Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 02, 1910, Image 6

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iummer Underwear
crap Book
He Ducked.
Wheu Stunrt Robson, the actor, was
a young iiiiiii be was ao Incorrigible
nractlcal loker
T' 'P'lJtpaZjiy.yj ue was traveling
in England with
a friend, a small
matt called Bill,
one summer, and
ou the Liverpool
train Bill fell
asleep. While he
slept Robson
stole his ticket
from his pocket.
In a little while
the conductor
was to be seen
"Tickets. Bill!
CAPE. Get out your ticket!" Robson said.
Bill, ufter a frantic search, said, with
nn oath, that his ticket was lost. Itob
Bon then advised him to escape pay
ing by biding under the seat. This
Bill decided to do. and when the
conductor annear-
ed he lay ou his "'-Si
back on the dusty
floor quite invisi
ble. HobEoii surren
dered both tick
ets, whereupon
the conductor
"Here are two
tickets. Where Is
your friend, sir?"
"Under the seat cb a wled awkwabd
there," the actor Lr iOBTii.
answered. "1 don't know why he
wanted to avoid you."
The conductor, surprised, looked un
der the seat, and Bill, with a look of
mingled rage BDd chagrin that changed
to n sickly smile as he caught sight of
Robsons face, crawled awkwardly
fori ii.
What There's Time For.
Lots of time for lots of things.
Though It's said that ttme has wings;
There is always time to find
Mays of belni; sweet and kind.
There is always time to share
Smiles -and goodness everywhere;
Time to send the frowns away.
Time a gentle word to say.
Time for helpfulness and time
To assist the weak to ellmb,
Time to give a little flower,
Time for friendship any hour,
But there is no time to spare
For iinkindness anywhere.
Frank Walcott Hutt
Got Better All the Time.
A party of tourists were doing Bos
ton mid Cambridge. Said one: "So this
is the cemetery where they say James
Russell Lowell as a small boy went
out one Halloweeu night to look for
jrhosts. I wonder which stone he was
hiding behind and if he really did see
ft ghost."
"I can't tell you, ma'am," answered
the guide, "but over here lies a man
who had three wives. On the stone of
the first one he bad inscril)ed, My
Wife;' on the stone of the second, 'My
Dear Wife,' and on (hat of the third,
'My Beloved Wife.' If any ghosts try
walking around here It ought to be
that first wife."
Needed a Bracer.
A Louisville family, whereof a num
ber are young girls, recently entertain
ed a cousin w ho has rarely ventured
Union Suits, $1.25 value, now 75c
$2 light-weight Cooper's, now $1
Light-weight wool underwear 1.00
values, now 65c
$2 values, - - now 95c
Also big reduction on Linen and
Silk Mercerized Underwear at the
same price.
Don't forget to call and see our
nice line of Lawn Dress Patterns
Place for Real Bargains
out 01 lue uXoumaius ol tne Diue tir'ass
State. One evening there was a dance
In honor of the birthday of one of the
young ladies, and it was with consid
erable difficulty that the backward
cousin was induced to come "down
stairs'' and mingie with the gay com
pany there assembled.
About 10 o'clock a certain young
lady, observing that the mountaineer
bad taken no part in the dancing,
said: ;
"Mr. Cummins, aren't you going to
dance with me?"
After an embarrassed pause the vis
itor said. "I will if you'll excuse me
for a few minutes so that 1 can get
about six drinks."
"Heavens!" exclaimed the girl, dum
foonded by this extraordinary condi
tion thus imposed.
"1 beg your pardon," returned the
mountaineer, aghast at the effect be
had produced, "but the truth is that I
never have any confidence in my danc
ing until I've five or six whiskies."
Burn Your Own Smoke.
The first lesson of life is to burn our
own smoke that is, not to inflict on
outsiders our personal sorrows and
petty morbidness, not to keep think
ing of ourselves as exceptional cases.
James Russell Lowell.
Still In the Dark.
