,1 i pi i . .H A r TTy o 0 on if 310.(01 l7 W W aVJh Hardware Stoves and Cooking Utensils Groceries We Carry the Most Complete Lines in Central Oregon Fully Equipped Tin Shop and Plumbing Department in Connection Our Motto: "SATISFIED CUSTOMERS'' We Make Good .. . Doors and Windows Paints and Oils Implements cf all Kinds The W. F. King Company,. Pnme vile, Oregon! LOCAL MENTION Hugh Uih tnnilu fliiitl proof on lit liomi'ntt'inl TiU'mliiy. M. WIhh-Ut ot lrWty w a tiul nt visitor Tuwulny. , Mr. Harbour, n Lnhllnw Imslm in it it, wn a visitor Monthly. Mr. Thonin I'rvmiiitt ol I'nulliui, Ih vIhIIIiik friend here tliU wk. Win. MvMix'klit, the (IrUxly Haw. mill iiian, lit hi tliocltyou tiunlne. Thotim Arnold ami A. lloruUfk ofHlnt.Tip, wew lu the city on biwl iicm MouJny. K. N. Wrong, CVn trnl Oregon it jfl'nt for t lit' Oregon LI to I imuram-P Coin luuiv, I registers! at lloU'l I'rliwvlllu Mm. Strong U with Uliu. W. II. Huston nnd J. 11. (Irny re turned tho liwt of the wok fnim Kugi'W. where they liinl Imh'U ntteml I. (). O. K. grnml lixltfn. Alex Thoiimon Uln from Lower HrUIge ranch, lie report cro looking well in III Iurt of the county nnl rveryoiw Imay. Mr. McCormlek, formerly Funny I'rt'ii of tlil jilnci', write from I.nkp. view thnt hr little three yenr aid ion Ml from a, high feuee on their nint h and wn liiNttttitly killed n few day nge. New rcnelied rrltievllle Sutnrrtiiy of the death of the yonngeitt daughter olC. A. Iloitrtel. who wni formerly tmittoruf the First M. K..('hureU of thin iIih-o. Tho fuinlly nrt at Day. ton, Washington, while Mr. Ilousel In In Arltona for hU health. J 111110 Cram, of the Diamond C Wool Company, wn In the city Monday buying supplies for hcar. lug. Ho state that lambing I over aud Dome iNK) lamb were marked from :IW0 ewe. All stock I In ex ceptionally good condition, and the wool clip will be a gaod or better than the average. Th J rrebyterlan church Invite i you to attend their service next Kund iy, th 2lth. Sunday School at 10 a. m. rreiichlng at 11 a. in. Topic, "llow We May Know Ood." Twilight service at 7::t0 p. in. Thl I a combination ' service of the ChrlHtlan Endeavor mid the regular preaching service, lusting only one hour. Wo will commence on time and quit on time, Thl service will continue during the summer. Come. Do You Want a Car Of course you do. Then buy a Buick You will not bo disappointed. J. A. MOORE, agent for Red mond, Madras and Prineville. Will demonstrate the car any time. i 5-19 J. II. I'ost of Tost, I lu the city. Hen (loiter of Itedmond, was In the city Monday. Horn Monday 21, to the wife of IwIn C. Morgan, a boy, Mr. 11. J. Uster and family left for I'ortlaud Wednesday. I,. H. Hamilton of UrUsly, wn a business visitor last Friday. J. W. Lawrence of the Itend Bul letin, I a county neat visitor. 0. It. Dinwiddle I slightly Improv ed after a hard rase of la grlpi. D. W. Itols'ruof Culver wa trans acting business here Wednesday, . C. L. Shnttuck left for Tho Dalle Wednesday for another Ford car. H. It. Cooper hit aciuw of blood poisoning In hi right hand. It I very painful but I now Improving. Rev. J. D, Iwcllen returned from Ileppuer Saturday where he ha Isvu attending the district confer ence. Mr. Harriett Smith wa pas senger to Shnnlko the first of the week. She goes to Washington to visit relatives. Mr Med Vanderpool an! grand daughter, llyrl Davl. left Monday lor The Dalle and I'ortlaud to lie nhtcut several months. H. K. Evans, teacher of science and mntheimitlc at the Crook Couuny High School, left Saturday for his rn tich near Itedmond, where he will spend hi vacation. A good quality of Hood River strawberries are to be had In local market. They ship well and are of excellent flavor. The price today I two boxes for 45 cents. In our list of Prinevllle. public school teachers last week we Inttd vertendy made the fourth grade read "Miss F.lva J. Allen." It should have read "MIssElva J. Smith." Mis C. V. Conway, of the Crook County High School, left Sunday for her home In I'ortlaud. She will le back In her old position again when tho high school cieiis In September. K. D. Knox of Tost wa lu town Friday on business. He snys he 1 never saw better looking crop than on hi way In from hi ranch. Couldn't lw better at thl tlmo of the year. . ' v The cattlemen of the Crooked river country will boglu tr-Ir spring ride about the tenth of June. Several h u ud red calve will bo branded and eomn beef steers gathered during the ride. lis (. 