Crook County oumstl COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR PR1NEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1910. Entrfwl t lb prmtntnm ml Prliwrlll, Onn, mm McunO-lwM outlier VOL. XIV-NO.31 CRAZY MAN TAKES A HIKE wiitrli should lie kept Hint a close over linn. A toon h Hie patient mi found to U in inn i UK Nightwatchman Yancey tiid Hhrriff Vmnk Klkinn wera notified and at 3 o'clock track innila by lre fuel were found leading acros the Croiked Kivrr bridge toward Powell llutte. The sheriff Immediately took hie auto and followed the geneiM course that the insane man seem ed to be taking. As closely a the oflicera could determine, he follow I 1 I . I . I - I .1 Waa Taken to the A.y- " l" . . ' ."'V " " " 1 Wrtmi. Aid- nl I pmibMil l(twt m Wore Nothing but His Night Clothes PURSUED OVER THIRTY MILES lum at Salem Last Tuesday. Ii'imiii Power wtta taken to the asvlum at Salem Tuesday by an attendant, who caino from there after" the unfortunate man. Al llitmgh he beeaino almost rational at time, lie wan adjudged hope lenly Insane by local byirai)H. Much of the time lie waa decidedly craiy and at timea bia condition bermiie violent. Ho had been under the doctor ' rare for several dnya enfli-ri from an attack of fever, when be ricnHd from tiia mi rue early lint Friday morning, and wan pursued over ISO miloi of rough, untidy country in bia night clothe and bare feet before be waa raptured. The attending phy. eiuinii warned I'owera' nurre a few hour hi liire that the pntient might make an attempt to escape and di tne of 15 ui ilea or more. At many placet bin track were found very near the brink of the cliff which ha a perpendicular drop of from fill In '111 I"" i ' I ,i n t 1 urn uvrriaai-u i uwrn wo oil the outheat fide of Powell liutU-e, aitting under a tree, and waa with out bat or aboee. The tempera ture at tin time must have been HO degree. Tower will be kept in the county jail here until the nature of bia trouble can he de termined. When aked about hi condition, I'owera aaid: "I must have been on a trip anmewhere. Hut my feet don't feel aore. I don't know whether I have eaten anything lately or not. I would like to know why they have me in here." POWELL BUTTES COUNTRY Representative. THINGS LOOK GOOD TO HIM The Deaert i Made to Teem with Agricultural Life Fine Crop. i, flK.1 A..lW, Jll Mower for Sale. rul (iismiilnn '! lor ml. J.IK. AhAMwiK, ITIni'villf , iimn. the north loe of the butte, facing the Prineville-ISend etage road, and ha a few acre below the 1). i. I. high line canal. Mr. Heart'ha iity acre of Scotch Fife wheat that i being harvested, and will Visited by a Journal I141" b8 b'led ,n1 h':,pJ l i) I .1.. - i .1. l: 1 ncuu iur lur use ui tuv mciy aim lit age peo(le there. Tbia wheat w.ll yield from one and a balf to two ton tier acre of bay well filled with grain. The land ia not irri gated. A amall patch of tarly po tato?, lea than a half-acre in aize, netted $225 to Mr. Sear during the pant three week, am' of the three ack that be waa ahipping Monday, all were amootb and of a good size. W. M. Wilson, F. R. Vilon and E. F. Stixner, with aeyeral rela tive, are breaking a quantity of land bought eome time ago. Their land are located directly went of the Bears farm, dialance about one mile. Theae people have no crop thi year a they have not been in the country long enough, but they are making a great many improve ments and have excellent soil. I hey will have abundant crop next year. N. 1), (iolden and R. T. Johnson, who are near the Wilson farm to the routh, have fine growing crop of oata and other grain, and some fine looking potatoes, but all crop ate less mature than on the dry land because of the iirigalion A trip of investigation of the agricultural condition in the Powell Butte country i sufficient to convince anyone that the terri tory lying at of the old river bed and north of the big stave pie that conducts the irrigating canal acron the old river bed, is one of the choice spots of Central Oregon which in turn mean that it can not be excelled in any state in the Union. Such a trip wa the opportunity of the Journal man Monday who, in company with the exhibit bustler of the Commercial Club, left Prineville at 0 a. m. for the land of "spuds." The first ranch visited was that of (iuy Sears. Tbia place is on JULY TERM OF COUNTY COURT All Members Present at the Meeting MUCH BUSINESS DISPOSED OF Varioua Road Matter Receive Attention Bill Al lowed. Etc H. C. Kill, Com . Bayley auil James Continued on inside page. I Do You Want to Keep Cool ? I Straw Hats 25c Genta regular at 50c 35c 44 44 75c 50c 44 44 $1.00 75c 44 44 1.25 Straw Hats for Boys and Girls at 5c, We aelling them 10c and 15c All Men Clothing All Boys' Clothing All Ladies' Woolen Suits All Ladies' Linen and Cotton Suits All Ladies' Skirts All Ladies' Muslin Underwear Hot Weather Specialties Every ciy's sales makes a showing in our store. The past week has been one of the best. Beginng Saturday we will make marked reduc tions on all Spring and Summer Goods. This creates an opportunity for you to make com plete your summer wardrobe at about whole sale cost. All Lawns, Batists, and Waistings, All Summer Goods Including several dozen patterns All Fancy Parasols All Canvas Shoes and Oxfords Several Dozen New Trimmed Hats Just arrived by express. These are going rapidly. We are reducing the price radically on these and they, with every other hat in our Millinery Department, is Reduced in Price Ifc. ft $3 Our Gordon Hat for Men If you have been paying $5 or even $3.50 for your Hats Try a Gordon at $3. You will find them just as good, perhaps better. Summer Vests and Shirts Men's Summer Vests - 85c to $2.50 Shirts - 75c to 3.00 Call Friday and Saturday and see some money-saving Specials in Our Grocery Department C. W. ELKINS COMPANY Present Judge miiwioneni K. II Rice. . II. W. Guard et at petition lor county road. Upon petition, affidavit of due notice and bond for $200 with tf. C. Moore and J. I'ulxiii aa euritie, view er ordered to mett at beginning of pro posed road on July 20 mid view out, I review and lurvey and report thereon at next term hereof. Geo. ISell et a) petition for county road, continued until September term for failure to file petition. J. K. Kice et al petition for county road. I'pon petition, affidavit of poet ingdue notice and bond lor $100 with K. Kice and W. G. Mustard aa auri- tiee, it is ordered tlmt the viewer meet at the beginning of the proposed road on August 1 and viewout, review and survey proposed road and report there on at the next term of thi court. V. A. Wilt et t! petition for county road. I'pon petition, due notice and bouJ for $j00 with Guy Allingham aid II. A. Foster aa surities, .viewers order ed to meet at beginning of proposed road on July 28 and viewout, review and survey said proposed road and report thereon at the Dext regular term of this court. F. Ii. Smith et al petition tor county road dismissed because of failure to file Ixmd and because of a remonstrance with a greater number of remanstra-j tors man petitioners. J. W. Saxton et al petition for county road, because of failure to give or file lef;al notice. Clerk to notify firat pe titioner to give new notice that same will be presented at a later term here of. , II. O. Montgomery et al petition for county road. Petition, affidavit and bond for $100 with U. O. Montgomery and Dwight Roberts aa surities, filed and approved, viewers ordered to meet at b ginning of proposed road on July 25 and viewout, review and survey laid proposed road and .report thereon at the next term hereof. C. A. Beckwith et at petition for comity road. Continued to September term for failure to give notice. Clerk to notify first petitioner to give new notice, J. A. Wilcox et al petition for connty road. Petition, affidavit of posting notice and bond for $200 with J. A. Wilcox and B. A. Kendall as sureties, filed and approved. Viewers ordered to meet at beginning of proposed road on July SO aud viewout, review and survey proposed road and report there on at next term hereof. G. W. Dodson et al petition tor county road. Upon petition, affidavit of post ing due notice and bond for (100 with Geo. W. Dxlson and T. N. Baldwin aa sureties, filed and approved. Viewers are ordered to meet at beginning of pro posed road on July 2ti and viewout, re view and survey same and report there on at the next regular term hereof.. C. H. Erickson et at petition for county road continued to September 1910 term, because of failure to file bond. Regarding W. C. Barber et al petition for county road. Petition, affidavit of due notice and bond for $200 with 0. C Barber and W. O. Ralston as sureties, filed and approved. - Viewers ordered, to meet at beginning of proposed road on July 22 and view out, review and survey same and report thereon at the next term hereof. Regarding H. G. Tholstrup, et al pe tition for county road. Petition, affi' davit of posting notice and bind for $200 with. J. T. Tholstrup, H. G. Cald well and Levi Bulwer as sureties, filed and approved. lewers ordered to meet at beginning of