Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 15, 1910, Image 1

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Crook County '
EnlrrM at lh poatnfflm at Prlnvllla,
Orugoo, as smnxt-ctaas matter
VOL.XIV-N0.3 10
Elam and Arthur Hus
ton the Victims.
The lluiton Family Down with
Same Dteae- They
Will Recover.
Ilium Mill Arthur Huston, aged
I I mill 1? respectfully, mm ol J.
('. lluHtnii, of Hear creek, d rd th
ir-t uf Hut week of diphtheria.
Three other tm-iulaw ol (lie fumilyi
lilt vet (ha ilineime.
About two week ago hired
mm o Mr. Iluntnn' delivered
mine, ralila at Madras, and on re
luniiii alept with tint oldest son,
KIiiiii, who was the first t) show
v nitoiiin of I ho (liirB. Ho i
on tlm Pcschutc in the sheep
c:iini at the ti (no. Mr. Huston
went there, taking the younger
brother, Arthur, with him to at
tend camp, and returned with
Klam, Arthur hud no tyiiiptom
of tlm din-nno when left In the
in nip and in about a week new
cam to hi folk that he hud dird
of diphtheria. Thi nil on Hun-
day of thin week,, and up to thii
time there had been no upicion
that the ailment of Klnui'a
more than tontilili.
Dr. I'M wards wit called Sunday
evening ind ho arrived at the
1 1 irn ton home it 2 a. in. Four of
the childen were (uttering from
the disco at thii tiau the old'
lit hoy wai io low that nothing
could be done to eave him, al
though he wat given antitoxine,
ho d ifil that evening. The three
remaining member of the family
that were nu (Turing from 'the d in
cline were given dote of antitoxin,
and in nix hour were on the road
to recovery. A few hour later
they were considered out of
County Physician Rosenberg it
Inking every step to stamp out the
dinenne tnd all who have been ex
posed have been given regulation
done of antltoxine. Kvery pre
caution bun been tnken to fumi
gate all clothing and dwelling
lined by those effected.
A physician hit been tent along
the route traveled by Mr. 11 union
on the IWImtei with instruction
to take, proper precaution agaiutt
the spread of the dinrane.
Considering the vigilance of the
officer in the matter, and the pre
caution that have been and are
being taken, it tccmi that further
spread of the dixeaae it not prob
able. The working of the antitoxine it
no rapid and ro effectual that it
nccma that in almott every cate
death it unnecessary if phyniciant
are notified in time to get the cate
in hand before it i too late.
C. We
y y . Our Shoe
A r Sale
v S Fr next
15 Days
Shoes and Oxfords
For the next fifteen days we will sell at less than
cost our stock of Infants' and Children's, Misses and
Ladies', Boys' and Men's Oxford Canvas Shoes and
broken lines of footwear. Prices begin at 25c.
Several dozen pairs of $3.50 Oxfords at $1.50
Children's School Shoes .
$1 per pair and up
Old Ladies' Low Snoes .
50c and up
Men's Dress Shoes, good
enough for anywhere,
$2.50 and up
The remainder ol the slory will be
told in our shoe room. Sec the
shoes. See the prices. Then buy.
C. W.
So Declares the County
North of Bend to the Weat
v Fork-Will be Used to
Float Log.
John K. Ryan, preaident of the
Detchutet Lumber company, and
other prominent men interested
in the lumber induttry of the Dee
chutea country, appeared before
the September term of the County
Court, through their attorney,
Veaxie A Veaxie, with a petition
for the opening of the Peschute
river for the booming of log and
The petition wa very properly
accepted by the court and nn or
der made for the opening of the
river in the manner asked for.
Thlt i the oiening gun in a cam
paign that will utilize the natural
rtwonrce and make Central Ore
gim one of the greatest timber and
lumber producing countries in the
The order intued by the court
makea the river from point ix
mile north of Bend to the weal
fork a public highway for the float
ing of log, lumber and timber,
and provide for the widening,
deepening and removing of ob
struction from the ftream, either
by the county or tome leasee.
The Mate law covering these
matter provide for the leaning of
the stream by the county to tome
corporation for a term of year;
tome of the conditions of the lease
being that improvement be made
at the expense of the ' c rporation,
and that all floatable timber or
other matter offered muni be
floated by the corporation at a fee
set by the county, and that the
stream must be given to the coun
ty at the expiration of the Ieae in
good order, together with all im
provements on fame.
"Old Yank" Dead.
N. H. Longley, well known as
"Old Yank," died Sunday at Pau
lina, lie was born -in Maine 72
year ago, and came to Oregon in
1852. He had livetT in Crook
county about thirty years, and
was widely known among the pio
neers of the southern part of the
He waa commonly called "Old
Yank" because of the place of hi
birth. He ha a brolher-in law in
California, but no other relative)!
were ever epoken of by him. He
died a county charge after an ill
nee of several month.
Lots of County Business
Roada New Towns Platted
and Additions to Town
site Made.
The regular term of the Commlt-
Hloaer's court opened nt 10 a. in.
September 7lh, 1HI0. I'rewnt, II. C.I
Kills, Judge, R. It. ttulley and James!
Illce, commissioners, and Warren
Itrown, clerk and Frank Klklnn,
There being a vacancy In the office
of Itend Precinct No. 3, caoaed by the
removal from Crook county of I. L.
Kcoflelil, and upon petition signed by
resident of tali! precinct. J. M.
Lawrence la hereby appointed JuHtlce
ol the peace for' Bend Prectnct No. 3
to nerve until the next general elec
tion and until the election and quali
fication oi hi guccetMor. Clerk to
notify appointee.
And now I presented to the county
curt the report ol the county clerk,
showing payment of bounty on 114
coyote scalps mid 38 bolicat front
feet, and 2 cougar front feet
amounting to $219. Bald scalps
and feet were reduced to ashes, all In
accordance with the code.
Petition of Fred W. Wlleon In
ret a il to enforcing law read and
ordered filed. Mr. Wilson lsexpected
to be in Priuevllle next Monday.
I'pon petition of John Steldel and
Thomaa Tweet, leave la hereby given
mild Steldel and Tweet, their succes
sors and assigns, to locate, establish
and mantaln therein and thereon all
necrssury liuilim, pipes, conduits.
hydrants and connections necessary
and convenient for furnishing the
public.' wlfhlu the unincorporated
towns of Lytle and Riverside, with
witter fur dointtc me, lirigation,
tire nuil other purposes, provided,
Bald system is installed and
nmntalned without obstructing or
rendering dangerous or interfering
with the public use of the atreeta or
alleys, mid provided, further, that
said grantees save, harmless Crook
county from all loss or damage
arising therefrom.
I'pon ietition of John Steldel and
Thomas Tweet, lease la hereby
granted said John Steldel and
Thoiuua Tweet, their successors and
aHxigng to nne the streets, alleys and
avenues within the unincorporated
towns of Lytle and Riverside for the
location eatabllwhlug and mantaln
Ing therein and thereon all necessary
condulta, overhead and underground
wlrea, cables appliances necessary
for the purpose of furnishing to the
public electric current for light, heat
or power, provided, however, that
no poles, wires or other "appllences
Hhnll be so placed as to interfere with
the free use and occupation of said
streets and alleys by the public, and
thnt said grantees will protect and
save harmless the public, all without
expeuse to the couuty.
Max Crandair application to
oiullt county books received and
ordered filed. County clerk to notify
Mr. Crnndall at Hillsboro, Oregon,
that his offer is accepted upon the
same- terms as last examination,
provided auditing can be done so as
to report at January, 1911, term
I'pon petition affidavit and due
notice of bond for f2T0 with Amus
Neff, W. J. Kagles, John Thyer and
David Kurt as suritles, viewers are
ordered to meet at begluniDg of pro
posed W. J. Eckleset al road on Sep
tember 19, 1910, view out, review and
survey said road and report thereon
at the November term hereof.
Petition, atlldavlt of posting notice
and bond for tlCO C. W. Ehret and D.
C. Colo approved. Viewers ordered
to meet at beginning of proposed
road on September 28, 1910, view out
review and survey said road and
report thereon at the next term
Petition, affidavit ol postlngnotlce
aud boud for $100 with Otho Baker
and 0. A. Beckwith as suritles
approved; viewers ordered to meet
at beglnulngof propo el - new real
on September 29, 1910, view out,
review and survey said road and
report thereon at the next regular
term of this court.
Petition, affidavit "of due notice
and bond for $200 with J. V. ltowlce
as surety for W. F. McNaoglit et al
road, viewers" ordered to meet at
beginning of proposed new road on
September 20, 1910, view out, review
and survey said road and report
thereon at next meeting hereof.
Petition, affidavit of due notice
and bond for (200 with Amus Neff,
W.J. Eagles and John Tbyoa as
suritles approved on Amus Neff et al
road meet at beginning of proposed
road on September 21. Viewers
ordered to view out, review and
survey the same and report thereon
at the next regular terra hereof.
Petition of (ieorge Eric k ion et al
affidavit of due notice, bond for $200
with Fred Reynolds and Joseph C.
Smith a suritles approved; viewers
ordered to meet at lieglnnlng of pro
posed road on September 22, 1910,
view out, review and survey san e
and report thereon at next regular
term hereof.
Petition of John E. Ryan to have
this court declare the Deschutes river
from the north line of section 4,
township 19 S, R 11 E, W. M. soujh
to the source of Its weat fork, a
navigable stream for the floating of
logs and lumber, and that the court
may direct or an thorlxe the widen
ing, deepening and removing
obstructions, read In open conrt and
prayer of iietltion granted. (See
draft of order In another column)
Contract for leaning authorized.
Resignation of J. E. Nublli ss
supervisor of WIUow Creek road
district No. 9 accepted, and Andrew
Morrow Is hereby appointed super
visor of said district to serve until
the next appointments are made
under the code.
There being a vacancy, 8. P. Steel
oi names, Oregon is Hereby ap
pointed road supervisor of Hardin
precinct, number 19, until the next
annual appointments are made.
. It appearing to the court that the
polling and voting place heretofore
selected for Kutcber Precinct Is not
deslreable and convenient for the
electors of said precinct and upon
petition it Is hereby ordered that the
"James Mayes Place" be and the
srtme is hereby designated aa the
polling and voting- place of Kutcher
Communication of Coroner James
McCall relative to fees for Inquest
held at Madras by J. N. Jackson,
read and referred to district attorney
for suggestions and opinion.
Recording the J. F. Rice et al road.
Viewers report read second time,
Remonstrance with less signers than
petition considered, also arguments
of objector J. L. Gibson, who claims
t'JOO damages. Report of viewer
being favorable to said road, said
report is approved and claim of J. L.
won disallowed. Road declared
public highway; supervisor to open
8 line when he has sufficient money.
Plat aud tracing of subdivision of
NEX NVJ Sec 34, T 17 S, R 12 E, W,
M. showiug dedication of streets
without restriction by Andrew J
Davis and wife owners, approved by
surveyor and assessor, said plat Is
hereby approved and ordered
Plat and tracing ol subdivision of
NWJi NW'M Sec 28, T 17 S R 12 E, W.
M. showing dedication ol streets
without restriction by John F. Bean,
owner approved by county surveyor
and assesser; eaid plat is hereby ap
proved aud ordered recorded.
Plat and tracing of townslte of
Harper showing dedication by David
Hill, unmarried, owner of streets,
avenues and alleys without reerva
tion, approved by county surveyor
and couuty assessor, said plat of
Harper is liereby approved and
ordered recorded.
Plat and tracing of Prinevllle
Heights, showing dedication of
streets and alleys without restriction
by J. YY. Boone and A. I. Boone, his
wife, owners approved by county sur
veyor and county assessor, said plat
Is approved and ordered filed for
Plat and tracing thereof of Metollus
showing dedication by Inland Era
plre company, owuer of all Btreets,
alleys, avenues and parks forever, ap
proval of county surveyor and county
assessor, said plat hereby approved
and ordered filed for record.
Regarding W. A Wilt road
Viewers report read second time and
approved, road declared a public
highway, clerk to notify supervisor
to open same and to request
petitioner to donate one day's work
Regarding W. C. Barber road
Viewers' report read second time and
approved, road declared a public
highway, clerk to notify supervisor
to open same and request petitioners
to donate one day's work euch.
Regarding J. A. Wlleox road.
Viewer's report read second time and
approved, road declared a public
highway, clerk to notify supervisor
to open same and request petitioners
to donate one. day's work each.
Regarding Frank Doney road.
Viewers' report read second time
aud approved; road declared a pub
lic highway aud clerk to notify
s iervlsor to open same when he has tuuds.
Regarding II. W. Guard road.
Viewers' report read second time
and approved; road declared a
public highway aud clerk to notify
supervisor to open same as soon as
he has sufficient funds therefor.
Regarding Oregon Trunk Railroad,
Viewers' report read second time and
approved. Road declared a public
highway. Said road having been
opened at expense of the Oregon
Continued on last page.
Two New Councilmen
Yancey the Unanimous Choice
of the Council Mr. Duffy
City Attorney-
The city council met in special
session Tuesday night at which
time much basines of importance
was transacted.
Present Mayor D. . F. Stewart,
Councilmen, Yancey, Rosenberg,
Lippman and Shipp, and Recorder
R. W. Breeee and Marshal Joe
Kelso. The first action was a
motion by M. E. Brink to have the
meeting made a part of the regular
monthly meeting so that butine'i
transacted would be regular and
Dr. Rosenberg, chairman of the
ommitlee on health and police,
advised the council that the diph
theria cases of the county were
under control so far as known,
and that every precaution (should
be taken to prevent any spread of
the disease within the city. lie
strongly urged tbat there ibould
be a quantity of antitoxine bought
by the city so as to be used in
ease of emergency. Kr unani
mous vote, Dr. Rosenberg was
authorized to buy 20,000 units of
antitoxine and to keep same in
readinet should it be needed.
A petition was presented by the
property owners . of First street,
through their attorney M. E. Brink
asking for action regarding the
vacation of a strip ten feet wide on
each lide of the street from A street
to I street. The petition was
granted and an ordinance was pre
sented covering the case which was
The ordinance is number 177.
Ordinance number 176, covering
the establishment of a grade on
First street, was presented and read
the third time and passed.
The matter of electing a council
man to fill the vacancy caused by
the resignation of councilman Cram
waa taken up, also the vacancy
caused by the resignation of
councilman Storkmann. 0. N,
Noble was elected to fill the nnex
pired term of Mr. Cram and S. W.
Yancey was the unanimous choice
of the council to fill the place of
Mr. Storkmann. Neither of the
candidates had opposition.
Permits were issued to Roller &
Barnes to move two buildings, and
building permits were issued to
Mrs. Mating, Foster & Hyde and
the Baptist church.
The reports of the police officers
showed that Marshal Kelso had
made- four arrests during the
months of July and August, and
that Kightwatchman Yancey had
made nine arrests during the same
Licenses were issued to the
Brosiua amusement house and
other places and a total of 1 100
had been collected from that
source. Marshal tveiao coiiectea
$150.20 for water rents and a total
of $80 io fines was paid to Recorder
The semi-annual report of treas
urer C. E. Smith was read. Bills
allowed were as follows:
A, W,
Yncey salary for July ITS 00
A. W- Yancey salary for August
joe Kelso Hilary for July ...
joe KalBo salary for August
P. L. 4 W. Co; hydrant rent and ligbU
R. W. Breese, recorder's fees.....,........
Crook county Joi t ial,prlntlug
J. B. Sntpp, recorder's lees
Harry Hudson, lalo:... ...
,75 to
'b 00
It 00
56 30
.15 00
3 60
, I 60
Van M. Morse, labor .
rrei A. Rice, establishing grades w.26 00
In the matter of a city attorney,
T. E. J. Duffy was unanimously
appointed to act for the city, M. R.
Elliott having resigned. '
It was moved and passed that
the marshal be instructed to collect
the poll and road tax levied by the
council at the last meeting.
Council adjourned, 1
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