1 Unison 1 Installing a 450 gallon gasoline tank at hi garage and shop north of tho Ochoco. The tank will lw burled and equip hh1 bo as to eliminate so far a pos sible all tire risk, and will have a pump thnt will throw a gallon of gasoline at a single stroke. The sale of gasoline at present reaches from 20 to 12(1 gallons each day and 1 constantly Increasing, which de- maud larger and more convenient means for handling It. The now tank and on tilt will cost approxi mately ixrt) installed. LOCAL MENTION I Mr. H. I'. Olenu of Portland visiting relatives here. C. M. Young, a Portland traveling man, wo la the city Wednesday. M. II. IIockenbcrry and family leave for southern California Tues day, where they expect to make their home. , David Honcymnn of the Honey man Hardware Co. of Portland, passed through Prlnevlllo Tuesday with hi new Corbln car. Died At Sister, Monday, May 21, from heart failure. Mis Delia Flor ence llornlieck. llurlal took place the following day In the Sisters cemetery. Died At hi home In rrtnevllle, May 21, Wllford J.' Craln. after an lllues of two week. Death a caused by apcndlcltlrt. Durlal took place Monday at 210. Don't forget the M. E. Choir Mus ical Friday, June 3. The very best of local talent. All the old familiar ong that everybody love. See ad. In another column. Miss Helen Elklna and pupils assisted by local talent, will give a piano recital at the Commercial Club Hall this .evening. An Interesting program I promised. Nellie Parry, of the Prlnevlllo Pub lic School, ha Ihx'U neither abseut uor tardy during the eight months' term of school Just closed. Nellie baa been attending the fourth grado, Mis F.lva J. Smith, teacher. Mis Edith Rice, daughter of County Surveyor Rice, graduate a a nurse from the training school of the Good Samaritan Hosiptal next week. Mr. Rice and daughter, Marlon, will leave next Monday to bo present nt the graduating exercise. , At tho Flnrt Metohdist church for Sunday, the 211th, the subject for the morning service will be, "Christ the t i renter Provider. The one for the evening will be, "Roses for tho Llv lug." Thl wilt be a memorial service. A welcome for the stranger. The church la two blocks east of the Prlnevlllo Hotel. John Ray, who loft Prlnevlllo some time ago for Solo, where til son re sides, was the victim of nn accident lu Portland in which he had a leg broken aud Injuries. His son, George Ray, of Post, and other rel atives here have .been notified and have left for Portland as the old geutleman's condition I considered critical. W. If. Young and M. R. Biggs re turned from tholr trip to Raker City where they went to attend tho fifth district convention of the Woodmen of tho World. ' Tho Prlnevlllo dele gate report a splendid tlmo. Raker (Jltv l alive one, they say. rrtne vlllu secured the next convention. The fight wa between The Dalles and thl place and our delegates dually won out. Mr. R. P. Miller of Post wa In town Wednesday. W. If. ProAs baa sold hi black- smith shop and business to Walt Mc- Fariand. A marriage license was Issued Frl- day to Louis E. Wilson and Mar garet J. Ilackmann, both of Madras. Nine wagon loaded with wool. belonging to Will (Jibson, passed through Frlnevtlle yeaterday enroute to Klinnlko. Mrs. J. II. Templeton and Mr. Jolla McDaniel returned yesterday from Eugene where they have been attchdlug Rels'kah lodge. The father and mother, two sister and brother of Ji 8. I ox, arrived Tuesday from Leed, England, after a continuous trip beginning May 6th. Mis Mary Jones, who ha Iteen staying with her brother Dale here and attending high school, left for her home in Seattle the first of the week. G. M. Cornett and W. H. Prose will take a bunch of sixteen work horse to Madras the last of the week, and sell them to the farmers of that vicinity. The Ladle' Aid of the Baptist church had ft largo attendance at their meeting yesterday at Mrs. Oliver Powell's. There were twenty five members present, the largest crowd that has attended thl spring. Much work was done. The directorate of the Prinevllle Commercial Club Is busy with plans of development. At a meeting this week, J. S. Fox was selected to act as assistant secretary and will have charge of the work ot correspon dence under the guidance of O. C Hyde. John Bchtneer of Bnrnes wa In town Monday. Mr. Schmeer spent the winter la Southern Oregon. He took over some of his blooded trot ting stock and had no trouble In