As every lawyer knows. Senator
Dim lei is the author of a comprehen
sive treatise on negotiable instruments
which Is generally considered to be
the leading authority on the subject.
A friend one day inquired how It was
that in the midst of his arduous polit
ical duties, which must have demand
ed his constant attention, he found
time to write two such exhaustive vol
umes. "Well," replied the senator, "it hap
pened this way: A young fellow X
knew came to me one day and said,
'Say, Mr. Daniel, does a sight draft
bear interest? And would you be
lieve it ? I couldn't answer that sim
ple question. So 1 determined then
and there to find out all about it. It
took me a long time, but I did it."
"Well, senator," observed the friend
after a short pause, "does a sight draft
bear interest V
There " was a moment's slier ce.
"Hanged If I know!" was the abript
Paint For Shingle Roofi.
The wood surface to be protected
must be well coated twice at short In
tervals with hot coal tar and to this
coating a thin layer of pulverized
screened brick earth applied. After
i few days a perfectly solid mass will
have formed, which will not only pro
tect the wood against any absorption
of moisture, but at the same time ob
viate oil fire risk, as It perfectly re
sists flames, especially if, after a few
days, the coating Is lightly renewed
and so much brick earth applied that
the tar appears quite saturated.
Scientific American.
How Lava Retains Heat.
The lava streams from the eruption
of Vesuvius In ia"8 were so hot twelve
years later (hat steam Issued from
their cracks and crevices. Those that
flowed from Etna In 1787 were found
to be steaming hot just below the
crust as late as 1840. The volcano Jo
ruilo, In Mexico, poured forth iu 1759
lava that eighty-seven years later gave
off columns of steaming vapor. In
1780 it was found that a stick thrust
Into the crevices Instantly ignited, al
though no discomfort was experienced
In walking on the hardest crust.
United States Leads In Fight Against
Id Germany there are ninety-nine
public sanitariums for adult consump
tives with 10.539 beds, besides thirty
six private sanitariums with 2,172
beds. Id eighteen sanitariums fol
children with tuberculosis there are
37 beds, a total of less than 14.000
beds. The United States has provld
ed over 300 sanitariums with over
13,000 beds, showing that this country
is In the lead In the anti tuberculosis
war. France has only twelve sanltatf
urns for adult consumptives, with a
total capacity of 148 beds. All of
these institutions are private except
the sanitarium at Angincourt.
The United States government oper
ates three tuberculosis sanitariums, one
for soldiers and officers of the regular
army at Fort Bayard, N. SI., one for
seamen In the merchant marine and
others employed in coast service of the
government, not In the navy, located
at Fort Stanton, N. M.. and one for of
ficers and enlisted men lu the navy at
Las Animas. Colo. The first hospital
is conducted by the department of
war, the second by the United States
public health and marine hospital serv
Ice and the latter by the navy depart
Dressmaking by Electricity,
A dressmaking establishment In Bos
ton almost entirely operated by elec
tricity has an electric cutter capable
of tutting out 250 thicknesses of cloth
at once, a button sewing machine
which pnfs on 3.000 buttons a day. a
buttonhole machine making 400 per
hour, sleeve sewers, tucking machines
nr.d waist and skirt machines making
1.S00 to 3.."",fi0 st itches a minute.
Help Boost.
Continued from first page.
plete charge of all the clerical work
of (he club.
The club is erranging to open a
free information bureau on Main
gtftet where strangers will be wel
come, and information concerning
the county" will be given to all
visitors. All strangers will be sup
plied with euch information as
they desire without cost. The mat
ter of punting an attractive
blogan and "boost" information on
all business men's stationery will
be acted on at an early meeting of
the directors!.
A campaign has been inaugur
ated that is expected to double the
membership of the club in the net
thirty days. New members are
coming in rapidly. The board
needs the support of a good big
memberehip, and the community
needs a good strong club. These
facts seem to be in the minds of
the ppople and no opjositionis
met with in securing new mem
bers. The fees for membership are
$5 initiation fee and dues of $1 per
month. If you don't belong fo the
club join now. ,
Progress Made In Recent Years Old
Time Objection to Light.
