Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 02, 1910, Image 3

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    I " " '
Real Estate Transfers
: ----aaBaaaaBaaBaMmzjiia I "a J. i u I , .M WW I
L"x X.
ev i n L'V 'ill mi. -l 'I v t-l
; ,,i r !: I I'd to .' I i
f . rfill i is"
j, . . I i'S' ' j : if i -
! mUk
I Q You arc cordially invited to
i' i
It; - '
I (Th Building WillYaa. tO COO Peopla
and Utility Combined at ths
Callage at Corvallia.
Tht Orison AkiIiuIIuihI xtitttcf.
width will t'vMtniio lt niiartir ten
teiwliil Juno 14. In located ut (Vrvallla,
oil Urn Wlllniiietto river am! In ilia
heart of Hie lHMiiilful Willamette val
ley. Tint iifiirliy foothills, with their
itwn lleld. wooded fl.'tm ninl imam
lulu almiina, nffiM d kiiIi-ikIIiI oinwtu
Idlltm fur rtx iititlDil fniti tlMit ti
llio lirmily of tli Kii-iiiTy wlilrb (ha
dUllllll MIIOW t'ltul ('HWHllMI CIMlllllwll',
.U'ii.lf(t fiivlrouiiiftit. loKKlliiT
Willi Hit wcrillicr ohmIIIIiiim wlilili
UKunlly lircvull ill thin linn- of I In- j.Hr,
will uirurd mi lilrul liHHlloii nikI at'
iiioxiilM'rn for thi Julilli e.
Tim' rtll KmuiiiU, ihiiihIhIIiij o
2.V) arriK, in Imalcd wllliln Hiv w4.
vrn llnilia of Ilia Hy. Tim c(iniu
troHT. cowrliiK nbmil forty m-n-n. In
lifllllllfnlljr ilmomli'd Willi liiilKlillliftil
aiMs luiiMi tiwn, fluwor UhU ami ttniiipn
of alirul.lH-ry. llroiul Oiivea mid walka
rnvemo ihi irroiimU In pv-r- tllrwllon
anil mid to llio HltnicilvtMiM of the
In iIt of the altiuta I.rl k Ixilldlng
which lioumtl I ho follmo In lhKi and
wlilcli now arrvM an tli ailuilnlsirn
I loo Imllilliii; t lu-re nr twoutjr atrutv
tiinti, nmny of whl h wllom! la every
way tlin original i-ollrire 1 lioiiie. On
Mill ahle of it la it Ix-imtlful-erny
aimw l.iillillnif, one of whkli la now
rnlliHl tho clii'iiiUiry luilhllnit and Urn
olIiiT niiN'hrtiihul hull. Thp tiext mo
of littlldliiKa Iniluilin tli MpliMidld
lioiiie of tin niiM'liiinlc nrta, tlifl ilinr
nutty lntlldliiK. tho k.vmiiiiimIuiii nmt the
inniniiKilli coin-rrlw amiory. Flnuklnc
the Imllilliiuu nia Woldu bull, the
wnnifn'a lii'iiuiiriil ilurnillory, tli new
aitrli ullnnil hull, ttm coulrul. iirt of
which Is Jiit liclne rinilHiil. and
FlM'imrrt imll. ' thu utmli-iil liiilldliii!.
Oragan Collao Champions Naw Idaas
, In Education.
Very few ioiilt? of the alala who
liuva urn Hip Orv"ii AkHcuI
lurul -olli.'iia (turliiK tli Kt )pnr mil
l.t a tri'fit lii'tlutiion liiis Ui-n
i't:ililNlifd at L'orv.illU or In any way
, -
-j i
1 r ' rj
; 1
" ' - J
Tii Tr"nii rriri i-iHirn w li T Itk fcili1
U. W, 4. KKKH, fi rtfK.T OK OHEUO.X
AniiK i n i iiAi. ( ui.i.Ki;i:.
