iw I'. 1 ' '" V t .V, ,1 r "? " , S ' '.. J ... V' - - V v. . - r-' i I'ASTOH RUBSEtX IN CHAUACTKUIMTIO ATTITL'UB. A MISSIONARY SCHOONER. On Wu Pr...n(d e Plor Ru.hM For Harbor Work. Prom Kw turn tiiiim, Julia . 1910 'J'lia Iter. C T. I!u'll .f Ilnioltlyu rwclvnt a aurprlav on lila arrival on tl Ciiunrd lliwr Liialiuula jrealortloy. Ilia frlomla .rt-i. in.-il la lilm wo uinutcd at'liiHiiivr fr mliialounrr worlt In and about ttil port, Thrjr not oiilr biivi him tho rwrlpt for tli criift, tint h nn wallluit nlotipildo Urn cmuir.l plrr ulib nmiijf (1'tKit tljIniE at a wil jnne ut hrr new .otvin-r I'rotu one nnim tu mmther wni tnniK loiis rmivaa tx-nrliiif the In. ncrlptloii "(Jul la Love" and the uiiina of tlie aihooiicr. the AiikvI. 'J'here Hi-re othor liH-rltliin of reHelirtU chnructor wnvlng In the wind. AMERICA'S "SPURGEON." England'a Laatling Dalty'a Opinion of Brooklyn' Crtat Praachar. IKrtmi (ha Mmlon Daily Malt One of AinrHm'a nioat rei:inrkiill turn, 1'nxtor lluiwll of Mronktyn tiili-ernm-le, who l liy iiiiimih rniiarnt the moat iromlia-iit miIIi tunlor lu the t'tiltrd Ctnlis, lui nii-nily nrrlved tn IaiihUiii. He la Ilia Siiiiuiii of Anier I' a him) la virtlliiL- In DiiiiImiiiI lu con lovil.ni with the aJujr mevtliijst. GOD'S STONE WITNESS THE GREAT PYRAMID. The Ancient tn recounting the Seven Wander of th World, placed at th head of the Itat, the Great ryrunild. It Interior parange way evidently aynilKillcally represent the Aire and MpciiKnllon In the Divine Government In connection with humanity. It wltmw la only bcKiimlug to go out to the world of mankind. It la commonly credited to tho foollabneaa of an Egyptian King. RucU claim a to the other Pyramid which are Inferior to thla one, are not utieattoned, but the grout rytuuild evidently wa conatructi'd undor Divine upervlalon. In ayiniKillc Innguiige the Pyramid Interpret Itaelf If flg tired an Inch for year. The downward paaange way from the entrance to the bottoiuloa pit represent the way travercd by the human rnce to death. The aacondliig pai;e way represunt an eacape from death and correaponda to the giving of the I.nv to Iarael. "If ye do theae thing ye hall live by them." The Intervening year to the end of Jewlah favor, A. l 82, ha It exact fulfillment In Pyramid tuchea, bringing ua to the Grand Gallery, which ymliollw the (loapel Age, tho period of the High Culling, the Lord coming "that we might have life and that more abundantly." The grand acheme of tivSLufp bock IVtLLCO ftOCrt TUB GREAT PYRAMID WHICH PASTOU RUSSELL BELIEVES HAS SYMBOLIC BIBLICAL SIGNIFICANCE. Pyramid passage way measurements tells ua tbnt 'tlie Gospel Aga Is soon to . end and that tbe time for Divine favor to return to Israel la about due. The measurement seemingly say that by 1915 the Jews should be re-established In their Promised Laud. The Pyramid covers an area of about 18 acre; Is 480 feet high, and 704 feet broad at Its Imse. It la estimated to weigh about 6,000,000 tons. It con tains stones weighing throe or four times as much as one of the obelisks. Some of the stone aro thirty feet In length, and fit so closely together that you may run a pen knlfu over Jlie surface without discovering the breaks be tween them. There is now no machinery so perfect that it will make two surfaces thirty foot In length which will meet together as these wonderful stones In the Great Pyramid. Its four corner stones are sunken In the earth In fulfillment of Job xxxvlll, 8-7. It Is supposed to have been built B. C. 2170, at which time the star, Drnconls, symbolizing death, looked down the de- srnndlng passageway, and nt which time the Pleiades were In line and looked down tlia ascending pAssagcwnys lending to life, the Pleiades representing th throne of Jehovah, the source of all life-giving power. f A Snap for 60 Days. 1(10 Bcroa 12 milea north Irom Prlne villej 8B acres under plow, 40 acres now can be plowed. IIoubo, barn, Btwiroom, wooilHheil, chicken house (or 1000 chickens, good chicken park; stream water runs through tho land, million fel t standing tinibor, spun of mares, weigh about 1100, 1000 head ol calibngo, 111 acres potatoes, 