You Will Bad It At King's We Carry the Most Complete Lines in Central Oregon c t ,SJPeral r, , Fu Equipped Tin Shop and Plumbing Department in Connection and Windows 5 Toasted Corn Flakes ' oTiccirn PiTCTAMrDOi Paints and Oils 45c Our Motto: "SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Implements of aU Kinds We Make Good The W. F. King Company, Prineville, Oregon LOCAL MENTION 1 r. Klmcr Spnuldliitf In home mkiiIii (ruin rorlliiml, Mlm Lottie Ornnelcft lint Friday lor a visit to California. Ixti tlollll lltlll wife of llcllll Well! In rrlucvllle Knturdar. ('. ('. Iiiiiiham of 1'iwt M In I'rlu villi' I ! lust tin' week. Ilorn-rrliluy to the wife of W. II. lliinii y, ou Mill rrwk, a bojr. Arthur O. Johnson nml Andy Ilnireiiscti of lli'iiil were rim illy sent vlvllor Suliiriliiy nud Numbly. Tin' work on tint new Itnptlst Church will commence rltcht nwny. 'l'lu' hulldluu committee lit koIiik to push tlllllU. M. I,. Slnnts, John Utiatcr, I'M t .iii'iiM nml Prime Kin ii l ol llcud were In l'rlneville Saturday In the new Sinut cur. V, . Huston boiitilit a 1.1-acre tract In tin northeast part n( the rlly n lew liny no from ('. I.. V. Murker, nml will pint It. Or. llnai'lilit'ru mill Addle Fouler are t'u' 1'rliH'vllln delciratc to the K. nt I'. eiirnmpiiicut ut l'orlluiiil. They led Sunday lu the Slcvvurt cnr for The Pnllr. Iter. Ilnlley report a good meet lint nt Powell Untie hint Sunday, The illtiner wn exceptionally Rood nml enjoyed liy nit. Them wu n large nltonilmire. A number nt local Odd Fellow went tit Ueml. Muiiilny, when' they nlli'il the tjildlnw lodge In organ ldug nnl. o. o. K. lodge. They rv port kooiI treatment aud n general good time. Malinger iMonnr nt the l'lonur Telegraph & Telephone Co., cnme In from Madras Saturday, where he I Kolnic to Install ix new switchboard nml iniike other Improvement lu the phone service. Mr. 4. W. limine nml her sister, "M in. Shnfer, left .Sunday for The lhilli. Mr. Ilooiie will I like treat tneiit nt the Sanitarium nt The Dnlle mid Mr. Sliufer will eon tin w on her wny home to Kent, Oregon. Married Monday. June 20, nt the home of the bride' parents, Mlsi Anna M. Johnson to Andrew K. llngensiiit. Miss Johnson In the laughter of J. ). Johnson of lleml. The young couple will lie nt home lu Duliith Minn., after July 1.1. 1 1 Dr. R. D. Ketchum Uoontft Hi-17 i AiIhiiimhi Iliiildint. Ir I Oregon If Ef3Ef35i5EfiBHS?r33 Chiropractor and Mecluno-TIirrapisI Prineuillc, Mis ltobcrtn Carey left for Tort Unil Momliiy. Itny llurvcy wn lu from Ilenr creek Saturday. Jesse Tetherow of Itcdiuolid wn lu the t'lty Friday. Mr. J. It. Knox of Tout wim In I'rluevllle Hiitunliiy. Wnrren Knox left for Shuiilko nml 1'ortliiint Hiitunliiy. Mr. nml Mm. Will Wuriwcller left for rorthtml Momliiy. J. K. Tuggurt, the lleml merchant, wim n liunlneM vlxllor Krlilny. T. J. lluHton wuh lu Hliniilko ut the wool milea the Unit of the week. li. 1. Ileum went to lleiid Mon iluy to ntteml tontiiKebiinliuiui there. V. W. linker nuil wlfeotroait lire vImIIIiik trleml In I'rluevllle till wei'k. I Mcholita nml Jnimn Itli-e were up from 1 lay creek Knturdny mill Huinlny. Tom O'Kelly wna In from the WllllniiiBiiu runeli on the OcIuk-o the flmt of the week. Mr. Hurry Uiivln left Suiiilny for Sherinnu t'ounty, where tilie will vlnlt relntlven for n time. Mnrt ltriimmer of 1'iwt pmuH'd through I'rluevllle Kntiirdiiy ou hie wny to Ciilnrvllle, Cnllfornln. M. 1'.. llrluk niteiit tevernl iliiyi In IjiUIIiiw the llmt of the week where he liiul mime IikuI mutter up for