Don't Loose Your Head When wonderful bargains in Men's Women's and Children's Wearables are offered. Better look into the quality before parting with your money. Better come here and see if our values are not really greater than the so-called bargains. We sell only the better grades of merchandise, and we sell them as low as a living profit will let us. A lower price than ours means a lower quality of goods. I i m m Pants Men's $2 value, kahki 44 3 Corduroy pants. " 3 44 44 M $1.50 2.50 . 2.00 2.75 3.00 Ladies Dress Goods Patterns of 50c goods, now of 75c 44 15c .25c 2n s J) I 9 PRICE BROS The Place for Real Bargains agreed, the lVeerl Land Hoard re quired the new company to ut up a 1 10,000 bond, in the event ol signing a final agreement with the rh state, deeming this amount auf Bj fieiont to guarantee iterformance of all obligations, as it was a mm made available over and above the heavy expenditures the company would have to make in building the reeervoir and opening the canals. Should the present M-ttlerc kJ Insiht upon continuing under their nM pnnlnFl Ilia naar manannnustit .... ...... will make arrangements to have them receive their percentage of the normal How ot the ttream dur ing the irrigation season,' which will be apportioned on the unit basis of 27,000 irritable acres, the 3j site of the original project, and all W taking land from now on will have to come in under the new agree ment, thus getting 'a fhare ot the conserved waters. Manager llendryx returned from the property, and says that the company has finished purchase of the reservoir site, has its topo graphic surveys well advanced, and will be ready on schedule time to appear before the Desert Land Board for the final agreement. The expenditure being made indi cates that the new company i committed to the work, borings will have to be made on the res ervoir fi:e and exhaustive data furnished, to enable the state en gineer to say whether the. plans are feasible. If all is acceptable nn I V .,. .1....1., n..t K-....I Ik. to Oregon, Washington & Idaho cau. ... . Finance company will le ready eaily in the summer to begin heavy construction. A diversion headgate is to be made on the Tumalo. about rive miles further Pj down the stream than the present QJ j headgate, to save heavy Iocs of UJ water in the canal. Tbe reservoir jXjjsite, which is a natural lake bus in, rn will Ik) connected with the present distribution canal. Kstimatea con vines the management that the. full area involved under the pres ent project, 42,000 acre, can I watered by the stored water of the stream. Sawmill for Sale. . On Ot-hooo; r.lolly .nwUy! rtiitlM ! ply of UiiitnTOn by bought .1 II par M. Kouah lunihor north t.irW delivered n railroad rl(ht ol '; good loral market. Prley lor lmil, tft. Adilrra R. K, Joim, Howard, Oregon. Estray Notice. KlniYrd from l'alley, Or, March 1. an dark. Imy lion and Unlit hoy limn, branded .h on h-ri .boulder; win- anar i left Siresr mnn ha. ttirve white reel, alar lu ftxaltead. wlKh iui iiuli nhtxl. & veara ulil. Ill) reward Sir il-llvrrli Ml lead tatl, Hllver tke. Or., or feed yam, raimey, or. An rone nomine; Minn and flvilut me nntli M III he tironerly rewarded They .tarled north, Addrvaa Kll. Uuy Porter. SUIver I, Or. H-M Bull Calf for Sale. Thoroughbred Jereey Hull Calf fur Mile; .are enough for service; will sell fur ax's Add rers T. F. Mi-i'lllM.r.lrnirill. S-10 Contest Ntie. - lHiimrtmont of tha Inlwlor. Ymted 8 Uloi Unit Oitlce, The D.ll-. Uretton. Mitrvh 2:1. 