8 tons good wheat hay, good harness; household'. furniture anil everything goes for t-'SOO if taken within 00 days, Address - A. U. Eastwood, 8-25-2iu Prineville, Oregon. V ,W j 7 ., .. - BACK FROM PALESTINL Paator Ruaaall'a Return From Vlaltlng Holy Land and Egypt IKrom N. T. Ilarald. ttunday, Juna I. Ul& I'nHlur Ittwdrll of the Ilruoklyn Tnb criini'le ha rotiirnod from a trip to th Holy I ji ml and Knvpt and will nddreai thu public tntlny at the Brooklyn Acad rmy of MihIc Mr. Uuaacll hna cor lulu InliTi'xIIni! Iiltti rognrdlTig th (ircnt I'ynuuld ami It aymlwllo teurh Ins arid Mime the time la at band for the return of larael to I'nlcailna. lie la a rery pronounced believer In the ZI'Milntlr nioveiiiont. The pn-ai'ut la the aerond visit to the Pyramid and tu I'lili-allne, the land onre larucl'. In one of Ills work pub Ilaheil more than twi'uty year ago Mr. Uuaacll apiilli'd rertnlu meoaurementa of pyrnniid paaanttm, au Inch for a year, a aymtiollcally allowing the letiKtb of divine fuvnr upon the Jew from the time they became a nation down to the yenr A. D. 70, when J em ail lorn wn dentroytM aud th Jewlah IMillly eudiHl. ' In the aiiiiuj work he declared aUo Hint certain pmrnueewaya aymbollcally IiidlcaliHl tho Icniith of time during which the iwi Hon of larncl would be rut off from any and all apeclnl mani festation of divine favor, and when tula would end the favor of God would Kl ii return to them. Candidate for Sheriff. To the Democratic voters of Crook county: . ,1 hereby announce myself ns a cnmlhlute fnrtbo ofllco of Sheriff of Crook county, subject to the approv al of the voters of tho county Rt the primary election to be held lu Sep tember. KoKpectfully, - . T. N. Ualtoiih, 7-14 Fife, Oregon. " Baled Hay for Sale. . Alfalfa and I!ye, half mile out on Slianiko road. J. E. Adamson, 8-2811 AN IMPRESSIVE SCENL Tribute ef Paator Ruaaall at Albert Hell te Lata King Edward. I Prom tn Lm.j frkhlia foat.J Paator l(uWI of Hrooklyu TalMTna. cle, the great Amcrkau pn-acuer, who to nw on a tour In (hi roiiiilry. pref aced bl remark to a hiiife audience In the Albert bull luxt night wltb the following; , "lo Uermnny I lenrni-d of the death of your ealecuicd monnrch, Edward VII. I realized that not your nation only, but ill Chrlateuduin. bad loat n unobtrualve but wlae counaelor, power for pn e aud good will among men. I tiH.o thla opjiorluiilly to eg prim to till great audience my aytu pathy, which. I annum you, 1 almred by tlie grent majority of my American countrymen. My Drat thought wu that out of reaiHx t for the llluatrlou dad, tit family and th nation thla ervk-e ahonlil be poaljumcil. but Uiy wxoiid thought wu to the contrary. 8urly at no more fitting hour could we conaldcr 'the great hereafter.' There to, thank God, a hereafter for king well a pennant. Iloyal mourner and a mourning nation need a meaaago from God- word particu larly now, aud, alnce no more it-pro-acntntlve audleuce will probably a a aemble lu till capital of the empire. I bav auggeatlon to offer, which I trust will hare your approval. It I tint before offering prayer we ehow our aympalhy for the royal family In tbclr bereavement by Handing. " After about a minute, while allcul prayer wa offered. Paator Ituaaell of fered prayer generally and repeated the great audience to aing one vcrae of "Nearer; My Ood. to Thee." The whole accne wa very Impresaive. IN SCOTLAND. . The American Praachar'a Addr In City Hall, Ola.gow. From th Olaaaow Herald Paator 0. T. Uuaacll of New York addrewml crowded meeting In tbe city ball, Glaagow, yeetcrday evening. A chairman or the International Uible Student' aaaoclnlkm be I at present engagi-d In a European tour for tbe purpo of explaining the doctrine of the Illble In a acrle of dlacouraea which tak the form of rellglou lec ture. Since leaving America be baa conducted meeting In the Holy Ijind aud the principal continental cilice. and In tbe courae of hi preaent vlalt to thl country, which he ha toured on four p rev loin occnaiona, be baa ad- dreaacci two meetings In tbe Albert ball, Landon, where hla elonuence and convincing atyle of preaching have at