Btwtoti Ik tcciitVicd a the lient Illu
minated city In Hie I lilted Slate, says
the t'hleago Tribune. Not iSH) years ago
Broadway after nightfall was almost
plteh duk Htid Infested with rogues
and Ih'ovc. It was not mf. to travel
It by illicit v H lent armed guard and
hoys carrying torches. Now it Is cele
brated as the t treat While Way. 1-ess
limn a hiii'dtvd years ago, as modern
Illuminating engineer such as I. C.
Slut for niliriu. street lighting was op
posed by the tie! men of lite day on
theological grounds as living a pre
sumptuous thwarting of the Intentions
of I'rorldciHv, who hud appointed
darkness for the hour of night. It
was opHwed ou medical grounds, as
gas and oil were declared Ud and un
wholesome. And thoy argued that It
was a bad tliltur to encourage people
to stay out of door nights nml catch
colds, pneumonia and fevers.
On usual philosophic grounds It was
held that the people's moral standards
would be lowered by street lighting, as
the drunkard would feel there was tio
hurry to get homo and late sweet
hearts would lo encouraged, whereas
black night sent jH'ople home early,
thus preserving them from a multitude
of sins. They also arguetl that lights
won 1. 1 make thieves alert and that na
tional Illuminations would lose their
effect If the streets were lighted every
Seventy-five years ago streets were
lighted by gas and oil. Twouty-flve
years ago the electric lights were In
troduced. Now there Is scarcely a
hamlet so small but It has lighted
streets. The men who know most
about Ihe subject declare that the day
of artlllrlal light Is only dawning. Tho
artificial Illumination of the new Union
sta!ion at Washington Ii perhaps Ihe
finest example of the Illuminating en
gineer's work In the country. The Illu
mination of the Interior to all appear
ance does not change at nil In the
transition from night to day.
Device Facilitates the Excavation of
Frozen Ground.
A machine for excavating frozen
earth was Introduced In Winnipeg.
Canada, last winter and proved a great
success In sewer trenching aud foun
dation work. 1 1 that city the frost
peuetratos to a depth of from five to
six and a half feet, and previous to
the Introduction of the machine all
earth excavation during the whiter
mouths had to lie done by band pick
ing or by blasting.
In principle the machine Is similar
to a pile driver or to the rock breaking
machines used iu submarine excava
tion. A frame mounted on a platform
carries a set of leads for a hammer or
ram attached to the head of a chisel
bar. This hammer Is raised about fif
teen feet and released, the force of the
blow causing the chisel to penetrate
the frozen earth and break It away iu
large blocks. Attached to the platform
is a derrick boom for removing the
large blocks broken away.
With such a machine earth excava
tion iu winter, a troublesome task In
noUheru cities, may prove less expen
sive than the same excavation work In
summer, because no shoring or timber
ing of the sides of the trench Is re
quired. This menus a large saving in
both material and labor. Popular Me
chanics. Progress of the Steam Turbine.
On -beginning ids steam turbine ex
periments In 1884 the Hon. C. A. Tar-
Rntia fmilifl Hint tho Alto ffrritta nf scit-
. . ....
ter lu steam traveling 3,800 feet per a
second cut Ihe hardest steel, wearing
a hard file one thirty-second of an inch
In J45 hours, but In the present com
pound turbines tlio dilllculty has been
overcome, so that even brass and cop
per blades can lie used. Steam con
sumption has been greatly reduced.
The Turbltiia- in 1807 used sixteen
pounds per shaft horsepower, but In
1907 the I.usitanla and Mauretanla
used only twelve aud eleven nnd a half
pounds respectively.
Iron Slag Block Paving.