proposed road un August 4 and view out, review and survey same and report thereon at the next tegular term hereof. Frank Doney et al petition for county road. Petition, affidavit of posting no tice and bond for $200 with A. L. Kent aud K. A. Cleland aa sureties, filed and approved. lewers ordered to meet at beginning of proposed road on July 27 and view out, review and survey aame and report thereon at the next regular term hereof, In the matter of the incorporation of Redmond, order issued creating muuici pality. Oregon Trunk et al petition for private change. Upon petition and bond for $100 it is ordered that viewers meet at beginning of proposed private change on July 21 and view out, review and survey proposed change and report Jerry Ackey et al supplemental order. Thi matter again coming on to be heard in open court. It is ordered that order entered on May 6, 1910, be amend ed by adding thereto, "and that said proposed road be declare a uhlic high way." Regarding Houth Bend plat. Upon application of the South Bend Invest ment Company, an Oregon corporation, owner of the fie for the proposed town lite of South Bend, and it appearing to the court that the plat and tracing thereof, together with the dedication of the streets, alley and avenues to public use without restriction, baa been properly filed and that the same bas been approved by the county surveyor and the county aeeessor, and it appear ing that all requirements oi taw have been complied with, i ordered that said plat be approved and spread of record. Upon application of W. A. Belcher and Laura T. Jones, owner of the fee for the proposed townsite of Melrose Park Addition to Redmond, and it ap pearing to- the court that the plat and the tracing thereof, together with the dedication of the park, street and al ley to the public without restriction has been filed and that the same ha been approved by the county surveyor and the county assessor and it appear ing that all requirments of the law have been complied with, it ia ordered that said plat be approved and spread of record. The county clerk is directed to send an itemized statement oi all expense incurred and paid by the connty in con nection with the incorporation of Mad ras to the proper authorities of the city of Madras, and request the repayment thereof at the earliest date possible. Bid of Shipp & Perry lor the erection of a permanent building on the county lair grounds to be used exclusively lor school exhibit purposes ia accepted at contract price of !l.30 to tie completed prior to county fair in 1'JlO. Accounting by II. C. Ellis of emer gency road fund from Jan. 1, 1910, to July 1, 1910, examined and approved in entirety by Commissioners Bayley and Rice and same ia ordered filed. Upon report of county clerk showing payment of $312.00 being bounty on 180 coyote and 80 bobcat front feet ap proved, and said scalp and front feet destroyed in accordance witli statute. Viewers' report read second time re garding M. W. Wilson et al county road, approved and road declared a public highway. Clerk directed to notify supervisor to open road and to request petitioner to donate ooe day' work each. Viewers' report of W. J. McGillvray et al county road read second time and approved, and road declared a public highway. Clerk to notify supervisor to open same and to request petitioners to donate one day's work each on opening same. Viewer' report read second time re garding Levi Ernst et al road and ap proval and road declared a public high way. Clerk to notify supervisor to open said road and request petitioners to work one day each thereon. Viewers' report of C. W. Freeman et al road read second time and approved and declared a public highway. Clerk to notify supervisor to open said road and request petitioners to work one day each thereon. Viewers' report of I. D. Baser road read second time and approved and road declared a public highway. Clerk to notify supervisor to open said road and to request petitioners to work one day each thereon. Viewers' report of J. E. Sawhill et al road read a second time and approved. All that part of road lying between present Bend-Rraland stage road and the so called "Fish trap road", declared a public highway and clerk to notify supervisor to open same and to request petitioners to donate one day's work each thereon. Claim of Annie Dobbt for $500 damages disallowed. Viewers' report of J. O. Powell et al road read a second time. Upon con sideration of said report there being no settlers along proposed road it being estimated said road will cost $1500, and it r,ot appearing that said road is neces sary at this time, therefore said pe tition is dismissed. Upon application of Carl N. Ehret and Jennie Ehret, owners of the fee for the proposed townsite of Ellinger's Ad dition to Redmond, and it appearing to the court that the plat and the tracing thereof, together with the dedication of the streets, alleys and roads to the pub lic, the approval of the county surveyor and the county assessor, and it appear ing that all the requirments of the law have been complied with, said plat is approved and ordered spread of record. Upon application of Jesse Hobsop. owner of the fee for the proposed towo eite of South Addition to Madras and it appearing that the plat and tracing thereof have been filed and approved by the county surveyor and the county (-assessor and that all requirements o! the law have been complied with, it is ordered that said plat be approved and spread of record, Whereas the municipality "of Red; mond has been created under the statute, it is ordered that the terrttory within said municipality he designated a Redmond voting precinct No. 33 and Redmond road district No. 33; that J. A. Wilcox, Ben Gotter and C. F. Ander son act as judges, and Perry Smith, G OREGON WILL VOTE ON 32 MEASURES Sixteen Constitutional Amendments VOTE "NO" ON COUNTY BILLS People Effected Should Settle the Matter Among Themselves. A Salem dispatch to the Ore gonian eay: Time (or filing in itiative petition cloeed at 2 o'clock and the people of Oregon will be called upon to vote on a grand total of 32 measure at the coming genearl election. With practically each county having tome local leg islation coming before it and a great number of precincts voting ' on the question of "wet" or"dry" there will be practically 35 meas ures to vote on in the majority of precincts. Of the elate measures proposed thire are 16 constitutional amend ments. There are 25 measures pro posed under the initiative and out of the grand total of 32 there are six measures proposed by the Leg islature. One of the measures is referendum of a legislative meas ure on the question of raising the salary of Judge William Smith in the Eighth Judicial District. Eight of the measures deal with counties, six of these being propos als for new counties and two of them annexation measures, both of these dealing with Multnomah county. This leaves seven mis cellaneous bills proposed under the initiative plan. Each one of the 32 measures re quired over 8000 signatures on the petition and many of them bad over twice that number, but it waa necessary for the force of the Secre tary of State's office to check over that number of names before re ceiving the petition officially. Ballot numbers have not been given to all of the petitions, but this work will be completed with in a few days and the copy for the ballot made ready to send to the County Clerks throughout the state, who have the task of print ing the ballot. There were 19 mersures for clerks to place on the ballots at the last election. Six petitions were filed the last day. One of-ihese was presented by the Madras Commercial Club and provides ways and means for the creation of new counties, the object of the bill being to place more difficulties in the way of the people. Four measures were filed by the People's Power League by W. S. U 'Ren, including a bill to extend the primary, a constitution al amendment providing for elec tion of members of the Legislature by proportional representation, a bill for the inspection of public officials and the publication of an official gazette and a constitutional amendment requiring that three fourths of a jury may return a vir dict in a civil case and generally modifying the system of legal procedure. A petition was filed by Judge Lionel R. Webster, of Multnomah county, for the Good Roads Associ ation. This is in the nature of a constitutional amendment having., for its purpose a larger scope in securing funds for road construc tion. In addition to the six measures filed July 7 the 2(i other measures are as follows, ballot titles not being prepared for eome of them as yet: Woman'd taxpaying suffrage, amendment granting to all tax payers the right of suffrage. A bill for the establishment of an Eastern Oregon branch state insane asylum. ., A bill to elect delegates to a constitutional convention the sec ond Monday in October, 1911. A constitutional amendment to provfde a separate district for the thereon at the Dext term hereof, Continued on last page. Continued on last page.