i 4 : The Place to Save Money THE LEADER The Place to Save Money Special Sale for August in all De parts of Our Store Shirtwaists. Kinionas. Men's Low Shore, Children's Tan ami Black Low Shoes Men's Underwear 25c per garment, exceptional values for the price Straw Hah 25c each, Sunbonncls 25c each Linen Wiling, formerly 15c per yd. now 10c Flemish Linen, Winsdor Premier Cambric" Ladies Wrappers, formerly $1.50, now $1 Call and Convince Yourself am I. MICHEL, Proprietor, Prineville, Oregon In the Interest of Good Roads Thomas K. Whiteside, represent ing the firm of rll fc Co. of Port land, was in Prineville this week in the interests of good roads. Mr. Whiteside has a proposition thai looks good to a man fn favor of pood roads. His house will fur nish a 10 ton ' motor roller and portable rocK crusher for 15000 f. o. b. Portland. The motor is 25 h. p. and furnishes the power for the crusher. The total expense of running the plant, including wages and gasoline, is $7.50 a day. Mr. Whiteside maintains that with one of these plants Crook county in a few years would have good roads in all directions. The woist places could be fixed up immediately and then the work could be taked up systematically. We certainly need better roads and the merits of this plan should be investigated. Mr. Whiteside also took up a plan with some of the members of the city council to oil the streets. An oil plant, including a wagon, would cosH600. Two oi lings' the first year and one thereafter would te sufficient to lay the dust. Where oil has been tried it is said to be away ahead of water sprink ling and much cheaper in the long run. The initial cost would be greater but in a few years a crust would form that would give us smooth dustless streets. What a relief it would be. I A Destructive Timber Pest This is Not an Ad! but juBt a little plain talk. I wish h to reason the matter with yon. Why have a traveling optician fit your eves with glasses? He U just passing through and cannot give your eyes the necessary care, and atten tion they should have. He will not guarantee his work. My work is fully guaranteed in every respect and if not fully satisfactory, your money will be returned. Dr. W. J. Curtis, O. D., Rooms 14 and 15, AdamBon Bldg., Office hours from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. iJood organ for sale by J. L. VcCuUot-h. 9-1 B. F. Harvey, who has been de tailed to the bureau of entomology by the forest service, has been in Crook county investigating the cause of the death of many trees, both in the national forest and in private holdings. Mr. Harvey was in Prineville the first of the week and in conversation with a Journal reporter regarding the pest said: "The sudden dying of extensive areas of timber in Eastern Oregon during the last few years has been the cause of much alarm among the timber owners of this country. The cause of the recent exten sive loss in the timber resources of Oregon is due chiefly to the attack of the Mountain Pine beetle. (Dendroctonaus Monlicolac). This beetle emerges from the trees in swarms during July and immedi ately attacks the choicest living standing timber. It bores holes through the bark of the tree and then excavates a vertical main gallery of six or twelve inches in length just between the'bark and sap wood in the growing portion of the tree. Along this main gallery eggs are deposited about every half inch. These eggs hatch into minute white larvae or grubs which in feeding excavate horizon tal secondary galleries around the trunk of the tree in its living tis sue. The larvae grows rapidly and soon changes into a pupa in which stage it passes the winter. The following summer the pupa again changes into the adult beetle which in time emerges and attacks new trees. The adult is a short, thick-set black beetle about one fourth of an inch long. Where this beetle enters the tree small pitch tubes will be found and where it emerges many small shot holes appear. The larva or grub stage of the beetle is most de structive as it is feeding heavily at