Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 22, 1910, Image 1

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    Crook County
, SEPT?910.
Entrrril ( the tUrflW t Prtiwrllle,
This Year's Crop is of
Good Quality.
Food Products Will Soon bo
Able to Grind Without tha
Aid of Steam.
Tim Prineville Flouring Mill
are Imxy r'civiiig grain, Wheat
in coming ia at the rate of several
hundred bunhel a day. The qual
ity in K'ml-
Munt of the wheat Unit hu been
received to date ha been hauled
from the LamnnU and Powell
Hut to dintricl, with a few load
from Culver.
There were some 7000 buaheU of
old wheat on hand nt the opening
of the sraaon at the Prineville
The pronent price of. wheat at
the local mill In 75 rente while
the truck price of wheat in the
Portland market it from 80 cent
to !() cent.
Tiin retail price of flour In the
market here in 15.75 while the
y v
Portland price range from II U5
to 15 35 for the same product.
The t'rineville Flouring Mills are
paying $ 1 .50 per hundredweight,
for barley, 12 for oata. The
market price for rye will 1ms 11 per
hundredweight, but none baa been
offered a yet.
The tame grain iielU in tha Port
land market at prveent at ft. 10
for barley and tl.37 for oat.
Product of the mill are lulling
a follow: Middling 125 per ton;
bran and (horU (20 per ton;
rolled barley at per ton.
liwidel wheat flour, there are
wholo wheat flour, graham flour,
corn meal; which telle at 13.50 per
hundredweight, and the standard
hreakfant food, Germ GriU, retail
at 40 centa package of 10 pound.
Preparation are under way to
get out a good quality of rye flour
which wilt toon be placed on the
The water lupply in the river I
coming up and uhoul half of the
power at proent i furnished In
that manner, the remainder being
supplied by the new tea in plant.
The farmer in the vicinity of
f.amouta and Culver have talked
nonie of holding their wheat until
the railroad i completed into the
county, but a comparison of the
local price with the outmdo mar
ket would indicuto that thie would
indicate that thi would be purely
a mutter of speculation.
The present force at the mill,
which are running full time, con
nisi of I). F. Stewart and J. V.
Carlson, proprietor, Dale Jones,
Dan K. Zuck and P. It. Doak.
The C. W. Elkins
i ns ; v
. .' ( Read our ad each week, notice the "Savings." If you are not a regular customer, give us an
opportunity to prove to you that our goods are the best in town for the price asked. Beat of satis
faction guaranteed.
Next week we will give the count of votes already received for the Piano
This ologiint flloO.OO piano is the equal of any $500.00 plnno shown by any coast pian0
house and will bu given away absolutely tree two days previous to Thanksgiving day ol thi
year, to the person, society, school or organisation
rot uming to us the largest number of votes given
cut by cur toio.
One voto is given for every cent' worth
purchased. . However with all purchases of
jewelry, 10 votes for one cent purchased.
Any one is entitled to enter the race for
the Piano.
Be Sure and Get Your Votes With
Every Purchase.
C. W.
If You Would Avoid
Then if You Do Not Get Busy
the City Official will
Get After You.
Have you cut the weed and oth
erwite "elbaned up" your premise
and also the street and alley ad
joining your property. If not you
bad better get busy for Monday
morning the city official propose
to take a band in assisting the
property holder who are too busy
to attend to their own affair.
This assistance will be expensive
Some time ago noticr t served
on the property ow- n of toe
city to cut all weeds in the streets
aad alley and on vacant lot
owned by them. Notice was served
by publication and that should
have been luflicient to result in
not only the dcstiuction of all
weeds, but the general cleaning up
of the streets and alley.
Store News
New Full Millinery Opening during this week.
Showing the accepted style in imported Pattern
Hata. Our hat are well made. Price Reasonable.
Millinery re-modeled and trimmed in short order.
