion
Prineville Heights
Princvtlle's latest residence district, just platted and now on the market.
Meet us at the Hotel Prineville at the time specified above and examine
the property. Buy a lot in Prineville's sanitary residence district on
easy terms. No sloughs, marshes or mosquitoes. Less Irost than on
thcriver bottom. Fresh air. pure water and an excellent view of the
city. City water will be conveyed to the property at our expense. Lots
40x114; prices range from $80 to $200. Half cash, balance payable
at $10 per month; 6 per cent on deferred payments, Examine the
maps at our office.
Prineville Hotel Building, Ground Floor
Prineville, Oregon.
J. E. Stewart & Co