making sales at good prices. In fact he says automobiles rather help than binder hi btisluess. Going away from home has opened hi eyes to th advautaKe of hi own country. He come back better satisfied than ever with Crook county. LOCAL HHmOH Mr. Mussfwdln, assistant secretary of the Portland Chamber of com merce, was transacting bnslness with the directorate ot the Prinevllle Commercial Club the first of the week. Rev. Bailey will preach at Mill creek Sunday! at a.m., also at 2 p. m. There will be a basket dinner. A cordial Invitation Is extended. There will lie plenty to eat so you are Invited to the banquet. The Mill creek people know how to make you welcome. Union Church Service. Subscribe for the CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL County Official Paper. $1.50 per year 10 a. ni. Bible School. No preaching at 11 a. ra. 7 p. hi., Christian Endeavor Society. i 8 p. m., preaching. Evangelistic 8rvlcr. A cordial invitation to all. CP. Bailey, Pastor. " For Sale. Public land scrip, fully guaranteed. Can be used on any land open to homestead entry. No residence re quired. L. W. Hubbell, Sprimrfield, Missouri. . ' 5-2ii-lin. Goods for Sale. Household good for sale, also tent and sleeping apartment. Inquire of M. B. Hockenbcrry. 5-12. Sawmill for Sale. On Ochoco; caplclty 15.IW) day; endlo top ply ot linibercan be bonitht at JI pr M. Rough lumber worth tj250 delivered on railroad right of wa; ; (rood local market. Price (or plant 15.0U0. AJdrew K. . Jonea, Howard, Oregon mere Are ivo uassss of Investor ONE KIND This kind makes most money. He invests in farm lands and city property while prices are low. Every advance in price is that much money in Jii pocket. ANOTHER KIND This kind hesitates while prices advance higher and higher but be, too, finally buys, because the value o! the investment actually forces him. - Land Owners, Attention If you wish to sell nd your property is reasonable, list with ns. We are la touch with capital nd sre receiving msny Inquiries concerning raw and improved farm lands in Central Oregon. " HENDERSON mVESTI.lENT - CO. . Prineville Hotel Building, Gronnd Floor Prineville, Oregon. , r " v MUSIC? There'll be plenty of good y at the M. E. Church Choir MUS1CALE music FRIDAY, EVE, JUNE at the M.-E. Church 3rd Admission Adults 25, children 15 Be Bure antj take this in. All old songs, both sacred and secular, such as " Dixie Laud " "Diadem," Tenting Tonight," and " Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep." MaW&Cnik Cairo ScImIBmLi Caaen Snpplwt Jewelry " Wall Fiaer D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS Mukal Uitrwainti Mat Uvicy't Canto Sutianiry Cif in' -. One Million Dollars for a Good Stomach! A Warning to You The newspapers and medical journals have had much to say relative to a famous millionaire's oiler ol a million dollars lor a new stomach. This great mulli-millionaire was too busy to worry about the con- ' diuon ol his stomach. He allowed his dyspepsia to run from had to worse until in the end it became incureahle. His misfortune should serve as a warning to others. Dyspepsia is caused by an abnormal stale ol the gastric juices. Some ol the elcmenls to restore the natural working ol the stomach are absent, hut Digeslo contains what is missing. Every one troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia should secure a box ol Digesto Tablets and take one after each meal and get cured. Digesto Tablets are' very pleasant Mo take. 4 They sooth the' irritable weak stomach, strengthen and invigorate the digestive organs, relieve nausea and indigestion, promote nutrition and bring about a feeling ol comfort. Price 50 cents. DIGESTO only 50c a box TTV TTT. A u o. r. mm. .msoe DRUGGISTS L Co, v- - ' 111 I ::liri7l-QWT': I f - - - " m-t IH! 1A k7 I J I J a A I I T M T7 I I U fUMIVERSAI: K1n: RDtrir. KAVPD mixes and kneads bread thoroughly In Three Minutes. The hands do not touch the dough. U'NIVERSA Bread Makers Cake Makers Meat Choppers Coffee Percolators They are articles that you cannot afford to be without. Come and let us show you Jo Eo ..Stewart Co The "UNIVERSAL" COFFEE PERCOLATOR Excels all other ways of making coffee because the percolation is com pleted before the water boils. Coffee made in it is easily known by its delicious aroma, fine flavor and the absence of the bitter taste caused by boiling. v If you want to know what perfect coffee is like, try the "Universal." , 4 KB r It