Boy's School Suit Sale
During this and next week every Hoy's
exactly 1-3 less than reinilar price auDie
both Knickerbocker ud loii Pant Suits. Mothers Save a
lew dollar by a vieit to our suit department.
Special prices on School Suitings for Girls during this
and next week. See our table of Dress Goods
marked down for this occasion.
Saving on School Shoes Oxfords and Ladies Shoes,
Childrens Shoes, Boys Shoes. See display on our
Shoe Counter.
Grocery Savings
in pound Small White Bean
15 pound Pink Iteans
15 pound Itayo Hcwns .
Large Can Best Asparagus
One half Gal. Maple Syrup
Ladies We now have the Celebrated Nemo Corsets
Best Styles.
mr. new
On October 18 there will be
opened on of the best fair in
terior Oregon hn ever een, and
Prioeville will bava more visitors
than at any previous time.
For thi occasion our business
men should pride themselve on
the appearance of clean streets
and alley. Considering the fact
that no beed has been paid to the
request of the city marshal, Re
corder Hreese held long confer
ence with City Attorney T. E. J.
Duffy yesterday morning. At the
close of tbi .discussion, Recorder
Hreese announced that all proper
ty owner who bad -J.S complied
with the notice, or at least made a
reasonable attempt to recognize
the law in thi regard, will be pro
ceeded against in the recorder's
A reasonable time will be allowed
for the delinquent to get busy,
but Monday morning of next week
is the time the city intend to be
gin legal action.
In thi matter of cleaning up
ilie town, the officer state that no
preference will be shown, and the
large property holder a well a the
"little fish" will be treated alike.
Both will be required to clean up
their premise if they have neg
lected to do eo.
Dr. Marsh Coming.
Dr. J. E. Slardi, 1). C, will be in
Prineville between the lOtli and 15th of
October, to treat alt case of acute and
chronic dlwae. Room 10 and 17,
Adamson block. 9-29-2t
Suit in our store at
to sires 3 to 20 and In
.9 1 00
. 1 IX)
1 00
State Vote Not All In
County A Very Light Vote
Caat in the Different
The stale returns for the pri
mary election held last Saturday
show a decisive victory for almost
every insurgent, anti-assembly or
progressive candidate in the field,
with a defeat ior the old line poli
ticians who were nominated by the
atate and county assemblies.
Jay ISowerman, who head tbe
republican ticket for governor, and
F. W. Benson, candidate for secre
tary of state, both holding the offi
ces to which they aspire were Dom
Bowermaa will be nominated by
a lead of about 700 vote, with
DimicV second, and Hcfer a very
I aJ third, Abraham fourth.
In the second congressional dis
trict, of which tbis county i a
part, A. W. Lafferty, the insurgent
candidate, lead his nearest op
poncnU by a margin of almost
fifty per cent, or a total of some
3000 vote. The lead shown by
Mr. Lafferty is tbe largest claimed
by any candidate except Benson.
Returns at tbis time indicate
that Reed leads Ellis, but the com
plete count from the eastern Ore
g on counties may change the or
der, giving Ellis second place and
Lafferty first.
For Secretary of State, F. V.
Benson leads his opponent, G.
Wingate, by a plurality of over
4000 votes.
For State Treasurer, Ralph W.
Hoyt leads T. B. Kay by a plural
ity of 12.000 votes.
For Justices of the Supreme
court, Thomas A. McBride and
Henry J. Bean are safely nomi
nated for the four-year term, while
George II. Burnett-and Frank A.
Moore are nominated for the six
year terra, there being no opposi
tion to these two candidates.
Present incumbent,. A. M. Craw
ford, is nominated for attorney
general by a wide margin, and
Willis S. Duniway was nominated
for state printer to succeed him
self. L. R. Alderman, candidate
for state superintendent of schools,
and John H. Lewis, candidate for
state engineer, are nominated,
there being no opposition toother
of them.
Suferiniendent of Water Di
vision No. 1 was won by James T.
