Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 05, 1910, Image 6

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I just returned from the metropolis
nftcr purclinsing n splcndintl army of
Mid Season Wearables
that will dazzle the eyes of the most
fastidious. This galoxy of womens
newest creations in suits in all fabrics,
dress Roods in the newest tints, nnd
everything for men will be put on sale
for the next Ten Days at prices that
fairly glisten with bargain atmosphere,
so don t hesitate to come in early na
we are always pleased to show our
merchandise nnd leave the values wc
arc offering to your own judgment.
Big Assortment of Ladies' Gingham
Ladies' Belts and Collars
Latest Linen Suits
Also Largo Arsortment of Ladies'
Auto Veils and Veiling
MJ ' ftient IAgtr( wHcort.injj th
rlitntl mrii) every oMil.ln en-
faldWw I'errlop.
White Lawn, 12c value 13 yard, for .. , $1.00
IWdered Calico. 25 viml for . 1.00
The Place for Real Bargains
irii) every
ftrwrat tun In terfei tin Ilia I )am
JJ approved .y JH'urri Lalnl
mj i l.tfl. niit Miami nit n in in
Ijj ili triil have written the l'oftUnd
ti tl M tl I ft.ittra.l ilf. I llA tiaatw
ttl crilicicm that had Uvn voiced iu
llie ilisttit t, and giving nrne
that tliey noultl us their foil In
tlutme to st e that the. new Inert
or nor given lair opporlunily
lo tmiltt a reclamation ytero.
The set i( resolution adopted hy
ill Development League am in tl
following languagr:
"Whereas, It having leen report
ed that certain criticism had been
mad againol tli new management
pI Hi O. V. A I. F. Co., ami an
we helievs it all premature and
without any reasonable warrant
whatever; Ihrrefuro 1 It
'Resolved, that th Laldlaw De
velopment League a a hod a
r-rnihlfd, do hereby expnes our r
grels, and we do hereby .aur the
O. V, A I. K. Co. management
that we sincerely depict lite fart
tht any nuh Impression may
hav hern mad. W offer the
further assurance to the manage
merit of the O. V. A I. K. Co., that
they shall hnve the hearty eo oper.
ation ol thl orgnntxalion in any
and every laudable enterprise
q which lma for lie alma tho upbuild-
eominuiiily, and we
extern! to them welcome
to meet with its ami take part In
our deliberation. J. N. H tierk
tng, president. F. K. Dayton, 8eo.
pro tem."
lU j tug of thia
Ujj hereby exlei
Dates of Eighth
Grade Examinations.
Aj County School Kuorin'oiiilent Ford
mini vt Mar lit and 1.1, It' 10, aathetla'e
w29 . . 1 .1 I:-. . .1 . ..I .1 .1. ..- L it..l
rn tor ui!Uiiii mi vKniu Krniv mini ri
amlfiiilion fot V cuiinlr. f I'"
grnui ht llie lo (! will 11
Tlmrf.Uy, Mar 1i - rll
In. Iiitlory anil ri II iiirrrninfiit,, My 13 li.miiiiir, S 1 -ii
,,l,y mill illlli(.
Arithmetic 1'raclK'al aillliuitlic-
Civil Uitverniiienl - t'iiile.1 HlnleiCoii
tiliition. Kyr.iy Slut rmire ol ilndr.
It.yaiid f Human' Xa'nral Si IhniI
Ilirlory of from liUlmy
oulliii In Mute tour ef tinly l
current enU.
iraiu liar Uneliler'a Modern K.nlnh
(iramniar, no ilinrfrarniiiliig.
I'liyiiol ntjr (Irmlwl li'txHUi In liyrd
o'or and II gen-- Krolui.
Urailing "Hi tearliwr will tend to the
rotinty iiiHriiitrinliht tlie '0ii-it'
i'Imi nUndini In redlin, tliall
I Uliin by ueli uerliittntleiii! a the
ilkHiit' ntainliiig on tli ul'Ji'vt.
Honllliiif Kwd' word leeaolia.
Writing KKH-itui.ii of iiiiiiinhli
Inilli aird In vi'lr l nmtttT and from
inmiiirrlit In UiiftiUk!i,
(Uiutcat tu'V.
lHiiArtmiit ol tit Interior,
Ynittvl SUti'i I mid Ollioe,
Tl lll-f. Drraon, Munli XI, 1010.