1910 A sultli-ient content altltavit iiavliiti tHH'ii bleJ In tliU olHc by Aleatha 1 Tavlor. conteHtmit. aawinft homeatext entry. No. KiWS, mtl May 4, 1908, for NWJi. NKij, section !1,SV N aertioo 2', Topimhip 18 S., Raii(r 17 K., Willamette tilen U. Austin eonlpntee, in wliich It IsalletrMl lliat twiii tilen (1. Austin lias wholly aliaiulon I Mkl traet for more than sit months last past; that said tract is not settltMi upon and cultivated by said party as required by law ; that there are no imDrovenientH thereon eacept a small raliio which is unoccupied; that said absonce was not due to hi employ ment In the army, nayy, or marine corps of tha I'nited Stales iu time of war. Said parties are hereby notified to ap pear, recpond, and offer evidence touch ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m., on May 17, 110, hofore Warren Urown, county clerk, at It in nttlee In I'rinevilltt, Oregon, and that fiual lieariiijr will he held at 10 o'clock a. tn on May 24, 1010, Iwfore the Register and Receiver at the t'nlted Mates Land Oitlce in The Dalles, Oregon. The raid contestant hsvinir, in a proper afliitavit, Hlrnl March 17. lttlO, rt forth farts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cau not 1 made. It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice lie given by due and pit per publication. 3 31 C. W. MOOKK, Register. fiunimoa. In tlienretill Court of ths Htale of On on lor ( rook Counly. t. J. Nwmiu, plaiiitilt, va .l..i..l. n,,..i..,iM,r ami all utlirra In- terented, IVfi-liilanta, Te Ailolpn iiiiiwaiin-r, uw t.auiml dufriidant and W all others tntfr eate I . ... In Ids tiania or tlia alat ol Oregon- ...... ,m.i.jI.uI ii, .intMr 1 nil mrw Brimy miiwm' -i i aid anawer the eoniilaiiit llll aiautai i.. - . ..,1,1.4 -t.ll 1 Malum yilO III WIV BWTW rilH-U w.. " " o . i .i ..f u .... linn pitiiiiii 1117 vi mmjt .".w, and If you lail to an apwar or anawar saw l;... f... ...4 ll.arttiif th. lilallitltl t.lllUIIOII., I" won- ' I wtll lnkua liiilirement ami ilaer against you ior i rtnit m pUInt, lo will f ur tia'i si asjia win - - . 1.. .4 tl.aa a. Im i t I i if lttlU) inn in? viw sss !. - lit follow in (WTitHH. iimwifjHi, to wli : tif.ii huntlml thirty lrt north of lh pk- and thirty-two, on the iowiinh.p . ' 1 . . at. a a. m. ...I M flMKIi IWmii itiwiisnipsj imirtn-n akii.l .11 I . Stat til UaIIM) iltMtt . l. 1L' J 1 1 . it 4'rtMik IM IDf iiminnm i' " lohiity, Hut of Orrniit. mul ruiininn jUty iWt, thmMi north two humtrvd fwt; tiiriH'v nuiiii, isfvthj-iiii' ... . , . - . ftvlUi thw ttltuof iK.iinini. That h drtrtHlmit Xtlolph lUMwnf. f MripuiitrlHimlnic by, thrtunn 4na unr 1 - . -.I ....4 ..i.-,i.iimI rnttta lllin m lurrvrt imimi ean hnvintror vUimfiiK ny riifhi. ial or lw a-.te.-alH .a a. a i.r.,a,(Mta S Ktl V taairt srivni vi .a it f w : .1. r ...J akl ..ui.,fr a LW- at.- uia nwH.a 1st lata aiilliritsl 0f Uaf(l ,v r"' ?-r. v" "7 " 1 i: ireiiuaa irw aim Biaar irwin ... .. runibrane, and for nu b othar and further relief aa may ae. m meet to tha court and III- III till piviin?. This Hunimona l tmblUhad by olr of tha Hon. II. C. Klli. County Juilg of I'ruiiK l ollliiy, Diaie 01 iirevwn, maua aim entorl tha 2nd day of Mitn h, IU1U, In Ih I'-.l. l-.uinltr lollrltal. for aaVKH full hIi poninirnniiiit with III laaus Ol Man-h S.I. lll". Dated and publUhed tint time March 3d, M. K. HRINK. Attorney fur t'laintilt. (MUtlon. la Ilia (NMinty tHirt of lb aula ofUragon air i rwoa txiunir a Ih. mailer olha aalata vfHotMirl Itowa, UiwraHi. t iianoa. . . . , . U..l. . -t k. U Ill ll . .fiw-.,, ....wr. Mnlvln Hotairl I low., Maud Uraliam and !D.-I WhlM IH. al law aail nil at kla iH ..Ml fliWNvn n.n wiiiwiiiw nir nn known, and i all aerwma lnlarata In aalil Mali-, gnwllnai In Ilia naniaiw in aiai 01 vnrm yww eta harahy tHUHi anil raqnlraa M ansmr In Ilia nHinlymurl f lha alataot Itrraim, ir tlia raxinlv ofl'njoli, al Ilia May larm a4 aalil nmrt. al Iba amrlruoM tharaof la lha ntumy purl ItiHiaa. In frlnaellla, I mok munlr, llnyiia. on Wunday tha m4 way of May, i. al M o iMin a in in. roramnHior nam aay, Ihrn and lhara la .how nauw. If any nu hava, why an nrdar ahiHiia no! be sranlaa lu Ih. ailmlnl.lrmlor or aam eautia In a.11 tua haraniariar awrtln4 imI prourrly baluaalii lu wld aalala, drarrthad aa fttllowa, U-wlli Tha norlhwi.l auaiiar ufwllua aavaalara II71 n lowii.blp lw.l9 (It) aouta of raaia Ira (l SI, . M, Wllnaaa, lha ll"H. n. . Kiiia, juoaoriiia 1I1I muntv nMrt with tha aaal inMld auurt affl t. lata 11.1 day nf Marrh. I'. AllMtad. iss"s, - Mm 1,1 umaiy i n, M Ms M. A. iMkiMla, LaPHlg. Natin af DiaaaMiaa ef rsflaatakia. Knilre la bareliy ylr.u thai lha partnanhlt hrlolor ani.iilia miii uora r. nw. ni.naiiil KlunT K Mloomn.-I.l nl l-owvll Holla. ( rook rountv. Omim. umler tha Srm nam. Bcrkman Hlmininclit. hu limn I hi. itay. br animal cunavul. illwolv,!. aunar a. niooai Itwl.t rullrlni. All icrouutt due .aid Brm r nayahla In i.wiry . K Harknian, and all llaulll ilm ol mIiI Urn will ba alil by bun. Halad llila aub day nl Man-h. 110. IMI Oaorya (wkman, Liiu.r K, lliootna.lil. . mm m. ..... I M A Large Bond I Demanded (Continuod from First page.) ed for commencement oi work it was impossible to get the necessary information. The result was that the first contract called for the de livery of an impossible quantity of water from tbe normal flow of the stream, and to add to this diffi culty money was expended with out due care , and business guid ance. This company failed and went into the hands of a receiver. Other interests appeared on tbe scene and offered to take tbe enter prise over if a higher acreage charge were permitted, to as to im pound tbe flood waters of the Tum alo for use daring tbe season when the stream's normal flow was wholly inadequate. To see that this work was done on the terms RUSSELL NIGH GRADE NACHInW EN G I N LS BO I LLRS SAW M I LLSTHRESH ER5 WRITE FOR SPECIAL CATALOG AND PRICES THE AK AVER ILL MACHINERY CO. SPOKANE, WASH. PORTLAN D. ORE. SAN UOSE CAL Nstlts fat raalleatlea. B. I .and Onto al Tha Dalles, Oregon, March 1Mb, IUIU. Notice is hereby given thai Joha Mallaun, of Prlnavllle, Oregon, who, en (Vtoher 1Mb. IK 17. made ilotuealead. (Herlal Mo. ouai.) No. I37M, for 1-ole I. LI, and 4, Hai-llon 1 Towneliin 14 Moulb, Kanaa 13 Kal, Wllllaniatla Marldlan, has Hied no. tteeof tttUmthm to make Filial eowimu tation I'rool, lo satalilUli claim to lha land alwva doMrlliad, bafcra Warren Urown, futility Clerk at his anew, at Prlnevtlle, Oregon, on tbe Win day ol April, lulu. t laiiiiant namaa aa iiinnui. nn 1. 8undiuiai, William Clawaon, Otto Bor ien, t barlas H, Dinwiddle, all of I'rnie- llla, Oregon. U. W, MOOKK, Kip Kegteter. Notice of Sale of State Land. Vol I,- la hornb alvnn that the Plate Ijtnd Hoard will-receive seale.1 bids until 10 o'clock a. m., June 3, Ifll), for the following described school lands, to-wlt: All of Ka. U. T. 29 8. R. 9 W. ' All of Section Sit. T. SI 8. K. W. I IheHWt.-. WSiof 8KU and S 1 an.l 4 KHrtiim 16. T. SI K. It. 13 W. A I nl Kwlmn 111. T. . K. K. in, Tha U nl and Lots 1. 2. 3 and 4 f,'n Id T ii H It II W. The N WW of NWW, NK and NF of SK4 ol Heetlon Id, T. SH 8. It. K. Ixils 1, S, S and 1 smlKKif !)(, &H of HK of Section Ki, T. I S. B. 13 "litsl.2, 3,4, and the W'S' ofK1,. Eii of V', KWI of N Wlj ami W, ol 8VKof hection l, T. 18 8. U. 11 K. All bids muat lie ai-cflinianied by a regularly executed applicaiion to pur chase and at least one fifth of the amount offered. No bid of la than $7 60 per acre will be considered. Tin right la reserved to reject any and all bids. Applications and bids should be ad dressed to U. (i. Brown, Clerk Htate I.and Hoard, Salem, Oregon, and mark ed "Application and bid to purchase state lands." G. O. Brows, Clerk Plate Land Hoard. Dated March 24. 1U10. S-31 Notice (r rlk-tion. -IV-partnient nf the Inlerlar, V. 8 .aad tirrteeatTbe Da I lea, Oregon, March lull, lulu. Notice U berrby given that William Hnillb, of rrinevtlle, Oragou, wha, on Man'b JTlh,. Itij5, made llomaataad, (Hartal No.03,V.) r.u. IUU, forWS KWU. HK NWVtarel HWW HKi. ttadlon is. Towa-hlp II huulh, Kanga 10 Kaat, Wllllanialla Me ri.lian, baa Iliad notke of Inlaiiltoo lo make final Bye-year Vrout, to eatabll.h elalin to lha land above daarrlbad. bvAire Warren Itrown, Ooanty clerk at kiaoftlee, al Prliiavllle, Oregon, on tbe SHb day of April, IUIU. ('lalmanl nsmea aawltneaaeat John r. Harrla, Henry McCoy, WlllUm II. Ixrln, tiaurge Turner, all of I'riiirvilla, Orvgvn. Slp C. W. MOOKK, KegUlar. Rutice f Pukl teat toe. Department of ths Interior, t'.R, lnd Oillo at Tbe Dalle., Oregon, March llh, IUI0. Notice Is hereby given that Uoy baara, of Hrlnevtlte, Oiwt, who, en Kovemhar lllh, lut, Hoaueaiaad, (Harlal ba. (kVITT.) No. IWT&. for MH HW V b'K.and MWHBKS. hacllon 80. Town- hip l eolith, Manga la aa, Willamette Meridian, baa hleil Hicot InUnllon to make r'nal lira-year fnxif, to eatahllah claim to lbs land above deeertbed. wrfura Warren Hrown, County Clerk al his office, al lrtnevllla, Oregon, on the Kh day of April. Utu. I lalinanl name s aa ttnaaaasi Charles I), bwanaon, Allred W. lieyn, Dallon A. Valpa. J. Alvln Klgga all of rrinaville, Oregon. C. W.MOoaK. S-lp Kegiater. otic to Creditor. Nollry la hereby flvaa by the Bitarlaa4, tha aieetilur si (ha atala oi Hath W, Moore, dareaawi, to all eradliora ol and all othara bavlna alalnis acalaal the eald aalala Iv pra. miiI than wiih lha propar iurbr is lha at tha eeire ol M. K. Kllloil la frlDeyllla, Orafoa. wlthla an MMiaiha Irvia tha ant puhllrailoa ol thia aolli-a. ' iieaM.ia.iha.,rtAp.....f.t((oi(it Ktarotot el ths salale of gets W Mosee, Daceaaad. R. L. JORDAN STEVE YANCEY OLIVER ADAMS R J O; R D AN & CO Have bought out the LIVELY - JORDAN - LANIUS Company and are prepared to welcome all old and new Customers. 1 New Spring Goods Coming In. Gi ive us a (Pal 1L a