Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 12, 1910, Image 4

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    The Place to Save
The Place to Save
W'r have Ju.t received a new lot of
American Lady Corsets
Th World' Hlufol i:t liiMlvf Corset Factory.
V have thetu III nil hiie. Nnug htl Ilk
Illustration fr iimmIIiiiii and well dcvclocd
HBrr; Medium HltfH Hut, long hl hack nml
front, l(.-liitorccd at Ihe wlt line with n Ntetit.
rd licit which render thecontei'. linn
n ni'lnt heavy uradtintcd front clasp. Material
( mini II White In I Hrali; lioac ujiorlcr trout
nml side.
Your Moneys Worlh or Your Money Back
Tlinl tlii iroolth-n we make In every cus
tomer of our More, nml our word In our bond. lu
you know of a safer tnvetnicitt or n safer l"ee In
trade. W have rrH-nli'lly stated f tin t we do Hot
etiuoldcr n transaction r'oscd mull you nr satis
fied, nml we stand ready to make I hi good nt any
lime. We nnt you In Irll us when anything got-
wroiur Willi pu-d y ou buy here. Io jou nioe
that we would tiiMkesiti-h nil offer unlc we knew
our tro'd were de(eiidaMt. Wo also nirry
hill II in otUcncrnl Merchandise.
ItctiM-ttltter ll dee III till PrinavitU HoUl BwiUing
L MICHEL, Proprietor, Prineville, Oregon
Get in and Drill or be
an Onlooker?
Soma Pertinent Pointer Let
Them Soak In and
then Get Busy
Tom JiicliarJson of the Portland
Commercial t'luh tahl tome food
thin last Thureday that we acre
nl UU to tthllh at the tint
onf to lack ot tpece. TotUy we
give you few In the hope that
you will notuler them and then act
IK tomethlnit, If nothing more
than join the cluh, Mr. Richard
on taU;
"To come to Prineville i n In
tercsting visit in tact it interest
every retUlent of thi country, le
causc you tre right in tlx heart of
a tectUm d Oregon in which there
I poing to he greater levelonient
within thencit three year than
In any other flare in civilisation.
Thi U not a statement of a jmhtic
liy man, but in made because tlu
10 greatest financial interest in
the work) r etiirtng lor uirem
acy in thi section the one np
ularly known and repieeenled by
James J. Hill, in reality the reat
Pieriwut Morgan interest, and the
olher the Uarritnan ayntrra in
iralitv the Slanda Oil Co, The
two fsreatrat combination on
earth are Whind thit great mote
hr developnienU All are familiar
with development condition in
T x, mr$U, Cohrado Kanaa,
tvUhrnia, Vahin$ton, Urtttcb
t'ohtmbia and Oklahoma, but Ore
gon it the central petition of thi
I n at territory, and the rima
donna i Central Oregon of which
j on are the nwtrc-'olia.
1 want to ay to you that the
cry of the. world in for land. Ilia are contributing t50 a month,
laud you have got. In tpite of other 125 a month. A committee
what tome men lay, the land are; named from among the aubacrib
too high, and a they go higher ' era handle the work and lee that
and higher, do not get scared a it i properly done. You ought to
little hit, because rijiht in the - le able to use and raite a fund of
neighboring county I expect to aeeifOOOO a year at leat.
land worth $5000 an acre
Ietuacome bark to Prineville.
Ilere'e where your interest are.
llere'e where you are poing to
make your money. 1'rineville ha ! t $tate,
many aavantagea, tor ine pro
duction and distribution of agti
cultural product and merchan
diee, and other advautage which
IH you realite that if we had
taken the tame old ttand in Port
land and not adopted new idea
and not co-operated with the reet
we would not be the
city we are today. Right here
where these great money combine
are competing with each other to
furiiiih vrtii arilh Iranamirl 1 1 inn i
you know of yourselve. better than thft opportunUy in the
1 culd tell yovt. Let u have a
commercial club that we can le
proud of, and let u have a pub
licity fund to adequately adver
tiae the reourcee of thi aection.
Do you know that in Hond a
man paid $8000 for a lot 25x50,
and it the progrcs that they are
making there ia kept up and their
It any of you were making a
move, would you move . to a tell
atiafted town like thi? Do you
realiie that in thia audience it
represented about $23,000,000, and
what a trifle it would be if each
were to do hi part towards raising
a good lund. It would be very
, , . easy to make thi one ol the most
turned, you will tee lot up there
twice a high a that, and you will
see twenty time the population
that there ia there today. They
have made up their niiiul to lead.
