THE CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL is for the development and improvement of Central Oregon. You are a partner. And that's GOOD business for all of us. NEWS? If it happens in Crook Co. we tell you. That's OUR business. JOB PRINTING? The best that is. Use us. That's YOUR business. PRINEVILLE BASKET BALL TEAM WINS Bend Girls are Out played N VISITORS TENDERED RECEPTION Liit Meeting of Societies Held And Entertainig Program Rendered After the Ken J High School and Crook County High School basket ball game Katurday evening, the Iirml tfiim wm tendered a recep tion at the High Hchool. The re ception room waa appropriately decorated with blue and red, (the Kend color) interwlned with the blue and gold (the Crook County High Hchool colore) while the booth where the girla dinned punch was suggestively festooned with net in which were hung miniature banket balls. To carry out the banket ball idea, thete were uxed to aecure partnera for the progree elve conversation game which gave all an opportunity to display their ability aleng this line. At a late hour, "(ioodnight Ladiea" waa eung and the guest departed, ex preraing a hope that they would toon meet the Crook County High Hchool atudenta again which hope waa heartily echoed by the Crook County High School. Mr. Wickernham ia again with her claaea after an absence of a week in which the viaited the choola of IWnd and Redmond and attended an institute at Culver. Her report from theee schools ie very gratifying, aaehe commended the work very highly. AtUrtict. The baaket ball . game between the Mend High School and the Crook County High School last Saturday evening at the Club Hall waa moat interesting- at it waa the first opportunity either team had had of measuring ita atrength with an outside team. Both teams went on the floor with the hope of winning and while the C. C. 11. S. (lirla had the advantage of being on their home floor, yet they were nt a disadvantage in never having played a game under girla' rules and felt rather doubtful of victory, aa the opposing team had been practicing girla' rules all year. The C. C. 11. S. girls showed su perior and .faster playing In every position and it was easy to decide the victors after the first five min utes of play but not the score, as the most sanguine did not predict a score of 29 to 4 in favor of the C. C. II. S. but that was the sched ule at the end of the second half. The tennis courts are being put in order and we hope to have a match game on Junior Day. Oclwcaaiu, The last meeting of the Ochocon ian Society for the school year was held last Friday and we all agree with the critic, Miss Agnes Elliott, that it was the best final program that the society has listened to, as there has always been a tendency to shirk at this last meeting, but every number showed careful thought and preparation. , The opening number was an "original" by Miss Lotta Smith on "Oregon KticmiuiQ , nuiuu nip luiioncu vj a . humorous reading by Hums Montgomery. Next came the re citation by Lawrence Lister, which waa the predecessor of an excellent talk by Miss Emerien Young. The "Seniors' Farewell" by Clark Morse fittingly closed the meeting. - Alpha. Tim lnol nrnorim renilornil Viv ---- r- D -. j the Alpha Society was of unusual excellence. The recitations by Charles and Roy Lowther showed the ability of these students along declamatory lines. Robert Kester'a "original", in which he impressed upon the students their obligation to the society was well selected, as was Miss Louise Summers essay on "Duty." Miss Amy Davenport gave a semi-comic reading which was greatly enjoyed by the society The program closed with Current Events by Roy McCallister, who told of many interesting things happening in he world distant from us. , Fret tmi Sssiari. Donald liurleigh, '13, spent Sat urday and Sunday with bis parents at Redmond. Saturday and Sunday was pleas antly spent by George Mingnrs at his home at Lamonta. Rums Montgomery spent Satur day and Sunday at his home on Crooked River. The inter-high school oratorical contest at La Grande comes on May 21, this makes it impossible for Wilford Reiknap to go unless he misses . the commencement exercises, so he haa resigned in favor ol the aecond contestant, Roy Iowthcr, who. will represent the C.C.H. 8. City Council. Continued from first page. diiianca shall take effect ami be In force from anil after ill mummim by the council. 1'aated the conn:! I the 31 ilsr of May, 11)10. At tent Approved by mayor. J. II. Rosenberg, chairman of the public health and police com mittee, was instructed to look after all sloughs within the corporate limits. He was ordered to have those filled that were on city property and to notify private own era that sloughs would no longer be tolerated. If private individu als do not give heed and get busy the city will take etepe to abate the nuisance. The follow ing bills were ordered paid: City marshal, work on head gate. ..