The most complete line of Farm Machinery in the County CompleU LineAII Size and Stylet Wood Frame Harrows Spring Tooth Harrows Superior Grain Drills Fanning Mills fit Daggers The well known Oliver and Canton Plows in walking, sulky and gang In an effort to keep pace with the many improvements in agricultural machinery, we are introducing every season new types of implements that have been tried and found to materially increase the yield of the soil in other sections similar to ours. This year we offer the Canton Alfalfa Harrow and a big assortment of Land Packers. In packers we have the Dunham for light, sandy soil and the Campbell for heavier soil. These packers are designed to conserve the moisture and to obtain the proper proportion of air and moisture in the ground and thus increase yield Complete Line All Sizes and Styles Peg Tooth Harrows . Disc Harrows Wagon Scales Feed Grinders We are always pleased to show you the goods whether you buy or not CALL AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO SHOW The W. F. King Company, Prieeville, LOCAL MENTION J. I". Kolierla wua a hinilneaa vlxltor KnturiMy, (loitricit Itny of 1'imt wim a biulnca vlntlor Tutwduy. M. U. injur Mt Wed mutiny for a IhihIikik iriii t I'ortluud. Jtulifi KllUnnd wife cumo over from llend Monday lu tltulr ftuto. A innrrliijre IIcoimki wiu lnumtl lnt Hrttiinlny to It. K. Htewnrt mid Alvlu Stone, Imtli of IVciid. A, 1'rlee l 1'rh-e HriHi,, lft Kundity for t'lirtlniid to buy Rood. He will Iki gom two wecka or more. ltitllti Jordan returned the flrat of the week from trip to I'urtlnml when? tie had gone to buy kihmIh. Wnrrvn Rmlthot Mmlrn made a flylnjt t rip to l'rliievUle Hundny. I It nva that Miidriwt in Juxt aliuiiiuilii. Minn t.flWn.l. wbo In ti'arlilnic At 1'aulliiM, tamo In to attcud tin' biwobnll dnuce taut Fr. day. Z Mm. II. WU kondiam of the tone hem' trnlnltiif department of the Crook n.unty lllh Hehool. will leave Monday to vlult Nome of the went wide erhooln. 8he to Betd flrat, then Hcdmond, Lnldlnw ami HHittly Mndraa. Mm. Walter llrde lenvea today for n vlnlt to her parent lu the Will amette vaiy. MUn Ik'tilah Crook came in Mon day from lioltt where he hit been Attending bualnea college for the limit eewrnl mouth She wu no rnnpnnled home by heralnter, Mm. "it. K. Klmpmm and children who will Mt In I'rtnt'vllle for awhile with her parent, Mr. And Mm. J. II. Crook. m. 11 .Pacific Horse, I Liniment la prepared exnreaalv for the need of hontemen and ranchmen. It I a powerful and penetrating lini ment, remedy for emerRenciea. A toothing embrocation for the relief oft pain, and the best liniment for ipraiu and orene. Unequalled for healing wound and injuries canard by BARBRD WIRB and for all cut and Pacific Home Liniment is fully guaranteed. No other i no good or helpful in o many way. If it fnil to aaiUfy, we author iie'atl dealer to refund the purchase price. Extra large bottle SO cent. Hovt Chkmicai, Co., Portland, Ore. For1 sale by Templeton & Son (leorir II. Unborn and aon, U. C, are In from Culver thl week. John I. Htordahl of rortlaud, I the new deputy county clerk. Mr. and Mm. Itoy I'rk-eof Vtmt, mn-ut everal day In town thl week. Mia tier tie F.udc of Paulina, wo a vlaltor lu the city the Inat of the week. H. C. Caldwell, a merchant from Ilend, wait In the city the loot of the week. Walter OWII of Hhanlko, waa a I'rluevllle vlMlUtr the hut of the week. Homer lavl of rniillna, woe a biiNlneiui vlaltor In town the Brat of the week. Mr. Johnaon and Iter. Ihillcy paid a vtolt to Dr. Cllne IwH Monday at ( line Fall. MIm Mather of Dend, came orer to attend the bull game between IWnd and Prlnevllle Inat Sunday. Thomae F. Donahue, representing the Lnngnton Monotype Machine O., of I'lilladelphla, wan lu J'rlnevlllo the Ami of the week. Prince and Hylveater Staata, F. C. Rowley, Geo. Ilobtw, Harry Enplng and John Kdwarda- 01 IVnd, came orer Sunday to attend the ball game. Iter. Bailey will preach at the Powell iiutte achool houw next Nun day. There will be a banket dinner. Mr. Ralley think he will not tul the place thl time, not when there In any grub In alght. It. L. Jordan A Company hi the nnme ot the new Arm that haa bought out the Lively . Jordan IuhCo. Italph hoe Hteve Yanc and Oliver Aduma aaHocliited with him under the above entitled company. School Superintendent Ford re turned hut Friday from rleltlng the choola In the north and northwest era portions of the county. The county superintendent reports that the different achool are In good ahape. C C. Buchanan and wife of Slaters, are In town thl week. Mr. Buchan an that ranch property In the Sinter country la changing hands very ftuit ; Thomas Arnold sold his KKWicre ranch for sooo, and Mr. Davit, adjoining, got 110,000 for his. Antone Trahnn recently sold HO a ore for 13000. New jieopto coming Into the country conidr land value very low. If