The Dalles, aleo, with quite a rep
utation as a tleepy town, is wak-
active and wide-awake communi-
tie in the state.
Why ahould a tingle envelope go
out ot the poatoffiee without carry
ing tome inlormation about Prine
ville? Why thould not each
... .,-. ........... ...
letter contain a tolder brimful ot
know. The bUce mean to he i lruneni ucur ny anouiu you
worthy of ttodero Oregon, na ' "ch young man or young
you tin only do so bv raising J7 in chools ,0 wr,u 10
. a m a ii Jim" iva 1 nii ntnn
VI V livtw vr a
tnonoe. hv evttinif hold, hvedver-i AUn Mary
tiaitV. and by letting other people11 Krtt The or irl of 15
know what vou are doing. Thia i Uught tomcthing and
an obligation that vou ought to know what they are taught, and
fulfill. In aome place they have hy ihey are taught, and you left
a New Comer Committee run by school and did not realiie what
theladie. Th a committee name ' ) had learned until ierhap
tome evening in which all thf years afterwaid.
women who have come into the; One of the fine thing about a
community within a year or so are real live commercial club it that
invited to make acqviaintance w ith it get you cloeet in touch with one
one another. Individually vou another, and very often the more
cannot call on them, but why not you set acquainted, the more you
have a splendid auxiliary of the find that tome of the men you
commercial club to make tl.e e alway thought grouchy, were not
new-comer at home. to much to blame at you yourself.
In other part ot the Mate there Community work make yon feel
i a very well cupported publicity ; that you are doing something to
fund in connection with the wm-' help eome one else, and you know
mercial club, and men are con
Iribuiing largviy. Many bank-
' that the tweetest things that you
have done in your Uvea are the
The Winnek Company
e A
ou Ant yKen buying a Kirt, one tKat fit xu, that
lw color that euit yxw, hiit suilcxl to your cmploy
mt, a .hirt that will give satisfaction.
iOur line cd; sKirts is naJe by one of the largest manu
facturer of tnc? line; the cut of the shirt U correct; the
xvotkmaruhip i cxmtcvI, and the materia) is not skimped.
Xe hav all colors, su-os and gi'ades; -e ha-e good
shitta to eell for 4k-ts; eh at tjOct. 75cts and up.
ln jummcr underwear ce have twenty eight different
kinds, at prices front kVt per garment to $1,50 per gar
ment, both in Union Suit and two piece suits.
tJThe demand on us for shoes is increasing. The Work
Sivy fitted xvh the imperislallc stile at 13.50 per pair is
a hummer. If you hav mot worn a iair ask pur neigh
bor and he will tell you they are live best wearing and
fitting shoe he ever haX
Let Ua Fit You Out For The Summer
thing thai you have done (or
If it were not for th dollar, 1
would not le her today, because
Portland ia interested in you,
want you to get right, tx-caut-e
Portland expect to get sixty
cent c! every dollar that you
Take the iuireined value ot the
little town ot IU-nd. It baa in
creased over $3,000,000 in and
around the town within th last 1$
months. I)j you realiie that in
Portland the added wealth on in
crested value was something over
$100,000,000 in he than a year
after we had liecome active?
Don't cay "I will give it Smith
doe." It' none of your buninet
what other are giving.
You eopl are aristocratic off
the railroad here. Vou are going
to be in th world toon, and you
mn who have saved $40,1X0, have
not begun to make money tt.
That ia nothing to what you will
make when the railroad comet if
you will but get active. Hut you
won't begin to make any money
until you N-giu to go forward.
Lei ua have a good commercial
club here. Let ua tinieh thia build
ing. 1 know there is work going
on downatairs now, and that is en
couraging, but let ut finish this
room up atairs. Let us all belong
to th commercial club at a dollar
a month. That will t upper I the
commercial club and a place to
meet in, both for men and women.
Start in, then, with tome people
giving $25, $20 or to per month for
a publicity fund.