counlilerntlun. Mm. M. K. Urlnk nml ion Van, nmr Mm. Doilnon left Hiiiuliiy moru li) on u trip to Albany. They will rriHW the inoiiuliilnii by teiun. C. 11. llnrvey wua In Irom lleur creek hut unlay. HertorU lota of homeoteml activity In III u'litlilor hooil nml anya that crop are look Inn well. Wnlt Foater'a new Chnlmer "30" nrrlved iSutiiriliiy. It will be driven by II. 8. MeKny, a llceimed driver. Wult cnme In the Hint of the week with the Miirlon, which hna Imimi ovrrhmiled and repulrvd. Ho will keep lth cnra on the rond for hire. J. H. Vox left Kundny for rortlnnd with the exhibit of the l'rlneville Commerclnl Club forthespnce recent ly acquired by t lie club In the rcicular exhibition room of the rortlnnd Chumlier ol Commerce. The Rpuce Ih one of the font to be hud In the room nml willdoKreat advertlHlnir for rrlnevlllo nml vicinity. A rcKiilnr exhibit will lie maintained by the local club thero and the differ ent article will be replcnlHhcd a the cmhoiih cluing". Foreat SupervlMor A. 8. Inlai d returned the limt of the week from a trip to lleml, HohIhihI unci other point Houth where hu tin bwn tn Hi'tlnu the work that la being done by the different foreat guard, lie Hiiya that every part of the country vial ted, eapeclnlly the ltenr creek and Immediate lout hern part of the county, allow wonderful activity nmoiiK homcatender a ml new people who are buying laud uud ecttlluu that acctlou. LOCAL MENTION Mra. (lall Newvoiu of Tortland I rbilllnjf relative here. Kylvinder KtanU and Mlaa Uriuv 1 1 or ton were married In Item! today. Mra. Jamea Cantrell returned from a vlalt III rortlnnd the Drat of the week. F, M. Clirlatmiin of Silver I-nke pnaaed through I'rluevllle the luat of wwk. Mr. Mary F. Smith of 1'ortlimd I here vlaitlnir her ona, Frank, Carey nud Walu-r Foater. liewla McCalllater of Howard paaaed tliroii(h I'rltie vllle on Ida way to Slater Monday. Mra. 8. J. Lafollctte returned the flrat of the week from I'ortlaiid where ahe ape nt the winter. Kdith ami Jimmy King cnme home with Dr. F.dwnrd from rortlnnd Tueadny. They will apend their vo cation in i'rluevllle. Mia Lotvne Wlnnck, who haa liceii nt tending nchool In I.n Anelc, re turned home yeaterdny, occompuulcd by her aunt, Ula ltuth Wlunek, of Hun lleo. I). F. Stewart made a bualnena trip to rortlnnd thla wwk. He took hla car na tar a I he Dalle, tin m re turn he croaaed the month of the Deachutva river at the anme time n tho tralu for Hhunlko. He Ix-at the train lu by a aiimll margin. Mlaa Haul Wlndom and Mr. Hnr- on Kate of Corvulll were married at the borne of the bride' parent near Culver. A number of young people from the city attended the wedding. Mr. and Mr. Kate will reahle In Corvullla. The l'rlneville Odd Fellow who were at the Institution of the lodge at Item!, Monday, were T. IT. Zell, C. L. Hhnttuck, W. 11. Huaton, C. I. Kwnnaon, Warren Urown, Heorge I. lU'uma, Wldd Iluruea and Itiilph Holndexter. Fifteen meniliera were I lit luted utter the lodge wna or- ganlied. Profeor Potter of the Oregon Agricultural College, Corvalll. will lecture on the home Induatry and the point of Judging hornes nt the Club Hull Saturday night, beglnulug nt 8::U p. in. The lecture will be well UliiHtrntvd with Htereoptlcan picture. It Ib free. It will be of vital lntercat to everyone Intereated In tho homo Induatry nud should warrant a good attendance. A nutulier of rrlnevlllea young people apeut Sunday at Stleu's pillar on Mill creek. The Indies of the party were: Misses Mnble . Smth, iteuiau uyue, luuitan urooK, uotiy Hodges, Kdra WIlllaiUHon, aud Mr. C. C. O'Nell and Mrs. M. I). Haiumcl. The men preaent were: E. L. Ashby, Horace Belknap, Mnx Hofer, Warren Crooka, and Will Morse. A firat- cloaa time la reported aud a uumUer tit Hah Btorlt ure current ua to the success of the angler of the party. (Jrover Young arrived yesterday from The Dulle and will vlalt rela tive here for a time. John Comb left Monday for Port land where be went a a delegate to the K. of P. Grand I-odgc of Oregon. Mia Helen and J. H. Arnold of Chatanooga, Tenn., are visiting the family of F. J.Mvlly. They expect to ipend the summer here. Mr. S. I. Helknnp and Mr. Kva Iwl of Portland, daughter of Mr. 8. P. Ilarne of thl place, are vlaltlng their mother, who la quite sick. C. Sain Smith, S. J. Newsom and M. E. Urlnk left Monday for Inld law. on business connected with wnter rlgl.U for land theae men own lu that part of the county Mr. aud Mrs. It. It. Hlntonand Win. Hliiton, Shmilko sheepmen, piuuw-d through I'rluevllle today for I)ea- t-hutc country on nn outing. They are making the trip In Mr. Hlntou' new Loeomolillecnr, A. Keater hii a breed of hen, a cross between the Lnngshnng and lireminer, that are entitled to tlrst place for nine of egg. Every one la the alze of a sruiill goose egg. When egg are sola by me pounu .nr. Kester will be able to make aoine nioney. At the grand lodge of the Knight of 1'vthln for Oregon, which wne held during the week at I'ortlaud, Frank Meucfee wa grand chancellor aud Judge W. I.. Urndshaw supreme represenntlve. More than 200 dele- gaU were In attendauce. jonn Comb, J. II. Iloaenberg aud II. A. Foster of thl place were among the number. The electlou of grand officer for the coming year wa held Tuesday at which ' time J. It Koaenbery. was chosen grand Inner guard. II. A. Brandon, chief engineer of the Harrlmau railway system, ac companied by 0. W. Uoschke, M. S. Bos, G. T. Forsythe, J. Twony, . Thomson, C. A. Johnson nud C. J. Tuttlo were In l'rlneville Tuesday night. The Brandou party register ed at the hotel a from The Dulle and the Tuttlo party gave their ad dresses as Suit Luke. All said they were on an outing and expected to have an excelleut time fishing in the Deschutes, but alter considerable telephoning they left early Wednes day lu the ruin for Burns. It I sup posed that they will Join J. B. O'Brien and party who are some where In the southern part of the state making a quiet but thorough Inspection of the territory between Prineville aud Burns and as fur south aud west as Silver Lake. Presbyterian Church Service Presbyterian Church service next Sunday a follow: Sunday school at 10 a. tn. Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject "A Notable Congregation." Twilight service 7:30 to 8 :30 Topic, "Three Great Missionary Needs." If you are a stranger In the town n cordial welcome awaits you. If you are a Christian without a church of your faith here, we Invite you to worship with us. 1 If you are a niemlwr of this church your duty I plain. If you are a member of some other church that haa regular services go there. If you are not a Christian,' we will treat you right. Give us a bearing. Our aim 1 to fight evil and ad vance the Kingdom of God. C. C. Bubbldge, pastor. Madagascar by Dr. Fox was enjoy ed by a full house. It was both In teresting and Instructive, and many have expressed a desire to hear more of the subject. Union Church Service. 10 a. m. Bible School Ha. m. Preaching Topic, "Homnn and Divine Forglvennes." 7 p. m. C. E. 8oclety. Leader, Mr. O. Powell. 