you want to get a good view of the Crooked, river , ralley without golug to the trouble of climbing some high mountain, take a look at the 'i foot photograph In the win dow of the Henderson Investment- ment Co. It was made by B. B. Bakowakl ot Bend with a special scenic camera. Thld camera revolves on a tripod and Is capable ot making a continuous picture seven feet long. The view taken by Mr. Bakowekl In cludes the Blue Mountains ou one side and Jefferson peak on the other. These photos can be purchnHed at a very reasonable price. LOCAL MENTION Mr. Casey I III at the Polndexter bospltaL Mrs. M. Christian! la on the sick list this week. Mrs. M. 8. May field returned from Portland lust Saturday. J. I). Hunter came In Friday from hi borne at Held, Oregon. Frank Post of Post, was In Prlne vllle on busluess Tuesday. Mr. and Mm. Henry Drummer of Post were In town Monday. Joe and Wllllun Post of Post were county neat vlaltor Monday. Mr. and Mm. John Taylor of Maury were In town the first of the week. William Holleushead of Kotdund, was a business visitor In Prlnevllle Mouday. William Coulthard of Paulina, spent a few days In town the flrat of the week. Mrs. James Montgomery went to her home on Lower Crooked river yesterday. Mrs. Sam Gulllford Is vhdttng her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Will Klrkbam, on Johnson Creek this week. Miss Llllle HoWtuan ot Canby, Ore gon, came In Wednesday. Miss Uolamanwlll be with Mrs. I. Michel. John K. Ityau passed through Priueville on his way home from a trip to Portland the first of the week. The E. F. l W. Clans will meet at the home ot Mr. and Mr. M. D. Powell next Saturday evening at 7:1)0. All members are urged to be present. Harlle Saunders, who has ben working on the S. 8. Stearns ranch ou Crooked river the past year, went to Camp Creek last Saturday to live on bis homestead. The Artisans spent a very pleusant evening last Monday night. The Post lodge was down and consolidat ed with the lodge ot Prlnevllle and took their name and number. Fred Meredith of Seattle, Wash, came in Saturday and left Monday for Redmond and Cllne Falls to visit friends. Mr. Meredith formerly lived at Cllne Falls. C. A. Kiddle who, for two years or more, baa been connected with the Journal, left Sunday for Madras, where he has accepted a position on the Pioneer. Riddle is a good man In a print shop and could make good anywhere. Bend outclassed . Prlnevllle In the ball game Sunday last. The score was 6 to 1, but that doesn't tell the story. The home team was beaten in all departments ot the game. There Is no use In trying to play ball without practice, not when you run up against an aggrltratton like the Bend team. If the Prlnevllle boys want home support they must earn it. Get out and practice, and then some. Mm. Wheeler of Bend Is III with la grippe at the Hotel Prlnevllle. Columbus Johnson, wife and two children, are III with la grippe. Axel Anderson of Cllne Falls was In Prlnevllle on business Friday. Lloyd Powell Is sick with typhoid fever at bis home ou Me Kay. John Elder of Juniper Canyon was a business visitor In the city Friday. James Vineyard of Orlzily, was In town on busluess the first of the wjek. 0 ' Redmond and Madras will cross bats at tbe former place Sunday, April 24. Allen Wilcoxen of Powell Buttes, was a business rlsltor in town Saturday. Ben. Shepherd and son, Charles of Barnes, were visitors In town the flrat of tbe week. 8. M. Scott has accepted a position with E. U. Hodson and will learn the automobile business. A. J. Decker bos gone to Shaniko on business and Mm. Decker will visit her old home In Michigan. Miss Etta Daw, wbo has been visiting at La Grande and Shaniko, for a couple of months, returned to Prlnevllle yesterday. Silas Adams, who has been in the h ispltal at Portland for several months past, came In today by auto. Mr. Adams Is entirely recover ed. . Tbe Law and Order League f Crook county will hold sessions this afternoon and evening. A noted speaker from Portland will addnss the audience. Mm. Oren Walte died at her home near Lamonta, April -10. he had suffered from the ravages of cancer for a long time. For the past seven months sjie was bedridden. Mr p. Walte leaves a husband and tour boys to mourn her loss. E. G. Hodson and (J. M. Cornet t will arrive the last of the week from Portland with a seven-passanger Mitchell (six cylinder) for theCornett stage service and a flve-passenger Mitchell for J. W. Boone, also a four- cylinder Reo that will be used by Hodson & Smith as a demonstrating car. P. B. Howard, who Is compiling the census for Prlnevllle and other precincts, has the task of counting the city's population. It Is about half completed and he has over 600 names on his list. He estimates that the total population of the city will reach 1300. The exact count will be Riven next week. At the First Metodlst Church tor Sunday the 24th. Rev. G. It. Moor- head ot Madras will preach both morning and evening. The sacra ment of the Lord's Supper will lie administered at the close ot the morning service. Good music, a hearty welcome to strangers. Tbe church Is two blocks east of the Priueville Hotel. J. D. Lewellen, pastor. LOCAL MENTION George Turner was In town Satur day from his home at Powell Butter. Joe Elliott of Powell Buttes, was a business, rlsltor In town Monday. Mr. Wagon, father of Joe Wagon, Is very 111 with gangrene and it is rery doubtful If be will recover. Mr. Wagon Is M yearn of age. Sunday, morning and evening, at the Christian church, will be the last services by tbe present pastor, and all member are urged to be present. C. T. Radford. . , Tou are Invited to worship at the Presbyterian church next Sunday. Preaching service at 11 a. m., and 8. j p. m. All other services at the usual hours. Subject for morning, Ex-'j ploits." Evening, "The Home." Tbe alumni of the Crook County High School will meet Monday even ing, April 25, at tbe borne ot Miss Edna Estes. All members are re quested to be present as business of Importance will be transacted. Tbe Moving Picture Show will have an entire change of program tomorrow (Friday) evening. Baby Armstrong will sing. Those wbo heard the little one before will be pleased to hear her again. Manager Broslus Is arranging with some Portland vaudeville artists to come here and give some specialties. Piano For Sale. A $175 Cambridge Iter A Pond piano, Roaewood cae, in excellent condition, lor Imitiir at Journal office or of Margarie P. Brink. 3-17 tf For Sale or Rent. S-mom hmiae and barn; two lota; water, electric light, telephone; also two other Una and rn: lu:kborl. Appljr to i. U. belore, or M. K. Elliott. 4-7-2 Card of Thanks. . We deaire to thank our friend and neighbor who o kindly assisted u dur ing the (icknesa and death of Peter Zell. Sarah Zell sad children, A.Zll.. - Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our thank to the pastor and members of the Methodist church, the member of the Odd Fellows lodge, also the neighbor snd friend who were so kind to ua daring our sick ness. L. Kamstra and Mrs. Roach. There Are Two Classes of Investors one kind ;. This-kind makes most money. He invests in farm lands and city property while prices are low. Every advance in price is tbat much money in his pocket. ; ANOTHER KIND . This kind hesitates while prices advance higher and higher but be, too, finally buys, because the value of tbe investment actually forces him. Land Owners, Attention If yon wish to sell and your property is reasonable, list with ns. We are in touch with capital and are receiving many iniuiries concerning raw snd improved farm land in Central Oregon. HENDERSON INVESTMENT CO. Prinerille Hotel Building, Ground Floor PrinevQIe, Oregon. Maker A Gmfc Kane Sckaal Beets Cwera Sijstie ... ,, Jewelry , WJ rsr - D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS Muksl heti ant atl Haglis Lrwaej'i Caaaiet Striieatty Ciar Lowney's Candy Fresh Today Just Arrived f , ... . There are two ways or more ol makings the mouth water one is to eal loo much pepper by mistake and the other is by looking into our Lowney Candy show case and seeing those delicious candies. It costs only 5 cents or more to cure the ailment While resting a short time, tbe weather being warm, don't forget that we are headquarters lor the noted Pioneer Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda. The kind that does you good. . DIGESTO only 50c a box D. P. Adamson & Co. DRUGGISTS GROCERIES HARDWARE X E. STEWART & COMPANY DRY GOODS S H O E S dean Skimmfitf tl Easy Running Long Wearing f J , ' f Easy Running g Wearing m 1 THENAME UNITED STATES SEPARATOR is all the guarante necaeearr when buying a 1909 Model U. S. Cream Separator. You can't be half as particular about the material, workmanship and durability as the makers of the United States Separators are. The looo Model United States Cream Sep arators have imaller bowl than ever before and every separator Is Thoroughly Tested before leaving the factory. It is the motto can be made, but nf tli manufacturer not to see how cheat) the U how atrone and everlastingly durable they can be constructed. Wa know the U. S. Is the cleaneet tkimmer anil the lit-.S 1 in every respect and wc want you to know it. can anu examine we 1900 Model United State Cream Separator. ; Milk Can, Cream Carta and Everything for the Dairy. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Hams and Bacon STEWART Brand of home-cured meats are now on the market. Too well known to need any recommendation. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! GROCERIES! No. 157 A Directoire Model for short, full figures. Long below the waist with low full bust. White Sateen. We have just received a new supply of corsets. Call and inspect them.