'4,'irwlnti! llii' lnlerent which It af
fonl to Did tUllor liy rcnmui of Km
U'll lilt fill CIUIIlU', Kpll'IMlid IjlllUllllKK.
flit I mm to i)iiliiiiiiit and broad aroN
of m tlvlilc.i. U vn In order Unit the
rHoili of (ho Hliito ntiulit luivo nu oj
IK Muiilly to visit tho Jimtltntlun ami at
the Ninm tlmp riijoy the irlvllcse of
hi'nrtng nlilrwuiM iv omi nf rim
rt ' it ' 1
f S T "
. i j it
ii K- r. n n n : mm f ' t.-.tttt'Si .. . .
e-.-irf' "'- u 7, . t
Then thore nre the mlniiijr InuUliiitfa,
tin iioultry oiiltilliiKi and the fmiu
ImlldliiKS. forinlni; n Miilendld :vuuf.
All tlicsi' buildliiKx mid thla (ii'Miit
strotch of rnniuiM will he disked out
In onrnlvnl nlm. tirent flower boda will
iio.N. j, k. . wuatiikukohh, rtiKHiuKTr
(Tl.TIWAI. lOI.I.IHlK. . ; .
be iiinred and lilantcd with the flow
iiii'iiiiKvd In unique (IonIkux. Thu
rolU-e colora will be much In evidence,
nnd the building will be outlined with
iliimMMiuls of electric lights.
most proiuliient men of the day, listen
ing to splendid uiualc, viewing the
ehilHirate piiuenhts nud enjoying the
fplrit of 1he occhkIoii, that the quarter
centennial celebration was planned.
Another rennoii for cplebratlug nt
this time In the slfc'Uiflennee which nt
faches to thu atniile which the eol
letro bus suecoKHfully pascd through
durliiR the past twenty-live years. As
the chaniplitti and Instrument of a new
Idea In educMlou .it .una met . with
tron opposition nud coped with every
form of obstacle that it la possible to
InuiKliie. Hut ti bettor appreciation of
the value or technical education seems
now to prevail In this country, and a
clearer uuderslaiidiiiK of the scope of
the work of this college nud Its close
.relation to the Industrial development
f this commonwealth poems to be
well established In the state. With
the establishment of these two condl
Hons a distinct period In the history
of the Institution Is dosed.
Duiinjf the next quarter century It
Is safe to. predict that the Institution
will do a ium-e wonderful work than
In the past twenty-live years and that
It will become n powerful factor In
every phase of the state's develop
ment. Freed frmn thii)osltlou which
often frustrated Its efforts lu thu past
It will take Its place tu the van of the
progressive i movement lu Oreuou.
Evidence of this fact is not wanting.
Thousands of acres of waste land are
beliifj converted Into praln and hay
fields; proat orchards are spi-tuRlng up
everywhere; better roads aro lu the
making; great stock farms, brooding
splendid animals, ore established In
lai'Ke numbers; the poultry, and the
dairying Industries have increased and
improved, and in all tho Influence of
tho college Is a powerful factor.
Patient Received.
Persons needing hospital accommo
dations can find them st mv home. I
urn prepared to care for-patient, or' tuyeh wk
jmufiiiH may employ ineirown nurses.
Maternity cases may expect special
"25 Mas. V. B, Poindkxtkb,
., Woman Wanted.
Good, onpulilo woman wnnted to do wnsh
liiK niul ollii'r huUBu work nt least two half
uiys (-sen wwk. noma Klve iouhIo Icssohh
n Dttrt nuvim.iiL Mru 1. m. irv nna i,.....
cunt of CoiilliiBrclal Club. , '
Music Lessons.
Mrs, J. R. Fox. M. K.Onircli orRnnlst, would
llku to lukii it fmv pupil fur Ilia oiuan or
plimo! Many ywir" suoeeMnil experlonce In
timrlilng. 'I'horoiiKh, pruclluil mllioil.
'IVrim reiianiuililx. Two limiomi wek.
Due houiMvuttof Coniiuerctitl (iub, '
Estray Notice.
