I I I I i B hi F in ia Pi as el Candy, Chewing Gum THE LEADER Cigars and Tobaccoes Betty and The Babies May Range from 14 to 2. Bui They Can be Fitted al the LEADER. A Full line ol Ladies'. Misses, and Children's Sweater Coats irom $100 up. . Our New Line ol Ladies and Children's Union Suits and Fall Underwear now in. Watch next week s paper lor our special offerings. Gents Furnishings. Hats. Caps, Etc Rubbers and Overshoes. Our Grocery Department is Complete. Come in and get our prices, We save you Money. I lVIIPl-ICI PwTM;ofnv Prlrmvillp- Or-p-crrm Official Returns ' t'outimiitl Imra ltrt pn. i --. Th- Kstorn Oregon Iupttne Asylum hill carries an apptopri at ion of f .00,000, wttuh mm he eludes nituuleiiaiiee coat up to Do Icomber 81, 1'.1.. Within 00 Jaye after the act leioino a law, the ; Governor, Secretary of State, ami State Treasurer will eelict a site for the iticlittition within live 1 miles of Haker, I'niou or IVnitle ton. After selecting the fite they will have plans drawn for build ingtt capable of accommodating not I loss than 000 patient, and will 1 cause the came to I erected. Perfection Oil Heaters l Tl W. F. King Company have re cently rceivoJ a utook of I'erfvetiou Oil llenlcr-. The- are jut tlie tiling (or :a UalU room or nevl rwm It I Thanksgiving Cheer. ! Now In t!n time to nnliT n tfooit, (U Tlmnkn(l Inn turkc.v. l'ou't put It ntf. Tlu-y urv 'tw. We Imvv , cliU kciix, too. Also H clioliv lino of plrklt' tiwcvt, doiirnuil 1MII. trim, berriet. mltnt meat. ivU'ry. eweet pottitiH. -te. City Ment Mmkot, lloilau fc lijinko, propn, 11-17. REDMOND COUNTRY FORGING AHEAD Farmers Breeding Up Their Herds. DAIRY PRODUCTS IN DEMAND Redmond Will Vote on Estab lishing a High School November 19. Redmond, Ore., Nov. 14, 1910. Editor Journal: Thinking that a few lines from hire that would tend to show that Redmond is still on the map and growing might be of interest to many of your readers, I take pleasure in sending them. To be sure our home papers give the town happenings, but have not many items tending to show the development of the surrounding country, and many of your read ers are luckless enough never to see copies of the Hub or the Spokesman. The time was for several years that Redmond the town did not grow as fast as the surrounding country would warrant. Of laU, however, with two railroads as sured, it has been forging rapidly ahead. Agricultural development has not stopped if it has been ' somewhat overshadowed for the time bsing. The prediction that this would become a dairy section is being verified. If the Pioneer Cream Co. of Prineville should judge by the amount of cream they are re ceiving from here they would laugh at the assertion, but there is so much demand at good prices for home-made butter that most of the butter fat is being converted that way. Further evidence in support of the prediction is offered by the fact that farmers are quiet ly building up their herds, both in siie and in the quality of their an imals. Quite a number have bought Jerseys that pass for full bloods and a few are contemplat ing tbe purchase of pedigreed stock. There is but one cow of that class in the neighborhood so far as the writer knows. J. O. Hansen started a herd of llolstein Freeians by the purchase, over a year ago, of a pedigreed bull. So far as the writer knows these are the only two dairy breeds repre sented. Many who remember Redmond as a straggling village, even if they have kept gome idea of its growth, will be surprised to know that Mr. Hansen, proprietor of the Hub City Dairy, has been milking thirteen cows and until lately has been buying butter for his own table, as his customers took all of his milk and cream. Mr. Hansen is one of a rapidly increasing num ber who is using the cream sepa rator in tbe care of milk. The high prices prevailing for grain for a year or more past has had a tendency to discourage ex tensive hog raising, but getting 14 and 15 cents for whole dressep hogs, and paying from 20 cents for fresh ham to 30 cents and more for cured meats that is the other side of the story, and those who fixed up to pasture hogs dur ing the pasture season are quietly sawing wood and raising hogs. While we do not make from 4 to 9 cuttings of alfalfa in a season here, those who fixed up best for raising the most clover either red or alfalfa are standing pat and smiling at what their fields show. Jerrett, on the File place, Chessley, McLallin and Kendall are among these. A short time ago Matt Kulesch sold a two-months-old colt' to H. A. Myers for $150. It was from tbe H. A. Myers & Co. Belgian stallion. It seems to indicate that there may be something doing in these parts in the future with blooded horses. Development in the way of tree pulling has been going on more or less all the time. Anderson and DeSouza, just west of town, had the trees pulled from a whole forty and many other smaller jobs have been done in all directions. Our school has gro.n so rapidly that the attendance has more thau doubled since the opening of school September 19. One outside room was rented, and November 19 an election will be held to determine the question of establishing a high school, also for voting on 15000 bonds for building purposes. City incorporation, water works, pipe line from the river, new addi tions to the corporation, new busi nesses and various other matters might receive consideration now, but this letter was strictly to show the development of the country as opposed to that of the town. E. C. Pakk. Professional Cards, Crook County Abstract Co. Attret at tllK' to H luiul ami Iowa tut to Crook county. 