$12 00 " salary for March 60 00 sirs. Mating, hall rent. 3 months 25 00 Crook County Journal, printing... 11 00 Keeorder lireese, fee 4 80 C. D. Calbreath. work on park 17 50 C. D. Calbreath, work on ditch anil dam 50 00 Oscar Huffman, hauling trees 6 00 City marshal, aalary (or April 50 00 " " work on ditch 15 00 Fa Tobin, work on ditch and dam 21 25 Robert Moore, repairs on grade... 2H 75 Institute. Continued from first page. Miss Parrott followed with a most interesting discussion on mental suggestion, taking first, the suggestion of the teacher to the pupils and second, the teacher's suggestion to herself. She closed with several helpful aphorisms. The citizen and the school was the subject of an address by Mr. Springer of Culver. Among other good things he said that our civ ilization ia founded on the intellec tual development of its citizenship. It is important that parents should be educated, said the speaker, but infinitely more important that the teachers should be educated because it is they who mold largely the character of our boya and girls. The institute closed, after a prof itable session, by an excellent paper on the "School and the Home" by Superintendent Ford. Cantcst Notice. . t'nltrd SWIM Land Offlc, The Iiallea, Oregon, March 25, 1010. A atifnotent contest affidavit havlm heen (I Iml iu tit lit office or Jame Balu. contestant. eitalnst homestead eniry, No. liCHt, made rVuriiari J. 1H, tor HWU tSE'i, aw-Unit Iff, WS NKW, NWV section S2, township 17, S rants 11. K.. Willamette Meridian, by John T. Blair, contcstoe, iu which it ia alleged thai tald John T. Blair haa wholly abandoned aald tract lor more, than tlx months last pant; that aid tract ia not willed upon and cultivated by aid party aa required, by law and that there are no Improvement, ol any description what ever thereon; that aald alleRed absent' waa not one to nisenipioy morn in me army, navy or marine curpi of tho United mates I u time of war. Haiti parties ara hereby notified to appear. iratlon atlon at 10 o'clock a. m. on May 17, 110, be- fspono, a e it lore Warren Brown, county clerk, at his ofttee in I'rlnovilio, Oregon, amf that Una hearing will be held at 10 o'cloch a in. on Mav 'it, 1U1U. before the Register and Receiver at the (lulled Slate Land Ottlce iu The Dalles, Oregon. The aald contestant having, In a proper affidavit, tiled March 'J4, 1010, aet iorth facta which show that after due diligence personal service ol this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. S-31p O. W.MOOKK, Keg Ister, Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Uulted Slate Land Office at The Dalles, Ore. March mh. 1910. Notice Is hereby given that John (). Powell, whose postottlce address Is prineville, Oregon, did, on the 7th day of August, luoo, rile In this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. OftlM, to purchase the HVM UK'-., section 4, 8W BWW, section a, NWJ NV section 10 and NK'i N section 0, township 18 south, range 111 east, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June a, 1878, and acts amendatory, knnwn as the "Timber and Stone Law," al uch value as might be llxed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, the tim ber estimated 1,400,001) board feet at 60 cents perM., and the land fxo.00; that said appli cant will offer Anal proof in support of his ap plication and sworn slulemrnt on the 9th day of Jane, 1910, before Warren Bsown, county clem, at his office, at Prineville, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this pur chase before entry, or initiate a contest at any lime before patent issues, by tiling a corrobor ated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. 4-7 O. W. MOORS, Register. Par Up. 1 to tti. lirm of Llvely-Jirdad-I,liiu ( out pan r wfll plea, call on Harry lnius ami selll. 6-s-tf K For Sale. . Registered i'olarid China llear.O month old, for sale. Address O. M. Ki.kixx, I'rlnoTill, Ore. 6-6-lf Percheron Sullion for Sale. Coming 4 year olil graded, weight WOO; good action, good Idiiie. W A. V. WiKKKK, Hay Creek, Or. Well Drilling. Imrulre of or address K. WauokkI, ILml iiiom), Oregon. fVd lino Wanted. Men capable of earning fV) per week aell Ing treo for the largest and heat known nursery In the West. Choice territory. Uuaranleed stock. For rticulan, aj- diae, OskooM Ntswsat t'ostrApr. 