Buy 4-yenrwiM Koldlim with circle It. on h-rt
shonldttr. wclRlm ntioiit IMOO pounds, Willi
ftmiiopout. AIo or'l tllly, branded Sll on
left Htlflei welxht about (Wo IwundH. Strayed
from my riinoli on .lohnwin ereek, mipiwed
to bo on Orlsmly Hutte. Multnble reward will
be pnld fir Inrornmllon lending to lliolr re
covery. AitdraiM Arthur Mlukler, Prlneyllle,
Oregon, .3W
I ill.... I. .I.-.,.- .. ..I
Oregon Trunk lUilway, right of way,
coiialileration Domlnil.
IavM Hill to Oregon Trunk Railway,
right of way, consideration nominal.
Kadie K. Wenandy and John II. We
nainrti Oregon Troult Railway, right
of way, coimlilf ration nominal,
i;iixa J. Herring to Oregon Trunk
KaiJwsy, right o( way, coiiaideration
iioiniiial. ....
Thomas K. Mc Daniel to Joa 8. Innna,
nwj ol tec. 22 1 10, r U, consideration
I kcdnioml Townsila to Cheater A.
j Weston, lot II, block 14, la Kadmond,
eonaldnration 1150.
Hedtuond Towoelta Company to Flor
in Wei ton, lotaj and 2 in block 6 in
Redmond, conaideratlon t'XiO.
W. R. Eeitenbour A Marguerita M
Keiaeiihour to Mary L'lhrlght and Amel
Ulbrlght, S' and se, and sw5
n sec. 16, t. IS, r. 15, conaideration
nominal. ' 7
Crook County Inyeatment Company
to J. k. Turner, Iota Hand 18 In block
05, in Hillman, conaideration 1 1 75.
Redmond Townaite Company to
Ixuisa Strixner, lot 8, 9 10, block 40
in Redmond, conaideration 1100.
Kdward a Perrln and LI!o M. renin
to Pilot IiutU Development Company,
lands in sees. 24, 25, 26, 1. 17, r. 11, con
slderatioo nominal.
William G. Fordham to Oregon
Trunk Railway, right of way, consider
ation nominal.
Carter B. Allen and Orra Allen to
Oregon Tionk Railway, right of way.
conxuleration noraina'.
Llltlmr Mwlka in rtraonn Trunk Rail.
Fway, right of war. contidoration
V. A. Shonqueat and Annia M. Biion-
quest to Oregon Trunk Railway, riuht
of way, consideration nominal.
Joa 8. Inne and Therea Innea to U.
C. Coe, trustee, nwVa. sec. 22, r.14, ccin
siderstion 12700.
The Pilot Butte Development Com
pany to John A. Vyo, lot U of bloek 8,
in ltend, consideration nominal. . .
W. A. Graham to Mrs. 8. i. Kellers
snd W. 0. Rust, s, of lot S, in block
19, in Palmebn, consideration fooO.
Henry L. Orchard to Richard P.
Miller, w.S ne, se ne and nej
el, ie 22, t. 17, r. 20, consideration
Crook County Investment Company
to J. C. Bishop, Iota 9 and 10, lot K, In
Hillman, consideration $100.
- Fred A. Ilubnel to Dora M. Ellis,
ne. of swj of tmJ4, ol see. 4 1. 18,
r. 12, consideration f 1000.
Pilot Butte Development Company to
W, II. BtaaU, parcel of land adjoining
Bend, consideration nominal.
Don Steffa and othera to II. P. Ganty,
iota 1,2, 3, 4, 5. In block 1, Kenwood
addition to Bend, consideration. $i!K).
Crook County Investment Company
to A. C. Pears, lots 15 and 16, block 116,
in Iiillmam, consideration (175.
Lytie Townaite Company to B. Far
rell, a parcel of Und ia sec. 82,- fc 17, r.
12, consideration nominal.
Lytle townsita) Company to B. Fer
rt 11 parcel of land in sec. 32, t 17, r. 12,
conaideration nominal.
Redmond TownsiU Company to Ada-
Una Kennedy, lot 12, bhv-k 44, in Red
mond, ronsiderntion $200.
James R. HeaUi to Martha A. Mitch
ell, 1320 acres in sec. 28, 1. 14, r. 19, con
sideration nominal.
