0 The Place to Save Money $8 I. MICHEL, Proprietor, Prineville, Oregon Two New Additions to Prineville Prineville is to have two new ad fl Uons ss toon at the surveying and platting can be done. J. W. lloone bought a 160-acre tract of J. . Powell the first of the week, and will plat the west forty which will reach to within two blocks of the water tank oi the P. L. & V. Co., on the heights north of the city, and from there will lay to the east. As soon as the deiuand justifies, more o! this tract will be platted. The land will be supplied with water main?, etc., by the water company as soon as there is a de mand by the purchasers. A. W. Urater is platting his twenty-five acre tract northeast of the city, and has made an advance sale of fourteen lots, lie has ap plications for ten more. This ad dition will be known as ( Water's Addition. The survey is well along and will be completed this week. This land and the tract bought by J. V. loone will be sold by the Henderson Investment Company. Sales will begin as soon as the surveys have been com pleted on both of them. The demand for town property is increasing and people from out side points have been writing and inquiring about vacant lota in Trineville. The supply has been far less than the demand for some time. From 1105 to $150 per lot, ac cording to distance out and loca tion in block. Lots will be 40x112 and will conform to the main part of the town as to streets and alleys. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. Two bays aod one black mare, bay hiree, weight about 800, branded VS on left (title and blur on left shoulder; bay mare same weight, branded "31" on right suue. juiaca muc, 2 year-olJ, branded bi(? bar X on left shoulder. Any one wiving information or taking them and letting me know will be suit ably rewarded. B. B. Cross, 2t . r.ineville Or. Percheron Stallion for Sale. Coming 4 year old graded, weight WOO ; good action, gowi uune. 6-5 A. Y. Waueks, Hay Creek, Oro. 5C 5C.VV JCfftAJ, 5C,C-, yC.r-M'?, TC ,r Tt ,rftl, Ike Winnek Company We are placing on sale this week a complete line ot Manufacturers' Samples of Summer Underwear 5-W 355 v We bought these' goods very cheap and are giving you the benefit of our bargains. i Regular 50c grade undershirts, now 30c the garment 65c " " now 45c i; 75c " " now 50c " 85c " w now 60c " ' $1 " " now ...OS w 65c " 1.25 to 1.5 " now......... $1 and 1.10 1.35 to 4.00 - now 1.15 to 1.95 V m now 70 to 80c each. Kftfl Fine Dress Shirts, regular $1.25 grade, now $1; others $1.25, 1.35, 1. SO, to $5.75 The Winnek Company pi M THE LEADER Wo have Just rvcvtvinl a now lot of American Lady Corsets The World's UlpKvut Kxcliwlv CorsH Factory. We have tliom in all kIiim-. Smiir hip like llluftratUin . lor iiiotlimu aiitl well tlov'lol Kuro: Moillum lllRh Host, lontr hl liaok anil trout. R.'InfontHl at the walut liiif with a yatent ed belt which rentier the corm-t nntuvakabU'. Mm aeiwrlnl heavy prartnntod front clafp. Material 1'auntil White' and Drab; hotw mipportoni front and side. Your Money Worth or Your Money Back That the proponltlou we make to every cus tomer of our otore. and our word la our bond. Ih you know of a safor luventniont or a safer )oce to trade. We have repeatedly xtatett that we do not consider a transaction elomtl until you are satis fied, and we stand ready to make this Rood at any time. We want you to toll us when anythiuK Roe wrong with poods yon buy here. Ho you suppose that we would make such an offer unless we knew diir good were dependable. We also carry A full line of Hem ral Merchandise. Ueniember the place In the Prineville Hotl Building Blooded Stock Will Stay Here Six more English Shire horses from the Haycreek ranch were bought bv local men the first of the week. R. M. Powell bought yearling mares that are as large as many of the mature draft horses in this country, paying $400 each for them. M. R. Biggs bought two young mares also, paying $800 for the span aod a span of