A iiillli'loiit I'ontiMii alllilavll liavinii
Iwrn In tlilr oiUoe bv Aloatha .
rvlor. rontolant. analoit lmmrlel
emrr. No. KiUI'S, mad Mar 4. HKW, tor
VM NWA. f. SM. eitl.Mi St. eW V
N iwi'tion 21, Toiiimlilri Is S., Hango
17 r,., W lllanu'tte Merlihan, ty inio
Aiintln 'ontitin, In wlilch it ltall'itl
that niiiil (ili'ii ti. Auntin liai wliolly
aliandoite I laid trai t for more than
moot lit lat iat: that aatd traft la not
M'tthnl tiiHin and enltivated X"t mM
oartr miiilreil lv Uw i that thore am
no liiitiMveiiixntM tliirmii exi-ent
ainall mliln wlilcti I hiioccihiUhI ; that
tahl lm'iM' not une to hl employ
ininl In the armr. navy, or marine
eorinf the 1'nited 8tatea In tlmof
Hald pnrtie an hendiy notified to i
ir, reriond, and offer 'evldoni" toueli
Ing ald ath'trritlon at 10 oMin k a. in.,
on Mtiy 17, IWU), lefor Warrrn Urown,
con my t'leik, at hinollh' In rrinvvillo,
Drritoii, and that Anal hearing will !
held at 10 o'clock a. in., on Mny U,
I Mill, Imfore th KogintKr ami Iteiver
at the I'nltfd Matt' Und Ulllc In The
I Ilea, Oti'ijon.
Tl laid ermteaiant havlnf. In a
piorer alh.lavtt, tiled March 17. 1UI0,
t forth (acta which ihow that aflr
due diliitfiic oerronal rvl-e ol thia
notice can notho tnln, It i lierrhy
orvlvml and diriH-td that audi notice
t given br due and n Mr mlilication.
8-at ' W, MlHIIlK, KvgiaUr.
t ii in lit. n
In tin-( In iU C-iir "' Hlt of l'r-
iiii I n I riHik i tiiimr.
, i. NcajMnii, I'lamlil!,
a.i, .ii, I, llin!iaiii"r atnl H otlirr lie
1,, A.liiipH iiiii.i.a'..
ill I. Ii'lunt n.l l all otl'-'
""I'"' I . . . . ,U1.
In tli naron i in
a. .iimiiiilltll'll l'la'
,,'" rr l, Hlr.1 agai-.M
,,. In tl I'V- rnlitU-t .nit, on or hrfow
Hr. Ja of May. I'HO.
, lfyi.ii lail In a linear of ..' " '
,,,,UiMt, l..f want tl...lali.l.JJ
lll ta ...lf. t,.rf.t an ' r. aa .t
,il (uf III rr'll.'l I'rajr.u '
'''Jur a'!! of .al.l c-iirt r..rrvr rtrmov
lug the .lo.i.l 0m.i. Ilia .laintill, '''I
,; U.rlll l'" i..le. " ' l
ItiKliining al a .liil ' ' , ,J
.ml thirty two. on III. oanlil '
Iwmii t.iwn.liil" foniieen ao.l tlflwii
eoMlh, all tn. In Hangw 1"H,""'
ul the iiiani.i".
luinily, Mat Own. ami rtinn"'
,..ii. wulli. a..enl).i .'''Uwr "-
Illy fiwt.lhriice north two liunl't le t.
Ihriicr n..rli. aeveiily nine .1. Kreea weal,
lily feet ami Hi. n. e amilh lo ImmlreO
7 i ..g l.u........t. 1 I.Bl lit.
,rll in 'Kir "I -,
. .. . 1..1..1. h....ii.,r anil Mil
lll'lPlliiaill A'In". -...-. - :
i., ilulinllU lr, llirolliili anil looter
I . ... ...... I
inn l rurever narrv.i am. fi-ri"
. ..i.. tu or In-
liavoiK ur t-iH.iMi.. . -p ,
trrent ill or to Mid i. iiile r any fan
in li tli ause ownrr In ! iniiiie ol all
l.rmiilaet free ami clear Imiiii cU.ii'l or In
eiiinbraiice, ami fi.r.nch oilier ami rnrllier
relief ai may e.ii imvt to the court ami
in-t in Hie in)iiilMa.
Thia riiii.iii.ona iulitllieil hy Mr ol
tli Hun. II. '. Kill-, foiinly Ju.Jir of
t; f.iiinir, Male ol Oregon, it.a.leaml
enlerr.1 Hi ami "lay ol March, It'! ', in the
t'r.H. I utility Journal, fvr v.i
weela coinii.encllig Willi In laaiie l
March S.I. IlltO. ,
lUle.1 ami .uhll'heJ llrt tini. Mart i. W.
,m M. K. UltlNK,
Attorney for I'Uinlilt.
New Company
Well Supported
Tfr tVttttrn! tfetet x
the Oregon, Vsbitgton A Uabo
Firtnc Company, which took
oer the oUi Columbia Boutherti
lrrifi-ttuMt troiee, la , reeemrig
stronger upHHt at the even of of th oU crowd g want) to
ematiou thn marked the lucet-' enter, but the hoetile tttitude was
tlow ol the, company regime,
Several ol the vlaim bolder bad
not ilenl ay the Telegram.