Crook County Investment Company
to R. C. Walker, lot 4 in block 41 In
Hillman, consideration 30. '
Frank Shambean ta SscarA. Fields
nwi aec. 81, t. 11, r. 17, consideration
Kobert Rea and Don P. Rea to
Newton Barron, lot 8 in block 11. town
of Madras, consideration 200.
Jaes II. Zevely and Elizabeth Zevely
to Harry Lanniua. e,S of t4 sec. 23, and
Di of sec. 24 in 1 14 r. 18, consider
ation (0500.
John Turk and Kittie Tuck to W, R
Young, part of 40-acre tract near Red
mond, consideration nominal.
Redmond Townsite Company to Ches
ter A. Weston, lot 12 in block 4 in Red
mond, consideration $200. ...
I. D, Cal breath and Anna ' C. Cal
broath to Ochoeo and Ryegrapa Irriga
tion Company, a parcel of land in Prine
ville, consideration (500. , ;
Ralph E. Lewis and Anna Lewis to
U. C. Coe trustee, half acre tract near
Bend, consideration $030.
Richard King to Oregon Trunk Rail
wsy, right of way through sec. 82, t 17,
r. 12, consideration nominal.
Leonidas L. Fox and Mary L. Fox to
Oregon Trunk Rail iray, lota 5 and fl in
block 29 in Bend, , consideration'. (925.
Charles Weisido to Oregon Trunk
R.ilway, lots 1 and 2 in block 29 in
Bend, consideration nominal. .
J. F. Arnold and Mary Arnold to Ore
gon Trunk , Railway, lots 10, 11, 12, in
block 29 in Bend, consideration nominal.
Francis hard to Oregon Trunk Rail
way, l jts 3 and 4 iu block 29 in Beid,
consideration nominal.'' " '
James Breen to Oregon Trunk Rail
way, across sec. S2, 1. 17, r. 12.
Robert G. Bowser to Oregon Trunk
Railway, right cf way, tec. 32, 1. 17, r.
12, consideration nominal.
ForenceW. Drake and Alexander M.
Drake, to Oregon Trunk Railway, right
of w.iy across parts of sec. 32, t. 1", r.
I2- ; : ' "
The Pilot Butte Development Com
pany to Oregon Trunk Railway, lots 1,
2, 3, 4, in block ,33, in Bend, consider
ation nominal.
The Pilot Butte Development Com.
pany to the Oregon Trunk Railway,, all
of blocks 31 and 32 and all of lots 1,2,
3, 4, 6, 6,7, 8, 9, 10 of block 30 in Bend,
consideration nominal. ;"
Florence Vf. Drake and Alexander M.
Drake, to Oregon TruDk Railway, richt
of way, consideration nominal.'
The Lytle Townuite Company to the
Oregon Trunk Railway, a strip of land
for light of way across parts of Lytle
La Vogue
Elegant Showing of La Vogue
Suits and Coats"
inspect our
J You are
spring styles.
J You are welcome to try them on examine
them and buy, only when you care to.
Its a pleasure to show goods, anyway.
The refreshing originally
of designs, the attractive ma
terials and refined tones of
La Vogue Spring Models, all
impress you with a warm
desire to wear them.
J Style correctness for these
many , seasons past has won
for La Vogue garments the
reputation of The Standard of
Vogue designers are in
constant personal touch with
every fashion center.
La Vogue making guaran
tees to you that those graceful
lines, so pleasing when you try
a garment on, will retain their
shapeliness until the suit is
worn out
J Minute, exacting care in
cutting, tailoring and finishing
produce the perfect fitting
qualities and the high - grade
"tailored" looks for which La
Vogue make is known.
J For the woman, maid or
child who wBnts to dr ess well,
in correct style, at moderate
cost. La Vogue garments will
solve the problem.
l H
n m m t mmi v.rl im, vh J - j ttTTt
townsite, consideration
Pilot Butte Developmeat Com nan v to
Oregon ( Trunk Railway, variously de
scribed rights of way across Isnda in an l
adjoining Bend, consideration nominal
The lilot Butte IVvelonmpnt
pany to Oregon Trunk Railway, lota 7,
8, 9, of block 29 and lot 12 in block 30
in Bend, consideration nominal.