six-year-old mares at $1500 for the two. These are of the same stock and general type of the mares bought a few weeks ago by II. E. Rideout, who paid $1500 for two, one of which now has a colt which Mr. Rideout values at $1000. The bor?e Standard, which was purchased by a company of Prine ville men some time ago, comes from the same farm and gives Prineville and the immediate vicinity practically all of the English Shire horses formerly own ed Jy these people. Two of the mares went to Idaho, and one or two to other parties. They are all registered. John Ray Dead. John Ray, who was the victim of an accident in Portland several weeks ago, died from his injuries June 5, aged 76 years and 8 months Mr. Ray was born in Oh o and came to Oregon in the early days, lie crossed the plains with other emigrants and settled in the Wil lammette valley, near Sciol where he lived until Xhe last six years, which were spent in Crook county with his son George. His remains were taken to Scio, where he was laid to rest beside his wife and son. He was a kind and loving husband and father, and leaves many rela tives and friends to mourn his loss. Reward for Horse. $10 reward for brown horse. Large blaze face extending to eye and down over nose. Branded 2E on left shoul der : weight, about 1200. Strayed May 24. Old range Alkali Flat. t)-2U J. O. ILLIAM8. The Place to Save Money Ift New Postoffice Established Roberts' poetoHice, situated at the J. E. Roberts' ranch south of Prineville twenty miles, was sup plied with mail the first time Mon day. Dr. Frank F. Hume has opened a general store at this point and a townsite will be platted in a short time by Mr. Roberts. The townsite will be located on Mr. Roberts land and will be called w Roberts." Two years ago there were lest than a dozen people in that vicinity, while today the lands are all dotted with home steaders. - There is a public school at this place and the establishment of the store and postoQice w.ll be a great benefit to many people. Tbe post office will be suppiled by the new mail route that will supply Barnes and Held. Something Worth While for Nothing Ermine L. Potter, in charge of the department of animal husbandry at Oregon Agricultural College of Corvallis, will be in Prineville on Saturday, June 25, and will give a lecture on horse judging and horses, which will be illustrated with stereoptican slides. The lecture will be free of charge. Mr. Potter is one of the best horse men in the state and will give free something that is worth a lot of money to the people of the com munity. The lecture will begin at 8 o'clock p. m. Estray Notice. Bay 4-year-old gelding with circle H. on left ulioulder. welKhs about 1300 pound, witu forvtnpout. Alao Horn?! Oily, branded 8 on left Hlifle; weiKht about 800 pound. Htrayed from rny rancb on Johnson creek, auppoaed to be on Grizsly Hatte. Buitable reward will be paid for Information leading to their re covery. Addrese Arthur Miukier, fiiiuvllle, Oregon. 63w Horse for Sale. On the old C. Snm Smith rnneh, nenr Prineville. 125 head of mares and geldings, large enough for work hordes, will le sold In any number nt reasonable prices. For further Information address O. H. Huhhelf.. I'rinevllle, Oregon. 0-16-tf JCrjuvj, jc-jB,jw;!lii .J Harriman Officials Coming Here J. T. O'Urien, vice president and general manager of the O. R. it. N. t - R. 11. Miller, traflio Portland last night in a private j car for Condon, and will arrive in Prinoville sometime during the next tew days in automobiles. Mr. O'Brien does not attach much importance to his trip and says that it does 'not mean any thing in the way of railroad build-ing,-but the fact that he is to cover the same route led by the Hill party recently, and the territory that will soon be lapped by both Hill and Ilarrim.in road, leads the people to think that it is an important trip. The trip will lead from Condon to Mayville, thence to Prineville and over the stage road to. Burns. From