8. F. W;M, Sct!ii, PriMtillt, Orto IXTt'l.IsTS Belknap cf 6 d wards !pAjn'imM mod Jmrfeemt. IPrimtmitl: Onon For sale light team, harners anil waon at le-l Vandi'rpoor,rrineville, Oregon. ll-Il-4tr Lost Duck 8heep-linel coat in Prineville or on McKay road. Reasonable reward (or return to R. 31. Tkmpleto!. U-p JK IPiosombirg JkjfMOimm mmd tSmryoom (County I'tiyxirian.) CmN mmawmrmm jrmmjttfy m'mjf mtfmi l'" em m: tmtm mf ImhWm ' ? V J-. -4VjiVm- mm Wjm.m JkMA, Orofo DR.J.TREGELES 1 OX M. It. r S Knir .1.. s, . UoimI., Uc'il Stat M.d ltiHtnt. ort'tgon. Visit! Tiirtaj(t. TtoirsiUyt, SaturiUya Irom i to . in. otuer ttiiii-i on cu. p. iv Box 1. I'rlfl. ville, own. on"' Mai strwl in prt-j'arHllon. fttulrnc ttUam, milva on dry valu-y road. Room to Rent Two rooms to rent, not for ho'ice keeping. Apply to S. A. I'aosa. 11-10-tf Notice. 1'artiea that hare stock in my pasture take them out and pav your pasture bill, or I will sell the stock for charge. Med Yaxdkrpool. 2tp Stray Horse. Gray horse, weight about 10C0 pounds, branded OO on left stifle. Came to my place about November 2. Owner caD have same by paying all charges. A. Kestkb, Prineville, Oregon. 11101m W. 1. 31 VERS O. C. YOUNG jCawyert Practtvp in all cotirt.. Hpt-rM attention to aaivr ttKtoa. unguium anu vrumnal di'lcucy Culvr Junctio, Ongon N. W. Sanborn AtttirtH'y-nt-I.aw Adamnon block - Prineville V. A. IJELL FRANK MKNl-Fl-Ii Lawyers The Dalle - Oregon l 1 A Few Pieces of Choice Furniture For Sale Cheap; for Three Days Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Gurniture Include Heater, Carpet, Range, Bedroom Furniture Etc. J. S. FOX, Residence One House East of Commercial Club. Don't Miss This. V YOU CAN WASlf THE MVTTRESS BEARING THIS LABELN Soap, water and a brush are all that ia needed to keep the outside of an Ostermoor Mattress sweet and clean. The inside never i needs attention. Costs nothing for repairs. An occasional "outing" In the sun keeps it fresh and sew, because it Is built (not stuffed) of elastic, fibrous Ostermoor sheets. It cannot sag, lump nor pack like hair.' ' ) - Make sure yon get the genuine Ostermoor. Note' the label put there to protect you against worthless imitations. We sell at factory prices and invite Inspection. ' 1 . The Winnek Co. i Exclusive Agents for Prineville Best Material Finest Workmanship Modern Methods and Correct Mechanical Principles nnite in CI Out osmg Our Entire Stock of Men's Suits. VAX These suits are made Jby the leading Manufacturers of Men's Ready Made Clothing and repre sent the newest styles and fabrics. The Cut, Make and Fit of these suits are right, and at the prices we are offering them will guarantee a quick disposal. Only a limited ' f'l i V to.k ? v! s , . . . number. Come Early!! All $25,00 Suits for $17.85 All $17.00 Suits for $13.25 All $12 to $15 Suits $8.65 . .v XV: 3 C --" atacartty Ctoth.a CopjrrtgM We are also offering our stock of boy's and young men's suits at exceptionally low prices. Ro L. Jordan Co, THE NEW Second-Hand Store We are now carrying a small line ol New Watches, Clocks, Ladies' Hat Pins, Sash Pins, Scarf Pins, Back Combs, also Ladies' and Gents' Watches, Fobs, Rings, etc., etc CALL AND SEE US. i'WATCM US GROW." We have a 'phone W. S. Cooke, Masonic B'dg. Prineville, Or. Land for Sale j In Crook and Lake Counties. Carpenter Shoe J., E. Whisler, Proprietor I am offering for sale at prices ranging from $3 to $8 an acre, the following land in Crook and Lake counties, Oregon. All of Sec. 1(1, townttlip 20 8, rnngo Hi All of Allot All of All of All of Hi 3(1 i South half 10 The Royal Standard Typewriter to produce the world's best writing machine, ono that haa estahlitthed a new and higher etandard of efficiency and economy The Real Standard of today. The Beat Typewriter At the Lowest Price $65.00 Local agent for Central Oregon, . J. S. FOX, Public Stenographer and Bookkeeper, Prineville, Oregon All of All of Allot Allot Allot Allot 3d 1(1 31! 1(1 3(1 111 Hi 3'l 10 Went linlf 3M Vet lialf Mi Kant half West liull All North linlf 3(1 Went half Hi All of All of 1(1 VV'iutKKM 30 All of -All of All of All of All of All of All of All of Allot Allot A.II of 3(i 1(1 30 10 30 10 30 1(1 30 10 80 3(1 20 ItO uo 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 2:1 23 24 24 24 24 20 20 20 20 20 15 K 10 10 17 17 20 15 10 1H 10 1!) 11) 20 20 15 10 10 17 17 10 IS l'J 1!) 25 . 10 11) 10 1!) 20 20 18 18 II) li) 20 All transfers will be made through the Washington Trust & Savings Bank, Seattle, Wash. KAY McKAY, 304-5 Liberty Building, , Seattle, Wn. All kinds ol job carpenlixy and cralt work. First-class workmanship juaranlecd. 9-1 fMiad&&m&iim O. K. MARKET Stroud & Cross, Proprietors BBsPs3C3 l Choice Beef, Veal Mutton and Pork Butter and Eggs Country Produce A Fine Line of Sausage Telephone orders receive prompt attention '5 r.i I.TJ-3VCBBE I Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, ClasweB, Etc. Etc., Etc, SHIPP & PERRY ( PRINEVILLE, OREGON 6Ei35REi3i3i3Sitgn