One of tho most severely used por
tions of a city street is the row ct
headers which line the inside edge of
car rails, fur they at'o continually ex-
jioscd to a particularly severe grinding
effect from the wheels of drays and
other heavy horse drawn ,'trnflle. A
test of Iron slag block paving Is being
made In New York city, where a line
of fnich blocks has been laid along the
Inside of tho rnlls"0f' streets paved
with asphalt blocks. They "are re-,
ported as showing excellent wearing
Melted Wood a Useful Substance.
"Melted wood," first produced sev
enteen or eighteen years ago, wag for-'
gotten after having been recorded as
a wlcotlfic curiosity. Francis Marre
reports that further experiments have
been lately made In France and that
after the volatile substances have been
distilled from wood chips the fibrous
skeleton and the mineral salts are heat
ed in a boiler to 1,500 degrees V. for
two hours In an nttuospbvre of some
what compressed nitrogen. The ex
clusion of oxygen prevents combustion.
J he mass thus obtained Is hnrd and
homogeneous, but the melting can be
performed without drawing off the dis
tillation products, and then the fosed
wood becomes a hnrd amorphous solid.
with a fine grain and taking a lino
polish. The new material, which can
be cast and molded and made lnde-
stiuctlble by preservatives, seems to bo
adapted to tunny uses.
Contest Notice).
iHpartuirht of the 1 nterior.
t'nlled Hlalea I Jin. I Office
The Dulles, Oregon, April St. IIIIU.
A some tent conlet attidavit having horn
lil i-d lii thl utile by Curio. Ktiltou, con
testant, against homestead Knlrv, No.
I.Yiv.', made January . Wet, for K SV V
NWU KK,KKt SV, section "it. Tow n
ship lii, South, Kslip- 17 Kiwi. Willamette
M.ridmn, by William II. Uoice, Coiiieslee,
in which It ! aliened that said William II.
Hole linn deserted and abandoned said
In mi for more than six month last past;
thut ho haa cold but Improvements thereon
which consisted of a house and teller
w liieh have been removed; that he haa left
the vicinity of said laud anil hla rrenl
a.ldrvsa ia unknown to cunteatant: Unit
aid abandonment wan not due to hia ent
ploy men t In the armv, navy or marine
roipa of the lulled State in time ofwur
Sold purlieu are hershy iinlihed to ap
pear, rwpond, and oiler evidence touch to
eiul alienation at 10 o'clock a. ni.,on June
s, l!H0, before Warren Drum-it, County
(Irrk. at hia olliee In 1'riiirvilla, Oregon,
and that tlnal hraring will be held at
10 o'clock a. in, on .luna !.". l!H0, before
the Krgiatrr ami Receiver at (lie t utted
Statr l.aiiil Olttce ill The Dulles, Orvin.
the aaitl rommtant having, in a proper
amdavtt, tiled April IX. l'.itO, act forth f H
which chow that alter duo dilixeeee prr
aonal service of this mules ran not Iw
made, it is hereby ordered and directed
that such notice be given by due ami
proper publication.
W f. W. MOOUK, lira-inter.
Notice of Sale of State Land.
Notice' ia hereby ijiveii that the Stale
ltiid Hoard will receive araltil until
U:0O o'clock a. in., Aoguat I. It'll), for the
fultomring ilencriiasl school lamia, tu-wit:
t ol Section :n, T. IS S. U. it K.
8 W ofhectioii Hi, T. -JO S. K. U K.
A II of Section Si. T. Si 8. K. IS K.
W4 ol Section mi T. il 8. It. It B.
All of Section it! and all of Section Si, T.
ii S. It. IS K.
All of section It! and all of Section SB, T.
23 S. it. 14 K.
All bids he Accompanied by a regu
larly executed application to purchase and
it leant one-lift U uf Ihe amount urn-rod.
No bid for leas than tli.u) per acre mill
be eunaiiterrd.
Tho right is nweryed to reject any and
all bids.
Applications and bids should he address
ed o U. ;. brown, Clerk Stale l-and
Hoard, Salem. Orruon, and markrd, "Ap
plication and bid to purchase sluts land."
ti. ii. Daowi,
t'lerk State Laud Hoard.