0-4-lnio Urenco, Oregon. ' Union Church Services. Katurday, 11 r. iu., aonuiil sermon, lituiket dluiicr, 2 p. in. Koll call nml b'lslnetis meeting of the cburcb. The iiifiulM-re are rcqucettMl to be preMut as Important niatteni will come be fore the church. IS 11 iid ii y 10 a. iu , Itlblc school. 11 a. m., pivrK'hliio;, topic, "The For H'tunl llfinorlul." 7 p. m.,ChrlMtlnu Knileavor Society; Koln-rt Smith, leader. .H p. in., preaching, topic, "Tlie 1'earl of Orent i'rtce." A cor dial invitation is extended to all. C. P. Dalle, Pastor. Notice for Publication. Department of The Interior. fulled HUtea Land Office al The Dalle, Oregon. March i'lh. lein, Kolli- hi hereby given that Nunia K. Mcoln, whoer poal-orltrr addrras la Prineville, Oregon, did. on the 17th day ol Owcrmber, lts, rile In this orlie Sworn statement and Application, No. USUI, to purchase the HV, NW ',. nX'iion 21, township i sou Hi, range lb east, V lllametu Meridian, and lb timber thereon, und.-r the provisions of the art of June , la7H, ami a t amendatory, known as the "Timber and Hume Ijiw," at such value aa might be Used by ap praisement, and that, pursuant to such appli cation, the laud and timber thereon have been appraised the timber estimated Mti. teet at .Mi per M. and the land 110 m; that said applleaat will offer Anal proof In support ol his application and sworn statement on the Vth nay ol June, rm, 1m. lore Warren Hrown, euunty clerk al his office, at Prineville, Ore gon. Any person I at liberty to protest this pur chase before entry, or Initiate a roniest al any lime before patent Issiiea, by Sling a corrobor ated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry, 4 7 C. W. MORK. Register. Rotice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned, the administrator of the eat ale of A 1. Isaw aon, dcomuwd, thai lie baa made and Hied With the clerk of the nounly eonrt, his final era Hinting of Ills administration of aald estate: and that the county court haa act Monday, the lh day ol June, WIO at 10 o'clock lu Ihe forenoon al the county court room In I'rlnevllle, Oregon, as the time and place ror bearing and aetlllng aald final W4 oountlnc. At which Unie and place, nnr Her eon ink-rested In aald estate may spiear and object to said final accounllng. Uated this 61 h day of May, '910. i. H. McMkkic. Adnitnlatrator of the estate or A. P. Daw son, deoeeaed Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. V. 8. Land Otllue at The Dalles, Oregon. April th, W10. Notice Is hereby given that Margaret Hayes, formerly Margaret P. Collins, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on June tilth, liHH, made llomeatead, (Serial No. IWilO,) No. L'ttill, for K'i SW', and V'A ciK'(, section 10, township IS south, range 16 K, Willamette Meridian, has Hied notice of intention to make final rive-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren Brown, county clerk at hi office, at Prineville, Oregon, on the Mill day of June. 1U10, Clnimant names aa witnesses: Edmund A. Parker, Klam C. Faught. Pleasant U. Milliorn, Lilly Wilson, all of Prineville, Oregon. 0, W. MOORB, 5-Sp Kegister, Notice of Sale of State Lands. Notice ia hereby given that the State Land Hoard will receive sealed bids until 11:00 o'clock a. ni., August 1, 11)10, for the following described school lands, to-wit: ol Section Hi, T. IS 8. R. 24 K. S W H of Section 1, T. 20 8. R. 14 E. All or Section iki. T. 21 8. K. 13 K. WW of Section 8K, T. '.'I 8. it. 14 K. All of Section IU and all of Section 80, T. 22 H R IS K All of Section 16 and all of Section 36, T. 32 8. R. 14 K. All bills must be accompanied by a regu larly executed application to purchase and at least one-lifth of the amount ottered. No bid for less than $14.00 per acre will be considered. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Application and bids should be address ed to O. (i. Jirown, Clerk Slate Land lioard, Salem, Oregon, and marked, "Ap plication and bid to purchase state land." (. U. Baoww, Clerk Stats Land Board. Dated April 22, 1010. 4-28 Notice of Sale of State Lands. Notice ia hereby given that the State Land Board will receive sealed bids until 11 :00 o'clock a. ni., August 1, 11)10, for the following described school lands, to-wit: N W of Section 8(1, T. 15 8. R. 21 K. NKK and 8X of Section 10, T.20 8. R. 12 K. All bids must be accompanied by a regu larly executed application to purchase and at feast one-liitli of the amount offered. No bid for less than $7.50 per acre will be considered. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Applications and bids should be address ed to G. O. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salsm, Oregon, and marked, "Ap plication and bid to purchase state lands." O. ii. Browm, Clerk Stute Land Board. Dated April 22, 1U10. 