James E. Reed and Violet D. Reel, to
Oregon Trunk Railway, light of way
Ui rough, lands in the vicinity of Bend,
consideration nominal.
. Milton G. Pillette and Effa M. Pillette
to D. W. Barnett, lot 2 in block 7 in the
Depot addition to Madras, consider
tion (150.
J. W. Robinson to D. W. Barnett,
parcel of lot S3 in town of Palmehn, be
ing a power of attorney.
J. O. iftory and Ella M. Storey to
Henry L. Snlzer an undivided half in
terest in various lands in sec. 3t, 1. 15,
r. 30, seo. 30, t. 16, r. 30, and other
lands, consideration nominal.
Guy II. Heater toJohn Witycomb Jr.,
lota 8, 9, 24 and 25 in block SO in Hill
man, consideration $500,
George P. Elliott and Bertha Elliott
to Oregon Trunk Railway, right of way,
consbleration nominal
Matt Kulesch to Oregon Trunk Rail
way, right of way through land tear
Redmond, consideration nominal.
J. J. Ellinger and Margared T. Ellin
ger to Oregon Trunk Railway right of
way, consideration nominal.
Henry, Hanks and Mary Hanks to
Oregon Trunk Railway, right of way,
consideration nominal.
The Lytle Townsite Company to Ore
gon Trunk Railway, right of way, con
sideration nominal.
John R. Wood and May E. Wood to
Oregon Trunk Railway, right of way,
consideration nominal.
Heirs of David Templeton to John
Kemmling, st,' of nej-i, and neV of K of
sec. 82, and w,H of nwj(, w' swi and
sex of swK sec. 23, 1. 13, r. 16, consider
ation (1000.
William W. Jarrett to Isaac D
Brown, parcel of land in sec. 12, 1. 11 r
13, consideration (75,
Frank T. Samson to Isabela Samp-
ron, nwjs sec. 11, e. seW, sec; 3, K
te sec. 10 and other lands, consider
ation nominal.
Eeter Cockerham and J. 0. Cocker-
ham to W. C. Barber, sejj of see. 18, t.
12, r. 13, consideration nominal.
Crook County Investment Company
to Levi B Blevins, lots 20, 21 and 22 in
block 40 in Hillman, consideration (00.
Mina M. Elders and George L. Elders
to Oregon Trunk Railway, right of way
through land near Redmond, consider
ation nominal.
David Travis to Charles W. Farris h
n ne) sec. 23 and other lands, con
sideration (2000.
Grace J. Goodwillie and Arthur Good
willie to Thomas W. Triplctt, lot 20
block 17 in Bend, consideration $tS00.
Samuel E. Gray and Viola M. Gray to
J. A. Patterson, lot 23 in block 10,
Depot addition to Madras, consideration
(150. ' ' -
Iva B. West and and Rene West to
Arthur It. Rogers, s. nw, ne, nwj.
Price, lhal You Will Find Right After Considering Quality
tie Fr::"t per can.... 20c
Royal Clnb Blackberries 30c
" ' " Dears or Peaches 30c
" Royal Ann Cherries 35c
" " Seeded Raisins 2 pkff 25c
" Currants 2 pkgs for 25c
Pountaln Canned Goods .. 25c
3 lb can Pork and Beans.. 35c
3 lb can Cleveland Bkg Powder $1.00
3 lb Soda ' 2K
Quaker Corn Flakes 2 pkga for... 25c
Large Raisins per lb 1 le
Seedles Raisins per lb..... life.
Good Dried Peaches ir lb I2c
Rice 13 lbs for $1.00
Good Com or Tomatoes per can 15c
2 lb can Sweet Potatoes........ 20c
5 bars Laundry aonp.................. 25c
Small White Beans per lb 8c
Blankets from $10 to $6.75
Meu's Fancy Bulbrlggan Under-
wea"- 75c
Men's flue Derby Ribbed Under
ware . ,.. 50c
Calico 14 yards $1.00
Red Star Gingham 9 to 12;$c
Linen Towllng 0c
Men's Hats from .$1.50 up
53!tSOU8 5.oo
Royal Cnlnook Shoes from
$4.30 to $6.75
Men's Solid work Shoes $3.00
Ladies Shoes' shoes from
. $1.50 to $4.00
Suesine Silk 50c
A fine line of Men's Work and
Dress Shirts tide to $2.50
Men's Ladies' and Children's
Hosiery Irom Te to 60e
. t. ,i .. ... gjjjugjgg Moulding?, Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Etc.dEtc, Etc.
and nwii of ntK.sec. 12,1.14, r. 10, con
sideration (1203. ' ' '
Frederick G. Bancroft and Est.ila M
Bancroft, to Oregon Trunk Railway,
right of way. consideration nominal
John H. Schakel and Ry Schakel to
Oregon Truuk Railway, right of way
consideration nominal. ' . '
John Tuck and Kittie Tuck to Ore
gon Trunk Railway, right of way
through land near Redmond, consider
ation nominal.
A. D. Morrell. administrator to S. C.
Caldwell, ne)i of sw e4 sw and av
of nw quarter, toe. 25, t. 17, r. 12, con
sideration (!.'500, '
Rtdmoml Townsite Company to B. S.
Cook, power of attorney for the sale of
Crook County Investment Company
to M. F. Mellen of Spokane, Wash., lots
23, 24, 25, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30 31, 32, in
block 150 iu ' Hillman, consideration
Crook County Investment Company
to M. F. Mellen, lots 9 and 10 in block
41. and lots 13. 14. IS. 11!. in block HI in
Hillman, conni leraiion (440.
Northern Pacific Railroad Company
to Grant Mavs. ha mmr-tar nf rtA niturtr
oi sec. oi, i. jb, r. consideration (&JU.
Northern 1'acinu Kai road Company
to Grant Mays, sw Quarter of nw
quarter of sec. 28. t. 18. r. 20. consider
ation (330.
11. J. Ovnrtnrf in Imll Vnilra I, .fa S
1 1 lite k Slid r cuel in Pmd,
sideration nominal."
Byron C. Cady and Alta Cady to
Minta W. Howard se quarter nw
quarter, tw quarter ne n
nw quarter Fe quarter and ne quarte
bw quarter of tec. 23, t. 16, r. 11, con
sideration (2500.
Chas. S. Hall and Joella Evelyn Hall
to Richard Turley, sw quarter, sec. 14
t. 15, r. 18, consideration nominal.
This sterling- household remedy has
long been recognized as the best and
safest Blood Purifier, the most successful
prescription for spring humors and such
disorders of the blood as boils, pimples,
pustules, blotches, sores and cutaneous
erttDtions. Kasnnrilla ia,!
the best remedy for that lack of energy
Bnu ioe peculiar aeouity so prevalent
durine the close of winter and the ntwnino
of Sonne. , For deranp-ementa nf ih. Ai.
gestive organs it is a natural corrective
operating airecuy upon the liver and ali
mentary canal, gently but persistently
stimulating a healthy activity. IU
beneficial influence extends h
every portion of the system, aiding in tht
processes of digestion and assimilation of
food, promoting a wholesome, natura1
appetite, correcting sour stomach, bac
breath, lrrepnilarities of tho hnwelc .n.
stipation and the long list of tro'ublet
directly traceable to those unwholesom
mnililmM, I."" j: i .
ness, headache, backache and despond
ency due to inactivity of the liver,
kidneys and digestive tract. It is a
strengthening tonic of the highest value.
con-Hoyr CiiEincAi, Co. Portland, Cregon
Public Stenographer and
Book Keeper
Has Moved His Dffire to
Or. Door North of Crook County Bank
la Bolkap H.II Building
All kinds of Stenographic ami Cfcrieal
Work dons in Satisfactory manner at
Rcaflouabla Rates.
Agent for Smith Pramior $100, anil
Royal $65 Typewriters
I For Irrigated Farms
I 17 T I 1. 1
cl n . ll'
ijj neomonq. . . Oregon m
All Kindt of Goods
Bought and Sold
C. L. V. Marker
Dillon Buildiriff. ' '
Drop in and See
Champ Smith
Soft Drinks I
of all kinds
Imported and Domestic
At the old Smith & Cleek
stand, Main street, two
doors soulh First
4 National Bank
Hotice For PubUcation.
Department of vlie Interior.
U. 8. Iju.d Olttce at The Dalles, Oregon.
. May 13tb, UU0.
Notice is herebv g-iven that
Hi,ru vv o;l..
. j iv.civ,
of Bm, On-iron, who, on April 1st, 1!14,
...., .nic-afi, lotrniil no. W,VZ& o.
lltUI. titrSKl KUi'l ei SCi u i. i
SW X bW!4, section 12, Township tSSouta,
""" " n luameue Alenuian, Ims
hied notice or intention to make final tive
venr nrnnf o.tnhu.1, Ain... i 1
above described, before Warren Brown,
county clerk at hU office, at Prineville,
Oregon, on the 2Ut day of June, 1910.
t'lllinmnt nmiin,. n.i, . t mt
Christ, Lewis W. Bennett. Vpnlev strt
Bruce Balfour, all of Barnes. Oregon.
S-l'-fr C W. MOORE, Register.
Kotice far Publication.
.. ,. Deportment of the Interior,
I nlted Statea lnd Office at The Ile,Ore.
. , Mart h mh, lsiio.
r.otif!e 1 h.nhw m. l.u.. , . ,,
ShlW, ItfW tl.fh.-a .,1. 1 ..-1 i,,. . . I
dill, on the 7th ilar of Anftust, J, ale in thia
oftct sworn Statement and Application, No., to purehase the HFM HbM. ,., ti.,n t
nd Nhiji Kit section , township 13 south.
uf J";ast, Hiiiamette Meridian, and Ihu
timber thereon under the provisions of the art
ol June S, 1878, and acta amendatory, known as
the "Timber and Stone Law." al sut-h value as
might be fixed by appraisement, and that,
pursuant to such application, the land and
timber thereon hare been appraised, the tim
ber estimated I,4u),uu board feet at 50 renla
per M., and the land tSOOl); that said appli
cant will offer final prooi in support of his ap.
plication and sworn statement on the th dav
of June, 1910, before Warren Bsown, county
clera. at his office, at Prineville, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protest this pur
chase before entry, or initiate a coolest at any
time before patent issues, by Sling a rorrobor
ated affidavit in this oilke, alleging- facts
which would defeat the entry.
-7 C. W. MOORE, Register.
Hotice for Publication.
Department of The Interior.
,Vned8Utes Und Office
, The Dalles, Orenon, Man-h 26ih, 1!0,
Nnt IHIo h.r.hv nil... ...... v.. ... .. ..
hosepost-oBiceaddrei is Prineville, Oreiioii,
did. on thp 17ih Au ,,f r. u..'..ul r V'
K a?2 8worn Htalement and Applicalion,
Vi . V- ,r, . B" section
a, township U south, range 15 east, Willamette
Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the
. v. ti uuv o, ioio, ami acis
amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone
.lu MB luigui oe nxeo bv ap-
. - . . , ...u,, puiauau, ,u BUCU apuit-
cation the land and timber thereon have been
SDnrlMPlI the limku. Aa . i ..... .. , u. ,
TL.. . I., "uiiLBicy mu.iau ooani
feet at .50 per M, and the land llO.uu; that said
.rK..w... , cr UB1 prooi m support ol
lis application and aworn statement on the
nth day of June, laio, before Warren Brown,
ounly clerk at his omen .t p-ioiii..
gon. -
Any person is at liberty to protest this pnr-
y. iuiuhic a i-uiuest at any
tllllf. naluiil tuu.. .... a- . '
...... ,a9uB, uy niiuK a corrooor-
C- w. MOORE. Register.
They are Here
The New MITCHELL and
REO Cars
Call and see them
before buying else
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machines run a3
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