Dated April 2, 1UI0. . 4-W
Notice of Sale of State Lands.
Notice ! hereby given that the Ptatr
band Hoard will receive sealed bids until
It :U0 o'clock a. m., Augut i. HU0, for the
following drsrnbrd school land, to-wit:
N of Section i. T. 15 8. H. 1 K.
Nk)4 and 8) of Section 10, T.a 8. K.
12 K.
All bids must be accompanied by a regu
larly executed application to purchase and
at leat one-tiftli of tho amount olleml.
No bid for lets than $7.30 per aero mill be
lie right la reserved to reject any and
all bids.
Applications nnd bids should be address
ed to ti. ii. llrown, t'lerk Stale Land
Hoard, Sail-in, Oregon, and markvu, "Ap
plication ai d bid to purrhae state lands."
(i. Ii. Known,
Clerk State Uiud Hoard.
Dated April 22, I'.HO. 2k-t
Notice for l'uhlicatlon.
Department of the Interior.
I. 8. Land OtHcc at The Dalles, Oregon.
May I Hi, lull).
Notice U hereby given that
llenrv W. Pickett.
nf Harnes, Oregon, who, on June 19th,
IlKVi, made Desert Land Kntrv, (Serial No.
0271.) No. WIS. for SK!HV),', WJ 8Ky,
Are. 13 and N Vi'4 N V.;. Sec. 2t. township
til Sooth, Kango 22 r.a-t. Willainetle
Meridian, has hied notice of Intention to
make final proof, to establish cluini to the
isinl above Uecnhet, U-fore Warren
Brown, county clerk at his ullli-e, st I'rine
ville. O.-rKou. on the 21st day of June.
Claimant names sa witneses: James
liilchrist, Lewis W. Dennett, We-ley
Mrret, llruce illloiirr all ol Harnrs. Ore
g.m. C. W. MOO UK,
0-lHp Hegister.
Farmers and Stockmen
prices on Rope, Hay Forks, Jackson Forks,
Pulleys of all kinds, Machine Oil and Wire
Cable. Our stock along this line is complete,
and if you will give us a call we will prove
it to you that our price is right.
, Q We are also agents for the celebrated line
of Deering Harvesting Machinery, which
includes Mowers, Rakes, Reapers, Binders
and Headers.
Don't place
1 iiavalO L
Kotke (or Publication.
IHi-srtiiu-iil nl the Interior
V, 8, I suit mine at I ho lslli-, iretmi.
May '.', 1 1' ID.
Notice is hereto given l list
In I,, kiio,
nt Pout (In-timi. w tu, oil MavVJIh, Isul, lun-li
lliilliealcail, (Scroti No. (0"l.l No,'l I.
Hun a. tiinIOi II muni, ranee la
W illametlii Meriillntl. Iisa Itli-il ii..Im,-.iI
IhK'IKIoh in uialoi II hi I llv .'r eronf, i.i
l-stslilmlt elslui to the taint slrnvs iliwcrli'il,
b-fore W arrcii Hmw it, i niiiity cli rk wt h is of.
Si-e. si friiievllle, tin ami. nil llii-Mli 0n ol
Jul; , l"lli.
t'tatmaitl tisiio's a wltiit-!r KIaIii K.
l.ttllnwater. Junus II Knll. r-rsiik A. Ilusbus,
Msrv l fook.alt el l'nl. I ir.-smi.
SJi C W. MllOKK,
Aaauaisraler'l Sale af Rtsl Preperty.