4-2 Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Btate of Oregon for t'rook County. O, A. Stevenson, plaintiff, v Nettle Stevenson, defendant. To Nettle Stevenson, the avove named de fendant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the oompllnt filed against you In the above en titled court and action, on or before the last day or the time prescribed In the order for publication of this summons, to-wit: the 6th day of May. UtlU. and If you full to so answer, forwent theieof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein demanded, to wlt: For a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is served upon you by order of the Hon. II. U. Kills, judge or Orook county, stale of Oregon, dated the 21st day or March, Win, and the dale of the first publi cation of this summons Is March 21th, 1910, and the date ot t he lust publication of this summons will expire ou May fth, l'.'H'. W. A. HULL. 8-24 Attorney for Plaintiff. Stockholder' Meeting. Tim annual meeting of the atot-k-linlilera of (he I'loneer TclcKnijili & Telephone Co. will lw held ut tin: office of the com puny at 1'rluevlllu, Oregon May 10, i:il0, at . in. IltllM DlNlMAK, 4 2H-2t V. T. unci MttonKt r. A Good Biuineu for Sale. A good will-e(ulie(l wool miw find outfit. Hl Ii. i. fcitMoliiin en gine; Hriwed 3000 eonlH of wood hint year. Will Hell becauae of ncylilcnt which render) me unable to continue the work. Cull on 11. I.. JIohhk, 1'rluevllU', Ore. Prineville Steam Laundry. Have your clothe waahed at the I'rlrwvllle Kleam Laundry. HpoHnl aiu-ntlon riven to Iravelem. laundry Is located in the Muallla Irr buildlnc, near the Oi boni. Ml JAMKM KW1NU, Pmp'r. CHEAP INSURANCE FOR GRAIN GROWERS "Woodlark" Squirrel Poison ia the most reliable and destructive agent yet devised for the extermination of Gophers, Squir rels, Sage Rata and Prairie Dogs. It it the cheapest insurance against theit ravage. Every kernel ia warranted to kill. Climatic change or moisture of the earth do not destroy it atrength. Re quire MO MIXING OR PREPARATION. Is always ready for use. No other ia so good. Dealer will refund the purchase price if not as claimed. Pamphlet free. UovT Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon For Sale by Templeton & Son. Professional Cards C. J. ?rWnr Jf. IP. S3IJtmmp Belknap & d wards Vh M. fmr (Km m ttfimmmft 0ryom (County Fhysidan.) Ut mm SPkytUimn mint Snrfm Calls Akswiied PaoarTLV Pat ob Kiort onici One Doob Bocih or Adamson'i Daee Bros. Both orhce an resj denoe telenbone. W. A. BELL FRANK 3IENEFHE , Lawyers The Dalle - - Oregon G. L. BERNIER Attorney -at-Law Will practice In all the Court. Office next door to Dr. Koen berg's, Prineville. Orecou. mCawyer jf trt, SPrintmill; Ortyom. S?. Clliott, WADE HUSTON Surveyor Homestead locations a specialty Prineville, - Oregon pt a. aw fftttrmrjf-mt-mCmm $al Cstatt Office with Geo. W. Barnes iPriniM'll; - Ortgon J. S. FQX Public Stenographer and . Book Keeper Has Moved His DfTice to One Door North of Crook County Bank In Belkap Hall Building All kinds of Stenographic and Clerical Work done in Satisfactory manner at Reasonable Hates. Agent for Smith Premier $100, and Royal $65 Typewriters KASPARILLA This sterling .. household remedy lia long been recognized as the beat and safest Blood Purifier, the moat successful prescription for spring humor and such disorders of the blood as boils, pimples, pustules, blotches, sore and cutaneous eruption. Kasparilla is admitted to be the best remedy for that lack of energy and the peculiar debility so prevalent during the close of winter and the opening of spring. For derangement of the di gestive organs it is a natural corrective, operating directly upon the liver and ali mentary canal, gently but persistently stimulating a healthy activity. It beneficial influence extends, however, to every portion of the system, aiding in the Kocesaes of digestion and assimilation of txl, promoting a wholesome, natural appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad breath, irregularitie of the bowel, con stipation and the long list of trouble directly traceable to those unwholesome conditions.' Kasparilla dUpels drowsi ness, headache, backache and despond ency due to inactivity of the liver, kidneys and digestive tract. It is a strengthening tonic of the highest value. THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE Hoyt Chemical Co. Portland, Oregon For Sale by Templeton & Son. Dr. A. V. Grater. Dr. P. Coackley Soggestive Therapeutist Vital Treatment Dr. Grater and Dr. Coackley solicit ease of paralysis, bronchial, stomach, brain and spinal troubles. Ft male weakness a specialty, (.'barges reason able. Office next door to Price Bror. store, Prineville, Or. Office hours: 7 to 12 a.m. 1 to 6 p. m. 7 to 9 p. m. Consultation Free. HARNESS and SADDLERY SHOP LED. STILL Prineville, Oregon ' iVi fi For Irrigated Farms I and Fruit Lands I IN THE t DESCHUTES VALLEY jii WRITE & jones ijvnh rn Kedrnond, . Oregon nj 640 ACRES, 4 miles from Prine ville. Improved. 