there the party may cross the state to l.akeview and thence north down the Pe.'chutes and to The Dalles. The Commercial Club will entertain the party dur ing their stay in Prineville. Is Your Name Written There The rt'Klotrntlon hooks are oinn for the registering of voter for the Xovemler election. They wereoin-u. ed on June 7, and to date there has lieen very few voU'rn enrolled. Deputy Sheriff John Comlm wna the first voter to plnee hln name on the roll, with J. II. Hnner second. It Is Important thnt every voter register, and till should register early, for the secretary of state malls literature to all who enroll, explain ing the various lucitHurea thnt ure to be voted upon. AU votera not native born should bring naturalization imiH-rw, na they will be reiiuired by the clerk ut the time of reglKt ration. There were lt'7 voters reiltetvd for the ekvtion In l'J0 but the until her will be much greater this year. Serious Accident at Bend. A dispatch from Bend says: A few days ago, while Eaiil Eriikson and Oliver Johnson were driving into Bend the neck strap, holding the neckyoke of their buggy, brok-. The horses became freightened and started to run. Erickson jumped from the vehicle and suffered injuries from which he cannot recover. lie was taken to tbe Bend" hospital, where ( his wounds were dressed. On the left side of his head is a fracture four inches long, and he has other serious injuries about the head. Erickson is about 47 years of age and has been a hardworking man having acquired considerable property in and around Bend, lie has one brother Ole Erickson, who resides here. Wanted. Three men to saw logs and split plue wood. 1 furnlMh the timlier, but want work contracted. Ad drens P. O. Box 205, Prineville, Ore gon. 1" For Sale. .Second hand furniture will lie sold cheap. Inquire of Mrs. Km tea nt the Milliner Store. (i-ld-St Position Wanted. Itespectable girl would like to work on a ranch. AddreHH N. Kelni. 519 N. 2t)th St., Portland, Ore. 0-16-21 Woman Wanted. flood, cnnulile woman wanted to do wh1i- ln( und other Uoiimi work at leant two linlf (lay tten WWK. "Ouiu rivi- iiiuhiv ifvmnin III part payment. Mm. i. H. Kox, ono Iiouiie eiutt of oiiinwrclul Club. Mower for Sale. cut Clmmtjlon Mower tor mile. i. tt. ArAMON, I'rinevllle, Oregon. 4' --foot A (I1 runs, 6-2U 1 60 Acres Land for Sale. 120 acres rich bottom land; good for (rrain or alfalfa; stream of water running tlroiiK it; ajl umler iroou lence; good burns and corrals: small Iioubc (rood well anil force pump. Price 10 per acre; 10 can be Irrigated. Address lied Vandcr pool, Prineville, Oregon, Patients Received. Persons needing hospital accommo- in firepansa" to care lor patient.', or patients may employ their own nurses. Maternity cases may expect special attention. D25 MBS. P. B. FOINDBXTKR. Wanted. Men capable of earning $r0 per week Hell ing tree for the largest and beat known nursery in the West. Choice territory. Guaranteed Ktock. For particulars, ad- dreus, Oukwon Nurhkby ('.impasy. 5-5-lnio Orenco, Oregon. Pay Up. It then ed to the firm of bively-Jordad-Iiatiiiis Company will please cull on Harry I.anius and Hcttfe. 6-5-tf For Sale. 7-Passeng;er Tourlnjr cur, Stevens Duryea, (Bljr Six) six cylinder, In good condition. Also for sale, 7-Passenger Touring car (Thomas Flyer) In good con dition. Will sell for cash or trade for land. Putts Auto Co,, 6 lti The Dalles, Oregon. An Undeveloped Empire in Extent Mr. DavhUon and Mr Moxlor of the Land tirant Company, gave the Oregoulaii ot Jane II, a very Import.' ant interview that allow plainly . in lifntor for rrlnevllle and Central Orvgun. It lulu part na fol low: "The lnHHvtlon hint lievn a reve lation," itahl Curtis 1- Moidier. "The lands owned by the company nrt an empire In themmdveH, rnpabln of supportlnji hundreds of IhotnuuidN ot people In pronperlty. The com pany owiih Irritable, dry farming, alfalfa, fruit, grating and timber lauds, with the possibility of mineral and oil On many