Notice la hereliy given, that In pursu
ance of an order of Ihv Coutitv Cmnt oftlie
tiiti of on (ton for Crook l'i unty, in ule on
Ills Slli diiy ol Mav, t'in, 111 the nmtlnrof
the estate oflloliMi t llnwr, tli-censrd, the
iinilerslt;iinl, t lie ailutlni-trator of siiiil
cute. r 1 1 1 sell at lirtviite sule to the highest
bidder for c.iili In biiml, anliject to con
tlnintlou by the said County Court, on and
after the 2nd ilnv ol July, l!H at the law
otllceof T, K. J. Duffy in rnnevil.e, Ore.
ton, or the law olllce of Knink Menclee in
l'lie Dalles, Oivgon, all (lis riKbt. title ami
Intere t and c ttite of tliu said llulwrt
Home, i!ecaKi-i, at tlie time ol his death,
ami interest the saiile tnte may havvec
iiuired oilier tliiiu or ill aildillnii to Hint ol
the said llobart Howe lit the time ol bis
death, 111 all llint oerlain real proK-rtv sit
imte In the county ol'l rook, stute ol'tire
KOil.and as follows, to-wltt
The northeast iinarter of section seven
teen (17) tti township twelve tlJ) south, of
ranxii ten (llll east . M.
That aiiii land will be sold ma whole for
ca-h tn band.
Dated Mav 20, l'il,
Administrator of the estate ol llobart
Howe, deceased.
Krank Menefee, attorney for estate, The
Dalles, Oregon.
Notice ol filial Settlement.
Notleti Is hereby clvrn bv Hie uniterslunett,
the atlitilntslrnlor or Itie estate of a. P tnw
son, fttH-eaM-i, that lie tins liunle slot fttt-il
Willi the clerk of lilt- county court, til. Glial
arCiiuntliia- of til aitinliiMrntlon of sulii
etMle: Hint ttiat Hie eonnl v t-oilrt lias st-l
Monday, Ilia Mb iluv ol .tune, lulu at 0
o'elork In the tim-msui al (lie county conri
riHim In I'rltiex llle, ire-ttii, its tlie ttiaeiiiid
tlue Sir In-atlng allil si-llllus snlit ttllnl ui--tsiiiiiilna.
Al which tlineahil iImis-,ioiv t-r-son
interested In suht eitste may spK-ar ami
otiltvl to sitld nusl acfsoilitliif .
Dated Oil. illi day ul May. lull).
J. S. McMrstr.
Administrator of Ihe mtutti of a. 1. I'iiw
son, Uecettm-U. 6
Prinevilie Steam Laundry.
Have your clothes washed at the rlnevllle
Hleam Ijiiindry. His-clal itlli-nl ion irlteu to
travelers, l-auodrv Is loi-aled tn ! Mci'uitts
ter htutdluSi newr Ihe Im-Iiihhi.
141 JAMI-.S KIXI, t'rop'r.
C.ODtVHt NotliC.
Department of the IntctW,
V . 3, Land Other, The Dalles, Ortgun,
Mv 10. lii'O.
A suttieWnt contest n Iliil.t v it liavitg
Iw-en ttle.1 in this nlllce by Wade II. Ilu
ton, ronte'tant, r griint liomestead eulrv.
So. I2I'7, niaile Kehrnnrv i'N. Ilskt. for
NKV Htt'l,', N I, S K14. SKi; SK'.j Section
U. Township hi S. K. ihHO la K. iM.iiin IU
Meridian, by Williniu lln-twick, coit-ti-
tee, iu which It t alli-k'nl snll
William lloslwick has wholly nhuniloixnl
said tract for more than si inoutbs last
past; that aaid tract ii not sell led ujHin
and cultivated by rnid party as required
bylaw; that theio are 10 improvt iiicnis
whatever thereon; that saiil tilli-gcd tt -m
lice was not ilue to hi- emi loymciit in
the army, navy or marine corps of the
I'lliled States lii time ol wur. said partitt.i
are b-rrhy liotilled to apa-ar, retpoml,
and offer rvhleiice tonchiiiK s lid alii sriitiolt
at to u'ciiH-k a. 111. ou July I, IIIIU, U-fore
Warren Drown, County Clerk, at his olliee
in I'rlnefiile, Oregon, land Unit luuil hear
ing will Ix- held lit In o'uliK-k a. in. oil July
. l'JIU, before) the It.clMer ami Itcteivcr
at the t'nited Stla Lund Olticu in 1 lie
Dalies, Oregon,
't he said contestant having, In a proper
allidavlt, tiled May Ht, HMO. set forth hu t
which show that after due diligence M-r-no
an I service of this notice tun not lie
made. It is hereby ordered and directed
that such notice be given due and proper
-2p C. V. M 00 U E, Register.