Now, you have been good to tne,
and have listened patiently and
with interest, and I hope that 1
have had some converts, and that
my visit here will do tome good,
because down there in the mctropo-
li we think a good deal of this
eel ion around Prineville. We be
lieve in you and are talking about
you, and you can double and treble
thi interest by being active your
selves. Kveryone will have some
thing nice to say of Prineville,
they will want to come ta Prine
ville, and the will retain her
leaderthip a metropolis of thia
great and growing section ot the
state. I thank you.
in Crook
Boegli Plants
More Peaches
William Hoe-tcli of the rove Or-
chard, wai tu town the tlrxt of Hie
week. Mr. lloecll hna tnken up ii
dcniert elalm niljoinliijt hi orchard
aad hn m-t out 10'JO pencil trw on
a (t-nore patch. lie my the fruit
outlook U good, eepectally for
for eclHt and apricot, lie Is also
setting out his tomatoes t!mt have
lieeoine too large for the cold trainee.
For the beneot of our reader liv
ing outside ot rrook couuty. we will
state that the Cove Orchard U situ
ated on rrvioked river, 1 rollea from
Ita mouth. The orchard I K feet
hove ae level In a canyon tM feet
below the level of the nurrouinlina
country. It te 15 mile went of Mad
raa and 55 mike northwest of Prlne
vtlle. He grow apphe, rH-arw,
ptu'us, run, pt'oelM. apricot.
Dectarlne. grap and cherrh. All
kind of twrrlea grow t trfeilion.
Mr. Uoegli h X;l acn- In orchard
and two In garden, tn-Kle the six
Just pi Anted to penchew. Ht saW
from the 15 acre last y-nr amount
ed to JTSXV, aud heexpecta tii I:W
crop to exo-ed thia amount.
We da not wish to convey the tat
pressloa that all klud of fruit can
be grown anywhre In tlie county.
Thia la not the cae. I a especially
tavorwt KiealHh this U true but
generally sieakins only the m.iee
hanly rart.-tie are grown outside of
favored epot.
On l-tMay. May tt, Mrs. T. 11. Me
litw ol I-atuor.ta, aged 54 year.
Mr. Sldilw waa veiling ai the
htHue .- Mr. John F. MorrU In
rrinevllJe, a life long frVad when
he wa attacked by
of paraly.. it wa llw tilled i
talka and Ow end came ia a tew
hour. Her roakW-fl naiu
Anna McFartaod. S5j w Itorn
oear AUvany, Una cxMinty, Fel-raarr
, lV-ift. Slw ws RiarrtfNl to T. H.
Metw SetewibeT St, l7. To llsi
anion fire cUldrea wene tirw, four
-whai nrvtoe bee. I a tle tnse
e waa a lolr.g. taagUJ wilt
aad a toa4 devoted ut-enht.
The outlook for a butn er grain
crop in Central Oregon ia viry
blight. home late-town winter
wheat on poorly prepared land ia
froxen out in spots, but not badly.
The growth and color ia all that
could be desired. Spring rown
grain also look well, and the re
cent roina will do it gret good
The acreage in the northern
part of Crook county ia sliyhtly
lets than usual on account of the
high pricei offered for freighting
which induce farmer to neglect
their crop.
Alfalfa promise an exce'lent
yield thi year. The growth is
well advanced, the plant being IS
inches high ia some fields near
Prineville. There is an abundunre
of water for irrigation. Many
farmers now have the water on the
second time, and will apply it once
or twice mora In-fore the firl
Harvest will begin a little
earlier than usual- perhaps about
the 20th ot June. The yield on
well tet and well-cultivated fields
is five ton per aere, secured in
two cuttings. The growth afur
the second cutting is lued tor
Some fear are expressed that
there will he a ecarcity of help in
harvest. Wage are tur to l
!(ood and it is to be hoped that
help wili be plentiful.
Circuit Court.
C J. Stuhllng v Chamber & Dai -ley:
Orange Hodge va tlcsle Hodgv;
decree gun ted.
C A Stevenson v Nettle Steveuson;
deerve granted.
C. V, McNeely v Crook county J
takeu under advisement.
S. M. ltalley v O. F. llodgx-s; dc
fault and dtvn-e.
S. J. Newaom va Adolph Uln.
sranger; default and decree. I
Fred Fisher v F. M. Loveland:,
motion ilculcd, order on Justice lo'
end up transcript. j
Samuel H. Furlier v C. M. F.hrelii
takeu under advisement.
Elmer Nlswonger vs t' Ma-:
wonger; di-cree granted. !