8 p. m. Preaching Topic, "Foot men and Horses. A cordial Invitation to all. C. P. Bailey, Pastor. All th news in the Journal. $1.50 M. E. Church Services. At the First Methodist church for Sunday the 26, the subject for the morning will be, "Christ Hath Power on Earth to Forgive Sing." The subject for the evening will be, "The Life Folk Live In l'rlneville." In talking on this subject we may open tho back door and let yon see Into Neighbor Jones' kitchen, and while you are looking In there Neigh bor Jones may slip In and peep at your upartments, but If so, It will be doue In a spirit that will do good to all. The talk Inst Sunday night on List your City and Acreage Property WITH THE Henderson Investment Company 40 acres wheat land, 9 milea out; all under high atate of cultivation and fenced. Small houae and barn; good well. $1200, including crop. Homestead relinquishment, 31 milea out, containing 100 acres rich agricultural land, under canal aurvey, $325. 160 acres, 140 tillable, 100 in crop; 12 acres under ditch; good house, barn and outbuildings. Price $6000, including $3000 crop.. HENDERSON INVESTMENT Prineville Hotel Building, Ground Floor Prineville, Oregon. CO. Juat Received. Just received, screen doors, panel iloors, sasli doors, iront aoors, wiu dows, tents, camp stoves, stools, tables, cots, hammocks, paints, etc. etc. A. H. Llppman & Co. 0 -23tt Poiition Wanted. Respectable girl would like to work on a ranch. Address N.. Kelm, 518 N. 2(lth St., Portlund, Ore, 6-l-2t Maker & Grotk Kaivcj SckMl B0kt Cumt SaipIlM Jewelry Wdl Nr D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS hi Umty'i Coin Sutiwtry Cfars One Million Dollars for a Good Stomach ! A Warning to You The newspapers and medical journals have had much to say relative to a famous millionaire s oiler ol a million dollars lor a new stomach. This great multi-millionaire was too busy to worry about the con dition ol his stomach. He allowed his dyspepsia to run Irom bad to worse until in the end it became incureable. His misfortune should serve as a warning to others. Dyspepsia is caused by an abnormal state ol the gastric juices. Some ol the elements to restore the natural working ol the stomach are absent, but Digesto contains what is missing. Every one troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia should secure a box ol Digesto Tablets and take one after each meal and get cured. Digesto Tablets are very pleasant to take. They sooth the irritable weak stomach, strenglhen and invigorate the digestive organs, relieve nausea and indigestion, promote nutrition and bring about a feeling ol comlort Price 50 cents. DIGESTO only .50c a box D. P. Adamson & Co. DRUGGISTS Special S a 1 e o n Onyx Grarateware Wash Basins Sauce Pans Covered Buckets..., Preserving Kettles . Roast Pans 2- qt Coffee Pot 3- qt Coffee Pot . 9-in Pic Plates Large Dipper .. 10c .10c to 50c ....15c to 20c 15c to 65c .1 75c 40c ;. 50c 10c ...I.. 10c These Graniteware Specials will be ready for inspection on Saturday, June 18th, and will remain on sale, as long as a piece remains. This is the Onyx brand of goods. Every piece Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or your money refunded. No 8 Tea Kettle.. No 9 " "... 14-qlDish Pan 17-ql " 21-qt 14-qt Bucket 10-qt " Soap Dishes ! 1-pt Cups , 65c 75c 50c 65c .75c 75c 50c ..10c . 5c Watch our window for these specials. J. Eo Stewart & Co Mail orders receive prompt attention oni &!hi aa asaa &ta &safl ?am? Ps'? ftsnsifl eaarf! ?-es gsffasa SSSfte art? "56 Tfi feTTfefi Tla 9eS P?1 aaMMMnMiMawBMMMa I