tracted urge audience. In tbe city bnll lurt night Mr. rtmwcll' aubject waa "TPh Overthrow of 'Satan' Em pire." Till evening be will lecture lu Dundee, an 4 tomorrow be will appear In Kdluborgi. On leaving Scotland he will rro V Ireland, where be will vlalt Belfast and Dublin. YACHT FOR GOSPEL WORK. Paator Ruaaall t Work Among Sailor j la tlie Port. (From th Kw Tnrk American, Juna 4, Paator Ruasell. pnnldent of the Peo ple Pulpit Association, waa yosterdrfy presented, for Christian nilsnlon work, the fully equipped and aeaworthy Angel, a naphtha and Bailing yacht. She Is about 125 feet over all, baa (eat ing capacity In dining imloon for seven ty person and la prepared for nftln duck meet lugs In fair weather. Aa Indicated by Itistor Itussell In bis acceptance of the vessel, unique work will be undertaken In New York har bor. It 1 an id tbe meetings ou board the Angel will be advertised from day to day, stntlng her moorings aa well aa the language of the speaker. Thus all who ileairo may keep In touch with this witness of the "gospel of glad tid ings to all nations." "Fortunately, my friends, this gift Is not wholly a aurprlae to me," said Pas tor Kussell lu accepting It "I b.ul Intimations and was In touch wltii aome of you respecting the Angel. Nevertheless I am at a loss for fitting word wherewith to express my appre ciation of your loving seal in following a atiggeatlon I dropped respecting the soul need of tbe sailors of all nation alltle visiting this great port Let me, then, briefly say I accept your gift, not In my own name, but In i the name of tho Peoples Pulpit Asso ciation as Its trustee, If you please. May the Angel always and In every language sound forth the raises of the God of all gtace! PASTOR RUSSELL RETURNS, A Two Ma!d Sohoonar Pranntad to Him For Raligiou Work. From th Brooklyn Eagle, June 3, 1910.) Among Mie passengers who arrived on tbe Lusltanla this morning was the Rev. C. T. Itussell, pastor of the Brook lyn Tabernacle. His arrival was await ed by aumber of friends, who pre sented him with a two masted schoon er for missionary work about the har bor. - The schooner that was given raster Russell was right on the Job as the Lusltnnli began warping In. From one mast of the sailing vessel to the other was strung an enormous piece of bhnting bearing the words "The Angel," that being tlie name of the craft Below was a sign rending "God Is Love," and a third sign with a re ligious admonition followed. Talking of his trip abroad, Pastor Russell said he expected thnt within Ave years Jews would begin returning to Palestine to make that country their home. The preacher visited Palestine during his trip and suld be fouud evi dences constantly of a steady progress of the Zionist movement For County Clerk. I hereby announce myself as a can didate to succeed myself to the otllce of County clerk, subject to the ap proval of the Democratic voters of Crook County at the primary elee tion to be held In September. Respectfully, Wauhun Bkown. Wood Sawing. I have a first class wood sawing outfit and will do yonr work promptly and will guarantee satisfaction. Leave your order qr 'phone to W. Fran retett, A. J. Peiett. 8-18-tf The Scrap Book I Caught Him Both Way. While Cnutiocey Oleott wa chatting with friend on Broadway. New York on day a young umn whom be had noticed In couverantlon wltb two oth er men In frout of a theater left hi companion and, crowing tbe atrcct. aid: "I beg your pardon, but ar you Cliailiicey Oleott J" "No," responded tb comedian; "I'm bl brother." "Then I lose my bet," exclaimed the stranger, darting In front of a car and rejoining lit companion. Mr, Oleott it him band one of tbe men bill, and. , not whiting tbe stron ger to low hi money, be darted in pursuit to explain. But there wa a rush of traffic at that moment and he loat light of them. An hour or o later Mr. Oleott wa walking up Broadway when the ame young man approached him with an other man. "Are you Cbauncey Oleott?" asked tbe man. "Yes, I am, and I want to say that when I told you a little while ago I wa not I didn't know you bad a bet on It." "Well, III be Mowed" exclaimed the atranger a be turned disgustedly away, "That' two bet I've lost on you thl afternoon. I Jiwt bet Jim her a Ave spot that you weren't Cbauncey Oleott, aud I thought I bad cinch." , Anticipation. It la a myatary of tb unknown That (aaclnata ua. W art children atlll. Wayward and wlalful. With on band wa elln To tho familiar thing w call our own And with th other, reaolut of will. Grope In th dark for what tha day will ring. Henry Wadaworth Longfellow. Honaaty. I was alttlng at my desk when black Sam, who sometimes wilt on me at my restaurant, entered my office.. "What can I do for yon. Samr 1 asked. "Ah got a chance to change man sit uation. Mlsaeb Clabk." be aald. "Yo' kin sell a good wu'd fo me, ealn't yo' tell 'em Ab'm bones' V slcb?" "Of courae." I hesitated, "you're a good waiter, Sam. but I don't know anything specially about your hon esty." "Well, tell 'em dat an' Bay yo' thinks Ah'm bone'. Dat'll be enough." So I promised I would. "Thank yo', thank yo', Mlsseb Clnhk," be aald, with deep bow. "When yo" come over tomorrow alt at man table, 'o' Ah'll give yo a abo't check." Success Magazine. Th Braak In th Fog. There had been half a doxen stories of thick fogs, but Captain Mausfleld had waited his turn with patience. It came at last, and the othef captains turned their weather beaten faces to ward him with an expression of cheer ful credulity. " Twa told me of a house setting pretty nigh the shore along halfway down the coast o' Maine." aald Cap tain Mansfield. "I could show you the house if it came right It baa a curi ous lopsided portico on It, and one day 1 asked tbe man that lives there why it happened to be built that queer bane. " 'Well,' says he, 'the talk Is that the man who lived here first had a cousin that was an architect up Boston way. and one time tbe feller was down here In a terrible foggy spell., aud be wns figuring out to bis cousin bow he could build a little portico of such aud such dimensions, measuring out into the fog with bis rule, aud so on. ""Twas In the late afternoon. Ho went off next day by train. The fog still held, and along In the moruing the man that lived here happened to notice that the marks of the rule out Into the fog were still plain, so as he couldn't go a-dshlng he took some lumber and built tbe foundations of this portico. That queer jog that makes It lopsided is where tbe wind bore iu on the fog, they say, aud bent tbe rule marks in.' " Extra Good Car. Some years ago tbe captain of one of hla British majesty's Milps while in quarantine at Auckland, New Zealand, owing to one slight base of fever, re ceived some valuable carrier pigeons. He gave his colored servant strict or ders to take great care of them. A few days afterward the captain, wish ing to make use of the birds, inquired of his servant if he bad taken care of them. "Oh, yes," replied he, "me hab taken berry great care of dem. Dey no fly away 'cause I hab clipped dere wings I" Friend In Both Place. Mark Twain, tbe humorist, had friends in Philadelphia, and one of them, a woman who was his hostess at a dinner on his last visit to that city, tells the following story: "We were talking about the future life and the various kinds of reward and punishment that might be expect ed in tbe next world," ahe said, "and Mr. Clemens took no part in the dis cussion. After a few nicments of con versation on tbe part of all the other guests aud complete silence from the humorist the woman sitting next to him turned to blm and suid: " 'Well, Mr. Clemens, aren't you go ing to tell us what you think about future punishment and reward?' " 'I must ask you to excuse me, madam.' he replied. 'Yon aee, I have friends in both places.' M Candidate for Sheriff. To the Republican voters of Crook County: I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Sheriff of Crook County subject to the approval of the ReDubliean vntnrn nf tlm ivuintw .i ii,a primary nominating election Septem ber 24,1910. 8-18-1 ni - J. A. Coulter. i" For Sale. Four head of Jersey cows. Call on or K..v,.o . . aimbbhh, ui rnnevuie Oregon. 