Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 21, 1910, Image 6

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    Hot Weather Special
The Place for Real Bargains
Tha Peril That Cemaa With Catching
an Electric Ray.
Trouble lurks In the least inspected
Flx'ts. One would think a smooth,
shallow cove a safe place lu which lo
float lu a pood craft, yet Charles Fred
erick Holder niet with an adventure
in Just such a spot, which be relates
In "Big Game at Sea." The author
was visiting a friend on the New Eng
land coast, who was given to the study
of natural history.
One day the author accompanied bis
frii'tid ou a collecting trip, and here
Ik the story of the result as be told It:
Opposite bis bouse was a little bay
wlih a clean sandy bottom. Over
tills we slowly drifted. I sat lo the '
steru, enjoying the day and examining I
tlie curious things my friend drew out j
of the water. Suddculy be gave an '
ejaculation, and I saw him cling,
seemingly helpless, to bis pole. His
fire was ashy pale, with a white ap
pearance like one stricken with a fatal
I sprang forward just In time to
cute 1) him as he fell back Into the boat
mid lowered blui to the seat At ttrst
lit could only motiou toward the wa
ter. Fie was almost rigid. Finally he
recovered euotigb to say Torpedo!"
I saw the baroou be was holding
dancing ubout. evidently forced Into
a large Osli. Grasping it. I soon dis
covered the trouble, for I received an
electric shock strong enough to almost
knock uie over. I dropped the pole.
I!y this time my friend had recover
ed enough to tell me to let the fish re
main where it was. With difficulty
I rowed to shore. When the boat was
grounded I picked up an old glass bot
tle, took a turn over It with the line
and. with the help of this homemade
Insulator, pulled the fish on shore.
It proved to be one of the largest tor
polities, or electric rays, I have ever
seen. Under certain conditions It
would have been capable of killing a
man. When touched the fish would
roll its eyes dismally and give a low
1 have never known a man to be
killed by one, but many have been In
jured, and, as for my friend, he did not
recover in a week.
British Tabl Mannar In th Seven
teenth Century.
An nccouut of hospitality lu Englaud
In lCL'U gives a good Idea of the man
ner In which a country gentleman of
the period lived. Dinner and supper
were brought lu by the servants with
tlielr hats on, a custom which Is cor
roborated by Fynea Moryson. who
says that, being ut a knight's house
who had many servants to attend blm.
they brought In the meats with their
heads covered wllh blue caps.
After washing their hands lu a basin
they sat dowu to dinner, and Sir
James Pringle said grace. Tbe viands
seemed to have boon plentiful and ex
cellent "big iottage. long kale, bowe
of white kale," which is cabbage;
"uracil soppe," powdered beef, roast
n lid bulled mutton, a venison pie lu
form of au egg and goose. Then they
bud cheese, cut and uncut, and apples.
Hut the close of the feast was the
most curious tbiug nbout It
The tablecloth was removed, and ou
the tuble were put a "towel tbe whole
breadth of the table aud balf the
lenglh of It, a basin aud ewer to wash,
tbeji a green curoet laid on. then one
WE purchased a sample line
of Sandals and Moccasins
at 25 per cent on the dollar.
And we will sell them at a price
that will surprise you. You cer
tainly want to see these values.
enp of beer set on the carpet, then a
little lawn aervlter plaited over the
corner of the table and a glass of hot
water set down also on the table; then
be there three boys to say grace, the
first the thanksgiving, the second the
Pater Noster. the third prayer for a
blessiug of God's church. The good
man of the bouse, his parents, kinfolk
and tbe whole company then do drink
hot waters, so at supper, then to bed."
1 Mixing Religion.
Tbe bright six-year-old daughter of
an upper west side physician happened
into bis reception room the other day,
and a-waiting woman patient engaged
her in conversation.
"I suppose you go to church and
Sunday school?" she asked.
"Ob. yes, ma'am," she replied.
"And what denomination do your
parents belong to?"
"Why," said the little one, "mamma's
a Presbyterian and papa's a brain spe
cialist." New York Globe.
Their Fat.