and harvesting time is at hand.
buying for this season get our
your orders without
our prices.
ordair& Go
Notice for Publication.
tVartiin nl nt Ihe Interior,
C, K. I ami tltn.s' at The Ihilh., (irranii.
May 3rd, I11I0.
Noller Is berehv lvcn thai
ls.nli'1 W. klliu,
of INtst, Oreami, wins on Isssiolier Till, IWM,
niaile llumesli-iol, iNcrhil No. IMIIJ.I No limn,
forH'juK',, hiiiI K H ',, Heel Ion l.'lnl.
ilt I? H.iolh, Hsliue Is t-ji.e Muiiouelia
lcl'lilhot, hits llleil Itollist ut luleittlolt In
mike limit Hvi-tsur 11n1.1l. to eatithllsh i liillll
I'ttlu htint aiMivct th-serlis'd, Is-rorti Vlsm'n
Hiown. County Cleik, at his oitiist ati'iiin-HII-,, on Hie lllli day or June, I Ml".
I'liiltiuiu! iiaun-s as witness; Monroe , tt, Katrehlld. titastr t'mln, or
PonI, Ito-aolt, KdllillMil it. Critlitree, of I'ltiie-VIII.-.
Hi. ami. C, -, M-11 Ut K,
all ltr later
Nut leg of Final .Settlement.
Notice ts hrrt.hv slven, by lite undi-rslnned,
Ihe s.liiillil.lrul.'r nl (lise.isle M H K. Hst Inn,
deceased, that tie has made and Slvd alili the
ch-rs nl thn cuultty riiurt ttls Snsl act-uiitittus
n( his ailiittiilsirnlliiii ot sstd esiale and tlott
His eoiiutv etiurt hits 1-1 Monday, ttivSthilsy
nl June. 1 Mil. al III tt't luck III Ihe lnri'lliMUl, st
Hie eoutii.t ti.iiil ru-tiii lit t'rl n-v Ills, tin-sun,
as the titti - -i'l I'lsie lur hesrina and stllluir
sstd flnsl a--t.iiiiittiif. At which lltat siul
ilsi-e atiy i ' r-ut lnii-re:-d In sahl esisis may
a).iar and uliHt ui Mint anal aet-ouulliif.
Iiated II0....U ttsjr ul Mar, IVitl.
v.. T. auvrtis, jlnr nl the estate of rt, K. Sis) tun,
.. ... . - . -.
Adumiisttutor's Ntdice.
I a the Omuiy t'liurt (nr Ihe cimnly f Crmik,
Isle ol 1 111 ami ill Ills mailer ul the ealali- 11 1
killliiin'l Ii. Uiw. ili'.-s.v.l, Nollev Is tu n liv
(iveu 1 luil Hie tiitdi'r-laiiwt, Adeitiert Klclit,
11 nil Ihe tlih day l Vlsy, I'll", duly aiil-nlnl
ed to Ihe Coutll)' i'mirt ul the slsle ul tir.'Hotl
lur rook ii.uiiit. s s.luilnl.irsliir ul the
r .lstt' ul I'.lnililtil II. Iliiw. dtcessed, and tlss
dull iiial!iliu. and Mist h-tters ol S'liniiiliira.
lluit wi-re duly Issii.-tl tu hltn hy said rnurl.