Cttiien ol I.tidlaw and other
liken t defkul attttude, and wen !elller ol lh dialrtct have baaten
making various demands uinmlhtied forward with eurarive ot up
new (vwcern. lhee were noi lyvn inc mey ierne ui ine vp
tiUrdratio wwrks as the new pt j totlion Wing offered
ieet Is Intended to cover on It euvdt i the settlers.
be lew of
A teeolutton ha been
wrmt rort spccial cataloo and prices
Itieaoliitloit of I'artncndilp.
Ni,l, U liereliv (Wen llial tli parinerlil etili. U'lw..i liuv li.ille.i
amlJ.H. Vt. "t ITInevlll,.,
Hi., nrni nitinvor Hie Hinliy
I n., Iiaa It1.!! till dity. I.v nniliial
illMiilve.t. J. K. . rvllrtn. rr..ii. Ill liil
neaa. All aw.iinl .tu wil.l rlrm are iwviihl
l.iiliiy lar..llelle ami all llahlilllra wOII
lal.l liv lilio.
liatrtt 'Jlal day of April ll. .
H I.Arui.l.KrvK,
J H. Ko.
Notice of Sate of State Lands.
j Notice I bcrohy glvwn that the Slate
) Land Hoard will receive realcl bula
(Until M o'clock a. m., June 2, 1010, for
;the following tfen-rlbwl achuol Imiila,
! UAllof Section M. T. - S. U. W.
All of M, T. 81 S. . 2 W.
j IheSWt,, WofSKU and l-ila 8
aud 4. Section HI, I 82 K. K. M W.
i Allot Swtioii III, T. :nts. U. 13 W.
I Tl... VL ,.f Kl. ui..l j)ia I. 'J. .1 anil 4
ol Sfttioi) III. T. 41 S. It, 12 W.
ThaNWV oINWW. Nr and NK
ol SK of Section l.i. T. :w S. II. 22 h.
Lot. 1, S, 3 and 4 ami SK4 of Stt Sj,
S, ol SKA, ol So. 111, T. S. It. 13
l.otat.2, 3.4. ami the V,' of K1,'.
K't ot Vi4, of NWt( and V t, ol
SWot .nation ;iil, T. 19 S. IC. 11 K.
All bid niiiat he acciiinaniiHl by a
n-giilarly yseciitisl application to 'ur"
clia-e and at leant one llllli ol the
amount offered.
No bid of but than " 50 lr acre w ill
1 routi.lonsl.
Th' right It reeurved to reject nny
and all bi.U.
Applications and bids shnutd W ad
dreeaed ta (i. U. Hrown, Clerk State
I -ami Hoard, Salem, Drevon, and mark'
ed "Application and bid to porch
State lands." Ii. ii. lUiowx,
Clerk State Land Hoard,
Iwled March 24. l'.'lO. 3 31
Inll.e I ..UOIV liMitl ulllwMlal uMh.,,,.
i,,i i io,k . ..iinlr
In Hi mailer i.r ill aial .a? Illrt Una
,.K-. I llu'lim. '
In I la A . I'filn, Ma rlln Arllmr II. .a
l..l.i ll ll.. Mauit hiii ,
IIdU I U l.o. II. blr al taw aft.l tw fc . f k.n
til s,.Ml 4.-.-.aril. arirt nallo.l, li.ra u.i.
ani.H, a.t.l In all MHTMia tMlfeealr In ai4
i-il.'. r ll.:
Iu li.e Hna uf il alalenf llwni, tun an
lu'tt'l.y I II...I aiol rvulr4 In appr Iu .i,.
nmiill n.l.rl ill lb alaloiil r.a..i, ,,r .li't.a.h, al Mia May U nil ( aal.
n.iitl, al Hi emirtnanii lli. r..f la llirniuiiir
H'url I In l'rl.iel.l, I ru.k rniuniy,
Hi. . hi, .... M.Hii.lar lit tint day id Mat, Imu,
al m m l a la lie rorewam f mm uy,
men ami llii r 1" hn amw, if , lrtl
l.a, ' an iir.ler l.milil m.l raianlr4 i
Hi ilnilnl-l.ali.r uf al.l ! In aril n,
lirreoialler rt."i-rtll real in.wrl la.,nil..g
,i aalil ratal, 4.'-rlla4 a fi.llnwa, ln.U:
Th n..rlln'al t..arl.r t wllnaj arvrntr. !,
illi in l....l.l.' I well 111 auulb of raua
t. n I l"l K , . M.