Tbe late Dr. Talmage once called on
his lawyer and found two of bis pa
rishioners tbere on legal business of a
private nature,
"Ah, doctor," called tbe lawyer In
greeting, "good morning! Here are
two of your Bock. May I ask without
lm)iertlneuce If you regard tbem as
black sheep or white?"
"I don't know as yet," replied Tal
mage dryly, "whether they're black or
white, but I'm certain that If they re
main here long they'll be fleeced."
Charged For Curiosity.
Mr. Bach What is the reasou you
charge twice as much for my cuffs as
you did formerly?
Laundress Because you have begun
making pencil notes on them.
"What difference does that make?"
"The girls wasle so much time In
trying to make them out" Loudon
Spare Moments.
Indisputable Proof.
"You say they contested tbe will of
the deceased?"
"Yes. and the court held that be
was suffering from hallucinations."
"On what gronudsY"
"It appears that be left tbree-fourtbs
of bis properly to his mother-in-law."
London Opinion.
At Sea.
A mnu was discovered one evening
by a friend leaning disconsolately over
tbe rail of a transatlantic steamer.
"Are you wailing for the moou to
rise?" asked the friend facetiously.
".o," was the savage reply. "I have
not swallowed the moon." Log An
geles Times.
A Fin Distinction.
A small buy lu the village school
when wrillng a composition on "Quak
ers" wound up by saying, "Quakers
uever quarrel, never get Into a fight,
never claw and uever scratch." Then
he added. "Paw is a Quaker, but I
really dou't thluk maw Is." Delinea
tor. Wh.r. H Bluffs.
"Does Wiggins ever bluff when he
plays cards?"
"Never until he gets home and ex
plains where be has been." Washing
ton Star.
True friends have no solitary Joy or
sorrow. Cbauulng.
Curiosities In Bookbinding.
Extravagance in binding has fre
quently furnished an opening for
the display of fantastic tricks and
fads. In an old bookseller's cata
logue was seen an advertisement of
a Latin copy of Apulein's "Golden
Asa," bound in the skin of a Jeru
salem ass, the leather being still
tinhaired. A book by Jeffery Hud
son, the noted dwarf, was bound in
the silk waistcoat of Charles I., the
dwarf's patron saint. A do luxe
edition of Fox's historical works,
specially fitted up for Edwards, the
philosopher, was bound throughout
in foxskin, forty-seven pelts of
these little animals being required
to complete the job. O'ConncIl,
who so delighted in the possession
of a first edition of Bacon's works,
had the entire set rebound again in
pigskin and always lovingly refer
red to them as his "Baconrind"
Th Limit In Boston.
A Boston bank clerk tells this
story on his esteemed father:
"One day a long time ago a num
ber of children in our neighborhood
were talking about the .bad habits
of their parents.
" 'My father smokes fifteen ci
gars a dav," said a little girl boast
fully. " 'My father swears something
awful when supper is late suid an
other. "Mv papa came home tight the
I other night,' remarked a third.
'"It was mv little sister's turn
" 'You just ought to see my papa
road Cicero,' she said, and all the
' other little girls retired in confu
sion, gladly admitting that sister
had won the prize." Boston Trav
eler. At th Pop Conctrt.
The orchestra was playing the
"Moonlight Sonata."
"Sweetheart," he cried passion
ately, "I have loved you ever sinco
you were a child. 1 have longed for
the sweet companionship of such a
woman as you ever since"
"Shut up, will you?" came a roar
from the scats in the rear. "We
want to hear the music."
"Shut up yourself!" retorted the
young man. "They advertise this
us a pop concert, and I'm going to
fop or bu4 !"
Then, turning to the fair maiden
at his side, ho began aguin. Har
per's Woeklv.
Pain and 8uddn Death.
In angina pectoris, agony spasm of
tbe heart, tbere are two chief features
pain and sudden dealb. The pain Is
coming and going, Intense, peculiar,
strange, awful, usually In tbe chest
around the heart and spreading Into
the shoulders and abdomen. Death,
which comes ill a higher percentage
than In any other known disease, for
few ever get over It, is usually sudden,
often, as tbe poet says, "life struck
sharp on death." Tbere are Indeed In
this disease many mysteries remain
lug to be cleared up. A father and bis
four children have died of angina pec
toris. New York Press.