8-25tf .Public Speaking Commercial Club Hall Saturday,Sept3 A. W. Republican Congressional Candidate for this District, will address the citizens of Prineville and vicinity on live issues of the day. The affairs of Oregon will be handled without gloves. Ladies Especially Invited Morgan's Will furnish music Speaking begins at 8:15 Everybody Invited Week-end Excursions to Lake Odell Finest trout fishing and sailing in Central Oregon Distance from Bend 72 miles Round -trip rate by Auto $20 Schedule Leave Bend, Saturday, at 7:00 a. m. " Itosland, . ' - at.. .9:30 " " Crescent " at .-. 10: 30 ' ArrivoLakeOdell, ' at. ....f..!..12:30 p. m. Leave Lake Odell, Monday 7:oo a. m. " Crescent, " ' .....9:00 " Rosland, " 10:00 " Arrive Bend, ' llZZZll'l -.Z0 p.m. AW" Arrangements may be made for cars from Prineville to connect with the above at $30 for round trip. The Merrffl-Wilkinson Co., ; Bend, Oregon ' Best Material ' ' Finest Workmanship 3 Modern Methods and s Correct Mechanical Principles unite in - "jf The Royal to produce the world's best writing machine, one that has established a new and higher standard of efficiency and economy The Real Standard of today. The Best Typewriter At the Lowest Price $65.00 Local agent for Central Oregon, J. S. FOX. ., Public Stenographer and Bookkeeper., Prineville, Oregon Lafferty Orchestra Standard Typewriter rA3 St. Thomas Aquinas Academy Condon. Oregon Boarding and Pay School, conducted by the Piter of 8t. Dominic. Thl In titution i pleaaantly situated on an eminence overlooking the city of Con don, Oregon. Tbe building i new and attractive, and hat tha advantage of be. iug equipped ith every modem con venience, including a tin new (team heating plant. Tbeeourwof etudic it thorough and practical, embracing the atndie of the Primary, Intermediate, Academic and Commercial 1 Apartments. Muaic la thoroughly taught in an artistic ami rientihe manner. Claaw In sewing m'i im f.rmuA :m ....!. , : . and tmbroidery will be taught. vi tuv priiiviiai anna or una Mtinril im tn i .... . ....It..-., t . . - ' iMii-n,. vtiiiiirni manners and a thorough moral and religion For further information, addre8l. ter Superior. 7-28-tt Do You Want a Car Of course you do. Then buy a Buick You will not be disappointed. J. A. MOORE, agent for Red mond, Madras and Prineville. Will demonstrate the car any time. 5-19 Stub's Place Bneraaaor to Pollard A Heodaraoo Soft Drinks and Cigars Always glad to see old friends New ones welcome. Make my place your headquarters. 11 Quackenbush, Prop'i T Motor Gasoline AT LONG BROS. Opposite Poindexter Hotel Wotice for Publication. Department of the Interior. 0. 8. Land Office at Tlie Dalles, Oregon. . . . August ititn, iaiu. Notice is hereby given that Wilburn H. Loftiu, of Prineville, Oregon, who on January 18th, 1904, made Homestead No. I311K, Serial Ko, 030i, tor SH &E'4, 8E' 8 W', and lot 4, section 7, township 13 aoutli, ranee 16 east, Willamette Meridian, ha filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above deaeribed, before Warren Brown, county clerk at hit office, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 30th day of September. 1U10. Claimant names aa witnesses: Ueorge Turner, Alden R. Eastwood, Richard M. rowen, toward Jtiensley, all of Prineville, Oregon, U. W. MOORE, S-l.sp k Register. POLK'S GAZETTEER A Bosiaeiit Dlreetorr of each City. Town and YUlaoe la Ormi and Waabington. aivinar a DcTlptiv Sketch of earh place, LocutloB, Hhiuyln FacUitle and a (lumt- fied IHreetorr el each Businese aad ProlMoioa. K. 1 POI.K CO, Inc. Ewattw, nana. For Irrigated Farms and Fruit Lands IN THE DESCHUTES VALLEY WRITS JONES LAND CO Redmond, - . Oregon gaAAmAlgjaaA.tkay Drop in and See 9 Champ Smith DEALER IN Soft Drinks of all kinds Imported and Domestic Cigars At the old Smith & Cleek stand, Main street, two doors south First . National Bank VS' s Strayed. ; Threo hnrafin nna havmarA. tin,lt!il star in face; iron gray mare, pinto white face, legB and belly; one white gelding, branded MC on right t honklnr. All have halters on ; weigh ,bout 1000 each. Finder will be rewarded tor in formation- or return of the animala. Address W. E. McCulIilm. Fremont. Oregon, 811-liu I.