aectlon and other minor resource. CtUaiutiM u B Sm. "The general result of the trip seem to Indicate that the feasible plan ot colouUatlon will be to handlo the Malheur Valley, llwrney Valley, Crooked River Valley and the timber u separate unit, group ing In curb unit the nonttered hold ing which are adjacent and mot eally reached. Hallway devevelop. ment will lie a very Important factor In dividing what definite plan of set tlement will be followed. In the Harney Valley eeelnlly colonlin tlon will follow the railroad and ran hardly lie e..'eetlvely handled n long a proectlve pim lumers tit land are compelled to make tage Journey of l.'s) mile to Inxpect the road grant property, and nre unable to set1 where certain agricultural product, notably cereals, run 1k snccennfull.v marketed without rulnon expeiine lu the way of freighter' bill. Tiaktr HaMiap Eitnuvt. "The timlier holding of the cor poration cover the largent body of standing timber lu America not yet transferred to the hand of mill men, timber companies or large hold lug of Mtandlng timlier. For the pur pone of gaining more accurate knowledge a , to present con dition In the timlier licit, the com mercial value and logging con dition, President OavhUou d In patched Mr. Marvin from Outarla to Portland with Instruction to con ferwlth the local representative of the old road grant company and make a hnxty survey of the timber, reporting at rrlnevllle. ' The great bulk of the ltuck Moun tutu timber, embracing 73,000,000 feet of yellow pine, will find a ready market In the Harney and Crooked Kiver Valley, from both of which It Is readily accessible. Of the Ochoco and Horse Heaven timlier, embrac ing 175,000,000 feet of yellow pine, practically nil I of fine quality, with excellent logging condition. It can lie milled ut Prineville and there I a possibility thnt unless a deal I made for the transfer of this body of tim lier the compauy will saw It for the locnl market. "The timlier on the east slope of the Ciiscude, consisting of 000,000, 000 feet of choice yellow pine, w ill be readily uccessable to the extension of the Oregon Trunk Line and I of a very superior quality, comparing favorably with any standing timber In the Pacific Northwit. Representative orchard and gnr-(k-ii tract were photographed and ecpeclal attention waa devoted to dry farm tracts and their crop. "The whole territory needs lietter farming and needs It badly and Is re plete with absolutely undeveloped possibilities.," said Mr. Mosher. "A thoiiHHUd settlers In any ol the dis tricts wo have seen will completely revolutionise production and estab lish lieyond doubt the possibility ol successfully growing crop which have so far not even beeu experi mented with. Tlie Crooked Kiver Volley, as an example, offers tremen dous possibilities to the man who will test Its fruit production and do It with the rlghtexperlenceaud skill. Mr: Oeer, of Hum, has successfully established a dry farm orchnrd." Contest Notice. ' Department of the Interior. United State band Office The Dalles, Oregon. June 4, HMO. A sufficient contest affidavit haying been filed in this office by. John Klink, con testant, against homestead Entry, No. IMIU7, made March . KHIH. for HK NKW. N E'-i Ki, SccMon 81, NW'4 HW, 8W V, NW'4 rfection 82, Townsnip 1(1 H.. Kange IS K.. Willamette .Meridian, by John K. Stovall, Contestee, ill which it is alleged Unit aaid John K. htovull has wholly aliamloned said tract fur more than nix months last past; that said tract U not set tled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law, tnut there are no im provements of any description thereon; that said alleged absence was not due to bin employment in the army, navy or ma. ri tie corps of the United H tales in time of war. fcaid parties ure hereby notified to op pear, respond, ami oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in., on Julv 20, 1U10, belore Warren isrown, county cierk. at his office in l'rinevillo, Oregon, and that iiual hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on duly '11, 11)10, before the llegidter ami Receiver at the United States Land Office In The Dulles, Oregon. The said contestant haying, in a proper affidavit, tiled June 4, 1!