Papa's Offer Cam Aft.r Gorg Had
8HId MatUr Himlf,
A Philadelphia small boy had aome
tliltut lo ,v lo his father lit the dill
Bar table itia other night.
'TniM," ha said. "Joliuule tttirtoo I
tola" to hare a party next week, an'
he said he'd Invito me. Au' I got lo
Ink a present."
"A present: What's tliut forr
"It's for Johnny's birthday. All Ilia
Ids take prowm.'
Things hadn't gem Just right dur
ln the day with the boy'a fiithcr. II
was uot lu nu agreeable humor.
"That's nil uonsotiso:" be declared.
"Every day or two It's a promt her
or a present (here. It )ou can't go lo
party without taking a present yon
tutght a well stay home.'
Th boy'i lip trembled, but ba made
ao reply.
The next day tlio falhor regretted
his hnaty word;) and that night turned
to the boy.
tiourge," h an Id, "there ara a cou
ple of now hooka In my overcoat pock
et. Vou can take them lo your friend
Johnny' party."
"It's too late." mill! tleorge gloomily.
"I Ik ked him today so ba wouldn't
bivlte die,"
Not Y.t
A Missouri clergy man bad lu lib) pas
toral flock a uieniber who was reluc
tant about meeting the contribution
basket. The pastor had thrown out
many broad hints, but all to no avail.
One day tbe member fell III and was
taken to the Kuswortb hospltnl. When
the clergyman arrived the man was
delirious. While the pastor was sitting
beside his bed a wild yell of "Fire,
fire!" came from across the street
The sick man drew himself up on Ills
elbows. "Where where am I?" be
asked excitedly.
"Calm yourself, brother." soothed the
pastor, with Just the faintest twinkle
In bis eye. "You are still at tbe Kn
worth hospital:" Llppiueott's.
8aerific and Dvotion to Country.
Every act of noble sacrifice to the
country, every lustauce of patriotic de
votion to her cause, has Its beiiettelnl
Influence. A nation's character Is the
sum of Its splendid ilmlt Tbey con
stitute our commou patrimony, tbe na
tion's Inheritance.-llcury Clay.
Th Woman, of Court.
An English lady who made a tour
of Scotland delivering addresses hi
the Interest of woman suffrage said
that she bad had troubles of her own.
At one meeting, at liruntown. in the
highlands, au argument was advanc-
a Tom raou tub back of tuk cbowd.
ed to which she was unuble to find nn
answer. Speeches had previously been
made to a large crowd. Questions bad
been replied to amid applause. Im
becile young men making remarks
about minding babies and mending
socks bad been silenced. Then. Just
as there was n temporary lull before
the putting of tbe resolution, a great
bucolic Scotch voice from the back of
the crowd rasped slowly lu with the
Inquiry, . obviously tbe result of pro
longed rumination, "Wba' made a
mess of Adam';"
Thought It Wa Tim.
Tbe minister of a rural church gave
out the hymn. "I Love to Steal Awhile
Away," etc. The regular old precentor
being absent, his function devolved
upon a good old deucon, who commenc
ed, "I love to steal," and then broke
down. Raising bis voice a little high
er, he then sang. "I love to steal." At
length, after a desperale cough, be
made a final demonstration and roared
out, "I love to steal:"
The effort was too much. Every one
but tbe parson was laugbins. He rose
and with the utmost coolness said:
"Seeing our brother's propensities,
let us pray."
Her Littl Bluff.
Mrs. Flnlettcr nud her husband had
Just moved Into a fifteen dollar seven
room house. The first Sunday morn
ing there, as Mr. Flnlettcr sat wllh his
newspaper on his little porch and all
the neighbors on both skies of the
street sat wllh their newspapers on
tlielr little porches, Mrs. Flnlettcr sud
denly came to the front door aud
shouted at her husband In a loud, vex
ed tone:
"Hilary Flnlettcr, will you or will
you not come in to luncheon? Tbe
champagne is nearly fiat, and you
know how soon a dish of terrapin gets
Flnlettcr tossed down the paper and
hurried Indoors with a dazed smile.
"What are you kidding me for?" he
asked as be looked at the rump steak
and potatoes on the dining table.
"It's not you, Hilary, I'm kidding,"
said his wife. "It's tbe neighbors."
Horse Strayed.
Strayed from Powell Duties, black
horse, branded K bar and borisbre bar
nn loft sbonldei ; weight 11(11); had bell
on. Kinder will be suitably rewarded
for information leading to its recovery.
A. I). MoRiui.b, I'ovtcll Unites. 7-14-21)
Si lr
Patients Received.
Persons needing hospital accommo
dations can find thenrat my home. I
un prepared to care for patient', or
patients may employ their own nurses.
Maternity cases may expect special
n25 Mas. I', B. Foimikxtkk.
v Ordinance No. 175.
Au tirdliiiiuce levying? a poll tax
nunlnet tbe lognl voters ul the city
tl I'rinevllle, unit tu provide for
the collection thereof.
The lienple ot the t il. v ol Prlticx Hie,
Oivg do urdttlii mm billows:
Nrllon 1. , poll tux of one dollar
lier rtipltn, la hereby levied tignliiat
tin' legal votern ot the clt.v ol I'rine
vllle, Oregon, lor the your lulu, w lui
tiro or mtiy lie utibhvt to such tnx
under tlie laws of the state ot Ore
gon, willed tnx ahull lieciiineiliie am!
collectible ut Hnv time niter thirty
diiys from the passage utt his onli
mi nee.
Soctlou 2. All iN'reoiiH milij.vt tu
the tux hereby levied shall lie con
sidered Hint held to line lieeu given
mid to have received line it ml legal
notice thereof, after thirty ilnys from
tlie pusmigc of this ordinance, ami
such lux shall he held nod considered
to he ilellniiient after demand for
payment thereof by the marshal or
street uierlnteiulciit.
Section a. At iiny time lifter lie
tumid for the payment of such tnx
from nay iktsoii liable therefor, and
upon non-payment thereof, the mar
shal nr direct iiiorliitciiilciit may
enforce collection thereof by nil
action brought In the tin me of the
city of I'rinevllle, In the recordi r e
court, mid the ilcllmiiictit taxpaier
shall be subject to the other ills
HUiililloiitlons Imposed bv the char
ter of the clt.v of I'rlnexlle, until
such tax mill all ciwta for the en
forcement of the payment of the
same Is paid. All icroiis claiming
to l residents uf the city ol 1'rlne
vllle ut the passage of this mill
mi noo, mid all persons claiming to lie
legal voters uf tbe city of I'rinevllle
at tlie city election to lie held In IV-cemlH-r,
lull), mid not exempt by
law, are aul.jcvt to the tax hereby
Tills ordinance shall take effeel
and be In full force from and after Its
passage by the council ami approval
by the mayor.
1'iisHcd the council July Sth, 11)10.
Jons H. Sini'i',
Itocordcr pro tern.
Approved by the mavor Julv fitli,
I'.Uu. l. K. Stkwakt,
May nr.
Notice of 1 liml Accounting.
No! ice is hereby given by the undersign-1
rd, the adttiutiotiaior of the estate of
Harry W. llciiuetl. ilecea-e.1, to all per-:
son iiilervatrd in the rsiale of Mini i!
ccascd that said administrator ha j
iHs.te and lilrd with the Clerk of tlie
Ceil lit y Court hit i mil aeeounlini: uf tils
ilibiitmstrntion of caul estate and that tlit
'aid County Court hits act Mondar, Ilia l.l i
lay ot August, lull), at 10 nVhick In the !
orcnisiu, al the t'uuiilv t'nurt room la
I'rinevllle, Oregon, as the lime and place
fur hearing ami sett ling said llnal accuunt- :
inif. Alkliich nlil lime and place any
person iutcr?tci4 in said estate may up-1
prar ami oujcci in saiii una! accounting.
Haled this .nth d.iy tif June. I'Uil,
M . U, Ki Mnrr,
Adinliii-trutor iiflheratata uf Hurry W,
llviiiiett, Heceasrd.
- Notice for Publication.
department nf Ihe Interior, l M.
Oltlce at The Dalles, Urcgou, June 1Mb,
Notice i hereby iriven that
lliluu-r W. Kairchihl,
if l'ot, Oremm, wliii, on May '.th, p0,
made lb aleaii, (Serial Nu, ttttlh ) No,
1M7.1, hrrev, NKS. Ml'',, SK',, ami NK'i
KWt Section 11, 'I'tiwtuhip lit Htilllh,
Itange IS Kasl, illamrtle Meiidlali, liaa
tiled h.uueul Intention to make linal lle
yeur priHjf. to rtalillah elulai to the land
alsive Uesi-rilietl. before Warnui Itruwil.
roiiuly eleik al Uia olhee, ill 1'rint'Vlllv,
tiriKuu, on the if.ili day ol July, I III .
Claimant names a w'itnea-es': Hldtiey J,
Prakea, AHiert I. Crain, Uoliert W. Ilr
moris, of Crinrville, Oregon; Daniel V.
Knoi uf I'o.t, lri'(t'in.
tt-.Mp (', W. MUOHK, Register..
Farmers and Stockmen
HAYING and harvesting time is at hand.
Before buying for this season get our
prices on Rope. Hay Forks, Jackson Forks,
Pulleys of all kinds, Machine Oil and Wire
Cable. Our stock along this line is complete,
and if you will give us a call we will prove
it to you that our price is right.
I We are also agents for the celebrated line
of Deering Harvesting Machinery, which
includes Mowers, Rakes, Reapers, Binders
and Headers.
Don't place your orders without first receiving
our prices.
. L.
Noll. for rublkatton,
i?t''tiiinl of Ihe Interior,
11. K. baud littler at t h I'hIIm, Oregon,
July llih, lino.
Notice l lurehy given Ihnl
limuirr J. Miiils.ll,
of IVwoll bulls, Oretfun, wh'i, on Kh Ilr ',
loot ami Jan. I lulu, made humr-lcsi ,
I crials Sua u'niid iivii.'l I No I I.' Ill, fut
SVi,,H', NKv. hr, 1.1 Hud W linO,
Scctiiin It, tiumi-liip 10 sunlit, ratine It
asst. illiihicllo Meitdlsu, him lihst untie
oHnicntlott lo nittks Ihutl llvr-venr,
to eatuhll'li claim to lit lata! alsiva do
crilsd, U'lure Warren itnisu, enmity
clerk ai lit- olli.-v. at I'tun-tills, tiivgon.
on the i'lol day ot Auanst, I'Mil,
t'taliuaiit tiana-a as wilniasa: Nathan
It. Uracil, I'harlr II. Kiunrr. Holla N.
lhily, ol I'uacll Untie, lrr;iill Johll t'.
t'ascv, ot rrilievilie. Ilreirmt.
I-:'lp l W. Moult K, Iteglalrr.
Notktt (or I'uMicalloB.
Depart litelit uf the Ititeriiir.
I'. 8. Land tltllce al The Dulles. Oreiiou.
June '.".'ml, I'liu.
Notice l hereby Riven I hat K'J
Clanuu'e H. Ilaivey,
of I'riueNitlr, lirrsTim, who nu July 1?lh,
PV made Homestead. (Serial Nu. U'k )
No, I Hds, for lots I and 3 and 8'. .St.1,,
Sis-lion 3, Townlilp Is Suuili. Kiimk 10
Kasl, VVIIIsuisiie Meridian, has tiled no
tic uf intention to make tliuil
woof, to e-lalilish eluiiii lu the turn! alsive
.le.erils'il, Isfure W arreii llrtiwn, eoiiniy
elerk al Ids uiltce, at I'riuevillp, Oregon,
on Ihe Hud day of Aiiku-i, lulu.
Clniuiaiit names as witnesses; James U,
llarvvy, J slurs A. Moltllt, llert Wilson, ol
I'rllirville, On Hon. Charles II, Krleksoll,
ol lleml, C, W. MlKlltK
IMOp IdniMer.
Appllcstlnn (or (illlltvllllnjlllp.
In tlie County Court of Ihe state ofOn-
fon, forlhaeouuty ol Crook.
ii tlie mailer of the litianliaiiahip of
Kolwrt Osliorn. Minor, Oriier lo show
cause on application of guardian fur order
of sale of ri al estate.
It appcarm- lo this Court from tbe pe
tition litis ilny presented ami lilrst by Ida
Pro the tiuartluiti ot the estate and per
son of Uoitcrt Oslsirn. minor, prnyiti f-r
an order of sills of ts-rluiit es'uie lie
rouging to her said ward that it iipisiars tu
the Court thul II is ixuicttClal In the said
ward that such real estule should he sold.
It is hereby ordered, that Ihe liritot
kin of the saiil ward and all irs.iti iiiter-e-lisl
in the said estate, iips-ar Is-fure this
court on Thursday, tlie lib day of Auitust.
11)10, A. D al lu o'cliH'k, a. in., at Ihe
court room af this Court, at Ihs euiirt
huuse in the county of Crook, tln-n and
there to show cause' w hy an urder sliould
not be granted for the sale of such real
estate, described in said s lilion as bil
lows: I'he north half of the southeast quarter
and the southwest quarter id I lit suiiihea-l
ipta-ter of ssetiuu Iwehiv-eiirlit and the
northwest .piarter of tbe uorthcssl ipiaaier
of section thlny-ihrsie in tuwiishii
thirteen south, uf range sitttn eut, of
Willamette Meridian in Crook county,
stale of Oreiiun.
Ami It is further ordered, thai a copy of
nits ower is. puiiiisiiei once a wrv, tor
llirts- aiiccasive wei'ks ls,,re lite said dav
of bearing, in lbs Cnsik Cuioity Jn'irual,
a weekly newspis-r pub tilted in Trioi
ville, I'ruuk couiuy, and cit-ciiIuttt'K lliert-
Date.1 this 'Jin f.lnv of July. IHI0,
7-U II. C. Lli.Is, County Judge.
Hoticc to Creditors.
Notice t lu rt liy nlven by the uuilembrn
el, Ihe adiuiilbtriuor of ihe e-uie of Wit
ford J. Cram, iliH-ea-isl. lo nil isrsniis hav
ing claims aittunsi sunt dts-ea-ed lu present
them with the proper voni-hcrs to the
undersigned, at fie oltieeot M. It, Klliolt,
In I'rineville, Oregon, silliin u moullia
irom the dale of the tlrst puliliiatlun of
this notice.
Dated Ihisjuth day of June, I'Uil.
Alskst C. I'o.i,
Ailniliilsiratur of Ihe e-tate of Wtlfurd J.
Cmin, Dts-easeil,
Thnse men to saw logs anil split
pine wood. 1 furnish the tlinls-r,
but want work contracted. Ad
dress I'. O. Ilox JiVi, I'rinevllle, tlre
oti. ' 0 HI
Notice let ' PuMlialloa,
D isrlment of His Interior,
It. H. Laud lihc at Th Dallea, Oregon,
Jnna Isili, IIIIU.
Nnliie la bereliy given that
Hlialrnl lloaarth,
.if o Nell, Oregon, who, on May Ji'lli. lists,,
made lliimesleail, (Serial No. I-;WJ. No,
IIHA for HI dW',, andei, HK'i, si- Hon a,
town-tup 14 aoiilht range It easl, A lllaio
ette Meridian, has llled tiutlee ot intention
lo make linal lle-.vear pnsii, tu r-lalili-h
claim lo lb laud alsiv ilrscrilird, t-rtore
W'nrirn llrown, eoiiuty elerk al his oltlce,
al I'rluat lllr, Oteaswi, on the ibul day of
.August, lulu
- Clnlmaul naiuea sa wlliiaaseai Jiateih
II giiinii. John Irwin D. Uasey,
John llackstl. all ol o Neil. Ilrvaoti.
U '.Mp C. V, MOOHK, Itedlster.
Holli.- (ot Publiciliuil,
llsolslistTrail )
Pul.lle Isn.l Mat. No. USUI.
CllPe I SUtlles I Jill it llltlisi,
Tin- ls.ll a, ., Jills "ill. 1st I
Notice Is lier-Uis alv-nlltal, as itliei'le.l liy
the foitiiiil.slouer ol 111 llensrwl Latlil Oltliv,
under pro, UI.mis of Ai'i of INMianssi sliiroeit
June V. Ik's, ivi.ll,-- No. 1U, ws will oiler al
public sitle, tu His htaliesl tilitiler, al i a in. "II Hie sill day of Hrlenil-r
I "III, nesl, al IIU" urtli . lb Hillowlni irsel of
land, lo win MK', nee. ', I . U s , II.
II w. M.
Anr rsriis elwlntlns adversely Ills alsive
di-si'Tlls..! Isilils arv aitslsrd lo flls llielr
elsluis, or iil.ltsolloits, un or ts-nir tlie tiny
alsive d.slsllsleil no sale
Mil I . , MlSdtK, It.sjtster.
Motict fof Ptikllcatloa.
DeparlHisul of Ihe Interior, I'.H, I. an. I
Olllceal the Dalles, Oregon, J una lo, IIMU,
Notice tl brreliy gtsen that
Aluilra Hwallsy,
nf I'rinevllle, Origon, who, on May Uih,
Pl4. made ll.imi slesd, (Serial No. U7ir.';.
No, Hill, for N', HK, See. Hand W,
SW',, heell n It. Townahip IS rtoulh,
UifiiKv 13 Ka-I, Wlllaniell Meridian, baa
Sled uuiii-e uf Intention to make Anal live,
year prif. In establish rial m to Ihe laud
alsive ile.crttred, Is-forv Warren brown,
eiiunlt clerk, at his omee, at I'rinevllle,
i, on Hie SUlt day July , llitu,
Clrtlinattt naiuea as Wllnessrs; Kml
Siuill. It. iV Istusll. ticnr V. lV'liilio,
II .ill li. W ebb, all ot I'rilievllle, Orei-Oll.
I'r.'lp C. VV. MOOHK, Itigi.ler.
Notice of Sale of State Lands.
Noliee la hereby given that the Hiate
l-aud Hoard will receive aealtsl bids ll I ill I
II Ksio'rlis k a, in., August t, lulu, for the
fi.llowlug drscrilied acliiMil lauda, tu-witt
ul Seeliotl lu, T. 1.1 M. K. '.'I K.
SWi, of Se. pi. T. 20 8. K, l K.
A II of Section an, T. .'I S, II. IS K
S I, ot he. lion kl T, .'I rl, II. 14 K.
A II ol Section pi ami all uf Pedum SU, T.
ii s. It. IS K.
All of Section III and all of Keillon M, T.
!. It. It K.
All In. Is must h nreaniauleil by a regu
larly eseeilted api'lieatioll lo purcliase and
al li s-l olie-lllth uf lb amuuul ullerril.
No bid for lea lliau tlOUUpsr acre will
be eolistilerrsl.
The riiibt la reserved to rrlivt any aud
all hnls.
A Old leal Ions Slid bids should Iss rehires
led lo II, ti, llrown. Clerk Hlsl. Io.d
: Hoard. Salem, Oregon, and marked, " A p.
pi leal Inn ami bid lo purchase stale laud."
I it. II. Itaow.
! Clerk Stal, Und Hoard.
Datnl April '."J, lulu, 4-'.1t
I Notice f Sale of State Lands.
Nolle is hereby give that th flat
j Land lliwrd will receive sealed bids until
II :'i ii cl.s k a. m,, August I. HMO, for the
: followtlig described school Lands, tu-w It :
j N's ol Seclinn l. T. 15 8. R. II K.
' N K snd S', of Section ri, T. So 8, It.
. I . r..
j All bids must be accomiaiiied by a regu
! larly rtei uied application lo purchase ami
I at least oluMlllll of the amount odered.
! Nu bid fur leas than a..VI) per acre will be
i considered.
'I he right Is reserved to n-lis-t any and
all bids.
AppUrationa and bida should be a.Wlress.
ed lo O. II. llrown, Clark Slat Land
Hoard. Halrin. tlreeoii, and markeu. " Al-
! plication and bid Ul purchas stal lands,"
si. r. iibiss,
Clerk 8lat Uud Hoard.
Dated April 11)10. Wet
& Co