this period. The death of the tree is caused by the larva gal leries cutting off the sap supply of the tree. This beetle usually at tacks the lodgepole pine first, but is capable of attacking and killing the yellow pine. The Black Hills beetle in South Pakota, a close relative of the Mountain Pine beetle, has killed a billion feet of the best standing yellow pine timber. Throughout Northeastern Ore gon this Mountain Pine beetle has already done considerable damage, and steps for the control of this in sect pest are being taken. The simplest method of control yet found is to cut and peel the bark of the newly infested tree some time between September 1st. and June 1st. of the following year. The bark of the newly infested trees only need be pealed. This is simply scattered on the ground and the dying out of the bark to gether with the exposure results in the death of the beetle. Thus far on the Deschutes National forest comparatively few infested areas have been found and it is hoped that control work will soon be started by the forest service in order to eradicate these centers of infestation and thus prevent a widespread depredation and the dead lots of millions of feetof valuable tim ber. Private interests once announced co operative control work on infested areas outside the forest could be carried on to great advanUgo at small ex peuse. It is hoped that all vitally in terested Kill consider this seriously. Immediate action will prevent heavy lose eg. Candidate for Sheriff. To tho Republican voters of Crook .onnty : I hereby announce mvself as a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Crook county, subject to the approval of the voters of the county at the primary election to be held in September. Respectfully, S-25 I-rank Elkiks. j Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of the State of Ore iron for Crook County, lu the mutter of the estate of Wilson E. Ilurton. deceased. Notice is hereby (riven that the umler siiriied, has been duly appointed adminis trator of the alwve entitled estate, and all persons are hereby notilied to present their claims with proiwr vouchers to the undersigned at the law oltice of T. K. J. Dutfy, IVincville, Oreeon, or the law office of Frank Menefee at The Dalles. Oregon, within six months from the day of the first publication of this notice, first pub lltjut on Augjjit 25, 1II10. Fai'l W. CnM.nms, Administrator of the estate of Wilson E. liurtoii, Deceased. Frank Menefee, attorney for the State, Tae Dalles, Oregou. nr I I Jem 7 YOU, CAN WASH' TH E. MATTRESS1 BEARING THIS LABELN Soap, water and a brush are all that is Deeded to keep the outside of an Ostermoor Mattress sweet and clean. The inside never Deeds attention. Costs nothing for repairs. An occasional "outing" in the sun keeps it fresh and Dew, because it is built (not stuffed) of elastic, fibrous Ostermoor sheets. It cannot sag, lump nor pack like hair. ' Make sure you get the genuine Ostermoor. Note the label put there to protect you against worthless imitations. We sell at factory prices and invite inspection. ' The Winnek Co. Inc Exclusive Agents for Prineville (rjz The latest improved a genuine EDISON PHONOGRAPH and records in your own home without cost lo you, on ten days Free Trial The New Edison Fireside Phonograph $22.00 Will play 2 and 4 -minute records Fitted with new Cygnet Horn, Drop us a postal, or better still, come in and make your own selection ol records. The entire list of Am- berol records in stock. Easiest ol terms. The Winnek Co. Prineville, Or. A Chance to Win a Beautiful Silver Cup Through It livuernl Immltsratluu dipiirtniiiit, th irvnt Northern Uiillrvm.l hit offrrvd tt" tt prise roimUUiitf In PNih Instance ot two ctiiw ami KKt Hint mid t(H) mvuitil prise rllilxnm for live iiKrUiilturtil fair to U held lu Orvirou thl year. Tho unVr has U-eti nitnlo to the ot tlciulH of thcatat Itilr nt Salem and inamwiK of the fair tit Trlm-vlHe, Horn. Lake view and 1' litem1. The condition KoveruhiK the awaiMsof the cup nt the tour county fair are kit larjr. lv tu.tho fair uiannp'ineut. .sSii'' "" -'( ta f Register ! Why dorTi you rvirUtor'.' On Sep-ti'iiilx-r .' you will v. kiiI to vote but cannot Ikviiiimi your mime ilixe imi. npn-ar on me rvu 11 nit Ion liook. lor the iH'iietlt ol otir vt Imrutmot retltrr (lurtiiH th iy Imve nr ninirvd to oin tin- n-KlHiriitloti hook on Tiiiwday evonlnu, Moi'tem her 1, fr-!ii T p. lu. to U p. in., io on Saturday rveiiliiu, rVititulior It). Iteiiii'iiilNT you cannot rvirlHtor tor tho primarily ntlcr A . in., Ncptein her 1 1. UriiHMiilM'r, itlmi, you cannot vote Ht the- prlniHrli- If you have Mot recUtereU. WaIihkn Itiiows, t'oiint.T t'leiK. Nemo Self-Reducing Cortett. I.aillc rotuo niul mi tho laiuou Nemo SclMieiliit'liiir Contot. I'm Hi Nemo ttud your comet trouldc will bo over. V. V. Klkhm Co., Hoh Aju'iit. y.i For Surveyor. To th republican voter of Crxxk county i I hereby annaiiiiee mysvlt ndb date for the ollieeof 8urvur fur t'rook county, subject tuth approval ol the voter at the priinarv election to le held iu Kcpleiuber. lteaiwlfullv, t-1 Ki.l A Ith'e. Tho tiwit Northern liav hIho re served l.V) feet of apace Ht the Iry KitrmliiK I'oiigrvDH, which will Ik1 hehl nt Spoknne ( Vtoln-r It rt. V. W. tiralinin. Western liiiiulirratlon atreut, yeMterilay uiiuoiincett that the productii will lie vent to the Dry running CoiiirrexH ami exhllilted there before Indnn placed In the ear. Comment Intf on the offer of the tireat Northern liallroad to nlve rllilion itml vllverctip tor exhlhlt at the liH-nl fair yesterday, mcmticr of Hie local hoard said thut they had not Ihvii Infonned illrt-ct of the matter yet, but a soon a ouch In formation arrived they would nr ranire for the handling; of the awards and notify through the prex of the county, their decision In the matter. rreiH-rntion for the coining fair are )rorrvin(r. and n liotter fair than ever before I proiiilMed. The bountiful cup which I liown herewith will lie awarded Kr the iH-xt Oretron exhibit nt the Inter national Dry i'urinliii Exposition nt Spokane next Novetnlier. Thecupt offered by the I'ortland Com mere Inl Club and It value Ih about .V). The condition nttendltiK ll anurd lire that the produce ex hibited must boKrown In Oivnou on arid or aeml-urld land without Irri gation. On one lde of the cup I nn Inscription giving the donor and the requirement to lie met and on the opposite Hide lu blank space where the name ot the winner will be en graved. It Ih a handsome piece of silver, standing nearly n foot high on a solid ebony base. For Sheriff. To the Democratic voters of Crook county. Oreuon : I hereby announce mvself as a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Crook county, subject to the approval ofdenn- cratic voters at the primary electiou to 00 neiu September z-t. John I.. Imavakos, Bend, Oregon. Notice. All (n-rnin Indebted t the old III ol HuriitAn ASIdtwill please call a rni ml elite as I wish lo ele up all account. H-ltl Ketpvetlully, J. W. liorri!n. Horse for Sale. Itroken and unbroken mare and O-ldlng for ale nt my much nt Hear creek. T. J. Kkhui hon, HolxTt. Ore (,'on. Klttf Hero Grain Cleaners for Sale. Two New Hero drain ('leaner fur wile cheap. C. W. Klkln Co. 9-1 Prineville Steam Laundry. lUvr your clollir wn.hnl at llir rrliifvllli-Mu-um titiiidrv. HnvIi ain-niion lfn In lrvt-ltm. Ijuintlrv I. 1iichi-,I In i Mct'nltlM. tor liuildlii. utHir tin- tVlMH.t. JAMI-M KUfND. Prop'r. r-i: 'n'"T7.rTT ll - . . J . 1 J, 'fit 'wa i i2 Ib'publicjn candidate for JiIiIk of the Circuit Court in the Seventh Ju dical District, comprising the counties cf Crook, Wasco and Hood Kher. ll elected, I will, during my term of ollke, hold an adjourned term of the circuit court in Crook County every sixty days, provided, however, no jury will be called at sojourned terms unless the business of the court urgently demands it. adv Samuel W. Stark. For Sale. tiiO acres of land on the east side of Powell Butte three quarters of a mile troin ( roukeil Kiver. Mrst class liuul. Address J as. Wiuox, lUOtl, Division 8t. Portland, Oregon. Want to Buy