W'llnraa, III lliMI. II. . Kllla.,.
aalil e.iin.1 eiinrl. air II I Hi aral ! aaia riuil
ain .l. Illia 4a f M.rrh. l,
ll,..l..l. OAKItKN HKOWN,
Hral.l , linnnly I VrS,
J II II AKaiHiiin. taiuiy.
NetU for PublUatlo. of ll.a t'. H. n.
i nil. al The llallea, Oregon, A pi II Imli,
mm. . ,
.Notice ta hereby lvn that
Atinia VI. Ma)lllil.
of Prlneyllle. dragon, wl.u, on April
rilll, ltk maila iHiaert ln.l,
(m.rial M. o.ui, no. iuii, mr rr.v,,
.HMiiun 7, Tuw.ialiln 17 nuth, tUnea 17
Kat, Wrilat.ieil M.illau. Iiaa I.IkI no.
lire of Intention tu niak Pinal Proof, tu claim lo lit laiiil alaivv rieaerlli.
-l, U'l. re W arren llruan, ( utility I Irrk
at hi oltlce. al I'rllievllle, (lret.ili, Ull III
,11.1 .lay ol May, lulu.
I laimai.t naioea as wltnaeae. John Kb
iler. Irvln- II. Sanil, Jam Cram, Henry
Smith, all ol p.lnevllte, lrr-ii.
C. W. MiHUtK. Itelter.
.Null.' tt I'ttbleMtkill.
IVwrl.ei. nf Ih Interior, X'.H lml
(Ml .Tul Hie )jm, Oreni.H, A pi II lull,
Nut lev l hereby lven thai
illlain ll. Johi.Hin,
if I'naell Unite., Oreuon, who, oil Not. in.
la-r .'Ul. licit, mail ILime-leail, (Herlal Ni ,
uv?,i No. I.esw, f..r NK', Section i.
loan hip 11 K.ulll. llai.K 14 r.a, VU
llainelia Mernllaii, haa tiled mule ol In- lo make Final live-year l'ro.., in
ul.h.l. claim loth land aljile rli-.l,
helur W arren llroan, county clerk al hia
.Itir, al I'tlneville, llroli, on 1 1" Sl'l
due of May, HUH.
' Inlmanl tiaine a Nathan
II. Uea.h, Jatoea Turner, Pleaaanl N.
Turner, Thma K. Mclhinlel. allul l.wel
lluile, Orr-..n. C. W. liM)KK,
t.'"'). ltCUler.
Notic (of PuklUatioa.
Department of III.' Interior, 1'. 8.
IMIIreal ltielalle, Oregun, April XJlul,
.Nulic la hereby alveii that
AUIaP. Jones
nf Prlnevtlle. umrun. who. en IVtoWr
I III., pl, loa.le tt.imeatead, (Serial Nu.
UV-tAJ Su. t-l-W. KH SVU, W , SK.
liin iV Tonrii.lnp (3 Hvutb, Kanif 11
Ka.t. WilUmeita MeriUian, ha li'e-l
noli. lo inleiiiiuu lo make fnal live-year
I'm.. I to .aliliili rlaliii to Ih land afwv
.lrx'rlhe.1. helura Warren Hrown, I 'until y
t'lcrk at I.I' oltlce. al I'rln.rlll, Irrg..n.
I .... Ilia li .lav uf Jntie. lttlO.
! Clainiattl l.amea a wllneat It"
smart. Willtani II. U.flln. William
i Slri nv, v allionn wi, an ot ruH-vui,
OrraVn. V. W. MlHlHK.
j liop KeitMiler.
I Notic to CrtJltor.
i ' In lite I .Hint v Court (4 lb Mala of Or"
ftw l't..k 1'iMiniv.
In Hie mailer olllw Ulalof IJI.UW Tr,
' lMarU.
I Null. t Hrrel.r elvew thai the under.
lii.-0 haa I'rn all.lnt4 A.I itiU.r...r iaT
llir Klaie l UniJ Turner, a rvmmm d. hy II.
a.a.v milled tmn. anil alt perauda havln
elalin aainl Ih aaltl Kial aea beeeOy ee.
I iittrlil and n.rtlfl.Ml to erewil IheHl to
I iluly verinl at my rwMUnee Baf IN. writ
Hullra.or InOro. . Kara, at hla frtllea la
llieritynf l'livllla.i runk emialy. Or.n.
ellliln all muntha rmm lit 4at uf Ibla
i auinw.
! Ilalfd al I'rlrtevllle, Ctia.k niHinly .Orrf.Wl,
A.1ntlnUtrh.r of Irw UI nl UnM
Turner, ta.a. J.
& GO
Have bought out the .
Company and are
to welcome all . old and new
New Spring Goods Coming
Give us a Call.