(10, set forth facts which show that ufter due diligence per sonal service of this notice can not lie niadS, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due uud proper publication. fillip 0. W. MOORE, Register. Sawmill for Sale. On Ochoco; eaplelty l"),(m0 day; enillt'Hii mip ply of tlmbercan he lioiiicht At SI pcrM. IIoiikIi liimlier worth ftt'Midullverud on rHllroad right ol way; good local market. Price lor plant Vi,lHl. Addrexi II. K. Jones, Howard, Oregon Motor Gasoline AT LONG BROS. Opposite Poindexter Hotel Peace Hovers . Over Railroads Carrying out the terms of (he conpromiMt agreement signed re cently, all litigation pending I c- tweon the Oregon Trunk Line and the leHiliuUs Itailroad Company has la-en wiped out in tlie l'nited Slates court. Through this pro cedure the controversies us lo rights 'ol way through lh schutes Canyon are adjured, and the two rbads will proceed wilhjho laying of rails on either side of the les chutes rivtr, with the exception of 12 miles opposite the Warm Springs Reservation, where the same line will be used. The same tracks will also be need by both roads from the r.orth side of Crook ed river to Redmond. Three cases were disputed of by the stipulation, one vl tliem being the 12 inilo conllict opposite the reservation, which was argued at Big 3-County Wasco, Sherman and Crook, AT Siaeiko, Of, July 3, 4, 5. 3 Big Happy Days 3 Fine Patriotic Band Music $1000 Cash for Purses Baseball Tournament To participated in by the teams of Wasco, Moro, Shaniko and Prineville, for a valuable purse. Games evry day. Races for Boys and Girls Sack rase, potato race, egg race, wheelbarrow race, board race, three-legged race, fat man's race, greased pole, greased ' pig and other screamingly funny contests. Bucking and Roping Contests Open to all riders in Oregon. Bninr k;K;:y aruJ battle royal. Dancing July 4th and 5th. Most gorgeous display of fireworks. Celebrate in Shaniko, the liveliest town in Oregon. Statement of Resource! ana uandilict of The First National Bank Of Prineville. Orecon At th dote of butinett Mar. 29, 1910 KKHCIIHCKH , UAHIMTIKS Lnnnn and HlKi-oiinU f.W.IV, :a ' CHpllul Htoe.lt I 00,000 00 United Htatcn Bond lajVKi u HurpluM & Undivided! proAU 7l!lftOWi Bunk rremlxea.etc 12,5ft! ('I circulation , ,J00 00 Redemption fund lizl IK) Cab a Hue from bank iKm.Witi :g SW, 1DJ -i B. F. Allan, Prmn " . VU. Pr..ld.n PI387 " '.l:.:j.-:v t ... 1 ; length and had hern under con s (deration by the court. The Sher man County - rlght-of way case, which was transferred ' to the Cnilcd States Court, I also dis pored of, as is the i-luim made by bolli companies on tin east side of the tuny on for BO miles south of the Columbia river. Tim advent of tint dove of peace is onty among the construction camps, for the white bird will lisve nothing lo do with competition for luiMneM in most of Central Oregon, each company teserving the right to conduct ditiinct departments, which w:ll resch out for business as eagerly ns though the fight for track room was at it height. The comptomite affect only the laying of fniU in the two districts, and there, it i under lood, joint til .ll;i I ,. agencies win ne rstanusneu wre goniau. For Sale. Public land scrip, fully guaranteed. Can ' used on any laud ohii to holtn'ted elitrv. No residence re quired. I.. VV. Huhls.il, Hprliiulteld, MlKi-oiin. M'li I m. Celebration Individual Dopoalt f V4,402 27 T. M. Baldwin, CuhUr H. Baldwin, Au'l Chl.r Quality In what the careful buyer in ventigales when purchaning jew elry or watches. We Btand be hind the quality of everytliing we sell we guarantee ft to be of the quality we represent it to be WATCH REPAIRING W. FRANK PETETT Jeweler & Optician Prineville, Oregon '