M. J. CIihiiiIht va J, M. t'haiuliers;
dvne granted.
Edith Wahenaker va Juke Wahen
nker; dwree granted.
Kluora llarker va Frank 11. Darker;
decree grnnted.
Ktlie t'harh-a va Charle rharle
decree run ted.
I.ncey Morgan vs Clarence I
1 Morgan; decree granted.
Jennie Crulu v W. J. Cralu
cre granted.
Dora Thronsou v Thron Thron
aou; decree grautetl.
A J. IVcker v Elh-n Decker; de-i
eree granted. '
J. K Wludoro and other v. Wnl-
ter Helfrlch; demurrer aiiMtalned.
rn Ureeu vs. t'eark-y 11. !reen;de-
cn-e granted.
LUiie Iterrynian v. U. F. Derry-'
man; decree grnutetl. i
State id Oregon v. Ivil Eads; ver-!
diet f not guilty by Jury. lMeudant .
dlchnrged. )
A. 11. I.lppmnn va. Claude A. Hid-'
die; default and deerve. !
State of Oregon vs. tVH Kad; not 1
true bill. lVfendaut dlschargiM. i
F. A. rowtlt et al v. little ill!-,
lcr; .Klviiitam to take teodiuony lie- '
tween June I and IX
J.F.Taylor vs. J. I. Went: coo-!
t timed for tenn. Set for first day t f
text term.
Kjtic for Public: iott. i
IVrrtiiwnt or l Inl-rrKw,
I". S 0liv mi Tiw Italic. Ore,n.
MM Ii-
N.MK H fcr Kith thai
rtf lo. CiTn. ..a Iwrm'irf Tl h, IH4.
nw.W II.whww.aiI, s-rt.l S.v (BilJ.! N. lnfi.
w s SK-. and F-t , Tt,n II. Town
Mp U H..1HD, Kn KV, illmel :
X.-rtJmo, h f.ttvl n.aMr W lntra1uo lo
nuike nl Ovjrrar w. to n.iah4h Hlm
U la lft4 lt..v d-wr04-(l. Iw-MV W rnp
H b, -rk. i hn tm mi loi
Tl-I. , mm no th I4ib Ax oT Jon. I5.
' laOnanl aanrcs wtttM; Monn W,
Jinwa. Ikimrr . t"inrh!i4. Oxr mm. al
lrw. 1 JmucJ I. (Miw. of I --1ft.
-Sl Rrll
The Store f Young Men
We have aimed to deserve thia title, by showing
distinctive apparel for the younft man who is
not satisfied with ordinary clothes. Our success
cannot be doubted. You realize that we are absolute
headquarters for "nobby" apparel, and nowhere else
in town will you ever find clothes whVh possess that
same air of elegance
which you always
find in the clothes
exhibited by this
We Specialie
because we are con
vinced, from actual
experience, that no
other make jwsscsscs
the same amount of
character, nor the
same high standard
of quality. It pleases
us to so successfully
cater to the wants of
our particular young
You will be delighted
with the new Spring
suits which are now
being shown by us.
Shire Stallion
Formerly owned by the B. S. & L Co.
of Haycreek. Now owned by a com
pany of Prineville horsemen. It at
Hamilton Stables
For 1910 Season
Service, $10 ; Season, $15 ;
Insure, $20. Five or more mares,
one owner, $17.50.
Marion Templeton,
Qsas ses se ie: :e: ie;s;e: &sg m iec m re:ia
The Winnek Company
Card of Tbanxka.
AVe tWJre to eiprerts oar Asitie
CiHtia trtal xxgtiUom 4ar
itr.g I be id -de;a vt r
I wile a4 RHlfir. Mr. A nr. a
S We xcKis wcia,!1y t ttsnt Mr. ad '
j Mrs. Je4.a F, Mnrs ta wlww twvse
a tsiefiAlBfA. d K rave'
'rttaw tdiae t2 c3 i-o 1 Je Jrj -ari-
ItaiajRy ta tir
I T. It. Mexiee 4 JamSy.
Goods for Sale.
I HMWie-tfcwJ gwd l.-vr , he tei
1a4 ftWv-f .me Afis-riTaeRt. iotjtsiee ict
;1 M. tv. Kw-ift'liMty. Mi i
3 MXSh
25,000 Rolls
New Wall Paper
We are also showing a fine new line-just arrived-of
Mattresses and Go-Carts