Ail .-rutts hsvlua elsltiis aaainsl said eslste
art- In ri l.y tinllllnl In .neul Ihe ssuu..iluly
yer rtid with pruerr vmiiliers sllaclied, s.-.
i-uriHuK to Iss, wlllilll sis lioilillts fniiti Ihe
d-ti-nllhe rl rsl iitlilli'stlun ot this llultre lit
Hie uiiiler-Urtril st His ttftu-r oil. J. Itewllt,
n Wells Kio liuihlliig, INirilattii, nr-smi,
Anci.sssr r'lsi u.
A.linliilsirstor of Hie estate ot M1111111.I II,
IVuv. d.-ccaseil.
T i H--SUI attorney fur adnilitl.trator,
I sle ol tlr-t inihlh sllntt, June i, Isio,
1'ate ol las! .iihllestlin, July 1, lulu.
.Ntitlea for rubiltatlon.
iH'partnteut of the Interior,
I'.S. I .and Olliee at the Dulles, Oicgon,
Atnl - lit. PU0.
Niil-ee is berehy given that
Mtrginl 1 1 11 v r 1 . loruterly Margaret 1',
Collins, ot I'rini-vllle, ttregon, w hit, nn
Jane 'llih, I'M, mmle Homestead, (.-serial
No. Otjy.1.) No. mill, frK, WW',, ami
Wi, SK1,, sect inn III, l.iwnshlp IS sou lb,
nilijjc III K, lllametle .Mrridinli. has llleil
notice i f iiiteutiou to make final tive-year
proof, to e-Cihlih rlalni to the lain! ahovo
urscrilie.l. Is-fore Warren llrown, eotiuty
clerk at Ids olliee, at iTIiicy Hie, On-((iili,
on Ihe llih day of J una luto.
CI - It u 11 ut iinmra as witnesses: KditiUhd
A. 1'iirkir, KI11111 C, ijuxhl, I'lea-aiit Ii,
Mliliorn, Lilly Wlls.11. all of I'rioevllle,
Oii-tiun. c, W. MonltK.
4 In Itecl ter.
Content Notice.
Ir. irtnii'iil of the Interior,
I nlie-l States Land Otttre
Ti e Dal'rs, lr .1111, May JH, pi0,
A u'llcirnt eonteat allidavlt IuivIiik Is-en
tiled in this olll.e liy Ada K. Morse, eon-O'-t
int. airalu-t homestead Kntrv, No.
14171. liunle M.iy 22, IIOV lurSWSi, Se.'tlon
2. Towiirbip 15 rkt.itlt, liaii(e It Ka t,
WiHiinielte Mi-riitlnli. by
John M. Stewart, tliseasetl, Contealee.
In which it is allrK-e-1 Ihul snld John M.
Stewart died amuil March U Inns;
that since bis drnth, his heirs, Alice H.
Ji.lin-.nn, John M Mewnrt. Mury H.
Ainlerson, Wiiiiitiu W.stewaitand ftiilh
HI. mill have faiinl In rrslile llioll cnltiy.ile
or inijirove the lenil In any Wuv; that snld
aliun J0111111 nt wua n.-t due to rluiuy ilirnt
In the army, navy oriuniine corps uf the
t' luted Slitle i in time of mar.
Said parlien ure hereby notified to a p.
pear, r.-p 111.I, ami nlh-r evideure toucliiiiK
-aid allc( nt 10 o clock a. ni. nn July
s, iniu, la-fore Warren Drown, Coiimy
Cle'k at bis ottles ill I'rlnrvlCr On-itoti.
1111. 1 Hint filial hvarinK will lut held at IU
o'clock a. 111. nn July l'i, tUi), before the
Ki-istcr anil llc-el viral the Lulled Slatea
IjiiiiI Olliee In The Dallea, On-Kon.
The said contestant bavin;. In a proper
atllilavit. tiled .May It), ltllo ret forth
facts which show that after due illllneiu-e
pun-oiuil service of thi notice can not lie
made, it ia berehy ordered ami directed
that audi notice 1st ivril by due and
proper publication.
n-2np f. W. MOOUE. Kegister.
first receiving