140 acres nnder plow. Living water. Address Box 81, Prineville, Or Wood Wanted. I am hereby directed by the County Court or Crook oounty, Omcou. to advertise for IdO cord of Rood solid Juniper or body pine eord wood. to be delivered aod piled for measure ment as follows: 100 oords at tbe rear of the court bouse building and 50 oords on the hixb school lot; entire amount to be delivered on or prior to September 1. 1910. Court re serves right to reject any or all bids. Bids must be Hied with county clerk on or before p.m. April 80. lla Warren BROWN county elerk. J. S. FOX PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ' AND BOOKKEEPER Room 10, Adamson 61k, Prineville, Or. Agent tor Royal Standard & Smith-Premier Typewriters (Trice S65) (Price 1U0) Excursion Rates To The East During 1910 : From All Points on Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. TO KATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffsl Omaha Kansas City.., St. Joseph.... SI. Taul .... 60.00 St. Paul via Council Bluffs 63.90 Minneapolis direct 00.00 Minneapolis via Council Bluffs 63.90 Duluth direct 6C.90 Duluth via Council Bluffa 67.50 St. Louis 67.50 Tickets will be on sale May 2nd and 9th ; June 2nd, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22nd ; August 3rd ; and September 8th. Ten days provided for the going trip. Stop-overs within limits in either direction. Final return limit three months from date ot sale, but not later than October 31st. One way through Califor nia $15.00 additional. WM. McMURRAY General PauamarAssnt Portland, Oreon 1st Presbyterian Church SABBATH SERVICES. Hunday H h.xil, 10 a. m. Christian Kndeavor, 6:3U p. ni. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7: p. m. Miil-week prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Come and enjoy good music and Gospel preaching. Our polity: In essentials Charity. In non-essentialsLiberty. N. B. For special notices see locals of this per. tLABEXOXT C. BAB III IH3 E, n . Minister. DR. J. E. MARSH Rooms 16 and 17 Adamson Block (Over poet office) EASE for all dis-EASE Demonstrator of Psychology Power of Mind SECOND - HAND STORE All Kinds of Goods Bought and Sold C. L. V. Marker Dillon Building. Statement of Resources and Liabilities of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon .At the close of business Mar. 29, 1910 I RESOURCES loans and Discounts f!t,5 33 United BUtes Bonds UJ00 W Bank rremlaeato 6f Redemption fund S25 00 Cash A lue from banks S i 1. - S,402 B. F. AJUa. Prasidaa Win WanwtiUf, VicePrMaUat rr. Whiskey Bad for You? Depends on the whiskey. "L W. HARPERS Is mellowed in wood till it is thoroughly aged. A medicine as well as a pleasure. Sold by Silvertooth & Browder Shaniko, Oregon . ' Plants! Plants! Plants! AT THE PRINEVILLE GREEN HOUSE Cabbage, cauliflower, tomato and celery plants. Also some of the hardier flower plants. All in proper season. Early plants ready by April 10th. Don't ask your wife to grow them in a window box this year but patronize a new industry. AH plants will be stocky transplanted. Something sure to live and grow quickly. C. W. Spring, Prineville, Oregon, Box 331 PIS87 iii ;i!j I E 1 Drop inland See Champ Smith jj DEAIZU 15 Soft Drinks r I of all kinds I i 4 Imported and Domestic Cigars At the old Smith & Cleek M stand, Main street, two L tj doors south First h J National Bank Patients Received. Persons needing: hospital accommo dations can find them at my home. I am prepared to care for patients, or patients may employ their own nurses. Maternity cases may expect special attention. n25 Mas. P. B. Poi.vdbxtek. 1 60 Acres Land for Sale. 120 acres rich bottom land ; good or grain or alfalfa; stream of water running through it; all ninler good fence; good bams and corrals; small house, good well and force pomp. Price Sltf per acre; 12U can he Irrigated. Address Med Vander pool, Prineville, Oregon. LIABILITIES capital Stock ..ttSjOoe Surplus Undivided; profits 71,650 80 Circulation ,2n8 Individual Deposit.. ta,m 4T ' $555,402 2 T. M. Baldwin. Caahiar K. BaUwia. Aas'l Cashier Quality la what the careful buyer in vestigates when purchasing jew elry or watches. We Btand be hind the quality of everything we sell we guarantee it to be of the quality we represent it to be WATCH REPAIRING W. FRANK PETETT Jeweler & Optician Prineville, Oregon Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON