At Jin We Cany the Most Complete Lines in Central Oregon Fully Equipped Tin Shop and Plumbing Department in Connection Our Motto: "SATISFIED CUSTOMERS'' . We Make Good Hardware Stoves and Cooking Utensils Groceries Doors and Windows Paints and Oib biilm-U ft j,Tl J? Ivy A Yom -Will Find. The W. F. King '.Company, Prmeviie, Giregoini LOCAL MENTION C. M." Triplet t t.f lU'iiil wtw In rrtut'vltlw Knt unlay. I', In Aaliliy Ima returned from n trip to Kim Kriuielaco. Jmltr W, A. Hell cnmo up from The Piillea the Inat ft the week. eJ.F. WleuniMl tit I.uinonUt brought tour loitiU (it whent to tht Iik-hI tn II Im Siitunlny. Linn Mint tuck ami family lmve (tone to Portland where they will rewlile 111 thu future, , lluaton A I'atea rt' Mlii'iirlntf 2100 liciul Mini report nn ftvcriitre of about ten puiimla to tliy lliw, Mny lt.,Kirtot PtMftll him Accept. (! the jxwllloii n Htouottiiritiilicr at the W. J Klntf t'o.'s store. MU llitrrlmuii, a tulenUil yountr writer with Tim rortltttiil Telegram, wiiit vlxltlntf rrluvvlllo Inat l'rlilay nuil Kntunlny. George. Wiley bought tour rota In Jnhuaou'a hii1ii1Iv1hI.hi the hint tit the work. Thle Ifiivtn but one lot uu mild In this aililltlon- Frank Harbour, the plinrmrlat at Wlmii'k'K, left bmt wwk tor a vlalt to bin home at Portland. He will 1 Obwiit a couple ut week. h. . Lnrtolli'tto will la-gln the linrveatlng ot liU (lrnt crop at alfalfa on Monday, Juno A. lie expects to Bet :im tons of hay from MO nrrca at the firat cutting. J. ti. t'lnrk and wife of Ash wood were hi town Mouday. Mr. Clark report sheep ehenrlug over In hi wet Ion and that haying lins com menced. Crop of all Undo, he ay, are good. Sheep aheurlug In well "under way In thlH part ot the county and a good long ttaple of excellent quality In the report from nheopineu. Good weather for feeding sheep and lots of tnolaturv In the spring inontlm kept the sheep In the lieat noasUile. condition for producing a lime. Fraud llngue of KomIuui! wan )n the city Monday. Mr. Uoguo nay that then In connlderable activity In IiIm vicinity. The railway people are preparing their right-of-way plana and are making nady for coimtruc tlon work, Construction work Is' under way on the -Walker bimln' Irrigation project, and Iniidtievkcrs are iminr and on the move. I Do You Wanta Car Of course you do. Then buy a 0 Buick You will not' be disappointed. J. A. MOORE, agent for Red mond, Madras and Prineville. Will demonstrste the car any time. 6-19 C. A. Gravea of I'owcll Itutte was a buNlneM vial tor Katurduy. Karl lloiiHton of I lend wit a doing biialncaa at Hudson's garage Satur day. ( hail. DiTrbln of Antelope wan up the flmt ot the week la Ilia little llulck car, K. H. l.nughlln, the Paulina stork man, wu a uuatnea vial tor the lout of the week. Urcu Walte of Lamonta was attending to IiuhIihkh matters here the flmt of the week. In a recent article w quoted the price of Mtaodard flour an being $ 6 while we are Informed It should be Id. 2a. Walter 8. Hyde left the Iniit of the week for Madras where he hna accept ed a poMltloit tn Worn'n Hmlth's barber whop. 0. A. Kiddle, formerly ot the Jour nal taff, wan up trout Madrsn Satur day and completed the sale of LU realdenee , property here to K. K. Kvaua. Adab Klllot t bus bought the bonne and lot of 8. J. Newaoin on the north tide of Ochoco, JiiHt north of llodaou's garage. ThecoiMlderatlon In to be tsoo. Chan. I'owcll of Moro and Mr. and Mm. C. M. Zell of the Dalle came up the lnt of the week In Mr. Fowcll'i new JackMou "40," and In vlaltlng relatives here. J. W. Uoone returned from Kent, Hherinan county, In hi Mitchell car the but of the week with bin nUter In law Mm. J, J. Hhafer, and little dauijhtvr. , ...... .; , :. fJ Shearing In In progrena at the J. N. WIlllaniMou ehearlng plant on Home heaven enrk. Mr. Wllllameon baa over IKXK) head of eheep that will tie n-Ueved of their fleece during the next tew day. OUh Arnold, a timber dealer ot Port laud, baa here the punt few day looking up matter In hi Hue. He ay that the timber market lu alow at prettcnt but he expect aome activity la the Matole Ik-U In a tew week a. (Wrgo li. Ituy of I'oat returned from Portland where he wo called to attend the bedHlde of hi father who wna acverolly hurt lu nn accident. Mr. Hay euys that hi father I In a critical condition. Mr. Hay did uot return with her huaband but remalued with the Injured man tn Portlaud. Crook county will have a repreaen tatlve exhibit of products of the aoll lu the permanent exhibit ot the Portland chamber of commerce which la now being luatalled on the ground floor of the Portland Com mercial club building. M. Moaeeaohn analatant eecretnry of the Portlaud chamber of commerce, returned from Central Oregan where he went In the lutereat of the permanent exhibit He apeak enthiiHlaatlenlly of the great activity on every hand In the dlatiicta that will be tapped by the new railroads. Portland Journal. LOCAL MENTION I). 0, Itoger of Mad ran won a bUMlucmi vlaltor Monday. C. I. Wlnuek I building an addi tion onto lit borne oppoalte the court houae. - Mia F.dyth Hideout baa accepted a poaltloo with the Crook County Abatract Company, Percy Smith la painting C. W. J Foater'a realdence on the ranch aouth of the lair ground. j F. II. May of the engineering staff of the I). I. & P. Co. was in the city j the flret ot the week. ' Don Rockfellow and D. F. Stiff a of Bend were tranaactlng land buai oce at the court houae Saturday. Walter O'Xell aud family moved to Shanlko the laat ot the week, where they will apend the summer. The Foater eatate aold the corner lot oppoaltn P. II. Howard's real dence toJ. II. Haner, Monday, the consideration la said to be f 1000. A. Relnke ot Portland boa accepted a poaltlon with J. W. Ilortgan at the City Market. Mr. Reluke boa moved hie family here and will realde In the Dobbs realdence north ot the Ochoco. He la a brother In-law of Mr. Horlgan. Win. McMiH'kln la Inatulllng a new aawmlll on Willow creek, and baa contracted a large quanlty of lumber to A. II. Llppman & Co. of this city. The mill ha a large forty-five borae power boiler and I modern lu every particular. Dr. Hyde waa called to IMveralde ranch the firat ot the week to attend Mrs. Oscar Cruln who ha a severe case of spotted fever. TbecaseUnot furcuougb developed, as yet, to deter mined how serious It will be, but thla dlaenae la dangerous enough In Its mild forma. The Pioneer Cream Company turned out 50 gallons of Ice cream one day last week. The dally out put of the plant la about HO galloua. A ten-gallon power freexer has been Installed and a power Ice cruaher Is being put Into place for the summer run. Barney's new sawmill, situated on Mill creek, began operations Mon day morning with a full crew of men. The plant haa a nilulmum capacity ot 10,000 feet and a maxi mum output of 15,000 feet, the total of which will peruana lie used by Shlpp A Perry of this place. Mall contracts have been let by the postofllce department tor the coming four years, over Ave of the lines running out of rrlnevllle. Q. M. Cornett secured the contract on me i'riueviiie-nnnuo road at a price little leas than 110,000 per annum Prluevllle-Sllver Lake and Prlnevllle- Burns contracts were also awarded to Mr. Cornett, wiilleJohnlinnaaker got the Prluevllle-SlHtcra line, the contract price lielhg 2t00. S. H. Cooper was awarded the'eontract on the Prlnevllle-Howard line. . A. T. Morris came over from Lebanon laat week on a vtalt to re latives In Prineville. ! It. C. Hartley and wile of Humpter. Oregon, a brother-in-law of Edgar Stewart, arrived In Prineville Tues day for a short vlnlt. Mlaaes Lora and Nora Stenrns and r'dua and Leola Kate left today for Portland and Willamette Valley point. They will see the Iloae Car nival liefore returning. Ship & Perry are to build a bunga low for James Wright. The new bungalow will be built on lotaeaat of the high school bulldinga. It will be 24x3(1 feet and will coat about $2000, although the exact price Is not given out. The Powell Butte cemetery was dedicated Kuuday with appropriate exerclaes which were conducted by Rev. W. 8. Cooke. A large crowd gathered for the servlcea, and the Ave graves, which the little enclosure contains, were fittingly decorated. The little cemetery la situated ou the farm ot Win. Pancake, contains one acre of ground which baa been cleared and fenced. Charles Wolfer discovered a strong flow of water at thirteen feet on bla ranch near Powell Butte a short time ago. Mr. Wolfer and bis neigh bors have been hauling water for years, a distance of several mllor, and the diacovery of water In abund ance so near the surface Is a great convlence to them. His place is near the Sbepberd schoolhouoe. George Hodman and Walte Broa, both of Lornonta, bave each bought a -eruall-alxed com blued harvester and will bave them In operation thla tall when grain Is ready to harvest. The machine bave a capacity of 25 acres a day each and are operated by three men and draws by four teen horses. Walte Bros, will cut 700 acres ot wheat on C. F. Smiths farm and George Rodman will harvest bis own grain and that of 8omcof bis neighbors. - MUSIC? There'll be plenty of good music . at the M. E. Church Choir MUSICALE FRIDAY, EVE, JUNE 3rd at the M. E. Church Admission Adults 25, children 15 Be sure and take this in. All old eongsj both sacred and secular, such as " Dixie Laud," "Diadem," Tenting Tonight," and " Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep." Ice cream will be served after the program tomorrow evening by the Young Ladies Class of the Sunday School. . inpAi tfrirrmv 1AWU Several toads of wool belonging to Ralph Porflly panned through the city the firat of the week for Shanlko. Claude E. Smith of the W. F. King Co. left the laat of the week for Port- and. Claude will bring a wife with him on bla return, which will be about June 15. Mrs. L. M. Hodges and daughter Dolly left Wednesday lor Eugene. They expect to be gone about two weeks, and will visit Portland during the Hone Carnival. Mlaa Jesale Hartley goes to Hay- creek next week to take charge of the school there, while Mary Alice Iee, the teacher, Is attendlng-tbe anromer school at the Crook County High School. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Hockentierry aud little daughter Emma left Tues day morning for southern California. They will spend a tew days with re latives and frleuds tn La Grande and Portland and will then tak,e the steamer from Portland to San Fran cinch the laat of the week. DIed-Sunday morning at Powell Bu tte, W. T. Casey. He passed away after a lingering ot several weeks. Death was cauaed by a general physical and nervous breakdown. The body was taken to Redmond for burial, where the funeral waa held at 2 p. m. Monday.- Mr. Casey was a member of the Woodmen order of this place, and was a pioneer resident of this county. J. M. Faugbt was In the city Wed nesday. Prof. E. L. Coe of Knoxvllle, Iowa, was elected principal ol the Crook County High School at their last meeting. Prof. Coe has been prin cipal of the Knoxvllle High School for some time and cornea to us with moat excellent recommendations. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ripley of Port land were the guests of Mr. and Mrr. John Wlgle laat Thursday and Fri day. The Journal Office Is indebted to C A. Riddle of the Madras Pioneer for some One tront. He caught 45 beautlee laat Sunday In the Deschutes. Many thanks. List your City and Acreage Property WITH THE Henderson Invectmcnt Company If you want vacant lots or improved city property, give us a call. We have some snaps in desirable localities. For Sale 160 acres six miles out. 145 acres tillable; 60 acres in wheat, 45 acres Al alfalfa land, covered by water. Price $2500; half cash; easy terms. For Sale One up-to-date cottage and two lots, good location, house 24x24, four -rooms, equipped with city water and electric lights; lots 35x120. Price 11000. HENDERSON IIIVESTLIEIIT CO. Prineville Hotel Building, Ground Floor Prineville, Oregon. V - Maker & Cratk Cants Sckl Ma Ctatra Sippliti Jewelry Will rrr D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS KuictI apis LavMf'a CaaEca Sutieaerr One Million Dollars for a Good Stomach ! A Warning to Yea The newspapers and medical journals have had much to say relative to a famous millionaire's olfer o( a million dollars lor a new stomach. This great multi-millionaire was too busy to worry about the con dition ol, his stomach. He allowed his dyspepsia to run from bad to worse until in the end it became incureable. His misfortune should serve as a warning to others Dyspepsia is caused by an abnormal slate of the gastric juices. Some of the elements to restore lite natural working o! the stomach are absent, but Digeslo contains what is missing. Every one troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia should secure a box of Digeslo Tablets and take one alter each meal and get cured. Digesto Tablets are very pleasant to take. They sooth the irritable weak stomach, strengthen and invigorate the digestive organs, relieve nausea and indigestion, promote nutrition and bring about a feeling of comfort Price 50 cents. DIGESTO only 50c a box Do P. Adamsomi l Co DRUGGISTS i ' I t n n -J IMSii-l ' thoroughly in Threo Minutes. The hands do Sivt not touch the " dnuoh. "V1V5 " WE SBLIj U'MIVEIRSAL Bread Makers Cake Makers Meat Choppers Coffee Percolators They are articles that you cannot afford to be without. Come and. let. us show you qJJo slid Stewart Co The "UNIVERSAL" COFFEE PERCOLATOR Excels all other ways of making coffee because the percolation is com pleted before the water boils. " Coffee made in it is easily known by its delicious aroma, fine flavor and the absence of the bitter taste caused by boiling. If you want to know what perfect coffee is like, try the "Universal." ,