Chinnock, and the nomination for
the office of Labor Commissioner
is claimed by G. M. Orton, while
present incumbent O. P. Hoff
claims that the official count will
throw the decision to him.
On the democratic ticket Oswald
West was nominated for governor
and there are already rumors that
he may repeat the record of Cham
berlain in the matter of the gen
ral election.
For Circuit Judge, V. L. Brad
shaw of The Dalles was nominated
on the democratic ticket, and
Samuel W. Stark of Hood River on
the republican ticket.
Locally very little interest was
taken in the election and as a re
sult a very light vote was cast,
The official count for the republi
can ticket of Crook County shows
the following totals for the state
and district offices:
Representative in Congress,
Ellis, 212; Lafferty, 219; Reed, 118.
For Governor, Abraham, 133;
Bowerman, 179; Dimick, 142;
Hofer, 86; and West, (democratic
candidate,) 1.
For Secretary o State, Benson,
405; Wingate 174.
For State Treasurer, Hoyt 251;
Kay 333. .
For Justices of the Supreme
Court, Bean, 443; McBride, 284;
McCamant, 124; Burnett, 381;
Moore, 371; Water, 27 and King, 29.
For Attorney General, Crawford,
355; Hart, 193.
For State Superintendent of
Schools, Alderman, 415.
For State Printer, Clarke, 209;
Duniway, 338.
For Labor Commissioner Hoff,
284; Orton, 238.
For Railroad Commissioner,
Miller, 412.
For Railroad Commissioner,
Miller, 412.
For State Engineer, John Lea if,
For Water Commissioner, Coche-
ron, 459.
For Circuit Judge, Stark, 467,
and Bradsbaw, (Dem.) 8,
For State representative, Bel
knap, 442; Thompson, 154.
Tbe official count for the demo
cratic ticket for Crook county
shows tbe following totals:
Secretary of State, Turner Oliver,
Justice Supreme Court, Slater,
175, King 177.
State Printer, Godfrey, 122,
Taylor, 63.
Railroad Commissioner, Hugh
McLain, 118.
Circuit Judge, W. L. Bradshaw,
Governor, Jefferson Myers, 67;
Oswald West, 124.
Scattering votes on the demo
cratic tisket for republican candi
daies give Rice and Young, each 12
for county surveyor; Rush, 5 for
commissioner and Bayley 12 for
tbe same office, and Elkins 7 for
sheriff, while Hodges polled 2 for
the same office.
On the republican ticket there
being no candidate for clerk, Bro.
Riddle of the Madras Pioneer
seemed to be about tbe place of
starting and ran about half way
around the track before he was
stopped. He received in Prineville,
Madras and Kotcber, 53 votes,
while Warren Brown, the demo
cratic candidate received scattering
votes from all over the county giv
ing him a total of 137 votes on the
republican ticket, thus making him
the nominee for both parties.
W. F. King received 25 votes
for treasurer regardless of his pro
County Official Vote.
The poll in Crook county was
unusually light.only 853 votes were
cast out of 1800 registered. Of the
total 205 were democrats and 648
The total vote received by the
different candidates are as follows:
Coulter 175, Elkinb 327, Hodges
81, Triplett 65, Bailey 341, Roush
232, Rice 411, Young 188, Riddle
for Clerk 53, Jordon 253, re
publican votes, Hyde 162, Brown
137 republican votes, King, for
treasurer, 25.
The Democratic totals are: Bal
four 106, Edwards 99, Brown 2051
Hyde 42, and Jordan 60.
The three candidates who re
ceived votes on both tickets have
a grand total of Brown 342, Jor
dan 313, and Hyde 204. These
three men will have the honor of
being candidates of both parties
and none of them will have oppo
sition in the November election.
Vate by Prcdoctt. -
Prineville-Coulter 82, Elkins 64,
Hodges 13, Triplett 1, Bailey 43,
Roueh 43, Rice 79, Young 15, Riddle
24, Jordan 79, Hyde 83, Brown 32.
Democratic Bnlfour 30, Edwards 18,
Brown 47, Hyde 29, Jordan 28.
Ireland Elkins 6, Hodges 1, Trip
lett 1, Bailey 4, Roush 1, R'a 4,
xoung 3, Brown 3. Dem. no votes.
Bend Elkius 42, Triplett 29, Bailey
58, Roush 4, Rice 6, Young 66, Jordan
24, Hyde 5, Brown 9. Dem. Balfour
7, Edwards 11, Brown 18, Jordan 3.
Montgomery Coulter 2, Elkius 2,
Hodges 1, Triplett 1, Bulley 7, Roush
1, Rice 8, Jordan 5, Hyde 2,.Brown
8. Dem. Balfour 2, Brown 3, Hyde
1, Jordan,2.
Black Butte Coulter 6, Elkins 13
Hodges 2, Triplett 1, Bayley 20, Rouah
2, Rice 17, Young 5, Jordan 2, Hydel
Brown 1; Dem., Balfour 5, Edwards
7, Brown 11.
Hay Stack Coulter 11, Elkins 5,
Hodges 4, Triplett 3, Bailey 6, Rousb
14, Rice 17, Young 4, Jordon 13, Hyde
5, Brown 7; Dem. . Balfour 3, Ed-
warus 2, crown o.
McKay Coulter 6, Elkins 4,
Hodges 2, Bailey 7, Roueh 4, Rice 10,
Young 2, Jordan 12, Hyde 12, Brown
T. Democrat liallour 1, Brown 1,
iiyae l, Jordan l.
Hay Creek Coulter 1, Elkins 13,
Continued on inside page.
To be Held at Prineville
Oct. 18 to 22.
Every School in the County
Should Be Repre.
The Central Oregon Fair which
will open on October 18, will be
the biggest and best fair ever seen
in the interior.
Tbe number of agricultrial ex
hibits will be larger than ever.
Tillman Renter, who is now at
the Dry Farming Congress in
Spokane with a complete exhibit
of dry farm products, bas a big lot
of fine products that will be shown
here, and a number of good sam
ples of grain have been collected
by the Commercial Club that will
make a good display.
A new building bas been erected
on the grounds to house tbe school
exhibits tbis year, and almost
every school in the county will
contest 'or tome of tbe premiums
In his letter to tbe teachers' of
the county covering the fair situa
tion, Superintendent Ford said:
'Friday, October 21st will be
'School Day' at the fair and all
pupils will be admitted free on
"School Day." Begin now to plan
to attend. Be in your seat at roll
call, Wednesday morning, 9:30.
Work up your school exhibit
and bring it with you. Talk it
ith your pupils and people and
urge tbem all to come to tbe fair
on "School Day." You will be
surprised at what thi will do for
your school. Do not fail at this
point. A new building bas been
provided by tbe County Court for
the school exhibit and donated to
public schools of Crook county.
Make your exhibit attractive.
Strive to win all the prizes you can
for your school. We emphasize
these things because "School Day"
is in connection with the Institute.
Make a special effort to have your,
school represented in the. Industrial
as well as the Educational exhibit.
Many boys and girls can be in
terested in the public school on
this line that are now indifferent.
Programmes and announcement
booklets will be sent to you. Do
not wait till day of opening of in
stitute to arrange for your board
and lodging. Do it now.
The law requires all teachers to
attend the Annual Institute. No
public school in the county can be
legally in session during the in
stitute. Teachers certificates may
be revoked for non-attendance.
Do not ask to be excused. Come
for a good time, expect a good time
and you will have a good time.
We shall look for you."
School day at the fair will be
the big day, and the matter of en
tertainment , for the forenoon of
that day ia receiving much atten-
Continued on last page.
Absolutely Pure
Tha only baking powder
made from Royal Crape
Cream of Tartar