Land. Will buy np to a thousand acroa of good raw sui(3bruidi land in one Isidy or smaller tracts preforanly together, If the price is right Want to improve land and raise w heat and hay. Aui not speculating. Address Li KoY Akmsthonii, 8 25-lp ' Hood Kiver, Oregon. The k .' King Si of fillk Enter- IflplM tainero W V.v.r A Genuine Edison Phonograph Outfit Sent Without Coat to You on 1 0 Days Free Trial 'MM 4 .J '5aI Why Not Consider This Offer Now? . This is nil invitation, to every reader ot'tliis paper to wi ito us, nt onco, for our free. Iiial offer no nnmcy down !) mouths to pay no inter est chaired we inv the fmr!it n.id l'ivm 10 duys to try an h I'liniii.-sriiph in your own home. O ir Outfit No. VI en. and infl.ides N'ew Kdison l-in -ide I'lioiiograph with ci lion reprodiicer to piny 2 and 4-minute reeard-c, new C Morn, ti!-:(i sciiil I'lher-lloni; halt duxen hilison l berol ( 4-riiimil ) lieenrds and half dozen (lold Mouldc !l!ii,i1:i,-,l tfi lv! nt('l-ftl)!nlfl f'rtiiie. hnHlo IMiniio- B;ni)!i Oil, Oil fun and an Automatic. Brush alluch- Dicnt. This o.'j'ei- U fair Ao you and to us, bcciui.su , re ant you fl satisfied customer- "fa waahlngloaSt. for Kilersoiir bad udveitisomi'iit. - him Votnann,or., us till! rotnmn catiilouc and lull par- ' etl nn: Please ticuluis nill'come to you by return inaii vt?iTZt , l-MUon Froe Trial Oftor. tilers Music. House & roi;Ti.r. (UtEiiO.N. XNams. , J.ars; :t Ve.--tern lii.aliTH III All I," Address. . dison ds mm inihina- A. Knet TZf A 1 Ett.KItS f , Mt'HK! Carpenter Shop J. E. Whislcr, PuLIiiher All kinds ol job crH-nlcry an J rralt work. I'irl-class wotkiininsliip iiuamnlrcil. 9-t O. K. MARKET Stroud & Croat, Proprietors Choice Beef, Veal Butter and Eggs Mutton and Pork Country Produce A Fine Line of Sausage Telephone orders receive prompt attention Sonera iftlaccsmithing HotlSMllOKlNO, WtKUl WoHIt, KTC., N K A T L Y AND I'HoMITLY DNK Whsn rr it Don Br s t : fiobcrt 9ooro 'irrintiiflsriririririiriiMriswwwiririrwwiriri r i i Yi M L J i k j .j r.t rj i r.i u J r.i it J r.i W4 M r.t r1 r. 1 . J r t i. J r.i r.i t j r i Li r i LJ n LJ r.i L J r,i L' J ri L'J r i L J r.i L'J n L' J L J riri L4JL.J Satisfaction Will lie Guaranteed ruiNr.vii.1 K, Oitwum. rmr-irinrvir'irinninriHMnririrnrirnririri LJLJLJL JL JL JL. JLJLULJWjfLJLJLJLJL JLJLJLJLJLULJLJL J IF YOU HAVE $1500 TO $4000 TO INVEST IN AN AUTOMOBILE AND A BALANCE FOR MAINTENANCE Buy a FORD Touring Car 1119" SI 050 f. o. b. Portland nnd invest the balance in real estate and give to charity the Jifler- ence in maintenance. What you get for $1050 is a car equal in every way except in weight to $4000 proiosition and a car that will take you25rnile on one gallon of gasoline. Equipment -Top, Cas Lamps, Csnwalor, Magneto, Two Sid Oil lairps Tail Lamp. Tuba Horn, Wind Shield and SpaedomeUr. Demonstration at your convenience. C. L. SHATTUCK, PRINEVILLE, OR. Agent for Crook County. K4 mm - - - j I , THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor fKIXrVIII.E, OKHiON Stock bonnlcJ by tlm day, week or month at Hotisonalile rati. Renmnibcr us when in Prinevillo. Rat Rkasonablk. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent ill PI387 Quality Is what the careful buyer in ventigites when purchasinn jew elry or watches. We stand be hind the quality of everything we sell we guarantee it to be of the quality we represent it to be WATCH REPAIRING W. FRANK PETETT Jeweler & Optician Prineville, Oregon W. A. IkMJTH, l'ros. 1). F. Btkwaiit, Vliw-I'ros. BTA'l lS HANK NO. 1HS 0. M. Ki.kiks, Csnliler L. A, Hoot ll, A'l " Okook County Bank PRINEVILLE, OREGON f'nplliil Stock fully pulit. HurMlim bUickliolilurn' lluklllty... . .tSII.IMKl 00 K.iimiiNi .... 8ll.0UU.lJ0 Statement Rendered to State Bank Examiner March 29, 1910i loans and nisiintn" $1(W,IU0 fnpltnl stotik Ooiinly mill oilier wiu rants 2,lll(l.llll Hlirplua lino! estate iinU tlxturus 7.7W4 I'mllvlilrd priiflta hxp'nsiji.. i.wiH.zi iteponiis...,. Ca ksad and das from buki 1130,990.78 , .iM.nw.oo ., A.IHMI.IHI .. fl.IUIfl.IO . 2IW.M0.Hii 2M,2).0